What rhymes with stories

244 best rhymes for 'stories'

1 syllable

  • Trees
  • Breeze
  • Freeze
  • Squeeze
  • V's
  • Sees
  • She's
  • Please
  • Knees
  • Bees
  • These
  • Cheese
  • Keys
  • He's
  • Ease
  • Tease
  • Cease
  • Nice
  • Peace
  • Sneeze

  • G's
  • Threes
  • Teeth
  • Sprees
  • Fees
  • Peas
  • Leash
  • Fleas
  • D's
  • Screams
  • Dreams
  • Leave
  • Wheeze
  • Grease
  • Crees
  • Riese
  • Preis
  • Sleeve
  • Wheels
  • Sleaze

  • Lease
  • Thies
  • Z's
  • Scenes
  • Leads
  • Seeds
  • Leaves
  • Streets
  • Seems
  • Needs
  • Crease
  • Li's
  • Weave
  • Skis
  • Weeks
  • Means
  • Feels
  • Eve
  • Queens
  • Steve

  • Meis
  • Jeans
  • Schemes
  • Gies
  • Freaks
  • Teens
  • Ears
  • Reese
  • Deals
  • Wreath
  • Sheets
  • Peeps
  • Seats
  • Grieve
  • Weise
  • Fleece
  • Heath
  • Keith
  • Beats
  • Sheesh

  • Screens
  • Hears
  • Sheath
  • Greens
  • Keeps
  • Treats
  • Thieves
  • Speaks
  • Geese
  • Leath
  • Gees
  • Deeds
  • Beans
  • Streams
  • Heels
  • Cheeks
  • Reads
  • Meath
  • Fiends
  • Breathe

  • Bleeds
  • Meets
  • Feeds
  • Weeds
  • Quiche
  • Meals
  • Beams
  • Creeps
  • Tese
  • Eats
  • Beer's
  • Teams
  • Sleeves
  • Reeve
  • Breathes
  • Breeds
  • Leagues
  • Thieve
  • Grief
  • Themes

  • Reeves
  • Vive
  • Leaf
  • Cleave
  • Speeds
  • Heave
  • Sweets
  • Creams
  • Reams
  • Creeds
  • Reels
  • Weaves
  • Neve
  • Peeve
  • Grieves
  • Squeals
  • Wreaths
  • Chief
  • Beef
  • Seals

  • Viens
  • Sleeps
  • Reeks
  • Streaks
  • Pleads
  • Cleans
  • Gleams
  • Peels
  • Steals
  • Leaks
  • Leans
  • Veres
  • Greeks
  • Creeks

2 syllables

  • Always
  • Glories
  • Tories
  • Mores
  • Quarries
  • Scorsese
  • Degrees
  • Foresees
  • Vorhees
  • Forties
  • Orgies
  • Saudis
  • Cosby's
  • Coffees
  • Audi's
  • Maltese
  • Doggies
  • Ortiz
  • Movies
  • Maurice

  • Pussies
  • Disease
  • Bullies
  • Bodies
  • Babies
  • Ladies
  • Panties
  • Worries
  • Chinese
  • Zombies
  • Countries
  • Theses
  • Parties'
  • Parties
  • Increase
  • Nikes
  • Orlean's
  • Orleans
  • Series
  • Boundaries

  • Theories
  • Carries
  • Cities
  • Beneath
  • Unleash
  • Police
  • Release
  • Honeys
  • Pennies
  • Louis'
  • Groupies
  • Species
  • Groceries
  • Moneys
  • Rabies
  • Cookies
  • Victories
  • Cherries
  • Fairies
  • Agrees

  • Buddies
  • Berries
  • Pastries
  • Feces

3 syllables

  • Delore's
  • Families
  • Enemies
  • Memories
  • Mercedes
  • Underneath
  • Overseas
  • Fantasies
  • Melodies
  • Tendencies
  • Japanese
  • Wannabes
  • Industries
  • Strawberries
  • Centuries
  • Masterpiece

4 syllables

  • Categories
  • Territories
  • Laboratories
  • Allegories
  • Scattergories
  • Paparazzis
  • Apologies
  • Adversaries
  • Cemeteries

5 syllables

  • Opportunities

Want to find rhymes for another word? Try our amazing rhyming dictionary.

