What is your favorite time of year
Composition “My favorite time of the year. What is your favorite season? Mini essay “Autumn”
What is my favorite time of the year? Of course, summer! What could be louder, warmer, brighter than this time? Summer is a long holiday of nature. All living things are transformed, dressed up. No wonder they say that summer is “a small life”. Rather, have time to work up in the fresh air, enjoy the beautiful views, run plenty of racing with the wind.
Every day in summer there are some changes in nature. The robin sings louder every day, the carpet of grass becomes richer, the rye becomes more and more golden. Nature rejoices - I rejoice too.
All seasons are good in their own way. There is something good in every period. And summer is special.
What can you do in summer? Swimming, sunbathing, picking berries and mushrooms, just wandering through the forest, helping adults in the garden, in the country, meeting friends, riding a bike.
In summer I like to read books. The daylight is long, there is enough time for everything. It is good to read fairy tales during the cool summer evening. I especially like Russian folk tales and the tales of A. S. Pushkin. After reading, I like to answer quiz questions on these tales. Maybe I missed something or read inattentively? I enjoy answering even the toughest quiz questions.
My favorite time of the year also pleases me with the fact that you can play sports to your heart's content. In the summer there are no frosts, no need to warm up, went out into the street - and run, play football, roller-skate.
In winter, when I get bored, I draw summer. A beautiful golden sun, and so that it was joyful, blue clouds, trees in green dresses and I, smiling, with a fishing rod, go to the river.
Summer - it loves smiles.
We have compiled this selection of 4 essays about each season. In terms of volume and content, they are suitable for all students in grades 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Each work reveals the advantage of a particular pore, filled with originality and charm.
(185 words) It seems to me that winter is the most beautiful and fabulous time of the year. There is a lot of snow everywhere, unique snowflakes are slowly falling, and people rush to take pictures of the flickering lights of the city. During the three winter months, life changes, and for the better.
Of course, during this period you can ski, sled, skate to your heart's content. And if you do all this in the company of family and friends, then these moments of the statute are the most memorable! Winter is beautiful and Happy New Year. Streets and squares are dressed in colorful and bright costumes to please every person. A variety of exhibitions, installations, decorations - all this makes December magical and wonderful. At this time, it is a sin to sit at home and be sad. But at the same time, what is winter without home comfort? For many, it is associated with good films, books, cocoa, pastries, garlands and, of course, a Christmas tree. And on December 31, every house is filled with joy.
The closest people meet, exchange gifts, give each other smiles and love. It is in the New Year that everyone feels happy again.
Every year I look forward to winter, because it is so beautiful and festive! Frosts do not frighten me, because it is in this cold, formidable time that you can feel the warmth and comfort of your home.
(188 words) My favorite season is spring. It is during this period that the snow begins to melt, giving way to still small, but already green grass. Buds swell on the trees, migratory birds arrive again, and the sun begins to shine even brighter and warmer. Everything seems to come alive and reborn!
At the very beginning of spring we are met by a good holiday - March 8! On this day, because of the abundance of flowers and smiles, we understand that spring has come. The days are getting longer and the weather is warmer and sunnier every day. At this time of the year, it is difficult to sit at home, because it beckons to breathe fresh spring air! This time of the year is also beautiful because people also begin to be reborn and renewed, not yielding to nature.
Many change their images, try something new, dream, rejoice, believe and love. Life is so churning! In addition to the women's holiday, in the spring we are waiting for Labor Day and Victory Day, which always unite people and give a sense of unity with the country. Good weather sets up for an active holiday at the weekend.
Spring is the sun, grass, fresh air, joy and happiness. Changes in nature beckon to smile for no reason. That's why I love this time of year! It gives hope and inspires good deeds.
(194 words) Oh, summer... This is my favorite time of the year. The weather allows you to walk all day without wearing several layers of clothing. The sun shines brightly, and the wind gently blows on tanned skin. In addition, this is a vacation time, so you can read all day long or draw, for example. In summer, all friends are free, which means that you can visit new places at least every day and create memorable moments.
Nature in the summer is simply incredible. She wants to capture her as a keepsake. Also at this time, a lot of ripe fruits and berries appear, with which you can pamper yourself as much as you want. But in the summer you can not only relax. You can spend your free time on sports, on learning something new and useful. Yes, in these three months you can generally change dramatically! For example, learn to swim. What is summer without a river? When the weather allows, my friends and I always go swimming. We like to swim or just play in the water. In addition, we love to arrange picnics with fun contests. In August, my family often goes to rest on the sea. I like to spend time with my loved ones, so I look forward to this trip every year with great impatience!
