Activities for 3 years old kid

75 Everyday Activities For 3 Year Olds


What are your favorite activities for 3 year olds? These simple activities aren’t just for 3 year olds, they are great activities and preschool learning games for older kids too! Don’t miss my new book Everyday Preschool, it’s the best book for parents who want to make sure their child is learning every day.


Finding the right activities for 3 year olds should be easy… but it isn’t. This summer my daughter and I have had a lot of time to play. Extra time in fact because she decided when she turned 3 to give up naps. With her brother home from school for the summer, my attempts at forcing the issue have been met with refusal. I am going to try again in a month when her brother returns to school but in the meantime, she has quiet time, earlier bedtimes and lots of simple activities like these peppered throughout the day. For more specific games for 3 year olds check out our post here with our favorites! If you have a younger child check out our similar list of 75 TV Free Activities For Toddlers. These 3 year old activities have been the bulk of what we’ve done this summer. Big projects are fun but day in and day out this is what we do.

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Fun Activities for 3 year olds

  1. Playdough sculptures with dry spaghetti.
  2. Fill a table with books and read, read, read.
  3. Doodle with smelly markers on cardboard from your recycle bin.
  4. Play doctor with dolls.
  5. Take a walk and hunt for colors.
  6. Play with puzzles.
  7. Look at family photos together.
  8. Create with peel and stick jewels.
  9. Read through catalogs.
  10. Build a fort.


  11. Play eye spy with a favorite book.
  12. Eat lunch outside.
  13. Play in a box.
  14. Paint with watercolors.
  15. Play with stickers.
  16. Play sports in the yard.
  17. Play-Doh and sequins.
  18. Play The Cupcake Game.
  19. Play Simon Says.
  20. Make a balance beam out of painter’s tape and walk it!
  21. Play in a kiddie pool.
  22. Color with Color Wonder markers and coloring sheets.
  23. Water some plants
  24. Play with Magic Nuudles.
  25. Play with Play-Doh and Duplo together.

    What are some easy things to do with a 3 year old? Keep reading!

  26. Play with a light table ( easy DIY here ).
  27. Play with cold cooked spaghetti.
  28. Cook together.
  29. Play with water, rice, beans, gravel, etc… in your water table .
  30. Play with the hose.
  31. Dress up some dolls.
  32. Take silly pictures together.
  33. Play hide and seek.
  34. Cuddle.
  35. Play with stamps.
  36. Make some window clings .
  37. Paint your toenails with kid-safe nail polish.
  38. Run Through the sprinkler.
  39. Write in a journal with markers, stamps, and crayons.
  40. Go to the beach.
  41. Learn about emotions with Mr. Potato Head.
  42. Go to the library.
  43. Read with a sibling.
  44. Call Grandma ( or Aunty, Uncle… you get the picture. )
  45. Help clean.
  46. Play dentist with dolls.
  47. Finger paint.
  48. Draw with chalk on black construction paper.
  49. Go to a local elementary school and play at the playground.

    What are the best activities for 3 year old ?

  50. Play dress-up.
  51. Take markers and paint onto the porch for art outside.
  52. Duplo
  53. Play School
  54. Mix sidewalk chalk and other toys for pretend play outside.
  55. Bubbles.
  56. Scrap paper collages. All you need is some paper and glue!
  57. Hunt for magnets with a magnetic wand in a bowl of uncooked oatmeal or rice.
  58. Jump in puddles. I don’t know of a better activity for a 3 year old than this one!
  59. Build a tower out of recycling.
  60. Wash the car.
  61. Backyard nature hunt. Tape painter’s tape sticky side out on a window or wall and have your child stick what they find on it.
  62. Take some pictures.
  63. Have a tea party.
  64. Practice cutting with playdough!
  65. Make a ramp with cardboard and drive matchbox cars down it.
  66. Read books outside.
  67. Play-Doh with pipe cleaners.
  68. Wash push cars, scooters, and bikes.
  69. Go for a hike.
  70. Play with Play-doh and egg molds.
  71. Play airplane or train with your kitchen chairs.
  72. Wash windows with water and vinegar.
  73. Turn snack bars into shapes and practice using a knife at the same time.
  74. Play alone. Yes, it’s more than OK, it’s incredible to let kids play alone. Let your 3 year old think up their own activities. We don’t need to entertain them 24/7 !