If you write lyrics you should definitely check out RapPad. It has tons of useful features for songwriters, lyricists, and rappers.

228 best rhymes for 'story'

1 syllable

  • Tree
  • Spree
  • Re
  • Free
  • Three
  • We
  • V
  • P
  • Knee
  • She
  • Ye
  • Lee
  • See
  • Z
  • Flee
  • Me
  • Thee
  • Fee
  • Be
  • De

  • Pre
  • He
  • Key
  • G
  • T
  • E
  • Glee
  • Plea
  • Ski
  • Thi

2 syllables

  • Glory
  • Horny
  • Coffee
  • Corny
  • Forty
  • Shorty
  • Gory
  • Naughty
  • Normally
  • Laundry
  • Salty
  • Maury
  • Stormy
  • Donkey
  • Softly
  • Corey
  • Rollie
  • Shortly
  • Doggy
  • Audi

  • Foresee
  • Cosby
  • Strongly
  • Frosty
  • Scrawny
  • Costly
  • Bossy
  • Aussie
  • Falsely
  • Auntie
  • Faulty
  • Saudi
  • Orgy
  • Victory
  • Sorry
  • Carry
  • Degree
  • Mary
  • C3
  • Bury

  • History
  • Scary
  • Angry
  • Fairy
  • Agree
  • Every
  • Hungry
  • Country
  • Theory
  • M3
  • Very
  • Cherry
  • Snotty
  • Harry
  • Curry
  • Heavy
  • Movie
  • Tv
  • Envy
  • Filthy

  • Twenty
  • Silly
  • Plenty
  • Honey
  • Copy
  • Journey
  • Easy
  • Happy
  • Clearly
  • Quickly
  • Only
  • Hardly
  • Funny
  • Sexy
  • Deadly
  • Fully
  • Pussy
  • Actually
  • Ali
  • Mercy

  • Highly
  • Surely
  • Probably
  • Crazy
  • Lazy
  • Skinny
  • Sloppy
  • Lately
  • Cali
  • Simply
  • Holy
  • Ugly
  • Molly
  • Really
  • Busy
  • Daily
  • Bunny
  • Sunny
  • Charlie
  • Bully

  • Phony
  • Early
  • Tiny
  • Nearly
  • Money
  • Slowly
  • Truly
  • Lonely
  • Many
  • Barely
  • Fancy
  • Mc
  • Friendly
  • Penny
  • Likely
  • Lovely
  • Hazy
  • Belly
  • Mostly
  • Any

  • Tony
  • Dizzy
  • Johnny
  • Thirty
  • Steady
  • Sunday
  • Id
  • Daddy
  • Friday
  • Maybe
  • Baby
  • Gimme
  • Ready
  • Body
  • Study
  • Gucci
  • Lady
  • Buddy
  • Mommy
  • Army

  • Candy
  • Bloody

3 syllables

  • Poetry
  • Industry
  • Disagree
  • Chemistry
  • Destiny
  • Company
  • Hopefully
  • Exactly
  • Finally
  • Completely
  • Easily
  • Usually
  • Mentally
  • Suddenly
  • Literally
  • Family
  • Heavenly
  • Legacy
  • Constantly
  • Happily

  • Basically
  • Fantasy
  • Lyrically
  • Honestly
  • Totally
  • Possibly
  • Jealousy
  • Recipe
  • Verbally
  • Melody
  • Enemy
  • Nobody
  • Wannabe
  • Versace

4 syllables

  • Territory
  • Category
  • Paparazzi
  • Purgatory
  • Mandatory
  • Laboratory
  • Inventory
  • Allegory
  • Legendary
  • Dictionary
  • Seriously
  • Especially
  • Eventually
  • Physically
  • Definitely
  • Obviously
  • Apparently
  • Ordinary
  • Military
  • Anybody

  • Everybody

5 syllables

  • Vocabulary

Want to find rhymes for another word? Try our amazing rhyming dictionary.

If you write lyrics you should definitely check out RapPad. It has tons of useful features for songwriters, lyricists, and rappers.

Not novels alone: ​​ten books with short stories

December 24, 2021, 13:00


This selection presents works that came out exclusively in the 21st century. All of them are about our present, about the world in which we live now. Writers always make sense of what is happening in a special way, find and highlight ideas that we risk missing in everyday life. These books, in addition to a fascinating plot and virtuoso command of words, are united by the talent of their authors to capture the spirit of the time, the mood of today. My personal recommendation is the book by Lyudmila Petrushevskaya, for me she is a modern genius, a writer who deserves the Nobel Prize like no other and, due to some universal injustice, is deprived of it.

