What do pirates say when they set sail

Pirate Lingo - Experience the Ultimate Pirate RidePirate Voyages – Ocean City, NJ

Brush up on your “Pirate Talk” with these helpful pirate phrases. Before you come aboard the Sea Dragon, it might be fun to learn some pirate vocabulary words that will make it even more fun to enjoy your time spent with Pirate Voyages in Ocean City, NJ. FEEL FREE TO USE OUR LIST, but please REFERENCE OUR SITE if you do. Otherwise, “ye’ll walk the plank!” Aaaarrrrggghh!

Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!Pirate catch phrase of grumbling or disgust
Ahoy, MateyHello, my friend!
Ahoy, Me Hearties!Hello, my friends, crew members, etc.; addressed to group
All Hand Hoy!Everyone get on deck!
Avast YePay attention and check this out!
Aye, AyeA crew member says this to the Captain, meaning “I will get that done right away!”
Batten Down The HatchesTie everything down and put stuff away for a coming storm.
Bilge-SuckingAn insulting expression of disdain
Blimey!Surprise, shock
Blow me down!Phrase of amazement or shock
Blow The Man DownThe Captain’s command to get rid of a person
BootyA treasure
BountyA reward for capturing a known criminal, such as a pirate
Bring a Spring Upon ‘erTurn the ship in a different direction
BroadsideThe most vulnerable angle of a ship that runs the length of the boat
BuccaneerA pirate
BuckoFriend, a pirate, same as a buccaneer
Carouser Reckless or loud person who drinks excessively
Cat O'Nine TailsA special kind of whip that has 9 strands
ChanteySong sung together by sailors or pirates in unison, while they work
ChaseA vessel that is being pursued
Chase GunThe main cannon at the bow of a ship
Clap of ThunderStrong, alcoholic drink, like a shot
Cleave Him to the BrisketAn order to kill a man by cutting across his chest from the shoulders to stomach.
ClipperFast-moving boat or ship
CofferThe treasure chest
CogSmaller war ship
CorsairPirates from the Mediterranean
Crack Jenny’s TeacupTerm for spending the night with a prostitute
Crow's NestA small lookout platform near the mast to see long distances
CutlassA thick, heavy and rather short sword blade for pirates
Davy Jones' LockerA mystical fable about an evil spirit from the bottom of the ocean that draws pirates or sailors down to their death
Dead Men Tell No TalesAn expression meaning no survivors left behind
DoubloonsTypes of Spanish gold coins piratesfind
FathomSix feet
Feed the FishAbout to die
Fire in the HoleWarning given to crew before a cannon is fired
FloggingSevere beating of a person
GalleyFlat ship propelled manually by oars
GangplankRemovable ramp between the pier and ship
Go on AccountA phrase pirates used to say they were turning into a pirate
GrogRum or liquor diluted by water
Grog BlossomSomeone with a red nose from drinking too frequently, alcoholic
HandsCrew members or sailors of a ship
Hang ‘Emfrom the YardarmType of punishment served to a prisoner
Hang the JibFrown or pout
HeadPotty or toilet on a pirate ship
HeartiesFriends, fellow comrades or sailors
Heave HoPut your weight and muscle into it
Heave ToStop!!
Hempen HalterA rope hanging noose
HornswaggleCheat or defraud someone out of assets or money
JackFlag flown at the front of ship to show nationality
Jack KetchThe hangman. “Dance with Jack Ketch” means to hang
Jacob's LadderA rope ladder used to climb aboard a boat
Jolly RogerBlack pirate flag with white skull and crossbones
KeelhaulPainful punishment whereby the pirates drag a person side-to-side under the pirate ship and they get cut up by the planks and barnacles from the bottom of the ship
KillickSmall, stone anchor with a wooden frame
Lad, lass, lassieA kid or young person
LandlubberAn inexperienced or clumsy person who doesn't have any sailing skills
Letters of MarqueGovernment-issued letters allowing privateers the right to piracy of another ship during wartime
LookoutThe pirate who keeps watch for land or oncoming ships
LootStolen money or belongings
Man-O-WarA pirate ship that is decked out and prepared for battle
MaroonLeave someone stranded on a deserted island with no supplies, which was a common punishment for any crew members who disrespected or dishonored the Captain
MaroonedTo be abandoned with no food, drink, or possessions
MizzenThe 3rd mast from the ship’s bow of bigger ships
MutinyWhen crew gang up against the Captain of the ship or other authority
No Prey, No PayThe ship’s crew received no wages; however they got a part of the loot or treasure
Old SaltExperienced pirate or sailor
Pieces of eightSpanish coins in pirate treasures
PillageRob, ransack or plunder
PiracyRobbery performed at sea, often to another ship
PlunderTake booty or burglarize
Poop deck(Not the toilet!) This is a part of the ship above the Captain’s headquarters at the farthest point back
PrivateerGovernment-appointed pirates
Red EnsignBritish Flag
>RumPirate's favorite alcoholic beverage
Run a RigPlay a joke or a trick on someone
Run a Shot Across the BowWarning shot given to another boat's Captain
Sail, Ho!A warning that another ship is in view
Savvy?A question asking, “Do you get it?” or “Do you understand?”
ScallywagA kidding type of word that a superior pirate might call one of the rookie pirates
Scourge of the 7 SeasPirate known as the worst kind
Scurvy DogThe pirate is calling you an insulting name
ScuttleSink a ship
SeadogA veteran sailor or old pirate
Sea LegsWhen a sailor adjusts his balance from riding on a boat for a long time
Shark BaitThis is what you become after you walk the plank
ShipshapeThe ship is managed and clean, everything is under control
Shiver Me Timbers!Something like, "Holy Cow!" a surprised or shocked expression
Sink Me!Another expression of surprise
Son of a Biscuit EaterA name or insult for someone you dislike
Splice the Mainbrace!Pass a round of drinks out to the crew
SquiffyTipsy or intoxicated, shaky footing
Strike ColorsLower a ship’s flag to indicate surrender
SwabMop or clean the ship’s deck and floorboards
Take a CaulkTake a nap
TarSailor, crew member
Thar She Blows!Whale sighting
Three Sheets to the WindVery drunk, intoxicated
Walk the PlankPrisoner is ordered to walk off the board overlapping the ocean, which results in drowning and presumably a meet-up with Davy Jones Locker.
Weigh Anchor and Hoist the Mizzen!An order to the crew to pull up the anchor and get this ship sailing!
WenchA woman or peasant girl
Yellow JackWhen a ship flies a yellow flag, it indicates the presence of an ill crew member, such as yellow fever. But this was also a trick that smart pirates used to avoid becoming the target of another ship.
Yo Ho Ho!A cheery expression to get someone’s attention

