Homer optical illusion
An optical illusion makes this 3D printed Homer Simpson sponge holder fantastic
Image screen shot via Etsy
An Etsy seller is offering this fantastic Homer fading into the bush sponge holder, where it appears Homer fades into the sponge. They offer links to the 3D plans they used to put it together.
This is a 3D printed sponge holder. It has a black raised drain to properly drain the sponge water back into your sink. It can be made with a claw like clasp to hold a suction cup or with no clasp. It was made using PLA plastic which is a non-toxic plastic.
This store is an exclusive seller of this model in the United States and Canada
If you're in the UK and would like this item please visit ClemmyCreations at: etsy.com/shop/ClemmyCreations.
This is a 3D printed model of a 3D model created by 3D artist JAJAUM3D and downloaded from his Cults3D.
com profile here, https://cults3d.com/en/users/jajaum3d/creations.
I find 3D printing tedious bullshit and sold my printer years ago. Its nice to have someone else do the hard work.
Throughout their entire run on YouTube, the team behind Epic Rap Battles of History has created some of the best and funniest clashes between fictional characters and historical figures. If you've never taken the time to watch one of their videos (which is highly unlikely given their fame), I highly recommend giving the channel a… READ THE REST
Listen, I love pumpkins as much as the next guy. I've made Jack-O-Lanterns and have enjoyed a pumpkin spice latte or two, but this seasonal pumpkin obsession has gone too far. As a man, I've seen too many of my male friends, looking to appease their girlfriends, drearily pose with dead eyes in enough pumpkin… READ THE REST
Love will make you do some crazy things.
Every lover or spouse has ventured to a pumpkin patch, farmer's market, or football game to lovingly appease the whims of their significant other at some point in their life. Just think about how many times you've had to grit your teeth- while simultaneously lying through them… READ THE REST
We thank our sponsor for making this content possible; it is not written by the editorial staff nor does it necessarily reflect its views. We don't stop learning after high school or college. Life is one long learning process, but if you've seen the price of degrees these days, you might think pursuing secondary education is out… READ THE REST
We thank our sponsor for making this content possible; it is not written by the editorial staff nor does it necessarily reflect its views. In times like these,e ditch their conventional single-family homes and take their show on the road.
If you think about it, mobile home living scratches both the itch to travel and… READ THE REST
We thank our sponsor for making this content possible; it is not written by the editorial staff nor does it necessarily reflect its views. We love Google for a multitude of reasons. It's the most-used platform for everyone, from students learning a new skill to grandmas who need to find out how to ruin Thanksgiving dinner again. The most… READ THE REST
Sid the Science Kid: Optical Illusions
None Do you know what an optical illusion is? Join Sid the Science Kid to find out! Sid can’t believe his eyes! At breakfast, his pancake looks smaller than Zeke’s, but they’re the same size! How can this be? It’s an optical illusion! Mom and Dad explain that sometimes your eyes and your brain play tricks on you and things aren’t always what they appear to be.
Enjoy our collection of fun science stories for kids. With favorites like Sid the Science Kid and Hayley Rides into Space, you're sure to find stories your child will love.
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Robot in Space
Hayley Rides Into Space
My Terrific Spaceship
Sid The Science Kid: Reused Robot
Sid the Science Kid: Hello, Doggie
Sid The Science Kid: Rolie Polies
Sid the Science Kid: Optical Illusions
Sid the Science Kid: Gravity and Weightlessness
Sid the Science Kid: Primary Colors
Sid the Science Kid: Ants
Sid the Science Kid: States of Water
Sid the Science Kid: Pollination
One membership, two learning apps for ages 2-8.