"Black coat. Terrible cases"

Lyudmila Petrushevskaya

© Alpina non-fiction publishing house

Lyudmila Petrushevskaya is a recognized classic, our great contemporary. She knows how to work in absolutely any genre and keep the reader's attention seriously and for a long time. The Black Coat is a collection of short texts written by Petrushevska over the past forty years. It opens with the story "Hygiene", dated 1976, about a terrible and out of nowhere epidemic of a virus that kills people in three days. The mystical stories collected in the book chill the blood and involuntarily make you think about the writer's visionary gift.

"House Love"

Evgeniya Nekrasova

© AST Publishing House

The collection of short stories and poems "House Love" is dedicated to the house and its inhabitants. For some of them, the house is a fortress, and for some it is a prison. They seek salvation in the house, they run away from the house, they dream about the house, they talk with the house. The heroines of Evgenia Nekrasova have a hard time in life, they find themselves in unhealthy relationships, break family ties, pursue happiness and eventually save themselves.

"Moira Morta is dead"

Linor Goralik

Poet, writer, creator of "Hare HRC" Linor Goralik is a master of super short stories. If you have read her collections "Speaks" and "In Short", then pay attention to "Moira Morta", published in the publishing project of the Voznesensky Center. Goralik works in the flash stories genre and meticulously explores human feelings. The main story, after which the book is named, is accompanied by 76 tiny sketches about people - sad, strange and funny.

"You know you want it"

Kristen Rupenyan

© Eksmo Publishing House

American Kristen Rupenyan became famous on the Internet with the story "The Cat Man", which is also included in this collection. But besides him, "You Know You Want It" has literary finds. Rupenyan is a great storyteller, she does it so easily and naturally, as if she were sharing stories with subscribers on social networks. She reveals the secret desires of people and releases the madness lurking in them.

"Drunken Birds, Funny Wolves"

Evgeniy Babushkin


Collection "Drunken Birds, Funny Wolves" is exactly the book that can be recommended to read on a gloomy evening. Babushkin immerses the reader in a completely different world, living by its own rules. In it, you can negotiate with terrorists, and revive the dead. Babushkin's heroes are eccentrics and bores, smart girls and freaks, talents and mediocrity. They are interesting to watch, they are impossible to understand. Babushkin fascinates, speaks reality, transforming it. The stories that he tells and sings turn out to be philosophical tales, sometimes scary and merciless - like our whole life.


Mikhail Elizarov

© AST Publishing House

Mikhail Elizarov's collection of short prose is sharp as a sharpened knife. It was first published by Ad Marginem in 2001 and, according to critics, became one of the brightest debuts.

Elizarov's masculine, daring prose sometimes resembles the stories of Bukowski and Miller, in which women have a special, destructive place. And the central story (the book is named after it) is often compared with the works of Sorokin when they talk about its naturalism, ruthlessness and incantation. 9Alla Gorbunova According to the author, this book "seems to grow out of a situation of loss of words, loss of great stories, novels, baroque pomp, sophistication - it is rather something caveman, primitive, for survival." It is interesting to see how this book rhymes with the next one, "The End of the World, My Love," which brought Gorbunova wide fame and the prestigious "NOS" literary award.

"The Love of a Good Woman"

Alice Munro

Canadian writer and Nobel laureate Alice Munro is called the best short story writer of our time. Critics highly appreciate her talent, compare with Borges and Chekhov, do not skimp on compliments. The Love of a Good Woman collection includes stories previously published in The New Yorker magazine. Munro seems to know us better than anyone. She raises eternal themes: good and evil, love and betrayal, finds and losses, but it seems to breathe new life into them.

"Time is up. Modern Russian dystopia"

© Publishing house "Alpina non-fiction"

The collection "Time is up" contains 13 stories by different authors: Andrei Rubanov, Alexander Ilichevsky, Alexei Salnikov, Alisa Ganieva, Ksenia Buksha, Sergei Shargunov, Dmitry Zakharov and others. All of them are trying to comprehend reality and understand what kind of future awaits us. To do this, they turn to a popular genre today - dystopia.

