Bedtime stories for cats
Pickles the Cat Finds a True Friend
Pickles the Cat Finds a True Friend - Bedtime-Story.comBedtime-Story
For the Busy Business-Parent
Whimsical Bedtime Stories for Children of All Ages
Pickles the Cat Finds a True Friend
It was early in the morning and Pickles, still not quite awake, was covering his eyes with his paws to block out the sunlight.
He could hear his Mom and Dad showering, dressing and eating breakfast as they were getting ready for work, but Pickles was not ready to get out of bed yet.
Pickles Dad stuck his head into the bedroom and said, Dont sleep all day, kiddo. After that his Mom and Dad left the house and went to their jobs in the city.
This was the normal routine for a weekday, and Pickles stretched and yawned as he slowly moved from his warm bed.
Pickles went downstairs to have some breakfast.
His favorite cereal was Catn Crunch, so he poured a big bowl and grabbed the milk from the refrigerator. His favorite part was at the very end, when he could drink the milk from the bowl.
After breakfast he washed and dried the dishes - and put everything back in its proper place.
Then Pickles went upstairs to brush his teeth. Most cats dont brush their teeth, but Pickles knew how important it was to keep his teeth and gums healthy.
While he was brushing he could hear some other cats talking outside, on the street below.
He ran to the window and looked down to see who they were.
It was the usual gang of 4 neighborhood cats; Jumbo, Lucky, Princess and Barbie. Pickles always saw them running around, having fun outside, and he wanted to be friends with them.
Pickles tapped on the glass and waved and shouted to the cats below. He forgot that he had a mouth full of toothpaste, and he coughed and splattered toothpaste all over the window. Splat.
The cats on the street laughed and said, Pickles brushes his teeth! What a goof!
After Pickles cleaned the toothpaste from the window, he went back downstairs to watch some television. He liked to watch the news and he especially enjoyed shows about birds or fish. While he was watching the news he felt like someone was watching him so he looked around the room.
Sure enough, Jumbo, Lucky, Barbie, and Princess were sitting outside the living room window, staring at him and giggling. They laughed and said, Pickles is a nerd who watches the news!
Pickles was embarrassed and turned the television off and walked over to the window.
I wont brush my teeth anymore or watch the news, guys. Can I join your club? asked Pickles.
Youre too fat - and youre a wimpy indoor cat, said Jumbo.
And youre a nerd who watches the news! sneered Lucky.
Princess and Barbie turned their heads and looked the other way as the group walked away laughing.
Pickles felt terrible, and decided that he was going to change, so maybe the other cats would like him.
He ran upstairs to get one of his Moms workout videos, then ran back downstairs and put it in the DVD player. Maybe I am a bit fat, so lets give this a try, Pickles thought to himself, as he was jumping and dancing along with the video.
Before long he was very tired, and sweating like crazy.
After the workout Pickles was sore and hungry, so he went into the kitchen and had a glass of milk and made his favorite sandwich - tuna fish with sardines on wheat bread.
He brought his sandwich into the living room and decided that he would read a book and relax a bit.
He was reading A Tale of 2 Kitties when again he felt as if someone was watching him. Sure enough, the neighborhood cats were back at the window.
Pickles walked over to the window and they started to laugh again. Now youre reading a book? Youre even more of a nerd than we thought! said Lucky. And we watched you exercise, and you dance like a girl, scolded Jumbo.
Princess and Barbie looked at Pickles and shook their heads disapprovingly. Then they all walked away laughing, and making fun of Pickles.
Pickles was very sad, and about to cry, as he watched them walk away. He knew he was not like other cats and wondered what he needed to do in order for them to like him. He sniffled as he began to clean up the living room and kitchen after his lunch.
No matter what I do, they wont like me, Pickles thought to himself. He went back downstairs carefully, making certain to stay away from the front window.
He didnt want to be laughed at anymore, so he lay down in front of the terrace doors that had a view of the back garden. While he was relaxing, he tried to forget about everything that had happened during the day.
Suddenly he saw another cat in the back garden. Pickles was relieved to see that it was not one of the cats that had been making fun of him all day. It was Jojo, his next door neighbor.
