X sound word

The Letter X - Sight Words, Reading, Writing, Spelling & Worksheets

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The letter X usually makes the sound /KS/, e.g., fox and box. This is the sound you would first introduce to a child. The letter X frequently sounds like GZ, e.g., exact, exam, exert and exile. The letter X consonant sound ranks in the rare category along with its counterparts: qu, y and z. The letter X can also make the following sounds:

  • K followed by SH, e.g., complexion,
  • G followed by the sound ZH, e.g., luxurious,
  • Z, e.g., xylophone, Xerox & xenon, and
  • X (its name), e.g., X-axis & X-ray.

Letter X Worksheets

We created worksheets to help your child or student practice forming the letter X correctly. Ideally, letters should be formed from top to bottom and left to right with a continuous stroke when possible. The upper- and lowercase X are formed the say way – slant right, lift and slant left.

Letter X Worksheet 1
We offer a free printable worksheet that encourages a child to say, trace and write the upper- and lowercase letter X.

Letter X Worksheet 2
We offer a free printable worksheet that focuses on the uppercase letter x. We encourage a child to say, trace and write the uppercase letter X.

Letter X Worksheet 3
We offer a free printable worksheet that focuses on the lowercase letter x. We encourage a child to say, trace and write the lowercase letter X.

Letter X Worksheet 4
We offer a free printable worksheet that encourages a child to say, trace and write the upper- and lowercase letter X.

Letter X Worksheet 5
We offer a free printable worksheet that encourages a child to say, trace and write the upper- and lowercase letter x.

Words with the Letter X

The table below contains a list of letter X words that make the /ks/ sound. We also indicate the location of the /ks/ sound – middle (medial) or ending (final).

Letter X WordsSound
axfinal sound
axismedial sound
boxfinal sound
complexfinal sound
exceedmedial sound
excelmedial sound
exceptmedial sound
excerpmedial sound
excessmedial sound
exchangemedial sound
excitedmedial sound
exclaimmedial sound
excludemedial sound
excusemedial sound
exercisemedial sound
exhalemedial sound
exodusmedial sound
expandmedial sound
expectmedial sound
expelmedial sound
expertmedial sound
explainmedial sound
explodemedial sound
exploremedial sound
exportmedial sound
exposemedial sound
expressmedial sound
exrtrovertmedial sound
extendmedial sound
extentmedial sound
exteriormedial sound
externalmedial sound
extinctmedial sound
extortmedial sound
extramedial sound
extractmedial sound
extraordinarymedial sound
extrememedial sound
extrudemedial sound
fixfinal sound
fixturemedial sound
flaxfinal sound
flexfinal sound
foxfinal sound
hexfinal sound
indexfinal sound
laxfinal sound
loxfinal sound
Maxfinal sound
Mexicomedial sound
mixfinal sound
mixturemedial sound
oxfinal sound
oxenmedial sound
perplexfinal sound
poxfinal sound
prefixfinal sound
relaxfinal sound
sixfinal sound
sixtymedial sound
taxfinal sound
Texasmedial sound
toxinmedial sound
vexfinal sound
waxfinal sound

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How to Teach the Letter X Sound

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The early years of life are a time for immense growth as children are brimming with curiosity and eagerness. As with all foundational skills, learning the alphabet is a critical determinant of a child's literacy development and effective communication.

When teaching the letters of the alphabet, the frequent question emerges: How do I teach the letter X sound?

Introducing the letter X poses multiple difficulties because:

  • The letter X has various sounds.
  • The typical sound /ks/ generally falls in the middle or the end of a word.
  • The regular use of the letter X has two parts to its pronunciation - the combination of the /k/ and /s/ sounds.
  • The letter X sound is unique along with its counterparts: /qu/, /y/ and /z/.

For these reasons, educators find the introduction of the letter X challenging.

Guideline for Introducing the Letter X Sound

First, let's examine the different sounds the letter X can make.

  1. /ks/ as in the word box (the most familiar sound).
  2. /gz/ as in the word exam.