It seems to me that summer is a small life that must be spent colorfully and brightly!
(192 words) Autumn is sung by many poets, writers, composers and artists. This is the most colorful and favorite time of the year.
Everything is beautiful in autumn, especially nature. It acquires a wide variety of colors that delight the eye. Walking in the park is a real pleasure! Leaves rustle underfoot, clouds slowly float across the sky, and pleasant thoughts keep coming to mind, and they cannot be stopped... It seems to me that yellow, orange and red are synonymous with autumn. Trees put on their festive costumes and give people a good mood. Yes, autumn is not complete without rain, but it can also be a real source of inspiration. At this time, my family and I always go for mushrooms. I am looking forward to this moment with great anticipation. Sometimes we also go to the park just to feed the ducks and squirrels. On autumn evenings I love to read. I always sit in my favorite big armchair and "plunge" into another world. On weekends, my family likes to watch some kind films or just drink tea and cake at the same table.
Composition on the topic Summer - my favorite time of the year
Summer is my favorite season
Of all the seasons, I love summer the most. The school year is coming to an end, and with it the cold weather is coming to an end. Beautiful warm weather and long-awaited holidays are coming. In the summer you do not need to think about the lessons. You can enjoy the warmth of the sun and enjoy every sunny day. You can safely go hiking or even make a trip. Summer strikes with a riot of colors. Nature, as if for the holiday, dressed up in her best outfits. The forest is filled with many shades of green. The sky pleases with its clean, bright blue dome, on which the bright summer sun shines like a golden disk.
Summer is the time for berries and amazing flowers. This time can be devoted to walks in beautiful places, for example, through fields full of meadow flowers. A beautiful even bewitching sight will be a chamomile meadow. A sea of white petals on a green carpet. Or you can just sit down on a green meadow and weave a golden dandelion wreath for yourself. When the heat of the day is gaining momentum and the golden disk of the sun shines too brightly, then you can hide from the heat in the forest coolness. There is another beauty here. There is so much greenery in the forest that even the sunlight seems to have a greenish tint. You can walk along the paths that run like a thin thread deep into the forest. Walking along them you can enjoy the sounds of the forest. True, you need to be careful and then you can get a reward from the forest - a mushroom. It can be a proud boletus or a strong boletus.
Not only the forest acquires a beautiful outfit in summer. Rivers and lakes are covered with a scattering of diamonds that shimmer under the rays of the sun. The water in the reservoirs is warming up, becoming warmer and warmer every day. You can watch how life boils in the water. You should sit quietly and watch carefully. Dragonflies will buzz overhead. And peering into the water column, you can see how fast the fry swim. The shore of the lake is like a quiet harbor. It is very pleasant to sit here and watch the rays of the sun play with the drops of water. Yes, and diving into warm water on a hot day is very wonderful. The water is pleasantly cold. After swimming, you feel great. You can dive with friends into the lake from the pier.
Of course, traveling in the summer is a pleasure. This is the best time to explore interesting and beautiful places in the country. There are many such places. Want to see everything. Countless waterfalls and caves, passes and mountains. Everything wants to be explored and photographed.
When this wonderful time of warmth begins, my parents and I do not sit within the four walls of the house. Together with my family we are going on our journey. We're leaving town. The most interesting thing for me in our family trip is the mountains. I love to reach the top. The mountains are very beautiful in summer. A beautiful mighty forest at the foot will always meet with shade and coolness. The higher I go, the more beautiful the view opens up. The wind is blowing more and more, but this does not prevent me from enjoying the beauty of the rocks. Climbing to the top you can see a stunningly beautiful picture. That same mighty forest at the foot, from above it seems like a huge green sea. The rivers and lakes below seem like gems. So they shine and shimmer in the sun. And those berries that grew at such a height differ in taste from those berries that I picked in the country or in the forest.
When the walk through the mountains has come to an end, you can make a fire. In the evening, the fire not only illuminates the place, but also helps to repel mosquitoes. Looking at the fire, you can watch moths fly up to it. The perfect end to such a busy day will be a dinner in nature. You can fry sausages on a fire, and instead of the usual tea, brew herbs collected in the mountains.
