When i was a dinosaur
1. | Stored up in my body 02:52 | lyrics | ||
Everything was doomed From the day I hatched Love and an open heart Were my own diseases One day I will learn how to convert Them into anger, into evil I kept my eyes fixed On those who bear the light And the caring ones Lived forever in my mind. I didn’t know that much of the world But I couldn’t choose not to be part of it I had felt other sufferings, I remember the fear in the night And like never before I’ve been waiting for mornings ‘till somebody will come to sustain. Somebody to wonder with me Through the wide world And to shield me From night winds in gloom I learned the colors, Listen to the fairy tales In whisper help in every light I didn’t watch in vain as I do it today Was easy in mind something more to expect To look forward to at the days When it started And life was more exciting I’m more scared Than ever I say I’m not All that time I kept away Didn’t think one day it’ll be too late Darkest hours There has been One fond heart That loves and shields me from night winds When everything’s in gloom I will let it alone | ||||
2. | Repressed. Deluded. 04:17 | lyrics | ||
I’ve never learned to be alone Open-hearted tried to find Other sad eyes With something hidden yet alive Weakness like roots Sprouted out of my hands Delving into Somebody on guard I feared nobody as nobody could Do something any worse as I did myself Standing in front of the mirror And taking stock of the flaws I never got angry enough What I used to do is to get sad To turn into a frost And to look fierce with cold How somebody could have that Much cruelty on oneself to Desire to wreck apart just to Hope the loving one will gather All the shivers into one And put you under the glass My skin is a surface of the moon I breathe on you and it comes as ice I leach through into flesh Into the bones Until I become A part of you I can now have this curse on me Curse I cannot break There’s nothing I could really give But I’ll forever take | ||||
3. | Sharp pain, dull memories 04:50 | lyrics | ||
Memory folded into the bones Blended and paled ‘till it’s no more than echo How dear were those Summers by the sea That rawness used To keep me through the year I had sand in my book And a sorrow in my head I’m still thirsty for that sea It smells like yearning Perhaps it’s not the scene It’s just a sense Of these endless summers When we needed no place to go No goal to set We loved without anyone to love Shadows got long Nothing was left there Our silence grew The child was gone What I used to call the past I have only dinosaur bones Stubborn lives Savage feelings I find there solitude And smell of death And dawn of ghosts Of which I am one You’re hopeless When you have nothing to wait for You’re hopeless to make ruins feel like home Before you let go Fade out We got sad because We were too weak or we Haven’t done enough Or we loved too hard And while we’re glorifying Dreary future we are sorry That the past was happening And we didn’t even notice | ||||
4. | When it stood by my side I shivered in fright 04:58 | lyrics | ||
Like animals we grope Throughout the forest Too self-assured As if we know what’s there for us Blind-folded ourselves We guide the others No time for guessing Follow your project Where’s no time to bear sorrow But we’d take spared happiness alongside In fact we’re born aware we gonna die And that’s the only thing is waiting for us planned We stand by Stare at sky No wings to fly No tears to cry No place to hide Wrecked pride We’re mortified We’re the most gifted To close our eyes We expound peace But don’t notice a war In our backyard We’re the first ones to advice While our hearts drown far off shore As ourselves we drown in our lies We lose a track as we can’t stand Who we are We cover life under false joy under sunrise The biggest fear is to listen to own thoughts Too much of noises It eats my blood Through air spreads poison Years of black flood I’ve may not learned a lot And I’m not experienced that well With such a thrill I talked about death to come I’m more than afraid now ‘Cause I believe in it If I’d find a way to Calm myself within Neither it’s a sleep Nor it’s awakening No time no infinity Nothing nowhere no weep | ||||
5. | I Ached 06:55 | lyrics | ||
No more turning back And no coming home We never had home Sometimes I catch a glimpse From the past But the next moment I trap it under titan dome That care and love From those early days It feels like a venom of snakes Burning me inside out Artificial questions fake answers Enough of imitations I’m fed up We’re not from the same herd I was dragged back way Too many times What I was told to be Meaning, beauty and joy Turn out as decay and lies Everything smells like lies There was nobody to define What’s bad and what’s good Out of sight running light Too thin to chase for Sit tight, eyes in fright, Heartbreak to be a good child I swallow words, I drift my stare, I turn my head, I reach for air, I find my path leading nowhere, At least for a first time it’s my own | ||||
6. | You never knew how dark this love is 05:51 | lyrics | ||
