Words activity for kindergarten
Fun Sight Word Activities for Kindergarten
Reading | Sight Words
When learning sight words, repetition is the key to fluency. We want our students to be able to read smoothly, without a lot of pauses. Since sight words make up majority of text we read and write, these little words are a big part of reading success. Planning fun sight word activities is also uber-important.
Sight words, in most cases, are words that can’t be sounded out, they need to be memorized. Continuous practice will help readers learn and remember the sight words so that they become second nature.
The trick is to keep the sight word activities fun and fresh so that students are excited about learning, rather than it being a chore. Any kid (and teacher) will tell you learning with plain flashcards is not going to cut it. The activities need to be hands-on.
So, today I wanted to share fun sight word activities that are easy to prep and engaging for students – and are WAY more fun than just memorizing from flashcards!
Plus an EDITABLE sight word freebie that will help you monitor and track student progress.This article, along with many other articles on The Printable Princess, contains Amazon affiliate links. If you purchase through the links I earn a small commission. Clicking these links does not cost you any extra but helps this website to keep great articles and freebies coming your way.
Rubber Stamps
Rubber stamps make for some fun sight word activities. Rather than re-inventing the wheel, I am all about repurposing things to create a new activity. So, with that in mind, these stamps can be used two ways. You can grab some stamps and stamp pads and have students stamp their sight words in a notebook or on a piece of paper.
Another alternative is to have students use stamps to press the letters into play dough. Students flatten out the dough and press in the stamps to leave the letter impression in the dough. This is a great way to help strengthen fine motor skills too!
I like to have a separate set of stamps that are just for play dough. It helps keep this activity and the play dough cleaner, otherwise the ink from the stamp pad rubs off into the play dough.
If you’re looking for an easy and versatile sight word activity, check out this Know and Show Sight Word kit. Students can stamp their sight words right on the mat.
Best of all the little word cards are editable, so you can customize the sight word cards to fit your class list.
Word Building Letter Cubes
Students love to use linking cubes for math, so why not use them for literacy activities too? Word building letter cubes are a fun way for students to have hands-on practice physically putting the letters together, in order, to spell sight words. I love that, just like magnetic letters, they have one color for vowels and a different color for consonants.
If you don’t have word building cubes, you can make your own using old math cubes. Just take a sharpie and write letters on the sides. Take care to make sure all of the cubes are facing the same direction so that they link together.
Mini Eraser Words
Easy to prep and fun sight word activities are the best. For this one you’ll need sight word cards or flash cards and mini erasers. If you don’t have flash cards you can create some using index cards. Students read the sight word on the card and use the mini erasers to form the word.
Letter Beads
The letter beads pictured below came from Lakeshore. They are one of my favorites for building sight words! But if you’re like me and love the convenience of Amazon, you can find a similar set lacing letters set on the ‘Zon.
Just like with the letter cubes I mentioned above, these beads provide students with a tactile way to put the letters together as students string the sight word together. The strings that came with the beads were kind long, so I just used pipe cleaners.
The activity pictured also comes from the Know and Show Sight Word kit. This picture shows the mat which prompts students to build the sight word using two types of manipulatives. Students can use magnetic letters on top and letter beads on the bottom. Or letter beads on the top and a dry erase marker on the bottom. It’s pretty flexible!
Shaving Cream Activities
I think it’s a kindergarten rite of passage to use shaving cream. It’s a tool I used every year in my classroom. Whether it was practicing letters, numbers, names, or sight words – seeing that can brought smiles to every little face! Plus it makes the room smell amazing.
Shaving cream works great for a whole group activity. Give each student a small squirt and have them spread it to create a thin layer in front of them. If your students have a hard time with personal space, plastic plates from the dollar store as a work space.
Call out a sight word and have students use their finger to write the word. Quickly circulate the room to check for accuracy. For a challenge, you can mix-up a sight word and write it on the board. Have students unscramble the word and write it correctly in the shaving cream.
Magazines Sight Word Hunt
Magazines are another way to practice sight words and sneak in fine motor skills. You can have students look through magazines to find sight words. They can cut those sight words out and glue them on a paper. Or you can give students a list of sight words and have students cut out individual letters to spell the sight words.
Be sure to preview the magazines first and remove any advertisements that may not be suitable for little eyes.
Want to get kindergartners excited about learning sight words? Hand them over some highlighters! These magical little writing utensils are a great way to get kids looking for and recognizing sight words in text.
Simply provide students with magazines (again preview them first!) and have students look through the text to highlight the sight words that they find. You can also rip out the pages and give students just the pages.
