Abc letter sound song

The Best Alphabet Songs for Kindergarten

If there is one thing I know for sure, it’s that kindergarteners LOVE music. Turn on a song and you’ll instantly have 25 little heads bobbing as they sing along – whether they know the tune or not.

Adding an Alphabet song to our morning routine has been one of the best things for my class. We choose one of these alphabet videos to sing along to every morning, and I have seen how it has impacted my students’ growth in a positive way.

Why? Music gives the brain rhyme and rhythm which gives it cues to recall information with.

How many of us still break into song with Gwen Stefani whenever we think of spelling the word “bananas”?

I have gathered a list of our favorite alphabet songs for kindergarten. Even though we sing these repeatedly, my class never gets tired of them!

Watch the Letters Get Down

Watch the Letters Get Down is one of our FAVORITE alphabet videos! This is the alphabet song that I find myself singing as I prepare dinner or try to relax ????. It’s that catchy!

This letter sounds review video combines alphabet motions, visual and word cues, and a fun rhythm to help students learn the letter sounds.

Mr. B has a few other phonics songs and videos that are just as fun. You can transition from this alphabet song to his blends and digraphs songs later in the year and your students will love it!

Act Out the Alphabet

Act Out the Alphabet is another favorite alphabet song that combines music and movement. Really, any Jack Hartmann video is a winner in our book.

You can do the motions to this song sitting down or get up and dance it out!

Alphabet Song by Have Fun Teaching

I don’t know what it is about this alphabet review song, but my students always feel SO cool singing it. ????

Have Fun Teaching also has individual letter videos that would be a good companion to this song when you focus on a letter a day.

Animal Alphabet Move and Grove

I told you, we are big fans of all things Jack Hartmann. This alphabet song is fun because it gives an animal name for each letter.

It also gets kids up and moving and grooving so they get the kinesthetic connection as well.

What Do The Letters Say?

This is another alphabet song that you won’t be able to get out of your head. What Do the Letters Say? is a letter sounds parody of What Does the Fox Say? and it’s as entertaining as you might imagine.

Whether your students know the original song or not, I can guarantee they will love this fun letter sounds video!

This list of alphabet YouTube videos contains some of our favorite alphabet songs to include in our morning routine. Have another favorite? Tell us down below! ????

Looking for an interactive way to teach letters and letter sounds? Little Readers Phonics is an engaging curriculum that contains everything you need to teach phonics this year!

It contains everything you need to feel confident teaching phonics including: scripted lesson plans, printables and worksheets, real photo materials, crafts and directed drawings, emergent readers, and so much more!

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Phonics Songs that Teach the Alphabet and Individual Letter Sounds

These Phonics lyrics are available from a variety of albums:

Learning the ABCs & Letter Sounds
A-B-C – Patty's Primary Songs
ABCzzz (featuring Saul Paul) – Nanny Nikki
The ABC Rap – The Gum Rappers
ABC Song – Kiboomu Music
The ABC Songs  – Susan Salidor
Act Out the Alphabet – Jack Hartmann
The Alphabet Chant – Super Simple Songs
The Alphabet's in My Mouth – Dr. Jean
A is for Ant – Timmmy Abell
Alphabet Song – Marla Lewis
Alphabet Limbo – Stephen Fite
The Alphabet Song – Super Simple Songs
The Alphabet Song (ABC) -- Slow Version – Margie La Bella
Alphardy – Dr. Jean
Dog Alphabet Song – Grin Brigade
Frontwards, Backwards ABCs – Stephanie Burton
Forwards Backwards ABCs – Stephen Fite
Hands Up for Letter Sounds – Jack Hartmann
I Know My Alphabets – Ahjay Stelino
I Like Letters – Music, Movement & Magination
Is This a Number or a Letter? – Jack Hartmann
I've Been Working On My Letters – Cherry Carl
Let's Alphabecise – Stephen Fite
Lettercise – Dr. Jean
The Letter Dance – Dr. Jean
Letter Line Up – Jack Hartmann
Letter Pops – Dr. Jean
Letter Sounds – Stephen Fite
Letter Tales – Dr. Jean
Magic Letters – Debbie Paulsen
Meet the Letters of the Alphabet – Jack Hartmann
Marching Around the Alphabet – Hap Palmer
Phon-ercise – Dr. Jean
Rappin' the ABC's – Music, Movement & Magination
S-Superhero – Margot Bevington
The Sounds of Our Letters – Music with Mar.
Supersonic Letter Sounds – Stephen Fite
Twinkle ABCs – Kathleen Rushing
Yahoo! We're Learning the Alphabet – Music, Movement & Magination
Who Knows the Alphabet Sounds – Music, Movement & Magination
Who Let the Letters Out – Dr. Jean

Alliteration Lyrics for a Variety of Alphabet Letter Sounds
Alliteration – Danny Weinkauf
Amen and Achoo – Kelly Good
Bitty Bi Bo Bu – Dr. Jean
Dinosaurs to Dinner – Fran Avni
Chimmy Cha-Cha – Liz Buchanan
Echo the Letter Sounds – Jack Hartmann
Favorite Letter – Patty Shukla
Letter Sounds A to Z – Jack Hartmann
Mr. Muphy's Most Amazing Super Savings Store – Vincent Nunes
Musical Movement Alphabet – Music with Mar.
My Name Starts With a Letter – Nancy Schimmel and Fran Avni
Pineapple – Fran Avni
Sounds of the Alphabet – Marilyn M. Linford
We're Going to the Farm – Music, Movement & Magination
Words! – Ron Brown

Teaching the Shapes and Heights of Letters
Cheering Letters – Dr. Jean
Drawing in the Air – Music with Mar.
I Like Letters – Music, Movement & Magination
Letter Aerobics – Dr. Jean
Move to the Alphabet – Jack Hartmann
Shapes Make Letters (Part 1) – Music with Mar.