Summer is my favorite time. Every time I look forward to its approach with great impatience. Because with his arrival everything will bloom and nature will be filled with warm aromas again. Everything around will blossom, be decorated with bright colors, and will again breathe life and joy. Every day of summer brings with it many new joyful experiences. And every moment is filled with happiness. I wish the holidays would never end. But this is impossible. Fortunately, in three months I accumulate so many joyful moments that the joy from them warms me with its warmth all year round.
My favorite season
Each season has its own advantages. Their change brings its joys and entertainments, you cannot love one, and when summer or winter comes, you can find many fun entertainments.
In winter, all houses, streets and trees are covered with fluffy snow. Large flakes gently swirl in the frosty air and fall to the ground, covering it with a snow-white carpet. You can make a big snowman or a huge snow fortress. Defending it, my friends and I arrange real battles with snowballs. After the battle, the fortress turns into a hill, where you can ride on a sled or cartons, old tires. Over the weekend, my dad and I took out a large and beautiful feeder that we made last year and hung it on a branch of a tree growing near the house. Mom gave us some millet and bread, they became a real feast for pigeons and sparrows, even a few titmouse flew to our feeder. And in winter everyone goes to the skating rink, we have fun with friends. This is a fun time when everyone is happy and having a great time.
In spring, nature wakes up, the snow melts, and many streams appear on the street. Water drips from the roofs and the first green grass appears in the hollows. With the first rays of the sun, birds begin to sing, rejoicing in the warmth. I like the May holidays when it's already warm. My parents love to have picnics in nature. We go by car to the forest, and dad fries delicious kebabs. The bedspread can be spread directly on the heated ground. And in the forest you can still find corners untouched by the green carpet and small, beautiful clearings with the first forest flowers.
My favorite season is summerWarm and hot summer flies like one day. Cherries and apricots ripen in the garden. You can pick the first fruits and take them to the river. In the summer, my dad and I go fishing, and in the evening, tired, we return home and give our mother the catch. The sun sets late and you can play with friends on the street, ride a bike and arrange football competitions. On weekends, the whole family goes to visit grandparents in the village. And on the holidays of our parents we go to the sea, huge and blue, where there are a lot of entertainment and people.
When the leaves on the trees change color from green to gold, autumn arrives. The heat subsides and the days get shorter. After the rains, my parents wake me up early and we go to the forest. The sun rises and disperses the fog, then mushrooms can be found in the forest, they hide under the grass, bushes and trees. At home, mom sorts out the prey and pickles delicious mushrooms for the winter. She fries some of them with potatoes, and dad says that this is a royal treat. And we string the smallest and most beautiful ones on a thread and hang them on the window to dry, their smell spreads around the house.
Each time is beautiful in its own way, I have not yet chosen my favorite season. It seems to me that in summer and winter, spring and autumn there are good days that you need to be able to enjoy.
Mini essay “Autumn”
Someone loves spring, because it is at this time that nature wakes up from a long winter sleep. Someone likes summer more, because at this time comes the sunny time of summer holidays by the sea. And I like autumn the most. I really like to dream, and in the fall it is especially easy for me to succeed.
Someone likes to collect bouquets of spring or summer flowers. And I'm more attracted to bouquets of fallen autumn leaves. I think they are much more colorful and beautiful. And on the other hand, in order to collect a flower bouquet, you will have to pick, and therefore destroy living flowers. But the leaves do not have to be plucked. It will be enough just to pick them up from the ground. The leaves can also be woven into a beautiful wreath, such as maple leaves.
I also really like the fresh autumn coolness, especially in the morning. The air at this time of the year is incredibly light, transparent and clean. In autumn, I always like to watch the sky. On warm sunny days it gets incredibly tall and bright,
Also in autumn it is very interesting to watch the dance of autumn leaves. They slowly fall to the ground, spinning along with the wind in a magical waltz. Sometimes the breeze picks up the leaves directly from the ground and, spinning in a small whirlwind, rushes them along the alleys of the park.
I really love autumn for its bright, luxurious, but at the same time, such a calm and sedate beauty. No wonder many painters love to paint autumn landscapes so much. When else, no matter how autumn nature pampers us with such a riot of bright colors!
The weather in summer is very warm and sunny. You can go to the river, to the outdoor pool and swim there. But there are rains in the summer. The rains are small and warm, such rains are called mushroom rains. But on one holiday “Trinity” there was a heavy downpour that even in all the villages the lights were turned off. I was very scared then, but my mother says: "Don't be afraid, everything will be fine."