If you’re not wanting to use magazines, Find the Word: Sight Word Worksheets Bundle is a great alternative. Just print and use highlighters or bingo dabbers to identify the sight words on the page. You can add some fun finger pointers for an extra special touch.
Wikki Stix or Yarn
If you’re not familiar with Wikki Stix, they are these really neat yarn-like sticks that students can bend and mainpulate to form objects, letters, and numbers. They are re-usable and there is no prep required. Unlike yarn, the sticks already come pre-cut and ready to use.
Supply students with a list of sight words and have them form each letter in the word to spell the sight words.
A great inexpensive alternative is yarn. You can cut yarn into long strips and have student form the letters in the words.
Magnetic Letter Activities
I absolutely love these giant magnetic letters. They are much bigger than traditional magnetic letters, which means they are great for little hands. Another easy center idea is to have students use these large magnetic letters to build sight words on the board. Students think it is an extra treat when they get to work at your teacher easel.
Add in some fun pointers for students to read the sight words after they’ve built the words.
Sight Word Games
Learning to interact, get along, and problem solve is an important part of the early primary classroom. Incorporating games is a great way to not only develop strategic thinking, it also help students learn to problem solve.
Memory Matching Sight Word:Create this game by writing sight words on index cards. Be sure the words can’t be seen through the index cards. You can also use foam cut-outs and a sharpie to write the words on. You’ll need two cards for each sight word. Students lay the sight word cards face down and take turns selecting two cards to try and make a match.
What’s Missing?:Students play with a partner. They will need a set of sight word cards. Player 1 will select three sight word cards, read them, and lay the cards in front of them and then close their eyes. Then player 2 will remove one of the sight word cards. Finally, player 1 will open their eyes and determine which sight word is missing. Students will switch rolls and continue to pla
This is a twist on the traditional Tic-Tac-Toe game using sight words. To play, instead of choosing X or O, each student choose a sight word. They use the same rules as the traditional game, but instead of writing X or O they write the sight word they selected at the beginning of the game. Each time they write the word, they have to read it too. The first person to get three words in a row is the winner!
Sight Word Trail Game:This game is editable so you can add your own sight words. Students start on the first space in the upper left corner of the game board. They spin the spinner and identify the sight word they spun. They identify the sight words on the trail and move their game piece to the nearest sight word that corresponds to the one that they spun. The gray shaded themed spaces are free spaces.
The first player to make it all the way around to the last space on the game board is the winner. To win the game, the player must spin the final word shown in the last space on the game board.
Kids love writing with different tools. Switching out writing utensils is an easy way to keep things fresh. You can begin by giving students a whiteboard and dry erase marker to write their words. Switch up the activity by adding a different color marker. You can have students write vowels in one color and consonants in another.
Students can use a dry erase marker to pyramid write their sight words on the whiteboard. If you’re not sure what that looks like, scroll down just a bit on this post. On the freebie picture I’ve written the word “with” as a pyramid on the whiteboard.
Pre-Made Activities
Let’s face it. Sometimes we just need something pre-made. Maybe we don’t have the time or energy to create our own. You can find pre-made sight word activities in my TpT shop. From cookie word building and gum word building to secret codes – you’ll find a growing variety of fun sight word activities that are easy to prep and super engaging for students.
Sight Word Freebie
I’ve put together a freebie that you can use to assess your students and keep track of their sight word development.
You can take a peek at the picture below to see an example of pyramid writing on the dry erase board. Once students have completed their pyramid, I have them write the word one more time and then underline it as they say the word.
The sight word cards and check-up list are editable, so you can type in your own words and make this activity fit your classroom.
If you’re looking for more DIY hand-on sight word activities for Kindergarten click here to read more.
Post Tags: #Freebies#literacy centers#sight words
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48 Fun Sight Word Activities That Work
Teachers are always on the hunt for great sight word activities. Sight words are any words readers recognize automatically “by sight”—for fluent readers, that’s almost all words! High-frequency words, the most commonly occurring words in written English like those on the Dolch list, are often thought of as the most crucial sight words.
It’s a myth that blindly memorizing every letter in a sight word is the only way to learn it. The science of reading tells us that linking sounds and letters is the most effective way for kids’ brains to learn any word. Many common words are easy to tackle using beginning phonics skills (like “at,” “can,” “him,” etc.), so staying true to a strong phonics curriculum is one way to support kids’ sight word learning. Even irregularly spelled words have decodable parts, e.g., kids can use the sounds of “s” and “d” to help with “said,” even if the “ai” is unexpected. Experts often call these words “heart words” to call out for kids that they should learn the unexpected word parts “by heart.” (If all this is unfamiliar to you, it can feel overwhelming, but you’ve got this! Check out teaching guru Jillian Starr’s explanation for more help.)