Pickles had never officially met Jojo, but he had seen him outside, playing with the small boy who lived next door. Jojo was a black cat with bright white ankles and feet. Pickles tried not to make eye contact with him for fear that Jojo would come over and make fun of him too.
But something else happened instead. Jojo walked over to the door where Pickles lay.
I suppose you want to laugh at me too? Well, go ahead. sighed Jojo, as he stretched out on the warm patio stones.
Why would I make fun of you? Pickles asked in confusion.
Oh I dont know - maybe its because I look like I always have socks on my feet. Or maybe its because I like to eat apples. You choose, said Jojo.
Turns out that those other cats were making fun of Jojo too. Pickles thought it was different that Jojo liked to eat apples, but he wasnt about to make fun of him for it. And it did look like Jojo was wearing socks, which Pickles thought was very nice.
I wont make fun of you for those things if you dont make fun of me for brushing my teeth, watching the news, reading books or being fat, said Pickles.
I dont think youre fat, said Jojo, and they both agreed to respect each others features, likes, and dislikes.
Jojo and Pickles talked for hours about all sorts of things, and had a great time. Pickles suddenly realized that it was getting late, and he said goodbye to Jojo. They agreed that they would pick up their conversation where they left off tomorrow.
It was almost time for Pickles Mom and Dad to arrive home from work, so Pickles ran through the house cleaning up, and making sure everything was in its proper place. He had just finished putting his toothbrush and book away, when he could hear keys jiggling in the front door.
He ran downstairs, jumped on the couch, and rolled over on his back, as his Mom and Dad came through the front door.
Would you look at that? Hes been asleep all day I'll bet., said Pickles Dad, as he put his briefcase on the floor. Pickles just smiled and purred.
Pickles Mom and Dad sat down on either side of him on the couch and began to rub him. He purred louder and louder and stretched his paws because it felt so good.
Then his Mom and Dad went upstairs to change clothes before they started making dinner. Pickles stood up and looked over at the front window and saw Jumbo, Lucky, Princess and Barbie staring back at him.
This time Pickles laughed and smiled as he thought about Jojo. He had made a friend and he could be himself - without changing anything.
He liked Jojo, even though he ate apples - and Jojo liked him, even though he brushed his teeth. Pickles realized that making fun of people is not nice at all - and that true friends accept you for who you are.
Pickles lay comfortably on the couch while he listened to his Mom and Dad cook dinner in the kitchen. Were out of milk again? he heard his Dad say, I think that cat drinks milk while were out of the house!
Dont be silly, Dear. Thats impossible, his Mom replied.
Pickles giggled to himself quietly. He was sleepy after his busy day, and he thought about his new friend, Jojo, and a tuna fish pizza, as he drifted off to sleep.
Pickles the Cat Finds A True Friend by Mike Andres
Copyright 2012 - All Rights Reserved
About the Author: Mike Andres has always had a passion for writing. He graduated with a degree in Journalism from Texas A&M University in 1997. Mike is an American living and working in Copenhagen, Denmark with his wife, Brena, and their cat. Sadly his writing is usually limited to corporate emails or business cases, but when he has spare time he still likes to let his imagination and fingers run wild on the keyboard. He says that it keeps him young, and he hopes that others will enjoy reading as much as he enjoys writing. This author has more stories online. Check the Author page.
You may contact Mike at [email protected].
Denmark, where the author lives, is located in Northern Europe, far across the ocean from America. The city of Copenhagen is the capital of the country of Denmark. Denmark is what's known as a sovereign state. A sovereign state is a place with borders where people live, and where a government makes laws and talks to other sovereign states. Like England, Denmark also has a queen. Her name is Queen Margrethe II. Here is a map showing you where Denmark is located. Denmark was also the home of Hans Christian Andersen, a famous author, fairy tale writer, and poet, who was very well known for his children's stories. The people of Denmark erected a statue of the title character in one of those stories, The Little Mermaid. That story was written way back in 1837. Maybe one day someone will erect a statue in the park of Pickles The Cat.
