Words that rhyme with volleyball
190 best rhymes for 'volleyball'
1 syllable
- Ball
- Paul
- Tall
- Fall
- Call
- Mall
- Lol
- Small
- Crawl
- Y'all
- Wall
- Hall
- All
- Stall
- Brawl
- Gall
- Sprawl
- Saul
- Raul
- Scrawl
- Drawl
- Thrall
- Squall
- Pour
- Nall
- Bore
- Thall
- Shawl
- Store
- Tore
- Door
- For
- Core
- Score
- More
- War
- Swore
- Floor
- Your
- Nor
- Whore
- Sore
- Gore
- Or
- Roar
- Shore
- Thor
- Chore
- Drawer
- Spore
- Snore
- Whorl
- Lore
- Vore
- Glore
- Hors
2 syllables
- Recall
- Meatball
- Freefall
- Baseball
- Football
- Before
- C4
- Downfall
- Eyeball
- Fireball
- Snowball
- Pinball
- Softball
- Fastball
- Oddball
- Handball
- Hardball
- Foosball
- Spitball
- Nepal
- Appall
- Install
- Forestall
- Atoll
- Nightfall
- Rainfall
- Pitfall
- Befall
- Igor
- Glycol
- Menthol
- Awol
- Seymour
- Lysol
- Prewar
- Senor
- Stonewall
- Wormhole
- Seashore
- Dior
- Warhol
- Vauxhall
- Adore
- M4
- Hardcore
- Ignore
- Explore
- Therefore
- Mentor
- Restore
- Encore
- Labore
- Rapport
- Downpour
- Backdoor
- Galore
- Indoor
- Mordor
- Outdoor
- Drugstore
- Centaur
- Ador
- Decor
- Implore
- Wherefore
- Outscore
- Xicor
- Sophomore
- Abhor
- Uproar
- Deplore
- Lenore
- Folklore
- Rushmore
- Ashore
- Fillmore
- Amore
- Postwar
- Claymore
- Kenmore
- Lazor
- Gilmore
- Filmore
- Furor
- Offshore
- Eyesore
- Lakeshore
- Lahore
3 syllables
- Basketball
- Montreal
- Cannonball
- Powerball
- Racquetball
- Waterfall
- Anymore
- Overall
- Protocol
- Uninstall
- Tylenol
- Senegal
- Ethanol
- Rohypnol
- Overhaul
- Cortisol
- Carnivore
- Commodore
- Antiwar
- Barrymore
- Metaphor
- Singapore
- Quetzalcoatl
- Matador
- Dumbledore
- Salvador
- Labrador
- Superstore
- Theodore
- Ecuador
- Troubadour
- Guarantor
- Herbivore
- Nevermore
- Baltimore
- Dinosaur
- Underscore
- Albacore
- Furthermore
- Sycamore
- Evermore
- Pedicure
- Bangalore
4 syllables
- Neanderthal
- Cholesterol
- Albuterol
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hardball, all, aul, ball, bawl, brawl...
Pure Rhymes
Words that have identical vowel-based rhyme sounds in the tonic syllable. Moreover, that tonic syllable must start with a different consonantal sound.
There are no pure rhymes for "volleyball".
End Rhymes – 220 rhymes
Words that have a pure rhyme on their last syllable only.
- play hardball
- above all
- after all
- all in all
- and all
- at all
- first of all
- for good and all
- free for all
- in all
- know it all
- not at all
- once and for all
- once for all
- the be all and end all
- warts and all
- winner takes all
- a curve ball
- behind the eight ball
- carry the ball
- corn ball
- crystal ball
- curve ball
- drop the ball
- fly ball
- foul ball
- free ball
- get on the ball
- gopher ball
- grease ball
- ground ball
- have a ball
- have on the ball
- have something on the ball
- jump ball
- keep one's eye on the ball
- keep your eye on the ball
- long ball
- on the ball
- passed ball
- play ball
- take your eye off the ball
- at call
- beck and call
- close call
- first port of call
- on call
- pay a call
- port of call
- toll call
- wake-up call
- laugh to see a pudding crawl
- make your flesh crawl
- for a fall
- let fall
- riding for a fall
- over the long haul
- over the short haul
- short haul
- rob peter to pay paul
- look small
- back against the wall
- be a fly on the wall
- beat one's head against a wall
- brick wall
- climb the wall
- drive someone up the wall
- drive to the wall
- fly on the wall
- forward wall
- go or drive to the wall
- handwriting on the wall
- hit the wall
- hole in the wall
- off the wall
- run into a stone wall
- to the wall
- up the wall
- writing on the wall
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Near Rhymes – 4 rhymes
Words that "almost" rhyme on the vowel-based rhyme sound of the stressed syllable like: be/eat or maybe/shapely.