Check out these low-prep and engaging sight word activities for both teaching and practicing words.
1. Map it and drive it
This is a genius way to introduce words with appealing materials: Say the word, represent each sound with a LEGO brick, write letters for each sound, and “drive” to read it.
Source: @droppinknowledgewithheidi
2. Smush play dough for each sound
Set up a routine that works for any word. Play dough squishing for each sound is the ultimate multi-sensory component.
Source: @playdough3plato
3. Map words with a magnet wand
It is so super-satisfying to drag those magnetic dots around! Watch the video below for lots of tips on introducing a word using this process.
Source: @warriorsforliteracy
4. Make a mini book
Lots of handy info in one place for your little learners.
Source: @hughesheartforfirst
5. Tap it, pop it, learn it!
Hardwire those words in kids’ brains with this comprehensive word intro routine. (You had us with the pop its!)
Source: @hellojenjones
6. Find and swat words
An oldie but such a goodie. Find a word in an array and WHACK! Swat it with a fly swatter!
Source: @kids_play_learn_laugh
7. Flip word pancakes
Serve up sight word pancakes while practicing spelling them aloud.
Source: @bee_happy_teaching
8. Wear heart word bracelets
Make kids feel like sight word VIPs.
Source: @teachingmoore
9. Search for sight word balls
Write sight words on ball pit balls with a chalk marker or dry-erase marker. Kids can race around hunting for balls to read and toss in a basket, or hunt through a big tub of balls for a certain word.
Source: @preschoolforyou
10. Start a sight word band
Loud but oh-so-fun! Feel the rhythm while tapping and reading sight words stuck to homemade percussion instruments.
Source: @earlyyears_withmrsg
11. Drive on a sight word path
This is one of many fun ways to use magnetic tiles for learning! Kids love “knocking down” word tiles with a toy car as they read each one.
Source: @travisntyler
12. Use sticky notes to inspire sight word sentences
Have kids stick words on items that give them ideas for sentences. “My Mom said to wear a helmet!” = so good!
Source: @kinneypodlearning
13. Write words on a sensory bag
So easy: Fill a zip-top bag with a small amount of kid-safe paint, seal well, and have kids practice “writing” sight words with their finger or a cotton swab.
Source: @makeitmultisensory
14. Wear a sight word crown
Wear your word proudly and practice reading others’ words. Fun in person or virtually.
Source: @mrsjonescreationstation
15. Play a magnetic-tile board game
We love new ideas for ways to use magnetic tiles for sight word activities. Easy to set up and fun to play.
Source: @twotolove_bairantwins
16. Spell words to a familiar tune
Get sight words stuck in everyone’s head, in a good way. We’d add a line for chanting the sounds in the word!
Source: @saysbre
17. Feed a word monster
Nom, nom, nom.
Source: @ecplayandlearn
18. Search for the pom-pom under sight word cups
Read all the words as you try to find the cup that hides the prize.
Source: @la.la.learning
19. Play sight word KABOOM
This classroom classic is perfect for sight words. If you need a refresher on the rules, Jillian Starr covers them.
Source: @essentiallykinder
20. Roll and write words
Roll, write, repeat.
Source: @mylittlepandamonium

Bonus points for aromatic markers.
Source: @mylittlepandamonium
22. Trace words with flashlights
Stock up on batteries because kids never get tired of this!
Source: @giggleswithgerg
23. Find words in plastic eggs
Give kids a checklist of words to find as they open each egg.
Source: @blooming_tots1
24. Spy words around the classroom
Just add a magnifying glass and clipboard to make kids feel like supersleuths!
Source: @readingcorneronline
25. Find words in the morning message
Don’t forget about old standbys! This is one of our favorite ways to get kids to recognize sight words in connected text.
Source: @tales_of_a_kinder_classroom
26. Build words with bricks
Such a great use of extra building bricks!
Source: @raysinkinder
27. Write words in sand
Easy-peasy to set up and keep neat if you use plastic pencil boxes.
Source: @teacherhacks
28. Spell words on a construction site
Bulldozing over each word to read it is the best part!
Source: @planningplaytime
29. Spell words with toy cars
Drive on over!
