Adjectives list for students

180+ Words To Describe Students


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We love a good adjective (describing word) around here!

This collection of unique and interesting words is all about adjectives we use to describe students – both good and bad students.

How Would You Describe A Student?

A student is a person who is attending classes at a school or university. The word ‘student’ can actually be used to describe someone who is learning anything, and at any stage in their life though.

In order to describe a student better than just ‘good’ or ‘bad’, we can use adjectives such as:

List of Words & Adjectives To Describe A Student

  • academic
  • adaptable
  • adventurous
  • alert
  • ambitious
  • amicable
  • analytical
  • animated
  • appreciative
  • assiduous
  • astute
  • awesome


  • bold
  • bright
  • brilliant
  • bubbly
  • busy
  • capable
  • careful
  • clever
  • collaborative
  • committed
  • competent
  • confident
  • conscientious
  • considerate
  • consistent
  • cooperative
  • coordinated
  • cordial
  • courageous
  • courteous
  • creative


  • dedicated
  • delightful
  • determined
  • diligent
  • disciplined
  • driven
  • eager
  • effective
  • efficient
  • empowered
  • energetic
  • entertaining
  • enthusiastic
  • exceptional
  • excited


  • fantastic
  • fluent
  • friendly
  • fun
  • generous
  • genius
  • good
  • happy
  • hard-working
  • helpful
  • hilarious
  • honest
  • hopeful
  • humble
  • humorous


  • imaginative
  • incisive
  • ingenious
  • innovative
  • inquiring
  • insightful
  • inspirational
  • inspiring
  • instinctive
  • intelligent
  • interested
  • intuitive
  • inventive


  • jokester
  • jovial
  • keen
  • kind
  • knowledgeable
  • leader
  • learner
  • level-headed
  • lively
  • logical
  • loyal


  • mathematical
  • memorable
  • mentee
  • mentor
  • methodical
  • meticulous
  • mindful
  • motivated
  • motivating
  • motivational


  • natural
  • neat
  • nice
  • objective
  • open
  • optimistic
  • organized


  • passionate
  • patient
  • pensive
  • perceptive
  • perseverant
  • persistent
  • playful
  • polite
  • positive
  • prepared
  • proactive
  • professional
  • proficient
  • prudent
  • punctual


  • quick
  • reflective
  • relentless
  • reliable
  • resilient
  • resourceful
  • respectful
  • responsible


  • scrupulous
  • sensible
  • serious
  • sharp
  • sincere
  • skilful
  • smart
  • sociable
  • spirited
  • steady
  • stern
  • stimulating
  • studious
  • successful
  • superb
  • sweet
  • sympathetic


  • talented
  • technological
  • tenacious
  • thankful
  • thorough
  • thoughtful
  • tough
  • trustworthy
  • underrated
  • understanding
  • unorganized


  • valuable
  • vivacious
  • warm
  • welcoming
  • willing
  • wise
  • wonderful

Words To Describe Students Strengths And Weaknesses

The above list of words are great for describing students and their strengths, however in regards to the weaknesses of a student, we could use words such as:

  • aloof – refers to a student who is distant or detached and shows little interest in engaging with others or participating in group activities. This may indicate a weakness in social skills or a lack of interest in collaborative learning.
  • disappointing – describes a student whose performance or behavior falls short of expectations. This could reflect a weakness in academic ability, study habits, or motivation.


  • disruptive – refers to a student who is unruly, interruptive, or causes disturbances in the classroom. This may indicate a weakness in self-regulation or social skills.
  • distracted – describes a student who is easily sidetracked or unable to maintain focus. This could reflect a weakness in attention span or self-control.
  • inconsistent – refers to a student whose performance or behavior varies widely and is unpredictable. This may indicate a weakness in organization or self-regulation.


