What are the methods of teaching reading
Reading Methods for Students with LD
By: Learning Disabilities Association of America
For the person with learning disabilities, the process of learning to read can break down with reading mechanics or comprehension, and at any of the specific skill levels.
It is also important to note that children with learning disabilities do not always acquire skills in the normal developmental sequence. If an individual does not develop adequate phonemic awareness during the pre-reading period, effective decoding may not be possible, which influences the development of fluent reading and comprehension skills.
Also, children with learning disabilities often come to the reading task with oral language comprehension problems. When assessing and planning for instruction, consideration of these oral language comprehension problems may facilitate acquisition of reading comprehension.
No single reading method will be effective for all students with learning disabilities. Most individuals with learning disabilities will benefit from the application of a variety of methods. Instructors need a repertoire of instructional methods.
Teachers should be able to appropriately and systematically modify or combine methods, and utilize different methods in order to meet an individual's changing needs. Selecting the appropriate program to apply to the student is not a simple matter, and requires a careful assessment of where the student is in the developmental process.
It is not uncommon, for example, to observe an individual with all the pre-reading skills, numerous comprehension skills, and simple decoding skills acquired during the student's progression through mechanical reading instruction. Because there may be a lack of understanding of the sophisticated decoding skills needed, reading with fluency suffers.
Students with learning disabilities should be provided with sound strategic approaches that empower them as readers, rather than be allowed to learn and internalize incorrect practices.
Selecting the appropriate method
A significant part of selecting appropriate instructional approaches is understanding the learning profile of an individual. A diagnostic program is necessary to identify students with learning disabilities. A cognitive profile is also necessary to determine precisely what students' needs are, their strengths and weaknesses, whether they have difficulty with working memory, if they have inadequate language skills, etc.
Students with learning disabilities need to be taught strategic approaches explicitly. They need to have ideas made conspicuously clear to them.
Persons with learning disabilities who need to work on reading mechanics frequently respond to explicitly taught code-emphasis developmental reading methods such as phonic, linguistic, or multisensory approaches. Some of the more popular approaches are briefly described below.
- Phonics approach
The phonics approach teaches word recognition through learning grapheme-phoneme (letter-sound) associations.
The student learns vowels, consonants, and blends, and learns to sound out words by combining sounds and blending them into words. By associating speech sounds with letters the student learns to recognize new and unfamiliar words.
- Linguistic method
This method uses a "whole word" approach. Words are taught in word families, or similar spelling patterns, and only as whole words. The student is not directly taught the relationship between letters and sounds, but learns them through minimal word differences. As the child progresses, words that have irregular spellings are introduced as sight words.
- Multisensory approach
This method assumes that some children learn best when content is presented in several modalities. Multisensory approaches that employ tracing, hearing, writing, and seeing are often referred to as VAKT (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile) methods. Multisensory techniques can be used with both phonics and linguistic approaches.
- Neurological Impress Technique
This is a rapid-reading technique. The instructor reads a passage at a fairly rapid rate, with the instructor's voice directed into the student's ear. The teacher begins as the dominant reading voice, but gradually the student spends more time leading these sessions.
Students who have learned mechanics without adequately learning reading fluency frequently benefit from this, as do students who read slowly or who hesitate over a number of words but are able to identify most of the words in a sentence. A student is directed to read a passage without errors. This method functions most effectively when it is practiced for short periods every day.
- Language experience approach
The language experience approach uses children's spoken language to develop material for reading. This approach utilizes each student's oral language level and personal experiences. Material is written by the child and teacher for reading using each child's experience.
This can be done in small groups and individually.
Familiarity with the content and the vocabulary facilitate reading these stories. Each child can develop a book to be read and re-read. This approach helps children know what reading is and that ideas and experiences can be conveyed in print.
- Reading comprehension support
Persons with learning disabilities who need work on reading comprehension often respond to explicitly taught strategies which aid comprehension such as skimming, scanning and studying techniques. These techniques aid in acquiring the gist, and then focus is turned to the details of the text through use of the cloze procedure.
The cloze procedure builds upon a student's impulse to fill in missing elements and is based upon the Gestalt principle of closure. With this method, every fifth to eighth word in a passage is randomly eliminated. The student is then required to fill in the missing words. This technique develops reading skills and an understanding not only of word meaning but also of the structure of the language itself.
