Football compound words

Compound Words - our list contains over 500 words


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What are Compound Words?

Compound words are made by joining two or more words; the combination creates a new word. They can be formed using two nouns, e.g. basketball, two non-nouns, e.g. blowup, or a noun and non-noun, e.g. sunrise. It is important to note that the words do not always keep their original meaning, e.g. breakfast. Our list of compound words contains 500 words.

There are three types of compound words:

  • Closed compound words, e.g., football, peanut,
  • Open compound words, e.g., cell phone, high school, and
  • Hyphenated compound words, e.g., in-depth, runner-up.

List of Compound Words

To determine if a compound word is one word, two words or hyphenated, use a dictionary to look up the word or our lists below. The list below excludes both fractions and compound numbers from 21 to 91. These words are hyphenated, e.g., two-thirds, one-half, thirty-nine and ninety-one.

afterthoughtgrandfatherschool day
airbornegrandmotherschool year
airplanegrass rootsseafood
anchorpersongroundwatersearch engine
backboardheart attackshrink-wrap
backbreakingheat lighteningsilverware
backfireheath caresingle-minded
backgroundhelp desksister-in-law
backuphigh schoolsleeping bag
backyardhigh-techsnowball -
baseballhockey pucksnowplow
bathroomhome pagesnowstorm
beforehandhot dogsomeone
birthdayice creamSometimes
blueberryin-lawsports drink
bookstoreinto spreadsheet
bottled wateritselfspringtime
boyfriendjellyfishsquare root
brainstormkey palstarfish
butterflylife spansugarcoat
car poollightheadedsunlight
cash flowlongshoremansunstroke
catcher’s mittloudspeakersuntan
cell phonemakeup superhighway
chat roommaybesweetheart
child carememory sticktennis court
Christmas treemerry-go-roundtextbook
citywidemoonlighttheme park
civil rightsmother-in-lawthemselves
clipboardnetworktime line
close-upneverthelesstime savor
cockpitnew worldtimetable
comic stripnewspapertiptoe
common sensenightgowntoday
course workoff-sitetrailblazer
cowboyone-sidedtree house
crossword puzzleonlinetugboat
dirt bikeoutlineunderground
disc driveoutsideunderstatement
disc jockeyoutsourceundertake
doorknoboven mittupset
drivewayoverkillvice president
dump truckpancakevoice mail
earringpaper clipwaiting room
earthquakepaperbackwalking stick
energy barpeppermintwaterfront
everydayphoto IDweatherperson
everyonepinballweb site
everywherepitch hitterweekday
fact sheetpost officewhenever
fine artspotholewhiteboard
fingernailprime ministerwholesale
flowerpotreal estateword processing
folkloreredheadword wall
footballremote controlwork boots
foreverrock bandworkday
for-profitrole playworkforce
french fryroly-polyworkshop
fund-raisersafety glasseswrongdoing
gingerbreadsalad dressing

Closed Words

These words have no spaces. Our list contains hundreds of words, so we organized them in alphabetical order. Click on a letter below to obtain a list of those compound words.