What is your family’s favorite everyday activity? Not listed? Add it in the comments and tell us why your kids love it!


Need more activities to do with  3 year olds?





Filed Under: 75 activities for 3 year olds, Age Preschool, Age: Toddlers, Preschool Activities | 75 Comments

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50+ Easy Things To Do At Home with Your 3 Year Old

What To Do at Home with Your 3 Year Old

Being at home with a 3 year old can be hard when you are not prepared.

Most pediatric guidelines recommend less than 1 hour of screen time a day. So what on earth do you do the 4-5 hours you may have at home with them?!?

To help you get through your day I have come up with a list of 50+ fun and easy things you can do throughout the day with them.

Most of these items do not require any preparation and use items you already most likely have in your home. The clean up for most of these activities is nothing or very minimal.

How To Use This List

Obviously you aren’t going to do everything on this list. So go through the list, choose about 10-15 things you think your preschooler would like to do.

Chances are there will be a few they will like more than others. So it’s a good idea to go armed with several activities in case one falls through.

Ready? Let’s get started!

50+ Things To Do at Home with your 3 year old

1. Finger painting with water on cardboard.

2. Cut junk mail with scissors.

3. Foil Puzzle Presents.

4. Melt ice with warm water and eye dropper or turkey baster.

5. See how much water a diaper or pull-up can hold.

6. Use eye dropper to decorate a diaper or pull up with coloured water.

7. Tear a sheet into small squares. Draw on them. And then glue them together onto another sheet.

8. Play restaurant.

9. Place plastic wrap around a bowl using an elastic band and let them poke holes in it with their fingers.

10. Place a cardboard tube on their arm and use it to hit a balloon like a bat.

11. Fill sink with water and give them some large beads to put in the water.

12. Fill sink with water and add pom poms.

13. Fill sink with water and bubbles and add a few non-bath toys.

14. Have a dance party to their favourite Disney soundtrack.

15. Have a dance party to your favourite dance songs.

16. Build a pillow and blanket fort.

17. Take a bath with plastic balls.

18. Build a Book Rainbow.

19. Play dress up with your shoes.

20. Read a book lying down on the floor.

21. Play dress up with daddy’s old ties.

22. Teach them how to play rock, paper, scissors.

23. Stick some paper to the stairs and have them draw on the stairs.

24. Stick paper under a chair and have them colour a picture there.

25. Play in bath tub in swimsuit with toys.

26. Look at your child’s baby book.

27. Paint a colouring book with watercolours.

28. Have a toga party with swaddling blankets or towels.

29. Bake muffins together.

30. Make fruit kebabs and eat them.

31. Snuggle on the floor looking up at the ceiling pretending you see clouds shaped like different animals.

32. Play hide and go seek.

33. Have tickle fight.

34. Have a pretend wedding.

35. Cover rocks with shaving cream and have them clean them off.

36. Paint with a potato masher or spatula or other kitchen utensils.

37. Paint Lego or Megabloks.

38. Wash paint off Lego or Megabloks with soap and water.

39. Take a magnifying glass (pretend, real or handmade) and go looking for bugs.

40. Play with balloons.

41. Make faces on plate with their snack. (For instance cut up some fruit and have them make faces on their plate with the pieces of fruit.)

42. Play pretend telephone with 2 cups over your ears.

43. Make car ramps using books or cardboard on a couch or stairs.

44. Eat lunch on the floor picnic style.

45. Make funny faces in the mirror or smartphone.

46. Put several puzzles in a bin and then have your 3 year old search for pieces and put them all together.

47. Play pretend firefighters.

48. Build a tower using toilet paper and tissue boxes.

49. Take mattress off their crib and use it as a tumbling mat. For added protection, arrange pillows all around and set safety ground rules.

50. Have them ‘read’ their favourite books to you.

51. Blow bubbles outside, no matter the weather.

52. Use a measuring tape to measure your body parts such as arms and legs.

53. Dress up for lunch.


Educational activities for children 2–3 years old

At the age of two or three years, a child actively explores the world around him, learns to talk and communicate with adults and peers. During this period, his personality begins to form. Therefore, parents need to pay special attention to the development of speech, thinking, social skills.