About the Illustrations: Interim illustrations Courtesy Bedtime-Story
From: "Mike Andres" Date: Tue, October 16, 2012 10:05 am "I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the requirements for inclusion as specified on the Bedtime-Story. com SUBMISSION INSTRUCTION page. If my submission should be selected, I grant permission for its inclusion." Hi guys - Pickles the Cat had another adventure and I hope it makes for good reading - and a great lesson for kids. Let me know what you think and hope you are having a great week. Mike Andres Pickles the Cat Finds a True Friend
Splat The Cat - Bedtimeshortstories
By Shreya Sharma
This is the short story of Splat The Cat. It was early in the morning and Splat was wide awake. Today was his first day at Cat School and his tail wiggled wildly with worry. “If I’ll hide from the day, maybe it will go away,” he thought. But, it did not go away. “Time to get up!” said his mom. “Time to get dressed!” said his mom.
“I don’t have any clean socks, Mom. Maybe I should go to school tomorrow, instead?” said Splat. “You don’t wear socks,” said his mom. “I’m having a bad hair day, Mom. Maybe I should go to school tomorrow, instead?” said Splat. His mom combed his hair. “Purr-fect!” she said.
Also read, Cat And Mouse In Partnership.
splat the cat
Image Source–> “Don’t forget your lunchbox,” said his mom. “I’ll need a friend today!” thought Splat. And he dropped his pet mouse, Seymour, into his lunchbox. “Time to go,” said his mom. “The front door won’t let me out, Mom. The gate won’t let go of my fingers, Mom. The lamppost won’t get out of my way, Mom!” cried Splat. “You can ride your bike if you like,” said his mom. So he did. But he did not say a single word.
“Welcome to Cat School!” said a big, round cat. “I’m Mrs. Wimpydimple, your teacher.” Spat’s Mom gave him a hug and said, “I’ll be back soon. You’ll be fine!”
“Everyone, this is Splat! Let’s welcome him into our class,” said Mrs. Wimpydimple. “HI…III SPLAT!” shouted the class. Mrs. Wimpydimple began, “Cats are amazing,” she said. “We are clever, cunning, and quick!” “Am I amazing, too?” asked Splat. “Yes, you too,” said Mrs. Wimpydimple.
“Cats climb trees, drink milk, and chase mice,” she continued. “Why do we chase mice?” asked Splat. “It’s what we do!” replied Mrs. Wimpydimple. “But why?” asked Splat. “Because……” Mrs. Wimpydimple sighed. “Lunchtime!” she announced.
You may also like to read, Belling The Cat.
Splat opened his lunchbox. “Mouse!” his classmates cried. The cats did what cats do. Seymour hid behind a glass bottle and when the cats saw his face through the glass, they screamed and ran away. Seymour did what all mice want to do. “Stop!” cried Splat. “SPLAT!” They didn’t stop.
“Enough!” Mrs. Wimpydimple said and it ended. “It’s milk time!” “HURRAY!” shouted the class. But the door to the milk cupboard was stuck. “No milk today!” announced Mrs. Wimpydimple. Just then, Splat whispered into Seymour’s ear. Seymour nodded and then. A moment later, the door swung open. “Yum!” said the little cats.
Mrs. Wimpydimple wrote again on the chalkboard, “Cats don’t chase mice.” “Hurray!” cheered the class. Soon, it was home time. Splat’s mom returned and gave him a big hug. “I’ve got lots of friends! Cats don’t chase mice! I’m amazing!” Splat repeated.
Also read, The Fox And The Cat.
It was early the next morning and Splat was wide awake. Today was his second day at Cat School and his tail wiggled wildly. But this time, with lots and lots of excitement.
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We fell into despair. We didn't know how to catch this ginger cat. He robbed us every night. He hid so cleverly that none of us really saw him. Only a week later it was finally possible to establish that the cat's ear was torn off and a piece of dirty tail was cut off. It was a cat that had lost all conscience, a tramp cat and a bandit. They called him behind the eyes Thief.