afternoon afterthought airborne airline
airmail airplane airport airtight
anchorperson another anybody anyone
anyplace anything anytime awestruck
anyway anywhere applesauce audiotape
backache backboard backbone backbreaking
backfire background backlash backpack
backup backyard ballpark ballroom
barefoot baseball basketball bathroom
bedrock bedroom bedspread beforehand
benchmark birdhouse birthday blackbird
blackboard blowup blueprint bookstore
boyfriend brainstorm breakdown breakfast
breathtaking broadcast buildup bulldog
burnout buttermilk byproduct
campfire cannot caregiver carpool
carryover chalkboard checkout churchgoer
citywide classmate cleanup clipboard
cockpit colorblind cookbook cooperative
copperhead copyright countryside cowboy
crosswalk cupcake
database daydream daylight daytime
desktop doorbell doorknob downpour
downstairs drawbridge driveway drugstore
earring earthquake earthworm easygoing
everybody everywhere everyone everything
everyday extracurricular eyeball eyebrow
eyelid everywhere
fingernail fingerprint firefighter fireplace
fireproof firewood fireworks flashback
flashlight flowchart flowerpot folklore
football forever freelance freshwater
gentlemen gingerbread girlfriend goldfish
grandchildren grandfather grandmother grandparent
grapefruit grasshopper gridlock groundwater
haircut hamburger handcuff handlebar
handshake haystack headache headlight
headquarter headset heartwarming herringbone
herself highway hilltop himself
homemade homeowner homesick homework
iceberg icebox icebreaker inchworm
indoor infield inside into
itself innkeeper
jackknife jackpot jackrabbit jawbone
jaywalk jellyfish jigsaw jumpsuit
keyboard kickoff knucklehead keepsake
kettledrum kickball keyhole keynote
killjoy kindhearted kneecap knighthood
knothole knucklehead keystone
leapfrog ladybug landlord leftover
lifeboat lifeguard lifestyle lightheaded
lighthouse lightweight lipstick longshoremen
makeup marketplace maybe meantime
meanwhile miniskirt moonlight motorcycle
nationwide network nevertheless newscast
newspaper nightgown nobody notebook
oatmeal ongoing online ourselves
outcome outfield outfit outlaw
outline outside outsource outstanding
overalls overcoat overexposure overkill
overlook overpass
pancake paperback paperwork payoff
payroll peanuts peppermint percent
pinball playground playmate ponytail
popcorn postcard pothole printout
quarrelsome quarterback quartermaster quicksand
railroad rainbow raincoat rattlesnake
rawhide redhead redwood rollerblade
rollout runway
sagebrush sailboat sandpaper scarecrow
scatterbrain screwdriver seacoast seafood
seagull seaport seashell seaside
seaweed seesaw shipwreck shoelace
shortstop shutdown showoff showroom
sidewalk silverware skateboard skyscraper
snowball snowfall snowflake snowman
snowplow snowshoe snowstorm softball
somebody someday somehow someone
someplace something sometimes somewhat
somewhere spacewalk spotlight spreadsheet
springtime starfish statewide stepbrother
stepfather stepmother stepsister storyteller
straightforward strawberry sugarcoat suitcase
summertime sundown sunflower sunlight
sunrise sunset sunshine sunstroke
suntan superhighway sweatshirt
tablecloth teammate textbook Thanksgiving
themselves thunderstorm timetable tiptoe
today toenail together toothbrush
touchdown trailblazer tryout tugboat
turnaround turnpike turtleneck
undercover underdog underground understatement
undertake upstairs uptown uproot
venturesome videocassette videotape vineyard
viewfinder viewpoint volleyball vouchsafe
wastebasket watercolor waterfall waterfront
watermelon weatherperson webpage weekday
weekend wheelchair whenever whirlpool
whiteboard wholesale windmill windpipe
windshield windsurfing wingspan wiretapping
without woodland woodpecker workday
workforce workload workplace workshop
workstation wristwatch wrongdoing
yardarm yardstick yearbook yourself


Open Words

Open compound words have a space between the words. The following are open compound words:

bottled water car pool cash flow cell membrane
cell phone chat room child care Christmas tree
civil right comic strip common sense course work
crossword puzzle dirt bike disk drive disc jockey
dump truck energy bar fact sheet fine art
French fry grass root health care heart attack
heat lightning help desk high school hockey puck
home page hot dog ice cream jigsaw puzzle
jungle gym junk food jumping jack key pal
killer whale Labor Day labor union laser printer
land mine lance corporal landing field landing strip
light bulb life jacket life raft life vest
life belt life buoy Little Dipper little finger
life span memory stick new world oven mitt
paper clip photo ID pinch hitter post office
paddle wheel passenger pigeon past tense past participle
peace pipe physical education picture graph planet kingdom
prime minister radiant energy radio wave real time
report card respiratory system rib cage right angle
right triangle ring finger rock dove rocking chair
rocking horse role model roller coaster Roman Catholic
root beer real estate remote control rock band
role play safety glasses salad dressing school day
school year search engine sleeping bag sports drink
square root tennis court theme park time line
time capsule tree house vacuum cleaner Valentine’s Day
vampire bat vanilla bean vending machine vice president
video camera videocassette recorder video game videotape recorder
virtual reality vocal chords voice box voice mail
waiting room walking stick web site word processing
word wall work boots


