Words rhyming with understand
248 best rhymes for 'understand'
1 syllable
- Stand
- Band
- Land
- Sand
- Planned
- Hand
- And
- Brand
- Cant
- Grand
- Plant
- Damned
- Ant
- Kept
- Tank
- Stabbed
- Slapped
- Past
- Dank
- Thank
- Bland
- Bank
- Trapped
- Strapped
- Cast
- Wrapped
- Grant
- Tanned
- Canned
- Task
- Stacked
- Snapped
- Banged
- Last
- Smashed
- Blast
- Blank
- Packed
- Rant
- Panned
- Slammed
- Spanned
- Fast
- Gland
- Scanned
- Asked
- Drank
- Grabbed
- Pant
- Strand
- Zand
- Tant
- Stank
- Chant
- Stant
- Frank
- Manned
- Smacked
- Mask
- Chand
- Tapped
- Vast
- Dant
- Fanned
- Rand
- Crashed
- Fact
- Scant
- Act
- Cracked
- Ask
- Gassed
- Slant
- Laughed
- Quant
- Gant
- Jammed
- Tap
- Hanged
- Sant
- Craft
- Stashed
- Clapped
- Crammed
- Fant
- Shank
- Scammed
- Camp
- Stamp
- Backed
- Crank
- Grasp
- Cap
- Rammed
- Dragged
- Bashed
- Jacked
- Spank
- Clammed
- Tagged
- Snap
- Nap
- Rank
- Zapped
- Mapped
- Halved
- Dashed
- Tat
- Ankh
- Tact
- Champ
- Cashed
- Slashed
- Bagged
- Clap
- Slap
- Map
- Lap
- Dat
- Snatched
- Napped
- Sank
- Plank
- Mashed
- Trashed
- Flashed
- Lapped
- Spat
- Crap
- Strap
- Cat
- Trap
- Bat
- Rap
- Gap
- Sapped
- Flapped
- Scrapped
- Blacked
- Jazzed
- Lacked
- Bask
- Swank
- Yank
- Apt
- Damp
- Mast
- Bast
- Gat
- Stack
- Stab
- That
- Jagged
- Lamp
- Classed
- Hast
- Flask
- Hank
- Splashed
- Whacked
- Gashed
- Lashed
- Stadt
- Clashed
- Nast
- Tak
- Nabbed
- Prank
- Gagged
- Jabbed
- Sat
- Pad
- Pack
- Chat
- Flat
- Dad
- Flank
- Patched
- Draft
- Zagged
- Shaft
- Clank
- Daft
- Scratched
- Hat
- Fat
- Tag
- Pat
- Glassed
- Matched
- Jank
- Lank
- Snagged
- Thatched
- Blabbed
- Thrashed
- Shalt
- Hacked
- Rat
- Back
- Bad
- At
- Nagged
- Hashed
- Vamp
- Taft
- Staffed
- Cask
- Sagged
- Gasp
- Sacked
- Rast
- Shrank
- Tramp
- Scrap
- Grassed
- Flagged
- Lagged
- Whack
- Wack
- Abt
- Latched
- Snacked
- Talc
- Bragged
- Clamp
- Bag
- Racked
- Slacked
2 syllables
- Firsthand
- Demand
- Surpassed
- Expand
- Withstand
- Command
- Burbank
- Harassed
- Nightstand
- Adapt
- Handstand
- Bandstand
- Grandstand
- Newsstand
3 syllables
- Wonderland
- Motherland
- Unsurpassed
- Understaffed
4 syllables
- Misunderstand
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If you write lyrics you should definitely check out RapPad. It has tons of useful features for songwriters, lyricists, and rappers.