Source: @lozlovesprep
30. Park in a sight word “parking lot”
This one is easy to modify based on whatever toys are available in the classroom or at home.
Source: @msbendersclassroom
31. “Plant” words in play dough
Watch those reading skills grow!
Source: @planningplaytime
32. Build words in a sensory tub
Because spelling is just more fun when your hands are covered in beans!
Source: @coffeeandspitup
33. Write words on a magnetic drawing board
That eraser track makes for a perfect word card holder!
Source: @moffattgirls
34. Or write words on the window!
Everyone wants a turn to write on the window!
Source: @kindergarten_matters

Write words in white crayon and reveal them with watercolors on top!
Source: @teachstarter
36. Dot-paint words with a cotton swab
Calming and effective.
Source: @sightwordactivities
37. “Type” words on a keyboard
Busy day at the sight word office! Use a keyboard cover or any old keyboard.
Source: @lifebetweensummers
38. Read words before heading through the door
The line leader can double as the word pointer during transitions.
Source: @ms.rowekinder
39. Read the word the teacher’s wearing!
Wait, is there something on my shirt?
Source: @theprimarypartner
40. Take a sight word cakewalk
Choose a winning word when the music stops!
Source: @joyfulinkinder
41. Play sight word hopscotch
If you can’t get outdoors, tape on the floor works just as well.
Source: @wheretheliteracygrows

I’ll be team “the.”
Source: @create_n_teach
43. Go sight word bowling
No bowling pins? Use half-filled plastic water bottles instead.
Source: @thecreativeteacher_
44. Ready, aim, read
Just throw a beanbag at a word target if foam darts are a no-go.
Source: @laurens_lil_learners
45. Play muffin tin ball toss
Toss and read. It’s easy to use colored muffin cups to prep different sets of words.
Source: @homeschooling_fun_with_lynda
46. DIY sentence flash cards
Authentic use of words in context for the win.
Source: @teachertipsandtales
47. Play sight word checkers
King me! If kids don’t have a partner available, they can “play” with a stuffed animal and get double practice.
Source: @sightwordactivities
48. Play sight word Guess Who?
Set up this game once and use it forever.
Source: @lessons_and_lattes
We’d love to hear—what are your favorite sight word activities? Share in the comments below.

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Plus, what are sight words?
Word games and exercises for children in kindergarten, Card file of word games in kindergarten
Playing activities of a preschooler > Games for children round, what is oval?
Game progress: The teacher asks the child to name as many round and oval objects as possible. The child starts the game.
If he cannot name, the teacher starts: “I remembered that an apple is round and a testicle is oval. Now you go on. Remember what shape is a plum, and what is a gooseberry? That's right, the plum is oval, and the gooseberry is round. (Helps the child name objects and compare them in shape: ring-fish, hedgehog-ball, cherry-cherry leaf, watermelon-melon, acorn-raspberry, tomato-eggplant, sunflower-seed, zucchini-apple) .
In case of difficulty, the teacher shows the child a set of pictures and together they arrange them into two groups.
“Flies - does not fly”
Game progress: The teacher invites children to quickly name objects when he says the word “flies”, and then name other objects when he says the word “does not fly”.
The teacher says: “Flies”.
Children call: “Crow, plane, butterfly, mosquito, fly, rocket, dove”, etc. Then the teacher says: “Does not fly”. Children call: “Bicycle, chamomile, cup, dog, pencil, kitten”, etc. The game continues: the words “flies”, “does not fly” are called by one of the children, and the teacher names the objects together with the children. The game can be played while walking.
"Edible - inedible"
The game is played by analogy with the previous one.
Game progress: First, we explain that we call all living objects "WHO", and inanimate objects "WHAT". Here are some examples.
Then we play questions and answers. You can use picture books.
What is growing? Who is growing?
Who flies? What flies?
Who swims? What is floating?
Who is the biggest? What is the biggest?
“What happens below and what happens above?”
Game progress: The teacher invites the children to think and name something that happens only upstairs.
If the children find it difficult, he prompts: “Let's look up, above us is the sky. Does it happen below? No, it always happens only at the top. And what else happens only at the top? Where are the clouds? (stars, moon) . Now think about what happens only below? Look at the ground. Where does the grass grow? Where does she go?” (plants, ponds, earth, sand, stones, etc.) .
After that, the children independently enumerate the objects of nature that exist only above and those that exist only below.
"What can be sweet?"
Game progress:
The teacher offers the children: Listen carefully, I will name something that is sweet. And if I make a mistake, then I must be stopped, I must say: “Stop!”
