2Nd grade short vowel words

2nd Grade Short Vowel Worksheets

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  • Short Vowels

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Reading: EA as in Bread Worksheet

The digraph ea can be read in more than one way. It can be in …

Grade 2
Short Vowels


Reading: Long O and Short O Sounds Worksheet

Students get plenty of practice sounding out short O and long O with this reading …

Grade 2
Short Vowels


Two Sounds for OO Worksheet

The English language is full of examples where the same letters can have different sounds, …

Grade 2
Short Vowels


Short Vowel Detective Worksheet

The short and long vowels are a topic that your kids must learn in order …

Grade 2
Short Vowels


Long and Short U Worksheet

Liven up your next lesson on long and short vowels with this entertaining printout! This …

Grade 2
Short Vowels


Long and Short O Worksheet

Teach your students the difference between long and short «Os»! This free printout uses reading …

Grade 2
Short Vowels


Long and Short A Worksheet

Time to teach your class about long and short vowels? Look no further. This free, …

Grade 2
Short Vowels


Long and Short I Worksheet

Teach your students the difference between long and short «Is with this fun coloring-in exercise! …

Grade 2
Short Vowels


Long and Short E Worksheet

This fun printout teaches Grade 3 students all about long and short «Es». Get them …

Grade 2
Short Vowels


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ELA.2.2.A.ii | TEKS Guide

  • Overview
  • Alignments
  • Resources

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking--beginning reading and writing. The student develops word structure knowledge through phonological awareness, print concepts, phonics, and morphology to communicate, decode, and spell.

Demonstrated Proficiency of ELA.2.2.A.ii

Ask students to sort long and short vowel sounds. A teacher may say a word (and hold up a picture card) and students must determine if it has a long or short vowel. Have a t-chart where students can put all the short-vowel pictures on one side and all the long vowel pictures on another.

Example words:

  • Short vowels (one syllable)—cat, tap, flat, bed, nest, bench, lunch, bush, moth, bath, pinch, stink, clock, stop, spin, grab, trip, flock, thin, shot, smell, fell, punch, crush, frog, dress, west, math, pick, truck
  • Short vowels (two syllable)—basket, cactus, happen, disgust, until, picnic, tennis, kitten, napkin, single, tickle, rabbit, velvet, expect, collect, insect, random, cotton, insult, pretzel, distant, absent, admit, jungle
  • Long vowels (one syllable)—cane, gain, train, stay, rake, feel, treat, beam, street, high, bike, tie, light, boat, go, toad, hole, phone, nose, bow, low, grow, cute, blue, chew, knew, use, tube, food, too
  • Long vowels (two syllable)—railroad, airplane, table, between, snowflake, female, sideways, maybe


Students are not generating words; they are simply determining if the word has short or long vowels in it.


Glossary Support for ELA.2.2.A.ii

phonological awareness

Phonological awareness is the ability to detect and manipulate the sound structures of spoken language, including recognizing differently sized sound parts (i.e., phrases, words, syllables, phonemes) and manipulating those parts (i.e., blend, segment, delete, add, and change).


a unit of oral language in which a vowel sound is heard; it may or may not contain a consonant sound


Examples of short vowels taught in second grade include the following: • trap, flat, nest, bench, lunch, bush, moth, bath, pinch, stink, clock, stop, spin, grab, trip, flock, thin, shot, smell, fell, punch, crush, frog, dress, west, math, pick, truck (one syllable) • basket, cactus, happen, disgust, until, picnic, tennis, kitten, napkin, single, tickle, rabbit, velvet, expect, collect, insect, random, cotton, insult, pretzel, distant, absent, admit, jungle (two syllable) Examples of long vowels taught in second grade include the following: • cane, gain, train, stay, rake, feel, treat, beam, street, high, bike, tie, light, boat, go, toad, hole, phone, nose, bow, low, grow, cute, blue, chew, knew, use, tube, food, too (one syllable) • railroad, airplane, table, between, snowflake, female, sideways, maybe (two syllable)

Vowel sounds and letters.

