Words that start with m for preschoolers
Words That Start With M For Kids
The sound of the letter M is often the first intentional sound a child makes. Teaching M words for kids is vital to help children define that almost instinctive sound as a part of spoken and written language. These lists of M words for kindergarten and elementary school students will help learners build a strong vocabulary of terms that begin with this letter. Use them to boost kids' language learning.
m words for kids mitten example
Preschool Words That Start With M
Since M is a simple, fundamental sound for preschoolers to master, focus on words that will help them identify the letter M. Include terms that can be clearly conveyed with visual images and other words that young children will recognize. The words listed below are great options to include in a pre-k lesson plan for sight words.
make | man |
mark | mask |
match | math |
me | melon |
meow | milk |
mom | monkey |
moon | more |
mouse | mouth |
move | mule |
music | my |
Pre-K Writing Activity Worksheet: Printing the Letter M
It's really important for preschoolers to perfect their printing skills. While you're focusing on vocabulary words that start with M, set aside some time for them to practice writing the letter. Use this printable "trace the letter" activity with that in mind.
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Kindergarten Words That Start With M
M words for kindergarten express simple, fundamental concepts appropriate for students to learn prior to entering 1st grade. The key at this grade level is to link the words to clear, concrete images and concepts. These will form the foundation of future linguistic development.
- mad: angry
- made: to have created something
- map: diagram or picture representing a place
- mat: a small rug
- many: a large number
- meal: breakfast, lunch, or dinner
- mess: not clean; disorganized
- meet: to come together
- middle: the position in the center
- mist: a light fog
- mitten: a winter glove without separate fingers
- mop: a stick with cords attached to one end, used to wipe water from the floor
- moose: a large Canadian deer
- moth: fuzzy-winged, usually nocturnal insect
- mother: female parent
- much: a large amount
- mud: wet soil, dirt mixed with water
- mug: A cup for holding warm liquids like tea or coffee
Printable Activity: Connecting M Words to Pictures
It's important for young learners to develop a feel for the language. Having vivid images to refer back to as they learn to read is vital. In the printable worksheet below, kids will draw a line to match pictures with the word they illustrate. Reinforce this visual lesson by encouraging students to color the pictures so the completed worksheet is uniquely theirs.
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Early Elementary: Vocabulary Words Beginning With M
Early elementary school is when literacy education begins in earnest, including Dolch sight words and beyond. This list of M words is designed to reinforce and expand first and second graders' language arts skills.
- mail: paper messages given and received
- mall: a building with multiple stores inside it
- mare: a female horse
- melt: to become liquid by heat
- mend: to put back together; to fix or repair
- might: could be; is possible
- mint: a flavorful herb, or a candy flavored with that herb
- miss: to fail to hit a target; to feel sad when something isn't there
- mole: a small furry burrowing mammal with tiny eyes and large claws
- mope: to act sad
- most: the largest part of
- mountain: a large stone hill
- mound: a pile of earth or other material, often manmade
- movie: a recorded production of actors performing a script
Storytelling Activity for M Words
With any luck, your students will already be getting mail and knowing what it means to mend an item of clothing. Rather than any elaborate activity, simply challenge your students to pick a vocabulary word and share a moment when they've used or encountered it. That real, concrete connection is vital to helping a student comprehend and remember a word.
Create DIY Flashcards
Combine art class with a vocabulary lesson by assigning students to make their own flashcards. Pass out index cards or small pieces of cardstock, along with markers or crayons. Have students write selected words on one side, then instruct them to decorate the other side with a drawing that will help them remember what the word means.
Upper Elementary: Vocabulary Words Starting With M
From 3rd through 5th grade, vocabulary words should engage students with the context and larger significance of language arts. At this level, vocabulary work should be more than a memorization exercise. It should be a gateway to lifelong literacy.
- magazine: a glossy publication with articles and pictures
- mansion: a large house
- mar: to mark in a bad way; to deface
- mattress: the soft part of a bed
- mention: to talk about; to refer to
- mental: having to do with the mind
- mesa: a flat-topped mountain
- message: a piece of communication
- merit: goodness, value
- moot: something that's already been decided and can't be changed
- moral: a lesson about right and wrong at the end of a story
- mourn: to feel sad about
- mulch: chopped up pieces of stuff, especially wood for insulating plants
- mutter: to speak quietly
Writing Activity for M Words
Many of these M words for kids words are great prompts for creative writing. It's important to identify the degree of comfort your students have with the written word. Pick words and encourage them to write stories about them.