  • messy – describes a student who is disorganized, careless, or lacks attention to detail. This could reflect a weakness in executive functioning skills or study habits.
  • substandard – refers to a student whose work or performance falls below the expected standard. This may indicate a weakness in academic ability, effort, or study habits.
  • underachieving – describes a student who is not performing up to their potential or falls short of their own expectations. This could reflect a weakness in motivation, comprehension or study habits.


  • unfocused – refers to a student who has difficulty concentrating or maintaining attention. This may indicate a weakness in executive functioning skills or self-control.
  • uninterested – describes a student who shows little enthusiasm or curiosity for learning some or all topics. This could reflect a weakness in motivation or engagement.


  • unorganized – refers to a student who is disorganized or lacks structure in their work or study habits. This may indicate a weakness in executive functioning skills or study habits.
  • unsatisfactory – describes a student whose work or performance is not up to the expected standard or does not meet the requirements. This may indicate a weakness in academic ability, effort, or study habits.

You will notice that the above words don’t necessarily speak of a lack of intelligence from a student, but more a lack of willingness to try hard and put in the work required to learn.

These are the qualities that teachers of any discipline find the most frustrating and disruptive to lessons of any kind.


For more lists of words and quotes, be sure to check out:

  • 100+ Words To Describe A Best Friend – Adjectives For Best Friends
  • 200+ Words To Describe A Teacher
  • 150+ Words To Describe A Good Leader
  • 200+ Words To Describe Attitude
  • 200+ Words To Describe Music

83 Best Words to Describe a Student (2023)

Some of my favorite words to describe a student include:

  • Motivated
  • Studious
  • Analytical
  • Proactive
  • Focused

If the student is performing poorly, some adjectives could be:

  • Unfocused
  • Distracted
  • Underachieving
  • Missing the mark

Below is a long list of adjectives to describe students and samples of how to use those words in a sentence.

1. Words to Describe a Student’s Ability

Excellent Work

A Natural Learner – “Sam is a natural student. She’s got an in-built desire to learn and grow, and always comes into the classroom ready to absorb more knowledge.”

Critical Thinker – “Sam is an impressive critical thinker.”

Excellent – “Sam is an excellent student. She turns up on time, is always prepared, and keen to contribute her ideas to class discussions.”

Exceptional – “Sam has been exceptional student which is reflected in her top grades that she earned throughout the year. She will go on to her next year of school with a great reputation for diligence and persistence.”

Exemplary – “Sam should be proud that she is an exemplary member of the class. He participation is second to none and other students look to her for guidance on what to do in the classroom.”

Fantastic – “Sam is a fantastic student and I’m so sad to see her leave. She’s come to class every day with a big smile on her face and a willingness to get involved in all the classroom tasks. Best of luck next year Sam!”

Impressive – “Sam is a very impressive student who has given a great effort even when she wasn’t the most naturally talented student at a particular task. Her hard work always carried her through.”

Independent Thinker – “Sam is an independent thinker. She’ll never take anything on face value, but instead uses her logic and critical thinking to come to a conclusion on her own.”

Read Also: 13+ Examples Of The Word “Academic” In A Sentence

Knowledgeable – “Sam is an incredibly knowledgeable student. Perhaps one day I will see her on the set of Jeopardy and be proud to know I was a part of hear learning story.”

Outstanding – “Sam has been an outstanding student all year long due to her ability to focus, support others, and perform under pressure.

Overachiever – “Sam has been an overachiever all year and I wouldn’t want it any other way! If I set her a task, she goes about not only completing it, but doing the extra research to make sure she impresses me with her knowledge!”

Smashing Success – “Sam is a smashing success! She’s put an incredible amount of work into her own self-growth and development, and it has really paid off. Well done, Sam!”

Read More: 223 Copy-and-Paste Report Card Comments

Meeting the Benchmark

Adequate – “Sam’s performance has been adequate throughout the year. However, I would like to see her step up her focus and study more diligently next year to increase her grades overall.”

Average – “Sam’s work is matching the average of her age group. By acting upon the feedback she is given in class, she can continue to improve on her academic skills to grow her grades.”