See our Songs that Teach Long and Short Vowel Sounds

Digraphs, Blends, and Diphthongs
See our Songs that Teach Letter Blends, Digraphs, and Diphthongs

B - (Basic Music Beat) – Music with Mar.
Bb – Greg Whitfield
Bananas – Patty Shukla
Big Bagels – Kelly Good
Bite for B – Intelli-Tunes
Bring Back the Bat – Nancy Schimmel and Fran Avni

C - (Celtic) – Music with Mar.
Cc – Greg Whitfield
Crawl for C – Intelli-Tunes

D - (Disco) – Music with Mar.
Dd – Greg Whitfield
Dance for D – Intelli-Tunes

F - (Folk) – Music with Mar.
Ff – Greg Whitfield
Flip for F – Intelli-Tunes
The Frosty Fable (the f sound) – Dan Crow

G - (Gospel) – Music with Mar.
Gg – Greg Whitfield
Gentle Giraffe – Marla Lewis
Get Your Own Goat – Fran Avni
Grin for G – Intelli-Tunes

H - (Hawaiian) – Music with Mar.
Hh – Greg Whitfield
Hop for H – Intelli-Tunes

J - (Jazz) – Music with Mar.
Jack the Giant (soft G and J sound) – Dan Crow
Jj – Greg Whitfield
Jump for J – Intelli-Tunes
Jump for Jesus – Kelly Good

K - (Klezmer) – Music with Mar.
The "K" Club – Greg Whitfield
Kid in Kalamazoo – Kelly Good
Kiss for K – Intelli-Tunes
Kiss the Cow (hard C and K sound) – Dan Crow

I Love My Pillow (the l sound) – Dan Crow
L - (Lullaby) – Music with Mar.
Ll – Greg Whitfield
Lick for L – Intelli-Tunes
Licking Lollipops – Songs for Speech and Language Skills
Lola the Lonely Llama – Kelly Good

I Love Foods that Start with "M" – Marla Lewis
M - (Merengue) – Music with Mar.
Mm – Greg Whitfield
March for M – Intelli-Tunes
Monkey Say, Monkey Do – Jack Hartmann
Muffin Mix – Fran Avni
No More Gum (the m sound) – Dan Crow

N - (New Age) – Music with Mar.
Nn – Greg Whitfield
Nine Naughty Newts – Kelly Good
Wiggle Your Nose for N – Intelli-Tunes

OOPS! (the p sound) – Dan Crow
P - (Polka) – Music with Mar.
Pp – Greg Whitfield
Percy the Pirate – Kelly Good
Point for P – Intelli-Tunes

Q - (Quanho) – Music with Mar.
Qq – Greg Whitfield
Quitet Q for Q – Intelli-Tunes

R - (Reggaton) – Music with Mar.
Rain Rain Rain (the r sound) – Dan Crow
Rr – Greg Whitfield
Rock and Roll – Kelly Good
Rock and Roll Star – Fun Phonics Songs
Run for R – Intelli-Tunes
The Ballad of Rueben Rooster (the r sound) – Dan Crow
Vroom Goes the Red Race Car – Patty Shukla

S - (Soul) – Music with Mar.
Seven Silly Squirrels – Fran Avni
Ss – Greg Whitfield
Sleep for S – Intelli-Tunes
Soup! Soup! Soup! (the s sound) – Dan Crow

T - (Tango) – Music with Mar.
Time To Take Time (the t sound) – Dan Crow
Tiptoe for T – Intelli-Tunes
Tt – Greg Whitfield
Timmy – Kelly Good

Make a V for V – Intelli-Tunes
V - (Vaudville) – Music with Mar.
Vv – Greg Whitfield

One Wet Windy Wednesday – Fran Avni
W - (Western Swing) – Music with Mar.
Walk for W – Intelli-Tunes
Ww – Greg Whitfield

Make the Sound for X – Intelli-Tunes
X - (Xhosa) – Music with Mar.
Xx – Greg Whitfield
eXiting – Kelly Good

Y - (Yass) – Music with Mar.
Yay for Y – Intelli-Tunes
Yy – Greg Whitfield
Yoshi the Yellow Yak – Kelly Good

Z - (Zydeco) – Music with Mar.
Zz – Greg Whitfield
Zip Your Lip for Z – Intelli-Tunes

See also:
Using Alliterative Songs to Teach Letter Sounds -- Nancy Schimmel and Fran Avni

See more of our Language Arts & Reading Skills Song Lyrics

English alphabet song - SPEAK ENGLISH

The alphabet song is a simple, fun rhyme with music that is used to teach children the letters. The English alphabet song, better known as the ABC Song, lists the names of all the letters of the English alphabet in order. Light text and a simple melody are quickly remembered even by kids.