- play hardball
Mosaic Rhymes – 2 rhymes
Rhymes made up of more than one word. For instance, "jealous" and "tell us" or "shaky" and "make me."
- folly + all
- volley + ball
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WordMap is a platform that will help poets and musicians to easily and effortlessly create poems and match words to rhymes. With our service, the creation of poetic works of any level of complexity will become possible online.
For whom?
WordMap rhyme selection is suitable for both beginners and experienced poets. Also, the service will be useful in such situations:
- Creation of fables, pamphlets, epigrams.
- Assistance in creating works for school and children's matinees, holidays, and other entertainment events.
- Creation of a verse for congratulations of loved ones, colleagues, bosses.
- Development of speech at a party, business meeting, corporate party.
- Help in inventing lyrics, including comic ones.
WordMap spelling is available to everyone - any Internet user will understand the interface: from a young schoolboy to an elderly person.
Is WordMap suitable for professionals?
Even the most experienced and talented poet may have problems finding words by mask and selecting rhymes for a word - this is normal. Problems with finding a rhyme for a word can be caused by a lack of inspiration, fatigue, and even elementary “blurring of the eyes”, when a talented singer writes poetry so often that he stops seeing his own mistakes point-blank. Musicians, poets and writers use services similar to WordMap - they are the best way to help with the selection of rhymes quickly, effortlessly and online. Therefore, we boldly answer “Yes” - our service is suitable for professionals!
How do I get started?
Getting started in our service is quite simple - you just need to enter the desired word into the search bar and wait a few seconds until the algorithm selects rhymes for it. You will be presented with several categories of rhymes - choose the one that you think is best for your situation (for example: rhyme with the word love).
WordMap differs from other similar sites with a "smart" rhyme selection algorithm, a large database and maximum ease of use of the site. See for yourself - try to find a rhyme for any word, and you will see how easy it is!
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Speech therapist _2006_01 - Page 7
Speech games and exercises
Game rhymes
Chain rhyme
§Teach children to answer with a word consonant with the name.
§To learn to feel the rhythm, rhyme.
Guys, let's play fast. We will choose different words! Say any words, okay? But only such that it turns out ...
What words similar in sound can be matched to the word
Children. Titmouse, small, singer.
Educator By the way, bunny?
No. Know-it-all, dunno, runaway, jumper, runaway.
Educator By the way, a cat?
No. Spoon, bowl, bow -
cat, accordion, midge, potato, window, leg, earring, matryoshka.
Educator By the way, a mouse?
No. A bump, a puff, a puff.
Educator. Speaking of cancer?
DETAILS. Poppy, bak, lacquer, like.
The teacher throws the ball and pronounces the word, the one who catches the ball answers
with a word consonant with the name.
Stove - sheep, river. The bird is a titmouse. Magpie - white-sided. Bunny is a runaway.
§Teaching children to match words that are similar and different in sound-rhythmic structure.
§Develop visual memory.
Teacher Connect the words of the two columns so that you get a rhyme.
Edge | Grass |
Firewood | Scallop |
Herringbone | Hut |
Cockerel | Needle |
Chanterelle | Belobok |
Bunny | Cornflower |
Magpie | Sister |
Flower | Titmouse |
Bird | Cowardly |
Picture words can be suggested. Children find a picture that is similar in sound-rhythmic structure.
Picture game
§Teaching children to match the word with the picture name.
§ Develop language flair.