Also, the letter X can make the following unique sounds:

  1. /z/ as in the word xylophone (often located at the beginning of a word)
  2. /g/ follow by /zh/ as in the word luxurious.
  3. /k/ follow by /sh/ as in the word complexion.
  4. /e/ follow by /ks/ as in the word x-ray.

Children typically learn letter sounds at the beginning of a word more easily than in any other position. In the English language, few words begin with the letter X, and they commonly have the /z/ sound instead of /ks/ sound. The general words used are x-ray and xylophone. These examples present two primary challenges:

  1. These sounds fall into the rare category of sounds for the letter X. By learning the most frequent sound of every letter first, children quickly familiarize with words they currently use to communicate.
  2. The sound of X in x-ray is pronounced /e/ follow by /ks/, and in xylophone is pronounced /z/. These are completely different sounds, causing confusion in the mind of an emerging reader.

For this reason, the letter X should be taught using the ending sound position first as in the word box, fox, fix, ox, and ax.

Also, the letter X sound should be the last letter of the alphabet introduced. Ending letter sounds are best introduced after children are familiar with the beginning letter sounds.

Hence, by leaving the letter X as the final letter to teach, you organize ending sounds for all words in sequence. This letter progression replaces the learning frustration of challenging and unusual letter sounds with an enjoyable process of clarity and understanding that creates learning momentum.

The Learning the Alphabet Workbook Series uses this concept and method for introducing the letter X sound.

See the Learning the Alphabet Workbook Series for more information on how to teach the letter X.

Don't be afraid of teaching the letter X. In the end, it can be a rewarding experience when using the right tools, methods, and techniques.

Happy Teaching!


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How to do sound-letter parsing of a word?

Sound-letter analysis of a word is a characteristic of the sound and letter composition of a word. To fulfill it, transcription is written - an exact recording of the sound composition of the word.

Sound-letter (phonetic) analysis of a word is necessary for the conscious mastery of the Russian language, the correct spelling of words, especially in cases where words contain unstressed vowels, unpronounceable consonants, letters denoting two sounds, letters denoting sounds, etc. nine0007


Sound-letter analysis is an analysis of the sound composition of a word and its letter representation in writing.

Phonetic analysis is performed in several stages. Sound-letter analysis involves dividing a word into syllables in accordance with the number of vowels, placing stress, recording the sound of a word. Then a phonetic analysis of each sound is carried out. Phonetic analysis is completed by counting the number of letters and sounds.

Letters and sounds

In order to correctly perform sound-letter parsing of a word, we will learn to distinguish between what we see on paper letters , and when we pronounce the word, we hear sounds . Letters are graphic signs that can be used to represent the sounds of speech.

The Russian language distinguishes between vowels and consonants.

Vowels and sounds

Vowel sounds are produced by the free passage of air from the mouth. They consist only of voice. There are 9 in Russian0007

6 vowels: [a], [o], [y], [e], [i], [s]


10 vowels: a, o, u, e, i, s, i, e, e, u, i

The vowels [a], [o], [u], [e], [s] sound after solid consonants, and the letters “i”, “e”, “ e", "yu" , "i" and "b" indicate that the previous consonant is soft. This phonetic softness is indicated by a special icon - an apostrophe:

  • flax [l 'on]
  • radish [r 'and d' and s]
  • salt [s o l’]

To perform sound-letter analysis, the word should be stressed.

Under stress, vowels sound distinct, but without stress they are distorted:



wall [s t' and n a], mountain ash [r' and b' and n a]

Each vowel alone or in combination with one or more consonants forms a phonetic syllable:

  • bo-lo-to
  • kra-so-ta
  • u-di-vi-tel-ny
  • li-ni-ya

Consonant letters and sounds

There are 36 consonant sounds in Russian speech. When they are pronounced, the exhaled air rubs against the lips, tongue and cheeks, resulting in noise. nine0007

Always voiced consonants [l], [m], [n], [r] are pronounced with the voice and minimal noise.

