Abc letters songs

Phonics Songs that Teach the Alphabet and Individual Letter Sounds

These Phonics lyrics are available from a variety of albums:

Learning the ABCs & Letter Sounds
A-B-C – Patty's Primary Songs
ABCzzz (featuring Saul Paul) – Nanny Nikki
The ABC Rap – The Gum Rappers
ABC Song – Kiboomu Music
The ABC Songs  – Susan Salidor
Act Out the Alphabet – Jack Hartmann
The Alphabet Chant – Super Simple Songs
The Alphabet's in My Mouth – Dr. Jean
A is for Ant – Timmmy Abell
Alphabet Song – Marla Lewis
Alphabet Limbo – Stephen Fite
The Alphabet Song – Super Simple Songs
The Alphabet Song (ABC) -- Slow Version – Margie La Bella
Alphardy – Dr. Jean
Dog Alphabet Song – Grin Brigade
Frontwards, Backwards ABCs – Stephanie Burton
Forwards Backwards ABCs – Stephen Fite
Hands Up for Letter Sounds – Jack Hartmann
I Know My Alphabets – Ahjay Stelino
I Like Letters – Music, Movement & Magination
Is This a Number or a Letter? – Jack Hartmann
I've Been Working On My Letters – Cherry Carl
Let's Alphabecise – Stephen Fite
Lettercise – Dr. Jean
The Letter Dance – Dr. Jean
Letter Line Up – Jack Hartmann
Letter Pops – Dr. Jean
Letter Sounds – Stephen Fite
Letter Tales – Dr. Jean
Magic Letters – Debbie Paulsen
Meet the Letters of the Alphabet – Jack Hartmann
Marching Around the Alphabet – Hap Palmer
Phon-ercise – Dr. Jean
Rappin' the ABC's – Music, Movement & Magination
S-Superhero – Margot Bevington
The Sounds of Our Letters – Music with Mar.
Supersonic Letter Sounds – Stephen Fite
Twinkle ABCs – Kathleen Rushing
Yahoo! We're Learning the Alphabet – Music, Movement & Magination
Who Knows the Alphabet Sounds – Music, Movement & Magination
Who Let the Letters Out – Dr. Jean

Alliteration Lyrics for a Variety of Alphabet Letter Sounds
Alliteration – Danny Weinkauf
Amen and Achoo – Kelly Good
Bitty Bi Bo Bu – Dr. Jean
Dinosaurs to Dinner – Fran Avni
Chimmy Cha-Cha – Liz Buchanan
Echo the Letter Sounds – Jack Hartmann
Favorite Letter – Patty Shukla
Letter Sounds A to Z – Jack Hartmann
Mr. Muphy's Most Amazing Super Savings Store – Vincent Nunes
Musical Movement Alphabet – Music with Mar.
My Name Starts With a Letter – Nancy Schimmel and Fran Avni
Pineapple – Fran Avni
Sounds of the Alphabet – Marilyn M. Linford
We're Going to the Farm – Music, Movement & Magination
Words! – Ron Brown

Teaching the Shapes and Heights of Letters
Cheering Letters – Dr. Jean
Drawing in the Air – Music with Mar.
I Like Letters – Music, Movement & Magination
Letter Aerobics – Dr. Jean
Move to the Alphabet – Jack Hartmann
Shapes Make Letters (Part 1) – Music with Mar.

See our Songs that Teach Long and Short Vowel Sounds

Digraphs, Blends, and Diphthongs
See our Songs that Teach Letter Blends, Digraphs, and Diphthongs

B - (Basic Music Beat) – Music with Mar.
Bb – Greg Whitfield
Bananas – Patty Shukla
Big Bagels – Kelly Good
Bite for B – Intelli-Tunes
Bring Back the Bat – Nancy Schimmel and Fran Avni

C - (Celtic) – Music with Mar.
Cc – Greg Whitfield
Crawl for C – Intelli-Tunes

D - (Disco) – Music with Mar.
Dd – Greg Whitfield
Dance for D – Intelli-Tunes

F - (Folk) – Music with Mar.
Ff – Greg Whitfield
Flip for F – Intelli-Tunes
The Frosty Fable (the f sound) – Dan Crow

G - (Gospel) – Music with Mar.
Gg – Greg Whitfield
Gentle Giraffe – Marla Lewis
Get Your Own Goat – Fran Avni
Grin for G – Intelli-Tunes