Reality is what we think it is When it seems as I ascended From a sight It’s still me Looking at the world From underwater Looking for a prey To slash its’ solid spirit As mine was slashed someday I’ll keep it in a hutch And turn softness into ashes Will tell the same as I’ve been told: It’s love This is where you enter the picture I take my pattern I put a trap Of hell and pain wrapped into a false kindness Somebody who was served as monster will never rise as dear And then I come In a burst of violence Mind shatters as everything you were is ripped apart Feels like blood spilling I convince you that it’s worth living In sorrow and pain There’s no escape | ||||
7. | The end of an era 06:02 | lyrics | ||
My new life was worn out Like a bleached piece of cloth Haven’t even kept one souvenir From the past Rather felt death In a heart Ought to let A bird from a chest All time is now dead time Every day is the worst day Because it’s the most recent day Took this ordinary path Just raised my gaze to the sky The sky is on fire The rain of the flames Traces of death My domain now is being reigned by grief Dust and filth overtook And everything I knew is undercover My eyes may look surprised But my soul forecasted it coming Soon this chaos will leave the planet It will fall forever quiet A heart bleeds to hear you behind But I’ll exist nearby this life At times you cannot any longer remember Find a path to my mind and become my ghost For a first time in my life I’m allowed to meet my own sorrow I didn’t stand a chance Was holding dead man’s hand Empire is over The fossils may remain That’s how I was left on the earth Until I expired I extinct |
Songs and rhymes about dinosaurs for preschool Pre-K and Kindergarten.

Sung to: "Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear" Sung to: "Mary had a Little Lamb" Sung to: "Muffin Man" Sung to: "The Ants go Marching" Sung to: Oh My Darling Clementine Great big dinosaurs, great big dinosaurs, Great big dinosaurs, great big dinosaurs, Sung to: " 5 Little Ducks" Did you ever see my dinosaur, my dinosaur, my dinosaur? Did you ever see the dinosaur I have for my pet? He hides in my bedroom, He wears my pajamas. ![]() If you've never seen my dinosaur, you'd like to I bet! Sung to: " Oh I Wish I Was an Oscar Mayer Wiener" The Tyrannosaurus Rex went GRRR, GRRR, GRRR, The Triceratops horns went POKE, POKE, POKE The Brontosaurus went MUNCH, MUNCH, MUNCH, Sung to: "Little White Duck" My name is stegosaurus; My front two legs are very short. Sometimes another dinosaur comes by and wants to fight. Sung to: "Alouette" Allosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Apatosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Rex! Stegosaurus, Trachodon, Triceratops, Pterandon. Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, Oh... Allosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Apatosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Rex! Sung to: "10 Little Indians" | BECOME A MEMBER MEMBERS' LOG - IN |
Please email if you have a song to add, or if you find a broken link.
Your comments and ideas are always welcome.
In a past life I was a dinosaur...
Recently a real mammoth tusk was found in the center of Ufa. At the same time, a lot of hype was raised, although, according to scientists, the find is not at all sensational for Bashkiria: at the time of the ona, whole herds of shaggy giants roamed here.
But Ufa residents and guests of the capital have a great opportunity to admire a small but very picturesque community of dinosaurs. Unlike the tusk, which are not real, but recreated with such accuracy that it seems that if you listen, the hall of the Central City Library, which they have chosen, will be filled with a wide variety of sounds that have long disappeared from the world of wildlife. nine0004
Dinosaurs settled in Ufa thanks to Artur Safiullin. I can’t even believe that they are made of ordinary plasticine.
“I am not an artist, I am a painter”
Not only Artur was infected with the “Bacillus” of creativity in the Safiullin family. It all started with the elder brother Ramil. He studied at art school, looking at him, reached for pencils and paints and younger brother. Arthur even now recalls how he extremely liked the smell of paint, drying felt-tip pens, reanimated with cologne, the crunch of paper. How did plasticine smell? nine0005
At first, Artur, of course, painted, although he does not consider himself an artist, for a very simple reason: “I don't like the word 'artist' — from the word 'bad'. This is what my teacher at the Lyceum told me. I am a painter. This word unites everything - sculpture, drawing, graphics, and painting itself. Sculpture is the same drawing, only from all sides. He proved the validity of these words by being carried away by the creation of three-dimensional figures. First, aircraft, which he painted in a variety of colors. He even came up with a know-how: to make the paint lay down well, he mixed gouache and glue. nine0005
And when Artur was seven years old, a table calendar with dinosaurs appeared in the house, a gift from his parents. “I felt something familiar in them,” he admits, “I believe in reincarnation, and it is possible that in a very past life I was a dinosaur. Maybe a stegosaurus - they are still the most beloved.