"Bad wife of a good husband"

Alexander Snegirev

© "Edition of Elena Shubina" publishing house

Snegirev knows very well how to provoke the audience. Both in texts and in life. The only thing that is inaccessible to him is boredom: he sentences and cancels it.

The stories from the collection "The Bad Wife of a Good Husband" are well perceived in the form of an audio book: it seems as if the reader (who is also the author) is telling you personally fascinating stories of mutual acquaintances. It's impossible to break away.

And with a special promo code TASS on the website of the service, all readers will receive a book as a gift from a special selection, as well as a 25% discount on almost the entire range.

The opinion of the editors may not coincide with the opinion of the author. Quoting is allowed with reference to tass.ru

5 stories of Russian sports that are worth filming

After the big box office success of Legends No. 17 and the overwhelming success of the film Moving Up, sports dramas in Russia will certainly be put on stream. Sports edition of "BUSINESS Online" offers five stories that can be filmed and their mini-scenarios.


Photo: Laurence Griffiths, gettyimages.com

Who can play: Tom Wilkinson (Guus Hiddink), Yevgeny Mironov (Alexander Borodyuk), Alexander Petrov (Andrey Arshavin), Alexander Pal (Roman Shirokov), Pyotr Fedorov (Alexander Kerzhakov)

Plot. The film starts with a dark scene of a match in Andorra. It is raining, the Russians, smeared in mud and beaten by an opponent, cannot score the second goal in any way, Borodyuk and Hiddink nervously whisper about the parallel match Croatia - England. Closer to the final, the team leader Arshavin breaks down and fouls on an opponent player, getting a stupid disqualification - the team hardly gets to the Euro, but the first two games can go without the main star.

For several months, discussions of future Euro participants have not ceased in the press - many journalists and experts advise not to take Arshavin for the sake of just one match. Andrei is experiencing a nervous crisis and is increasingly calling up with Kerzhakov, who, under Hiddink, dropped out of the squad. The Sevilla forward cheers on an old partner, saying that he will become the main star of the tournament and score Edwina van der Sar. After the announcement of the application, the situation changes - Andrey is already comforting his former partner in the club.

The Euro starts terribly: the Russians, after Hiddink's loads, are barely dragging their feet in contrast to the light Spaniards. The main target for criticism is Roman Shirokov - the Spaniards' goals are shown from his point of view under the final "this is not the level of the national team" from Viktor Gusev. The team is broken, Shirokov is taken out of the base, Arshavin argues aloud that he was taken to the tournament in vain and increasingly communicates pessimistically with Shirokov. The hard-won match with Greece is also shown in depressing tones. There is a montage of scenes of exhausted national team players, an upset Kerzhakov scrolling through sports websites - devastating headlines and jokes are taken in close-up against harsh statements of experts from the TV.

Before the match with Sweden, Hiddink trusts Borodyuk with the pre-match set-up – the scene was filmed extremely harshly and without censorship. The main episodes of the game are shown in the first person of Arshavin, who became the hero of the match. After the scenes of celebrations and conversations in the locker room, there is a montage with discussions of the Dutch team (the best team of the tournament), the same disappointing talk in the media and the hard training of the Russian team.

Before the match with the Dutch, Hiddink arranges a meeting at the hotel, telling various stories from the past, smoothly moving on to a pathetic motivating speech. Arshavin and Shirokov analyze the game of the Dutch in defense all evening before the match, Roman understands that he will not get into the squad, wishing good luck to Andrey and the rest of the players. Episodes of the game are shown from the point of view of the players, Hiddink with Borodyuk, Shirokov from the bench and Kerzhakov at the TV. The match was filmed in the style of the Guy Ritchie commercial with aggressive editing.

The final scene. The scene with dancing Hiddink and Borodyuk, due to the departure of the camera, turns into a broadcast from the TV, where Kerzhakov is sitting. He joyfully runs out of the apartment, in parallel calling up Arshavin. Around the crowd of fans, fireworks and mass celebrations. From the cars you can hear radio broadcasts with quotes from great players about the game of Arshavin and phrases about a super team from Russia.


Who can play: Mikhail Porechenkov (Vladimir Alekno), Dmitry Nagiev (Sergey Tetyukhin), Dmitry Dyuzhev (Dmitry Musersky), Vladimir Yaglych (Maxim Mikhailov), Dmitry Grachev (Vladimir Putin).