How many are there in Russian?

We will teach you how to write without mistakes and tell stories in an interesting way

Start learning

The correct pronunciation of words is one of the components of a beautiful and literate speech. To achieve this, you will first have to study the sounds themselves. In this article, we will figure out together what vowel sounds are, how many vowels are in the alphabet of the Russian language, and what sounds they can represent.

What are vowels and sounds

Vowel sounds are those sounds that we freely convey with our voice. Hence their name comes from: voice means "voice". When pronouncing, air exits through the mouth and does not create noise, and the position of the tongue and lips determines which vowel sound we will pronounce.

There are much fewer vowels in Russian than consonants. There are 6 of them in total: [a], [o], [i], [s], [y] and [e]. To understand whether a vowel sound is in front of you or not, try to sing it. For example:

  • a-a-a ,

  • woo

  • s-s-s .

If it works, then the sound is a vowel. You can't do that with consonants.

There are more vowels than sounds - there are 10 of them: a, i, u, u, o, e, e, e, i, s . This difference is due to the fact that some of these letters can represent two sounds and are pronounced using a combination of a vowel and a consonant [y']. For example, in the word spruce the letter e expresses two sounds - [y'] and [e]. Let's look at the table all the vowel sounds and the letters that represent them.




a [a] pharmacy


[d'] + [a]



y [y] moon


[y'] + [y]










[th'] + [e]







[d'] + [o]














Demo lesson in Russian

Take the test at the introductory lesson and find out what topics separate you from the "five" in Russian.

How vowel sounds are related to syllables

Vowel sounds form syllables - sound segments of words that we pronounce with one breath. One syllable can be either a vowel with one or more consonants, or a vowel alone. There is even a rule by which syllables can be counted: how many vowels in a word - so many syllables.

For example, in the word journey there are 5 vowels: [u], [i], [e], [i] and [e]. This means that it has 5 syllables: p-te-she-stv-e .

Test yourself!

Count the number of syllables in the words: try on, tanner, well-groomed, care, prefix, capital, wet, invitation, orange .

Vowel sounds and stress

Now let's see what groups vowel sounds are divided into. Sometimes their pronunciation depends on whether the stress falls on them, that is, whether we single them out with our voice. So vowel sounds are divided into stressed and unstressed. Here are some examples:

Impact position
Unstressed position
prize money

Stress in Russian can fall on any of the existing vowel sounds. However, only 4 of them can be unstressed - these are [a], [i], [y] and [s]. In this position, we pronounce sounds weaker than under stress, because of which they can change qualities and sound differently.

Interestingly, the vowels [o] and [e] can only be stressed. There are only a couple of exceptions to this rule: for example, in words cocoa and canoe sounds [o] and [e] in an unstressed position.

How unstressed vowels are related to consonants

How an unstressed vowel sounds depends on the consonant that precedes it. Or rather, from its hardness or softness. If it is a hard consonant, it can be followed by unstressed vowels [y], [a] and [s]. When we talk about a soft consonant, it is followed by unstressed vowels [y] and [and].

After a hard consonant
After a soft consonant
[wa] yes
[s'u] yes

Test yourself

It's time to find out if you now understand well what vowel sounds are in Russian. To do this, we have prepared tasks for self-examination.

Task 1

List all the vowels in these words:

  • fair,

  • rejoice,

  • doll,

  • distant,

  • buddy,

  • voting,

  • mirror,

  • story,

  • OK,

  • captivate.

  • Task 2

    Name 5 words each in which the sounds [a], [i], [y] and [s] would be stressed.

    Task 3

    Name 5 words in which an unstressed vowel would come after a hard consonant, and 5 more words where it would follow a soft consonant.

    Task 4

    Count the number of syllables in the words below (don't forget to use the rule you learned at the beginning of the article!):

    • weightless,

    • sunrise,

    • adventure,

    • painter,

    • perpetuate,

    • pleasant,

    • image,

    • category,

    • exciting,

    • melting,

    • snowflake.