The weather in summer is lively. Early in the morning you can hear the singing of different birds. For example: a nightingale, a warbler, a cuckoo, a starling, they sing in our garden, grandfather made a birdhouse for them. In summer, all the grass is green and fresh. In summer there are a lot of insects. For example: June beetle butterflies, cow butterflies and many other insects. There are a lot of animals in the forests: foxes, hares, bears, wolves, badgers and many others.
Children sometimes ask questions. Where can you go on vacation in the summer? I will tell you that you can go to the village, to the camp. In the village, you will help your grandmother: water the beds, weed them, water and feed the animals. Bring them out into the herd. And if you want to go to the camp, then you will rest and play there.
Games in the summer are very diverse: you can play hide and seek, catch up, volleyball, jump rope, jump with an elastic band and many other games. You can also play on the water. For example: water football, basketball.
Do you sometimes ask your mother: “Mom, what should I wear”? I'll tell you what to wear in summer. T-shirts, dresses, sundresses, shorts, skirts, jeans. And when it gets cool outside, you can put on: a light jacket, jeans, sneakers or boots. When you go swimming, you put on a swimsuit, swimming shorts. I like summer very much. Do the kids love him?
Essay 2 My favorite season is summer.
I like summer very much! At this time of the year, everything around blooms, and nature becomes alive again! I like to wake up with the first crowing of roosters. Watch the sun slowly rise in the sky. I like to bask in its rays. And in the evening, the radiant sunset attracts all attention, filling any human heart with an irresistible feeling of happiness.
Every summer my brother and I go to the village to visit my grandmother for all the holidays. We diligently help her with the housework: we take care of the vegetables in the garden and water the huge front garden with flowers. In summer, this front garden reminds me of the eighth wonder of the world, because each flower opens its own bud, filling the entire area between the house and the fence. Many times I noticed how passers-by, passing by, could not take their eyes off the colorful plants. Often, my brother and I could spend the whole day in this small garden, watching how the flower lazily throws back its petals and insects immediately flock to it.
In winter, spring and autumn, nature is not so beautifully fragrant. It even seems to me that every year all the flora and fauna are waiting for the summer, when you can finally feel free, shake off the heavy snow and get warm from the winds and frosts.
Summer is a great time for new adventures! Only in the warm season, hiking is an extraordinary pleasure. In the forest, you can see many animals, swim in the river, try a real camping ration, and at night, when the sky is covered with dark fog and the stars illuminate the black canvas, you can take a guitar and sing inspiring songs around the fire. I really love such trips, because it is in them that I feel like one with nature.
And most importantly, summer is the period of the longest holidays. In three months I can have a good rest and with renewed vigor start studying at school!
Brief mini-essay.
Summer is such a wonderful time! The longest holidays start in June, and I'm glad that students of all schools can finally get enough sleep!
Every year my parents and I go to the sea, and I look forward to the summer holidays to finally swim in the warm sea water. I like to walk barefoot on the sand and ride a catamaran with my mom and dad. In the evening, we all go to a cafe together and buy a huge ice cream to cool our bodies a little.
And in the summer it’s my birthday and all my relatives come to visit us, congratulate me and give me a lot of gifts. This is why I love summer so much!
Summer is my favorite time
My favorite time of the year is summer and there are some pretty good reasons for that. Firstly, summer is the warmest time of the year when you can walk in light clothes and not wear heavy down jackets and warm boots. Also, at this time of the year, you do not need to go to school, because for three whole months the longest holidays in the school year last. The advantages of summer are that you can walk all day and not get cold and not get sick like in winter. Many travel with their families to the sea, where they relax, lying on the sea coast washed by the crests of waves.
Summer is a great time of the year in terms of taste preferences. After all, many, including me, love to eat strawberries, cherries, watermelons. You can find these fruits in winter, but they, greenhouse ones, will have a completely different taste than those that have grown and ripened right under the scorching sun. Another delicacy inherent in summer is, of course, ice cream. Fruit, ice cream, popsicle in this matter, you can give free rein to your imagination! In winter, no one forbids eating it, but when you come from a cold street, sprinkled with snow flakes, you are unlikely to want to gobble up a serving of ice cream.