Full Text
Hey, you're a scientist, like me! Come discover with Sid the Science Kid. “The pancakes are ready!“ “Pancakes!“ “There's one for Zeke and one for you.“ “Hey, why is this a smaller pancake? I mean, look how much bigger Zeke's pancake is than my pancake.“ “Nope, same size, Sid.“ “I'll use my trusty ruler to check 'em, Dad.“ “Okay Siddo, but I promise they're the same.“ “Okay, so the bigger pancake measures five inches. And over here, the small one measures . . . five inches! Incredible! They're the same, but how? Aw! Dad, how can their size be the same?“ “Well, I'll tell you, Sid. Your eyes were tricked by what's called an optical illusion. Your brain told you that the pancake on the left was bigger, but actually the two pancakes are the exact same size.“ “You mean, I can't believe my own eyes?!“ “Well, it's more like your brain played a trick on you.“ “My brain played a trick on me? Hold on. Something else must be different if the pancakes are the same size.
“ “You're on the right track.“ “Well, the pancakes are the same size, but the plates are different. The plate on the left is smaller! That's why I thought the pancake on the left was bigger than the other one. Optical illusions are amazing!“ “Now take a look, Sid. I've got another one. What animal do you see in this drawing?“ “Um . . . a duck!“ “Wait. A duck? It looks like a little rabbit to me.“ “Huh? No, that's a duck.“ “If you see a duck, you imagine that this is his bill, these are his eyes . . . and this is the back of his head.“ “Yeah!“ “But watch this. On the other side, we can see a mouth, an eye, and a long pair of ears. And that makes a rabbit appear!“ “Yeah, I see the rabbit! So I guess Dad and I were both right!“ “That's why it's an optical illusion. It's a picture that can show different things.“ “Oh.“ “At first, you see only one, but when you keep looking, you can see the other. What animal do you see here?“ “Mm, a cat!“ “This time, I agree with Sid! That is definitely a cat!“ “Are you both sure? Because you're both wrong.
See, if I push in closer, I can change your cat . . . into a little white mouse!“ “Incredible! Hey, Mom, do you have any more optical illusions?“ “Yes, look at this straw sticking out of this glass of water.“ “Yeah, that's funny, the straw looks crooked.“ “Sid, I think you’re right. That straw looks crooked to my eyes too.“ “But if you take the straw out, you can see that it's straight. The water causes the illusion.“ “Wow, I know all about optical illusions now. I'm gonna go check on something. Thanks!“ “You're welcome.“ Have you ever looked up in the sky at night and seen the man in the moon? Oh, there he is now! I see a face with two eyes, a nose, and a big smiling mouth. But now that I know all about optical illusions, I know there's no man in the moon. Hey, scientists, you know what you can do is look for your own optical illusions! I'm sure you're surrounded by tons of 'em. It's time for me to go to bed! So remember to keep on discovering!
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what do you see in the photo, a lake or a wall?
Recently, more and more optical illusions appearing on the Internet make it clear that it is becoming increasingly difficult for us to trust our own eyes.
One of the latest mysterious images that stirs the brain is a photograph of trees and bushes, as well as mountains in the distance and a calm lake.
Everything seems normal until you are asked the question - is it still a lake or an ordinary small wall?
Optical illusion
If you look closely, you will notice that there is no beautiful and calm lake in the photo.
Actually, it is a concrete wall, the foot of which is decorated with bushes.
The wall is clearly visible in this image:
Back in 2015, people were divided into two camps, arguing among themselves about the color of the dress in the photo published on the Internet. Some said that it was golden-white, others that it was black-blue.
A year later, another photograph of the jacket was published, the color scheme of which also became a stumbling block. Some said that the jacket was blue with a white pattern, others that it was green with a golden pattern, others that it was black with a brown pattern.
Here is another color puzzle that participants in one study tried to solve.
Optical illusion (pictures)
What color do you see?
During the survey, 64% of the participants answered that the color was green and 32% that it was blue.
But when they were given an image of the same color but accompanied by two shades of blue, many changed their minds. As a result, 90% of the respondents said they see green.
The color is actually more green than blue. According to the RGB (Red, Green, Blue or GLC - additive color model) color spectrum, the color coordinates are 0, 122 and 116.
