Best childhood story
Top 15 Stories We Have All Heard During our Childhood
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Childhood is an important and the most memorable part of our lives. And one of the fondest memories of childhood is the stories we hear. Sometimes grandparents, sometimes parents, teachers or books, some stories reach most of us no matter what. These stories are not only one of the great sources of entertainment, but also teach us many of the life values and morals. Stories are a great way to keep children engrossed, entertained and are also utilitarian.
1. The Blue Jackal (Panchatantra Tales)
Panchatantra was probably one of the most famous books we all have read during our childhoods. One famous tale is that of a jackal, who turns blue when he falls into a bucket of dye in a villager’s hut. The animals, unable to identify him, get terrified and follow all his orders and bear all his tortures. One fine day, the jackal, unable to control his innate instincts, starts howling, and the animals recognize him.
He is then beaten to death by them.
2. The hare and the tortoise
via: is one story that we have all invariably heard. Slow and steady wins the race is the moral delivered by this story. The story revolves around an overconfident hare and a hard-working tortoise, who decide to have a race. The hare, being fast, advances ahead in the race, while the tortoise is left behind. However, the hare stops to rest midway as it is over-confident of winning. Meanwhile, the tortoise wins the race as it continues to work.
3. Beauty and the Beast
via: is a very famous fairy tale. Beauty and the beast is the story of a young girl, who falls in love with a prince, disguised as a beast. The father of the young girl is caught by the beast, as he invades into the beast’s castle to pluck flowers. In the trade of his freedom, the beast asks him to send one of his daughters to his castle. He then sends his youngest and the prettiest to the beast. They then fall in love with each other. The beast, on kissing his love, gets transformed into a prince and they live happily ever after.
4. Pinocchio
This is another story which is extremely interesting, especially for kids. Geppetto, a carpenter, used to make wooden toys for children of his village. One of the toys comes to life, and he names it Pinocchio. Pinocchio turns out to be adamant, and refuses to listen to his master. He encounters troubles when he wanders away and is cursed by a fairy that his nose would grow every time he told a lie. This story narrates the adventures of this toy and how he learns to be obedient and is then blessed to become a real human.
5. Cinderella
via: is the most famous fairy tale that we’ve all heard. The story of a young pretty girl, who is tortured by her step-mother and step-sisters, fascinates children, especially girls. This young girl, who is forbidden from attending the ball, is visited by her fairy godmother and blessed with a gown, glassy slippers, a carriage and horsemen.
The prince then falls in love with her. However, when the clock is about to strike 12, Cinderella rushes from the ball as the magic would start to wear off. The prince is then left with a glass slipper, using which he finds her and they live happily ever after.
6. Goldilocks and the three bears
via: www.kidspages.comThis is the story of a young girl named Goldilocks, who ventures into a forest. She then makes her way into the house of three bears. There she finds three bowls of porridge, three beds and three chairs. She eats the porridge, makes herself comfortable on the bed and also breaks one of the chairs. When the bears come back to the house, they find the house in chaos and see Goldilocks. She then runs away from seeing the bears and never returns to the jungle.
7. Hansel and Gretel
This is the story of two siblings, Hansel and Gretel, who live with their woodcutter father and stepmother. To get rid of them, their stepmother leaves them in the forest, where they come across a house made of candies and sweets.
The house is owned by a witch, who takes Hansel into captivity, as she intends to eat him. Gretel, on discovering this devious plan, kills the witch with her presence of mind and courage. They then move on to live a happy life with their father, who has by then disowned their stepmother.
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8. Jack and the Beanstalk
via: www.itunes.comThis is the story of a boy named Jack, and his widow mother. They are extremely poor, in spite of being hard working. One day Jack trades his cow Bess, for three magical beans. On being planted, the beans grow huge and lead to a castle in the clouds, inhabited by a monster and his wife. Jack kills the monster and brings back the treasure to his home, and they live happily ever after.
9. The boy who cried wolf [Aesop’s tale]
This is another famous tale from the Aesop’s stories. This is the story of a young shepherd who is extremely naughty. He frequently fools his villagers by crying out that a wolf has come out to at him, however, the villagers come to his aid, he starts laughing. On one occasion however, a wolf really appears at the scene. But on crying for help, the villagers don’t believe his cry, and he is eaten up by the wolf.