- For a student who's struggling, you might provide a picture of a mesa and prompt them to write about a camping holiday atop it.
- For one who is progressing well, you might simply give them the prompt of "a story with an important message."
Play Charades With M Words
Several of these words may not be immediately familiar to your students. Make use of that fact. Many of these words are suited to acting-out games. Play charades with your kids; they choose a word, then act out what they think it means.
From Mmm to M Words for Kids
The letter M is as simple as vocal sounds get. It's little more than an expressed breath with the lips closed. Children make it early in development, and much "babbling" consists of M noises. Vocabulary lessons like this are vital for kids to make the all-important shift from making noise to making meaning.
Match your students' skill levels with more must-see M words. WordFinder's list of words that start with M builds on the existing lists above. It also allows users to search the extensive lists by word length and desired letters to cut your planning down most magnanimously! For more enriching vocabulary in alphabetical order, move on to words that start with N for kids. Dive deep into the list to discuss and discover an ever-expanding vocabulary.
Staff Writer
Letter M Activities
Grade Level: Kindergarten
The letter M is an extremely reliable letter. It only makes the mmmm sound as in mat. This makes it an easy letter to teach.
The activities are organized from easiest to most difficult. Feel free to go only part way through the activities depending on the comfort level of the child!
Letter Recognition
Activity Sheet: Poem -- circle the capital letter M,
underline the lower case letter m.
- Activity Sheet: Hidden image -- color the capital letter M one color and the lower case m another color to reveal the hidden image.
Words that Begin with the Letter:
- Activity Sheet: Say the name of each picture out loud and listen for the Mm sound.
- Activity Sheet: Modern Manuscript: Trace (print) the words that begin with the letter m.
- Activity Sheet: Standard Font: Trace (print) the words that begin with the letter m.
- Activity Sheet: Draw a line to the words that begin with the sound of M
- Activity Sheet: Color the words that begin with the sound of M
- Connect the dots MOON: Connect the dots to find the hidden picture
- Itsy Bitsy Book: Little activity book with word that begin with the sound of M.
Words that End with the Letter:
- Activity Sheet:
Say the name of each picture out loud and listen for the Mm sound.
- Activity Sheet: Modern Manuscript: Trace (print) the words that end with the letter m.
- Activity Sheet: Standard Font: Trace (print) the words that end with the letter m.
- Activity Sheet: Draw a line to the words that end with the sound of M
- Activity Sheet: Color the words that end with the sound of M
Letter M Word Bank:
- mad
- man
- map
- mat
- match
- milk
- mitten
- mom
- moon
- mop
- mouse
- mouth
- mud
- mug
Other Links:
Although the activities are geared more to the preschool age group, adding
one or two less challenging activities when learning the letters can be a
welcome break for the kids and can be given as a bonus activity for those who
finish their work early.
- Visit the Alphabuddies for some fun coloring pages and crafts to reinforce learning.
- Visit Coloring ABC's for more coloring pages.
Learn the letter M | Assignments with the letter M
Here you will find primer pages with the letter M, worksheets for preschoolers and first grade students, homework with the letter M for preschoolers, cursive with printed and capital letters, speech therapy aids for the development of phonemic perception, sound-letter analysis .
The letter M in the form of a monster. Author: https://ninapushkova.blogspot.com Carrots form the letter M Living letter M pictures of the bridge, cars. Daria Gerasimova "The ABC of transformations"Letter M for preschoolers
On the first page you need to circle and color the bear that sleeps and sucks its paw in the den. Next, add the printed letter M. In the next task, you need to write the letter M in the empty windows of the house, read the resulting syllables and name the words with these syllables based on the pictures (poppy, hammer, mouse, bear).
Then add the letter M and read. And at the end, paint over the parts of the mosaic with the letter M.
Primer letter M Tasks with the letter M for preschoolers"ABC book". Klimkina Yu.E., Solovieva S.A.
M card for 4-5 year olds.
Coloring book with a bear to learn the letter M.
