Wolf dressed as grandma
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grandma wolf Stock-Fotografie und Bilder. Oder starten Sie eine neue Suche, um noch mehr Stock-Fotografie und Bilder zu entdecken.rotkäppchen und der wolf - grandma wolf stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleRED RIDING HOOD MISTAKES THE WOLF FOR HER GRANDMOTHER. ILLUSTRATION FOR THE BROTHERS GRIMM FAIRY TALE. UNDATED COLOR SCREENED IMAGE.Little Red Riding Hood.Charles Perrault . French writer. Little Red Riding Hood astonished to see how her grandmother looks. Engraving by Gustave Dore . Colored.Little Red Riding Hood is surprised to find a wolf in bed instead of her grandmother, from the fairy tale by the brothers Grimm.

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The wolf in the new adaptation of "Little Red Riding Hood" borrowed style from Karl Lagerfeld
Soon we will learn the prehistory of the famous fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood.
Press service of the film "Little Red Riding Hood"
On September 22, the film "Little Red Riding Hood" will be released, which will tell the prehistory of the famous fairy tale by Charles Perrault. The action of the picture begins even before the birth of Little Red Riding Hood. In the universe of the main character, there are two warring clans - the defenders of the fairy-tale city - wolf-killers and aggressive predators werewolves that can turn into people. For a hundred years, these clans managed to coexist together, but one day the werewolves decide to seize power. In the struggle, Little Red Riding Hood's father, nicknamed Wolfboy, dies. At the age of 12, Little Red Riding Hood will have to learn the story of her father and the fact that she is one of the guardians of the forest.
We decided to talk about the main characters of the film with comments by the famous Russian designer Igor Gulyaev, who acted as a costume designer on the project.
Little Red Riding Hood (Tasya Kalinina)
Little Red Riding Hood in the new film looks like this.
Film PR service
Until the age of 12, Little Red Riding Hood lives in the forest, helps her mother sell pies and dreams of great adventures that will soon happen to her.
– Little Red Riding Hood will have to move from the fairytale forest to the modern world, therefore, when designing her costume, and the rest of the characters too, I tried to make everything look modern, despite some fantasy and historicity, – designer Igor Gulyaev tells Metro. – We thought about the look of the hat for a long time and eventually made it in the style of the “reveling hats” popular in our brand.
Little Red Riding Hood costume sketches.
Provided by Igor Gulyaev's agent
They also tried to make the heroine's layered jumpsuit fabulous and modern at the same time, and also so that it does not hinder movement, because Riding Hood has to run and fight every now and then.
Grandmother (Irina Rozanova)
Irina Rozanova played Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother.
Press service of the film
Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother has character: she will not let her family be offended and will always share wise advice.
- When I found out that Ira Rozanova, whom I adore as an actress and with whom we have been friends for many years, will play Grandmother, I wanted to convey in the costume the character of Irina, on the one hand, sophisticated, on the other - hooligan - with laughter designer comments. – In this image, we used the now popular grunge style – slight negligence in the correct forms, complemented the costume with a corset, a spectacular headdress. Irina called me from the first rehearsals, when she put on a costume, and said: "Gulyaev, I feel like a cool grandmother! Thank you for not getting lost."
First sketches for Grandmother's costume.
Provided by Igor Gulyaev's agent
Westar (Aleksey Serebryakov)
Alexei Serebryakov played the ferocious leader of the wolf pack.
Press service of the film
The ferocious leader of the wolf pack, Westar, has a long-standing enmity with the family of wolf fighters and is looking for a worthy successor to whom he will transfer power.
- We made this image in the spirit of Karl Lagerfeld - aristocratic, restrained, white shirt, vest, trench coat, everything is very regular. This hero, as planned, was to be radically different from everyone else - primarily in his gloss and restraint, - explains Igor Gulyaev.
Costume design for the leader of the wolves.
Provided by the press agent of Igor Gulyaev
A distinctive feature of the heroes from the werewolf clan are black fingers. According to the designer, this feature came during a team discussion with the film crew:
– We needed to highlight the dark animal essence of wolves, but unobtrusively, without bright fairy-tale elements, some kind of masks, and so on. Finally, an idea came up.
Black "finger pads" were made from leather, which was boiled and beaten in a special way, and created individually for each character.
Hardy (Yuri Chursin)
Hardy (Yuri Chursin) is the youngest son of the pack leader Vestar.
Movie press office
The youngest son of the leader of the pack, Vestar, Hardy is obsessed with the idea of becoming his father's successor when he retires. To do this, he is ready to do anything.
– We made a chic coat for the hero Yuri Chursin. It is made of simple black wool, but we made the texture ourselves, pouring resin, paint, some kind of fuel oil over it. It froze, we peeled off and poured over again. As a result, it turned out to be somehow incredible, as if it were hundreds of years old - both soft and petrified at the same time, - says the designer.
Volkoboy (Danila Yakushev)
Volkoboy (Danila Yakushev) is Little Red Riding Hood's father.
Press service of the film
Little Red Riding Hood's father and a brave representative of an ancient family of wolf-hunters who have long protected the fairy-tale forest from wolves.
“Here we mixed the image of a hunter-warrior with elements of fabulousness and some fashionable modern trends,” comments Igor Gulyaev. - The hero is new, which means that they will definitely pay attention to him and will be considered in detail, so we tried to make him look cool.
Marie (Ekaterina Klimova)
Marie (Ekaterina Klimova) is Little Red Riding Hood's mother.
Film press service
Little Red Riding Hood's mother. She loves and protects her daughter, but, like any parent of a teenager, it can be difficult for her to find a common language with her.
“It's a family movie, so we added color accents to almost all of the costumes to make it colorful,” says the designer and costume designer in this movie.