Capable – “Sam is a capable learner who I can trust to put her head down and make an effort in every task. I encourage her to continue working hard to see steady improvement over time.”

Competent – “Sam is a competent learner who can address all the required tasks at her year level. She’s also competent at social aspects of learning including groupwork and presentations.

Keeping Up – “Sam is keeping up with all her classmates and easily passing all assessment tasks she has been assigned. With more focus in class, I am confident Sam can improve her grades even more in the future.”

Meets Standard – “Sam meets standards across all subjects and exams. I am pleased with her progress and believe she will continue to improve and grow in the coming years.”

On Track – “Sam is well and truly on track to end the year with some good results. She needs to continue to maintain her study schedule to ensure she performs well in upcoming exams.”

Satisfactory – “Sam has been a satisfactory student. She regularly passes the exams with ease and is progressing nicely.”

Sufficient – “Sam’s work is sufficient to pass on to the next course. She has satisfactorily met all the required outcomes. To improve further, I would recommend re-reading the exam questions twice so she doesn’t miss key points in the questions.”

Read More: Metaphors for Students

Needing Improvement

Disappointing – “Sam’s work has been disappointing of late. She needs a reset after some time off in order to re-engage with more motivation and enthusiasm.”

Makes Easy Errors – “While I know Sam has good skills and knowledge, she continues to make easy errors. She needs to slow down and re-read the question to make sure she addresses the question properly.”

Messy – “Sam’s work is often very messy which makes communication of ideas difficult. With some focus on improved handwriting, Sam can write faster, cleaner, and more effectively to improve her communication skills.

Missing the Mark – “Unfortunately Sam has been missing the mark with her tasks. We need to redouble our efforts to learn how to read a question carefully so Sam knows what is expected of her in class.”

Struggling – “Sam has been struggling in her learning this year and this is reflected in her grades. With some effort and focus, we can turn this around before the end of the year.”

Substandard – “Sam’s work has been substandard and less than I know she is capable of. Too much focus on social life is negatively impacting her performance in class.”

Talented – “Sam is naturally talented at academic tasks and picks up new skills very easily.”

Underachieving – “Sam is underachieving this year which is cause for concern. Disruptions in her studying and lack of focus in class are key factors in this lack of success so far this year.”

Unfocussed – “Sam is unfocussed in class which is reflected in her grades so far. As the year goes on, I hope to work with Sam to keep up focus and develop strategies to reduce procrastination.”

Unsatisfactory – “The work submitted has been unsatisfactory this year. I believe Sam can do better than she has been doing so far. Continued submission of insufficient work may lead to a requirement to repeat some exams.”

Read More: Words to Describe a Teacher

2. Words to Describe a Student’s Attitude and Behavior

Positive Attitude

Active Learner – “Sam is an active learner who loves to get hands-on and throw herself into a task with enthusiasm.”

Ambitious – “Sam is an ambitious student who will push herself to meet her personal best at all times.” (see also: examples of ambition).

Attentive – “Sam is attentive in class, showing her interest in self-improvement and getting the most out of each class.”

Collaborative – “Sam’s collaborative mindset makes her a good team member. She will listen to her peers and take their ideas in mind when coming up with a group plan.”

Compassionate – “Sam is a compassionate classmate who often looks out for her peers and makes sure everyone is okay.”

Consistent – “Sam’s work is consistently at a high standard. I can rely on her to always put her best foot forward.”

Curious – “Sam is curious learner who is always asking questions and wants to know more and more about whatever topic we are covering in class.”

Diligent – “Sam is a diligent learner who will put her head down and work hard to achieve her personal goals.”

Easy-going – “Sam is an easy-going classmate who is always happy to learn. However, she should remember to put 100% into each task.”

Focused – “Sam is an incredibly focused student who doesn’t easily get distracted by the goings on around her. She loves her books and is keen to continue to fill her mind with knowledge.

Funny – “Sam is a funny student who brightens up the students around her and always sees the lighter side in life. This makes her inclusive and good at welcoming other learners into her groups.”