He stole everything: fish, meat, sour cream and bread. Once he even tore open a tin can of worms in a closet. He did not eat them, but chickens came running to the open jar and pecked at our entire supply of worms. Overfed chickens lay in the sun and moaned. We walked around them and swore, but the fishing was still disrupted.
We spent almost a month tracking down the ginger cat. The village boys helped us with this. One day they rushed in and, out of breath, told that at dawn the cat swept, crouching, through the gardens and dragged a kukan with perches in its teeth. We rushed to the cellar and found the kukan missing; it had ten fat perches caught on Prorva. It was no longer theft, but robbery in broad daylight. We swore to catch the cat and blow it up for gangster antics.
The cat was caught that same evening. He stole a piece of liverwurst from the table and climbed up the birch with it. We started shaking the birch. The cat dropped the sausage, it fell on Reuben's head. The cat looked at us from above with wild eyes and howled menacingly. But there was no salvation, and the cat decided on a desperate act. With a terrifying howl, he fell off the birch, fell to the ground, bounced like a soccer ball, and rushed under the house.
The house was small. He stood in a deaf, abandoned garden. Every night we were awakened by the sound of wild apples falling from the branches onto its boarded roof. The house was littered with fishing rods, shot, apples and dry leaves. We only slept in it. All days, from dawn to dusk, we spent on the banks of countless channels and lakes. There we fished and made fires in the coastal thickets. To get to the shore of the lakes, one had to trample down narrow paths in fragrant tall grasses. Their corollas swung over their heads and showered their shoulders with yellow flower dust. We returned in the evening, scratched by the wild rose, tired, burned by the sun, with bundles of silvery fish, and each time we were greeted with stories about the red cat's new tramp antics. But, finally, the cat got caught. He crawled under the house through the only narrow hole. There was no way out.
We blocked the hole with an old fishing net and started to wait. But the cat didn't come out. He howled disgustingly, like an underground spirit, howling continuously and without any fatigue. An hour passed, two, three ... It was time to go to bed, but the cat was howling and cursing under the house, and it got on our nerves.
Then Lyonka, the son of a village shoemaker, was called. Lenka was famous for his fearlessness and dexterity. He was instructed to pull the cat out from under the house. Lenka took a silk fishing line, tied to it by the tail a raft caught during the day and threw it through a hole into the underground. The howl stopped. We heard a crunch and a predatory click - the cat bit into the head of a fish. He grabbed it with a death grip. Lenka was dragged by the line, the Cat resisted desperately, but Lenka was stronger, and besides, the cat did not want to release the tasty fish. A minute later the head of a cat with a raft clamped between its teeth appeared in the opening of the manhole. Lyonka grabbed the cat by the scruff of the neck and lifted it above the ground. We took a good look at it for the first time.
The cat closed his eyes and flattened his ears. He kept his tail just in case. It turned out to be a skinny, despite the constant theft, a fiery red stray cat with white marks on his stomach.
After examining the cat, Reuben thoughtfully asked:
— What should we do with him?
— Rip out! - I said.
— It won't help, Lenka said. - He has such a character since childhood. Try to feed him properly.
The cat waited with his eyes closed. We followed this advice, dragged the cat into the closet and gave him a wonderful dinner: fried pork, perch aspic, cottage cheese and sour cream. The cat has been eating for over an hour. He staggered out of the closet, sat down on the threshold and washed, glancing at us and at the low stars with his impudent green eyes. After washing, he snorted for a long time and rubbed his head on the floor. It was obviously meant to be fun. We were afraid that he would wipe his fur on the back of his head. Then the cat rolled over on its back, caught its tail, chewed it, spat it out, stretched out by the stove and snored peacefully.
From that day on, he took root with us and stopped stealing. The next morning, he even performed a noble and unexpected act. The chickens climbed onto the table in the garden and, pushing each other and quarreling, began to peck buckwheat porridge from the plates. The cat, trembling with indignation, crept up to the hens and, with a short triumphant cry, jumped onto the table. The chickens took off with a desperate cry. They overturned the jug of milk and rushed, losing their feathers, to flee from the garden.