Persons with learning disabilities will typically require a variety of instructional approaches in order to make their educational experiences more productive. There is no one best approach to teach reading to students with learning disabilities. There are many reading methods available with ongoing debate about which one is preferable.
It is critical that instructors understand both the student and the various reading methods available if the student is to have the best possible learning experience. The importance of a comprehensive evaluation that will result in prescription for intervention cannot be over-emphasized.
As important is the notion that teachers must have the ability to effectively and systematically alter various methods to meet the needs of individual children with learning disabilities.
Adapted from: LDA Newsbriefs Education Committee. (March/April 1998). Reading Methods and Learning Disabilities. LDA Newsbriefs. Learning Disabilities Association of America.
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3 Methods of teaching reading to children
Learning how to read is one of the most important things a child will do before the age of 10. That’s because everything from vocabulary growth to performance across all major subjects at school is linked to reading ability. The Phonics Method teaches children to pair sounds with letters and blend them together to master the skill of decoding.
The Whole-word Approach teaches kids to read by sight and relies upon memorization via repeat exposure to the written form of a word paired with an image and an audio. The goal of the Language Experience Method is to teach children to read words that are meaningful to them. Vocabulary can then be combined to create stories that the child relates to. Yet while there are various approaches to reading instruction, some work better than others for children who struggle with learning difficulties.
The most common kind of dyslexia, phonological dyslexia, causes individuals to have trouble hearing the sounds that make up words. This makes it difficult for them to sound out words in reading and to spell correctly. Dyslexic learners may therefore benefit from a method that teaches whole-word reading and de-emphasizes the decoding process.
Orton Gillingham is a multi-sensory approach that has been particularly effective for dyslexic children. It combines visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile learning to teach a program of English phonics, allowing children to proceed at a pace that suits them and their ability.
No two students will learn to read in exactly the same way, thus remaining flexible in your approach is key. It can be useful to combine methods, teach strategies and provide the right classroom accommodations, particularly for students who have specific learning differences. Remember that motivation is key and try to be patient so as to avoid introducing any negative associations with school and learning.
Learn more about motivating children to read, different kinds of dyslexia, identifying dyslexia, the Orton-Gillingham approach to reading, and strategies to help children with dyslexia in these posts.
Pre-literacy skills
Children begin acquiring the skills they need to master reading from the moment they are born. In fact, an infant as young as six months old can already distinguish between the sounds of his or her mother tongue and a foreign language and by the age of 2 has mastered enough native phonemes to regularly produce 50+ words. Between the ages of 2-3 many children learn to recognize a handful of letters.
They may enjoy singing the alphabet song and reciting nursery rhymes, which helps them develop an awareness of the different sounds that make-up English words. As fine motor skills advance, so does the ability to write, draw and copy shapes, which eventually can be combined to form letters.
There are plenty of ways parents can encourage pre-literacy skills in children, including pointing out letters, providing ample opportunities for playing with language, and fostering an interest in books. It can be helpful to ask a child about their day and talk through routines to assist with the development of narrative skills.
Visit your local library and bookstore as often as possible. The more kids read with their parents, teachers and caregivers, the more books become a familiar and favorite pastime. Young children should be encouraged to participate in reading by identifying the pictures they recognize and turning the pages.
Discover more about fostering pre-literacy skills.
1. The Phonics Method
The smallest word-part that carries meaning is a phoneme. While we typically think of letters as the building blocks of language, phonemes are the basic units of spoken language. In an alphabetic language like English, sounds are translated into letters and letter combinations in order to represent words on the page. Reading thus relies on an individual’s ability to decode words into a series of sounds. Encoding is the opposite process and is how we spell.
The Phonics Method is concerned with helping a child learn how to break words down into sounds, translate sounds into letters and combine letters to form new words. Phonemes and their corresponding letters may be taught based on their frequency in English words. Overall there are 40 English phonemes to master and different programs take different approaches to teaching them. Some materials introduce word families with rhyming words grouped together. It’s also possible to teach similarly shaped letters or similar sounding letters together.
The Phonics Method is one of the most popular and commonly used methods. In the beginning progress may be slow and reading out loud halting, but eventually the cognitive processes involved in translating between letters and sounds are automatized and become more fluent. However, English is not always spelled the way it sounds. This means some words can’t be sounded out and need to be learned through memorization.
