Writing games for 2nd graders
Writing Activities for Your Second Grader
Try these writing ideas at home
Write for a reason
Help your child see that we write for a specific purpose and audience. Here are some writing prompts to try:
- Have your child write instructions for taking care of the family pet. These will be useful as you plan your summer vacations!
- Make a shopping list before going to the grocery store.
- Write an online review of a book or an item you recently purchased or a recipe you tried.
- Talk about the presidential election and write a description of the kind of president you want.
- Find a picture in the newspaper and write an article to accompany it.
- Have your child start keeping a personal diary, a household guestbook, or a baby book for a younger sibling.
Make a journal jar
A journal doesn’t have to be a diary. It can also be a book where your child writes about ideas or answers questions, like “If you could do anything next summer, what would you choose?” A journal jar is a place to keep all those ideas and questions. Wash and decorate a wide-mouthed jar, like one that used to contain peanut butter. Then, write or print out journal prompts on slips of paper. Ask your child to pull out one prompt each day and write about it in her journal.
Play “tell me how”
In this activity your child pretends she’s writing to a space alien who doesn’t know anything about our culture. This alien does everything exactly as it’s said or written. Your child’s job is to choose an everyday task, like brushing her teeth or making a sandwich. Then, she needs to write step-by-step directions about how to do the task for the alien. When she’s done, you get to be the alien and try to follow the steps exactly as she wrote them. She may be surprised at what she left out!
Play a writing game
This turn-taking writing game is based on a classic kids’ book by Remy Charlip called Fortunately. In it, something lucky happens and then something unlucky happens. Each event is introduced by either the word “fortunately” or the word “unfortunately. ” To play, take a piece of paper and write a sentence beginning with “Fortunately,” such as “Fortunately it was a sunny day. I wanted to play outside.” Pass the paper to the next player, who will add an “unfortunately” sentence, such as “Unfortunately, I had to clean my room.” Keep going until the story is too silly to continue.
Family letters
Help your child write letters to relatives and friends. These may include thank you notes or just a special note to say hello. Be sure to send your child a letter or card once in awhile too so that she is reminded of how special it is to get a letter in the mail. And consider finding a pen pal for your child.
Family stories
Ask your child to interview a family member about his or her life. Encourage your child to write a short biography, and include a photo or drawing, and a meaningful quote from the relative. Your child may want to share it with family members.
Reader's theater
Encourage your child to read her stories out loud.
Listen carefully with patience, and give positive feedback about her ideas and her writing!
Turn your child's writing into books. Paste her drawings and writings on pieces of construction paper. For each book, make a cover out of heavier paper or cardboard, and add special art, a title, and her name as author. Punch holes in the pages and cover, and bind the book together with yarn or ribbon.
Field notes
Encourage your child to take notes on trips or outings, and to describe what she saw, using all of her senses. This could include a description of a walk outside, a ride in a car or a bus, or other events that lend themselves to note taking.
Young reporter
Encourage your child to take notes on trips or outings, and to describe what she saw. This could include a description of nature walks, a boat ride, a car trip, or other events that lend themselves to note-taking.
Writing to remember
If your child likes a particular song, suggest that she learn the words by writing them down. Also encourage copying favorite poems or quotations from books and plays.
Play a game with pictures
Photos and images are great story sparkers. Do a web search and find a few interesting images. Or cut out pictures from magazines. The pictures can be realistic, such as a photo of students on a playground. Or they can be fantastical images, such as a superhero flying in space. Glue a couple images into a notebook. Then ask your child to write about one of them. You can prompt her, asking her to include what she sees, what the people are thinking, what will happen next—or just let her imagination run free.
Make an “I can” book
As your child learns to write, she’ll also be learning other new skills. Making an “I Can” book will let her practice writing skills and keep track of her other accomplishments. Staple together a bunch of blank sheets of paper to make a book. As your child reaches a new milestone, such as learning to tie her shoes or hit a baseball, she can draw a picture on a new page of the book. Younger kids can then write, “I can tie my shoes.” Older kids can write a few sentences about what they’ve accomplished.