10. The Lion and the mouse [Aesop’s tales]
via: of the most famous Aesop’s stories is the tale of the lion and the mouse. The mouse ones come upon a sleeping lion and are frightened on seeing it. He accidentally wakes up the lion, who then catches it. The mouse pleads the lion to set him free and promises to help him in the future. The lion is amused by the thought of the tiny mouse helping him. However, the mouse fulfils his promise when the lion is trapped in a net by a hunter, thereby proving that an act of kindness never goes waste.
11. The Pied Pieper of Hamlin
via: www.mentalfloss.comThis story is about a city Hamlin, which was a rat’s paradise. Once, a stranger walks into the city and offers to free the city of rats, for which he asks the mayor a price of 10,000 gold coins. The mayor agrees. The stranger plays his flute, and the rats are drawn towards the music. He then walks towards the sea, and the rats follow. They then drone in the sea. However, the Mayor refuses to pay the stranger the promised amount, and the stranger plays the flute again, this time enchanting children and disappears with them into the mountains.
12. The Emperor’s new clothes
via: is a story of wit and humor. It tells the story of a king, who is fond of new clothes. Once two swindlers come to the kingdom and pretend to be weavers. They say to the king that only the wise and intelligent can see the clothes made by them. Nobody in the kingdom, including the king, is able to see the clothes but pretends to be able to see them, so that they come across as clever people. This way the swindlers fool the entire kingdom successfully.
13. The Goose that laid Golden Eggs
via: story conveys the moral that selfishness leads to downfall. The story is about a man, who owned a magical hen. The hen laid golden eggs. By selling the egg, the man would earn a handsome income. However, he was dissatisfied with the money he got and decided to kill the hen, so that he could get all the eggs together. However, after killing the hen, hoe found nothing. There was no golden egg inside the hen. As a result of his greed, he lost his fortune.
14. The Thirsty Crow
via: www.bslhungama.comThis is probably the most famous story that we have all heard. This is the story of a crow, that is extremely thirsty in the summer heat. It flies for miles together but fails to find any water. He then comes across a pot of water, but it is unable to reach the bottom of the pot to drink the water. An idea strikes him, and he starts putting pebbles in the pot. The water rises and he is able to quench its thirst.
15. The Little Match girl
via: www,nerdalicious.comThis is a heart touching tale of a little poor girl. She spent her New Year’s eve trying to sell matchsticks, but no one would buy them. Dejected, she went to rest in a small place between two houses. In order to warm herself up, she lit a matchstick, and in the flame saw a beautiful feast laid out for her. However, it disappeared with the flame. She continued to light matchsticks and see beautiful things, until she saw her grandmother. Desperate to prolong the sight of her dead grandmother, she lit all the matchsticks, and pleaded to her grandmother to take her along with her. In the morning, the girl was found frozen dead against the wall, with a smile on her lips.
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The Best Short Stories about Children and Childhood – Interesting Literature
LiteratureWhat are some of the best short stories about childhood, and the experiences of children? Although there are dozens of classic tales about those formative years, the following stories represent, for our money, some of the finest stories about children taking the rocky path of knowledge and experience towards adulthood.
Not all of them are about this, however: some are more straightforwardly about learning things, such as the children in Asimov’s story (below) who learn about the antiquated ways children used to be taught in schools. But other stories take on bigger and more ‘adult’ themes, including war and religion, to reflect on the passage from childhood towards adolescence.
Ambrose Bierce, ‘Chickamauga’.
‘Chickamauga’ is a war story, but is unusual in focusing on a young child who is a bystander to the carnage that unfolds. Warning: this story contains some rather graphic and harrowing imagery.
The story’s title is derived from the Battle of Chickamauga, which was fought in September 1863 between U.S. and Confederate forces in the American Civil War. Bierce was a Civil War veteran. The protagonist is a deaf-mute boy of around six years old who strays from home with a wooden sword in search of adventure, but will encounter the aftermath of a bloody battle – and horrors which he can only partially comprehend.
Saki, ‘The Lumber-Room’.
‘The Lumber-Room’, by the British author Saki (real name Hector Hugh Munro), is a classic short story about a child who is too clever for the adults. Specifically, it is about how one clever but mischievous boy, Nicholas, seeks to outwit his aunt so he can gain access to the lumber-room with its hidden treasures and curiosities.