Plot. Russian national team training. Volleyball players are drenched in sweat. 39-year-old Sergei Tetyukhin fights for every ball - he's not used to it otherwise. Vladimir Alekno blows a whistle: watering place! (Flashback) Two weeks earlier, 14 players arrive for a training camp before the Olympics. First, a medical examination. Doctors give Tetyukhin a disappointing verdict - extrasystole. He is forbidden to train, but Sergey knows this heart problem, which manifests itself precisely at moments of rest - the body is used to crazy loads. Therefore, despite the prohibitions of doctors, he goes to train. A month later, the control cardiogram is in order - tolerance!

At the same time, almost all players take ice baths after training - everyone has some pain, but even the doctor does not know about everything: no one wants to lose a place in the squad. There is another drama in the coaching room - the dialogue between Alekno and Alexander Volkov, who trains through a wild pain in his knee and persuades the coach not to deprive him of the opportunity to win the Olympics. Next - the mental anguish of the coach, who will face the hardest choice of the final composition, as well as memories of how he himself was unhooked from the Olympics-1988. Now Alekno “zombifies” the players, constantly talking about victories and the opportunity to write their names in history, which is priceless compared to any bonuses. At the end of each training session, the Russian anthem is played - some of the players are still standing with leaves, someone is just moving their lips.

The final of the Olympics. Russia "burns" in the match with Brazil - 0:2. Pain, disappointment, resentment… Alekno goes through all the methods of influencing the players, but he fails to stop his opponents. Then you need to surprise them - instead of Maxim Mikhailov, Dmitry Musersky plays diagonally. Brazilian commentators do not understand what is happening, the players and coaches are also somewhat confused. However, 22:19in favor of the South Americans, who are already having fun on the bench. It seems to be the end. But here, in the best traditions of the genre, the superhero Tetyukhin appears. (In this case, fiction is not even needed). An attack and three killer serves bring the team back into the fight, and then Volkov, who has a glass of liquid pumped out of his knee before the match, puts up a winning block! Fans at the TV screens drink valerian from excitement, and the Russians continue to beat balls into the opponents' area. Musersky puts an end to the match, the team goes crazy with happiness, but the referee demands to replay the rally while the whole country is crying with joy. Musersky scores again, and in a moment Tetyukhin finds himself under a heap-small ...

Photo: fivb.org

The final scene. Wet and completely exhausted, Alekno picks up the phone, not knowing that Vladimir Putin is calling him: “You are heroes! I'm waiting in the Kremlin! The team stands on a pedestal and sings the anthem - even those who used to be shy.

London Olympic champions. What happened to them?


Who can play: Sergey Shnyrev (Vyacheslav Bykov), Kirill Pletnev (Ilya Kovalchuk), Artyom Bystrov.

Story. The Russian team has not been able to win the World Cup for 15 years now. A stellar line-up is going to Canada, but the favorites are still the owners of the championship. National team coach Vyacheslav Bykov, a player from the last champion squad of the national team, creates a family atmosphere in the team, he knows that it is not necessary to teach the masters to play hockey, the main thing is the mood in the team. Bykov is putting together a great team with the main Russian stars: Alexander Ovechkin, Ilya Kovalchuk, Alexei Morozov.

Canada is challenged to win, hosting the World Cup and celebrating 100 years of hockey. Everyone around is talking about the curse of their native ice, but the hosts crush all rivals, only Russia can stop them.

And the Russians are already on the verge of failure at the first stages. Two main goalkeepers get injured and Mikhail Biryukov takes the place at the last frontier, he is only 23 years old. Hopes for success are concealed, but then Yevgeny Nabokov agrees to come to the national team. The goalkeeper has never played for the Russian national team at the world championships, once upon a time he played for Kazakhstan. According to the results of the championship, he will become the best goalkeeper.

Team captain Sergei Fedorov once escaped from the Soviet Union, he is the only hockey player in the national team who has ever won the "gold" of the World Championship. Before the third period of the final match, Fedorov asks the coaches to come out and delivers a patriotic speech to the team, after which the Russian team flies on the ice.