2. The Whole-word Approach
This method teaches reading at the word level. Because it skips the decoding process, students are not sounding out words but rather learning to say the word by recognizing its written form. Context is important and providing images can help. Familiar words may initially be presented on their own, then in short sentences and eventually in longer sentences. As their vocabulary grows, children begin to extract rules and patterns that they can use to read new words.
Reading via this method is an automatic process and is sometimes called sight-reading. After many exposures to a word children will sight-read the majority of the vocabulary they encounter, only sounding out unfamiliar terms.
Sight-reading is faster and facilitates reading comprehension because it frees up cognitive attention for processing new words. That’s why it is often recommended that children learn to read high frequency English vocabulary in this way. The Dolch word list is a set of terms that make-up 50-75% of the vocabulary in English children’s books.
Learn more about teaching sight-reading and the Dolch List.
3. The Language Experience Method
Learning to read nonsense words in a black-and-white activity book is not always the most effective approach. The Language Experience Method of teaching reading is grounded in personalized learning where the words taught are different for every child. The idea is that learning words that the child is already familiar with will be easier.
Teachers and parents can then create unique stories that use a child’s preferred words in different configurations. Children can draw pictures that go with them and put them together in a folder to create a special reading book. You can look for these words in regular children’s fiction and use them to guess at the meaning of unknown words met in a context – an important comprehension strategy that will serve kids in later grades.
8 Tips for parents
No matter which method or methods you use, keep these tips in mind:
Read as often as possible. Develop a routine where you read a book together in the morning or in the evening. You may start by reading aloud but have the child participate by running a finger along the text. Make reading fun, include older children and reserve some family reading time where everyone sits together with their own book to read for half an hour—adults included!
Begin with reading material that the child is interested in.
If he or she has a favorite subject, find a book full of related vocabulary to boost motivation.
Let the child choose his or her own book. When an individual has agency and can determine how the learning process goes, he or she is more likely to participate. Take children to libraries or bookstores and encourage them to explore books and decide what they would like to read.
Consider graded readers. As a child develops his or her reading ability, you will want to increase the challenge of books moving from materials that present one word per page to longer and longer sentences, and eventually, paragraph level text. If you’re not sure a book is at the right level for your child, try counting how many unfamiliar words it contains per page. You can also take the opposite approach and check to see how many Dolch words are present.
Talk about what you see on the page. Use books as a way to spur conversation around a topic and boost vocabulary by learning to read words that are pictured but not written.
You can keep a special journal where you keep a record of the new words. They will be easier to remember because they are connected through the story.
Avoid comparisons with peers. Every child learns to read at his or her own pace. Reading is a personal and individual experience where a child makes meaning and learns more about how narrative works as he or she develops stronger skills.
Don’t put too much pressure. Forcing a child into reading when he or she is not ready can result in negative reactions and cause more harm than good.
Do speak with your child’s teacher. If your child doesn’t enjoy reading and struggles with decoding and/or sight reading, it may be due to a specific learning difficulty. It’s advised you first discuss it with your child’s teacher who may recommend an assessment by a specialist.
Learning difficulties
If reading is particularly challenging and your child isn’t making progress there could be a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia or ADHD that is causing the problem. Conditions like dyslexia are hereditary and it’s not unlikely that another family member will also have a hard time with reading. Visual processing, visual impairment and hearing impairment can also cause reading difficulties.
In the case of the latter, if you can’t hear the words it’s hard to identify the sounds inside them and develop an understanding of phonics. Hearing impairment based reading difficulties are a common issue in teaching children with Down syndrome to read.
Orton-Gillingham is an approach designed to help struggling readers. It’s based on the work of Dr. Samuel Orton and Dr. Anna Gillingham and has been in use for the past 80+ years. Orton-Gillingham allows every child to proceed at a pace that is right for him or her and introduces English phonics in a multi-sensory way.
For example, children may see a letter combination, say it aloud and trace it in the air with their finger. Rich sensory experiences help to enhance learning and can be provided using different materials like drawing in sand, dirt, shaving cream or chocolate pudding. Children may form letters using their hands or move in a rhythmic way that mimics the syllables in a word. Singing, dancing, art activities and plenty of repetition develop reading skills.