Create a family scrapbook
A family scrapbook is a great way to save memories and jump-start your child’s writing. Use an inexpensive photo album to keep souvenirs of things you do together. This can include photos, ticket stubs, and found objects, like pretty leaves. Your child can begin by writing the date and a line about where you were and what you did. Then, you can work together to write a more detailed summary. Don’t forget to include funny or even annoying moments!
Fostering a love of writing at home
This video is from Home Reading Helper, a resource for parents to elevate children’s reading at home provided by Read Charlotte. Find more video, parent activities, printables, and other resources at Home Reading Helper.
Writing poems
Teacher Lynn Reichle and her second-grade students go on a writing adventure called the Writers' Workshop. (From Writing and Spelling, part of our PBS Launching Young Readers series.)
More writing resources
Writing Games for 2nd Graders Online
Writing Games for 2nd Graders Online - SplashLearnFilter
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Writing Sight Words Games for 2nd Graders
View all 20 gamesWriting Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: world, old, start, well & work Game
Children must learn to write the sight words: world, old, well, start & work.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: long, light, live, grow & people Game
Children must learn to write the sight words: long, light, live, grow & people.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: night, near, along, took & across Game
Children must learn to write the sight words: night, near, along, took & across.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: called, below, done, sleep & home Game
Children must learn to write the sight words: called, below, done, sleep & home.
2 RF.2.3.F
All Writing Games for 2nd Graders
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: world, old, start, well & work Game
Children must learn to write the sight words: world, old, well, start & work.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: long, light, live, grow & people Game
Children must learn to write the sight words: long, light, live, grow & people.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: night, near, along, took & across Game
Children must learn to write the sight words: night, near, along, took & across.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: called, below, done, sleep & home Game
Children must learn to write the sight words: called, below, done, sleep & home.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: show, fast, carry, today, always Game
Children must learn to write the sight words: show, fast, carry, today & always.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: own, tomorrow, far, pick & never Game
Children must learn to write the sight words: own, tomorrow, far, pick & never.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: gave, keep, kind, last & open Game
Children must learn to write the sight words: gave, keep, kind, last & open.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: different, wash, begin & best Game
Children must learn to write the sight words: different, wash, begin & best.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: cold, field, watch, being & toward Game
Learn to write the sight words: cold, field, watch, being & toward.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: clean, soon, better, shall, myself Game
Learn to write the sight words: clean, soon, better, shall, myself.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: father, land, hold & until Game
Children must learn to write the sight words: father, land, hold & until.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: strong, bring, Saturday & draw Game
Children must learn to write the sight words: strong, bring, Saturday & draw.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: such, part, fall, above & warm Game
Children must learn to write the sight words: such, part, fall, above & warm.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: hear, left & thank Game
Children must learn to write the sight words: hear, left & thank.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: round, happy, beautiful, close & talk Game
Learn to write the sight words: round, happy, beautiful, close & talk.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: while, tree, inside & might Game
Children must learn to write the sight words: while, tree, inside & might.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: year, hour, street & earth Game
Children must learn to write the sight words: year, hour, street & earth.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: need, river, fly, almost & able Game
Children must learn to write the sight words: need, river, fly, almost & able.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: next, yesterday, family & began Game
Children must learn to write the sight words: next, yesterday, family & began.
2 RF.2.3.F
Writing Sight Words
Learn to Write the Sight Words: river, behind & among Game
Children must learn to write the sight words: river, behind & among.
2 RF.2.3.F
Develop a Solid FoundationHelp your child develop a solid foundation for writing right from the start.

Writing Skills For Your 2nd Grader
The intensity of writing activities increases drastically from 2nd grade, and with all those complex words tumbling in, your child may find it hard to keep up with all the skills and activities being taught. Here are a few things that your little one needs to be acquainted with.
1. Writing on a topic: A second grader may be, at times, instructed to write a detailed paragraph or description on a particular topic and not just a few words, like in lower grades, anymore. Students are also taught how to express their opinions in a structured manner with some necessary examples.
2. Revision and editing: The piece of work that a child writes has to be edited, revised, and re-edited by the student if any changes are required. The practice of revising the subject matter will help a student in polishing his/her writing.