Ilya Kovalchuk is a world star, everyone expects him to be the best player in the national team, but he has zero goals, and he misses the semi-finals of the championship due to disqualification, no one believes in a hockey player, except Bykov. Everyone persuades to leave the star in reserve, but the coach does not listen to anyone and decides to give the player a chance. Kovalchuk enters the ice in the game with Canada and nothing works out for him, the team loses and there is no longer a chance of salvation. And then Kovalchuk equalizes the score in three minutes, and then scores the winning goal. The cries of the commentator: “Ilya Kovalchuk! I can't believe my eyes - this is a happy ending! Hollywood couldn't think of that! Life is the best playwright! Ilya Kovalchuk scores the winning goal. 5:4, the Russian team after 15 years becomes the world champion!”

Photo: Getty Images

Final scene. Throughout the country, people go out into the streets, spontaneous mass celebrations, singing and celebrations. Next Monday is actually a non-working day in the country.


Who can play: Leonid Kanevsky (Valery Gazaev), Oleg Menshikov (Evgeny Giner), Artyom Bystrov (Sergey Ignashevich), Yuri Kolokolnikov (brothers Aevkingo Preletnsky), Kirill ), Konstantin Kryukov (Yuri Zhirkov), Wagner Moura (Daniel Carvalho).

Plot. There is one of the key matches of the Russian team at the World Cup-18. Tired of the parliamentary routine, Valery Gazzaev accidentally meets Ignashevich and the Berezutsky brothers on the VIP-tribune. A banal conversation about life, family and work is tied up. At some point on the field, Akinfeev repels a series of dangerous shots, and Vasily Berezutsky remarks: “Georgich, look, Igoryan today is exactly like in Portugal in 2005.” Smiling slightly, Gazzaev thinks, fire appears in his eyes for the first time in a long time, he is immersed in memories. All further scenes are a mixture of today's events and memories, where scenes of the present and the past constantly rhyme and connect with the dialogue of the main characters.

First we move to the Champions League group stage match against PSG. The ingenious performance of Sergei Semak leads Gazzaev into ecstasy until he finds out about the result of a parallel match - Chelsea lost to Porto, not letting CSKA into the playoffs. In the room under the stands, Gazzaev notices how one of the PSG officials is chatting nicely with Semak. In the winter transfer window, he, along with another team leader, Jiri Eroshik, leaves the army.

In the off-season, journalists are increasingly ironic about CSKA, saying that in the UEFA Cup the army team will immediately fly out from Benfica, and in the RFPL they will be crushed by Lokomotiv. At one of the press conferences, Gazzaev declares that the goal of CSKA is the UEFA Cup final. These words are quoted to each other with a cackle by everyone - from experts in the media to ordinary fans at the screens, because the Russian team has never achieved this. The players are also confused. Gazzaev at the winter training camp is more serious than ever: we are shown training sessions that make even experienced players vomit, long tactical exercises, where everyone is struggling with sleep and hard blows for every smallest mistake in control matches. The coach literally raves about the European Cup trophy. Gradually, the future leaders of the team are charged from him: the Berezutsky brothers, Ignashevich, Akinfeev, Zhirkov and Carvalho.

Before the 1/16 match against Benfica, Gazzaev, his face rumpled from insomnia, watches the broadcast of Portuguese TV, where they talk with aplomb about the complete superiority of their football over ours. The coach later uses these quotes in the pre-match setup. CSKA wins a two-legged confrontation in great style, everyone is amazed at the quality of football, but still does not believe in victory.

This is followed by a lengthy cut with a lot of effects, jerky editing and an abundance of super-close-ups, where training sessions, scenes from life at the training camp and goal combinations in matches with Partizan, Auxerre and Parma are mixed in editing cuts. The beautiful football of CSKA is discussed on all European channels, necessarily including a scene with Vagner Love hugging a policeman and putting on his cap. The Russian club becomes a universal favorite and gradually drives the whole country crazy. But suddenly the threat of disqualification looms - representatives of Parma complained to UEFA because of a firecracker thrown at their goalkeeper. Gazzaev, beside himself with anger, walks from side to side in the office of Yevgeny Giner. There are several scenes of cabinet disputes in the RFU and UEFA - the case is decided in favor of CSKA.