Hyphenated Words

The list below excludes spelled out fractions and compound numbers from 21 to 91. Please note you hyphenate all spelled out fractions, e.g., two-thirds, one-half, and compound numbers from 21 to 91, e.g., thirty-nine, ninety-one. The following are hyphenated compound words:

able-bodied A-frame brother-in-law check-in
clean-cut close-up co-op editor-in-chief
empty-handed father-in-law follow-up for-profit
free-for-all front-runner fund-raiser get-together
hanky-panky high-tech ho-hum hush-hush
in-depth in-law in-line skate jack-o’-lantern
jet-propelled king-size know-how know-it-all
life-size merry-go-round mother-in-law nitty-gritty
not-for-profit off-site one-sided on-site
pitch-black pitch-dark play-off quick-tempered
roly-poly run-in runner-up self-concept
self-service shrink-wrap single-minded strong-arm
three-dimensional tip-off topsy-turvy toss-up
two-dimensional u-turn warm-up well-being
well-to-do word-of-mouth warn-out X-ray


Source: Fry, E. B., Ph.D. & Kress, J.E., Ed.D. (2006). The Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists 5th Edition. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.

Merriam-Webster Children’s Dictionary, 3rd Edition 2008.

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Compound Nouns – Rajen Jani

Compound Nouns [8:44]

When two or more words form a single word, then that word is known as a compound word or simply a compound. For example: “rain + fall = rainfall”.

A compound word that functions as a noun is known as a compound noun.
For example:
ice cream, football, mother-in-law

1.The meaning of the compound noun is usually different from the meaning of the words that form it. For example:
foot + ball = football
He plays football.

Here, the meaning of the compound noun “football” is a game, which is different from the meanings of either “foot” or “ball”.

2.Compound nouns can be formed in many different ways. The most common ways are:

noun + noun: (ice + cream = ice cream)
He loves ice cream.

adjective + noun: (black + board = blackboard)
Please wipe the blackboard.

verb + noun: (break + fast = breakfast)
She ate her breakfast quietly.

3.Generally, one of the words in a compound noun is a noun, but it is not necessary. For example:
high + light = highlight
adjective + verb = compound noun
Visiting the beach was the highlight of the day.

Note: “highlight” functions as a noun, therefore it is a compound noun. Any compound word functioning as a noun is a compound noun.

4.A compound noun can be written:

  • with space (post office, fire engine, Prime Minister)
  • without space (bookcase, bedroom, toothbrush)
  • with hyphen (check-out, mother-in-law)

Compound nouns that are written with spaces are known as open or spaced compound nouns.

Compound nouns that are written without spaces are known as closed or solid compound nouns.

Compound nouns that are written with hyphens are known as hyphenated compound nouns.

Open or spaced compound noun examples:
post office, fire engine, police station, bottle opener, Prime Minister, full moon, New Year’s Day, bus stop, washing machine, swimming pool, distance learning, lawn tennis, ice cream, living room, dinner table, coffee mug, real estate, water tank, eye shadow

Closed or solid compound noun examples:
snowflake, wallpaper, birdcage, bookcase, bathroom, windscreen, housewife, football, lawsuit, software, breakfast, sunrise, haircut, underworld, doorknob, Superman, bookstore, notebook, waistcoat, fireman, online, girlfriend, motorcycle, passerby, toothbrush