The teacher says: "Sugar, marshmallows, raspberries, strawberries, lemons."
The children listen attentively and stop him on the word where he "wrong". Then the children themselves name what is sweet.
“Answer quickly”
Game progress: The teacher, holding the ball in his hands, becomes a circle with the children and explains the rules of the game: “Now I will name some color and throw it to one of you ball. The one who catches the ball must name an object of the same color. Then he himself calls any other color and throws the ball to the next one. He also catches the ball, names the object, then his color, etc.”
For example, “Green,” says teacher (makes a short pause, giving the children the opportunity to remember green objects) and throws the ball to Vitya.
"Grass", - Vitya answers and, having said: "Yellow", throws the ball to the next one.
The same color can be repeated several times, as there are many objects of the same color.
The main feature for classification can be not only the color, but also the quality of the object.
The beginner says, for example: "Wooden", and throws the ball.
“Table,” answers the child who caught the ball and offers his word: “Stone”.
"Home" - the next player answers and says: "Iron", etc.
The next time the form is taken as the main feature. The teacher says the word "round" and throws the ball to any player.
"Sun" - he answers and calls another shape, for example "square", throwing the ball to the next player.
Thoth names a square object (window, handkerchief, book) and suggests some form. The same shape can be repeated several times, since many objects have the same shape. When repeating, the game can be made more difficult by offering to name not one, but two or more objects.
“How are they similar?”
Game progress: The teacher invites the children to look around and find two objects that are somewhat similar to each other.
He says: “I will call: the sun-chicken. How do you think they are similar to each other? Yes, that's right, they are similar in color to each other. And here are two more items: a glass and a window. How are they similar to each other? And now each of you will name your two similar objects.
Games to eliminate the fourth "extra" word
“Be careful!”
Game progress: The teacher says to the children: I will name four words, one word does not fit here. You must listen carefully and name the "extra" word. For example: matryoshka, tumbler, cup, doll; table, sofa, flower, chair; chamomile, hare, dandelion, cornflower; horse, bus, tram, trolleybus; wolf, crow, dog, fox; sparrow, crow, dove, chicken; apple, tree, carrot, cucumber.
After each highlighted "extra" word, the teacher asks the child to explain why this word does not fit into this group of words, i.e., to explain the principle of grouping.
“Listen carefully!”
Game progress: The teacher says to the child: “I will name the words, and you will say which word does not fit: cat, fox, horse, cow; tractor, car, rocket, bus; pear, turnip, beet, carrot; book, pencil case, ball, notebook; water, thermometer, medicine, cotton wool.
In case of difficulty, he slowly repeats a certain set of words and helps the child to highlight the unsuitable for some reason.
Find out!
Game progress: What berries do you know? Now I will name the words, if among them you hear the word for a berry, then clap your hands.
Presentation words - cabbage, strawberry, apple, pear, currant, raspberry, carrot, strawberry, potato, dill, blueberry, lingonberry, plum, cranberry, apricot, marrow, orange.
"Now I'm going to name the words, if you hear a word related to berries, clap once, if it's about fruits, clap twice."
(Words can be used the same, you can come up with others.)
As a basis for systematization, there can be a theme - tools, furniture, clothes, flowers, etc.
Tell me, what are the similarities in taste? color? size?
- lemon and pear
- raspberry and strawberry
- apple and plum
- currant and gooseberry
What is the difference in taste? color? size?
Divided into groups
Game progress: "What groups do you think these words can be divided into? Sasha, Kolya, Lena, Olya, Igor, Natasha.
What groups can be made from these words: dove, sparrow, carp, titmouse , pike, bullfinch, zander".
“Pick up the words”
Game progress:
- Match as many words as possible that can be attributed to the wild animals group (pets, fish, flowers, weather phenomena, seasons, tools and etc.) .
- Another version of the same task.
Use arrows to connect words that match the meaning:
ball | furniture
poplar | flower
cabinet | insects
plate | wood
coat | clothing
ant | crockery
pike | toy
rose | fish
“Similarities and differences”
Game progress: Invite the child to indicate the similarities and differences of the following pairs of words:
Book - notebook | Day - night
Horse - cow | Tree - bush
Telephone - radio | Tomato - cucumber
Airplane - rocket | Table - chair
"Find the opposite object"
Game progress: Calling any object (for example, sugar) , you need to name as many others as possible that are opposite to this one. It is necessary to find opposite objects according to the function "edible - inedible", "useful - harmful", etc., on the basis of (size, shape, condition) , etc.