3. Use digital audio-visual aids: Children learn better when subjected to interactive and colorful learning aids. These digital tools keep a child engaged and eases the process of learning for them.
Choose among the games available on SplashLearn to enhance your child’s love for writing.
Learn To Write The Sight Words: World, Old, Start, Well & WorkThis fun game is a great way to make kids practice the regular coursework without it being mundane. This enjoyable game helps the students write sight words. The player has to walk around and rearrange the given letters correctly to make them valid. For example, the first word is written as O, R, L, D, W. The player has to rearrange them to make the appropriate word, i.e., World.
The game consists of five words that have to be rearranged correctly. This game helps make little kids practice the different words and their spelling as well.
These sight words make up 50-75% of any literature text. Getting well acquainted with these sight words will help your kid strengthen their reading fluency and comprehension skills.
The audio-visual learning aid helps the 2nd grader identify different words and place them in the correct sequence.
Game-Based Learning Curriculum
These different educational games are not just interactive and enjoyable, but they also focus on enhancing your child’s knowledge base. All the writing games build a foundation for your child and help maintain the pace when it comes to learning important things such as sight words.
SplashLearn offers all these fun games and activities online, easily accessed by signing up. Parents, as well as teachers, can take up all these activities to keep their students engaged. Make your child participate in these games and let them fearlessly explore and learn new concepts on their own.
Parent Involvement in Activities
Family is the most influential part of a little one’s life, which plays an essential role in building a foundation for learning.

Make writing fun for your child by helping them start a routine of making a journal or a daily diary entry. Your kid can write about their favorite events, a memory that they cherish, or anything else that they feel special about in that journal.
Writing is one of the most significant parts of your little one’s education and development process. A comprehensive platform that uses interactive games, rewards, and fun activities is a great way to keep your child on track when it comes to learning. Cover all the necessary bases and help your child in mastering their writing skills by signing up at SplashLearn.
Is there something we missed out? Write to us at [email protected] with your feedback and comments. We love to hear from you and improve the learning experience for your kids
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90,000 games on paper for two or more: Rules for 22 gamesContent
- Simple games on a sheet of paper
- Treasure Map
- 9000
- Cross-tanks 9000
- Balda
- Silent artist
- Bulls and cows
- Capturing the field
- Strategy games on paper for two or more
- Sea battle
- Scrabble
- Code of
- bridges
- Scessions
- Snake
- Troomino
- Games on a piece of paper with letters
- Games on paper - a selection of books
- National games on paper
Games on paper: For children and adults, simple and complex, creative and strategic, fun and educational. New games from around the world that you have not heard of!
Life with children can be boring or fun, and it does not depend on any external circumstances!
Zhenya Katz "Games for Beginner Moms"
Simple games on a sheet of paper
The player thinks of a picture and draws part of it, and then passes it on to another player.
Treasure map
You need to draw a schematic plan of the apartment - a treasure map and indicate the place where the treasure is hidden.
Enrich vocabulary, develop imagination and laugh a lot! We take a word of 3-4 letters and, changing 1 letter at a time, we turn it into others, and so on, until it turns out. The chain can turn out from 3-5 to 50 words. And then, according to the recorded words, we compose a story. Impossible not to laugh, checked!
Many words
Choose 1 long word and use its letters to make many short words. Whoever has more - he won!
An old unforgotten game. To make it more interesting, play on a large field - 4*4 or 5*5 cells.
The game stimulates the imagination. One draws any squiggle with his own color, and the second turns it into anything with the help of fantasy.
Tic-tac-toe game, only with letters. On the 3 * 3 field, two players put any one letter each, and the one who, by the end of the game (when all the fields are filled), will be able to write diagonally, vertically or horizontally more well-known words of 3 letters wins.
A square playing field is drawn on a piece of paper with 5*5 cells for the word BALDA or another number of cells corresponding to the number of letters in another word. Write a word in the middle row. Players take turns making moves. In one move, a letter is entered into a free cell in such a way that a new word is formed each time.
