Words a kindergarten should know how to spell
Kindergarten Spelling Words & Vocabulary Activities
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Time4Learning is an online student-paced learning system popular as a kindergarten homeschool curriculum, as an after school tutorial and skill sharpening during the summer break.
This page is a summary of curriculum topics, foundational skills and resources related to kindergarten spelling including information about:
- Kindergarten Spelling Curriculum
- Foundational Spelling Skills
- Kindergarten Spelling Words List
- Kindergarten Spelling Resources
- Additional Helpful Parent Tools & Resources
Kindergarten Spelling Curriculum Sequence
The spelling curriculum for kindergarten should cover kindergarten spelling words start with basic two letter words, or three letter consonant-vowel-consonant words, and become more complex.
For example, spelling words can be introduced that end with a silent e, changing the first vowel from short to long, for example, with a silent-e, HOP changes to HOPE. Also the double-e sound as in SEE, FEE and TREE and double-o as in BOOK are introduced.
Another starting point for kindergarten spelling lists for the start of the year are: DAD and MOM. Children then start to expand the list by working through “word families”. From DAD, students would then learn that changing the first letter of a word would change the meaning and sound like BAD, SAD, HAD, and MAD. Also, they will learn that changing the vowel will also change the word like DID and HID.
In kindergarten, spelling skills grow to cover blends, for example, T plus R make the TR sound, such as in TREE. F and R blend to make the FR sound in FROG.
These very young children learn through spelling activities including many creative methods that make the kindergarten spelling program fun for them. Remember, every child learns at a different rate, so what works for some students, may not be the correct approach for your child.
Which is why so many parents enjoy Time4Learning’s self-paced, modularized lesson plans. You can skip lessons that teach concepts your child has already mastered and repeat those he or she has not. The choice is yours.
Foundational Spelling Skills
Spelling skills should develop as part of an overall language arts phonemic awareness, phonics, reading comprehension, vocabulary and reading fluency, grammar, reading and writing program. Children should (with help from their parents) develop their foundational spelling skills through an interest in words, regular writing, constant reading, a study of spelling rules, and playing of spelling games.
With help from their parents, children can develop and reinforce foundational spelling skills through the following activities:
- Regular writing for a head start on spelling, punctuation, and other concepts
- Constant reading or use of reading workbooks
- Frequent study of spelling rules like the relationships between letters and sounds
- Spelling bees for a fun way for your child to practice their spelling
- Playing of spelling games, quizzes or word games to help develop their spelling skills
- Structured computer spelling programs
- Personalized tutoring and assistance to boost confidence
- Setting daily blocks of time for spelling and reading activities
- Instruction through guided spelling activities like word sorts or word boxes
- Creating a rich language environment at home based on the quantity and quality of words spoken
Time4Learning teaches a comprehensive kindergarten spelling curriculum using fun activities to build a solid spelling foundation. Help your child excel in spelling by trying out one of our Time4Learning’s kindergarten demos.
Kindergarten Spelling Words List
What spelling words should your kindergartener know? Here is a list of 40+ words that are great for use in spelling games, tests, or practice for an upcoming spelling bee. To add more value, download our Kindergarten spelling list printable worksheet with + 50words!
- bay
- day
- hay
- may
- pay
- ray
- say
- way
- fray
- gray
- by
- cry
- dry
- fry
- try
- toe
- hoe
- paw
- raw
- saw
- well
- book
- cook
- took
- bold
- cold
- fold
- hold
- mold
- sold
- doll
- game
- toy
- train
- get
- got
- say
- said
- car
- bus
Kindergarten Spelling Resources
If you’re interested in kindergarten spelling lists or vocabulary words, you might also be interested in:
- Our lesson planning worksheet can help you estimate how many lessons to have your child do each day
- Kindergarten curriculum overview with a summary of key kindergarten learning objectives
- Detailed list of Kindergarten language arts lesson plans
- Kindergarten Reading comprehension practice activities
Additional Parent Tools & Resources
Welcome to Homeschooling Guide – Are you new to homeschooling? This guide was written by seasoned homeschoolers to answer some of the difficult questions new families often struggle with.
Curriculum Lesson Plans – An overview of the number of lessons that are included for each grade and subject. All students have access to at least 2 (and in most cases 3) grade levels of curriculum for each subject, so they can move ahead or review at their own pace.
Lesson Planning Worksheet – Wondering how many lessons to have your child do each day? Estimate the number of activities per day using this easy to use, printable worksheet.