"Search for an analogy"
Game progress: A word is called, for example, a briefcase. It is necessary to come up with as many "analogues" as possible, i.e. other items similar to it in various essential features (bag, sack, backpack, etc.) Game progress: Invite the child to name a group of objects in one word. We call many specific objects with one word. For example, birch, pine, oak, etc. we call trees.
Invite the child to name in one word:
- a table, a chair, a cupboard are...
- a dog, a cat, a cow are...
- a cup, a saucer, a plate are...
- cornflower, chamomile, tulip - this.
"Find a common word"
Game progress: This task contains words that are united by a common meaning. It is necessary to try to convey this general meaning in one word.
What is the common word for the following words:
- Faith, Hope, Love, Elena
- a, b, c, c, n
- table, sofa, armchair, chair
- Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday
- January, March, July, September.
The generalizing word can be "spring months", or it can be "months of the year", etc.
A more complex version of the exercise contains only two words for which it is necessary to find a common concept.
Find out what the following words have in common:
a) bread and butter (food)
b) nose and eyes (parts of the face, sensory organs)
c) apple and strawberries (fruits)
d) clock and thermometer 900 Devices)
D) Kit and Lev (animals)
E) Echo and mirror (reflection)
Course of the game: This exercise is associated with this a phenomenon of the Russian language, like homonymy, that is, when words have different meanings, but are the same in spelling.
Which word means the same as the words:
1) a spring and something that opens the door;
2) the girl's hair and a grass cutter;
3) a branch of grapes and a drawing tool.
Think of words that are the same in sound but different in meaning.
Additional tasks for the exercise:
4) a crying vegetable and a weapon for shooting arrows (burning vegetable and small arms) ;
5) part of a gun and part of a tree;
6) things to paint on and greenery on the branches;
7) a construction site hoist and a mechanism that must be opened to allow water to flow.
"What is needed"
Game progress: The car runs on gasoline or other fuel; tram, trolleybus or electric train are powered by electricity. All this together can be attributed to the group "transport".
Seeing an unfamiliar car (e.g. truck crane) , they ask: what is it? Why?
Similar exercises are performed with other concepts: tools, utensils, plants, animals, furniture, etc.
Game progress: Now I will tell you words, and you will answer me, which is more, which is less, which is longer, which is shorter.
- Pencil or pencil? Which one is shorter? Why?
- Cat or whale? Which one is more? Why?
- Boa constrictor or worm? Which one is longer? Why?
- Tail or ponytail? Which one is shorter? Why?"
The teacher can come up with his own questions, focusing on the above.
"Choose the main thing"
Game progress: An adult says to the children: Now I will read a series of words. From these words you will have to choose only two, denoting the main features of the main word, i.e., without which this object cannot exist.
Other words are also related to the main word, but they are not main.0003
For example, a garden... What do you think, which of these words are the main ones: plants, gardener, dog, fence, earth, i.e. something without which a garden cannot exist? Can there be a garden without plants? Why?. .. Without a gardener... a dog... a fence... land?.. Why?
Each of the proposed words is analyzed in detail. The main thing is that children understand why this or that word is the main, essential feature of this concept.
Sample tasks:
a) Boots (laces, sole, heel, zipper, shaft)
b) River (shore, fish, angler, mud, water)
c) City (car, building, crowd, street, bicycle)
d) Barn (hayloft, horses, roof, livestock, walls)
e) Cube (corners, drawing, side, stone, wood)
f) Division (class, dividend, pencil, divider, paper)
g) Game (cards, players, fines, penalties, rules)
h) Reading (eyes, book, picture, seal, word)
and) War (plane, guns, battles, rifles, soldiers)
Two games: The host thinks of a word or tells the conditions of some completely unusual situation, and the players (children or adults) must guess the word or explain the situation by asking questions that can be answered with one of five answers: "yes"; "No"; "Yes and no"; "there is no information about it"; "it's not significant. "
For example: "I thought of a plant in the middle zone. In ten questions, determine the plant that I thought of."
Themes for "danetok" and possible continuation of the game.
What vegetable did I have in mind?
- Is it a root vegetable? (Carrot, beet, radish)
- Is it a leafy vegetable? (Cabbage, lettuce)
- Is it a fruit vegetable? (Tomatoes, cucumbers)
What name did I think of?
- Is it a male name?
- Does the name begin with a vowel?
- Is there such a name in our group?
What piece of clothing did I have in mind?
- Is this outerwear?
- Are these men's clothes?
What fairy tale did I have in mind?
