Abc sounds for kindergarten

Learning Letter Sounds

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These worksheets include review sheets for Beginning Consonant Sounds and Ending Consonant Sounds.  They were developed with Preschool and Kindergarten children in mind.  They provide letter recognition, phonics and printing practice.

All children develop as individuals.  Parents and caregivers should use the grade level ratings as a general guideline, taking the abilities, temperament and interests of their children into account

Beginning Consonants:  Which letter does the picture start with?

Farm Theme Jungle Theme Ocean Theme Autumn Theme Spring Theme


Beginning Consonants:  Print the letter the pictures start with the letter sound.

Beginning Consonants
Print the Letters 1
Beginning Consonants
Print the Letters 2
Snack Time
Print the Letters 3
Visit to the Zoo
Print the Letters 4

Print the Letters 5
Print the Letters 6
body parts
Print the Letters 7
Print the Letters 8
Print the Letters 9


Ending Consonants:  Which letter does the picture end with?

Farm Theme Jungle Theme Ocean Theme Summer Theme Winter Theme


Ending Consonants:  Print the letter the pictures start with the letter sound

Ending Consonants
Print the Letters 1
Ending Consonants
Print the Letters 2
Snack Time
Print the Letters 3
Visit to the Zoo
Print the Letters 4

Print the Letters 5
Print the Letters 6
Print the Letters 7
Print the Letters 8
Print the Letters 9


Visit DLTK's Alphabuddies for printable crafts, coloring pages, felt board templates, tracer pages and poems to supplement these letter recognition worksheets.


Learning Letter Sounds - PreKinders

By Karen Cox | Affiliate Disclosure | Filed Under: Phonological Awareness

These games help pre-K children practice Letter Sound learning in a fun, hands-on way.

Sound Cups

Use 26 disposable clear punch cups and label each cup with a letter. Letter cup labels can be downloaded below. Collect a set of small trinket objects (you can ask parents and friends to send things in), such as plastic lizard, small block, watch, plastic frog, bandaid, necklace, button, dice. Place the trinkets in a basket. Children sort each trinket into a letter cup by its beginning sound.

You can use all 26 cups at one time, or select 3-4 letter cups at a time for children to focus on. When searching for items to go in the cups, look for dollar store mini toys (especially packs of animals and bugs), look at doll house miniatures, browse craft stores for mini items.

Download: Letter Cup Labels

Erase the Sound

Draw a picture on a dry erase lap board. In the example below, I drew a snowman. Call children up one at the time to erase something that begins with something in the picture. In this picture, children can erase something that begins with H (hat), something that begins with B (buttons), something that begins with N (nose). Continue until everything is erased.

Mystery Bag

Place three objects beginning with the same letter in a bag (such as ball, bug, and button for B). Have a  child pulls each item out of the bag and name each item. Have the class guess the “mystery letter”.

Guess Who?

Say three words and have the kids guess whose name begins with the same sound as those three words. For example, call out:

  • lake
  • lemon
  • lamp

The class would guess Levi. If you have more than one child in your class (maybe Levi, Lucy, and Layton) who start with that letter sound, the class can name all of them.

I have prepared a list of words for each letter that you can use for your students. Download the list below.

Download: Beginning Letter Sounds List

Monster Names

Have kids stand, stomp, and growl when you say their “Monster Name”. Replace the first letter of each child’s name with the letter M. For example, Braden’s name would become “Mad Monster Maden” and Ashlyn’s name would become “Mad Monster Mashlyn”.

Say Two Words

Say two words, and have kids stand up if the words begin with the same sound. Have them sit down if they do not. For example,
cat – cow (stand up)
hat – goat (sit down)

Letter Sounds Listening Games

Children listen for beginning sounds in words and use bingo markers to stamp a letter each time they hear the letter sound. Get the printable game here: Letter Sounds Listening Games.

Letter Sounds Activity Cards

Children look at the picture, say the word, and find the letter that matches the beginning sound. They mark the cards by clipping it or marking it with a chip. Get the printable game here: Letter Sounds Activity Cards.

Letter Tile Mats

Children match letter tiles to the pictures on the mats by identifying the beginning sound of the words. Get the printable game here: Letter Tile Mats.

More Resources

These are available in my shop.

About Karen Cox

Karen is the founder of She also works as a full-time Pre-K teacher in Georgia. Read more...


“In the world of sounds. Sound and letter A»

More than 15 years of operation of the site "My Kindergarten". The authors are professional teachers from all over the CIS. More than 2,000 unique methods for kindergarten and school. In total, the site was evaluated by about 100,000 educators. As a result, more than 1 million happy children.