Kindergarten Spelling Words - Kindergarten Spelling List
VocabularySpellingCity provides hundreds of free word lists for kindergarten students. Some word lists to include in your Kindergarten spelling curriculum are phonics patterns (CVC, words by initial sound), Dolch and Fry sight words, and kindergarten content vocabulary. These vocabulary word lists can be used in VocabularySpellingCity’s kindergarten interactive games, activities, and printable worksheets. For example, as kindergarteners start to learn the alphabet, worksheets or games allow students to practice their emergent literacy skills by activities such as recognizing initial sounds, handwriting practice, filling in the missing letter, or placing the words in alphabetical order.
Kindergarten Sample List
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an Activity
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In addition to reading skills and words, VocabularySpellingCity is used in kindergarten to support building phonological skills and phonemic awareness. VocabularySpellingCity has many kindergarten spelling word games with audio and pictures to help students work independently on building these skills.
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Kindergarteners come to school with varied literacy backgrounds, and kindergarten teachers are faced with the challenge of assessing these differences and developing leveled lesson plans accordingly to build upon Pre-K spelling word knowledge. VocabularySpellingCity helps teachers by providing developmentally appropriate spelling and vocabulary word lists for Kindergarten students that can be used to assess and reinforce spelling and vocabulary instruction through engaging interactive games. Word lists and learning activities are aligned to the kindergarten Common Core Curriculum and cover grade level concepts, such as Kindergarten sight word recognition and syllable segmentation, as well as content area vocabulary. The interactive learning games feature auditory feedback and instructions, making them perfect practice for non-readers and emergent readers alike.
In kindergarten, students are expected to develop phonological awareness, segment syllables, and understand letter sequences. VocabularySpellingCity provides kindergarten students with the opportunity to practice phonological awareness skills through the fun and engaging games Which Initial Sound? and Which Final Sound? Students can practice syllable segmentation by playing SillyBulls.
Another key component of the kindergarten spelling curriculum suggests students should learn all grade-level Kindergarten sight word lists and be able to spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound-letter relationships. Teachers can select and import Dolch and Fry sight word lists for Kindergarten students in order to supplement word study or small group instruction. VocabularySpellingCity’s online interactive games can be used during literacy centers for additional practice of high-frequency words and word families.
Kindergarten students should also begin to explore word relationships and meanings. VocabularySpellingCity acknowledges the importance of building vocabulary knowledge. A rich vocabulary is strongly linked to developing reading comprehension skills. VocabularySpellingCity provides extensive content-specific vocabulary lists. Appropriate grade-level vocabulary games, like FlashCards, offer images and audio to engage emergent kindergarten readers. All vocabulary games offer printable worksheets that coincide with online activities.
Kindergarten educational standards that are supported by VocabularySpellingCity.
Select a link below to view available kindergarten word lists:
Import kindergarten grade spelling word lists for high frequency words, sight words, spelling skill development, and vocabulary for each unit as organized in popular reading programs.
Benchmark Advance
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Benchmark Literacy
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Elements Of Reading
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Reach for Reading
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Import kindergarten high-frequency words lists, as well as spelling word lists aligned with Irene Fountas’ and Gay Su Pinnell’s K-3 spelling continuum.
Dolch Words
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- Fry Words
- Beginning Spelling Curriculum
Kindergarten Spelling Practice Lists
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Import kindergarten vocabulary word lists.
Academic Vocabulary
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Informational Text
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Synonyms & Antonyms
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Import kindergarten content-specific vocabulary lists.
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Social Studies
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The following games are among the most popular and recommended for kindergarteners.
Which Final Sound? allows students to practice recognizing the final sound in a word.
Play Which Final Sound? with a kindergarten math list.
Read-A-Word allows students to practice their reading and literacy skills.
Play Read-A-Word with a kindergarten sight words list focused on Dolch’s sight words.
Alphabetize allows students to practice alphabetizing kindergarten spelling words.
Play Alphabetize with a kindergarten Journeys word list.
Rules for Parents
Dear parents!
In our kindergarten, we care about your children, their safety and development.
Therefore, we ask you to follow some rules that will help make attending kindergarten a pleasant experience for your child.
*** Do not forget that in the pre-school there is a monthly payment for the maintenance of a child in kindergarten. We ask you to pay the receipt on time, , by the 20th day of of each month, according to the contract.