- Is this a Russian fairy tale?
What historical figure did I have in mind?
- Is this a man?
What must I do in the morning?
What color do I have in mind?
What property of ice cream, light bulb, watermelon, pencil did I guess?
What country did I have in mind?
What kind of writer, storyteller, poet, scientist did I have in mind?
What famous battle did I have in mind?
"Black box"
Game progress: Children are shown a "black box" or just a bag, briefcase and are asked to guess what is there in 10 questions? Etc.
- Is there a man-made object? Is there something soft? Is there something metallic? Etc.
List the items
Game progress: One leader is selected from the group of children. He leaves the room for 2 minutes. At this time, 7 objects are placed on the table in the room and the situation is thought about. For example, children think of the situation "I'm going for a walk", then 7 items of clothing should lie on the table.
The driver is invited, the situation is told to him and he is allowed to inspect the table for 1-2 minutes. Then he turns his back to the table and faces the group of children and starts listing the things on the table. After each correct answer, the group says "Correct!", after the wrong - "Wrong!". If the driver has not listed all the items, the group says which items he forgot.
Game progress: The leader calls the group of children a word. The task is to name a word denoting the opposite object.
For example, the facilitator says the word "cup". Children can name the following items: "board" (the cup is convex, and the board is straight) , "sun" (the cup is made by a person, and the sun is part of nature) , "water" (water is a filler, and a cup is a shape) etc.
Each child in turn offers his answer and always explains why he chose that particular subject.
"Come up with a riddle"
Game progress: A leader is selected from a group of children. His task is to come up with a riddle. The group must solve this riddle. Then another child comes up with a riddle, and so on. Children of 6 years old love to come up with riddles, the game is lively.
“Who is whom (than) will be?
Game progress: The good thing about the game is that you can play with the company or together with your child anywhere. Ask each other questions, make sure that the baby answers the question correctly.
Who will the egg be? (may be a chick, a crocodile, a turtle, a snake.)
- a chicken - a rooster;
- a boy - a man;
- calf - cow or bull - paper - book;
- snow - water;
- water - ice;
- seed - flower;
- flour - pancakes;
Reverse game: "Who was who?".
- horse - foal
- flower - seed
"Third extra"
Game progress: Adult says three words - owl, crow, fox. The child should quickly analyze these three words in his mind and determine that all three words refer to wildlife, however, an owl and a crow are birds, and a fox is not. Therefore, the fox is superfluous here.
More examples for younger preschoolers:
- milk, juice, bread - all three words mean edible. But they drink milk and juice, but eat bread;
- car, horse, tram;
- hat, scarf, boots;
- rose, birch, tree.
For children aged 5-7 the tasks become more difficult:
- rain, snow, river;
- doctor, tourist, driver;
- shadow, sun, planet;
- frost, blizzard, January;
- stone, clay, glass;
- door, carpet, window;
- sea, river, pool.
“What happens?”
Game progress: First, the adult asks questions, and the child answers. Then you need to give the child the opportunity to express themselves.
- What is high? (tree, pole, man, house) . Here it is appropriate to ask which is higher - a tree or a house; person or pole.
- What is long? (short)
- What is wide (narrow) ?
- What is round (square) ?
A variety of concepts can be included in the game: what is fluffy, soft, hard, sharp, cold, white, black, etc.
“What is outside, what is inside?”
Game progress: The adult names a couple of objects, and the child says what can be outside and what can be inside. House - closet; book - cabinet; purse; wallet-money; pan - porridge; aquarium - fish; booth - dog; nora - fox.
Then switch roles - let the child think of pairs of words.
Who is this?
Game progress:
Option 1: We ask questions: who treats the sick? Who teaches children at school? Who is preparing dinner? Who is working on the tractor? Who delivers letters and newspapers? Who sews the dress?
Option 2: Questions: what does the janitor do? What does the doctor do? What does an electrician do? What does the teacher do? What does the driver do? What does a painter do? What does a hairdresser do?
3rd option: We come up with riddles. For example: this person works on the street, he has a broom, a shovel.
4th option: "Who needs what?" What does the postman need? What does a hairdresser need? And vice versa: who needs scissors? Who needs a needle?
"Guess the object by its parts"
Game progress: Children name the parts of the object. The first person to guess what it is about gets one point. This option is good because you can play together with your child anywhere. For example, on the way to kindergarten, while waiting in line to see a doctor, etc.
Four legs, backrest, seat.
Numbers, arrows.
Letters, pictures, sheets.