First, you need to prepare cards with pictures from which you can make rhyming words, for example, a picture of a pipe, another picture of a sponge. All pictures are located on a large table or on a carpet on the floor. Children distribute them in rhymes. For example, near the picture of a river there is a picture of a stove, a donkey is a goat, a cat is a spoon, a watering can is a snake, etc.
1. One child takes a picture, the other finds a picture with a rhyming word. Both say their words out loud. The group repeats.
2. Place pictures face down. Open one picture and say the corresponding word out loud. Whoever can name the rhyming word gets a picture and can open the next one.
3. One picture is opened. All children draw an object called a rhyming word. Here the solution is represented by a figure.
Say a word
§Teach children to make their own rhyming lines.
You already know how to choose rhyming words.
Today we will try to make sentences.
Where have you been walking, squirrel? Children
Collected nuts. Educator
The squirrel jumped fast, the children lost all the nuts. Teacher
Whom did you find, hedgehog? Children
I brought a squirrel to you. Educator We played in the forest yesterday, Children
We saw a huge mushroom. Educator A fungus stood aside, Children
The hedgehog could not find it. Educator
Like a little hedgehog Children's shoes have become torn. P e da g o g
And our squirrel has children Clean plates.
We are poets
§Teaching children to write quatrains that contain a whole story.
The teacher says to Paraska: “What fairy tales have you read?” Paraska thinks, "Oh my, I haven't read any!" And behind someone whispers:
"Turnip!" Paraska yelled: "Cap!"
Today we will also come up with funny poems. What or who do you want to write about?
The children answer.
Let's talk about the cat, let's support Serezha. I will write down what you tell me, and then I will read out what we have done.
Children come up with unexpected situations with a cat by rhyming words.
Children. The cat sat on the window. The cat saw a midge. The cat took a basket and went for potatoes. The cat sat on the window and dangled its legs. The cat put all the spoons in a basket.
Tip. The most important thing is not to leave the words of children without attention. And for each word come up with a rhyme.
Stories to rhyme
•To teach children how to write simple rhymes.
•To learn to distinguish between the sound and semantic aspects of speech.
You already know what rhyme is in poetry, don't you? For example, the rhyme for the word flower
can be a leaf, and for the word porridge - curdled milk. Bear cub Misha wants to teach you how to do it. They drew funny pictures with Druzhok and came up with inscriptions in verse for them. And the last word in the second line of each rhyme was not completed. Find the right rhyme yourself. It's not difficult at all.
A friend is behind the fence and looks timidly, How cleverly a friend is operating...
(with chalk).
Druzhka is disturbed by one thought Will they see ... (elephant).
When Mishka gets tired of playing Let him stand at the gate ...
All morning they searched and searched until they found a new bowl…
Help Dunno to compose poetry
•To teach children to distinguish between sound and semantic sides of speech.
The teacher brings N. Nosov's book "Adventure Dunno".
Educator Guys, did you recognize this book? Today I will tell you how Dunno wrote poetry.
…After Dunno didn’t turn into an artist, he decided to become a poet and compose poetry… Dunno came to the poet Tsvetik and said:
—Listen, Tsvetik, teach me how to write poetry. I also want to be a poet.
—Do you know what rhyme is?
—Rhyme? No, I do not know.
“Rhyme is when two words
end in the same way,” explained Tsvetik. - For example: a duck is a joke, a shortbread is a walrus. Understood?
— Well, say a rhyme for the word "pal-
— Herring, — Dunno answered.
Guys, help Dunno.
There is a game.
The whole day Dunno composed poetry and finally came up with:
Znayka went for a walk to the river, Jumped over a sheep. Hurry was hungry - He swallowed the cold iron. Avoska has a sweet cheesecake under his pillow.
Find rhymes
§Teach children to identify rhyming words by comparing them.
Teacher Today I will read to you B. Shergin's story “Rif-
we”, and your task is to hear the rhyming words. Do you agree?
Shish went to the city on his business. It was summer, it was hot.
An uncle rides a horse ahead. Shish and asked him to give a lift. He sat down next to his uncle. But Shish cannot sit silently. He is only silent when he sleeps. He says:
—Uncle, let's play riff-
—What are rhymes?
—Let's say it in such a way that it's smooth.
