Word with letter g

Words That Start With G

  • gain (noun)
  • gain (verb)
  • gallon (noun)
  • game (noun)
  • gap (noun)
  • garage (noun)
  • garbage
  • garden (noun)
  • gas (noun)
  • gate (noun)
  • gate
  • gather (verb)
  • gay (adjective)
  • gear (noun)
  • gender (noun)
  • gene (noun)
  • general (adjective)
  • generally (adverb)
  • generate (verb)
  • generate (verb)
  • generation (noun)
  • generosity
  • generous
  • gentle
  • gentleman (noun)
  • genuine (adjective)
  • geography (noun)
  • geothermal
  • get (verb)
  • giant (noun)

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/ gæf /

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a social blunder; faux pas.



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Which form is commonly used with other verbs to express intention?

Origin of gaffe

1905–10; <French: blunder, probably special use of gaffegaff1


gaff, gaffe

Words nearby gaffe

Gaelic coffee, Gaelic football, Gaeltacht, Gaeta, gaff, gaffe, gaffer, gaffer tape, gaffle, Gaffney, gaff rig

Dictionary. com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022

Words related to gaffe

blooper, blunder, impropriety, indiscretion, boner, boo-boo, howler, indecorum, slip, solecism, faux pas

How to use gaffe in a sentence

  • Fortunately, the agency admitted the gaffe within hours and corrected it, and the counting continued without drama.

    New York's Mayoral Race Shows that Ranked Choice Voting Works—Even With Snafus|Kevin Kosar and Elayne Allen|July 10, 2021|Time

  • In January, four of China’s biggest online tutoring platforms made an embarrassing gaffe.

    China’s online tutoring crackdown punishes parents trapped in a merciless system|Nicole Jao|July 8, 2021|Quartz

  • Instead, he wrote his own or simply spoke from the cuff, often leading to notable gaffes.

    The epic, unlikely love story between Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip|Michael Rosenwald|April 9, 2021|Washington Post

  • The Ravens had to move only 16 yards after the gaffe by Steelers punt returner Ray-Ray McCloud.

    Steelers stay unbeaten, hold off Ravens in rare Wednesday NFL game|Mark Maske|December 3, 2020|Washington Post

  • Locals familiar with the scenery immediately called out the visual gaffe, which highlighted a preference on the part of Daines, Rosendale, and their fellow Republicans for appearance over substance on public-lands issues.

    Want to Win in Montana? It's the Environment, Stupid.|Elliott D. Woods|October 28, 2020|Outside Online

  • At this point, probably the only thing that can really flip the dynamic of a particular race is a major gaffe.

    Hooray for Liberal Fear-Mongering!|Michael Tomasky|October 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST

  • However, Ernst may have finally committed her own devastating gaffe this week.

    Did Joni Ernst’s Des Moines Register Diss Just Destroy Her ‘Iowa-Nice’?|Ben Jacobs|October 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST

  • Did her handlers fear what for the gaffe-prone Republican might say?

    Did Joni Ernst’s Des Moines Register Diss Just Destroy Her ‘Iowa-Nice’?|Ben Jacobs|October 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST

  • Christopher Dickey joins CNN International to discuss Biden's Erdogan gaffe and how it will affect Turkey's role in fighting ISIS.

    Biden's Misstep Has Implications For Turkish Policy|Christopher Dickey|October 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST

  • The moment seems to be a familiar breed of Internet gaffe when a eager but inept social media staffer makes a blunder.

    RNC Chair Tweets Picture Of Maryland's Democratic Governor|Ben Jacobs|May 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST

  • She has been so charming to me that if I make a gaffe she must forgive me.

    Sylvia &amp; Michael|Compton Mackenzie

  • Her recent commands with respect to turbulent Venice were the subject of criticism among the circle outside the Piazza Gaffe.

    Vittoria, Complete|George Meredith

  • It was an odd correspondence, in which I made my customary gaffe.

    The High Heart|Basil King

  • Think what his position would have been if any member of his Embassy had made a "gaffe."

    Letters of a Diplomat's Wife|Mary King Waddington

British Dictionary definitions for gaffe


/ (ɡæf) /


a social blunder, esp a tactless remark

Word Origin for gaffe

C19: from French

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Words starting with the letter "G", Library of articles for artists

GALLERY - State, public or private enterprise, constantly engaged in the exhibition, storage, study and promotion of art. Depending on the status and tasks set, the gallery can conduct commercial activities.