Why do we see colors differently?
Each person is unique, which means that everyone's brain processes information differently.
Light enters the eye and touches the retina, the inner lining of the eyeball that receives light. The light is converted into an electrical signal that reaches the optic nerve in the visual cortex.
The brain eventually creates its own unique picture of the given electrical signal.
It is not surprising that many people have changed their minds about color, since we perceive the color of an object based on comparison with the surrounding hues.
Color perception
Here is another puzzle related to color perception. Find Latin letters hidden among circles of approximately the same tone.
At first glance, everything is quite simple, but in some cases people have to look at the picture for a long time to notice the letter.
This means that you see more than an ordinary person, and the world around you is painted with a large number of shades.
If you did not see all the letters, then - the correct answers:
Read: Can you find potatoes in a crowd of hamsters?
Similar content: eyes, puzzle, illusion, interesting
6 optical illusions, or pictures that move | Contests and tests
Julia Udalova
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Photo: commons.wikimedia.org
Moving pictures, which are so common on the Internet and which make your head spin, are actually static. They simply give the illusion of movement when viewed (especially when the head is tilted).
This process is called - optical or visual illusion . This is the so-called error in visual perception caused by inaccuracy or inadequacy of the processes of unconscious correction of the visual image, as well as physical reasons.
Sometimes a person consciously or involuntarily gives an explanation of what he sees that does not correspond to reality. This visual effect is known to anyone who has observed clouds running across the sky, taking the form of well-known visual objects - horses, dogs, trees. This is what explains the sensational reports in the media about the observation of a human head on Mars, etc.
We offer a look at some of the most popular illusions:
Illusion of a flickering lattice
This illusion is also called the Hering's lattice (1870). When you move your eyes across the image, you can see white flashing dots, in some they "turn" into black.
Image source: wikimedia.org
Pulsating illusion
When we fix our gaze on certain objects, are our eyes in a state of stillness? No that's not true. No matter how hard we try to look closely, our eyes cannot stand still. This proves the optical illusion Japanese artist Ouchi .
And this example of an optical illusion will prove 100% that our eyes are in constant motion.
Look at the picture. No matter how you try to fix your eyes, the fractal curves constantly pulsate.
Art by Hajime Ouchi
Illusion of Static Star Movement
Look at the picture below, are you seeing movement? The pattern is arranged in such a way that the patterns of the central section of the pattern look opposite to the edge patterns. If we look at the picture, we see a blurry movement. At first, this picture was known without the image of the star (by Akioshi Kitaoka). But the Artist Kaia Nao decided to separate the background from the figure and thereby show the clear boundaries of the figure (star).
The author of the picture: Kaia Nao
Pictures and the mental state of a person
Japanese professor of psychology Akioshi Kitaoka specializes in visual perception and visual illusions.
He claims that with the help of special pictures one can determine the mental state of a person, they help to reflect his inner world and mood.
To make sure that the image is static, focus your eyes on one area of the drawing - the movement, if you observed it, stops. This convinces that the movement of the picture is created by our imagination.
Author of the drawing: wikimedia.org
• If the drawings have become absolutely still - you have nothing to worry about, your mental health is in order. This means that at the moment you are a balanced, calm and rested person.
• If the drawings are still moving, although slowly - you need rest, both physical and moral.
Particularly important is proper sleep, which is the best antidepressant.
• If the drawing continues to actively move - this may be a symptom of accumulated fatigue, a high level of stress that you are experiencing at the moment, deterioration in health.
Perhaps you should reconsider your lifestyle and thinking patterns, turn to a psychologist for help in order to establish spiritual harmony and improve your health.
"Spinning Serpent"
This optical illusion brought the talented psychologist worldwide fame and a gold prize in the arts and sciences competition. It makes us believe that the image has some kind of animation.
Image source: wikimedia.org
And finally…
The creation of optical illusions has often been the subject of the work of many famous artists.