Angelina ballerina birthday party ideas
Angelina Ballerina Birthday -
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Angelina’s Gift for Ms.
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Angelina’s Gift for Ms.
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Hi, I’m Angelina Ballerina. Today is our teacher’s birthday. Her name is Ms. Mimi. My friends and I are going to throw her a super surprise birthday party. Do you want to help? “Here’s my list of what we need for the party!” “Does your list say we need a present?” “Of course, Gracie! See? It also says we need a cake, decorations, and a birthday card. Hey, let’s go shopping for the gift first!”
“Yeah!” “Uh, is it okay if I stay here, while you go shopping?” “Sure, Marco. You finish writing your song! “Look at these beautiful, shiny ballet slippers! They’d make the perfect gift for Ms. Mimi!” “Oooooh! They’re soooooo amazing!” “I can’t take my eyes off them. They’re so .
. . so . . . so . . . beautiful! Oh, Ms. Mimi will just love these new ballet slippers! They’re only 15 Mouseland shillings! Let’s buy them!” “But we don’t have enough money.” “Oh no!” “What are we going to do?” “We still need a gift for Ms. Mimi!” “Hold on! We’re good at making things . . .” “We can make the slippers ourselves!” “Stupendous! We’ll start on them once we get back home!” OK, we have everything we need to make the slippers: shiny fabric, ribbon, scissors, needle, and thread. Now it’s just a cut here, a tuck there, and a lot of sewing everywhere! “We love you, yes we do. Oh, we love you!” “Huh. Wow! Angelina, those lyrics are great for the song I’m composing.” “Thanks, Marco. Uh-oh! Look! It ripped! We can’t give this ripped slipper to Ms. Mimi. But we still need a gift! See? It’s on our list. What are we going to do?” “Maybe we should make a tutu instead.” “OK, Gracie, you and Marco make the tutu. Viki, come with me so we can check on the cake!” Mom made this teeny tiny cake for Ms.
Mimi, but we wanted something much bigger! “What if we add some of these cupcakes to it? It will make the cake bigger!” “I’ll help! I’ll help!” “OK, Polly and Viki, let’s get started.” And just then, Marco and Gracie come in, but they don’t look very happy. “What happened to the tutu?” “The scissors kind of got out of control.” “Oh no! We don’t have a gift at all now. But at least we have a cake—a tipping tower of cake.” This is where the party will be. We don’t have balloons, so we’re using daisies to decorate instead. “Ms. Mimi is going to love this. She loves flowers!” “Look! The cake is here!” It really does look like a tipping tower cake, doesn’t it? And Marco really does look like he’s struggling with it! “Uh-oh, ah-ahhhh-ahhh . . . AH-CHOO!” Our big tipping tower cake tipped all the way to the ground! We can’t have a birthday party without a cake. Our super surprise birthday party is ruined! “Is someone having a party?” “Ms. Mimi! Oh no! Well . . . surprise! It’s a birthday party .
. . for you!” “Oh!” “Um, there aren’t any real presents.” “Or a cake. It all went really, REALLY wrong. We’re sorry.” “Ms. Mimi, we tried to buy you a gift, and then we tried to make you a gift. We even tried to make you a cake. And it all got ruined. But we think we have a gift for you after all, and we hope you like it! Hit it, Marco!” “Let’s sing a song on this, your happy birthday. Won’t take too long. Just one thing that we want to say. We love you! Yes, we do! Oh, we love you! We’d like to bring a very special gift to you. And when we sing, Each and every word is true. We love you! Yes, we do! Oh we love you!” “Oh, that song is the most wonderful gift in the world.” “Thank you, Ms. Mimi. We were very worried that we didn’t have anything for you on your birthday, so I’m happy you liked our song instead.” “Gifts don’t have to be things you buy at a store.” “Gifts can be songs or dances!” “To be really good, all a gift needs is to have lots of love in it!” And our song did have lots of love in it.
“Happy birthday, Ms. Mimi!” \t “Thank you so much!”
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Fairy tale Angelina ballerina, Katerina Holabird
Angelina loved dancing more than anything in the world. She danced everywhere and everywhere, and often she was so fond of dancing that she forgot about everything in the world.
Angelina's mother constantly reminded her what to do: "Angelina, you need to clean your room, - or - Angelina, it's time to get ready for school, otherwise you'll be late."
But in fact, Angelina did not want to go to school at all. She only wanted to dance, dance, dance.
One night she even danced in her sleep, and when she woke up in the morning, she knew for sure that one day she would become a real ballerina and everyone would call her Angelina ballerina.
When Angelina's mother opened the door to her daughter's bedroom to call her for breakfast, she found her daughter standing on the bed curtsying.