Learn more in this post on taking a multi-sensory approach to reading.
Touch-typing and multi-sensory reading
TTRS is a touch-typing program that follows the Orton-Gillingham approach and teaches reading in a multi-sensory way. Children see a word on the screen, hear it read aloud and type it. They use muscle memory in the fingers to remember spelling – which is particularly important for children who have dyslexia-- and practice with high frequency words that build English phonics knowledge and decoding skills. Learning happens via bite-size modules that can be repeated as often as is needed. Progress is shown through automatized feedback and result graphs build confidence and motivation.
Learn more
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features, types, pluses and minuses
- Kalinina principle
- Sound method
- Zaitsev method
- Maria Montessori Principle
- Glen Doman Method
As soon as a child becomes interested in books or there is little time left before school, parents begin to wonder what methods of teaching reading exist. First grader who learned to read before school, learning is easier . In most cases, this concerns unorganized preschool children, since in preschool educational organizations children receive knowledge and skills in this area. There are several main options. Comparing them with each other allows you to divide them into traditional and non-traditional.
Kalinina's principle
Kalinina I. L. Kalinina's method of teaching children to read "Game book library" was developed on the basis of research by Professor T. G. Egorov. It is close to the traditional form, suitable for for senior preschool age.
It should be understood that reading skills in preschoolers are formed gradually . There is a process in several stages:
- acquaintance with sounds and letters;
- analysis of words into syllables;
- reading monosyllabic words;
- understanding of words of varying complexity and understanding of the meaning of what is read;
- understanding the meaning of the sentence and text.
Understand the need passing each stage . You can move on to the next only when the baby can easily cope with the current stage.
- available for people without special education, all parents can prepare their children on their own;
- is suitable for group activities.
Disadvantages :
- not suitable for young children;
- requires a long time.
Sonic method
Sonic method refers to traditional . It is usually used for teaching reading in elementary school.
This variant differs in that the sounds are put at the forefront
The kid first learns to distinguish, which sounds the word consists of. At the next stage, acquaintance with the letters takes place, which are then combined into syllables. Then they move on to reading words and sentences.
Sound techniqueAdvantages :
- develops phonemic hearing, which contributes to literate pronunciation;
- is easy to use, does not require expensive aids;
- has been tested in traditional schools for a long time and has given good results.
Disadvantages :
- not suitable for early development;
- requires a long time.
Zaitsev method
This method uses special equipment in the form of cubes, tables, audio recordings and musical accompaniment. It is suitable for young children and is in demand by supporters of early development.
The non-traditional version is distinguished by the stages of training, or rather, by their absence. If you have purchased ready-made equipment, then all that remains is to play cubes, sing songs, make words on tables from cubes. Children learn reading skills through play.
Zaitsev MethodAdvantages :
- suitable for all ages;
- play uniform;
- can be used to teach visually impaired and hearing impaired children;
- complex development: physical, musical.
Disadvantages :
- problems later in elementary school;
- material costs;
- parents must first master everything themselves.
DIY equipment
Maria Montessori Principle
This technique differs in that learning to read begins with writing and hatching . This is followed by the stage of tactile acquaintance with the letters. Children feel the letters, the surface of which is rough and pleasant to the touch. Kids love this activity, at the same time there is a sensory development that stimulates the mental.
In the next step , the mobile alphabet is used to form words. After that, letter is added to the reading. The preparation process is complex.
Method of Maria MontessoriVirtues :
- game form;
- develops analytical and logical thinking;
- develops fine motor skills.
Disadvantages :
- requires expensive materials;
- bulkiness of materials and manuals;
- children do a lot of work on their own, socialization problems are possible;
- suitable for use at home, fully applicable only in educational institutions.
The Montessori method of learning to read begins with simple exercises and is suitable for children from 3 years of age. This technique is also used to teach reading in English . Children work with their hands, the teacher comments on the actions using foreign speech. Write new words on the board to memorize.
Glen Doman Method
This method of teaching reading is used in preschool age. It consists in the fact that children are shown word cards . An adult reads aloud what is written on the cards following in a certain sequence. Words go from simple to complex. At the second stage, phrases are read, and then sentences in the same order, from simple to complex.