Photo: Jamie McDonald, gettyimages.com

On the eve of the final, bookmakers and pundits bet on Sporting. Lisbon residents repeat that they are not Benfica, but CSKA reached the final due to meetings with weak opponents. The army team does not pay attention to this, because by the finals they turned into a real family that survived a number of dramatic situations. On the eve of the final, they are in high spirits, and Carvalho and Wagner play the role of the main ringleaders in the dressing room. Only Zhirkov sits gloomily in the corner and thinks about something.

In the first half, due to editing, the real advantage of Sporting exaggerates even more - Akinfeev drags dead balls, but still concedes a goal. Gazzaev during the break does not even find the strength to be angry, but simply looks at each player with a flushed face, not finding words, saying only by the end of the break: “Win ​​this trophy, damn it!”. A completely different team enters the second half - the action is divided into episodes, the center of which is each of the key characters. Zhirkov scores the winning goal, and after the final whistle, there is a silent slow-mo scene, conveying his state of shock in the midst of the crazy joy of his teammates. Players rock Gazzaev and from all sides distribute phrases about the greatest victory of Russian football.

The final scene. The match ends with a dramatic victory for the Russian team with a score of 3:1, where the second goal is also scored by Zhirkov. The company of Gazzaev and the defenders of CSKA rejoices at the vip-tribune much stronger than the rest of the spectators. Before leaving, Vasily Berezutsky throws Gazzaeva: “Georgich, come back to football, otherwise you stayed up there in your thought.” Laughing Gazzaev leaves the stadium and hears the phone ringing - it was Akinfeev who decided to share his emotions after the match, ending the conversation with the phrase: “Damn! The whole first half on the nerves, as in the final in 2005. Joyfully chuckling, Gazzaev hangs up - on the screen of his smartphone there is a screensaver with a photograph where he raises the UEFA Cup.


Kurban Berdyev after the victory in Ramenskoye / Photo: Dima Korotaev, Getty Images Roman Adamov).

Plot. The film tells about a team from Kazan, which a few years ago entered the Premier League, which for many years was dominated by Moscow and St. Petersburg clubs. Rubin has been in the Premier League for several years, but there is still no qualitative leap, the club needs a challenge, a shake-up. The duet of coach Kurban Berdyev and sports director Rustem Saimanov suddenly decides to ask sponsors for more funds for transfers in order to get out of the quagmire of the table. Miraculously, after persuasion and arguments, the budget is increased under the responsibility of managers. The story begins about difficult negotiations with Gökdeniz Karadeniz, Sergei Rebrov and Sergei Semak - the transfer of the latter is also a separate chapter, in the plot of which Saimanov dangles between Moscow and Kazan, trying to recapture the veteran from Leonid Slutsky: “I decided to go to Wings. In the scene from the first training session of the team, Berdyev is surprised to find that Semak, whom he really wanted to transport to Kazan, chose Rubin. The scene becomes indicative: when Semak runs to kick the ball in a tackle after a crazy jerk from an empty net in an ordinary two-way game, the team closed the issue of the choice of the captain and leader.

Rubin put together a team in one transfer window, which eventually breaks the league and becomes the main sensation of the coming years. Experts give head to cut off, that the title will not go to the province. They do not fully believe in the team from Kazan, during the season they lose their sports director, who will be subsequently arrested. A breakdown occurs in the team and doubts arise whether it is realistic to stay in first place without a leading manager. Berdyev himself begins to worry, which ultimately affects the entire team - Rubin cannot win 8 matches in a row, and it seems that the fairy tale ends.

“We can't do without him! Let’s do something?” the coach eventually turns to the President of the Republic, but it’s impossible to change the situation. Berdyev seeks a meeting with Saymanov in prison: "What should I do?" The dialogue boils down to the fact that the strength of the coach is superior, that he is the best in the league, that even without a friend and colleague, he must, due to his qualities, revive an extinct team. The catalyst and the starting point is the match with Zenit - Rubin destroys a competitor, things are getting better.

Berdyev's motivational speech before the match in Ramenskoye against Saturn ends with the words: "We will win the championship if you believe in it!". In the next scene, Roman Adamov scores his first goal of the season and sobs, Berdyev dances, the players in golden skullcaps go crazy and shout: “Rustem is the champion!”. Berdyev texts his friend: "Champions!". There is a holiday in Kazan, people pour out into the streets, shots of celebrations from the city mix with joyful Kazan citizens.

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