Linguists, educators and scientists have long been saying that the human brain perceives and remembers clear and clearly structured information better. Therefore, when working with toddlers and older children, visual material and musical additions are often used.

A song about the alphabet in English helps to quickly master new material not only for children, but also for adults. And the modern multimedia world provides a wide selection of videos and audios about the English alphabet for children, the song in which is very easy to remember.

How children learn about letters and sounds for the first time

Educators and parents clearly understand that knowing the alphabet is the first and important step in learning a foreign language on the way to reading, speaking and writing. However, learning letters is much more than just the song "English alphabet".

Indeed, most children start learning English with an alphabet song, complete with bright pictures of letters. But the baby learns sounds much earlier than he learns letters.

A small child listens and reproduces the sounds he hears, and begins to intuitively understand that the names of surrounding objects and phenomena consist of sound units, that is, syllables.

This explains why even small children are able to distinguish between a request to find a cup and a request to bring a stone. Although at the same time the child will not be able to explain how he knows that this object is called that.

In this way, babies first get an idea of ​​sounds and letters when they hear and reproduce the sounds around them. Therefore, it is important to let them listen to songs about the English alphabet as early and as often as possible.

ABC Song - the easiest song about the alphabet

The easiest way to learn a foreign alphabet is to melodicly pronounce the letters of the English alphabet in order. Moreover, you can do this in a sing-song voice to quiet and calm music, or, conversely, quickly list all 26 letters at an accelerated pace.

"The A.B.C."/ˌEɪ.biːˈsiː/, "A.B.Cs" /ˌeɪ.biːˈsiːz/ or ​ABC Song is one of the most famous songs in the English language, which is also called the "Alphabet Song".

ABC song about the English alphabet is also one of the most popular in English-speaking countries, especially in the United States of America. It is ideal for teaching the foreign alphabet to very young students, as it has the simplest text and a calm musical motive.

ABC Song or song "The English Alphabet" received copyright protection for the first time in 1835. Then the music publisher from Boston, Charles Bradley, registered it in his name and gave the name, which in its full version sounds like "The A.B.C., German style with variations for flute with light accompaniment for forte."

The 18th century composer Louis Le Mer invented, as recorded in the copyright, the musical arrangement of this ditty. The corresponding entry was made "by an act of Congress in 1835 by C. Bradley in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Massachusetts."

Lyrics of an ABC Song in which each line represents two bars or eight beats:

  • A, B, C, D, E, F, G … (/ eɪ biː siː diː iː ɛf dʒiː /)
  • H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P … (/eɪtʃ aɪ dʒeɪ keɪ ɛlɛmɛnoʊ piː /; "L, M, N, O" is pronounced twice as fast as the rest of the rhyme)
  • Q, R, S ... / T, U, V ... (/ kjuː ɑːr ɛs | tiː juː viː /; pause between S and T, although in some variants the union "and" is pronounced)
  • W … X … / Y and (/ &) Z. (/ˈdʌbəl.juː ɛks | waɪ ænd ziː /; pause between X and Y, and W and X last two beats)
  • Now, I know my ABCs. (/naʊ aɪ noʊ maɪ eɪ biː siːz /) (Translation: Now I know my alphabet)
  • Next time, won't you sing with me? ( / KST TAɪ M Woʊ NT Juː Sɪŋ Wɪ 9 Miː /) (Translation: Next time you want to eat with me?).

According to the Newberry Library, which says: "The theme is that used by Mozart in his piano variations Ah, vous dirai-je, maman." This tune is the same as the tune for the children's songs "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" and "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep".

British pronunciation of "Zed" for "Z"

There is another version of the ABC Song called "Zed for Z". The fact is that in the USA the letter “Z” is distinguished by the pronunciation of “zee” (zee) from the pronunciation of most other English-speaking countries (Great Britain, Australia, Canada), in which this letter is pronounced as “zed” (zed).

  • Available with zed pronunciation. In this case, the second line is shortened and the last one is lengthened, forming a rhyme between N and zed:
  • a-b-c-d-e-f-g
  • h-i-j-k-l-m-n
  • o-p-q-r-s-t-u
  • v-w-x-y-z(ed)
  • When performing this song about the alphabet of the English language, as a rule, the missing zi-rhyme is not missed, but some children try to use it out of habit.

Attention! The French version of "The English Alphabet" is also popular in Canada. At the same time, the melody of the performance does not change, except for the last line, which requires adjustment to match the two-syllable pronunciation of the French "Y".

"Reverse Alphabet" song in English

Wee Sing released an alphabet song with letters in reverse order called "ZYXs". The Canadian children's television series The Big Comfortable Couch used a version of the song in the first episode of the fourth season, "Back". So it got its wide distribution.

Reverse alphabet is a version of the alphabet song in which the letters are not sung "from A to Z", but backwards - "from Z to A":

  • z-y-x, w
  • v-u-t, s-r-q
  • p-o-n-m-l-k-j
  • i-h-g-f-e-d-c-b-a
  • Now you know your ZYXs
  • I bet that's not what you expected! (Translation: I bet it's not what you expected!)

The e-d-c-b part is as fast as the l-m-n-o part in a regular alphabet song.

In 1966, comedian Soupy Sales released a song called "Backwards Alphabet" which featured a reversed alphabet in a lyrical style. The original version of the song was performed by actress Judy Rolin with the Smothers Brothers in the 1966 television series Through the Looking Glass.