    The rules of phonetics help us to speak correctly, so it is important to master the topic of vowels well and avoid gaps in knowledge. If even after reading the article you still have questions on the topic, you can figure them out in the Russian language course at Skysmart. In online lessons, the teacher will help the student work out the theory and consolidate the result on non-boring tasks. So the student will be able to improve the quality of knowledge, and fall in love with the subject.

    Cheat sheets for parents in Russian

    All formulas in Russian at hand and free

    Alena Fedotova

    author Skysmart

    for the previous article


    for the next article


    9055 plan for the development of speech and writing at a free introductory lesson

    At an introductory lesson with a methodologist

    1. We will identify gaps in knowledge and give advice on learning

    2. We will tell you how classes

    3. take the course

    90,000 spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of the word, 2nd grade

    Educational Program: “School of Russia”.

    Subject: Russian.

    Type lessons: consolidation of knowledge, a lesson in the formation of UUD.

    Form conducting: lesson.

    Technologies: student-centered, ict, health-saving.

    Lesson topic : "Checked unstressed vowels in the root of a word."

    Lesson objectives:


    Strengthen the ability to check an unstressed vowel at the root of a word.

    Learn to work according to the algorithm.

    Distinguish between test and test words.


    Regulatory: to be able to determine the goals of educational activities, correlate completed tasks with a model, be able to correct completed tasks.

    Cognitive: the ability to navigate in a textbook, find information, the ability to answer teacher's questions, work independently according to the established algorithm, the ability to observe and draw simple conclusions.

    Communicative: development of students' speech, learning to work in pairs, developing the ability to listen and take into account the opinions of other children.

    Personal: formation of motivation for learning, teaching to fulfill learning requirements.

    Equipment: textbook "Russian language, grade 2" (authors V.P. Kanakina), notebooks, interactive whiteboard, document camera, netbooks, presentation, picture dictionary, cards for independent and individual work.

    1.Org. moment

    2. Emotional mood

    - I would like to start the lesson with the words of Alexei Tolstoy. He wrote: "The Russian people created the Russian language, bright as a rainbow after a spring shower, accurate as arrows, melodious and rich, sincere, like a song over a cradle"

    Learning the Russian language is a great thing. This is what we will focus on in our lesson.

    3. A minute of calligraphy. (Slide No. 2)

    a r o i e

    - Formulate the topic of the lesson. (Spelling of an unstressed vowel at the root of a word)

    Let's continue fixing on this topic.

    - How to check an unstressed vowel? (choose a test or one-root word). What words are called cognate or related? (having a common part - root and meaning)

    - Choose a test word. (Starling) (Slide No. 3)

    6. Work in groups . (Slide number 4) Make a sentence about birds according to a given pattern. Underline the grammar.

    Which one? Who? What is he doing? Where?

    (A big crow sits on a birch.)

    5. Exercise for the eyes .

    8. Collective work. (Slide number 5)

    - What unites the recorded words? (These are birds)

    - What is another name for birds? (Feathers)

    - Read the following group of words:

    Feather, feathered, first, plumage.

    - Can we say that all these words have the same root? (No)

    – Which word is superfluous? Why? (Word first other meaning)

    - Write down these words, highlight the root, put the stress.

    "Be careful" game. (Slide number 6) Find an extra word and cross it out, and in the rest, highlight the root and put the stress. (work with an interactive whiteboard)

    1. Squirrel, white, whiten.
    2. Water, water, led.
    3. Root, root, cakes
    4. Elk, flap, calf.

    - Which of the words is a test word and which is a test word? Select the root and put the accent.

    - How to check an unstressed vowel in the root of a word? (Rule)

    7. Compilation of an algorithm for checking unstressed vowels in the root of a word. (Slide number 7)

    - What words require verification? Let's make an algorithm.