Contents of the article:

  • Classes for the development of logical and mathematical thinking
  • Lessons for the development of speech
  • Gross and fine motor activities
  • Classes on the study of the properties of objects
  • Getting to know the outside world
  • Output

Classes for the development of logical and mathematical thinking

The thinking of two and three year olds is clearly effective. The ability to think logically implies the ability to analyze, compare and generalize. You can develop logic and teach your little one basic math skills with the help of the following exercises.


Take a handful of buttons or other small items and divide them into two unequal piles. The child must determine which pile has a lot of buttons, and which has few. If he does not see the difference between the concepts of "a lot and a little", explain to him what it is.

The second variation of this exercise is the value comparison. Take several objects or toys of different sizes. Ask the baby to show where the small objects are and where the large ones are.


Children at the age of two or three are not yet familiar with numbers. It is better to master the counting skill on surrounding objects or on the fingers. Teach your child to show his age on his fingers, tell him how old he will be in a year, two, three.

It is convenient to use counting sticks or any other items for counting. Climbing the stairs with your child, count the steps, passing houses - windows, walking along the alley - trees or lampposts.

✅ Hidden Object

Hide the toy in the room and ask your baby to find it. Help him by suggesting places to search - under the sofa, behind the armchair, in the closet, etc. Then you can switch roles - the child hides the toy, and you are looking for it.

Speech development classes

Between the ages of two and three, children experience a significant leap in speech development. Their vocabulary is replenished very quickly. Having become acquainted with a new word, children bring it into their vocabulary and begin to actively use it. Simple exercises will help develop speech skills.


The best way to develop speech is reading. Buy picture books for 2-3 year olds. Choose poems, fairy tales, nursery rhymes. It is useful for a child to listen to both prose and poetry.

When reading a fairy tale, ask your child questions about the plot. If he finds it difficult to answer, help him. Explain the meaning of each unknown word. Look at the illustrations in the book and discuss with your child.


This fun activity encourages speech development and voice training. Sing with your baby children's songs with and without musical accompaniment. Children quickly memorize rhyming lines and a motive, and sing along with adults with pleasure.

✅Composing proposals

Think of the beginning of a sentence and ask your child to continue it. For example, "Mom bought today in the store ..." or "Black runs down the street ...".

✅ Discuss the events of the day

Discuss the events with your child every day. For example, “You and I went to the park today and fed the ducks in the pond. And in the evening, my grandmother came to visit and brought a delicious pie, ”etc. If the baby goes to kindergarten, ask him to tell you how the day went, what he did, what interesting things happened.

✅Describing objects

Take an object and ask the child to describe it, asking leading questions (What color is it? Is it big or small? What does it look like? What is it for? etc.).

At the age of 2–3, children still do not pronounce words well, many of them abbreviate and distort. Be sure to correct your child when they speak incorrectly. Of course, he still does not know how to pronounce all the sounds, so a clear pronunciation will not work. But still, try to teach the baby to speak as correctly as possible.

Classes for the development of attention

At such an early age, attention is involuntary. This means that the child does not yet know how to concentrate it by willpower. His attention is attracted by what is of interest (a bright toy, the sound of music, people around him). Attention, like other mental processes, can and should be developed.

✅Search for an object

Take a picture with a story and ask the child to find a certain object or character in it. The same exercise can be performed outdoors. Ask the baby to show a flower, a red car, a cat, a girl in a green jacket, etc.

✅Similar Detection

Take an object, such as a book, and ask the baby to look around the room for things similar in shape to her. It can be a phone, a tablet, a picture on the wall. You can search for objects that are similar not in shape, but in color, size and other features.

✅Finding the Missing Item

Take some toys, arrange them on the table and ask your child to look at them carefully and memorize them. Then he should turn away or leave the room, and at this time you remove one toy. The task of the child is to determine which toy has disappeared.

Classes for the development of gross and fine motor skills

Finger motor skills are directly related to cognitive processes - speech, memory, thinking. Therefore, it needs to be developed. There are many exercises for this.