Alphabet by the names of animals and objects

The song "English alphabet" for children with the name of animals or objects for each letter will explain the alphabet to the kids, matching the letters with the names of the words. So, children quickly memorize not only the letters of the English alphabet, but also many new foreign words.

Table with the names of words from the song about the English alphabet:

Text Pronunciation Translation of words
Apple / Ball Apple / Bol Apple/ Ball
Cat/Dog Cat / Dog Cat / Dog
Elephant / Fish Elephant / Fish Elephant / Fish
Gorilla / Hat Gorilla/ Hat Gorilla / Hat
Igloo/ Jacket / Kangaroo Igloo / Jacket / Kanguruu Igloo / Jacket / Kangaroo
Lion / Monkey / Nose Lion / Munky / Nose Lion / Monkey / Nose
Octopus/ Pig / Question Octopus / Pig / Questshin Octopus / Pig / Question
Rabbit/Sun/Tiger Rabbit / Sun / Tiger Rabbit / Sun / Tiger
Umbrella / Violin Ambrela / Violin Umbrella / Violin
Watch / Fox Watch / Fox Watch / Fox
Yo-yo / Zipper Yoyo / Ziper Yo-yo / Zipper (on clothes)

Although this is a children's song, it will also be useful for adults who are still at the very beginning of learning a foreign language.

Acoustic songs and acrostics

Since there are over 40 sounds and only 26 letters in the English language, children and beginner adults also need to learn the different sounds (or phonemes, diphthongs) associated with each letter. Many songs were written to teach phonemic awareness, and they are also commonly referred to as songs in alphabetical order.

There are also compositions that go through the alphabet, whereby some letters stand for something in the process. For example, "A' You're Adorable", also known as "The Alphabet Love Song", was recorded at 1948 by Buddy Kay, Fred Wise, Sidney Lippman and later Perry Como.

Thematic activities, such as the English alphabet song, as well as puzzles, books and games, use the entire alphabet. The general idea is great for kids, but learning all 26 letters of the English alphabet and their corresponding sounds can take some time.

Children do not need to know the entire alphabet of the English language to begin an early understanding of how reading and writing work. Syllables can be learned after the vowels and a few consonants have been learned.

Learning the English alphabet - a song with which you will memorize it in 5 minutes

Acquaintance with a new language for us always begins with learning the alphabet. This is the basic foundation, without knowledge of which it is simply impossible to start the process of mastering any foreign language. The first part of the text will introduce you to the number of letters in the English alphabet, their spelling, pronunciation and correspondence to Russian sounds. The second half of the material will help memorize the English alphabet, a song about which is learned in just a few minutes, but remains in memory for many, many years, and also makes it easier to learn new vocabulary.

English letters: spelling and pronunciation

English written symbols are borrowed from ancient Latin.

In total, the alphabet contains 26 letters, 5 of which denote vowels, 20 are consonants, and the unique letter y in different words can be both a vowel and a consonant.

Let's get acquainted with the pronunciation of letters, and a song about the English alphabet, which we will listen to in the second part of the lesson, will help to perfect it.

You may have noticed that many letters have similar endings. This greatly facilitates their memorization, since the entire alphabet is easily rhymed into verses that are suitable for both kids and adults.

And if you put cheerful and perky music on them, you get a real song about the English alphabet.

Over the years of the existence of the language, many such rhymes have been written by a variety of authors: eminent writers, school teachers who used this technique to effectively teach their class, as well as just lovers of the English language and craftsmen to write poems.

English alphabet song to learn

It's no secret that the brain perceives clearly structured and easily understandable material better. Therefore, when working with children, teachers often use visual aids and musical performances.

A song about the alphabet will help to quickly learn the material not only for a child, but also for an adult. Moreover, the choice of compositions is quite wide. The easiest option is to melodically pronounce the alphabet in order.

Moreover, this can be done in a sing-song voice to calm music or fast recitation to an accelerated tempo.

ABC Song

This abc song about the English alphabet is one of the most popular in English speaking countries. It is suitable for teaching the alphabet to the smallest kids, because it has the simplest text and a calm musical motive.

Text pronunciation of
A B C D / E F G / ABC C.D./ E.F.G./
Q R S /T U V / W X Y Z / QRS/TYUV/Double-UX/WZ
Now / I know / my ABC / Nau Ai Know May ABC
Next / time / won't / you / sing / with me? Next Time Wont Wowyu Sing Wiz Mi?

Learn the alphabet by the names of animals and objects

This children's song will explain the English alphabet to preschoolers and younger students by matching letters with the names of words. Thus, the guys will learn new words and remember the alphabet. However, this song about the alphabet will be very useful for those people who decide to start learning the language already in adulthood.

Text pronunciation of Translation of words
Apple / Ball / Cat / Dog / Apple / Bol / Cat / Dog / Apple / Ball / Cat / Dog /
Elephant / Fish / Gorilla / Hat / Elephant / Fish / Gorilla / Hat / Elephant / Fish / Gorilla / Hat /
Igloo/ Jacket / Kangaroo/ Igloo / Jacket / Kanguruu / Igloo (ice house) / Jacket / Kangaroo /
Lion / Monkey / Nose / Lion / Munky / Nose / Lion / Monkey / Nose /
Octopus/ Pig / Question / Octopus / Pig / Questshin / Octopus / Pig / Question /
Rabbit/ Sun / Tiger / Rabbit / Sun / Tiger / Rabbit / Sun / Tiger /
Umbrella / Violin / Watch / Fo x / Umbrela / Violin / Watch / Fox / Umbrella / Violin / Clock / Fox /
Yo-yo / Zipper. Yo-yo / Zieper. Yo-yo / Lightning (on clothes).