Pirate Phrases for Talk Like a Pirate Day

Arrr, matey, brush up on your pirate speak before this pirate day is upon us.

Avast ye, hearties: Tuesday, September 19, is National Talk Like a Pirate Day and you don’t want to look like a scallywag. Captain Syntax shares a few useful phrases in this video so your pirate lingo will sound like that of an old salt, matey. And don’t forget the rum… er, grog.

Abandon Ship: An order to leave the vessel immediately, usually in the face of some imminent danger

Ahoy: Hello


Avast Ye: A command meaning pay attention or listen

Aye, Aye: Yes, I understand

Batten Down the Hatches: When everything on a ship is tied down to prepare for an approaching storm


Booty: Refers to any ill-gotten goods swiped from another party

Bounty: The reward for capturing a criminal

Briny Deep: The ocean


Carouser: A reckless person who drinks too much

Chantey: A song that sailors sing in unison while working

Clap of Thunder: A strong alcoholic beverage, usually referring to a shot


Davy Jones’ Locker: Graveyard at the bottom of the sea for those killed or drowned

Dead Men Tell No Tales: An expression that means dead people will not betray any secrets. Used as a threat to kill someone, or a way of saying there were no survivors.

Doubloons: Types of gold coins

Fire in the Hole: A cannon is about to be fired

Grog: Diluted rum, but can be used to refer to any alcoholic concoction

Hang the Jib: To pout or frown

Hearties: Friends, comrades

Hornswaggle: To swindle something, usually money, out of someone else

Jolly Roger: The name for the iconic black pirate flag featuring a white skull and crossbones

Lad, lass, lassie: A child or young person

Landlubber: Someone without sailing ability

Loot: Stolen money or possessions

Marooned: To be abandoned with no food, drink or possessions

Me: My

Old Salt: Experienced pirate or sailor

Plunder: To steal

Run a Rig: Play a joke on someone

Scallywag: What an experienced pirate would call a newbie

Scurvy: A derogatory adjective meaning lowly or disgusting

Seadog: A veteran sailor

Shiver Me Timbers: An exclamation of surprise

Sink Me: An exclamation of surprise

Son of a Biscuit Eater: An insult

Thar She Blows: A whale sighting

Three Sheets to the Wind: Someone who is very drunk. One sheet is mildly drunk, and four sheets is passed out.