But the story might also be viewed as an analysis of the nature of obedience and the limited adult view of the world when contrasted with the child’s more expansive and imaginative outlook. Saki was usually on the side of children and animals in his stories, rather than the hypocritical Edwardian adults.
James Joyce, ‘The Sisters’.
This is a story about childhood, but it is not a story for younger children, since it touches upon some adult themes. The opening story in Joyce’s 1914 collection Dubliners, ‘The Sisters’ is narrated by a man looking back on his childhood friendship with a Catholic priest, Father Flynn, who has recently died.
Rumours and gossip surround the priest as his funeral takes place, leading the narrator to wonder if there was something wrong with the priest. In one sense, the story marks the narrator’s journey from childhood to (tentative) adulthood.
Katherine Anne Porter, ‘He’.
Katherine Anne Porter (1890-1980) wrote just one novel and fewer than thirty short stories, yet she is regarded as an important twentieth-century American writer, with ‘He’ among her most celebrated and critically acclaimed works. An important theme of Porter’s work is the search for meaning in a modern and increasingly materialist world.
This 1927 story is about a poor American family. The mother, Mrs Whipple, loves her second son best of all: a boy who is identified only as ‘He’ and who appears to be mentally and physically weak. The story invites us to question whether Mrs Whipple has the best interests of her son at heart, or whether she is more concerned with being seen to be a good parent to her child.
J. D. Salinger, ‘Down at the Dinghy’.
This is a short story by J. D. Salinger, originally published in 1949. As in some of Salinger’s other stories, notably ‘A Perfect Day for Bananafish’, ‘Down at the Dinghy’ involves an adult speaking to a child. However, in this case the theme of the story – which remains largely in the background until the end of the story – is anti-Semitism.
The story is about a young boy who runs from home and goes down to the nearby lake, where he gets into a dinghy and refuses to speak to his mother. ‘Down at the Dinghy’ also involves the conversation between two of the family’s servants, one of whom has made derogatory remarks about the father of the family (as well as his son). The story ends with the mother being reconciled with her son and bonding with him over his dinghy.
Isaac Asimov, ‘The Fun They Had’.
This is a short story by the Russian-born American writer Isaac Asimov (1920-92). Like Asimov’s novel The Naked Sun, this story is one that has taken on new significance in the wake of 2020 and the shift to remote learning and working, and the themes of this 1951 story are as relevant to our own time as they were over seventy years ago when Asimov wrote it.
In the story, which is set in the year 2157, two children find an old paper book and reflect on how quaint it is, when compared with television screens on which they read in their own time. Stories about school, especially very short stories that are just a few pages long, lend themselves to study at school, and Asimov’s tale is light enough and brief enough to fit the bill, while also carrying some intriguing commentary on education and technology, among other things.
Ray Bradbury, ‘All Summer in a Day’.
This is a 1954 short story by Ray Bradbury (1920-2012), who (like Asimov) is often classed as a ‘science-fiction author’ although he preferred to describe himself as a fantasy writer. The story is set on Venus, where the sun only comes out once every seven years for a couple of hours; the rest of the time, the sun is hidden behind clouds and rains fall constantly.
‘All Summer in a Day’ is about a group of schoolchildren who have grown up on Venus, the sons and daughters of ‘rocket men and women’ who came to the planet from Earth, as the children prepare to experience the first ‘summer’ on Venus that they can remember.
Amy Tan, ‘Two Kinds’.
Let us conclude this pick of the best short stories about childhood with a short story by the American author Amy Tan (born 1952), published as part of her book The Joy Luck Club in 1989. The story is about a young American girl born to Chinese parents; her mother pushes her to become a child prodigy, but the daughter resists.
A powerful tale about pushy parents and their children, ‘Two Kinds’ invites us to explore what motivates a ‘pushy parent’ to encourage (or coerce?) their child into working hard to achieve something. Does the mother in the story have her daughter’s best interests at heart when she tries to make her learn the piano? Where does a parent’s well-meaning desire to see their child succeed spill over into interfering with the child’s desire not to do a particular thing?
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Tags: Books, Childhood, Literature, short stories
Watch The Best Story: ครั้งหนึ่งที่รัก online for free or with subtitles
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Watch the drama from the first episode
Drama Information
Series: 3, completed
Duration series: 40 min.