ABC Song level 2

This composition is already from the category of "more complicated and interesting". This is a real alphabet song in English. Her text consists not only of individual words, but also of phrase combinations. And in the chorus, the alphabet abc is listed as a refrain.

Text Pronunciation Translation of words
A - / an apple / Hey - /en apple / Apple/
B - /a bat / B - / e-bat / Bat /
C - /a clever city cat / C - / e clover city cat / Smart street cat /
D - /a dog / and Dee - / e dog / end Dog/ and
E - / the East / I - / ze ist / East/
F - /a fat and/ funny fish / Ef - /e fat end /fanny fish / Plump and /funny fish/
G - / a gloomy gentleman / Gee - /e gloomi gentleman / Sullen gentleman/
H - /a happy hippy hen / H - / uh happy hippie han / Happy Hippie Chicken/
I - /an iceberg very far / Ai - / en iceberg / Veri headlights / Iceberg very far /
J - / a jinni in the jar. Jay e jini in the jar. Jin in a jar.
Chorus: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.
K - / a kite / and Kay - / e kite / end Kite / and
L - / a log / El - / e log / Log /
M - /a monster on the mop / Em - / e monster on the mop / Monster on a mop/
N — / a net/ and En - / e net / end Network / and
O - / an ox / Oy - / en ox / Bull /
P - / a postman with a box / Pi - / e postman visa e box / Postman with box /
R - / a ruby ​​in the ring / Ar - /e ruby ​​in the ring / Ruby in a ring /
S - / a seagull / in the sea / Es - / e sigal / in the ze si / Seagull in the sea /
T - / a tiger in a tree. Tee - / e tiger in a three. Tiger on a tree.
Chorus: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.
U - / a UFO / Yu - / e SFD / UFO /
V - / a van / Vi - / e van / Van /
W - / a woman in the wood / Double-u / e-woon in the wood / Woman in the forest /
X — / an X-ray / Ex - / en ex-ray / X-ray /
Y - / a yak / wye - / e yak / Yak /
Z - / a zebra in the zoo. Zed - / e zebra in ze zu. Zebra in the zoo.
Chorus: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z. (2 times).

Rap song

Fans of fast and cheerful recitative will like this song about the English alphabet. This composition will also allow you to replenish your English vocabulary: letter enumerations alternate in the song with colloquial phrases.

Text pronunciation of Translation of words
/ A, B, C, D, E / / ABC DI /
/ Stand up and look at me / / Stand up and look at mi / / Get up and listen to me /
/ F, G, H, J, K / / FGH JK /
/ I play football every day/ / iplay football every day / / I play football every day /
/ K, L, M, N, O / / K L EM N O /

English alphabet - songs

Here you will find simple songs about the English alphabet.

If you have started learning the alphabet with your children, then the songs below will help your little students learn English letters very quickly and easily. I will say even more, a child of 4 years old begins to sing these songs after several times of listening.

ABC has a lot of songs, but they don't differ much in lyrics or melody. Therefore, it does not make sense to post here 10 pieces of almost identical songs.

1. Little Marcy - Alphabet Song

A simple melody, funny children's voice.

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A - B - C - D - E - F - G
H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P T - U - V
W and X - Y - Z
Now I know my A - B - C's
Tell me what you think of me.

2. ABC Song

Slow, calm melody, pleasant male voice.

Audio: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or higher) is required to play this audio. Download the latest version here. Also, JavaScript must be enabled in your browser.


A - B - C - D - E - F - G
H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P
Q - R - S - T - U - V
W - X - Y and Z. my ABC's
26 letters from A to Z.

3. ABC Song

Another version of the song about the English alphabet.

Audio: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or higher) is required to play this audio. Download the latest version here. Also, JavaScript must be enabled in your browser.

  • Lyrics:
  • A - B - C - D - E - F - G
    H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P
    Q - R - S and T - U - V
    W - X - Y and Z
    Now I know my A B C's
    Next time won't you sing with me?
  • For those who wish, I will send songs in mp3 format to e-mail.

If you find the material interesting, share it with your friends on social networks.

English alphabet for children. A collection of great songs. Game Spelling Bee

Why do you think we need an alphabet, and why do we need to know the name of each letter?

The fact is that in English there is such a feature: one thing is written, and another is read. This also applies to names.

And often when you introduce yourself, you are asked to spell the name, not as they say, but as each letter in the name is read. For example, the name Ann is spelled Ai-En-En. This is called spelling.

In addition, many names consist of the first letters of words that are read as in the alphabet, for example, the well-known BBC (BBC).

Do you know the English abbreviation BFF (BFF)? Best friend forever

How to read letters in the English alphabet you need to know in any case, but you don’t need to learn it specially. Just put the next song to the children more often and the alphabet will be remembered by itself (link below).