Read about payment here
*** In our preschool institution, it is customary to treat each other politely , therefore, regardless of their age, it is necessary to address the teachers of the group with you, by name and patronymic, and teach this to your children.
Their "aunts" do not work in our kindergarten!
*** Reception of children is carried out from 7.30 to 8.45 daily, except weekends and holidays.
Timely arrival in kindergarten is a necessary condition for the correct organization of the educational process.
*** If you bring your child after the start of any regimen or activity, please undress him and wait with him in the locker room until the next break.
*** In the morning, parents must hand over the child personally to the teacher , and in the evening, be sure to go to the teacher and say that you are picking up the child from the kindergarten.
*** If you need to bring or pick up a child outside school hours , please notify the teacher in advance. If your child is taken from the kindergarten by relatives or acquaintances, then you must write an application and sign it with the head.
*** If the child is unable to come to the kindergarten due to illness or other good reason, please inform the teacher by 9 am by contact phone, and in case of coming to the kindergarten after illness or vacation - the day before by 12 pm .
*** A child not attending kindergarten for more than 3 days must have a doctor's note.
Parents, remember! You must bring a healthy child!
An untreated child will not only get sick himself, but will also infect healthy children!
And if "snot" and coughing do not frighten you as a mother, then another mother may have her own opinion, different from yours.
*** Before you take your child to kindergarten, check whether he is dressed correctly , whether his suit corresponds to the season and air temperature. In properly selected clothes, the child moves freely, gets tired less. Make sure that the child's clothing is not too large and at the same time does not hinder the child's movements. Pay special attention to shoes . It should be light, warm and fit exactly to the size of the foot. Check buckles and laces. They must be such that the child can use them independently. In the group room it is not allowed to wear shoes without backs (flip-flops).
Dear parents! Slippers leave for the house. Children, of course, feel at home here, but let shoes be “not slippers” .
Requirements for the appearance of children
- Neat appearance, fully buttoned clothing and shoes;
- Washed face;
- Clean nose, hands, trimmed nails;
- Hair trimmed and carefully combed; for girls, the hairstyle is fixed with elastic bands, bows, etc.
- Clean underwear;
- Availability of sufficient handkerchiefs. The handkerchief is necessary for the child both indoors and on a walk. Make convenient pockets on your clothes for storing it.
To create comfortable conditions for a child to stay in kindergarten, you need:
- In closet there should be T-shirts, panties, spare tights, socks, a change of clothes in case of an "accident" while eating. Children ... are an independent people. Be sure to check the neatness of things, do not forget to take your pajamas and sportswear to the laundry, well, we don’t even mention the daily change of clothes. Clothing for staying in a group. It is not allowed to wear the same pair of jeans, trousers both for a walk and in the premises of the kindergarten.
- Two bags for storing clean and used linen.
- Comb (regardless of hair length).
- Sportswear and shoes with rubber soles for physical education.
- Linen, clothes and other things can be marked.
- It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to bring sharp, piercing, cutting objects to the preschool (scissors, knives, knitting needles, pins, nails, wire, mirror, glass bottles, bubbles, metal toys, swords, sabers, lighters, etc.) .
The presence of such items is dangerous not only for your child, but also for other children attending the group. Therefore, be sure to check your child's pockets before leaving for kindergarten.
It is strongly recommended not to put on a child gold and silver jewelry.
We also ask not to give chewing gum, sweets, cookies and any food, vitamins, pills and other medicines, cosmetics and computer games and any valuable toy that you feel sorry for.
If you consider it necessary to give your child some treats with you, then please limit yourself to a few caramels in candy wrappers and warn the teacher about this.
- In a group, children are not allowed to beat and offend each other; take things from the teacher's table without permission, even your own, take personal things without permission, including toys of other children brought from home; spoil and break the results of the work of other children. Children are not allowed to "strike back", as well as to attack each other. This requirement is dictated by the safety of the child.
- Do not forget to pay attention to the child's man-made work (drawings, crafts), praise the child.
Parents can attend classes at any time , informing the teacher conducting it a day in advance. Replacement shoes are not required, but remember about shoe covers!
General issues are discussed at parent meetings, not because there is nothing to say about everyone, but only because of ethical considerations.
- Disputes and conflict situations must be resolved in the absence of children.
If you could not resolve any issue with the teacher of the group, contact the head.
In the presence of a child one should not discuss preschool teachers with relatives or acquaintances.
Dear parents!