In the summer it is absolutely not necessary to get up at seven in the morning and go somewhere. You can easily lie in a cozy bed until noon, and, after waiting out the heat, without haste, get together for a walk with friends. For those who want to know a lot, summer is an additional opportunity to catch up in some subjects, read more books and get a lot of new and useful information, prepare for the upcoming academic year by getting acquainted with its program.
Summer is a favorite time of the year for quite a lot of people, and most of them are schoolchildren who are waiting for the summer to take a break from school bustle and relax, unwind, and gain strength.
In summer, our planet Earth is flooded with the sun most of all, which is why this wonderful time of the year comes.
Short mini essay 2 option
My favorite season is summer! Indeed, in the summer, a beautiful view of nature, all around greenery, flowers and a bunch of different activities. This summer I plan to go fishing with my grandfather, he has already taught me many fishing tricks. My dad and I go to outdoor games with fake guns, he says; - A real man must be prepared from childhood! And I completely agree with him. I also collect a collection of rare insects, and in the summer there are a large number of them, which is very convenient.
Of course, I love summer, not only because there are many different hobbies, but also because in the summer we go with the whole family to the country and have a lot of fun there!
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Fall is my favorite time of the year.

When it comes to the seasons of the year, which is your favorite? I suppose the definition of seasons really depends on where you live because they can differ from one place to another. I’m really referring to the four different seasons that we are used to in the southern parts of the United States. When you think of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, which one stands out as your favorite time of year? I can’t help but think of Fall as being the best time of the year for me for a number of reasons.
After a long hot Summer with warm temperatures and little rain in most cases, the temperatures begin to cool and the vegetation all around us begins to undergo a change. This change is what makes the leaves on the trees change color, providing us with amazing picture opportunities because of the brilliant array of colors that the dying leaves have taken on. There couldn’t be a better scene than the one you get from rolling hills covered with trees with brightly colored leaves. The smells from the harvesting of crops, the changing colors and smells of forest vegetation, and the sounds of falling leaves and whipping winds all combine to provide the feeling of home and comfort.
One of the main reasons that the Fall season stands out to me is because of the exciting opportunities for outdoor activities that exist during this time of year. Fall means that football season has arrived and all the good things that come with it are here. And thanks to the age of technology, if you can’t get to a stadium, there is a game on TV almost every night of the week, and if there isn’t, you can do what I do and playback the one you watched last weekend.
With the changing of the temperatures in the Fall from warm to cool comes the desire to cook tasty meals for your family out on the grill – another reason the Fall season is so great – because all of the meals that you love to cook on cool days now sound so much better because of the changing weather outside. Meals just seem to taste better when you can still smell the charcoal in the air and your nose is red from spending time outside.
With all of the beautiful colors and scenery comes the perfect picture taking opportunities for those who love the art of photography. There are numerous possibilities and my favorite is to ride down and take pictures of just about any road side in southwest Georgia – enhanced by the breath taking colors that are produced during this time of year by the golden rod, black and brown-eyed susans and that purple spire stuff.
The numerous reasons mentioned, such as football, the brilliant colors, the wonderful smells, and the excellent outdoor opportunities, are just a few reasons why I prefer the Fall season over the others. It is during this time that everything outside seems to come to life, even though, in reality, the opposite of coming alive is occurring. Your favorite may be different, which is perfectly fine. In the end it comes down to personal preference and what makes you happy.
And what makes me happy is walking outside early in the morning and feeling that Fall has arrived and knowing that my absolutely favorite time of year, Christmas, is right around the corner.
Happy Fall!
Comments and impressions are welcomed and requested at [email protected]
What is your favorite season? And what do you like the most about it?
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You won’t throw out words)
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Summer. I like that the weather is good.
How are you? As a figure, can you already fit into a wedding dress with at least one hand?))
Hi) It's so boring here, it's just awful...
How are you? Like a figure, can you fit into a wedding dress at least with one hand?))
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AntiPoisonHi) It's so boring here, it's just awful...
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How are you? Like a figure, can you already fit into a wedding dress with at least one hand?)) She is so terrible in the photo, does anyone really marry ....
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Hello, Sergey and dull girl!))
dull girl
Hello, bunny)
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Late Spring and Summer.
There are not loved months: February, March, November
middle of spring: April-first half of May, when the sun is shining, but not hot, everything is blooming, it smells - beauty!!!
I have the same!
#21 March 19, 2012, 14:01
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