What starts with letter c
Cam Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
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[ kam ]
/ kæm /
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Machinery. a disk or cylinder having an irregular form such that its motion, usually rotary, gives to a part or parts in contact with it a specific rocking or reciprocating motion.
Automotive Slang. camshaft.
verb (used with object), cammed, cam·ming.
to provide (a machine part or mechanism) with a cam or cams.
Smoothly step over to these common grammar mistakes that trip many people up. Good luck!
Question 1 of 7
Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.
Origin of cam
<Dutch or Low German kam, kamm.See comb
Words nearby cam
calyptra, calyptrogen, calyx, Calzaghe, calzone, cam, cama, camaca, Camacho, Camagüey, camail
Other definitions for cam (2 of 5)
[ kam ]
/ kæm /
a camera, especially one that records video (often used in combination, as in digital cam; traffic cam; webcam): She's a professional photographer who uses state-of-the-art cams.
Origin of cam
First recorded in 1975–80; shortening of camera1
Other definitions for cam (3 of 5)
[ kam ]
/ kæm /
a river in E England flowing NE by Cambridge, into the Ouse River. 40 miles (64 km) long.
Also called Granta.
Other definitions for cam (4 of 5)
[ kam ]
/ kæm /
computer-aided manufacturing.
Origin of CAM
First recorded in 1965–70
Other definitions for cam (5 of 5)
Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022
Words related to cam
absurd, askance, asymmetrical, awry, canted, crazy, crooked, cross-eyed, lopsided, ludicrous, nonsensical, preposterous, squint, strabismic
How to use cam in a sentence
You might have suspected it when you saw Mitch and Cam get married.
The Gays Are Taking Over TV (Well, Kind Of)|Kevin Fallon|October 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The next set of results from the Subaru Hyper-Suprime-Cam will extend the SPLASH survey in important ways.
Some of the First Galaxies Were Big Babies|Matthew R. Francis|September 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And that is where a body cam would no doubt have made all the difference.
If Ferguson P.D. Is Too Broke to Buy Body Cameras, Let’s Do It For Them|Michael Daly|August 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Same-sex marriage is legalized in California, meaning that Mitch and Cam (Eric Stonestreet) can get married.
Jesse Tyler Ferguson's Personal Stories Behind His 'Modern Family' Marriage Arc|Jesse Tyler Ferguson|August 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A former student named Cam Miller attended the hearing in person and offered the last statement.
The First Modern School Shooter Feels Responsible for the Rest|Michael Daly|May 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Oh, my puir lamb, you're wet to the skin, an' fair done; for God knows its an' awfu' mess you hae cam' hame in.
The Underworld|James C. Welsh
Mony's the time I hae ettled to send ye a screed, but there was aye something that cam' i' the gait.
Penelope's Experiences in Scotland|Kate Douglas Wiggin
If a person speaks of Cambridge, one's mind immediately flies to the English university city on the banks of the river Cam.
Stories That Words Tell Us|Elizabeth O'Neill
Your ain cloak was thin enough when ye cam here, though ye have lined it gay and weel.
The Fortunes of Nigel|Sir Walter Scott
She didnae stand there lang; she began to move again an' cam' slowly towards Mr. Soulis whaur he stood under the saughs.
Masterpieces of Mystery, Vol. 1 (of 4)|Various
British Dictionary definitions for cam (1 of 4)
/ (kæm) /
a slider or roller attached to a rotating shaft to give a particular type of reciprocating motion to a part in contact with its profile
Word Origin for cam
C18: from Dutch kam comb
British Dictionary definitions for cam (2 of 4)
/ (kæm) /
a river in E England, in Cambridgeshire, flowing through Cambridge to the River Ouse. Length: about 64 km (40 miles)
British Dictionary definitions for cam (3 of 4)
abbreviation for
complementary and alternative medicine
computer-aided manufacture
botany crassulacean acid metabolism: a form of photosynthesis, first described in crassulaceous plants, in which carbon dioxide is taken up only at night
Cameroon (international car registration)
British Dictionary definitions for cam (4 of 4)
n combining form
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Cabin Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
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[ kab-in ]
/ ˈkæb ɪn /
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a small house or cottage, usually of simple design and construction: He was born in a cabin built of rough logs.
an enclosed space for more or less temporary occupancy, as the living quarters in a trailer or the passenger space in a cable car.
the enclosed space for the pilot, cargo, or especially passengers in an air or space vehicle.
an apartment or room in a ship, as for passengers.
cabin class.