COLOR RANGE is a series of interrelated shades of color that create a harmonious whole and are used in the creation of a work of art. As a rule, this term is accompanied by the usual color definitions (since the color scale is called warm, hot, cold, bright, faded, light, etc.)

HARMONY - consistency, proportion, unity of parts and whole in a work of art.

HYPERREALISM is a trend in European and American art of the 1960s-1980s, using a color photograph or model to reproduce individual fragments of Reality. The largest representatives: D. Eddy, R. Estes, R. Goingo, R. Cottingham, B. Shontsai. M. Morley, C. Close, D. de Andrea, D. Hanson.

GIPS - In nature, a mineral or sedimentary rock, consisting mainly of hydrous calcium sulfate. Gypsum is used in the production of binders, plaster gypsum, estrichgypsum, gypsum cement, as well as for the production of sulfuric acid.

HORIZON - in the theory of perspective, a conditional straight line corresponding to the visible horizon; can be located by the artist near the top or bottom edge of the picture and be high or low, respectively.

GOTHIC is a style that arose in the middle of the 12th century. Changed the Romanesque style, in the XV-XVI centuries. gave way to the Renaissance. She inherited and developed a religious-cult hierarchical character, irrationalism and symbolism, and a coalegorical character of thinking. Its features: the organic connection of fine art with architecture and interior design, the complexity and rhythmic richness of the composition, the spirituality and sublimity of the images. Late Gothic (“flaming”, or international, “perpendicular style”), along with the complication and emphasized verticalism of the decor, introduces features of individuality, greater intimacy and secular elegance.

GUOHUA, Zhongguohua is a traditionalist movement in Chinese painting that emerged at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Painting with mineral and vegetable water colors and black ink on silk and paper scrolls, fans, screens, album sheets.

ENGRAVING - cutting out images, ornaments, inscriptions on the surface of hard materials (metal, wood, stone, glass, linoleum, plastics) with cutters and other tools; can create both in-depth and convex pattern.

ENGRAVING - a section of graphics, including works (engravings) executed by printing from a board processed by various engraving methods. Varieties of engraving are aquatint, woodcut, lithography, etching, polytype, reservation.

GRADATION - sequential, gradual alternation, change in color, tone, chiaroscuro; coordinated following of shades, together creating a harmonic whole.

GRATTAGE - (French grattage, from gratter - scrape, scratch), a method of making a drawing by scratching paper or cardboard filled with ink on wax with a pen or sharp instrument. The process of working in G. is reminiscent of scraping asphalt in lithography. Works made in the G. technique are distinguished by the contrast of the white lines of the drawing and the black background and are similar to woodcuts or linocuts. G. is found in the graphics of the 20th century. In Russia, gravitation was first used by M. V. Dobuzhinsky in the works of 1920s
Paper or cardboard is coated with wax or paraffin, primed with some tone (usually dark) and scratched to reveal white paper (or vice versa).

GRAPHICS - a type of visual spatial (plastic) arts; associated with an image on a plane: a drawing or print is applied to a sheet of paper, sometimes cardboard; distinguish between easel and book graphics, according to the intended purpose - applied (industrial), ex-libris, poster, according to the method of execution and reproduction capabilities - unique and printed. A variety of graphics is a popular print - a folk picture.

GRAPHITE - Graphite is a product of natural origin and is essentially a form of crystalline carbon mixed with various other substances. Graphite pencils in our time are very popular and have the widest application. They are made in a large number of varieties, and almost always in a wooden frame, but graphite is also available for sale without any frame.
Pencils are distinguished by numbers, which determine the degree of their softness, with the first number indicating the softer grade. In the best grades of graphite pencils, the numbers are replaced by letters: H (hard - hard) and B (black - black). The softest and blackest pencils are designated: five B, the hardest - one B.
The blackest (and most expensive) graphite still lacks the intensity of blackness; besides, it has brilliance. A drawing made with graphite (especially hard) shines, which is why graphite is suitable only for small drawings - al-ohm for the most part, which are well preserved without fixing, if too soft graphite was not taken for the drawing. Graphite is also prepared in the form of watercolor paint, and in this form it has a very pleasant tone.