Words can be read in any direction. For each word, the player receives as many points as there are letters in the word. The game ends when all the cells are filled with letters or none of the players can come up with a new word.
Silent artist
Develop imagination and associative thinking! Non-reading children receive an oral task from their mother: how would you depict a holiday (lake, mirror, mother cat, stars)? The drawing needs a schematic, only a contour, the main thing is figurative thinking.
The older the child, the less specific the words are - not “pan”, but “dinner”, not “five in the diary”, but “end of the quarter”. You will be surprised how interesting children's thinking works!
We prepare leaflets with an arbitrary number of words (difficulty by age) and draw, and then guess.
A game without competition, the main thing is to convey the meaning.
Bulls and cows
The player thinks of a four-digit number. All digits in the number must be different. His opponent must guess the number. Each time he also calls a four-digit number with different digits. If the figure from the named number is in the guessed number - this is a cow. If the figure from the named number is in the guessed number and stands in the same place - this is a bull.
Capturing the field
In addition to a piece of paper and a pen, this game will require a dice or two (to speed up the game and develop quick addition skills in children). The first player rolls the dice(s), adds up the numbers that have fallen (if there are 2 dice) and paints as many squares on his playing field as he received as a result.
The first person to color all the squares wins. You can also play 3 dice! Those already familiar with the multiplication table can play with multiplication instead of addition!
Paper strategy games for two or more
Naval battle
The goal of the game is to sink all enemy ships. We arrange the ships and "shoot" in turn.
Ships are placed on a field of 10*10 cells. The letters and numbers along the sides of the square are the coordinates. Each player has 10 ships: 4 one-deck (1 cell), 3 two-deck (2 cells), 2 three-deck (3 cells), 1 four-deck (4 cells). There must be at least 1 empty space between ships.
The second similar field is drawn for clarity of "shooting" at the enemy's field. The player names the coordinates, for example, "K5", the enemy honestly answers: "past", "wounded" or "killed". The victim shoots again. The one who misses passes the right to shoot to the enemy.
The game is widely known in the world under the name Scrabble. From separate letters it is necessary to make words and put them on the field. You can buy a field for playing Scrabble or play on a piece of paper.
Knight move
We work with logic and spatial thinking! We teach a child how a chess horse walks. We draw a small field of play on a sheet in a cage. We start the game from any cell: “we walk”, we take turns putting a cross in a cell one after another (older - numbers from 1 to ...), while it is possible to walk.
First, you can show the trajectory, then the child can already “draw” it in his mind. Task: fill the field as much as possible. With older children - who will have nowhere to go - lost.
The players are trying to build a bridge from one side of their bank to the other. Red has red shores and crosses as stones, Green has green shores and zeroes. The game can start anywhere on the field.
In one move, a player can connect two adjacent stones with a vertical or horizontal bridge. Red and green bridges must not intersect. The winner is the one who builds a continuous bridge from one of its banks to the other.
It is necessary to put several points on a sheet of paper (at least 8, the more the more interesting). Two players play by connecting any two points in turn with a line segment. You cannot capture the 3rd point, and each point can be the end of only one segment. The segments must not intersect. The one who cannot make a move loses.
This is a paper strategy game for two or four people. The goal of the game is to connect the drawn lines into squares. The player who draws the most squares wins.
It is necessary to create a field of dots, 10*10 is enough to start with. But you can play with any field. Each player takes turns drawing lines by connecting 2 adjacent dots.
As soon as the player finishes the square, he fills the square with his color or puts his sign inside and can make one more move.
Two players must use different colored pens or pencils. A square of arbitrary size is drawn, for example, 9*9 cells. 2 sides of one color and 2 of another. Each player chooses points and begins to draw his snake, lengthening it alternately by 2 cells in one move. You cannot walk diagonally and cross your own or someone else's snake. You can lead the snake on the side of the opposite color. The one who cannot make a move will lose.
This is a simple pen and paper puzzle that trains visual perception and spatial reasoning. The goal of the game is to be the last player to successfully place a tromino on the game board.
Tromino is a figure consisting of three squares connected by sides. You can either play straight pieces only, corner pieces only, or both versions at the same time.