Near rhymes with understandB-Rhymes | B-Rhymes
Word | Pronunciation | Score ? | ||
1 | misunderstand | misanduhrs_taan_d | 3932 | Definition |
2 | undermanned | anduhrmaan_d | 3813 | Definition |
3 | countermand | kah_uuntuhrmaan_d | 3700 | Definition |
4 | underpants | anduhrpaan_t_s | 3638 | Definition |
5 | secondhand | sekuhn_dhaan_d | 3633 | Definition |
6 | ampersand | aampuhrsaan_d | 3607 | Definition |
7 | commandant | komuhndaan_t | 3580 | Definition |
8 | portend | porten_d | 3580 | Definition |
9 | overhand | uh_uuvuhrhaan_d | 3535 | Definition |
10 | wonderland | wanduhrlaan_d | 3530 | Definition |
11 | offhand | ofhaan_d | 3515 | Definition |
12 | overspend | uh_uuvuhrs_pen_d | 3508 | Definition |
13 | candlestand | kaanduhls_taan_d | 3498 | Definition |
14 | goddamned | godaam_d | 3483 | Definition |
15 | underwent | anduhrwen_t | 3482 | Definition |
16 | command | kuhmaan_d | 3465 | Definition |
17 | forehand | fawrhaan_d | 3459 | Definition |
18 | shorthand | shawr_thaan_d | 3459 | Definition |
19 | beforehand | bifawrhaan_d | 3459 | Definition |
20 | unhand | anhaan_d | 3458 | Definition |
21 | borderland | bawrduhrlaan_d | 3456 | Definition |
22 | upstand | aps_taan_d | 3454 | Definition |
23 | normand | normaan_d | 3445 | Definition |
24 | strand | s_t_raan_d | 3442 | Definition |
25 | withstand | withs_taan_d | 3442 | Definition |
26 | stand | s_taan_d | 3442 | Definition |
27 | contraband | kont_ruhbaan_d | 3439 | Definition |
28 | contend | kuhnten_d | 3435 | Definition |
29 | multiplicand | maltip_likaan_d | 3433 | Definition |
30 | expand | eks_paan_d | 3433 | Definition |
31 | canned | kaan_d | 3433 | Definition |
32 | planned | p_laan_d | 3433 | Definition |
33 | forfend | fawrfen_d | 3433 | Definition |
34 | timberland | timbuhrlaan_d | 3432 | Definition |
35 | hinterland | hintuhrlaan_d | 3432 | Definition |
36 | band | baan_d | 3422 | Definition |
37 | gland | g_laan_d | 3422 | Definition |
38 | bands | baan_d_z | 3422 | Definition |
39 | bland | b_laan_d | 3422 | Definition |
40 | disband | disbaan_d | 3422 | Definition |
41 | brand | b_raan_d | 3422 | Definition |
42 | grand | g_raan_d | 3422 | Definition |
43 | supplant | suhp_laan_t | 3417 | Definition |
44 | aslant | uhs_laan_t | 3415 | Definition |
45 | sand | saan_d | 3414 | Definition |
46 | motherland | madhuhrlaan_d | 3409 | Definition |
47 | hands | haan_d_z | 3404 | Definition |
48 | hand | haan_d | 3404 | Definition |
49 | hildebrand | hilduhb_raan_d | 3390 | Definition |
50 | unmanned | anmaan_d | 3378 | Definition |
51 | fatherland | fardhuhrlaan_d | 3370 | Definition |
52 | overland | uh_uuvuhrlaan_d | 3366 | Definition |
53 | broadband | b_rawdbaan_d | 3366 | Definition |
54 | washstand | woshs_taan_d | 3356 | Definition |
55 | armband | arr_mbaan_d | 3356 | Definition |
56 | chargehand | charr_jhaan_d | 3353 | Definition |
57 | discontent | diskuhnten_t | 3340 | Definition |
58 | saraband | saaruhbaan_d | 3338 | Definition |
59 | pants | paan_t_s | 3338 | Definition |
60 | plant | p_laan_t | 3338 | Definition |
61 | damned | daam_d | 3338 | Definition |
62 | confidant | konfidaan_t | 3338 | Definition |
63 | confidante | konfidaan_t | 3338 | Definition |
64 | scant | s_kaan_t | 3338 | Definition |
65 | cant | kaan_t | 3338 | Definition |
66 | transplant | t_raan_zp_laan_t | 3338 | Definition |
67 | pant | paan_t | 3338 | Definition |
68 | decant | dikaan_t | 3338 | Definition |
69 | kant | kaan_t | 3338 | Definition |
70 | descant | deskaan_t | 3338 | Definition |
71 | brant | b_raan_t | 3327 | Definition |
72 | brandt | b_raan_t | 3327 | Definition |
73 | grant | g_raan_t | 3327 | Definition |
74 | demand | dimaan_d | 3323 | Definition |
75 | remand | rimaan_d | 3323 | Definition |
76 | longhand | longhaan_d | 3319 | Definition |
77 | slant | s_laan_t | 3319 | Definition |
78 | consent | kuhnsen_t | 3311 | Definition |
79 | concent | kuhnsen_t | 3311 | Definition |
80 | subtend | suhbten_d | 3310 | Definition |