Goal-Oriented – “Sam is a goal-oriented learner. She will set herself a series of small goals at the beginning of the week and work toward them diligently. Well done, Sam!”

Helpful – “Sam is always helpful around class. She will support her fellow students when they need peer support, and will always volunteer to help adults and teachers in an activity.”

Independent Worker – “Sam is an independent worker who is happy to get on with her work alone. She is good at conducting self-guided research as well. While her study skills are excellent, it would be good to see her working on group work skills to build more confidence in groups.”

Inspired – “Sam is an inspired learner. She is often coming to class with questions she thought up overnight and she consistently seeks new opportunities to learn.

Introspective – “Sam’s introspective nature makes her good at reflecting on her weaknesses and identifying avenues for self-improvement. Well done, Sam!”

Leader – “Sam is a leader among her peers. Other students will look to her for guidance in class, and she is often takes a leadership role during group work.”

Mature – “Sam is a mature student who I can trust to work independently without my oversight. I can trust her to approach me for help when she assesses she needs it.”

Motivated – “Sam is a motivated learner who will regularly go ahead of her classmates to seek out more knowledge and information on the topics.”

Polite – “Sam is a reliably polite student in class who will always go out of her way to ensure people around her are comfortable within the learning space.”

Prepared – “Sam comes to class prepared to learn. She will often ensure she is early to class to make the most out of her learning.

Reflective – “Sam is a reflective student. She will regularly be able to tell you both her strengths and weaknesses, and she can tell you about what went well and what did not go so well during an activity.”

Self-aware – “Sam is impressively self-aware. She will be able to report on her own progress and identify when she needs additional help. She is always willing to re-focus her attention when required and seek out help if she is not sure about what to do.”

Studious – “Sam is a studious learner who will commit herself to her studies and remain committed until she has achieved her goals.”

Thoughtful – “Sam is a thoughtful student. She can often be seen planning things out ahead. She will also ask very insightful questions in class, showing her deep thinking skills.”

Trustworthy – “Sam is a trustworthy student who is often called upon to take up leadership positions within the class. This is a reflection of her maturity for her age.”

Negative Attitude

Selfish – “While Sam is a kind student, she can at times be selfish when it comes to sharing resources or sharing her time with her peers.”

Rude – “We have been working on some rude behavior that Sam has exhibited in class, and it would be good to see more development in maturity in the future.”

Boisterous – “Sam is a boisterous student who responds well to physical, hands-on learning but struggles during quiet learning times.”

Misbehaving – “Sam has been misbehaving regularly in class, which may be a reflection of some of the disrupted learning that she’s experienced.”

Reserved – “Sam is a reserved student who has a kind personality but needs more encouragement to come out of her shell and share her thoughts with her classmates. This will help both her academically and socially.”

Unsettled – “Due to a tough year, Sam has been somewhat unsettled which has negatively impacted her learning and development.

Talkative – “Sam is a very talkative and sociable student. While this is nice in some situations, talking during quieter periods is often inappropriate. Coming to control her behavior based on the situation would be beneficial for Sam.”

Lazy – “Unfortunately Sam has come to class unprepared and with incomplete homework of late. She appears to have become somewhat lazier in class. It would be good to see a reset to re-gain some motivation she had earlier in the year.”

Unmotivated – “While Sam started the year with good motivation, she has become unmotivated as the year progress. Social distractions are at times getting in the way of her work.”

Uninspired – “Sam is feeling increasingly uninspired in class. We have worked together to develop personal interest projects to help with her motivation, but knuckling down with subjects that are not her favorite is also required.”

Unfocused – “Sam has been somewhat unfocused recently. Developing a stronger attention span may help her make the most out of each lesson.”

Disinterested – “Sam remains disinterested in most lessons and subjects in class. With some effort to identify personal interests and how they connect to our lessons, I do hope her interest can improve over time.”