H - (Hawaiian) – Music with Mar.
Hh – Greg Whitfield
Hop for H – Intelli-Tunes

J - (Jazz) – Music with Mar.
Jack the Giant (soft G and J sound) – Dan Crow
Jj – Greg Whitfield
Jump for J – Intelli-Tunes
Jump for Jesus – Kelly Good

K - (Klezmer) – Music with Mar.
The "K" Club – Greg Whitfield
Kid in Kalamazoo – Kelly Good
Kiss for K – Intelli-Tunes
Kiss the Cow (hard C and K sound) – Dan Crow

I Love My Pillow (the l sound) – Dan Crow
L - (Lullaby) – Music with Mar.
Ll – Greg Whitfield
Lick for L – Intelli-Tunes
Licking Lollipops – Songs for Speech and Language Skills
Lola the Lonely Llama – Kelly Good

I Love Foods that Start with "M" – Marla Lewis
M - (Merengue) – Music with Mar.
Mm – Greg Whitfield
March for M – Intelli-Tunes
Monkey Say, Monkey Do – Jack Hartmann
Muffin Mix – Fran Avni
No More Gum (the m sound) – Dan Crow

N - (New Age) – Music with Mar.
Nn – Greg Whitfield
Nine Naughty Newts – Kelly Good
Wiggle Your Nose for N – Intelli-Tunes

OOPS! (the p sound) – Dan Crow
P - (Polka) – Music with Mar.
Pp – Greg Whitfield
Percy the Pirate – Kelly Good
Point for P – Intelli-Tunes

Q - (Quanho) – Music with Mar.
Qq – Greg Whitfield
Quitet Q for Q – Intelli-Tunes

R - (Reggaton) – Music with Mar.
Rain Rain Rain (the r sound) – Dan Crow
Rr – Greg Whitfield
Rock and Roll – Kelly Good
Rock and Roll Star – Fun Phonics Songs
Run for R – Intelli-Tunes
The Ballad of Rueben Rooster (the r sound) – Dan Crow
Vroom Goes the Red Race Car – Patty Shukla

S - (Soul) – Music with Mar.
Seven Silly Squirrels – Fran Avni
Ss – Greg Whitfield
Sleep for S – Intelli-Tunes
Soup! Soup! Soup! (the s sound) – Dan Crow

T - (Tango) – Music with Mar.
Time To Take Time (the t sound) – Dan Crow
Tiptoe for T – Intelli-Tunes
Tt – Greg Whitfield
Timmy – Kelly Good

Make a V for V – Intelli-Tunes
V - (Vaudville) – Music with Mar.
Vv – Greg Whitfield

One Wet Windy Wednesday – Fran Avni
W - (Western Swing) – Music with Mar.
Walk for W – Intelli-Tunes
Ww – Greg Whitfield

Make the Sound for X – Intelli-Tunes
X - (Xhosa) – Music with Mar.
Xx – Greg Whitfield
eXiting – Kelly Good

Y - (Yass) – Music with Mar.
Yay for Y – Intelli-Tunes
Yy – Greg Whitfield
Yoshi the Yellow Yak – Kelly Good

Z - (Zydeco) – Music with Mar.
Zz – Greg Whitfield
Zip Your Lip for Z – Intelli-Tunes

See also:
Using Alliterative Songs to Teach Letter Sounds -- Nancy Schimmel and Fran Avni

See more of our Language Arts & Reading Skills Song Lyrics

16 Alphabet Songs for Kids: Preschool Pre-K and Kindergarten

Searching for alphabet songs for your pre-K and preschool learners? Combining the sounds of music with the memorization of the alphabet is a super fun learning activity for the kids!

These ABC songs are not only easy to sing and dance to but they’re the perfect way to support young children in learning more confidence while learning their letters!

Alphabet Songs for Preschool Kids

Parents and teachers know the importance of introducing different learning concepts into the daily lives of young children. Songs can be the perfect way to get the children excited about learning while also having fun as well. Music has a way of catching their attention and presenting it in a way that is “catchy” and sticky for their minds to remember. This not only helps boost their confidence but also enhances their sensory skills, too!

Who says that teaching the alphabet can’t include some fun music ideas as well? All of these fun alphabet songs listed below will help your children learn letter sounds and learn letter pronunciations also.

Don’t forget that you can include music in so many aspects of your classroom or home learning! Circle time fun is proof of this!