81 | schantz | shaan_t_s | 3309 | Definition |
82 | fanged | faang_d | 3309 | Definition |
83 | firsthand | ferr_s_thaan_d | 3309 | Definition |
84 | attend | uhten_d | 3302 | Definition |
85 | append | uhpen_d | 3293 | Definition |
86 | torment | tawrmen_t | 3291 | Definition |
87 | newsstand | n_yuuzs_taan_d | 3290 | Definition |
88 | foreland | fawrlaan_d | 3290 | Definition |
89 | tableland | te_ibuhllaan_d | 3287 | Definition |
90 | firebrand | fah_i_uhrb_raan_d | 3281 | Definition |
91 | suspend | suhs_pen_d | 3276 | Definition |
92 | riverbank | rivuhrbaang_k | 3275 | Definition |
93 | ascend | uhsen_d | 3274 | Definition |
94 | offend | uhfen_d | 3264 | Definition |
95 | bookstand | buks_taan_d | 3262 | Definition |
96 | nightstand | nah_its_taan_d | 3262 | Definition |
97 | grandstand | g_raan_ds_taan_d | 3262 | Definition |
98 | inkstand | ing_ks_taan_d | 3262 | Definition |
99 | handstand | haan_ds_taan_d | 3262 | Definition |
What is B-Rhymes?
B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.
Find a rhyme for a word
WordMap is a platform that will help poets and musicians to easily and effortlessly create poems and match words to rhymes. With our service, the creation of poetic works of any level of complexity will become possible online.
For whom?
WordMap rhyme selection is suitable for both beginners and experienced poets. Also, the service will be useful in such situations:
- Creation of fables, pamphlets, epigrams.
- Assistance in creating works for school and children's matinees, holidays, and other entertainment events.
- Creation of a verse for congratulations of loved ones, colleagues, bosses.
- Development of speech at a party, business meeting, corporate party.
- Help in inventing lyrics, including comic ones.
WordMap spelling is available to everyone - any Internet user will understand the interface: from a young schoolboy to an elderly person.
Is WordMap suitable for professionals?
Even the most experienced and talented poet may have problems finding words by mask and selecting rhymes for a word - this is normal. Problems with finding a rhyme for a word can be caused by a lack of inspiration, fatigue, and even elementary “blurring of the eyes”, when a talented singer writes poetry so often that he stops seeing his own mistakes point-blank. Musicians, poets and writers use services similar to WordMap - they are the best way to help with the selection of rhymes quickly, effortlessly and online. Therefore, we boldly answer “Yes” - our service is suitable for professionals!
How do I get started?
Getting started in our service is quite simple - you just need to enter the desired word into the search bar and wait a few seconds until the algorithm selects rhymes for it. You will be presented with several categories of rhymes - choose the one that you think is best for your situation (for example: rhyme with the word love).
WordMap differs from other similar sites with a "smart" rhyme selection algorithm, a large database and maximum ease of use of the site. See for yourself - try to find a rhyme for any word, and you will see how easy it is!
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Not just a bunch of words: how rap works
In 2019, rap became the main music in Russia. Rappers collect stadiums, become glossy heroes, participate in Blue Light on Channel One, speak at rallies and annoy almost everyone. Bookmate Journal tried to figure out how this genre works and what millions of people find in it.
Whether the rapper is talking about his life, writing a story from the perspective of a fictional character, or talking about a social issue, the variety of topics covered in rap tends to infinity. There are many different pieces of glass inside the rap kaleidoscope: these are noir action films from 90's of the Krovostok group, and Scryptonite's autobiographical stories about childhood in Kazakhstan, Noize MC's sharply social statements, and ironic and humorous stories from Bird Em.