If consonants are pronounced with a greater share of voice and noise, then voiced consonants are formed:

[b], [c], [d], [d], [g], [h] deaf consonant, which is pronounced with more noise than voices:

  • [b] - [p];
  • [v] - [f];
  • [g] - [k];
  • [d] - [t]; nine0052
  • [w] - [w];
  • [h] - [s].

The letters “x”, “c”, “ch”, “u” denote voiceless consonants [x], [c], [h’], [u’], which do not have paired voiced consonants.

Consonants are hard and soft:

[b] - [b'], [c] - [c'], [g] - [g'], [d] - [e'], [h] - [s '], [k] - [k '], [l] - [l '], [m] - [m '], [n] - [n '], [n] - [n '] , [p] - [p '], [s] - [s '], [t] - [t '], [f] - [f '], [x] - [x ']

Performing sound- letter analysis, we take into account that the letters "y" , "h" and "u" always denote soft sounds [y '], [h'], [u'],

a letters "g" , "sh" , "c" - solid sounds [g], [w], [c].

How to learn how to do sound-alphabetic parsing

In order to learn how to do sound-alphabetic parsing of a word, it is important to understand that often the spelling of a word and its sound do not match. A word can have:

  • the same number of sounds; nine0052
  • more sounds than letters;
  • there are more letters than sounds.


  • sky [n'e b a] - 4 letters, 4 sounds
  • label [y 'arlak] - 5 letters, 6 sounds '] - 6 letters, 5 sounds

When recording the sound composition of a word, it should be taken into account that the letters "e", "ё", "yu", "ya" can denote two sounds in the following positions in the word:

1. at the beginning of a word:

  • caustic [y' e t k'i y ']
  • capacious [y' o m k' and y ']
  • young [y' u n y y ']
  • nursery [y' a s 'l'and]

2. after other vowels:

  • ride [pai 'e z'd'i t']
  • sing [pai 'o m]
  • 9005 [1 cabin k a y y t a]
  • beacon [m a y 'a k]


  • move in [in y 'e xa t']
  • curiosity [kur' y' o s]
  • weaning [a t y' o m]
  • zealous [r' y' n y ']
  • flaw [i z' y' n]
  • bindweed [in 'y' n o k]
  • pre-anniversary [pr' and d d' u b' and l' e y 'n y']
  • As you can see, there are always more sounds in such words than lit.

    After the consonant sounds, the letters "e", "ё", "yu", "ya" denote their softness: l' y k]

  • five [п'ат']
  • When writing down the sound of a word, it should be taken into account that in Russian there is a phonetic process of stunning voiced consonants that are before a voiceless consonant and at the end of a word, and, conversely, voiceless consonants are voiced before a voiced consonant , except for "l", "m", "n", "r", "c", "th" :

    spoon [lo sh k a], knight [v 'and t'a s'], glare [o d b l 'and s k]

    lubrication [with mask], shot [drop '], shift [rear 'and n u t ']

    all [f s' e], pond [pr u t], station [v a g za l]

    In words with the letter combination "zzh" , a long soft sound is heard [zh']:

    • grumble [br 'u w' a t ']
    • cerebellum [m a f' and h' o k]

  • afraid of [b a and c a];
  • creep [s’ t’ and l and c a].
  • In words that have "ь" , which indicates the softness of the previous consonant sound or is a morphological sign indicating that the word belongs to the feminine gender, we count more letters and fewer sounds:

    • know [zna t '] - 5 letters, 4 sounds;
    • speech [r ‘e h’] - 4 letters, 3 sounds.

    Soft consonants can soften the preceding consonant.

    Let's listen to how the words sound:

    • candle [s' in' e h' k а]
    • nails [g in z' d'i]
    • life [zh z' n']
    • umbrella [ z o n' t' and k]

    Phonetic parsing example

    Image source: fedsp.com

    Sound letter parsing example

    To perform sound-letter analysis, we write down the word and put the stress in it. Let's break it down into phonetic syllables. Taking into account all the phonetic changes in the word, we write down the letters and the corresponding sounds of the word in square brackets vertically. Let's give a phonetic description of each sound.

