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KVN "Come on girls!" for grade 1
KVN "Come on, girls!"
KVN for girls by March 8 for grade 1
Teacher Grishaeva Anna Ivanovna
Leading. Kind day! Happy hour!
I salute you all!
We meet with you in anticipation of wonderful holiday - International Women's Day. This is the first spring holiday. Still snow lies on the streets, still winter does not give up its positions, but the sun shines differently, the sparrows chirp differently. And in the air already feel the first breath of spring. What is it, Spring? Quite young, like ours girls.
Happy holiday,
Happy holiday,
Happy sunny and beautiful holiday,
Happy holiday of affection, love and attention,
Happy Women's Charm!
First part of the holiday -
And now guys, let's congratulate your teacher on the upcoming holiday:
Guys recite verses
1 Rushing to school like a holiday
Our cheerful first grade,
No teacher more beautiful,
Very strong love you!
Congratulations from March 8
And we wish get prettier!
We promise that at the desk
Let's be quiet we sit!
Let you joy surrounds
will good days,
And your eyes do not know
Neither sadness nor longing!
2 We came to school recently,
Love her were able to
In this very, very strongly,
Of course you helped.
you care surrounded,
Lots of knowledge gave us
With a female in the afternoon we congratulate
happiness we wish you!
And more patience, peace,
Let everything will be good.
You are for us irreplaceable,
You are very it's easy for us.
3. First graders today
Gathered congratulate you.
C 8 March, dear -
says favorite class.
you are welcome wish you happiness,
Never lose heart,
Positive, love and joy
As before radiate.
4. We are just kids
In the first class only we
But in our teacher
up to their ears in love.
We want you congratulate today
C women's, the best day.
And we will assure noisy class,
What do we do to you let's not let down.
We wish You happiness.
Strength, health, beauty,
Inspiration, patience,
Joy and kindness.
5. Let spring come with flowers,
With warmth, with smiles and with the sun.
let them together with bright beams
Worldwide suddenly awakens from sleep.
We wish you always bloom,
Such stay beautiful,
shine from happiness, like a star
And radiant to smile!
now boys come out to congratulate their girl classmates
Read poetry for girls:
1. Today is a holiday for all women
But who will object
What is our girls we are too
today we will congratulate.
2. You are our faithful girlfriends
And no matter how much years would have passed,
desk, classmate
You in this day will send greetings.
3. We give you our smiles,
And believe definitely not from evil
We are you push at recess
Or let's say suddenly not those words.
4. May this day spring rays
to you people and flowers will smile,
And let always go through life with you
Health, happiness and dreams!
now all the boys together:
We are from the heart We congratulate you
Success, happiness we wish you!!!
Second part of the holiday
Host: we we start KVN.
What do we need men give for the holiday? That's right, flowers. Now let's move on to the first a contest in which you have to name as many color names as possible.
First competition: Flower rainbow.
Each the girl must say the name of the flower.
Leader: all well done girls.
Second competition: Original vase.
did you remember a lot of flowers, and now let's guess the flowers in riddles.
1. Stands in field curl-white shirt,
heart golden, what is it? (Chamomile)
2. Eared rye in the field, there, in the rye, you will find a flower.
Vivid blue and fluffy,
only sorry it's not fragrant. (Cornflower)
3. On a long a fragile leg grew a ball near the track.
Veterochek rustled and dispelled this ball. (Dandelion)
4. On green cord white bells. (Lily of the valley)
5. On the bushes grows in the garden, the smell is sweet, like honey,
but often tears flow from those who tear with their hands. ... (Roses)
6. Pink, white, raspberry, red I am fragrant beautiful in May. (Peony)
7.All familiar with us, bright as a flame.
We namesakes with small nails.
Admire wild red....(Carnation)
8.Yellow chickens in the green garden,
in spring southern beauties appear. (Mimosa)
9. On the garden on the path is a white bell on a stem.
Their fragrance intoxicates everyone - bees and butterflies beckons. (Lily)
10. Flower in the petals of which lived Thumbelina. (Bell)
Third contest: The most smart and resourceful.