The administration is responsible for the life of the child from 7.30 to 17.30, and after…
If you came at 17.20, and you want to take a walk and talk with the teacher, that way until 18.00, try to restrain your desires, since the educators have a working day until 17.30 .
REMEMBER : as soon as you come for the child, the caregiver relieves himself of responsibility for him!
Requirements for writing a calendar plan
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Planning is the basis of the content of educational work in preschool educational institutions. The plan is a condition for the purposefulness and organization of the work of the educator, protection from drift, from the captivity of small current affairs, one-sidedness and skipping some significant tasks for the development of pupils.
Plan is, first of all, goal setting. Planning helps the educator evenly distribute the program material throughout the year, fix it in a timely manner, avoid overload, haste. The plan helps to foresee and consider in advance the methods, techniques, purpose of education and training. Thanks to the plan, the educator knows what he will do today and how, what aids and attributes will be used.
A properly drawn up work plan brings clarity, predicts difficulties, saves time, increases responsibility, and makes work easier.
The plan is not just a reporting document, the main thing in it is the working value, the advance deliberate selection of the content and forms of the forthcoming work with children, clear guidelines for the use of working time.
The plan is not a formality, but a necessary condition for successful work with children, the main thing in the plan is not the scheme, the form, but the content. A prerequisite for successful planning is solid knowledge of the program. But knowledge of the program is not the only condition for successful planning. The teacher should be good know the children of your group, study each child in the dynamics of his development .
The next condition is the joint preparation of the plan by two educators working in the same age group.
Fulfillment of this condition will ensure a unified approach to children, uniform requirements for them, increase the responsibility of each educator for the implementation of the plan and program. Shift educators should have daily contact at work, a constant exchange of opinions on the results of observing children: how they learn the program material, how they perform their duties, what are their cultural behavior skills, character traits, who, how and with whom plays, and so on.
Schedule is an early determination of the order, sequence of the program of educational work, indicating the necessary conditions, means used, forms and methods of work.
The plan reflects the specific tasks of upbringing and educational work, the main activities and methods of their organization, the means of solving the tasks set for a specific period of time.
The main purpose of planning is to ensure the implementation of the Kindergarten Program.
There are certain pedagogical requirements for planning the calendar plan:
- The calendar work plan is drawn up by educators in turn. One educator writes a plan for his shift for 5 working days.
- When working on a plan, it is necessary to take into account the reality of its implementation, systematic, consistency, it is necessary to think over its saturation with various deeds.
- Each planned business must be expedient, carry an educational element.
- The consistency and systematic nature of the teacher's work plan helps him to realize the educational tasks put forward and to observe the continuity of the educational process itself.
- One of the most important conditions for drawing up a calendar plan is its consistency with the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution.
In addition to pedagogical requirements, there are requirements for the design of the plan:
- The plan must be written neatly, in large and clear handwriting or printed.
- The first page contains: the full name of the institution, the name, number and age of the group, the names and patronymics of both educators, as well as the start and end dates of the plan.
- On the reverse side of the first page: attached is a table in which the deputy for OIA makes notes about their verification, and also leaves his recommendations.
- The second page indicates the annual tasks of the preschool educational institution.
- Preschool educational plan for the academic year
- PEI work plan for the prevention of DDTT for the academic year
- Cyclogram of complex thematic planning for the academic year (where it is indicated: month, week, topic of the month, topic of the week, final event).
- List of group children in alphabetical order with dates of birth
- List of children by subgroups
- Daily routine for the academic year
- GCD timetable for the academic year
- Educational load of pupils of the group.
- Mode of physical activity.
- Cover page for each month.
- Grid “System of educational work with children” (for a month, where the date is indicated, the educational area through which the GCD passes, the topic of the GCD, the method used by the literature (author, page, lesson number; in order not to indicate each time the author, you can print the TMC (educational and methodological complex) and attach after the cyclogram, but the page and number of the lesson must be indicated!!!)
- for example, Teaching literacy.
- "Assimilation of sound and the letter M" - Ushakova O.A. p. 56;
- Morning gymnastics complex (issued by the head of physical education)
When writing a plan for a week, indicate:
- Working with parents.
- Enrichment of the developing environment in the group.
- Morning exercises, types of walking, outdoor games.
- A role-playing game with a list of the goal of the game, attributes and game roles.
- All morning activities are held to create a positive emotional mood in children for the whole day and encourage them to actively participate in the life of the group.
- Scheduling the morning segment.
- When planning individual work, it is necessary to specify the type of activity, its purpose, and with which of the children the teacher is planning this work.