GRAFFITI is an art movement that originated in US youth culture and spread to Europe 1960-1970s Graffiti is the art of the streets, and artists, mostly young people, use multi-colored sprays (spray paints) as a painting medium. The role of the canvas is played by the walls of buildings, public transport, fences. Some representatives of this trend draw with multi-colored crayons, such as Keith Haring.

GRAPHIC - artistic quality in the plastic arts, associated with the use of graphics; laconic expressiveness of line and chiaroscuro.

GRIZAILLE - one-color, monochrome painting, usually imitating a sculptural relief, serves as a decorative painting or panel.

GROTESQUE is a type of artistic imagery based on a contrasting, bizarre combination of fantasy and reality, the beautiful and the ugly, the tragic and the comic.

GROUND (Polish qrunt; from German Grund - bottom, base) - 1) in painting, a thin layer of a special composition applied over canvas or wood as a base in order to give the surface the technological qualities the artist needs; it can be glue, oil or emulsion; 2) in the technique of in-depth engraving - a layer of acid-resistant composition, which is used to cover a metal board before starting work

GOUCHE - paints for painting, diluted with water, differ from watercolors in the presence of white in the composition, a greater density of the paint layer.

GUM ARABIC - Juice flowing from under the bark of the Arabian and African acacias. Colorless or slightly yellow-colored transparent lumps. Consists of potassium and calcium salts of arabic acid. Dissolves in water. In icon painting, it is used as a binder of created gold and silver for gold-white writing - a special manner of filling gaps.

GUN-BI — in classical medieval painting and modern traditional Chinese painting guohua one of two (along with ce-i) complementary manners; based on the finest graphic elaboration of details, a clear readable line.

Add a Comment Arkhipova, S.B. Nuzhnova

The full text of the article and interactive technologies of the resource are placed in the magazine with an electronic supplement "School Years", No. 52. The subscription index of the magazine is 47223 in the media catalog "Newspapers. Magazines»


A good school saying: "Repetition is the mother of learning." It is this idea that is embedded in all parts of the Alfavit resource, the publication of which began in our journal from the 49th issue. Our slogan is: “The Internet has infected the “great and mighty” with illiteracy bacilli, and it must also cure it!”. Therefore, the resource is hosted on the global network, the first part is on the site http://icdau.kubsu.ru. But the main question is how to treat. We can offer to study the rules of Russian grammar, which the generation of graduates of the Soviet school mastered at school for many years. But hardly anyone will remember at least one of these rules. But most of them write correctly and are outraged by the current "Internet philological catastrophe." At that time, everyone read a lot, and books helped to master the language. The current younger generation perceives mainly information from the Internet, preferring more fun content. We must use this interest.

From a conversation with a grandmother of retirement age: “I study with my grandson, a third-grader, lessons. The math is all right. But neither I, nor, moreover, my grandson can understand the rules of the Russian language.” It is clear that the path "through grammar to literate writing" disappears. The situation is similar with the development of a foreign language. We recall the school and student years, when, in accordance with the curriculum, a foreign language was studied for eight years. Education was also built mainly on the development of grammar. They passed tests and exams, received excellent grades, but they did not know the language.

In Soviet times, there was a practice of sending university professors to lecture in French at colleges and universities in African countries. Our colleagues, physicists, did not know French at all, so they underwent language training in Moscow for four months. After three or four years they returned, and we were interested in how they managed, in a short time of preparation, to learn a foreign language in such a way that they could give training courses to foreign students. They answered: "But we did not teach, we sang and danced." It is clear that almost all training took place in games, mobile, speech, etc. But now a computer can perfectly cope with such a task, especially since young people prefer this form of communication and learning. Therefore, in the next part of the project, "Alfavit-G", we include "word" games based on several simple templates of the HTML software environment using the Java Script programming language, the main of which can be the "Drag and drop" program. These programs have open codes, so they are easily modified, and on their basis you can create a large complex of variable word games and technologies.

2. Sample of words

Words in the sample can be grouped according to some subject. In this part of the resource, we have kept the same principle of their distribution. The first group included words that can be used in the story about oneself “All about myself” (table 1)), about personal hobbies and interests, studies, profession, family and relatives, as well as various epithets. The "World around me" group includes words related to surrounding objects, housing, nature, transport, cities and countries, etc. A separate group consists of words from the section "Science and Art", abstract concepts, special terms used in computer and other sciences. From the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, we select those words in the spelling of which there may be doubts, derivative forms or those rarely found in modern speech are excluded. For each of the groups, we first design the traditional technologies of innovative computer didactics (ICD), i.e. in printed form. At the same time, we strive to ensure that the same word is used several times. We also vary the form of presentation of information and the composition of educational activities.