✅ Games with small objects

Invite your child to sort the buttons by size, string large beads on a string, roll the balls in his hands. Be careful not to put a small object in your mouth, nose, or ear.

✅Construction set and jigsaw puzzle

Buy your child a construction kit or jigsaw puzzle for kids and build with him. This exciting activity strengthens the small muscles of the hand, makes the fingers more dexterous, trains attention and imagination.


Sculpt with your child various figures from clay, plasticine or salt dough. To make the lesson more interesting and exciting, read a fairy tale or watch a cartoon, and then try to make a character you like.

✅Finger games

Not only babies love to play finger games. Toddlers aged two or three love them too. Teach your baby to fold fingers into different shapes:

  • fold your thumb and forefinger into a ring and bring it to your eyes - you get glasses, and if you use all your fingers - binoculars;
  • clench the hand into a fist and stick out the index finger and little finger - these are the horns of a goat;
  • "Step" with your index and middle fingers on the table, representing the legs.

Invite your child to show their imagination by inventing and putting together unusual shapes from their fingers.

Gross motor skills are developed by ball games, cycling, jumping, wall bars and any physical activity. Teach your child to fasten and unfasten buttons, Velcro, hooks on clothes, put on and take off things on their own.

Classes for the development of intellectual abilities

Reading, music, creative work, solving logical and mathematical problems contribute to the development of the baby's intellect.


Invite your child to draw a house, himself, mother. Set a theme for the picture, tell the child what details can be added to it. For example, a house can be surrounded by trees, the sun and clouds can be depicted in the sky.

✅ Role-playing games

Make up a story, choose the right toys and play it out with your baby. For example, a doll is sick: you need to put her to bed, take her temperature, give her medicine in a spoon.


Listening to classical music has a positive effect on the mental development of children, and also brings up a sense of beauty in them. It is useful not only to listen to music, but also to dance to it. This has a positive effect on both mental and physical development.


Collecting puzzles trains attention, thinking, memory. Buy your child large puzzles with a small amount of detail and a clear image. First collect them together with the baby, and then invite him to do it on his own.

✅Sorting items

Shuffle the cards with different items and ask the child to sort them into categories, eg vegetables, fruits, clothes, furniture.


Riddles are good for training the intellect. The main thing is to select tasks that are age-appropriate and understandable to the child.

✅Sunny bunny

On a clear day you can play with sun bunnies. Take a mirror and start letting bunnies on the ceiling, floor, walls. Then give the mirror to the child and let him try it himself. Coordinate his movements, suggesting how to catch a ray of the sun and direct it in the right direction.

Classes to study the properties of objects

Learning the properties of various objects develops the thinking of the baby, helping him to understand how and for what this or that thing can be used.

Teach your child to compare objects according to the following criteria:

  • size - big, small, tall, low, long, short;
  • state - hard, soft, liquid, warm, cold;
  • shape - round, square, rectangular, etc.;
  • color.

Anything can be used as a "learning tool".

  • Pour cold water into one glass and warm tea into another and ask your child how they differ (color, temperature, taste).
  • Sew a few fabric bags (you can use old socks) and fill them with sand, beans, small stones, balls, etc. Let the child try to feel what is in each bag.
  • Buy a sorter - a special container with slots in the form of different geometric shapes and a set of matching inserts. The task of the child is to choose the right figure for each hole.
  • Invite the baby to feel different materials - leather, fur, silicone, wood. Let him tell you how they differ (fluffy fur, smooth skin, etc.).

Getting to know the outside world

The scope for exploring the outside world is very wide:

  • Animals. Tell your child which animals are domestic and which are wild, in what conditions they live, what their cubs are called. If you have the opportunity to visit the zoo, be sure to do so.
  • Plants. On a walk, pay your baby's attention to the trees, flowers, shrubs growing around. Tell us what they are called, which ones are fruit. Collect the leaves and look at them with your baby.
  • Natural phenomena. Tell your child about different natural phenomena, the change of seasons and the weather. By the age of three, the baby should already know the name of the seasons and their main features.
  • Materials. Tell your child about the materials from which various things are made (wood, metals, fabrics, paper, plastic).

At the age of two or three years, learning takes place in the form of a game. The main thing is to interest the child, and then he will be happy to study. Try to spend as much time as possible with the baby, do not dismiss his questions, but always answer them.