(in a naval vessel) living accommodations for officers.
in cabin-class accommodations or by cabin-class conveyance: to travel cabin.
verb (used without object)
to live in a cabin: They cabin in the woods on holidays.
verb (used with object)
to confine; enclose tightly; cramp.
1 cot, shanty, shack, cottage.
6 quarters, compartment.
See synonyms for cabin on Thesaurus.com
Smoothly step over to these common grammar mistakes that trip many people up. Good luck!
Question 1 of 7
Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.
Origin of cabin
First recorded in 1325–75; Middle English cabane, from Middle French, from Old Provençal cabana, from Late Latin capanna, of uncertain, perhaps pre-Latin origin; spelling with “i” perhaps by influence of French cabine (see cabinet)
un·cab·ined, adjectiveWords nearby cabin
Cabet, Cabeza de Vaca, cabezon, cabildo, Cabimas, cabin, cabin attendant, cabin boy, cabin class, cabin court, cabin cruiser
Dictionary. com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022
Words related to cabin
box, camp, chalet, compartment, cottage, home, hut, lodge, room, shack, shanty, shed, shelter, berth, caboose, cot, crib, hovel, quarters, deckhouse
How to use cabin in a sentence
Cold weather increases electric energy consumption, as the car runs the cabin heat, defrosters, seat heaters, and lights.
Ford’s electric Mustang Mach-E is an important leap into the future|Dan Carney|February 12, 2021|Popular-Science
You may not be invited to your coworker’s cabin again, but you’ll be a better guest—and a more reliable friend—in the future.
How to Apologize to Your Friend|Blair Braverman|February 8, 2021|Outside Online
She had read about the way air molecules circulate inside a plane cabin, bouncing from one stranger to the next.
900,000 infected. Nearly 15,000 dead. How the coronavirus tore through D.
C., Maryland and Virginia.|Rebecca Tan, Antonio Olivo, John D. Harden|February 5, 2021|Washington Post
Over the holidays, while my wife and I were hiking around our cabin in northern Montana, just outside Glacier National Park, temperatures ranged from the low teens to the mid-forties.
The Kora Xenolith Is My Secret Weapon Against the Cold|Wes Siler|February 2, 2021|Outside Online
This means you get as much outside air as possible to mix with the air inside the cabin and then flush it out.
How to reduce the risk of covid-19 airborne transmission inside a car||January 31, 2021|Washington Post
Looking through photographs from the early days of U.S. airlines, I found a shot of the cabin of the Boeing 247, circa 1934.
Flying Coach Is the New Hell: How Airlines Engineer You Out of Room|Clive Irving|November 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They wanted Jet Blue to squeeze more passengers into the cabin.
Flying Coach Is the New Hell: How Airlines Engineer You Out of Room|Clive Irving|November 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In the same cabin, the business class has flat beds with a 70-inch pitch.
Flying Coach Is the New Hell: How Airlines Engineer You Out of Room|Clive Irving|November 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In the special, Workman plays the old man who, as a cabin boy, watched the pirates bury their treasure.
Garfield Television: The Cat Who Saved Primetime Cartoons|Rich Goldstein|November 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And what of the six passengers in the cabin behind the crew?
Can Anyone Make Space Safe for Civilians?|Clive Irving|November 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The latter trod on the toes of the former, whereupon the former threatened to "kick out of the cabin" the latter.
The Book of Anecdotes and Budget of Fun;|Various
Dinner was spread in the cabin of that peerless steamer, the New World, and a splendid company were assembled about the table.