The goal of the game is to be the last player to place a tromino on the board, thereby blocking the opponent's ability to play.
Read more about the tromino game in the next article.
Games on a sheet of paper with letters
Games on paper - a selection of books
Games on a sheet of paper published by Bely Gorod. A whole encyclopedia and almost a complete collection of such books! To the labyrinth
Games on paper. Tic-tac-toe, sea battle, dots and segments - a budget book by the Phoenix publishing house, in Chitai-gorod.
National games on paper
When these strategic games were played on the ground or sand with stones, sticks, flowers, etc. These days, playing has become easier, but no less interesting.
Dara is a cool match 3 game from North West Africa. The goal of the game is to capture your opponent's tokens so that he can no longer place his tokens at three in a row . Read more here.
Tiger and Leopards or Len Choa is a traditional game from Thailand in which a tiger (hunter) fights six leopards (victims). The tiger tries to catch the leopard by jumping over it (as in checkers).
The leopards are trying to surround the tiger and block it so that it cannot move. The game is dynamic, there is not enough pen and paper for it - chips are also needed (coins, buttons, scraps of paper - whatever). About the strategy of the game here.
Fox and Geese is a traditional board game from Northern Europe. This is a variation of Halatafl, a Viking board game mentioned in the early Icelandic sagas. Read more here.
Korean game Kono resembles Chinese checkers. Objective: Move quickly across the board and place all of your pieces on the dots previously owned by your opponent. Description of the game
What kind of paper games for children do you know? What games did you play as a child?
10 paper games - Let's play together! — LiveJournal
In our childhood there were a lot of different games, most of them we just kept in our heads, the rules were passed on to each other during the game. Many of these games were played with just a pair of pencils or pens and a piece of paper.
Paper games can safely be called the most intelligent and developing. And now they are forgotten quite undeservedly. It is worth teaching children to play these games, and they can always be occupied on a long road or in rainy weather at home and in the country.
1. Tic-tac-toe
This is the most famous of these games. For her, paper is not always needed, just a foggy window pane in a minibus or a couple of twigs and sand underfoot . ..
A playing field is drawn 3 by 3 cells (9 cells in total). Players take turns making moves by placing a cross or a zero in an empty cell. Purpose of the game: to build a line of 3 crosses or zeroes horizontally, vertically or diagonally. It is extremely difficult to win in this game, basically the game comes down to a draw and more than one game is played.
But still there are certain combinations of moves that lead to victory. ))
When you get tired of playing on a small field, you can increase the field or not limit it at all. On such a field, players take turns making moves until someone manages to line up a line of five characters horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
2. Battleship
This is one of the most favorite games of our childhood. ))
I think everyone remembers the rules. And for those who do not remember, we will remind. This game is for two.
The goal of the game is to sink all enemy ships. Ships are located on 2 square fields measuring 10 by 10 cells. You place ships on your field and the enemy strikes at them. And on the other field, the enemy has his ships. Each player has an equal number of ships - 10 pieces:
Single-deck (1-cell size) 4 pieces
Double-deck (2-cell size) 3 pieces
Three-deck (3-cell size) 2 pieces
Four-deck (4-cell size) 1 piece
When placing ships on the field, it must be taken into account that there must be at least one empty cell between them; ships cannot be placed close to each other.
During his turn, the player selects a cell on the opponent's field and "shoots", calling its coordinates "a1", for example. At the same time, he marks his move on his additional field. If you sank the enemy ship, then the opponent must say “killed”, if you wounded the ship (that is, you hit a ship with more than one deck), then the opponent must say “wounded”. If you hit the opponent's ship, you continue to "shoot".
The game ends when all ships of one of the players are "sunk".
3. Tanchiki
The game requires an A4 sheet folded in half (you can take any notebook sheet). Two players draw 10 tanks each on their own half of the sheet. Having finished the alignment of forces, the players begin to “shell” each other in this way: the shot is drawn in their own half of the field, then the sheet is folded in the middle and the shot, visible through the light, is marked in the second half of the field. If the shot hit the tank, then it is considered "knocked out" and one more additional shot is needed to destroy it. If the player hit the tank directly, then one shot is enough.