Flow (eng. flow, "flow") - presentation, the very manner of performing rap, the style of reading. This is an alloy of the intonational component (voice, semantic stresses, pauses) and the musical component (rhythm, tempo).
The flow of each rapper is unique, and it can also change from track to track: the more diverse and multifaceted the flow, the more interesting it is to listen to the artist. Compare the GONE.Fludd flow in Mumble and Boys Don't Cry. In the first case, it is swift and even aggressive, in the second, it is more melodic and relaxed.
Some rappers make their flow mathematically precise, thought out to the smallest detail. To achieve this, flow charts are drawn up, in which they mark where to take a break, slow down or, conversely, speed up.
It is important to understand that the quality of the flow does not depend on the speed of reading, but if the artist can read quickly without compromising the perception of the text, this can become an additional means of expressiveness.
Increasing the speed of reading FACE in the middle of the first verse becomes an important semantic accent:
Rhymes are the backbone of rap text. It is thanks to them that the lines intertwine with each other, forming a coherent and rhythmically organized array of verbal labyrinths. Rhymes also give the text musicality - due to repeated and combined sounds. It is considered bad form to rhyme with verbs: firstly, it is cheating (substitute the correct verb - that's all that matters), and secondly, the text becomes pale and less expressive. The diversity and complexity of rhymes enrich the lyrics and make it multifaceted.
In addition to the verbal rhymes already mentioned, there are also:
Square rhymes (rhyming words have the same endings) Oh those kids Boulevard Depo "Oh those kids" Accent rhymes (rhyming words have consonant syllables) How to combine incompatible things , Uncle Zhenya "Solaris" Internal rhymes (not one word rhymes in a line, but several - in the middle of the line and at the end) I am black as pitch, the nine is black as mass black cumin oil "Office of the President 2" Double and triple rhymes (two or even three words rhyme in each line) In place of scum, all on sheets on shelves OBLADAET feat. Full-line rhymes (almost all words in lines in each line rhyme) Years like an Odyssey in suburbs Oxxxymiron “London against everyone. Part 2" Only nouns rhyme in the track "Illusion of Freedom" by Dendy: The basis of music in rap is the beat - the rhythm of the song. The question “what comes first: bits or text” is like the chicken and egg problem. Someone starts from the fact that rap is primarily music, and writes lines over the finished beat. In this case, the beat can guide the creative thought of the artist and influence the text that has yet to be composed. But if you pay attention to the text first, the track will turn out to be no less solid. For example, rapper Guerilla Black believes that "the purest flow comes when you don't write to the beat - you just hear everything that's going on in your head and take the first solid thought from there." Some artists write beats themselves, others buy ready-made ones or even rent them (in this case, there are restrictions on the replication of the beat). Sometimes a successful beat makes a track with the most ordinary lyrics a hit, and its artist a star. The 19-year-old rapper Big Baby Tape has been writing beats for other artists for a long time, but later became an artist himself: his track Gimme the Loot in November 2018 took first place in terms of the number of hits on the international Genius platform, overtaking the hits of Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande. Not the last role in its success was played by the original beat with a sample from the track Gimme the Loot by the American rapper The Notorious B. Hardly anyone will come to an artist's concert without first listening to his tracks. Of course, poor recording quality can ruin a song that is brilliant in all respects. But in order to record something cool, it is not necessary to spend money on an expensive studio - many famous artists at the beginning of their journey made do with home equipment and their own sound engineer skills. It is equally important to rehearse the reading before recording, to think in advance at what moments it will be appropriate to take a breath. Some rappers record only two or three lines and then glue them together to avoid mistakes or add additional vocal effects. Usually performers try to mask cuts, but if the quality of the mix was not perfect, attentive listeners may notice them.
Oversized, mesh
Chain-link, tablets
Ed Hardy cap
Such as humanity and love for humanity ?
Be honest, but avoid mental injury ,
Stay alive and escape from the terrifying eternity ?
The muzzle of a black barrel, like the walls of my entrances
Webs, domes, like children in search of batches
You are the same as me - you are dependent, you are behind the weight
You know this, so put in columns
There is a black box, like Pakistan in box I1 KOSMONAVT
City of London against all part two, man Beats
Some performers are sure that the finished beat only distracts and prevents them from concentrating on the lyrics.
Recording and additional techniques