Trunk, branches, leaves.
Root, stem, leaves, petals.
Screen, buttons, electric cord, remote control.
Spout, handle, lid, electric cord.
Paws, tail, collar.
Paws, tail, trunk.
Does everything seem too simple at first glance? But in fact, not all children can describe objects. Try it!
"Guess the item from the description"
Game progress: Game conditions are the same as in the previous one. But the task here is more difficult. It is necessary not only to find the correct definitions of objects, but also to correctly coordinate adjectives and nouns by gender, as well as to know such concepts as furniture, vegetables, fruits, insects, domestic and wild animals, etc.
Wild animal, lives in the forest , big, shaggy, likes honey.
Wild animal, sly, red, with a fluffy tail.
Insect, with colorful wings, similar to a flower.
Transport, large, heavy, with wings and tail.
Vegetable, red, round, put in salads and soups.
Sweet, small, in a beautiful paper.
“Think and choose!”
Game progress: Now I will read you a proverb, and you try to find a suitable phrase for it that reflects the general meaning of the proverb, for example:
Measure seven times, and cut once
a) If you cut it wrong yourself, then do not blame the scissors
b) Before you do it, you need to think carefully
c) The seller measured seven meters of fabric and cut it off
The right choice here is "Before you do, you need to think carefully"
Example tasks:
1. Better less is better.
a) One good book is more useful to read than seven bad ones.
b) One delicious cake is worth ten bad ones.
c) What matters is not quantity, but quality.
2. If you hurry, you will make people laugh.
a) The clown makes people laugh.
b) To do a job better, you need to think about it well.
c) Haste can lead to ridiculous results.
3. Strike while the iron is hot.
a) A blacksmith forges hot iron.
b) If there are favorable opportunities for business, you should immediately use them.
c) A blacksmith who works slowly often gets more done than one who is in a hurry.
4. There is nothing to blame on the mirror, if the face is crooked.
a) You should not blame the cause of failures on circumstances, if the problem is in yourself.
b) A good quality mirror does not depend on the frame, but on the glass itself.
c) The mirror hangs crooked.
5. The hut is not red in the corners, but red in the pies.
a) You can't eat pies alone, you have to eat rye bread too.
6) A case is judged by its results.
c) One tasty cake is worth ten bad ones.
6. Done the job - walk boldly.
a) If you did a good job, you can rest.
b) The boy went for a walk.
7. Skilful hands do not know boredom.
a) Petr Ivanovich never gets bored.
b) A master of his craft loves and knows how to work.
8. Don't get into your sleigh.
a) If you don't know the job, don't take it on.
b) In winter they ride on a sleigh, and in summer on a cart.
c) Ride only on your own sleigh.
9. All that glitters is not gold.
a) The copper bracelet shone like gold.
b) Outward brilliance is not always combined with good quality.
c) What seems good to us is not always good.
Gaming activity:
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Round table "Word games in kindergarten" | Article:
One of the main tasks of the mental education of preschool children is the development of thinking and speech.
The educator in his work should pay as much attention as possible to the development of children's mental activity, teaching them independent thinking, and using the knowledge they have received. Teach your child to think. To accustom him to mental work is not an easy task facing the teacher. To accustom a child to mental work, it is necessary to make it interesting, entertaining. This is achieved by various methods, among which, in a special place is the verbal didactic game, which contains great opportunities for the development of mental activity and thinking. Everything happens in a playful way, in the game the child overcomes difficulties, learns easily. In a verbal didactic game, children learn to think about things that they do not currently perceive. Word game requires the use of previously acquired knowledge in new connections.
Games without a toy, without a picture, games with words have long been known both in folk and classical pedagogy; "Ladushki", "Horned Goat", etc.
NK Krupskaya noted the great importance of folk games in the education of children's powers of observation, sense of humor, resourcefulness.
Word games for children of primary preschool age are mainly aimed at developing speech, educating correct pronunciation, and the ability to count and navigate in space. Kids love rhymed speech, its sound, they experience great pleasure when poetry is read to them. In the methodology of E.I. Tiheeva: before reading this or that rhyme, it is necessary to introduce the kids to a living object or its image in the picture: a crow, a magpie, a goat, etc. the images that the living word offers the child should be familiar to him, connected with his personal experience. The teacher of the younger group during the game leads it, teaches children. A large role is given to gestures, facial expressions and speech of the educator. It is necessary to read in such a way that it seems to everyone that it is being read and told to him. "About Magpie", "Hare", "Horse", "Cockerel", "Cossack", etc.