Translation: translated
Genres: school, romance, gay theme
Year of manufacture: 2021
Production: Thailand
Actors: Win Tanakom Mintananan, Beaver Patsapon Tzhensappakitkun, In Anan Won, Bon Phongsakon Lamraset, War Vanarat Ratsamirat, Prat Itichaicharyn
Translators: FSG Libertas, The Art Of Love Asia, FSG "Desman TV", Pus'ki Production
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Best is a loser in every way, but he falls in love with Dew, the hottest and most popular guy in school. Best's love affairs were dedicated to his friends - Bright and Ray, who should help him. Best can only watch Dew from afar. He never had a chance to confess his feelings to him. But one day, as if God stood on his side, and he met Dew's best friends. After that, Best gets into a music club, although he does not have musical talents. This is where his love story begins...
© The Art Of Love Asia
Broadcast from 07/09/2021 add quote
November Novell
The story of Best's last school days Attention: this article contains spoilers! Even before I watched Best Story, I already knew its ending: Instagram is the enemy of any connoisseur of TV shows. When I saw the final excerpt, I decided to go into the comments and read what the audience thinks, those who are already familiar with this series. So to speak, tune in and understand what I should expect from him. One viewer wrote: ...
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trivasy Surprisingly beautiful first love story. Without antics, strange kisses and countless LGBT couples. I even remembered the delicious lakorn "I told the sunset about you." Hopefully there won't be a sequel. First love should remain just such a wonderful memory with a slight bitterness.
A slow story with pleasant music and very cute characters.
Personally, I was sad and hurt at the end.
A sad but warm first love story. I looked at it in one breath.
Met a new couple. In any case, I’ll look at another lakorn with them, I really liked Var.
Love that was not allowed to be.
Charming Best who was stealthily watching Dew. And Dew, who in turn kept his eyes on him.
One line perfectly describes their relationship - Right person, wrong time.
But, everything could be different.. this thought haunts me.
They couldn't directly tell how much they love each other... society, as always, puts a spoke in the wheel. If this fight had not interfered, maybe something would have happened between them..
I really liked this lakorn, I advise everyone. Will not leave you indifferent
Anasteisha_HiltSweet and innocent. It's so familiar and sad. I liked it, but what a pity that everything ended like this
Sergio好心 It's just great that I first watched the "Love Mechanics" lakorn with this wonderful couple of InVars (Var Vanarat and In Anan Won), knowing how their story will end. Otherwise, from this "Best Story" the heart would simply break! The parting of people who love each other is always unbearably painful, especially when they are not given the opportunity to love, dooming them to suffering for the rest of their lives!...
A sad story, but it makes you think that it's better to confess your feelings and get rejected than to reproach yourself later, suffering, regretting and doubting ....!
Good lakorn. Perfectly showed the sweet and innocent first love. However, I see no reason to make such an ending, it is out of place here. This story should have ended with at least a hint of a happy ending.
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Zifir-05: Hey, it's not fair to end like this. Boys love, but could not be together. (((Fen-you rat.
TBGP: Looking forward to season 2
geverika: class
It's me: In love, all means are good, except meanness. Why seek a person if he loves another, and even with similar methods? Get away, suffer on the sidelines, ...
I lake BL: There is also such a side of the coin ... It hurts a lot ..
ataxa: I love invars too. I watched only love mechanics with them. Do they have more polishes?
Tina_Serzh: And yet, in vain, I felt sorry for this rat ... If you loved him, for real, would you want to hurt your loved one? Of course not. And she showed...
Tina_Serzh: By the way, I felt sorry for the girl . ..
yummy: what to say?? the story is not over and with an open ending, well, life in general is such a thing, in other ways, like the feelings themselves, they either move forward or backward, or ...
AnnLong: Best really looks a lot like Changjun, but I'm not sure about Dew's similarity to Hyojin.
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10 stories about what true friendship is like
Sonya Emelyanova
collected readers' stories
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Not every nice person can make a best friend. And not every friendship can go through years and trials.
We asked readers how they met their best friends and how their relationship developed. We collected 10 stories with different plots that show that friendship can be very unpredictable.
These are community reader stories. Collected into one material, carefully edited and formatted according to editorial standards.