Each successful shot entitles the player to the next shot. To complicate the game, you can introduce a ban on the next shot at a freshly knocked out tank.
4. Hands
Even small children who are already familiar with numbers can play this game.
It will help you learn how to quickly navigate the numbers and concentrate.
For the game, you will need two sheets of paper in a cage, on each sheet the player circles his palm. Now, in the space bounded by the drawing, numbers from 1 to ... are randomly arranged here. Here you need to agree in advance. Next, the game begins. One player calls an arbitrary number, while the other tries to find this number on his palm, while the first player quickly puts crosses in the cells on his sheet, starting from the top left cell. The winner is the one who quickly fills all the cells of his field with crosses.
5. Points and lines.
The conditions of this game on paper are simple: put a few dots on a sheet of paper (at least 8, and preferably at least 15). Two players play by connecting any two points in turn with a line segment. You cannot capture the 3rd point, and each point can be the end of only one segment. The segments must not intersect. The one who cannot make a move loses.
In the figures you can see the correct connection of the dots.
and incorrect
6. Dots
We played this game at the institute during boring lectures. It develops tactical and strategic thinking.
The playing field is an ordinary sheet of paper in a box, if there is a lot of time and patience, you can play on a whole notebook spread. The playing field can be circled with a line and forbid by the rules to put dots on this border. Each player must have a pen or pencil of their own color. Players take turns putting dots in random places at the intersection of cells.
The goal of the game is to capture as many paper possessions as possible. A territory is considered captured if it is surrounded by dots of its color. The dots must be spaced one cell apart horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The captured territory is painted over with its own color or a fortress wall is drawn around it (thick line). If you managed to encircle the territory or points of the enemy with dots, they are yours. After such a capture, the player is granted the right of an extraordinary move. In some versions of the game, you can capture only those territories where there are already enemy fortifications. In others, any land is available to you, including free ones. Choose what you like best. At the end of the game, the size of the occupied lands is calculated and the winner is declared. Most often, there is no need to specifically count anything - the result is obvious.
Can also be played with younger children. In this case, the playing field should be made quite small - a quarter of a notebook page or even less, and take paper with large cells.
7. Numbers
Did you play such a game on a notebook in a box at school or institute? We played half of the hostel. ))) I held on for a long time, but then I plunged into it with my head, but an hour home on the train flew by unnoticed.
It was called differently: numbers, numbers, seeds, 19, but the meaning of this did not change. You write out the numbers from 1 to 19 in a row, in a line up to 9, and then you start the next line, in each cell, 1 digit. Then you cross out paired numbers or giving a total of 10. One condition - the pairs must be next to or through the crossed out numbers horizontally or vertically. And after you have crossed out all possible pairs, you rewrite the remaining numbers at the end. The goal is to completely cross out all the numbers.
8. Hangman
A bit inhumane game, but still. As a child, we combined the yard game of Cossack robbers with the "gallows"!.
The meaning of this game is to guess the word by letter in a certain number of moves.
One player thinks of some word (simple and short to begin with). He writes his first and last letters, and instead of the missing letters we put dashes. The task of the second player is to guess the hidden word. He names a letter. If this letter is in the word, we enter it in its place. If not, then we write the letter to the side so as not to repeat ourselves, and we begin to draw the "gallows" - a vertical line. With the next error - horizontal (it turns out something like the letter g). Then a rope, a loop, a man's head, a torso, arms and legs are drawn. For these several attempts, the player must guess the word. If it didn't work out, you lost. If he had time, it was his turn to think of a word.
9. Balda
Another game with words. Here you can play with two, three or even one.
A square playing field with 5x5 cells is drawn on a sheet of paper, for example. In the middle row we write a word of five letters. Players take turns making moves. In one move, a letter is entered into a free cell in such a way that a new word is formed each time. Words can be read in any direction except diagonal. For each word, the player receives as many points as there are letters in the word. Words are written on the side of the field so that other players do not repeat them. The game ends when all the cells are filled with letters or none of the players can come up with a new word. After that, the number of points is calculated. Whoever has the most wins.