Aa → eyBb → biCc → siDd → diEe → iFf → effGg → jiHh → eychIi → aiJj → jayKk → kayLl → el

Mm → em → esTt → tiUu → yVv → wiWw → double yXx → exYy → yy

and Zz → zee

Now I know my ABCs Next time won't you sing with me - Next time, won't you sing with me.

(Super Simple Songs channel)

Another similar song. Here is a completely understandable continuation of the sounds.

(Mega Fun Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes channel)

Here is another version of this song with a different ending:

Now I know my ABC - Now I know my alphabet. Twenty-six letters from A to Z

(KidsTV123 channel)

There is also a British version of this song, where due to the difference in the pronunciation of the letter "Z" the end of the song is different:

Now I know my alphabet - Now I know my alphabet.

After learning the alphabet a little, you can play a game with your child called Spelling Bee . The rules here are simple: you need to name the spelling of words without errors. For example, the word bee - bee - b-i-i; doll To begin with, you can show the child cards with written English words and ask them to spell.

We don't have this problem in Russian, everything is spelled the way it is read, so it's a little hard to understand why spelling is needed, nevertheless it is an important skill for English learners and needs to be practiced from time to time. The main thing is that it should be through the game, fun and interesting.

Like, if it was useful, subscribe to the channel. In the next article I will talk about how to help your child with listening comprehension and pronunciation in a passive way.

English alphabet: Letters, pronunciation, song ABC

Learning a new language at any age always starts with learning the alphabet. This is the basic foundation, without knowledge of which it is simply impossible to start the process of mastering any foreign language.

Letters of the English alphabet

There are 26 letters in the alphabet, 6 of which are vowels, 20 are consonants. Below is a table with the spelling and pronunciation of letters.

No. Letters Transcription Russian pronunciation
1 a [eɪ] hey
2 B b [biː] bi
3 C c [siː] si
4 D [diː] di
5 e [iː] and
6 F [ɛf] ef
7 G g [dʒiː] ji
8 H h [eɪtʃ] h
9 I i [aɪ] ai
10 J [dʒeɪ] jay
11 K k [keɪ] cay
12 L l [ɛl] el
13 M m [ɛm] em
14 N n [ɛn] en
15 O o [əʊ] ou
16 Pp [piː] pi
17 Q q [kjuː] cue
18 R r [ɑː] a:
19 S s [ɛs] es
20 T t [tiː] and
21 U u [juː] y
22 V v [viː] and
23 W w [ˈdʌb(ə)l juː] double
24 Xx [ɛks] ex
25 Y y [waɪ] wye
26 Z z [zɛd], [ziː] zed, zee

You may have noticed that many letters have similar endings. This greatly facilitates their memorization, since the entire alphabet is easily rhymed into verses that are suitable for both kids and adults. And if you put cheerful and perky music on them, you get a real song about the English alphabet.

Song about the English alphabet

Does your student already know the English alphabet? If not, then run to listen to "The ABC Song"! Simple and melodic, Alphabet Song will help your child quickly memorize the letters of the English alphabet.

  • Lyrics:
  • A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y , and Z, Now I know the ABC,
  • Next time won't you sing with me?
  • The last two lines are translated:
  • Now I know the alphabet, Will you sing with me next time?
  • Download Alphabet song video for free.

Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

It is better to learn any foreign language from childhood. It is known that children who grew up in a multilingual environment are much easier to adapt and absorb new information much faster.

In order for a child to start learning English as early as possible and not get bored of this process, it is enough to turn boring learning into a game. So it will become much easier for the baby to memorize new words and phrases, and you will spend time with your child not only fun, but also productive.

In this article we will talk about how to simply and easily learn the English alphabet for both children and all beginners and give some poems and songs for learning.

English alphabet

The English alphabet is called alphabet or simply ABC. It has 26 letters, of which 20 are consonants and only 6 are vowels.

  • Vowels: A, E, I, O, U, Y Consonants: B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Z
  • Alphabet with transcription and pronunciation:
  • Aa [ei] [hey] Bb [bi:] [bi] Cc [si:] [si] Dd [di:] [di] Ee [i:] [and] Ff [ef] [ef] Gg [dʒi :] [ji] Hh [eitʃ] [eh] Ii [ai] [ai] Jj [dʒei] [jay] Kk [kei] [kei] Ll [el] [el] Mm [em] [em] Nn [en ] [en] Oo [ou] [ou] Pp [pi:] [pi] Qq [kju:] [cue] Rr [a:] [aa, ar] Ss [es] [es] Tt [ti:] [ ty] Uu [ju:] [yu] Vv [vi:] [vi] Ww [`dʌbl `ju:] [double-yu] Xx [eks] [ex] Yy [wai] [wai]
  • Zz [zed] [zed]

Almost all letters of the alphabet are pronounced the same by Americans and British, except for the last one. In American English, Z will sound like "zi" [ziː].

Learning the alphabet usually starts with an alphabet song: this makes it easier for the child to remember the pronunciation. She hums along the lines:

Do you know your ABC? You can learn along with me! A, B, C, D, E, F, G H, I, J, K L, M, N, O, P Q, R, S, T, U, V W, X, Y and Z

  1. Now you know your alphabet!
  2. By the way, due to the difference in the pronunciation of the letter "Z", the end of this song in the British and American versions will sound differently:
  3. British
  4. X, Y, Z - Now I know my alphabet (Now I know my alphabet) or Now you know your alphabet (Now you know your alphabet).
  5. American
  6. Now I know my ABC, twenty-six letters from A to Z (Now I know my alphabet, twenty-six letters from A to Z) or Now I know my ABC, next time won't you sing with me (Now I know your alphabet, would you like to sing next time with me).