Hyphenated compound noun examples:
lamp-post, air-conditioning, window-cleaner, check-in, son-in-law, fire-fighter, six-pack, fire-fly, train-spotting, tee-shirt, take-off, dry-cleaning, go-between, good-for-nothing, grown-up, higher-up, brother-in-law, sisters-in-law, great-grandfather

5. Compound nouns that are normally written as two words, may be hyphenated to remove ambiguity or when they have a modifier.
For example:
The camera had a colour filter.
(normally written)
The camera had a colour-filter.
(hyphenated, to remove ambiguity)
The camera had a sepia colour-filter.
(hyphenated, as it has a modifier “sepia”)

6.A compound noun that is normally written as one word, may be split into separate component words, and then hyphenated with the first word, if a modifier applies to the first word only.
He is a metalworker.
He is a sheet-metal worker.

(split into “metal worker” and hyphenated with “sheet”)

7.Two separate but equally important nouns joined with “and” may be hyphenated, to form a hyphenated compound noun.
He is a writer and an editor.
(nouns: writer, editor)
He is a writer-editor.
(hyphenated compound noun)

8.The plural of a compound noun is formed when the last part has a plural ending. For example:
Singular: The town has one car park.
Plural: The town has three car parks.

Note: With compounds like father-in-law, sister-in-law, etc., the first part has a plural ending. For example:
I have three sisters-in-law.
Not: I have three sister-in-laws.

9.When pronouncing compound nouns, the spoken stress is generally on the first part.
BEDroom, ONline, SISter-in-law, CHECK-out, WEBsite, DOORbell, CAR park
Sometimes, especially with titles and proper nouns, the spoken stress is on the second part.
Prime MINister, Mount EVerest, New YORK, Mr. ROBert, Miss JUlia

10.In some instances, the same compound noun may be written as an open, a closed or a hyphenated compound noun.
For example:
“drop down, dropdown, drop-down”
“container ship, containership, container-ship”
“particle board, particleboard, particle-board”

There is no hard-and-fast rule that a compound noun should be written as an open, a closed or a hyphenated compound noun. Usage differs in the UK and the US. It may also depend on the choice of the writer.

Consulting a dictionary is a good way to discover how the compound noun is normally written.

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Hebrew compound words -

Many words in Hebrew are formed by combining two words.

approximately, as in the Russian language, the words: waterfall, solstice, ants . ..

Components (complex) words, which include word אור OR “Light” 9000 9000 9000 9000

מגדלור migdalor "lighthouse" is formed from the words מגדל migdal "tower" and אור.

מקלור maklor “regulator's luminous stick” — from the words מקל makel “stick; cane; staff" and אור.

רמזור ramzor "traffic light" - from the words רמז ramez "hint" and אור.

תקליטור taklitor "laser disc" - from the words תקליט taklit "record" and אור.

For those who want to learn Hebrew (Skype) - information

Compound words that include the word אף AP “Nose”

The word קר py Karnaf “Nosorog” is formed from the words קרן Caren “Rog” and אף.

חדף hadaf "shrew" - from the words חד had "sharp" and אף.

Compound words containing the word

The word כל בו kol bo “department store” consists of two words: בו bo “in it” and כל.

The word קרמבו krembo "crembo (a type of cake)" is from the words קרם krem ​​ "cream" and בו.

Compound words that include the word גובה gove


The word גוביינא gowayna is perceived approximately as the words “charge me a fee, please” and is translated as “cash on delivery”.

The word נא to is used in combination with verbs and is translated as “please”.


Compound words that include the word

The word דחפור dahpor "bulldozer" consists of two words דחף dahaf "pushed" and לחפור lahpor "dig".

Compound words, which includes the word זהו for H AB “Gold; golden"

The word שנהב sheng h ab "ivory" is formed from the word שן sheng "tooth" and זהב for h av "gold".

The word תפוז tapuz "orange" is from the words תפוח tapuach "apple" and זהב for h av "golden".

Compound words that include the word chant; music»

מחזמר mahazemer “musical” — consists of the words מחזה mahazeh “play; drama; phenomenon, spectacle” and זמר.