- Conversation - topic, purpose, questions, equipment (if necessary), to whom it is addressed.
- Games - what (name), purpose, attributes (materials) are held with a subgroup of children and are designed for individual work with a child.
- Planning regime moments. When writing regime moments, it is imperative to plan an artistic word (nursery, junior, middle groups).
Lesson planning:
- Lesson topic
- Program content (educational, developmental, educational tasks)
- Materials and equipment
- Activities for children
- Targets
- Dictionary work (enrichment of the dictionary)
- Questions
- Artistic word (title of work and author)
- Fizminutka
- Reflection
By activity:
- Type of occupation (drawing, applique, modeling, manual labor)
- Lesson topic
- Equipment
- Basic techniques
- Finger gymnastics
Planning a walk:
The walk must be carried out in any weather. According to SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the arrangement, maintenance and organization of the working hours of preschool educational organizations"
Requirements for the admission of children to preschool educational organizations, the daily routine and organization of the educational process:
Clause 11.5. The recommended duration of daily walks is 3-4 hours. The duration of the walk is determined by the preschool educational organization depending on the climatic conditions.
When the air temperature is below minus 15°C and the wind speed is more than 7 m/s, it is recommended to reduce the duration of the walk.
11.6. It is recommended to organize walks 2 times a day: in the first half of the day and in the second half of the day - after a daytime sleep or before the children go home.
The content of the walk must meet physiological and pedagogical requirements in all age groups. When organizing a walk, the presence and condition of the sites of each group, their layout and livability play an important role.
The task of walking in the first half of the day is to restore strength after class, to get the maximum positive charge.
There is a generally accepted structure of the walk.
If there was a physical education or music lesson before the walk, then the walk will begin with observation.
If there were quiet activities, then the walk will begin with mobile activities.
There are different types of walks:
Typical: maximum free activity of children (maximum of attributes).
Combined, consisting of two parts:
- the first part is the target walk;
- the second part is the free activity of children.
Five types of thematic walks: walks-hikes, entertaining walks with a character, walks-events, sports walks, walks - labor actions.
Consider walks of each type.
Walking - Hiking is an organized type of activity during which health problems are solved, motor skills and physical qualities of children are improved, their cognitive needs are satisfied, love and aesthetic attitude to nature are brought up. They should be carried out with children of older preschool age. The optimal number of such walks is two to three per year. If they are carried out more often, then these walks may lose their attractiveness, children will lose interest in them.
Entertaining walks with a character are aimed at creating a positive emotional background, emotional and psychological relief for children, and meeting their need for physical activity. Forms of organization can be diverse and variable, since they depend not only on the goals and objectives set, but also on the thematic focus and semantic richness. It is good to use walks with a character to motivate pupils for a certain type of activity. The character helps to interest all the children of the group, to involve them in joint play activities, observations, work.
Walk-event is dedicated to a specific topic (Cosmonautics Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day, City Day, Knowledge Day, etc. ) or an event in a kindergarten (a new playground complex, sports equipment was installed, sand in sandboxes was updated, etc. .). A walk-event (thematic walk) helps the educator to emphasize the importance of the event, clarify their knowledge, and find out the nature of the perception of a particular topic. Walks of this type contribute to mental, moral, aesthetic education, develop the curiosity of preschoolers.
Sports walks are aimed at improving health, preventing fatigue, physical and mental development, and optimizing the physical activity of children. When organizing such walks, various types of children's activities are combined with sports topics. Properly organized sports walks have a hardening effect on the child's body in natural conditions, contribute to an increase in the level of physical fitness of preschool children. The emphasis during such walks is on the formation of physical qualities, the development of interest in sports and a healthy lifestyle.
Walks - labor actions are dominated by labor assignments, pupils are involved in various forms of labor in accordance with the season and weather conditions. Children develop an understanding that labor in nature is not a game or entertainment, but a serious occupation. The educator brings them to an understanding of the need for work, instills a desire to participate in the work of caring for plants, feeding birds, cleaning the territory (cleaning the veranda from sand, leaves, snow, etc.). On such walks, children learn to work collectively, together. The result of their work is the result of the joint work of all.
Observation (theme, goal, art word, questions).
This type of children's walking activity in the morning is planned daily. In older groups, where there is a particularly broad program of familiarization with social and everyday phenomena, two observations can be planned, one of which will be part of a comprehensive lesson and will take 10–15 minutes.