Daydreamer – “Sam is a thoughtful student but at times her thoughts take her away from the lessons. She is often caught daydreaming instead of completing assigned tasks.”

Distracted – “Sam is consistently distracted in class by nearby objects, friends or her own thoughts.”

Lone Wolf – “Sam is a lone wolf student who doesn’t make efforts to connect with her peers. She is a lovely person and with more confidence and time, I do hope she finds her feet socially.”

Snarky – “While Sam is often a lovely student, she can at times make snarky and defensive comments that prevent her from truly taking on constructive feedback.

3. Words to Describe a Student’s Learning Style

Mathematical – “Sam has a mathematical mind that helps her work through issues of logic very effectively. While encouraging her strengths, I would like to also see her experimenting with creative and literature projects.”

Scientific – “Sam’s scientific curiosity is a great strength. She loves to engage in inquiry based learning projects and thinks about big picture questions.”

Kinesthetic – “As a kinesthetic learner, Sam excels at hands-on activities and using her hands to complete tasks.”

Musical – “Sam’s musical talent has given her added confidence this year. She learns well through rhythm and hands-on activities.”

Creative – “Sam is a highly creative student who flourishes when allowed to take projects in her onw directions. Her artistic and literary talents are developing very well.”

Sporty – “Sam is a sporty student who loves to head outside to let off some steam and get involved in physical activities. She sometimes needs this high level of activity so she can settle in class later on.”

Philosophical – “Sam is a contemplative learner. She will spend a lot of time thinking through big-picture philosophical questions.”

Logical – “Sam’s logical mind makes her a strong mathematical and scientific thinker.”

Analytical – “Sam is a highly analytical student. She can be given problems to solve and she will go about finding solutions based on her own critical and analytical insights.”

Academically minded – “Sam is an academically minded student. She will be studious about getting to work on math and literature subjects. She at times struggles with sporting and physical activities.”

A Sponge – “Sam has the mind of a sponge. She will absorb whatever new knowledge she can come across. This curiosity will serve her well throughout her education.”

  • Related: 273 Adjectives to Describe a Teacher
  • Related: 107 Adjectives to Describe School


The above words to describe a student can be useful for teachers looking to write about a student in an end of term report. They might also be useful for students writing about themselves in a reflective writing task, or people writing about students in creative writing tasks!

I’m sure there are many more adjectives you could use, and often times it’s best to simply genuinely reflect on how you would describe the student you’re thinking about.

Chris Drew (PhD)

Website | + posts

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education.

Adjectives characterizing a person from the good side

Heading: For every day

Here is the most complete list of adjectives that positively characterize a person. The list does not include obscene words and words that are professional terms used by a narrow circle of people for professional purposes (not in colloquial speech).

The list does not include such words as: “beautiful”, “blue-eyed”, “stately”, “slender” and the like. They describe appearance, but (although they are adjectives used to describe a person) they are not related to character and are unable to shed light on personality traits.

Please note: the list contains words that can be both an adjective and participle (depending on the context in which the word is used at any given time).

Also, remember that some words are neutral in color and characterize a person from the good side only depending on the context in which it is used. But in the same way, it can be used not as a characteristic of positive personality traits, but simply as a statement of fact (without a specific coloring).

If you need the most complete list of adjectives that characterize a person (both positively and negatively), you can find it at the link above.


  • Adventurous (positively characterizes if used in a good way)
  • Adequate
  • Gambling (here in the meaning - a positively gambling person, for example - an athlete or passionate about study, work, i. e. - very enthusiastic)
  • Active
  • Neat
  • Altruistic (altruistic)
  • Ambitious (if positively ambitious, in a good sense, we are talking about healthy ambitions of an adequate person)
  • Apolitical
  • Ascetic without violating the rights of others)
  • Artistic
  • Aristocratic


  • Alert
  • Harmless
  • Fearless


  • Galant
  • Harmonic
  • General
  • Heroic
  • Thinny
  • deep (here in the meaning is not empty, filled person)
  • Talking
  • Golovasty (Smart, Conductive) 9001
  • Hot (if used positively)
  • Hospitable
  • Literate
  • Humane
  • Gutta-percha