Walk the Plank: When someone is forcibly ordered to walk off a wooden board into the sea, resulting in drowning

Wench: A woman

Ye: You

Yo Ho Ho: A jolly expression

Seven feet under the keel! | Articles

Most likely, you have already heard on TV or live a wish to the sailors who are going to sail - "A fair wind and seven feet under the keel!". With a tailwind, everything is approximately clear, but what is a “keel” and why exactly seven feet under it? Let's try to figure it out.

Let's start with the keel. A beautiful word that has an indecently large number of meanings. This is part of the tail set of aerodynamic surfaces in aircraft, and a longitudinal outgrowth of the sternum, which serves to attach highly developed pectoral muscles in some animals, and a unit of mass in the English system of measures, and a constellation, and a city, and a volcano, and an asteroid, and, of course, the most interesting for us is a special improvement that serves to ensure the strength of the ship's hull and its stability.

From previous publications we already know that boats were popular about 5-6 thousand years ago. Their design was far from ideal and was modernized throughout the time - our ancestors added some details, tested them, improved and modified entire nodes. Over time, primitive boats received many useful changes - they got oars, sails, masts, stays, stiffeners, rudders, and so on.

An idea of ​​what types of ships were being built at that time, where history could look, is given by the wall reliefs of the necropolis near Saqqara, dating back to the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. These compositions realistically depict the individual stages of the construction of a plank ship - their hulls were recruited from simple dies and caulked with papyrus. The hull was strengthened by means of ropes that fitted the vessel along the perimeter of the upper plating belt. In general, as you understand, such a thing could hardly boast of special durability, since it crumbled from a more or less serious physical impact. It had to be improved somehow.

The next stage of the conquest of the seas-oceans was started by the Phoenicians, who took an active part in trade and the development of the seas was a priority. They immediately realized that a marine vessel should be different from simple boats and introduced their own structural changes by adding stiffeners - frames. The ship has become much stronger, but still far from ideal.

Probably for the reason that the benefits of the ribs, if they are not attached to the spine, is not high enough, the Phoenicians figured out what was what and made another modification. This is how the keel appeared - the spine - the foundation and support of the whole organism.
At first, the keel was two beams connected at an angle and passing in the middle of the bottom of the vessel from bow to stern. This "ridge" immediately gave the hull strength and stability, made it possible to establish longitudinal and transverse braces, to which the sheathing boards were attached. All these innovations predetermined the future type of ships and allowed shipbuilding to develop at an unprecedented speed.

By the way, in the era of sailing ships, a very popular punishment was keeling - dragging the offender under the bottom of the ship from side to side. Given that they dragged it through a couple of times, it was safe to call this action the death penalty, because while they were sipping back and forth, the culprit of the event managed to either choke or bleed, having cut the whole body with benthos - shell growths on the bottom of the vessel.

Today, on yachts, it is customary to call a keel a false keel, which has a couple of varieties. This is either a heavy lead or cast iron ballast keel that prevents the yacht from rolling and capsizing; or boards, beams or a metal strip sewn to the keel of a wooden vessel to protect it from damage when it touches the bottom.

Well, perhaps we have dealt with the word "keel" and can move on to the story with seven feet under it. She - history - is not a book, "written inside and out", is explained very easily and is rooted in the same antiquity. The fact is that the sailing armament of those times was not well adapted to maneuvering, and therefore, when the wind began to blow in the opposite direction from the desired one, the ship was anchored and waited.

This circumstance forced the ships not to go far from the coast and avoid the open sea. The draft of the ship of that period did not exceed one and a half to two meters, so experienced helmsmen chose such a route that there was always at least 7 feet under the keel. Actually, here it is the answer - the wish contains a call not to run into a reef, a shallow and bypass all the obstacles on the way to the desired pier. Good wish, agree. Seven feet under the keel to you, friends! And don't forget to travel!

Golden era of sea robbery: Pirates, filibusters, corsairs. - M .: Ostrozhye. 1997

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