The Book of Anecdotes and Budget of Fun;|Various
But he was so surprisingly dexterous with his lips, and feet too, when he was in his cabin that I suppose I put them down to that.
Uncanny Tales|Various
I pulled the saddle off my horse, slapped it down on the dirt floor, and went stalking up to the long cabin.
Raw Gold|Bertrand W. Sinclair
They slept at a miserable cabin in one of the clearings, and at early dawn pushed on, reaching the Cahuilla village before noon.
Ramona|Helen Hunt Jackson
British Dictionary definitions for cabin
/ (ˈkæbɪn) /
a small simple dwelling; hut
a simple house providing accommodation for travellers or holiday-makers at a motel or holiday camp
a room used as an office or living quarters in a ship
a covered compartment used for shelter or living quarters in a small boat
(in a warship) the compartment or room reserved for the commanding officer
British another name for signal box
- the enclosed part of a light aircraft in which the pilot and passengers sit
- the part of an airliner in which the passengers are carried
- the section of an aircraft used for cargo
to confine in a small space
Word Origin for cabin
C14: from Old French cabane, from Old Provençal cabana, from Late Latin capanna hut
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words starting with the letter A for children
Words starting with the letter A for children at the beginning of the picture word. Do you want your child to be easily given schooling and you do not have to constantly supervise him? Then it is necessary to make sure that he learns all the letters before he goes to school. In order for them to gain a foothold at the level of automatisms, you need to start getting to know them correctly and further study, memorizing letters will be easy and enjoyable, like a game.
Article content:
- How easy is it to learn the letter A for a child aged 3-4 and 5-6?
- Learning the letter A by playing - What does the letter A look like?
- Why is the letter A with pictures in front of the word better remembered?
- Words with the letter A for children at the beginning of the word - 23 pictures
- Pictures for coloring with the letter A
- Cartoon about the letter A
- Cartoon about the letters A, B, C, D, D, E, E, F, Z , I from Teremok TV
- Poems about the letter A
How easy it is to learn the letter A to a child at 3-4 years old and at 5-6 years old?
The child has an absorbent mind. This is confirmed by Maria Montessori, who devoted her life to raising children. The period of a person's special susceptibility to learning letters is from 0 to 6 years. However, the child must be ready to learn and tune in to it. There are children who, as soon as they start speaking, are already interested in letters, of course, if their parents offered them to study them and created a positive reinforcement for this event, that is, they were overjoyed when the child first began to show interest in letters.
There is an opinion that initially a child should master physical training, learn how to deftly control his body, that is, master climbing, crawling, walking on stairs - to develop large motor skills, as well as develop fine motor skills - movements with fingertips: modeling, drawing, sorting out small items. And only then can you teach letters. That is, by the age of 5-6 it will be just fine.
Based on my personal experience, I believe that everything should be done simultaneously and in parallel, following the desire and interest of the child. That is, you can start learning letters and show them even when the child is not even a year old. At 3-4 years old, a child should normally already have a fairly large vocabulary and keep up a conversation. Perhaps this period will be suitable for starting acquaintance with letters?
Learning the letter A by playing - What does the letter A look like?
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It is important to arouse interest in the child and support him on the path of knowledge. Start learning letters as early as possible in a simple game way. When walking with a child, talking, playing with him, pay his attention to the letters. They surround us everywhere. Pay attention to what the letter A looks like. It looks like a stepladder, two logs and one more between them. Maybe some kind of tree grows in the shape of a letter or something else? Eiffel Tower?
It is important that the child has positive emotions while learning letters. He may be glad that mom or dad tells him something important. Tell him how letters help people. What you can read yourself, determine which street you are on, find which cartoon to watch yourself.
Each person has several channels of information perception: auditory (by ear), visual (picture), kinesthetic (by touch) and motor (scheme, algorithm). Which channel of perception is more developed in each individual person will help to determine special tests. It is not yet clear whether this is genetically based or is formed depending on the environment surrounding the child. I agree with the opinion that a child can be helped to develop all channels of perception, so it is very important that he:
- heard a letter;
- saw an image - a picture;
- touched it in the real world;
- drew it.