ABC Alphabet Songs

1. Super Simple ABCs, by Super Simple Learning (uppercase letters)

2. Super Simple ABCs, by Super Simple Learning (lowercase letters)

3. The Alphabet Song, by The LMNOPs

4. ABC Song: You’ve Got to Learn It, by The Kiboomers

5. Dinosaurs A to Z, PBS Kids

6. Alphabet Boogie, by The Kiboomers

7. Usher’s ABC Song, Sesame Street

8. See It, Say It, Sign It, by Jack Hartmann

9. Alphabet Chant, by Super Simple Songs

10. The ABC Song, by StoryBots

Alphabet Videos

Don’t forget that there are a ton of great alphabet videos on YouTube as well. These videos are a great learning resource for kids who like to SEE the alphabet videos while they’re listening to the ABC songs at the same time.

I’ve cut out the leg work for you and included some of my favorite age-appropriate alphabet songs that will have your kids singing, dancing, and loving learning their letters!

Use these alphabet videos as a fun way to help your children get out their wiggles while doing some alphabet learning at the same time! The kids will love these super fun alphabet learning activities!

11. I’ve Been Working on My Letters, by The Kiboomers

12. Alphabet Workout, by Jack Hartmann

13. Magnetic Letter Alphabet Song, by Super Simple Songs (lowercase)

14. Animal Alphabet, by Jack Hartmann

15. The S Song, by HeidiSongs

16. Letter A Phonics Song, by The Learning Station

More Alphabet Activities:

  • Alphabet Parking Lot
  • Alphabet Garden
  • Build an Alphabet Tree
  • Alphabet Soup Activity

More Literacy Ideas

Non sono solo te - Emma Marrone (Emma Marrone)

Non sono solo te

I am not only you.

Sono il caldo sulla pelle e nascondo una ferita,
poi il profumo di mia madre
sono amica di un mio amico
perché non mi ha detto niente
quando hai messo il tuo sigillo.

Un'altra volta il mio presente,
sono forbici affilate
per tagliare il mio passato,
sono pure il mio mestiere che mi sono guadagnato,
non sono solo te, non sono solo te,
io non sono solo te.
Sono il corpo di una donna,
la fragilità di un uomo,
e alla fiera dei silenzi ,
io ti penso e tu mi trovi.
Non sono solo te, non sono solo te,
io non sono solo te, io non sono solo te.

Ho lo sguardo che non cede anche quando sembra triste
e per ogni cosa persa
ho due rime nelle tasche,
so tenere il tempo,
so stonare a tempo sono solo te, io non sono solo te,
io non solo te, io non sono te,
non sono solo te

I am the lips bitten over the letters I write,
Cursive tears and happiness,
Indecent in capital letters,
I am the blood in the roots of the teeth,
I am one and I am the many.
I am this warmth on the skin and I hide the wound,
Then my mother's scent,
What I have had since I was born.
I am muscles and thoughts,
Devastated and then weightless,
I am the one in front of you,
I am one and I am many.
I'm a friend of my friend,
Because he didn't tell me anything,
When you put your seal on.

Sometimes my present is
To be sharp scissors
In order to separate my past,
I am also the craft by which I earn my living.
I am not only you, I am not only you,
I am not only you.
I am a woman's body,
Man's spinelessness,
And at the Silent Fair
You can't hear me, but I'm there,
I can eat with my hands, I can sleep in brambles,
It's night under the northern sky,
I think of you, and you find me.
I am not only you, I am not only you,
I am not only you, I am not only you.

My gaze is unyielding, even when it seems sad,
And for every lost thing
There are two holes in my pockets.
I know how to save time,
I know how to be out of tune with the world from time to time.
It's the night under the northern sky,
I'm thinking about you, but I'm not only you.
I am not only you, I am not only you,
I am not only you, I am not only you,
I am not only you, I am not only you,
I am not only you.

The author of the translation is Sanchez
The author's page

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Emma Marrone Lyrics Non Sono Solo Te Lyrics Rating: 5 / 5 3 opinions

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In summer

Sarò libera (Sanremo edition)

Emma Marrone

Tracklist (15)

  • Non and l'inferno
  • Nel blu dipinto di blu
  • Tra passione e lacrime
  • Sarò libera
  • Senza averti mai
  • Non sono solo te
  • Ti capita mai
  • Dove finisce la notte
  • Acqua and giaccio
  • Maledetto quel giorno
  • Cercavo amore
  • Da quando mi hai lasciato tu
  • Un attimo
  • Protagonista
  • Scusa se vado via

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Record a song in Moscow in a recording studio

Recording studio location.