    For example, let's perform a phonetic analysis of the word "Christmas tree" :

    Christmas tree [y' o la h' ny y ']

    ё-lo-chny - 3 syllables. The first syllable is stressed. nine0007

    • letter “e” - [y ’] - consonant, voiced unpaired, soft unpaired;
    • [o] - stressed vowel;
    • letter "l" - [l] - unpaired voiced consonant, solid paired;
    • letter "o" - [a] - unstressed vowel;
    • letter "h" - [h '] - consonant, deaf unpaired, soft unpaired;
    • letter "n" - [n] - unpaired voiced consonant, solid paired;
    • letter "ы" - [ы] - unstressed vowel;
    • letter "y" - [y '] - consonant, voiced unpaired, soft unpaired. nine0052

    The word "Christmas tree" has 7 letters, 8 sounds.

    Supplementary material

    If you have any difficulties in conducting a sound-letter (phonetic) analysis of a word, you can always check yourself on the site phoneticonline.ru.

    Video "Phonetic analysis of words"

    To consolidate the material, watch the video on the topic of the lesson.

    Phonetic analysis of the word. What it is? How to do it? Examples

    What is phonetic parsing

    Phonetic , or sound-alphabetic, analysis of the word is an analysis of the sounds and letters that make up this word.

    There are 33 letters in Russian, from which we compose words and write them down on paper. When we pronounce a word, we hear sounds - this is how the letters in its composition sound. In some words, the same letter can mean two sounds at the same time or not sound at all. This is where sound-letter analysis comes in handy: it is needed so that we can analyze sounds and letters, write correctly, and also pronounce words. nine0007

    Demo lesson in Russian

    Take the test at the introductory lesson and find out what topics separate you from the "five" in Russian.

    How is the phonetic parsing of a word done?

  • Full transcription of the word.

  • Vowel sounds: stressed or unstressed, which letter is indicated.

  • Consonants: voiced, sonorous or voiceless, paired or unpaired; hard or soft, paired or unpaired; which letter is indicated. nine0007

  • The total number of letters and sounds.

  • You can disassemble words by sounds and letters orally or in writing. These methods are slightly different from each other, so let's consider each one separately. We write down the word and all the sounds that are included in it.

  • Syllables and stress. nine0004 We count and write down the number of syllables in a word, we denote the one on which the stress falls.

  • Sounds. From the next line in a column, we rewrite all the letters in the order in which they appear in the word. Opposite each of them we record the sound and enclose it in square brackets.

  • Vowel sounds. Next to each vowel we write whether it is stressed or unstressed. And then we indicate what letter it is designated.

  • Consonants. Next to each consonant, indicate whether it is voiced or voiceless. Further - paired or unpaired in deafness-sonority. After that, we write, hard or soft sound, and then - paired or unpaired in terms of softness-hardness. At the end, you need to indicate which letter denotes the sound.

  • Number of letters, sounds. Count and record the number of letters and sounds in a word.

  • Now let's use this algorithm with examples.

    Example No. 1. Written phonetic analysis of the verb search

    Search [abysk'ivat'] - 4 syllables, 2nd stressed.

    o - [a] - ch., unstressed.

    b - [b] - acc., sound. couple, tv par.

    s - [s] - ch., shock.

    s - [s] - acc., deaf. couple, tv par.

    k - [k'] - acc., deaf. steam, soft par.

    and - [and] - Ch., unstressed.

    in - [in] - acc., sound. couple, tv par.

    a - [a] - Ch., unstressed. nine0007

    t - [t'] - acc., deaf. steam, soft par.

    b — [–]

    10 points, 9 stars

    Example No. 2. Written phonetic analysis of the adjective spring

    Spring [v'is'en':y'] - 3 syllables, 2nd stressed.

    in - [in '] - acc., sound. steam, soft par.

    e - [i] - ch., unstressed.

    s - [s'] - acc., deaf. steam, soft par.

    e - [e] - ch., percussion.

    n - [n':] - acc., sonorn. unpaired, soft par. nine0007

    and - [and] - Ch., unstressed.

    th - [th'] - acc., sonorn. unpaired, soft unpaired

    8 points, 7 stars

    Example No. 3. Written phonetic analysis of a noun professor

    Professor [praf'es:ar] - 3 syllables, 2nd stressed.

    p - [p] - acc., deaf. couple, tv par.