  • False
  • Darovite
  • Delicate
  • VELE
  • Business
  • Democratic
  • Daring (sometimes impudence is required for the implementation of the bold intake and this personality quality becomes positive)
  • goneless (cm above. as daring)
  • Active
  • Diplomatic
  • Disciplined
  • Valiant
  • Kind
  • Kindest
  • Companion
  • Social
  • Comfortable (for example: Comfortable in communication, in solving disputed issues, etc.)
  • specific
  • competitive
  • Conservative
  • Creative
  • Painstaking
  • Meek
  • Cultural


  • Laconic
  • Gentle
  • Light (here, not light by weight. For example: easy to communicate, easy to get on with, etc.)
  • Lyrical (neutral characterizes, but in some cases is a positive property)
  • Loyal
  • Loving
  • Affable
  • Inquisitive
  • Curious (for some situations, professions, this personality trait is positive)
  • Loving


  • Slow-speaking
  • Insensitive (under certain circumstances, such a character trait can be positive)
  • Mannery
  • Skillful
  • Seasoned (here in the meaning - very experienced, knowledgeable in something)
  • Melancholic (neutrally characterizes In some cases, it is a positive characteristic. For example, when it is required to exclude people of choleric temperament from the candidates under consideration ... in this case, characterizing him as "melancholy" will do him good)
  • Powerful
  • Fashion
  • Moral
  • Motivated
  • Wise
  • The wise
  • Wise
  • Musical
  • Thinking
  • Soft (here in the meaning - soft in character, not to the touch)
  • Soft -hearted


  • Ertheated
  • Reliable
  • NACK
  • assertive
  • Poster (in a good sense. For example, a post -war sales manager for non assertiveness)
  • Well-read
  • Not indifferent
  • Not indifferent
  • Undemanding
  • Unflappable
  • NOT Military
  • Infant (a useful property for . .. for example, a surgeon and other specialists where a certain share of insensibility is required to fulfill their professional tasks)
  • Nejadema
  • Non -resurrect
  • Non -fiber
  • non -fiber useful property for a man, for a woman - rather negative)
  • Gentle
  • Independent
  • Disinterested (a useful feature when it is required to be disinterested in something in order to be objective)
  • Principal
  • Unfinous
  • Large
  • Imagine
  • Non -sounding
  • Non -sound
  • Non -dimensional, permanent and produced, people
  • are an incomplete -spaced (neutral plot. cockroaches")
  • Innocent
  • Uncorrupted
  • Incorrigible
  • Non-contentious
  • Unselfish
  • Unnecessary
  • Unsputable
  • is unemotional (it can positively characterize a person if the lack of emotionality, equanimity, excerpt, etc.)
  • Normal
  • Moral
  • is a charming
  • Obvoy
  • Educated
  • Sociable
  • Objective
  • Compulsory
  • Gifted
  • Obsessed (here in the meaning - obsessed with work, business, etc. )
  • positive
  • Darkly
  • Clearly
  • consistent (for example: consistent in actions, in decisions, etc.)
  • Lorid
  • Complex Complete
  • Positive
  • Popular
  • Amazing
  • Decent
  • Dedicated
  • Consistent
  • obedient
  • Constant (here in the meaning - constant in its views, principles, attitude, etc.)
  • Fiercore
  • Awesome
  • Vilitative
  • Truthful
  • Truthful
  • Righteous
  • Correct
  • Pragmatic
  • Practical
  • Excellent
  • Devotee (here meaning faithful)
  • Kind
  • Predictable
  • rational
  • reactive (here in the value is highly active, fast, energetic, etc.)
  • Realistic
  • Rare
  • Rare
  • Decisive
  • risky
  • Romantic
  • ) in the meaning - who can do a lot with his hands, is capable of a lot with his hands)