Children 4-5 years old get acquainted with the sound and the letter M, write it with their finger, then trace along the lines and hatch in different directions.
From a set of pictures, the child names those in which he hears the sound [M], from a number of letters he underlines only the letter M. Together with an adult, the child makes a sound-letter analysis of words ball, gnome, winter.
Y. Fisher “Workbook No. 5 for children 4-5 years old “Letters”
Tasks with the letter M for preschoolers of the preparatory group. Children need to continue the pattern, write a printed letter M, choose the letter M from the suggested ones, complete the pictures so that they become the same, add the printed letter M.
Oksana Gomzyak “I will write correctly. Album of exercises for the prevention of writing disorders in children of the preparatory group "
At the discretion of the adult, the printed letter M can be colored or hatched. Next, the children write down the printed letter M. After that, they determine the place of the sound M in the words: bridge, dwarf, lemon. They are indicated graphically in the tables in blue or green (soft and hard sounds).
Letter M coloring book
Find all the letters M in the picture and color them.
Tasks for learning the letter M and learning to read. Children get acquainted with the letter and immediately read the syllables and words with the studied letter. In the card, everything that is written in red is read by an adult.
Source: Valeria Ivleva "Steps to Reading"
Tasks for preschoolers to develop fine motor skills with the letter M:
- draw pots of honey for a clubfoot bear;
- write the letter M;
- guess the picture and count the mice in the picture;
- write the script.
Tasks for determining the position of the sound M - at the beginning, middle, end of a word. The sheets can be used as coloring books to study sound.
The author of the manual: Kosenko Yu. A. "Learning to read and write"
Copy-book with the letter M
Copy-book with the letter M (capital, printed). From the tasks - finding the letter M among the letter row, coloring fragments of the picture with the letters M, finding identical pairs (development of logical thinking, visual perception), search for words.
Spelling with M
Capital letter M Uppercase MLetter M spelling Prescription class 1 M Letter M cursive Letter M
Tasks with the letter M for speech therapists, speech pathologists
On the page of the primer, the concepts of hard and soft sound [M] are given. Children learn to merge closed and open syllables, then words, phrases and sentences.
Natalia Tegipko "Speech therapy primer"
Primer letter M Reading syllables with the letter M Reading syllables, sound M Primer soft sound M
Elena Novikova “Speech therapy alphabet. Rapid Reading Learning System”
Tasks for children aged 5-6 to correct optical dysgraphia. Such exercises help memorize the visual image of the letter M, the difference between the letter and its spelling.
Svetlana Yakovleva "I recognize the letters - 1"
I. Vasilyeva "Druzhok: Lessons of a speech therapist. Learning letters»
Letter M assignments for preschoolers
Natalia Mironova “We develop phonemic perception in children of the preparatory logo group. Exercise Album
Vilena Konovalenko “We write and read. Notebook number 1. Teaching literacy to children of senior preschool age "
The guys determine the vowel or consonant sound [M] , circle the letter M along the line and print it, color the circles under those pictures that start with sound [M] , determine the softness and hardness of the sound, respectively paint over the squares in blue or green, find in the picture as many words as possible that start with the letter M .
N.V. Pronina "Teaching literacy"
Assignments with the letter M for students of grade 1
Compiled by: Koptik S.A. "Workbook of speech therapy classes for 1st grade students"
Rozova, Korobchenko "Learning letters! Speech therapy classes in the period of literacy. Workbook. 1 hour"
Letter M for preschoolers with pictures
The purpose of the lesson: we study the letter M, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic hearing, the basics of an elementary graphic skill.
- introduce the preschooler to the letter M, the correct pronunciation of the sound;
- to teach to write the capital letter M in the cells;
- to form an interest in learning with poems and riddles.
Ask: How does a cow moo? (My!..)
Tell me how I am: MMMU. What sound did you make first?
What is shown in the pictures below:
- mouse
- Carrot
- Bear
- Ant
MOUSE, CARROT - tell me how I am. What is the first sound in these words?
When we pronounce the sound [m], the lips first close, then open.
Say MMM.
The lips prevent the air from leaving the mouth freely when we pronounce the sound [m]. Remember, please: if you pronounce a sound, and your lips, teeth or tongue prevent the air from leaving your mouth freely, then this sound is a consonant. Some consonants are pronounced with a voice, others without a voice.