It was time to go to school, and Angelina was standing by the mirror, trying on her mother's hats and making faces at the mirror. "So you're definitely going to be late for school!" cried Mrs. Mouseling, angry.
But Angelina didn't care. She jumped from rock to rock and practiced high jumps through flower beds until she was in the pansies of Mrs Mousewein and got a big scolding.
During recess at school, Angelina was spinning so fast that not a single girl or boy from her class could keep up with her.
And then after school, she showed her mother in the kitchen how beautifully she can make an arabesque and accidentally touched a cup with her mother's most delicious cheese buns.
"Oh, Angelina, your dancing is nothing but trouble," Mrs. Mouseling sighed, picking up buns from the floor.
She sent Angelina upstairs to her room, while she herself went to have a serious talk with Mr Mouseling.
Mrs Mouseling shook her head and said to her husband, "I just don't know what to do with Angelina." Mr Mouseling thought for a moment and then replied: “I think I have an idea!”
The same evening, Mom and Dad went shopping in the city.
And the next morning, a pleasant surprise awaited Angelina at breakfast - a large box with her name lay on the table. And inside the box was the most beautiful pink ballet dress and a pair of the same pink ballet shoes. Angelina's dad looked at his daughter with a smile, as she danced around the room with joy. "I think you're old enough for ballet classes," he said.
Angelina couldn't find a place for herself for joy. She jumped onto the armchair, in which lay a basket of mother's knitting, and turned everything over on the floor ...
The next day, Angelina took her pink pointe shoes and ballet dress and went to her first lesson at Miss Lily's ballet school. There were nine other students there and they were all practicing curtsies and pliés and flying around the classroom like fairies. And so the whole lesson went.
“Congratulations, Angelina,” Miss Lily praised her, “you are very good at dancing and if you work hard, one day the day will come when you will become a real ballerina.”
Angelina happily ran home to hug her mother with happiness. “Today I am the happiest in the world, mommy!” exclaimed Angelina.
Since then, Angelina began to always fulfill her mother's requests, now she cleaned her room on time and was never late for school again.
Angelina helped her mother in the kitchen
and sometimes even let the boys catch up with her at recess.
Angelina was so busy dancing at Miss Lily's that she no longer needed to dance at home or on her way to school as she used to do. Every day she now went to ballet school and worked and worked for so many, many years . ..
... until she finally became the famous ballerina Mademoiselle Angelina, to whose performances people came from the most distant countries, just to see how beautifully she dances.
Birthday of the ballerina Diana Vishneva |
celebrates its 35th anniversary. During this time, she managed to do a lot. Diana Vishneva was born on July 13, 1976 in St. Petersburg. From the age of six, the girl was engaged in dancing, and by 11 she was accepted into the Academy of Russian Ballet named after A.Ya. Vaganova. Even while studying, Vishneva won her first award. She is still the only one who has been awarded the Gold Medal and the Grand Prix of the International Competition for Young Ballet Dancers in Lausanne.
Vishneva became an intern at the Mariinsky Theatre. In 1995 she graduated from the Academy of Russian Ballet, and in 1996 she was already a soloist with the Mariinsky Theatre.
In 1996, Vishneva danced the part of Kitri on the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre. In subsequent years, she had the opportunity to perform the leading roles here in such ballets as Swan Lake, Giselle, and Sleeping Beauty.
In 2001 Vishneva started her international career. As a guest soloist, she performed in Munich in Manon with the Bavarian Ballet, and in Milan in Sleeping Beauty with La Scala.
More wins followed in 2002. Diana made her debut on the stage of the Berlin Staatsoper in the ballets Giselle and La Bayadère, as well as on the stage of the Paris Grand Opera in Don Quixote. At the Grand Opera, she later danced the main roles in the ballets Rubies, Manon and Swan Lake.
Since 2005, Diana Vishneva has been Principal Principal with the American Ballet Theater in New York in such ballets as Giselle, La Bayadère, Swan Lake, Don Quixote, Romeo and Juliet", "Sleeping Beauty", "The Lady of the Camellias", "Manon", "Sylvia", The Dream.
In 2010, Vishneva establishes a foundation operating in Russia, the USA and Japan, which in every possible way supports the art of ballet and those who practice it.
In 2011, Diana Vishneva celebrates not only her own anniversary - she turns 35 years old, but also the 15th anniversary of her creative activity.
During these 15 years, Diana has done a lot. Her repertoire included the leading roles of all the best ballets, the choreography of Petipa, Fokine, Grigorovich, Bejart, Petit, Balanchine, Neumeier, Ashton, MacMillan, Alonso, Preljocaj, Ratmansky, as well as the classical repertoire revised by Nureyev, Makarova, Malakhov and Bart. |