About how a good school helps to find friends for lifePolina Kalmykova
drinking coffee in the principal's office
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I met almost all my close friends at school, and we studied in different classes, and some were teachers. This was the plan of our leadership: the director believed that people usually get closer at the university based on common professional interests, and tried to create a similar system at school - change the usual order of things, in which schoolchildren mostly cook in their class, to inter-professional and inter-class communication.
To do this, it was necessary to rebuild virtually the entire school, starting with comfortable recreations and the principal's open office, where schoolchildren calmly dropped in for coffee during recess, and ending with a huge system of additional education, in which instead of circles there were professional projects. For example, we published a magazine under the guidance of real typesetters, designers and journalists, we ourselves organized large school events, including managing their budget.
The plan worked. I did not have a relationship with my classmates, but, as far as I know, almost all of them still communicate in different communities, one way or another connected with the school. Including me, and some school friends even became my relatives - the husband and godfather of my eldest son. By the way, the toastmaster at the wedding was also a friend from school, like most of the guests: although my husband and I had different parties, we all graduated from the same institution.
About how the best friend can be someone you don't like at allChika Veronica
thanks for the support
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I met my best friend in Udmurtia, where I lived. She is a St. Petersburg girl, her mother grew up in my area, went to St. Petersburg and got married there. Every summer, for several months, my friend came to her relatives and hung out in the company of locals. I never liked her. “Petersburg upstart,” I thought constantly.
One day, fate brought me together with this company, and for the first time in my life I felt that they understand me, accept me for who I am, and support me. This coincided with the period when my parents and I mutually moved away from each other. A friend was the only support and support in those difficult years.
We have been friends since then - for eight years now. Now we see each other once every one or two years for a week, but our relations are only getting closer, because we value them and support them with all our might so that the distance does not alienate us. Lisa, you are my miracle, I love you!
That friendship can survive anythingpoor groom
remembers a friend
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Met my best friend in college in 2008. Then I just moved to a new city and was all alone. We somehow immediately became friends on the basis of watching Evangelion and trying to make a website for our sharaga. Our friendship has gone through a lot over the years: his orthodox faith, not-so-best romantic relationships on both sides, my coming out as a non-heterosexual trans person, and a bunch of petty disagreements.
Most vivid memory: A friend and I are walking down an alley after having a few beers at a bar. Summer, the rain has passed. The snails crawled out onto the asphalt - well, let's drag them onto the grass one by one. It's a pity, suddenly they will be crushed. They laid out the snails for two hours, before dark.
He died last year.
About how incredible coincidences helped find a girlfriendNika
successfully went to the concert
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At the concert of the Alisa group in Mogilev, we met a girl. It turned out that we had trains at the same time, we went to the station together. Yes, and the train is the same. And nearby places. And we both live in St. Petersburg, literally two tram stops away.
We are the same age, and birthdays are a few days apart. And there are mutual friends, but for some reason they didn’t cross paths before and met only in another country by chance. It was 2012, we have been friends for 10 years. Small world!
That 37 years is not the limit for true friendshipMother_of programmers
family friends
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Seventh grade. First day of the second quarter. The class teacher comes in and starts the girl. She said that now she will study with us. I looked at her: she was so small, standing, holding a briefcase with both hands. I decided that I would be friends. Came up for a break. That's how we've been friends ever since. Already 37 years have passed.
We were witnesses at each other's weddings, she is the godmother of my elder, her husband is the godfather of my younger. The children have been friends since birth, the older ones have been for almost 28 years, the younger ones for almost 20. And she is still just as small. No, well, more, of course, than in the seventh grade, but still small.
That sometimes it’s enough just to come up and talkSvetka Tsvetova
found a friend at the university
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We met in the first year of university. I remember I came to some first class, there was still a lot of time, I bought ice cream and waited for classes in the main hall. At the opposite end, a girl was standing and also waiting. I looked at her and thought: “I think I saw her in my group. So, Sveta, get together! You need to meet new people!” It is extremely difficult for me to make acquaintances, so I was very shy. She was also dressed in a very unintelligible way.
Further the same scene from the words of my friend: “I was standing, waiting for class. I saw a girl with a bruised look in a very strange outfit at the opposite end of the hall and thought: “In my opinion, she is from my group ... Some kind of gopar. Lord, I have to study with her for five years?!’”