Compound words that include the root high temperature”

The word שמרחום shmarhom “thermos” consists of two words: חום and שמר shamar “guarded”.

חמגשית hamgashit “lunchbox; a disposable tray (usually with compartments for side dishes and salads) - for serving hot food in the field or on the road" - from the words חם and מגש magash "tray".

The word מדחום madhom “thermometer, thermometer” consists of the words מד mad and חום hom “high temperature; warm".

מיחם meiham 'tank with constant heating of drinking water': מי mei 'water' (conjugated form of the word) and חם ham "hot".

חמצואר Hamzavar Snud, scarf pipe

(consists of words ח "Warm" and צוואר "neck". Possibly spelling: חמצואirl)

Compound words חי hai “live; lives”

The word חיידק haidak “microbe” is formed from the words חי and דק dak “thin”.

חי—זר ,חייזר hayzar “alien” — from the words חי and זר zar “alien; foreign".

חי—בר – hi-bar “natural reserve” — from the words חי and בר bar “wild; field (in conjugations).

Note that the two letters "Yud" in the above words are desirable for the correct reading of the word. For example, the word חיזר can be read as hayzar or khizer "he courted".

Compound words, which includes the word סך HASACS "Save"

Word סכ hasham "Regulatory supply of household valves" is formed from the word סךסך and letters ם meaning the word מים maim "water".

Compound words that include the word חץ hetz “arrow; arrow"

The word תשחץ tashkhets "scanword" is formed from the word תשבץ tashbets "crossword" and the word חץ.

Compound words that include the word office work; course of treatment”

The word טיטול title “disposable diaper” is derived from the word חיתול hitul "diaper" and the words טיפול.

Compound words, including the root of יβ “Knowledge, Cognition”

£led C ADLOIDA “CARNAVAL processing on the PURIMA FELLOW”. The name comes from the expression β ° °ction ction בין ארור המן לברוך מרלular hell yada Bane Arur H Aman La Baruh Mordechai " until it ceases to distinguish between cursed Haman and blessed Mordechai."

Compound words, which includes the word יום YOM "Day"

9000 9000 9000 h uledet "birth".

Compound words that include the word כדור kadour “ball”

כדורגל football soccer ball” — from the words כדור and רגל regel “foot”.

כדוריד kaduryad handball; handball" - from the words כדור and יד yad "hand".

כדורמים kadur mayim “water polo” — from the words כדור and מים mayim "water".

כדורסל cadursal “basketball; basketball" - from the words כדור and סל sal "basket".

כדורעף kaduraaf “volleyball; volleyball" - from the words כדור and עף af "flies, flies".

Compound words that include the word

Word כל בו kol bo "department store" - consists of two words: בו bo "in it" and כל.

Compound words, which includes the word כסף CES “Money”.

The word כספומט kaspomat is the Hebrew word for ATM.

The word כספר kaspar “bank employee serving customers” – from the words כסף and ספר safar "counted, counted".

Compound words, which includes the word לrain La H 9000 9000 AB “Flame language”.


Compound words that include the word לי l and “me, for me”.

The word ביסלי Bisli Bisli (the name of a crunchy flour product) consists of the words ביס (one bite) and לי.

Compound words that include the root0007 meaning "measurement".

. warm".

The word מדחן madhan “time payment machine for parking” is formed from two words: מד and חניה hanaya “parking”.

Compound words that include the root נוע meaning "movement"

The word אופנוע ofanoa "motorcycle" consists of two words: אופן ofan "wheel" and נוע.

גלנוע galgala "ro-ro (wheelbase cargo ship)" - from the words גלגל galgal "wheel" and נוע.

דרגנוע dragnoa "escalator" - דרג dereg "level; rank" and נוע.

מלונוע malonoa "motel" - מלון malon "hotel" and נוע.

קטנוע katnoa "motor scooter" - consists of the words קטן katan "small" and נוע.

קולנוע kolnoa "cinema" - from the words קול kol "sound" and נוע.