Literacy training

Senior group

Topic: “In the world of sounds. Sound and letter A. nine0018

Purpose : To promote the development of sound-letter analysis.

Tasks: to introduce the vowel sound A and its symbol, to form the ability to determine the place of sound in words, to distinguish it from a number of other sounds by ear. introduce the letter A, learn to write it using a sample;

develop phonemic hearing, attention, memory;

cultivate interest in knowledge, diligence.

Form of organization : subgroup, individual. nine0005

Equipment: doll;

magnetic alphabet,

word schemes for determining the place of a letter in words, red magnets,

tape recorder

audio recordings “The giraffe has spots”, “Words starting with the letter A”



1. Organizational moment.


2. Introduction to the topic of the lesson, a surprise moment.

Silence game

Anya doll came to visit and brought toys - a tambourine, a bell, a pipe.

hearing sounds around;

with eyes closed:

One, two, three four, five -

We begin to be silent

And listen to different sounds .

The teacher demonstrates various sounds with the help of children.

Output sounds are different - loud, quiet. We hear sounds with our ears. Sounds can be made not only by different objects, but also by the person himself.


3. “Find the same sound”

Doll Anya brought not only toys, but also pictures. Pineapple, bus, stork. What is the same sound in these words? nine0005


4. Acquaintance with the articulation apparatus.

There are red doors in this house,

Next to the doors are white animals.

Animals love sweets and buns.



5. Phonetic charging.

Phonetic exercises

– How does a mother rock her baby? nine0005

– How do we show a sore throat to a doctor?

1 ′

6. D/and “catch sound” (from a series of sounds “catch” 9 clap your hands) only sound A)


7. Characteristics of the sound A.

The sound A is a vowel, since it is pronounced with the voice, the air passes freely without encountering obstacles. Sound designation in red. nine0005

1 ′

8. d/and “Find sound“ A ”

Select only those pictures in the name of which there is sound A.

3 '




9. “Find the place of sound A”

Work on a magnetic board on the diagram.

cancer, alphabet, giraffe, moon, dress, stork.


10. Physical pause

“At the giraffe of the speck”

3 ′

11. Acquaintance with the letter A.

A - the beginning of the alphabet,
topics are famous.
And it's easy to recognize her:
She puts her feet wide.

Examining a letter.

What does the letter A look like?

C/I “Remember the words starting with the letter A”

The letter A
At the first desk
They sat in front of the map,
And on the map the whole earth -
Rivers, mountains and fields. nine0275 And they asked what she is
Dreaming of becoming, letter A?
— I want to be an agronomist,
I can be an astronomer,
An architect, an artist
And one more thing… a scuba diver!

Listening to the audio recording “Words starting with the letter A”


12. Drawing letters on magnetic screens.


13. Work in workbooks

Find and trace the letter A.


We make up a letter from individual elements.

1 ′


List of used literature:

1. Volina V. Entertaining Azbukovsenia. M., 1991

2. Durova N.V. Phonemics. How to teach children to hear and pronounce sounds correctly. M., 2000

3. Kolesnikova E.V. From sound to letter. M., 2008

Developed by a teacher of additional education
Zolotareva Alla Viktorovna
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
“Child development center - kindergarten No. 169”

Classes with children

Certificate of publication

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Using E.V. What we set, in addition to the normalization of sound pronunciation, is the preparation of children for learning to read and write. Parents of children in a speech therapy group are, as a rule, very demanding on how their children can read at the end of kindergarten. The successful solution of these problems requires an innovative approach, the use of the latest developments [4]. In speech therapy groups, we used the G.A. Kashe, the only program approved by the Ministry of Education.

But the order of studying sounds and letters in this program, in our opinion, is not suitable for modern children - speech pathologists. Because during the week, sounds can be studied alone, and letters are different. For example: 9week: sounds s - s` differentiation of sounds s - z - ts - sh, and we learn to write the letter "m". Week 10: sounds c`, c - c`, differentiation of sounds c` - z` - t` - u, and we learn to write the letter "I". Week 12: we study the sounds c - c`, z - z`, b. Differentiation of sounds b - p - b`, and we learn to write the letter "x". At week 6 we study the sound “yot”, and we learn to write the letter “y” at week 24, etc.