In general, I don’t remember which of us approached each other, but we have been friends for 10 years. We turned out to have quite a lot of common interests, and where we differed in our views, we complemented each other. There were a lot of crazy, funny events, there were also discords. But we can tell each other about everything.
About how corporate events bring people togetherPony-popony
wins quizzes
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I found my best friend Valka at my first and so far only job. We both joined the company as students, but she is five years older than me. I was 21, she was 26. I got to work through a friend who just communicated well with her. I liked her right away. The communication began with the fact that before the New Year's corporate party, the office manager came up with the idea of gathering the girls and making a funny musical number. Valya and I got into a group of activists and composed two verses per song from the cartoon. I brought a lot of props to the rehearsal: wigs, glasses, children's musical instruments - everyone was surprised and laughed. The number turned out so-so, but it didn’t matter: Valya remembered me.
I was embarrassed to impose communication, I thought that she did not need it. And when it turned out that we both love all this organizational and party nonsense, six months later she herself offered me to do another musical number for the anniversary of the company, but already together. I think that was the key moment, we sang in every sense. After the song “Only you are the company of my dreams”, everyone remembered us, but the main thing is that now we have not spilled water for more than six years.
We celebrate almost all holidays together, we go to various events. We want to travel and we also try together, but it doesn't always work out. In many ways, we have similar opinions and tastes. Almost at the same time, we began to study vocals and go to the same teacher. They even sang and played in the group. Organize a corporate? This is us. Invent and hold entertainment for the company? This is us. Come to an indecent quiz 18+ and win the season the first time? Well, you understand.
About the fact that the best friend is not necessarily a personOlga
hosted friends
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Late in the evening in 2015, I went grocery shopping. There was a severe frost. Seventh of January. Approaching the store, I noticed a red-haired dog, which, it seemed to me, was waiting for its owner. I went into the room and made some purchases. When I left, I noticed that the dog was sitting in the same place.
Went home and tried to start cooking. But my conscience told me that I did not act quite right. I had to get dressed and return to the store. The dog was also sitting on the porch.
Using a couple of pieces of sausage, I persuaded this lady to follow me. At home, she behaved with dignity: she took a vacant place on the rug and fell asleep. I felt awkward: I slept on the sofa, and the guest on the rug. The next day, I made every effort to find the owner of the dog. She posted ads on social networks, turned to animal rights activists.
In the process of searching, we went for walks twice a day, talked with other dog breeders. I began to consider myself one of them. She called her unexpected guest Busey. The owner of the dog was not found.
A year later, I was contacted by a friend who held the position of an operative for the physical protection of persons. A person subject to this protection and suffering from addiction to narcotic substances tried to sell his pet - a miniature pinscher of seven to eight years. When the idea failed, the man tried to get rid of the animal by throwing it out the window. So I got a second four-legged friend, because I could not part with this friend.
Since 2015, many events have happened in my life, but my four-legged friends Busya and Archik have never let me down. And I try not to let them down. They do not know how to lie, every day they happily meet me from work. It doesn't matter to them what time I came, how much I earned, in a good mood or angry.
About how different friends areMaxim Savinov
keeps in touch with friends
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I have three real friends. I don't know if it's a lot or a little.
Lech. 39 years ago we met and became friends at Artek. Thoughtful, witty, calm. He does physical labor in a small town. It saws, then builds, then digs.
Warbler. 36 years ago we met and became friends in the army. Thick lenses glasses. Visionary, poet, philosopher. He does something secret and underpaid in some half-dead factory.
Cyril. We met and became friends 35 years ago at the institute. Intelligent, conscientious, ironic. One of the best, and maybe the best resuscitator in the city.
Completely dissimilar people, nothing in common either in fate, or in education, or in way of life. Smart. Honest. Kind. I have something to talk about and be silent with everyone.
That you can still find true friends on the InternetMasha Khabenskaya
responded to the questionnaire
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Three friends left from school, two more from the Internet. I snagged one 10 years ago from a popular group on Vkontakte, where people wrote about their jambs in a day, and years later we went offline. It was very cool, acquaintances were literally in every corner of the planet, and we all came to visit each other. A couple of years ago, she moved to Veliky Novgorod, and we see each other very rarely.