Glenn Doman MethodAdvantages :
- suitable for early development;
- play uniform.
Disadvantages :
- production of a large number of cards;
- control over the correct replacement of already used cards;
- possible problems at school;
- the baby remains a passive participant in the process.
Glen Doman's method is also suitable for learning to read in English. The peculiarity of English words is that when they are combined into syllables, there is no such clarity as in Russian.
The teacher teaches to recognize the word form as a whole
The main disadvantage of all non-traditional training options is that the child may have difficulty learning in a traditional school. Preparation in them is carried out from sounds to letters, and then to words and sentences. The methods of Zaitsev and Doman do not provide for sound-letter analysis, division into syllables, which can cause certain difficulties.
Whatever method mothers and fathers choose for their child, the principle of voluntariness must be observed. You can't force a preschooler to read if he doesn't want to. It is better to use mostly game methods. It is worth reading adult books themselves so that the baby has an example to follow before his eyes. When he learns himself, you should continue to read aloud to him, especially if he asks for it. This tradition promotes rapprochement between parents and children.
For more information, watch the video:
The most popular reading teaching methods
Happy Parents magazine asked the chief methodologist of the Baby Club chain to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of popular reading teaching methods. Svetlana Kuznetsova happily shared information with readers.
Word for word
« Many teachers note that a modern child needs reading skills from the very first days at school. To complete assignments in other subjects, for example. Otherwise, you will have to help a lot. In any case, it takes different time for all children to master the alphabet, and the teacher cannot wait. In addition, if a child learns to read at school, it will be an additional burden for him. It will be more difficult for him to acquire knowledge in other subjects, because more energy and concentration will be required from him. It will hardly add self-confidence and motivation to study.
The ability to read will also be needed to prepare mini-presentations and oral presentations, which are now being asked to be done in first grade. A child who reads will find information quickly, and will only pique his interest. This is an important plus. But the skill must be practiced really well. After the first successes are made, it takes time to learn to understand the meaning of what is read. It is easiest to achieve this effect in a calm home environment.
When to teach a child to read, the mother decides for herself. If you don’t want to wait until school, you have to decide on the methodology. And now there are many of them and each has both advantages and disadvantages.
The most popular visual method is Doman cards. At first glance, this seems to be the easiest way. From about 4-6 months, the mother begins to show the baby cards for a few seconds. The words are written in block letters on them, which she says them aloud. The child's visual memory is well developed, so he quickly grasps the connection between what he hears and what he sees. And at some point, he begins to understand what is written on the cards.
With age, the number of words and letters in words increases. For a child, this is not a problem, but a mother can break down. You have to prepare not just a lot of cards, but insanely many. But the main disadvantage is different: with this approach, the child memorizes words mechanically, like a robot. There is no interactivity involved. The game component is missing. And then, the baby gets used to the initial forms: to the nominative case, to infinitives. When he encounters real texts, he either does not recognize familiar words at all, or reads them with an error, because the endings are different.
Sound-letter techniques are classics of the genre. According to them, kids are now taught to read in most public kindergartens and schools. Usually it all starts with Zhukova's primer. First of all, children are introduced to the graphic image of letters. Then they explain what they are called (“be”, “sha”, “ef”) and what sounds they can represent. It is not uncommon for the process to slow down at this stage because confusion occurs. Understanding that the letter "er" actually reads like "r" also takes time.
Further sounds are taught to merge together. This is “a”, this is “m”, together “a-m”, and if vice versa, it will turn out “m-a”. The child reads the letters, looking at the blackboard or in the primer. Many times she trains to pronounce different combinations of sounds, including abstract ones that do not exist in Russian. Then, from the letters, the baby learns to make syllables, then words, and smoothly proceeds to reading phrases, short sentences and texts.
There is little creativity in this process. Children often get bored in class because they only look at the letters. There is no way to play with them. In addition, such a gradual and "slow" learning takes a lot of time and energy. Although the sound-letter technique is suitable for some guys, because each child has his own.
In the Soviet school, we mastered reading by syllables, and today they are being replaced by warehouses. And this alternative is gaining more and more fans. A warehouse is a reading unit that consists of one letter or a combination of two letters. With this approach, the child is not asked to memorize the names of the letters. He does not need this knowledge when learning to read. They will be required later, and he will easily receive them at school. In the meantime, the kids are simply told: “Each letter has a sound. This letter has an "m" sound.