Many people use the primer J.S. Zhukova, it is good, but suitable for children with clear speech, formed phonemic hearing and high cognitive activity. Since the sound “s” is studied in the fourth lesson, the sound “r” comes in a week. Further, "sh", "l". Children of the speech therapy group at the beginning of the year simply may not have these sounds in speech. And it is logical to study letters only on the basis of well-pronounced corresponding sounds. After learning the fifth letter, the reading of words and sentences begins. Most of the children of the speech therapy group simply cannot cope with this. Many authors now offer their developments on teaching kindergarten children to read [1]. I consider very interesting classes on the development of the phonemic side of speech and teaching literacy to children of senior preschool age S.P. Tsukanova, L.L. Betz [3]. You can get a lot of interesting ideas from them when preparing for literacy classes. But the order of passage of letters and sounds seems to us unsuccessful. What is a modern child of a speech therapy group? Most often, these are children with whom parents do little, they have a poor memory (they do not remember letters well), unstable attention, cognitive activity is reduced, sound pronunciation is impaired, the syllabic structure of words, and a poor vocabulary. Most of the children are children with an erased form of dysarthria, and the rest are phonetic-phonemic disorders, general underdevelopment of speech. Children with simple dyslalia are now almost never found in speech therapy groups. nine0005

The biggest gap in our children is unformed phonemic hearing. Children do not differentiate sounds by ear, they confuse the corresponding letters when reading and writing. For such difficult children, we must put all the secrets of reading and writing into their heads on the shelves, each in its place, so that all information is understandable to children and comes to mind, unraveling the whole tangle of complexities of the world of sounds and letters.

The alphabet E.V. helps us put everything on the shelves. Novikova "Speech therapy alphabet. A system for rapid learning to read” [2]. Every child in kindergarten has such an alphabet. We start classes in preparation for teaching literacy from the senior group (5 years). We have literacy classes twice a week. The whole work consists of 12 stages (Fig. 1). Let's consider it step by step. nine0005

First stage. First, the vowels of the 1st row are studied (A, O, U, Y, E). The sound and the corresponding letter are immediately studied. We study the characteristics of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end), select words for a given sound, select words with given sounds from sentences, stories, write letters in the sand, lay out from a ribbon, print in notebooks.

Second stage. Next, we turn to the study of consonants. First, paired consonants are studied, i.e. the letter P, then B, then differentiation. P-B. This is of fundamental importance for children with phonemic hearing impairment. They must constantly differentiate sounds. Children characterize the sound, explain that we pronounce the sound (n - b) with our lips (put our hand on the neck, listen: if the neck trembles, then the ringing sound is running). So children gradually begin not to mindlessly repeat, but to understand why the sounds P-B, D-T, ... are called paired, why P is deaf, and B is voiced. With the beginning of the study of consonants, we move on to reading syllables. Our task is to bring the reading of syllables to automatism, because the unit of reading is not a letter, but a syllable. After paired consonants, we study unpaired consonants and reading syllables with them. We carry out sound analysis of syllables, typing of syllables. nine0005

The tasks for reading syllables are very similar. This helps children bring the skill of reading syllables to automatism. So, in one year of study, children know by heart 5 vowels of the first row, most of the consonants, they can read, write, perform sound analysis of syllables, understand what a vowel sound is, a consonant, a paired consonant (they name pairs from memory), voiced, deaf consonant. Thanks to this presentation of information, all the material in children is understood and lies in the head on the shelves. Colorful illustrations and the image of hard consonants in blue and vowels in red are very helpful in the work. nine0005

Teachers in the evening classes reinforce the material by reading the alphabet with the children. Once a week, literacy classes. But the order of passage of letters and sounds seems to us unsuccessful. What is a modern child of a speech therapy group? Most often, these are children with whom parents do little, they have a poor memory (they do not remember letters well), unstable attention, cognitive activity is reduced, sound pronunciation is impaired, the syllabic structure of words, and a poor vocabulary. Most of the children are children with an erased form of dysarthria, and the rest are phonetic-phonemic disorders, general underdevelopment of speech. Children with simple dyslalia are now almost never found in speech therapy groups. nine0005

The biggest gap in our children is unformed phonemic hearing. Children do not differentiate sounds by ear, they confuse the corresponding letters when reading and writing. For such complex children, we must put all the secrets of reading and writing on the shelves in their heads, each in its place, so that all the information is understandable to children and comes to mind, unraveling the whole tangle of complexities of the world of sounds and letters. The alphabet of E.V. helps us put everything on the shelves. Novikova "Speech therapy alphabet. A system for rapid learning to read” [2]. Every child in kindergarten has such an alphabet. We start classes in preparation for teaching literacy from the senior group (5 years). We have literacy classes twice a week. The whole work consists of 12 stages. Let's consider it step by step. nine0005

First stage . First, the vowels of the 1st row are studied (A, O, U, Y, E). The sound and the corresponding letter are immediately studied. We study the characteristics of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end), select words for a given sound, select words with given sounds from sentences, stories, write letters in the sand, lay out from a ribbon, print in notebooks.