It is with the study of the alphabet that an exciting journey into any foreign language begins. Everyone needs to know ABC by heart in order to know how to write and pronounce individual letters correctly. Especially if you need to spell a word.

Spelling is how a word is spelled. There is no direct analogue of spelling in Russian, but the Americans even have a whole Spelling Bee game in which you need to spell a word without errors.

Spelling Bee contests and competitions are often held in the USA.

But you need to start simple, especially for children. We tell you a few tricks on how to make it so that your child learns the alphabet as easy as ABC (easier than easy).

Word cards

One of the most effective ways to learn new words and memorize the alphabet is to make colorful cards with letters and words that begin with them and hang them in a prominent place.

The same technique can be used to enrich vocabulary: just hang cards with translations over the objects that you have in your apartment - let the child remember how words are written and pronounced.

One of the easiest options is to use words that are familiar to the child. It can be the names of animals or everyday objects.

  • Here are the letters with the corresponding words, which will allow you to remember not only spelling, but also practice pronunciation:
  • A - Apple (Apple) B - Banana (Banana) C - Cat (Cat) D - Dog (Dog) E - Elephant (Elephant) F - Fox (Fox) G - Giraffe (Giraffe) H - House (House) I - Ice-cream (Ice cream) J - Jam (Jam) K - Key (Key) L - Lemon (Lemon) M - Mouse (Mouse) N - Nose (Nose) O - Owl (Owl) P - Panda (Panda) Q - Queen (Queen) R - Rabbit (Rabbit) S - Squirrel (Squirrel) T - Turtle (Turtle) U - Umbrella (Umbrella) V - Violin (Violin) W - Wolf (Wolf) X - Ox (Bull) Y - Yacht (Yacht)
  • Z - Zebra (Zebra)
  • You can find a set of such cards in any bookstore, or you can make your own.

Verse for learning the English alphabet

In verse form, it is much easier to remember the order of letters and words beginning with this letter. Many teachers read the following rhyme to the smallest students to get acquainted with the alphabet:

There is a knock on our door. - Who's there? - The letter A and autumn - autumn. Everyone, so as not to be sad,

  1. Give an apple - an apple.
  2. The letter B, like a ball - ball Jumps, hides under the table. It's a pity I don't have time to play:
  3. I am reading a book - book

S. - Mice! Take the paws! So that today for lunch

  • Do not get the cat - cat.
  • Do not approach the letter D, otherwise it will bite D. The cat runs without feeling its feet,
  • There is a dog in the yard.

The letter E is whiter than snow. From E, the egg originates, Egg hatches the crotchet.

The end is here. And point!

  1. On a green leaf sowing, The letter F croaks loudly, Because frog is a frog,
  2. The famous wah.
  3. Do not be friends with this letter, The letter G is recognized. It is important to raise your head,
  4. Looks down - giraffe.

H will blow anyone's nose. My horse is racing like a whirlwind. There is no barrier for him,

  • If a rider in a hat - hat.
  • With the letter I we are so similar: I and I are one and the same. We don't cry, we don't mope0048
  • If there is ice-cream.
  • Sweet tooth letter J Sweeter than buns and cakes. The letter J is familiar to everyone,
  • Who tasted the sweet jam.
  • K will open locks for everyone, She has a key - key, Takes her to the kingdom,
  • The magical world will open.
  • The letter L came then, To help the lamb - lamb, He is afraid to go to bed,
  • Asks for a lamp - lamp to light.
  • The letter M for a monkey, For a cheerful nimble monkey. She is waiting for treats,
  • Melon - she needs a melon.

N you won't get tired of hanging. On the branches of the nest - a nest. It has chicks in it. We would like

  1. Count their number - number.
  2. From dawn to dawn Waves oak branch - oak-tree. He calls everyone under the vault of branches,

Muttering "O.K."

  • Pirate - a young pirate With parrot - a parrot glad: - Look, this is for us
  • Waving a palm branch - palm!
  • Here I will sing a song In honor of the beautiful letter Q, Because the queen is the queen
  • Likes to have fun very much.
  • Why is the word "Beware of the R" going around? I will tell you a secret
  • No rat pans - rat!
  • It is no coincidence that the letter S is of interest: In the sky - sky sparkles star -
  • A very bright star.
  • T is calling us to "Children's World". We are glad to visit you: There he will make friends with you
  • Each toy is a toy.
  • If you meet the letter U, It means it will soon be raining. U got kinder today -
  • Gave an umbrella - umbrella.

Hey! Run, hold, catch! On the serve, the letter V. The ball went straight into the sky,

  1. I love volleyball.
  2. W, known to all, Inverted M. In the dark, flashing with a fang,
  3. A gray wolf walks - a wolf.

The doctor said from behind the door: — I'm taking you to X-ray. - What? Maybe a prisoner?

— No, just for x-rays.

Hey, get on the oars! The letter Y is rushing into the sea. The guys are calling for a long journey

  • White sailboat — a yacht.
  • What is the letter Z? You will see, taking a ticket, Wolf, tiger, and goat
  • In the Zoo.