You can quickly get to the center, the traffic is higher than on the outskirts, but the price for renting a room takes a larger percentage of revenue, and this requires compensation. On the other hand, creativity can suffer from long trips, recording in basements with poor ventilation, etc. , which will affect the quality of performance and the final product. Therefore, professionals pay great attention to comfort and for good reason.

We found the best option by renting a spacious room for a studio near the Baumanskaya metro station, in a closed area. Therefore, we can offer our clients to record a song in a studio in Moscow with a convenient location and at reasonable prices.

Brand promotion.

This factor may not affect the quality of work. A competent organization of an advertising campaign can give up to 50,000 visits to the site of a recording studio per month, and the brand will become automatically recognizable. If we consider studios that have been on the recording services market for a long time, then their promotion is justified. Over the years, companies acquire regular customers, and this rather speaks of the level of professionalism.

Also, some well-known studios have the opportunity to help their clients promote their work, which is an important factor for artists who want to become famous and monetize their music. Note that when choosing a studio to record a song, it is important to refer to the reviews. Do not be too lazy and reach out to those who have already worked in this studio and, perhaps, have already recorded songs, vocals, instruments, and made arrangements.

Recording quality.

How much does it cost to professionally record a song in a studio? Not cheap. A well-made record cannot cost a penny. A professional guarantees the level of recording you are willing to pay for. Regardless of the location of the stars, oil prices and other accidents. You pay for experience, reliability and confidence in the end result. What should you pay attention to if you want to record a song in a professional recording studio, but do not know how much it will cost? This is not a microphone brand, not a coffee machine, not foam "pyramids" on the walls. The main thing in the studio is the sound engineer! You can sing into an expensive microphone, run the recording through a dozen of the most complicated processing devices, and then it all falls into the hands of an inept master. The result will surprise you, but not for the better.

Recording studio portfolio.

You are visiting the site of the First Musical Recording Studio in Moscow! It is written in capital letters on the main page of the site. Go to the portfolio, and there are only a few songs in the examples of work. This is weird. Look for studios with recordings of popular bands and don't be too lazy to find out if this studio has recorded a track for a particular band or singer or not.

Room acoustics.

If "pyramids" are glued on the walls, and behind them you can immediately see a bare wall, then it is better to choose another studio for recording. The acoustics of professional recording studios require complex geometries, sound insulation and a large number of special materials for sound absorption.


Another point - the quality of service when communicating with customers. It so happened that in this area the service is very lame. An experienced sound engineer, first of all, will help to get rid of the superfluous from the performer's head and feel yourself in a relaxed creative atmosphere. Don't be afraid to search, try working with several studios. As you gain experience, you yourself will understand what is important to get the result.

Record a song in the studio - the price for any budget.

Below are the prices for recording in Moscow. If you are from another city, then you can roughly divide the price range into similar segments and draw conclusions.

If you search well, then if you wish, you can find recording services for 300 rubles per hour, but it will be either a home studio with an extremely low level of quality, or a dirty basement on the outskirts of the city in the industrial zone. We do not recommend such places even for the very first samples of your creativity, because. a bad result and negative emotions can undermine any creative undertakings. This applies to almost all studios up to 1000 rubles per hour.

From 1000r/hour to 1500r/hour there are chances to find something worthwhile, but it will most likely be a newly opened organization that keeps low prices in the initial stages to attract customers. Also, such prices can be afforded by small semi-professional studios designed exclusively for recording vocals. When choosing, remember that in small vocal booths it is often stuffy and uncomfortable. An experienced performer will tell you that nothing should be embarrassing during performance - this is a very important point! In our studio, for example, we have several rooms, and we use the small room, as a rule, only for multi-channel recording of Live, in order to isolate the musicians. Separately, we write vocals in a large spacious room.

Prices for professional recording studios that can provide decent quality start at about 1500 rubles per hour. As a rule, these are organizations that have a lot of positive reviews, which have firmly and deservedly taken their place in the market for many years.

Beware of newly opened 5000r/h studios located near the Kremlin claiming to be the coolest - most likely a bait for those who are willing to shell out any money for premium quality, which such studios never have.

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