I am thin and sharp
Nose way I'm looking for myself, dragging my tail behind me. (Needle)
2. All full of holes and angry and biting so
Only Grandma gets along with her, rubs and strokes her sides. (Grater)
3.Small Erofeyka subbelt short,
By gender jump-jump and sat in a corner. (Broom)
4. I saw his portrait, departed no portrait. (Mirror)
5.Two ends, two rings, and carnations in the middle. (Scissors)
6. Irons everything what they touch, and touch it_bites. (Iron)
7.Small round, but you can't catch it by the tail. (Tangle)
8. She puffs like a locomotive, but does not rush anywhere.
Any I am ready to share my moment of warmth. (Stove)
9. What kind of house such that even in summer it is cold. (Refrigerator)
10.All day they move their mustaches and tell them to find out the time. (Hours)
11.V I serve in the locker room, I keep my coat hanging. (Hanger)
12.To all , whoever comes, gives a hand to everyone who leaves. (Door handle)
Fourth competition: Heroine fairy tales.
1. A girl appeared in a cup of a flower.
And there was one the girl is a little bigger than a fingernail.
walnut shell that girl was sleeping
And the little saved the swallow from the cold . . (Thumbelina)
2. Grandmother loved her granddaughter very much
Cap gave her a beautiful one.
Girl name forgot mine,
Come on tell me her name? (Little Red Riding Hood)
3. Girl she was very smart,
she gave the bear
"Not sit on a stump, don't eat a pie"
Bring grandpa, take it to grandma. (Masha)
4. And on she washed her stepmother and sorted out the peas.
At night candlelight and slept by the stove.
as good as the sun, but it's called ... (Cinderella)
5. She Pinocchio taught to write
And the key gold helped to look for.
That girl - doll with big eyes,
Like the sky azure hair.
On the sweet face - Neat nose.
What is her name, answer the question? (Malvina)
6. Fairy tale remember quickly
Character in her boy is Kai.
Queen Snowy heart froze,
But the girl the tender boy did not leave.
She was walking in frost, forgetting about food in a blizzard, bed.
She was walking on help a friend, what is the name of his girlfriend? (Gerda)
Fifth competition: Hero fairy tales.
1. I am the most beautiful, well-mannered, smart and moderately well-fed. (Carlson)
2. I am rich, omnipotent,
Very slender, terribly furious.
Death at all not afraid
Guess what's my name? (Koschey the Deathless)
3.Know this rascal
nobody outwit.
Cannibal, like a mouse
managed swallow.
What a beast walking in a fairy tale
The mustache is puffy, screwing up his eyes
Hat, with saber in hand
And in huge boots. (Puss in Boots)
4. Muzzle mustachioed, striped coat,
Washes frequently, feeds on milk.
He is bright screen star.
Practical, wise and businesslike
Agricultural famous for his plans throughout Russia. (Cat Matroskin)
5.It is curved and lame
All washcloths commander
He is of course will wash everyone
Washbasin. ... (Moidodyr)
6. He is a friend animals and children
He is a living creature,
But there are no such white light
No more no one.
Because he is in the world
Not a tiger cub, not a fox,
Not a kitten, not a puppy,
Not a wolf cub, not a groundhog.
But filmed for cinema
And known all for a long time
This sweetheart muzzle,
What is called .... (Cheburashka)
Sixth competition: in the world music.
Musical riddles:
1) First word:
When he small, then yellow and fluffy.
He loves swim and dive in the water.
Storyteller Anderson wrote a sad tale about him with a happy ending. (Duckling)
Second word:
One More Time Let's say the word we've already guessed. (Duckling)
Answer: duckling + Duckling = composition "Dance of the little ducklings"
2) First word:
He has ears on his knees.