קלנוע scooter "scooter" - קל cal "light" and נוע.

קלנועית kaliit "electric cycle (three- or four-wheeled)" - קל kali "light" and נוע.

רכינוע rehinoa segway - רכינה rehina "tilt, body lift" and נוע.

קרונוע kronoa motrisa; rail bus” — קרון caron “wagon” and נוע.

Compound words, which includes the root βסmon "Travel"

רמסω 9 "Removable body" " - from the words ר RARם "high, being high" and מסע masa "trip, hike".

Compound words, which includes the word סל "BASSINA"

כimes Cadursal "Basketball; basketball" - from the words כדור kadur "ball" and סל.

ערסל arsal “hammock” – from the word ערש e res “cradle; bed" and סל.

Compound words, which includes the word סוף SOF "Epiphance" End

5 Sofshavoi Sofshavua , weekends at the end of the week" - from the words סוף and שבוע shavua "week".

Compound words that include root סער “storm; Sturm ”

מסתè du Mistaarev “ A dressed soldier acting on the territory of the enemy ” - from the words מסת canni “ Schools; attacking" and ערבי Aravi "Arab";

רוסער rosar "automatic rifle" - from the words סער and רובה rove rifle.

Compound words, which includes the word etc. AD “B”

9000 9000

Word Adcan “Until now, the words end, this ends " consists of the words עד and כאן can "here, in this place". Other words are formed from this word:

לעדכן leadcan “update information; clarify";

מעודכן meudkan “received updated information; clarified";

עדכני adkani "fresh, last (about information)".

Compound words that include the word פיח piah

The word ערפיח arpiah "smog" consists of the words פיח and ערפל arafel "fog".

Compound words that include the word צל CEL “Shadow”

Word צלמוו how
“GRAM, PRAMINA, PRAMING DRAMMA” consists of the words צל and מוות Death.

Compound words, which includes the word קול , which implies “sound”

Word רiff Ramcol “Dynamic; column; loudspeaker" is formed from two words: רם ram "high, loud" and קול.

קולנוע kolnoa "cinema" - from the root נוע "movement" and קול.

פסקול paskol "sound track" - from the words פס pas "line, stripe" and קול.

Compound words, which includes the word טן

015 "motor scooter" - consists of the words קטן

katan "small" and the root נוע noah, meaning "movement".

קטרגל katragel "mini-football" - from the words קטן katan "small" and רגל ragel "leg".

Compound words that include the word קל kal "easy".

Word קלקר calcar “styrofoam; polyurethane foam" is formed from two words: קר car "cold" and קל.

Compound words that include the word רגל Ragel “Fog”

טרגל “Mini-football”-from the words katana "small".

כדורגל caduregel “football; soccer ball” — from the words כדור kadur “ball” and רגל.

Compound words that include the word רחוו REKHOV “Street”

מmyחוו Midrakhov “Pedestrian zone; street closed to traffic" - from the words רחוב and מדרכה midracha "sidewalk".

Compound words, which includes the root רכ wood0015 "funicular, cable-drawn vehicle" consists of the words רכב rehev "vehicle" and כבל kevel "cable".

Compound words, which includes the root of רכז , which implies the “Center”

Word סרכזת Sarkezet “Centrifuga” consists of words סר “Relieves” and is removed ”and is removed” and is removed מרכז marqaz "centre".

Composite words, including the root שמר Shamar, implying “Protection”

Word √ They shmardaf “File, multiforrhages for chrage for chrage for chrage of paperwork. )" consists of two words: שמר and דף "sheet of paper".

The word שמרחום shmarhom “thermos” consists of two words: שמר and חום “high temperature; warm".

שמרטף schmartaf babysitting; babysitter” — from the words שמר and טף taf “kids; Small children".

Compound words that include the word שן Shen “Tooth”

Word abuv "pipe".

Compound words that include the word תור tor “queue”.