The child does not need to memorize how to read two adjacent letters, because he remembers the whole warehouse as a picture. This makes learning faster.
There is another plus. To read a word, the child must first decompose it into parts purely visually. And it’s easier to break into warehouses than into syllables. For example, a child immediately sees that “ko-sh-ka” breaks up into three warehouses, because he saw them all separately on cubes. He will definitely get acquainted with syllables and transfer rules, but already at school. He does not need this information to learn to read.
The most famous storage techniques today are Zaitsev's cubes and Chaplygin's cubes. They are different, but they have a lot in common. Zaitsev's technique is the most popular. The kit includes dice, on each side of which warehouses are written, and special tables for training, also with warehouses.
A child can start playing with such blocks at least from the age of one. They're not easy. Cubes vary in size, color and sound. Thanks to two different fillers, brown ones make dull sounds, gray ones make voiced ones (in fact, this is how the difference between voiceless and voiced consonants is illustrated). Dice can be played with: rattled or used as a building block to build anything from a tower to an ocean. This is their main advantage. The child remembers warehouses during the game: he built a train, his mother read the warehouse on each trailer, and he repeated everything after her.
But in order to start reading according to Zaitsev's method, a child must memorize a lot of syllables. Purely visually, like pictures. For example, he will need to remember separately all combinations of consonants with the letter “a” (“ba”, “va”, “ga”, and so on), then with “o” and other vowels. This is a big load on memory, therefore, if there was a break in classes, many children forget something and have to learn warehouses from cubes again.
Chaplygin's technique is arranged differently. Firstly, there are fewer cubes, each one has only one letter written on it, and they are connected to each other using magnets. Secondly, the child learns warehouses in the same way as in the Zaitsev method, but at the same time, at each lesson, he is shown that it is easy to change “ma” to “pa”, “sa”, “ha”. Moreover, the child can turn this trick with his own hands, replacing one cube with another. So he quickly catches the pattern and understands the very principle of the formation of warehouses. And he won't be able to forget him.
Time to go
When to start is a good question. The letters of a child can be taught in a year, and in order to learn how to read warehouses, it is better to wait until 3.5-4 years. Then you can already form motivation. Any skill, if it turns out to be unclaimed, is quickly forgotten. It will already be possible to interest a four-year-old. He can read signs, cartoon names, product labels to distinguish milk from kefir in the store. Then there will be interest.
Readiness to learn to read is also important. It is believed that if the baby is able to isolate the first sound in a word by ear, he has matured.
The best time to practice is from 10 am to 11 am. At this hour, our brain works most actively, therefore it is able to absorb the maximum amount of information. Classes should be regular, the ideal schedule is 3-4 times a week. Sudden bursts of interest in reading in a child or in a parent will not lead to the proper result.
- It is important to fix the material. If in the first lesson you get acquainted with a new letter or warehouse, then in the second lesson you play with them. The more options you offer, the better. Letters can be sculpted from dough, written out with a stick in the sand, drawn with a finger on a tray with colorful sweets, caught with a spoon from a basin of water.
- When all the letters are mastered, it is worth trying single word cards . Many kids love them. The font should be large, the illustration should be understandable.
- It will be good if the first book, in addition to large text, will contain repeatedly repeated pieces of text , as in the fairy tale about Kolobok. Repeatedly reading the same passage, the baby begins to recognize many words, and this makes reading very easy.
- Don't force your child to read. Let him get information in different ways. You can watch video content on the Internet, listen to audio fairy tales and sometimes read books.
- Read for yourself in front of your baby. Not books, but magazines or articles on the Internet. The child will see that the skill of reading gives you pleasure. Between the ages of 4 and 7, children tend to copy their parents' behaviors and habits, so seize the moment. Otherwise, the baby is unlikely to become addicted to reading. It's just that this type of activity will be alien to him.
- Even when the child learns to read, do not stop reading aloud to him yourself. This tradition is very close to parents and leaves warm memories for life. As an adult, such a child is likely to resurrect the tradition in order to recreate pleasant sensations within himself.
- At preschool age, mastering the alphabet is not perceived as learning.
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