For example, some technologies provide a simple reading of words, others require the selection of words from lists, matching words and images, moving words on the screen. Next, we propose to write down words or missing letters, which can be considered doubtful for words. At the same time, methods of self-control of the results of educational actions are used. Then we will demand to write down the words completely from the keyboard without any prompts. The program already checks the learning activities and reports the result. For words of foreign origin, we use technologies with an explanation of their meanings. The above technologies are created "manually" using simple web templates, for which instructions are given below. To do this, open the program with a text editor and make small changes to it, mainly in the text part. A special group of technologies are those that are created on the site http://ya-znau.ru. These are larger didactic structures that provide for a final check and grading. (The full text of the journal article provides instructions for changing the content of a resource through simple manipulation of the program codes).

No. p./p.

Thematic groups of words

All about myself

The world around me

Science and art






guest performer

















riding breeches




























hydroelectric power station



















make-up artist























Drop-down list . The purpose of educational web technology is to master the meanings of words of foreign origin by students. Previously, students get acquainted with a selection of words by opening the "Selection" page in the content (or by opening the "files" folder, the file "vibor.html"), using a dictionary of foreign words, they learn the meanings of unfamiliar words or find a word on the Internet. Then, the technology "Drop-down list" is performed, where it is required to select the appropriate word from the list, and the program will show "True" or "False". The resource provides two such technologies.

3.2. Flowers at the monument . The advantage of this technology is its versatility; on its basis, you can create dozens of different designs with different didactic tasks. Usually, this technology performed only the function of moving various learning objects being mastered: “collecting” formulas from elements, establishing correspondence between images and their descriptions, selecting numerical answers, arranging objects in a table, organizing them, etc. In the Alfavit-G EER, by combining program fragments, we added a self-checking function using the answer input window. For this, it was necessary to introduce numerical designations of objects. In the task, it is required to move the words in such a way to make a coherent story: “Gladiolus, dahlias, hyacinths grow near the monument to the first governor of the region. He was a humane, hospitable person, deeply respected by all the citizens of the region.” In the answer window, write: 36142578.

3.3. Words on the field of miracles . (Folder "files" → folder "pole_chudes" → file "index.html"). In this web technology, various miracles happen with words: they turn upside down, letters come to life or change places in them, etc. But in all cases, it is necessary to write down the correct words in the answer windows. So-called forms are used. This is a field for entering an answer, the position and size of which can be changed.

3.4. Educational Maze . This is a universal technology that has found application in teaching German, higher mathematics, computer science and other subjects. This is due to the ease of its modification. In fact, you only need to change the drawing of the labyrinth, which is easy to do in PowerPoint, and then save it and place it in the "image" folder, nested in the "Labirint" folder.

3.5. Dictation . The technology is called dictation, because its implementation requires memorizing a text that quickly disappears. The goal is to memorize the spelling of words and record in the answer window. The program reports the result, for which you need to click on the blue frame. There are five options in the technology, linked by the “Next” button. The modification of the program includes the replacement of pictures in the "images" folder, as well as a set of Russian words. Below are the disappearing texts of the dictation.

3.6. Interactive crossword puzzle . Solving crossword puzzles is perhaps one of the favorite pastimes of many people, including prominent and famous ones. It is no coincidence that in almost every issue of even a very serious newspaper, publishers place a crossword puzzle on the last page. And on the Internet you can find many sites dedicated to history, theory, types of crossword puzzles, there are even computer programs for compiling crossword puzzles and special dictionaries for solving them. Undoubtedly, this hobby is useful. It trains memory and intelligence, teaches you to work with reference books, broadens your horizons. Recently, American scientists have found that solving crossword puzzles is good for human health. They proved that doing crossword puzzles before bed improves memory and activates brain cells! Some types of crosswords contribute to the development of associative thinking. The scope of crosswords is constantly expanding, crosswords began to be used when applying for a job to test professional qualities. But a crossword puzzle can not only entertain, but also educate, so it has long been included in the arsenal of educational materials, mainly intended for extracurricular work in academic subjects. But recently, many teachers include crossword puzzles in the scripts of their lessons.