Games for learning the English alphabet for children

Interesting games using the same cards will allow the child to get used to it faster and not get bored while learning the English alphabet. What can you play with your child:

“Make a letter”

Tell your child the letter of the English alphabet and ask him to draw it with his fingers or with his body. You can play in turn and show some letters yourself.

“Draw a Letter”

Place the alphabet cards in front of your child and ask them to draw a letter on a piece of paper. So he will quickly learn not only to visually recognize letters, but also to write them in the future. Similarly, you can take plasticine and ask the baby to mold the letters of the English alphabet from it.

  1. Word Ball
  2. A more active game in which you can pass the ball to each other and name letters in alphabetical order or, for more advanced ones, words that begin with that letter.
  3. Stop Song

Place the letter cards in front of the child and play the alphabet song in English. Stop it at an arbitrary moment - the child must repeat the last letter he heard and show the corresponding card.


Cards with both letters and words can be used for this game. Show the child the image in the picture and say the word. So, you can show a picture with a pig (pig) and say “tiger” (tiger) out loud. If the child says “no”, then he should name what is actually shown in the picture.

Come up with your own games and tasks, ask your child what he would like to play. Watch cartoons in English together and sometimes turn to him with the usual requests in English and let him also sometimes use English words in everyday speech.

You can study with your child online. Puzzle English has developed a special English course for children, which includes the study of the alphabet, everyday items, simple questions and much more. And all this with bright pictures and interesting tasks so that the baby does not get bored. We recommend that you start teaching English to children with it.

The main thing is that the child should not be bored and learning the language does not turn into a routine for him.

A song about the English alphabet for children for free: video, text and pronunciation

One of the first steps in mastering the English language is the study of sound-letter composition. Learning the English alphabet with the help of songs is suitable for both adults and children.

English letters

The alphabet consists of 26 letter units. 5 (A, U, O, I, E) represent vowels, and the rest represent consonants.

When learning a language, it is necessary to pay attention to the alphabet for several reasons:

  1. Firstly, after memorizing all the letters, the student will quickly move on to reading English texts and expanding the vocabulary.
  2. Secondly, in some positions the sounds are pronounced in the same way as in the alphabet.

To learn all the Latin letters in the correct order, you can use the English song "ABC song".

English alphabet - songs to learn

Listening to a piece of music written in the English alphabet has several advantages:

  • When performed by a native speaker, every sound in the song will be pronounced naturally and correctly.
  • It is easy to remember the sound of vowels and consonants, since they do not merge with each other in the song.
  • A clear rhythm and melody of the song will contribute to the rapid memorization of the alphabet.

ABC Song

Lyrics English pronunciation
A B C D E F G ABC D and FG (hard)
H I J K L M N O P Eitch IJ (softly) K L EM N O P
Q R S T U V W X Y Z QAR S T Yu Wee Dabelyu Ex Wai Zet (zee)
Now I know this "ABC's" Naw I Know sis "ABC sis"
Next time won't you sing with me? Next Time Wont Yu Sing Wiz Mi?

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Alphabet by names of animals and objects

In order to replenish your vocabulary along with the alphabet, you can memorize the alphabet by the first letter of animal names.

There is also an English song for this:

Song lyrics English pronunciation
A - alligator, B - bear, C - cat, Hey - eligiator, B - bea, C - cat,
D - dog, E - elephant, F - fox, G - gorilla, Dee - dog, I - elifant, Efi - fox, Ji (firmly) - gorilla,
H-horse, I-iguana, J-jaguar, K-kangaroo, H - horse, Ai - eguana, D'Jey (softly) - jaguar, Kay - kangaroo,
L - lion, M - monkey, N - night hawk, O - ostrich, Al-lyon, M-monkey, N-night hawk, O-stretch,
P - penguin, Q - quail, R - rooster, S - sheep, Pi-penguin, Q-quail, Ar-rooster, Es-thorn,
T - tiger, U - umbrella cockatoo, V - vulture, Ti - tiger, Yu - ambrella kakatu, V - walcher,
W - whale, X - xenopus, Y - yak, Z - zebra Dabelyu - vale, Ex - xenopas, Wai - yak, Zee - zibra

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Rap Song

Those who already feel more confident in English and perceive fluent speech without problems can use rap to memorize. Thanks to the fast rhythm, the song will sit in the student's head.

Lyrics English pronunciation
A is for apple, B b - bat, C - cat, Hey Is For Apple, B-Bet, C-Cat,
D is for dance, E - eagle, F - fat, G - giggle, D-is-for-dance, I-eagle, F-fat, G-gigle,
H is for hippo, I - inn, J - jogging, K - kid, H is for hippo, Ai-in, Jay-jogging, K-kid,
L is for lemon, M - mix, N - neighbors, O - orange, Al is for lamon, Em - mix, N - neybor, O - orange,
P is for pan, Q - queen, R - ran, S - sneeze, P is for pan, Q - queen, Ar - ren, S - down,
T is for tan, U - umbrella, V - volume, Tee is for ten, U – ambrella, V – value,
W is wet, X - x-ray, Y - yes, Z - zebra. Dabelyu is vet, Ex - ex-ray, Wai - es, Zee - zebra.

* is for replaced by -

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Many free versions of the ABC song with British, American and Australian pronunciations can be downloaded and listened to online on the Internet. First, you need to find the song that the English learner will like.

Learn more


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