However, adult life began, and with it came completely different problems and questions. Arthur served in the army, where, by the way, he did not leave his favorite pastime, sculpting figures from what was at hand - even from a crumb of bread. And then he got a job at the factory as a metal carver. “You work, but the itch itself is unbearable: hurry home - and for modeling,” he recalls. - And it is impossible to stop: when the soul lies to something, it seems that energy is added from this. And I want more and more . .. Madness is so small. Each person should do what he loves - only then he is happy. nine0005
It all starts with the kitchen
Actually, modeling itself takes a bit of time - sometimes Arthur does it all in one day. But leather dressing is almost a jeweler's work - both in terms of time and reserves of patience and inspiration. It can take a month, and if the master decides to recreate the environment that is kind to the dinosaur, then even more.
Everyone's favorite, but the hesperosaurus became the most labor-intensive: a dinosaur transformed from a stegosaurus under the hands of a master. Nice one, with whole thickets on the back - like with butterfly wings. Arthur started with a figurine, and then decided to put it in comfortable conditions familiar to the lizard, which are getting better and better. “You can do this endlessly,” the master gently cherishes his “pets”. nine0005
He willingly shared the secrets of the author's cuisine. “It all starts in the kitchen,” he notes in fact. - There is such a good energy, the housewives are messing around, cooking, soaring, creating something. And where there is a sleeping place, there you immediately want to sit down, and then lie down. At first I almost always make a sketch, I noticed a long time ago that it is easier to sculpt this way. Then - a wire frame, with the help of paper I give the figure volume, and only then plasticine comes into play, painting with oil paints - they fit well on plasticine, which also has oil in its composition. nine0005
Having tried a large number of various materials - clay, plastic and even bread, in the end, the sculptor settled on plasticine. “It is easy to process,” he says, “and it keeps under glass for years. Some of the models on display are over 30 years old, and nothing is being done to them. Unless, of course, the sun comes up. It was rather gloomy in the planetarium, where my first exhibition was held, and the colors were preserved, but the "environment" suffered, withered. But it seems to me that dinosaurs lived in conditions that we never dreamed of: everything bloomed, grew and turned green. I seem to remember it myself: lush greenery and for some reason constant fog. nine0005
At first, Arthur used illustrations from various textbooks and encyclopedias, materials from the Internet, but this was not enough for him. Without thinking twice, I went to the Mother See - to the paleontological museum to photograph the exhibits.
It all turned into a real adventure for the master. As an impressionable person, Moscow hooked him: “I don’t like her, but she didn’t let go right away.
The city is huge, go and see. I even changed my ticket home twice, and in order to live, I entered the workhouse. They help those who lose their documents, find themselves in a difficult situation. They live there and work, and as payment they are helped to solve the problem.” nine0005
Arthur is often asked which of his dinosaurs is his favorite? “I don’t like the result, but the process of creation,” the master replies. By the way, this process inspires not only him. In social networks, moms and dads, who were not too lazy to take their children to the exhibition, write thanks: “Thank you for tearing the child away from the computer. Now he is sitting, sculpting himself.
Forecast for the future
By the way, Arthur's interests are by no means one-sided. His son was lucky: the boy wanted a hero costume from a computer game - please, handy dad is right there. He will not refuse to draw a portrait, preferring pastel, which combines graphics and painting. He made friends with the tenth muse, working as a props on the set of the film And That's All Robert. nine0005
And I was surprised to read on the social page that Arthur has skills that seem to be far from art: he is also a massage therapist and herbalist.