Observations should be planned according to weather conditions and time periods: winter, spring, summer, autumn.
Observations can be planned both short-term and long-term. In the process of observations, carried out both at the initiative of adults and at the request of children, the following develop: aesthetic perception, mental activity, an interest in the environment, in cognitive activity is formed.
Thus, in the process of observation, the child develops comprehensively.
When organizing any type of observation, an artistic word must be used:
- Poetry
- Proverbs
- Sayings
- Riddles
- Rhymes
- Signs
They begin to introduce signs to the middle group.
Types of observations:
- Observations of the environment (inanimate objects). I would like to draw attention to the instructions for protecting the life and health of children.
With children under three years old, for example, they do not watch the sky, since children have not yet fully formed a sense of balance.
- Observations of wildlife (flowers, trees, shrubs).
- Transport observations. In the younger and up to the middle of the middle group, they watch the transport on the territory of the kindergarten that arrives. Children approach the fence without leaving the institution. In the senior and preparatory groups, children are taken for a walk to observe the transport (with the permission of the preschool administration). Here, in this type of observation, it is imperative to remember that deep work is underway to familiarize children with the rules of the road and behavior on the street.
- Observations of a living object. You need to pay attention to the basics of security.
- Labor observations of adults. At a younger and middle age, the work of adults in a preschool institution is observed. First, they observe the labor activity of an adult and the result of this activity.
The next stage is to show how much an adult tries to work at his job. From the end of the middle group, children go on excursions (with the permission of the preschool administration).
ATS (basic types of movements)
When conducting exercises, the main types of movements, you should use different methods of organization (frontal, subgroup, individual). The most appropriate is the mixed use of different methods of organization.
Children's exercises in the main types of movements should preferably be organized into subgroups, depending on the degree of children's mobility. During the walk, outdoor games and game exercises of varying degrees of intensity should be planned. During the month, 15-20 outdoor games (including relay race games) can be held, while 3-4 new games are learned. Let me remind you that the total duration of the game is 7-10 minutes.
On the days of physical education classes with children, one outdoor game and some physical exercise (sports exercise or exercise in the main type of movement) are organized.
On other days when the lesson is not held, an outdoor game, sports exercise and exercise in the main type of movement (walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing, throwing and catching a ball, etc.) are planned.
Individual work on physical education
Who have problems in mastering basic movements
Outdoor game.
An important place in the walk is occupied by an outdoor game, in which all the children of the group take part. To this end, the teacher arouses children's interest in the game, makes it exciting. Only the unconstrained active participation of children in the game creates a joyful mood in them and ensures its pedagogical effect.
Number of outdoor games - from one to four. When choosing outdoor games, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of basic movements. In the warm season, more outdoor games with throwing, crawling, climbing should be given. In cold weather - with running, throwing, jumping.
The educator organizes and conducts the game, who not only leads, but also participates in the game, taking on the most responsible role. The duration of one game is 7-15 minutes (depending on the age of the children and the state of health).
It is important that all pupils of the group take part in outdoor games. For this purpose, only games familiar to children are planned during the walk. Children get acquainted with new games at physical education classes.
Games help to solve the important tasks of upbringing, teaching children, the ability to listen, be attentive, correctly control their movements, get used to discipline and a conscious attitude to classes.
Individual work (type of activity, purpose, with whom it is carried out).
Independent activity of children (remote material)
Labor activity (type of labor: manual labor, assignments, - to whom, purpose; collective, household, work in a flower garden - theme, purpose)
Planning the volume and content of labor activity, the educator, along with teaching children some practical skills of working in nature, should provide for their acquaintance with plants, animals, the rules for caring for them, think over ways to organize children in this activity, the sequence of work, techniques that help instill in them a sense of satisfaction from the work done, responsibility for the common cause.
Experimental activities. Experiments are carried out with a wide variety of materials, while the time of year is necessarily taken into account. You should pay attention to security.
Individual work must be planned according to program sections.
Forms of organization of labor activity can be both frontal and subgroup.
Second half of the day.
In the afternoon, the activities of children are varied. We need to give children the opportunity to realize what they liked during the day. At this time, it is allotted for various kinds of games (role-playing, construction, theatrical, desktop-printed). When planning games, it is indicated: type, theme of the game, equipment (theatrical and role-playing - roles).
For children who wish, listening to music, fairy tales, singing songs can be organized. When planning this type of activity, you must specify the name of the work, author or composer.
Once a week, on Wednesday, entertainment is planned.