—Come on.
—Here, uncle, what was your dad's name?
— My father's name was Kuzma. Shish says:
I'll take your Kuzma by the beard!
— Why are you going to take my father by the beard?
Shish says:
— This, uncle, is for rhyming. Tell me what your grandfather's name was.
—My grandfather's name was Ivan. Shish says:
Your grandfather Ivan Put the cat in his pocket. The cat cries and sobs, Your grandfather scolds.
The uncle got excited:
—Why would my grandfather put a cat in his pocket? Why are you picking up such rubbish?
- This is an uncle, for rhyme.
—I'll tell you a rhyme, what's your name?
—My name is… Fedya.
Uncle says:
If you are Fedya, then catch a bear in the forest.
Ride a bear, And get off my horse!
- Uncle, I was joking. My name is not Fedya, but Stepan.
Uncle says:
If you are Stepan, Get on the eroplane, On the eroplane and fly,
Get off my horse!
- Uncle, I was joking. My name is not Stepan, but… Silantiy.
Uncle says
If you are Silantius, Then from my horse you will get down.
—What are you, uncle, there is no such word — “tears”.
—Although not, get down anyway! Shisha had to get off the cart.
That's what he needs. If a kind person is taking you on a horse, you sit silently, and do not invent all sorts of trifles.
Children find rhyming words in the text and name them.
Finger games for children 4-5 years old
In some speech disorders in children, general motor insufficiency expressed to varying degrees, as well as deviations in the development of finger movements, can be noted. The motor and speech centers in the cerebral cortex are located nearby, so their stimulation by improving the precise movements of the hand and fingers has a positive effect on the development of speech.
From an early age, children are offered cubes and pyramid rings for rearrangement and construction. Gradually, the material becomes smaller: these are buttons and beads for sorting and stringing, pencils, counting sticks and matches, mosaics for laying out in piles or composing patterns and shapes. Good activation
works on the muscles of the arm working with plasticine and clay.
Particular attention should be paid to finger games, which are accompanied by a short poetic text. One of the first games for a child is "Forty-White-sided" and "Boy with a Finger". The child first listens to the speech of an adult, assimilating the phonetic and grammatical norms of his native language, then remembers and pronounces the familiar text himself.
In speech therapy practice, it often becomes necessary to give finger games a specific focus so that the child remembers and uses words that are rarely used in everyday life, masters generalizing concepts and their lexical content, complex0003
in words. The topics of the presented games are diverse and reflect the main lexical topics studied in speech therapy groups for children 4-5 years old.
At the little girl Zinochka Vegetables in a basket:
Children make their hands like a “basket”.
Here is a pot-bellied zucchini She put it on a barrel, Pepper and a carrot She put it deftly, Tomato and cucumber.
Bend the fingers, starting with the thumb.
Our Zina - well done!
Thumbs up.
Like our Zina Fruits in a basket:
Children make their hands like a “basket”.
Apples and pears, For the children to eat, Peaches and plums - How beautiful! Look at the runet!
Bend the fingers, starting with the pinky -
There is no tastier fruit than ours!
Stroking the belly.
Fruit palm
This finger is an orange, Of course, he is not alone. This finger is a plum, Delicious, beautiful.
This finger is an apricot, It grew high on a branch. This finger is a pear, He asks: “Come on, eat!” This finger is a pineapple,
Unbend the fingers one by one from the cam, starting with the big one.
Fruit for you and for us.
Point with palms around and at themselves.
I'll pick mushrooms
I'm taking a basket to the forest, I'll pick mushrooms there. My friend is surprised:
"So many mushrooms around here!"
They show surprise, spread their arms to the sides.
Boletus, butterdish, Boletus, honey agaric, Boletus, chanterelle, milk mushroom - Let them not play hide and seek! Ryzhiki, volnushki I'll find at the edge. I return home, I carry all the mushrooms with me.
Alternately bend the fingers on both hands, starting with the little finger of the right hand.
I won't carry fly agaric. Let him stay in the forest!
The thumb of the left hand is put aside, threatened.
Knead flour into dough,
Squeeze and unclench fingers.