Repeat: MMM. Do we pronounce the consonant sound [m] with or without a voice?
If the child finds it difficult to determine the participation of the voice in the pronunciation of consonant sounds, here and in the future the child is asked to put his hand to his larynx. With the participation of the voice in pronouncing the sound, the child will feel the vibration of the larynx (“the neck trembles”). This is observed when pronouncing voiced consonant sounds.
Who is more?
- Remember which berry starts with the sound [M] and ends with [A].
(Answer: raspberries)
- Name the flowers that have the sound [M] in their names. (Poppy, chamomile, mallow, daisies)
- List products that have [M, M'] in their names. (Meat, margarine, butter, pasta, semolina, milk, tangerines, flour.)
- 1 Activity: Print letter M for preschoolers
- 2 Complete the phrase
- 3 Riddles for children with the letter M
- 4 Proverbs and sayings with the letter M
- 5 Tale about the letter M
- 6 Funny poems about the letter M for children
- 7 Lesson summary: for letter M 5 preschoolers
- Look at the letter M. What does it look like?
- Make the letter M with your fingers.
- Write the letter M in the air.
- The pronunciation of new words increases the preschooler's vocabulary, develops speech and memory.
- Cellular exercises develop fine motor skills of the hands.
- Riddles develop intelligence in children, the ability to analyze and prove. Educators use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
Draw the sticks neatly in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.
In cases where a child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable, or word, the adult gives a spelling pattern at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two reference lines, or put anchor points that the child will connect with lines, or write the letters in their entirety, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy at this stage of training should not be required.
Continue the phrase
He slept all winter in a fur coat,
He sucked his brown paw,
And when he woke up, he began to roar.
This is a forest animal ... (bear).
Look at the fellows:
Cheerful and lively.
Drag from all ends
Construction material.
One suddenly stumbled
And a friend hurries to help.
The people here are good.
Out of work, for the life of me.
Can't live... (ant).
Lyudmila went to wash her hands,
She needed ... (soap).
Everyone here in the forest has a talent -
Both a singer and ... (musician).
Our Tanya is crying loudly.
Dropped into the river ... (ball).
The distance of the fields turns green,
The nightingale sings.
The garden is dressed in white,
The bees are the first to fly.
Thunder rumbles.
Guess what month it is? … (May)
We are a puppy in water and soap
Two hours with a washcloth… (washed).
Under a heavy burden —
Underground, in a closet
She lives in a mink.
Gray baby.
Who is this? … (mouse)
White hare in a black field
Jumped, ran, made loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this hare? ... (small)
Riddles for children with the letter M
A giant stands in the port,
Lighting up the darkness,
And signals to the ships:
“Come visit us!”
Above the river, across.
Stretching Giant lay down.
Across the river, on the back.
He let me walk.
The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring,
And in winter, under a blizzard howl
Sleeps in a snowy hut.
In the forest near the stump running around, fussing:
The working people are busy all day,
They are building a house for themselves.
The red nose has grown into the ground,
And the green tail is outside.
We don't need a green tail,
We need only a red nose.
Flying all day,
Everyone gets bored;
The night will come.
Then it will stop.
Crowded, noisy, young,
The city rumbles underground.
And at home with the people here
They run along the street.
Escapes like a living thing,
But I won't let him out.
Foams with white foam,
He is not too lazy to wash his hands.
What kind of craftsman applied
leaves, herbs, and rose bushes to glass?
Small stature, long tail,
Gray coat, sharp teeth.
Fiery Arrow
An oak fell near the village.
Liquid, not water.
White, not snow.
The white stone melted,
Left traces on the board.
Horny, not butting.
Proverbs and sayings starting with the letter M
Peace builds, but war destroys.
Whoever sows peace will reap happiness.
A lot of snow - a lot of bread, a lot of water - a lot of grass.
Moscow is the mother of all cities.
It is not enough to want, one must be able to.
Tale about the letter M
Little mouse Mouse and little bear Misha were lying in the clearing eating raspberries. Mouse and says:
- Let's make up poems. Listen to what I composed:
Every day and every hour we stubbornly repeat:
There is no one in the world better than ours ...