The word תורמט tormat "a device for issuing numbers in a queue" consists of the word תור and אוטומט omat "automatic device".

This material will be updated.

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English hyphen - Wall Street English

The hyphen (-) is a unique punctuation mark because it is used in both spelling and punctuation.

In spelling, it is used as an inseparable part of the word itself. In punctuation, in certain phrases, where its use may depend on the order of the words in the sentence.

A hyphen is generally used to link words or parts of words together, showing the relationship between them.

  • Attention. Do not confuse the hyphen (-) with the various types of dashes (–, ―, —), which are longer and are used to indicate pauses and additions in a sentence.

The use of a hyphen in spelling

1. Relationship between parts of compound nouns, verbs and adjectives

Compound words consist of two or more parts that are connected and together denote one concept. These can be nouns, verbs or adjectives.

There are three types of compound words:

  • Open words are written in separate words
  • Hyphen - using two or more hyphens
  • Closed are written in one word

In this topic, we are interested in hyphenated compound nouns / hyphenated compound words.

Examples of hyphenated compound words:
  • Adjectives: clear-cut / clear, long-term / long-term, two-way / reversible (movement), water-resistant / waterproof
  • Verbs: to cold-shoulder / to show indifference, to follow-through / live up to expectations

Guessing how to spell a compound word is difficult. Only a good dictionary can help here. Moreover, the language is constantly changing, and these words are also being modified. As a general rule, older words are more likely to be spelled together. Hyphenated compound words usually appear in an intermediate step.

If one part of the compound is a letter, it is usually open or hyphenated. The word email / e-mail is an exception, which began to be written together due to widespread and frequent use.

Examples of open compound words with a letter: F distribution / Fisher distribution, V neck / V-neck, X chromosome / X chromosome.

Examples of hyphenated compound words: H -bomb / hydrogen bomb

  • Words borrowed from foreign languages, especially Latin, are written without a hyphen: a priori / a priori, post hoc / post factum, vice versa versa.
  • The following words are often misspelled with a hyphen: more or less / more or less, ongoing / ongoing, under way / ongoing.

2. Associating a prefix or suffix with a word

Most prefixes and suffixes are attached to the root word without a hyphen. In some cases two spellings are allowed ( nonaggressive /non -aggressive / non-aggressive, infra -red /infrared /infra-red), but the current trend is to omit the hyphen.

A hyphen must be written in the following cases:

  • After the prefixes all -, ex -, quasi - and self - . When self is the root word, no hyphen is used.

A ll -inclusive / all inclusive, ex -husband / ex-husband, self -esteem / self-esteem

selfishness 5 / 9002 0014 selfless / selfless

  • Before the suffixes –elect, -odd and -free .

The president-elect thirty-odd students sugar-free

If the root word is a number.

Pre-1900s / pre-1900s, under-18s / pre-18s

  • If the root word is capitalized.

Pre -Columbian / pre-Columbian (epoch), pre -Reformation / before Reformation, Buddha -like / similar to Buddha 9136

Incorrect: antiintelectual, shellike, multititled, intraarterial

Correct: anti-intellectual / anti-intellectual, shell-like / shell-like (shell), intra-arterial / intra-arterial

  • If the word would have a different meaning without a hyphen.

The star football player has resigned. / Football star retired.

The star football player has re -signed . / Football star extended the contract (continues to work)

  • If without a hyphen it is difficult to understand the meaning of the word or it can get a different meaning.

Coinventor can be read as coin ventor / coin inventor, so it is better to write co -inventor / co-inventor.

  • If parts of a compound word are not normally used together.

Common compound words: worldwide / worldwide, clockwise / clockwise

Unusual: community -wide / community wide, two -thirds / two and two thirds

  • If the fraction contains a two-word number, hyphenate only that number, as more hyphens can make the meaning of the fraction unclear.

Wrong: Forty -five -HundredTHS

Correct: Forty -five HundredTHS / Fi -Five Five Soil (0,45)

9000 3 , denoting shades of colors, are written with a hyphen.

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