  • Original
  • Self-sufficient
  • Self-forgetful
  • Strong (not necessarily physically strong, for example: a strong person, mentally strong, mentally strong, etc. ) e.)
  • Skeptical
  • Modest
  • Scrupulous
  • Loquacious
  • Complicated (for example, complexly organized, etc. this can be both a negative characteristic and a positive one. This word can be described from a good side only if attached to it positive coloring in the context)
  • Stable (constant, durable, sensible, emotional-stabil, socially stable, etc.)
  • Stepnoy
  • Strongy
  • Passionate
  • Stress-resistant
  • Happy
  • 9004
    • Tactful
    • Talented
    • Solid (here it means a reliable, stubborn, courageous, inflexible person)
    • Creative
    • Lucky
    • amazing
    • Squeezing
    • Smiling
    • Skillful
    • Moderate
    • Piloty
    • Smart
    • Unique
    • CANDENTIONAL PARTICAL (Words CAN TREEMENT OF THE BE depends on the context and circumstances)
    • Balanced
    • Diligent
    • Diligent
    • Helpful
    • Successful
    • Blonding
    • Sophisticated
    • Frontividous
    • Scientist
    • Caster
    • Sustainable (for example: Mentally, emotionally, professionally, etc. )


    • Fanatic etc.)
    • Fantasizing
    • Lucky (from the word "luck")
    • Fatish (depending on the context - in some cases it serves as a positive, negative or neutral characteristic)
    • Philosophical (for example: philosophically minded, philosophically reasoning, etc.)
    • Phlegmatic (neutral characteristic, but phlegmatic can be considered a virtue when a person of exactly the phlegmatic type is required, and all other types are undesirable)
    • Photogenic
    • Fundamental (here in the meaning - strong, strong)


    • Charismatic
    • Cold-blooded
    • Hospitable
    • Economically competent (economically prepared)
    • Expert
    • Extravagant (sometimes this word can be positively characterized, sometimes - negatively. Depends on the context)
    • Emotional
    • Empathetic (capable of empathizers)
    • Extrac
    • Outrageous
    • Elite
    • Spectacular


    • Humorous
    • Humor
    • Young
    • Lawlessly competent/illiterate
    • Yurkiy


    • Language
    • bright
    • Yariy (about any inclinations , an ardent hater of fools)
    • Furious (here, as above - a fierce fan of his profession, for example)
    • Clairvoyant

    • All of the above words can positively characterize both a man and a woman, a teenager and in many cases a child. To do this, you need to change the ending of each word, changing the gender of the word from masculine to feminine.
    • This list of words is useful when creating a profile, resume, self-presentation, cover letter (when looking for a job), essays and is applicable wherever it is required to describe a person (his character traits, behavioral characteristics, personality traits, etc.).
    • The collection of words was collected manually by the author of the site. And the author has copyright. Use the list for personal non-commercial purposes and do not use it for reprinting and publication (in whole or in separate fragments) on any media (electronic, paper, etc.).

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    small, little




















    unhappy, poor




























    clear, transparent









    hard, difficult











    light, light


    thick, thick













    careless, carefree










    far away


    nearby, close













    not necessary





















    In a sentence adjectives can do the following functions:

    1. Definitions

    A great ship asks deep waters. - big ship - great swimming.

    2. Nominal part of the predicate

    Who has never tasted bitter, don't know what is sweet. - Who has never tasted bitter, do not knows what is sweet.

    Some adjectives can take on the value of the subject and can perform in noun function clause:

    rich rich - the rich rich

    old old - the old old men

    poor the poor - the poor poor

    native native - a native native

    relative relative - a relative relative

    American American - an American american

    Table - Degrees of comparison of adjectives















    the busiest

    the biggest

    the smallest




    more interesting

    the most interesting





    many /much





    the best

    the worst

    the least


    Comparison expression in sentences:

    1) if compare two identical items

    He such same smart, how your Friend.

    Learn more


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    Ph: 250.627.7166 | Fx: 250.627.7482

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