Inattentive visitors pass by the stand for nothing, where a whole community of “unseen animals on unknown paths” has settled. “Fiction is not an easy task,” says Arthur, “we watch or read it and bring it to life. This is a forecast for the future. Remember how many inventions described by Jules Verne or Belyaev no longer seem to be something unusual. Science fiction writers know a little more than we do. " nine0005
A little, or maybe not, Artur himself is also a science fiction writer. He not only inhabits our planet with ancient lizards and unusual beasts, but also creates his own world: the island of Mezl (the earth is reversed). It, like everything else in life, changes, expands, populates according to the creator's plan. Now Arthur is concerned about the water supply of his inhabitants.
By the way, it would be nice to realize the ideas of the sculptor on a larger scale, at least the city level. Imagine, you go into the park named after Yakutov, and there, from the bushes, the long neck of a diplodocus stretches towards you, to the great joy of the kids. In the meantime, we are forced to shy away from the so-called art objects - earthy "aliens" who visited our city at an unkind hour. He himself does not mind. That's just his dreams and officials in the ears ...
You would never guess that lizards are made of simple plasticine: they are so powerful and strong. Looking at the exhibits of the exhibition, small visitors who appreciate them also join in the modeling.
Dinosaur quiz: Which dinosaur am I?
Dinosaur Quiz
Everyone loves dinosaurs. How can you not love? Dinosaurs are amazing. Children and many adults dream of them. Dinosaurs belong to a bygone era, and yet they have managed to capture the imagination of millions of people around the world. nine0005
Dinosaurs were once thought to be slow moving, dull creatures with no intelligence. But now we know that nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, many dinosaurs were very intelligent and even surprisingly agile. And not all of them were big bulky monsters - some were small and fast!
So, what can we learn about dinosaurs and ourselves by playing a fun dinosaur quiz? Quite a lot, actually! This dinosaur quiz is an exciting way to learn more about dinosaurs and find out which dinosaur is the most like you! nine0005
So, what are you waiting for? Take the Dinosaur Quiz Now!
What kind of dinosaur am I?
Well, now there's a fun way to find out! By taking this fun and interactive dinosaur quiz, you will be able to find out what kind of dinosaur you look like the most. With questions about your personality, skills and interests, this quiz is an exciting way to learn more about yourself and the fascinating world of dinosaurs. nine0005
So what are you waiting for? Try the dinosaur quiz today and find out which dinosaur best represents you! Their massive size and incredible variety have captivated the imagination of people for centuries, and they continue to fascinate us even today.
But what is it about dinosaurs that makes them such a popular topic? Perhaps it's their fascinating history - we now know that dinosaurs lived on Earth for over 165 million years and that they evolved into incredibly diverse creatures. nine0005
Or maybe it's the many amazing discoveries that have been made about dinosaurs over the years - from the recent discovery of the world's largest dinosaur eggs to the incredible finds of feathered dinosaurs; we are constantly learning more about these intriguing creatures.
Whatever draws you to dinosaurs, one thing is for sure - they are an endlessly fascinating part of our world and our history.
If you like dinosaurs, you might also like dragons! Find out what type of dragon you are! nine0005
Frequently asked questions about dinosaurs
People keep asking the same questions about dinosaurs. That's why we'll answer some of them for you!
When did dinosaurs become extinct?
Dinosaurs lived on Earth for more than 165 million years before becoming extinct about 65 million years ago.
What killed the dinosaurs?
There is still a lot of debate about what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs, but scientists believe it was most likely due to a combination of factors, including climate change and possibly even an asteroid impact. nine0005
Some theories suggest that other factors could have caused the extinction, such as volcanic eruptions or sea level changes. Perhaps all this was caused by the mentioned asteroid impact. However, one thing is clear: the extinction of the dinosaurs was a turning point in the history of the Earth and something that has fascinated scientists for many years.
Where did the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs land?
The infamous asteroid said to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs is believed to have crashed into Earth at what is now known as Chicxulub. Located in Mexico, this impact crater is really huge - it is over 100 miles wide! nine0005
Despite its enormous size, Chicxulub's exact location was virtually unknown until scientists discovered it using seismic data and other geological methods. Since then, many studies have been carried out at the site to learn more about the asteroid impact and its effect on the dinosaurs.
Was Brachiosaurus the largest dinosaur?
At the time of its discovery in 1903, the Brachiosaurus was considered the largest dinosaur that ever existed, yes! But since then, many new dinosaurs have been discovered that are actually much bigger and heavier! nine0005
What was the largest dinosaur?
This question cannot be answered unequivocally, but perhaps the largest dinosaur was dreadnoughtus.