Invite the baby to help with the housework, give him small tasks (bring bread to the table, pour food for the cat, put away toys). Daily activities contribute to the development of independence and discipline.


Child development centers and kindergartens "Baby Club" conduct classes for children of primary and secondary preschool age. Experienced teachers will help to reveal the abilities of your baby and teach him useful skills. We have general and individual development programs. Sign up for a consultation and come to a trial lesson. We look forward to seeing you and your child!

Games with children of three or four years old - what is the purpose of games with a three-year-old child?

September 22, 2021

Games with children 3-4 years old at home allow you to spend time with your child in a fun and interesting way and at the same time develop the necessary skills. A wide variety of games should be selected, using toys, dolls, boxes, beads, etc.

What is the purpose of playing with a three-year-old at home?

Children of this age need to develop:

  • Attention and memory.
  • Color perception.
  • Movement coordination.
  • Fine motor skills of hands.

We have selected the most interesting and exciting activities for you.

Games with inexpensive toys

A mosaic with colored carnations and a plastic base where the elements are inserted, cubes and any board game will do.

Minimal adult involvement

This is a game with cutlery, pots, food containers and other safe items.

Educational games for children 3 years old at home

There are a huge number of educational games created by specialists specifically for playing with a child of 3 years old. There are classes for every age group. The main condition is that the child was interested.

Mobile, active games

The most beneficial activities for health and general physical development. Children love to play ball, catch up, arrange group sports competitions.

Games with children 3-4 years old. What to do with the baby at home?

Game #1. Hospitable host

What you need:

  • dolls or animals;
  • beads, assorted colors;
  • doll crockery.

How to play?

Put the beads in the box. Invite the baby to treat the "guests" with sweets. Put raspberries (red beads) in a plate for your favorite bear, grapes (green and blue beads) for a chanterelle, sweets for a doll - orange candy beads, etc.

What does the game give?

The kid learns to distinguish colors, pick up small objects, carefully arrange them on plates. Games with a child of 3 years old should benefit the baby and practice regularly, and not from time to time.

Game #2. Magician

What you need:

  • small box;
  • ropes and cords;
  • table and chair to make your baby comfortable.

How to play?

Put ropes and strings of different lengths, thicknesses and colors into the magician's box. Show how, with the help of ropes and laces, it is possible to lay out various figures and objects on the surface of the table. For example, an orange string closed in a ring is the sun, a green string is an apple, a blue string is the sea, etc.

What does the game give?

Games with a three-year-old child improve the perception of color shades, develop imagination, teach accuracy and perseverance, introduce the shape of objects.

Important! Such games require the organization of a workplace for classes. In order not to spoil the posture of the child, take care of the presence of a comfortable chair. The most optimal option is a “growing” chair with a set of settings according to the baby’s parameters.

Game #3. Little gardener

What you need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • buttons;
  • scissors.

How to play?

An adult will cut out “apples” from cardboard and a tree. Loops need to be sewn to the fruits, buttons to the twigs. Let the little gardener make his own apple garden by attaching fruits to the branches.

What does the game give?

The child collects trees with different colors of fruits - red, green, yellow. Games for children 3 years old at home, the result: the fingers are trained, coordination and fine motor skills develop, the ability to classify objects.

Game #4. Artist

What you need:

  • tray;
  • semolina.

How to play?

Spread semolina thinly on a tray. Draw figurines on the semolina with your finger.

What does the game give?

Develops fantasy and imagination, artistic skills and fine motor skills.

Game No. 5. Lacing

What you need:

  • Ready-made lacing game according to the method of M. Montessori.

How to play?

There is a wide variety of lacing games available in toy stores. Instructions are included with them.

What does the game give?

This is a very effective exercise that develops the eye, fine motor skills of the hands and sensorimotor coordination, creativity, spatial orientation, the concept of "up - down", "right - left".

Game No. 6. Embroiderer

What do you need?

  • large sheet of cardboard;
  • colored laces or extra thick threads.

How to play?

Make holes in the cardboard. Show your child how to thread threads or laces through them, creating patterns and patterns.

What does the game give?