    What are the vowels? (stressed and unstressed)

    – In what position is the spelling of the vowel sound questionable? (unstressed)

    – Which vowels in unstressed syllables should be checked? (a, o, i, e, z)

    - How to check the spelling of an unstressed vowel? (change the form of a word or pick up a single-root word)

    9. Independent work according to the textbook p.99 exercise 152. (by option)

    Document camera test.

    10. Physical education minute.

    We worked hard - let's have a rest, (Walking in place.)

    Let's get up, take a deep breath. (Pulling.)

    Arms to the sides, forward, (Turns of the body.)

    Left, right turn. (Tilts left-right.)

    Three tilts, stand up straight. (Squats.)

    Raise arms up and down. (Jumping.)

    Hands smoothly lowered, (Walking in place.)

    Everyone was given smiles.

    11. Knowledge test.

    Let's check our knowledge by passing the online test on the topic "Unstressed vowel at the root of the word." (website http://onlinetestpad.com/)

    12. Individual work

    - Listen to the task that the magpie prepared for us:

    - Hello guys!
    I am a white-sided magpie
    I flew around the world,
    I picked up a lot of words,
    In the meantime, I was wagging my tail,
    I lost the letters somewhere.
    Take the words as soon as possible,
    Yes, and write them correctly,

    And then evaluate yourself.

    (Words are cards on the magpie's tail)

    - The magpie brought cards for each of you. They are on your tables.

    Card 1 option

    Card 2 options

    The front side of the card

    The back side of the card

    The front side of the card

    Breed Card

    D. Nenki
    p. S. Dovy

    . E
    . OO
    . Andi

    9000 9000

    TsV.t.0811 Z. Lyyoy
    GN. ZDO




    11. Reflection.

    - What did you learn at the lesson? (made an algorithm for checking a word with unstressed vowels)

    - How to check an unstressed vowel in the root of a word? (Rule)

    I am satisfied with my work at the lesson: (Slide No. 8)

    - satisfied ...

    - not quite happy...

    - I'm not happy because...

    12. D/Z:

    154 p.100, notebook p.47, exercise 100, taking into account the rule.

    8. Collective work. Game "Be Careful" Find an extra word and cross it out, and in the rest, highlight the root and put the stress. (at the blackboard)

    1. Squirrel, white, whiten.
    2. Water, water, led.
    3. Root, root, cakes
    4. Elk, flap, calf.

    8. Collective work. Game "Be Careful" Find an extra word and cross it out, and in the rest, highlight the root and put the stress. (at the blackboard)

    1. Squirrel, white, bleach.
    2. Water, water, led.
    3. Root, root, cakes
    4. Elk, flap, calf.

    8. Collective work. Game "Be Careful" Find an extra word and cross it out, and in the rest, highlight the root and put the stress. (at the blackboard)

    1. Squirrel, white, whiten.
    2. Water, water, led.
    3. Root, root, cakes
    4. Elk, flap, calf.

    8. Collective work. Game "Be Careful" Find an extra word and cross it out, and in the rest, highlight the root and put the stress. (at the blackboard)

    1. Squirrel, white, bleach.
    2. Water, water, led.
    3. Root, root, cakes
    4. Elk, flap, calf.

    8. Collective work. Game "Be Careful" Find an extra word and cross it out, and in the rest, highlight the root and put the stress. (at the blackboard)

    1. Squirrel, white, whiten.
    2. Water, water, led.
    3. Root, root, cakes
    4. Elk, flap, calf.

    8. Collective work. Game "Be Careful" Find an extra word and cross it out, and in the rest, highlight the root and put the stress. (at the blackboard)

    D. NKI
    p. SNA
    p. Dovy

    . E


  • 1.

    z. -volume
    GN. ZDO



    Option 1 card

    Options 2 options

    The front side of the card

    The rear side of the card

    Front side of the card

    9000 9000 0 9 9000 2 . CHOT
    N. FUCK
    S. Dovi

    . Andi
    . OO

    p. P.

    Card 1 option

    Card 2 Options

    Front side of the card

    The back side of the card

    The front side of the card

    0002 Rear side of the card


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