Second stage . Next, we move on to the study of consonants. First, paired consonants are studied, i.e. the letter P, then B, then differentiation. P-B. This is of fundamental importance for children with phonemic hearing impairment. They must constantly differentiate sounds. Children characterize the sound, explain that we pronounce the sound (n - b) with our lips (put our hand on the neck, listen: if the neck trembles, then the ringing sound is running). So children gradually begin not to mindlessly repeat, but to understand why the sounds P-B, D-T, ... are called paired, why P is deaf, and B is voiced. With the beginning of the study of consonants, we move on to reading syllables. Our task is to bring the reading of syllables to automatism, because the unit of reading is not a letter, but a syllable. After paired consonants, we study unpaired consonants and reading syllables with them. We carry out sound analysis of syllables, typing of syllables. The tasks for reading syllables are very similar. This helps children bring the skill of reading syllables to automatism. nine0005

So, in one year of study, children know by heart 5 vowels of the first row, most of the consonants, they can read, write, perform sound analysis of syllables, understand what a vowel sound is, a consonant, a double consonant (they name pairs from memory), voiced, deaf consonant. Thanks to this presentation of information, all the material in children is understood and lies in the head on the shelves. Colorful illustrations and the image of hard consonants in blue and vowels in red are very helpful in the work. Educators in the evening classes reinforce the material by reading the alphabet with the children. Once a week, on weekends, parents receive the alphabet at home. The ABC has clear guidelines for parents at each stage of education. Some children who have learned to read the syllable well, to hear the syllable in words, begin to read on their own. But most children have to work well in the preparatory group. Having studied the first and second stages in the senior group, work in the preparatory group begins with the third stage. In the preparatory group, we have literacy classes three times a week. The developed thematic planning for teaching literacy based on the alphabet E.V. Novikova, we use in our work with children in kindergarten. Literacy begins in the second week of September. First, during the first two weeks, we repeat the vowels A, O, U, Y, E.

Third stage . We introduce children to the letter and sound [th]. Then, we study the vowels of the second row I, Yo, Yu, I, E. At the end of the study of vowels, we tell and show a fairy tale about the formation of vowels of the second row, given in the alphabet. We repeat vowels during the year at each lesson, and the children meaningfully name the terms: vowels of the first row, vowels of the second row.

Fourth stage . We turn to the study of consonants, most of them were studied in the older group, but at this stage we introduce the concepts of hard and soft consonants, we begin to differentiate consonants by hardness and softness and by deafness-voicedness (paired consonants are studied only in pairs and before unpaired consonants). The syllable tables of the alphabet help to practice reading, soft consonants are shown in green. At this stage, sound analysis of only syllables is carried out. Analyzing a syllable with soft consonants, children argue as follows: pya - the first sound [n`] - a deaf soft consonant, the second sound [a], but after soft consonants, vowels of the second row are studied. This rule is well memorized by children, and with daily sound analysis, children firmly master these laws of Russian grammar. We finish studying letters (except for ь and ъ) at the beginning of February. The skill of reading various types of syllables has been brought to automaticity. nine0005

From the fifth to the ninth stage we start reading words. Tables for reading words include words of various syllabic structures from simple to complex, which contributes to a better formation of the syllabic structure of speech in children of the speech therapy group. Then separate lessons are devoted to practicing reading words with "b" and "b". This is where we start making suggestions. We study the rules for writing proposals. While reading the words, we work out the rules for writing combinations of zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu. We study that the names of people, the names of animals, the names of cities, rivers, streets, countries are capitalized. At this stage, we carry out sound analysis and synthesis of words. Learning to type sentences. nine0005

Tenth step . Since our children are special, and for them the greatest difficulty is the differentiation of sounds, we again return to the differentiation of consonants according to sonority-deafness, but not in syllables, but in words.

Eleventh stage . At this penultimate stage, we develop in children the skill of correctly reading words with consonants, hardness-softness. There are a large number of words in the reading tables. Reading them, we analyze the meaning of these words, make sentences with them, select synonyms, antonyms, learn to put questions to them, which helps to expand the vocabulary of children. nine0005

The twelfth stage , the last one - we learn to read short texts, we practice observing the correct intonation, we learn to delve into the meaning of what we read.

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