- Raspberries! Misha yelled.
- What does "raspberry" have to do with it! I wanted to say: "Better than our mother."
- That's great too! And now I will compose . .. And about what?
- Well, at least about this fly agaric.
Don't eat white pasta,
Eat red fly agaric!
— What are you, what are you! - scared the mouse.
- Amanitas cannot be eaten, you will end up in the hospital. Here, listen to the verse about the doctor:
There is no more important doctor in the forest,
Than a lively redhead...
— Aibolit! yelled the little bear.
- Yes, not Aibolit, but an ant. Aibolit heals animals, and the ant heals the forest.
— How do you know so much?
- Whoever reads a lot knows a lot! - the mouse Mouse answered importantly ...
(G. Yudin)
Funny poems about the letter M for children
Let's sit in silence
Mom is sleeping, she is tired ...
Well, I didn’t start playing!
I don't start the top,
But I sat down and sit.
My toys don't make noise,
It's quiet in the empty room.
And on my mother's pillow
The golden beam is stealing.
And I said to the beam:
— I also want to move!
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball,
I would sing a song,
I could laugh.
Whatever I want!
But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent!
The beam darted along the wall,
And then slid towards me.
- Nothing, - he seemed to whisper,
- Let's sit in silence ...
(E. Blaginina)
- Look - a letter! .. Here are those on:
Not in a book - on a path!
What is it called.
Looking like horns?
A learned dog, a bull and a goat
Stare at her eyes...
Goat - thought in her mind,
She said: - This is the letter "me".
The bull objected: - Not "me", but "mu",
I know better what's what! -
And the dog exclaimed:
- Enough for you, do not argue, this is the letter "am"!
- No, "moo"!
- No, "me"!
- No, "um"!
Am! Am! ..
Such a ramble rose up,
Such a terrible noise and scream! . .
Completely confused
A learned dog, a goat and a bull,
Seeing the letter M…
(A. Shibaev)
We are multiplication tables
We took and hid
Give us
Microcalculators to speed up!
(E. Grigoryeva)
Mother, grandmother, sister -
All dressed up in the morning.
Accept congratulations.
Even though it's not their birthday.
Every holiday gift
And the bouquet is very bright.
And another surprise awaits them -
Dad and I baked a cake.
Washed all the dishes,
Put things in order everywhere.
We forgot the word laziness.
That's what women's day means!
And the sister asked us:
— Will it be every time?
(V. Nesterenko)
Mom! I love you so much,
What I don't know directly!
I will name the big ship
(Ya. Akim)
...In the evening, and also at night, it is very difficult to swim in the sea...
The captain is so offended - you can't even see the shore.
Suddenly, the sailor is delighted: the LIGHTHOUSE lights up.
A red eye just appeared in the crown of the head.
I blinked - and again it didn't, and the light came on again.
Here, they say, it's quiet - all ships sail here ...
The light shows everyone - it's dangerous here or not.
(V. Mayakovsky)
Bear cub Mishka climbed into the hive,
And now - sweet honey drips from his paw!
I started laughing at him:
"Teddy bear screwed me!"
- What a joke! he replied.
- I am a bear!
I'm a bear!
(M. Yasnov)
March, and snowstorm, frost…
We bought mimosa for mom!
(E. Blaginina)
Poor Bear fell ill
- Bear ate a lot of honey.
The bear is crying and screaming:
"My stomach hurts!"
Bear groans.
Tears are pouring -
His stomach hurts.
Naughty Greedy Bear
Ate forest raspberry Lishka.
(F. Bobylev)
A pen runs up and down,
Drawing the letter M,
Like going down to the subway
And then you go up.
Soft light falls on smooth marble and granite
The staircase itself runs here -
And there is no end to it.
(S. Marshak)
Colored ball bouncing
In the yard in front of me.
This ball is very cute:
He hasn't broken glass yet.
(G. Vieru)
Bear March and Bear Waltz!
Bear in the arena with an accordion.
A she-bear is dancing with a bear.
A teddy bear waves its paw at them.
(V. Berestov) The ball flies striped.
Bear cubs play ball.
— May I? the mouse asked.
- What are you!
You're still a baby.
(G. Satir)