And we made dough out of dough:
They clap their hands, “sculpt”.
Pies and buns, Butter tarts, Buns and rolls - We bake everything in the oven.
Unbend the fingers one by one, starting with the little finger. Both palms turn up.
Very tasty!
Stroking the belly.
Berries are gooseberries, cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries, raspberries, strawberries, rose hips, currants and strawberries.
Count with the index finger of one hand, bending the fingers on the other hand.
I remember the berries at last. What does it mean?
They raise their shoulders, they are surprised.
Well done!
The thumb is extended forward.
In order not to be afraid of diseases, one must go in for sports.
Raise the arms to the shoulders, up, to the shoulders, to the sides.
A tennis player plays tennis, He is an athlete, not an artist. A soccer player plays football
#1, 2006
Ice hockey is played by a hockey player,
Volleyball is a volleyball player,
Basketball is a basketball player.
Bend the fingers into a cam, starting with the little finger.
New house
Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock! Take the hammer, my friend!
They strike, alternating, fist to fist.
We will build a new house. There is one more, higher,
They fold their index fingers into a shelf, the rest are connected by a “roof”.
There is a chimney at the top of the roof.
Little finger set aside - trumpet.
The house is ready, we call the guests: “Come quickly!”
Make an inviting hand gesture.
How many floors are there in the house?
This house is one-storey. This house is two stories. This one is three stories high. This house is the most important one: we have five floors.
Unbend the fingers from the cam, starting with the little finger.
Furniture I will start counting: Armchair, table, sofa, bed, Shelf, nightstand, sideboard, Wardrobe, chest of drawers and stool.
The fingers of both hands are alternately clamped into fists.
Named a lot of furniture - Ten fingers pinched!
Raise the clamped jaws up.
Hi Nikolka! Get a needle soon. We will sew Katya a new dress.
Hands clenched into fists. For each word, fingers are unclenched in turn, starting with the little finger of the left hand.
Updates | Thumbs up. |
Tanechka, take a needle, Let's sew a shirt and a T-shirt, Trousers, a blouse and a dress, And dress Katya the doll.
Show the index finger of the right hand - a needle. Rotate the index finger around each finger of the left hand. Repeat with the other hand.
Wash cleanly, properly Shirt, sweater and T-shirt, Sweater and trousers —
Make movements with fists that imitate washing. The fingers of the right hand alternately shake the fingers of the left hand. (When repeating the same with the other hand.)
My hands are tired!
Shake both hands.
The girl Irinka said to the doll:
“Napkins should be in the napkin holder,
Butter should be in the butter dish, Bread should be
in the bread box,
Salt? Well, of course,
salt shaker!”
Alternately connect the thumb with the others.
Our Antoshka washes the dishes.
Rubbing their palms together - "washing the dishes."
Washes fork, cup, spoon. Washed the saucer and glass,
Unbend the fingers from the fist, starting with the little finger.
And shut the faucet tight.
Perform a simulated movement.
Late autumn
The sun is barely warming; Migratory birds to the south
flew away; Trees are bare, fields are deserted, The ground is covered with the first snow.
Alternately connect, starting with the thumbs, the fingers of both hands (for each sign).
Girl Irinka order | The river is covered with ice |
pointed. | in November - |
Hands are clenched into a “lock”.
Late autumn is in the yard.
Spread their hands in front of them.
Jumping on branches Small squirrel. The tail flickers among the branches. Who will follow her?
He flashes among the bushes, He looped - and he was like that!
Connect the thumb of the right hand with the index finger of the left and vice versa.
Winter fun
What do we like to do in winter? Play snowball fights, ski
run, Skate on the ice, Ride down the mountain on a sled.
Thumb alternately touch
the rest of the fingers are | Alternately connect a large pa- | |
lec with the rest. | ||
first one, then the other | ||
| ||
by hand. | Christmas toys | |
| ||
Who sleeps in winter? | The holiday is coming, | |
| The tree is dressing up. |
The bear sleeps soundly in the den, He sniffles all winter until spring. Chipmunk, Prickly hedgehog and badger sleep in winter.
Clench fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.
Only the hare can't sleep - Runs away from the fox.