Develops imagination, accuracy, perseverance and eye, helps to train fingers and creativity.

Game 7. Tailor

What do you need?

  • cardboard sheet;
  • sheets of paper;
  • thick colored threads.

How to play?

Draw pants or a skirt on a sheet of cardboard. Make a hole in the clothes. Invite the child to “fix” the clothes. To do this, cut out a circle of paper of a suitable size, and then attach it, closing the torn one. The patch can be applied using threads and a wooden safety needle.

What does the game give?

Develops fine motor skills and the eye.

Game No. 8. New Year

What do you need?

  • sheets of colored cardboard;
  • threads.

How to play?

Draw a Christmas tree silhouette on the paper. Cut wood with scissors. Draw and cut toys of different sizes, shapes and colors. Let your little one decorate the Christmas tree by attaching the toys to the branches with thread and a wooden needle.

What does the game give?

Develops fantasy, imagination, motor skills.

Game number 9. Guess it!

What do you need?

  • Miscellaneous small items that can be held in the hand.

How to play?

Ask the child to close their eyes. In turn, put different objects into his palm - cubes, balls, etc. Ask them to describe what it is.

What does the game give?

Develops imagination and logic.

Game No. 10. Guess the walk

What do you need?

  • pail;
  • a wide variety of items that you will find on a walk - leaves, sticks, pebbles, etc.

How to play?

On a walk, enthusiastically put things in a bucket. Then ask the child to close their eyes. Let him take turns taking out objects from the bucket and say - what is it. Tries to compare a leaf and a pebble, a stick and an acorn, etc.

What does the game give?

General development, the ability to memorize and analyze, guess based on tactile sensations.

Game #11. Little sculptor

What you need:

  • colored children's plasticine;
  • modeling board.

How to play?

You can use a ready-made set for children's creativity. An adult shows how to sculpt different figures.

What does the game give?

The child trains the fingers and develops fantasy and imagination.

Game #12. Find circles

What you need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • velvet paper;
  • landscape sheets.

How to play?

Cut shapes out of different textures. Let the child, without looking, by touch, identify objects.

Game #13. Builder

What you need:

  • wooden cubes;
  • mat.

How to play?

Invite the child to build a turret first, then a more complex structure. During the game, sing songs and read poems about builders and construction.

Game #14. Little fingers

An adult touches the baby's fingers, massages them and reads a rhyme, for example, about a magpie-crow or "our fingers are tired."

Game #15. Gossamer

What you need:

  • box;
  • thick threads.

How to play?

Cut holes in the box. Let the baby thread the threads through the holes. These are very useful games with a three year old child.

Game #16. Rain

What you need:

  • blue and gray thread;
  • blue grey;

How to play?

Make holes in the cardboard. Let the kid draw clouds on the cardboard, and put threads-streams of rain through the holes. Despite the seeming simplicity of the game, children love it very much and are ready to play it literally for hours.

Game #17. Little singer

An adult sings a song cheerfully. The kid sings and dances. On the Internet you can find a lot of children's songs and learn them.

Game #18. Cheerful reader

An adult starts counting a rhyme and suddenly stops. The kid continues, and so - in turn.

Playing at home with children aged 3-4 must necessarily include reading books and memorizing poems. Read with children of this age the poems of Marshak, Korney Chukovsky and Agnia Barto. Buy beautifully illustrated books. They will become your baby's best friends.

Game #19. With water

Babies just love to pour water from one container to another, catch different objects from them and splash around.

Game #20. Choosing clothes for a walk

An adult offers to choose clothes for a walk on his own. Let the baby look out the window, tell what time of year it is and what other children wear. And then he will pick up panties, tights, panties, etc. according to the season. You can do it by touch with your eyes closed. Thus, the gathering for a walk will take place in the form of a game and will not end in hysteria and whims.

What to play with a child of 3 years. Conclusion

Don't be afraid to be imaginative. It is not necessary to use only examples from the network. Remember your own childhood! Show your child your favorite games you played when you were that age. Pay attention to the baby and do not leave it to yourself. Of course, kids should be able to keep themselves busy, but when it becomes a system, there are always problems.

Playing with a 3-4 year old child at home helps to establish an emotional connection between parents and babies.

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