    р - [р] - acc., sonorn. unpaired, tv. par.

    o - [a] - ch., unstressed.

    f - [f'] - acc. , deaf. steam, soft par.

    e - [e] - ch., percussion.

    s - [s:] - acc., deaf. couple, tv par.

    o - [a] - ch., unstressed.

    р - [р] - acc., sonorn. unpaired, tv. par.

    9 points, 8 stars

    Sample oral phonetic analysis

    If you need to do sound-alphabetic analysis orally, follow this algorithm:

    1. Syllables and stress. Count and name the number of syllables in a word, indicate the one that is stressed. nine0007

    2. Vowel sounds. Name the vowels in the order in which they sound in the word. For each of them, determine whether it is percussion or unstressed. Then specify the letters with which they are indicated.

    3. Consonants. For each of the consonants, determine whether it is voiced or voiceless, and then - paired or unpaired according to deafness-voicedness. After that, establish whether the sound is hard or soft, as well as paired or unpaired in terms of softness-hardness. At the end of the analysis of each of the consonants, specify which letter it is designated in the word. nine0007

    4. Number of letters, sounds. Count and name the number of letters and sounds in a word.

    Let's practice oral phonetic analysis on the example of the same words that we have analyzed above.

    Example No. 1. Oral phonetic analysis of the verb search

    2. Vowels:

    the first is unstressed [a], marked with the letter about ;

    second - shock [s], marked with the letter s ;

    third - unstressed [and], marked with the letter and ;

    fourth - unstressed [a], designated by the letter a .

    3. Consonants:

    [b] - voiced double, solid double, marked with the letter b ;

    [s] - deaf double, solid double, marked with the letter from ;

    [k'] - deaf double, soft double, marked with the letter to ;

    [c] - voiced double, hard double, marked with the letter in ;

    [t'] - deaf double, soft double, marked with the letter t ;

    letter - does not represent sound.

    4. In the word search 10 letters and 9 sounds.

    Example No. 2. Oral phonetic analysis of the adjective spring


    2. Vowels:

    the first is unstressed [i], marked with the letter e ;

    second - shock [e], designated by the letter e ;

    the third is unstressed [and], marked with the letter and .

    3. Consonants:

    [v'] - voiced double, soft double, marked with the letter in ;

    [s'] - deaf double, soft double, marked with the letter from ;

    [n'] - voiced unpaired (sonor), soft paired, marked with the letter n . The second n does not form a sound in a word;

    [d'] - voiced unpaired (sonor), hard unpaired, marked with the letter and .

    4. The word spring has 8 letters and 7 sounds.

    Example No. 3. Oral phonetic analysis of the noun professor

    2. Vowels:

    the first is unstressed [a], marked with the letter about ;

    second - shock [e], designated by the letter e ;

    third - unstressed [a], designated by the letter about .

    3. Consonants:

    [p] - deaf double, hard double, marked with the letter p ;

    [p] - voiced unpaired (sonor), solid paired, marked with the letter p ;

    [f'] - deaf double, soft double, marked with the letter f ;

    [s] - deaf double, solid double, marked with the letter with . The second with does not form a sound in the word;

    [p] - voiced unpaired (sonor), solid paired, marked with the letter p .

    4. The word professor has 9 letters and 8 sounds.

    Test yourself

    Let's find out how well you understand what phonetic parsing is. Below you will find three tasks with which you can practice this skill.

    Task 1

    Disassemble the following words according to their sound composition: busy, guest, vacancy, pronounce, speaking.

    Learn more


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