Questions for the crossword "Letter G"

Horizontal word . 1. Providing gas to housing and enterprises (gasification).

Vertical words . 1. Dried plants (herbarium). 2. Car for the transport of goods (truck). 3. Tolerant of rude expressions (rude). 4. Coin in denomination of ten kopecks (kopeck piece). 5. Football player defending the goal (goalkeeper). 6. Distorted face (grimace). 7. Graceful in postures and movements (graceful). 8. Servants in hotels and inns (maid).

The crossword is created on the site http://ya-znau.ru using a special Internet constructor, which is available after registration on the site. You must first send an e-mail message to one of the addresses: [email protected], [email protected]. The interactive version of the crossword puzzle includes special elements for entering letters, a set of questions and interactive fields for entering answers. To select a question, click on it with the mouse button, and then enter the answer in the interactive field. If the word is spelled correctly, it will automatically appear in the crossword puzzle. The "Check All" button allows you to check the percentage of completion of the crossword puzzle. The technology allows you to create a crossword puzzle with a size of no more than 20 x 20 cells. Before filling out the interactive shell, you must prepare a text version in Microsoft Word or another text editor.

3.7. Frames . The word "frame" has different meanings, in our case we proceed from its direct meaning, translated from English it means a visual way of presenting information (English frame - "frame" or "frame"). This technology got its name because it presents educational information on one page, but in three parts, equipped with vertical scrolls (Figure 11). The technology is convenient in tasks where it is required to establish correspondences between any objects. In the EER "Alfavit-4" we used the method of "cutting" sentences into parts. Each of them uses words whose spelling is mastered.

The task is to scroll through the frames to compose each of the five sentences so that its parts are arranged along the same horizontal line. Then you need to check: write in the answer window the numbers that indicate the parts and click the "Check" button. Here is the content of the frames.

First frame . 1. A highly respected homeopath 2. In the grocery store gallery 3. The famous goalkeeper 4. Grenadiers are 5.

9 are installed at the hydroelectric power station0099 Second frame . 6 devices designed 7 in the armies of the 16th-19th centuries. soldiers, 8 went to the hospital 9 an exhibition was held 10 in the city newspaper correctly stated

The third frame . 11 as a result of an unfortunate fall during a match. 12 new kitchen set. 13 throwing grenades. 14 based on the laws of hydraulics. 15 hypothesis about a new way to treat influenza.

Change of the program consists in replacing the content in the files "Frame1.html, Frame2.html, Frame3.html", as well as a set of verification numbers: 110152912381147135614.


  1. Spelling dictionary of the Russian language. - Ed. S.I. Ozhegov and A.B. Shapiro.//M.: State publishing house of foreign and national dictionaries, 1959.- 1259 p.
  2. Dictionary of foreign words. - Ed. I.V. Lyokhin and prof. N.F. Petrov.// State Publishing House of Foreign and National Dictionaries.- Ed. fourth, 1954.- 856 p.
  1. A.I. Arkhipova, T.Yu. Kratov. Methodology "Spheres" in the system of computer support for students to learn the spelling of words / / School years No. 49. Scientific and methodical journal with an electronic application. – Krasnodar 2013.
  2. A.I. Arkhipova, T.Yu. Kratov. The structure of the electronic educational resource "Technologies of innovative computer didactics in teaching the Russian language" // School years No. 49. Scientific and methodological journal with an electronic application. – Krasnodar 2013.
  3. A.I. Arkhipova, T.Yu. Kratov. Electronic educational resource on the Russian language "Alphabet" // School years No. 50. Scientific and methodological journal with an electronic application. – Krasnodar 2013.
  4. A.I. Arkhipova, V. I. Korotenko. Electronic educational resource on the Russian language "Alfavit-B" // School years No. 51. Scientific and methodological journal with an electronic application. – Krasnodar 2013.
  5. A.I. Arkhipova, E.A. Makovey. Using the HTML language to create presentations for the Russian language course // School Years No. 40. Scientific and methodological journal with an electronic application. – Krasnodar 2012.
  6. E.A. Makovei, A.I. Arkhipova. Educational and information complex in the Russian language based on the structure of a technological textbook // School years No. 34. Scientific and methodological journal with an electronic application.

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