Why is the letter A with pictures in front of the word better remembered?
For a child, letters are an abstraction, something incomprehensible. It is important that in addition to the letter itself, he also remembers the image - the picture. We all remember our first alphabet, there was a picture next to each letter. It is even better if the child has a real-life example. For example, on our card there is the word Lampshade. Find it in your home and let your child see it. You can literally touch and check “by the tooth” something edible with the letter A, for example, watermelon, apricot, pineapple, orange. Astra can be smelled. Cars and buses surround city dwellers everywhere, and they drive on asphalt. Draw the letter A with chalk on the pavement while walking.
Actors and actresses act in films, acrobats and arena in the circus. Do you have an aquarium in your house? Find exactly the practical application of the abstract letter. Have your child paint with watercolors and note that the watercolor starts with A. Let him paint A with watercolors, with your help or on his own if he can. Such an experience will penetrate into the very depths of the child's consciousness and his brain will absorb this important information about the first letter of the Russian alphabet, which also begins with A.
Does your child like to look at animals: the words stork and shark are suitable. Modern houses on the street are full of antennas, pay attention to them and the child will automatically remember the letter A when he sees the antenna. There are also many inscriptions around containing the letter A, for example, Pharmacy. Or maybe your child likes to listen to music? Then draw his attention to musical instruments on A, for example, Harp, Viola. And what methods of easy memorization of information do you use yourself?
Words starting with the letter A for children at the beginning of a word - 23 pictures
If the picture is bright, it will attract the child's attention more and remain in his memory forever. Check out our selection of pictures below.
In the magazine you will find words with the letter A: Lampshade, Apricot, Bus, Car, Stork, Watercolor, Aquarium, Acrobats, Actor, Actress, Shark, Alphabet, Album, Pineapple, Angel, Antenna, Orange, Pharmacy, Watermelon, Arena , Harp, Astra, Asphalt.
Flip through the magazine and study words starting with A.
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Pictures for coloring with the letter A
Creative work with letters will help you remember letters even better. If the child himself can color the letters, he will remember them better. Print ready-made stencils and color the letter A with your child!
A cartoon about the letter A
You can also show a video with pictures to your baby if you have no time to read to him on your own, but remember that live communication is most effective and preferable when communicating with your baby. When you tell something personally, parental authority and your relationship with the child are strengthened, which is an undoubted contribution to the future. And you can watch the video together! Teremok TV
Poems about the letter A
Poems and rhymes stay in our memory for longer and are remembered faster. Read verses with your child while learning the letter A and you will see that they help you remember letters better.
Here are two posts diagonally,
And between them is a belt.
Do you know this letter? BUT?
The letter A is in front of you.
S. Marshak
A is the beginning of the alphabet,
That is why it is famous.
And it's easy to recognize her:
She puts her feet wide.
A. Shibaev
All poems starting with the letter A for preschool children
Did you like our selection: words starting with the letter A for children at the beginning of the word pictures? What other words that start with the letter A do you know?
Compliments with the letter C
Rubric: In alphabetical order A collection (the most complete on the net) of affectionate, kind, pleasant words and compliments beginning with the letter "C". The collection is divided into 2 lists: for a girl and for a man.
You can learn similar words starting with other letters of the alphabet by selecting the desired letter from the list (click on it): A, B, C, D, D, E, F, Z, I, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, F, X, C, H, W, W, E, Yu, Z
for a girl
- Self -sufficient
- Independent
- Fresh (like May rose)
- Fresh
- Under Valuable
- Supernatural
- Light Man
- Svetly (Personality) 9000 discreet
- sexy
- sexy
- sexy
- sex bomb
- sex symbol
- sex idol
- Sensational
- Credible 9000
- nice
- sweet
- sweet
- bold
- funny
- smart
- stunning
- Seductive
- Seducer 9000
- stylish
- passionate
- swift (like the wind)
- slim
- super (girl, beauty, super curvy, super leggy, etc.
Learn more