Birthday color pantone

What Does Your Birthday Color Mean In Colorstrology?

It seems like everyone is into astrology nowadays. Personally, I blame IG. It’s so trendy that my inner Bella Swan has come out and wants nothing to do with anything cool and everything to do with things that are edgy and different. If you feel the same, then it might be time to change it up. Enter: colorstrology.

Colorstrology combines colors with astrology to dedicate a shade to each month (and even day) of the year. Its creator, Michele Bernhardt, author of Colorstrology: What Your Birthday Color Says About You, was approached by Pantone (ya know, the company that decides the annual Color of the Year) to design a color calendar that's tied to specific personality traits.

So you still get to know about your personality, but you don’t have to worry about pesky otherworldly events like Mercury going into retrograde. Because no one should be welcoming that chaos into their lives at this time.

Colorstrology is also a bit simpler than its spacey cousin, so if you’re looking to dip your toes into this polychrome pool, colorstrology might be the way to go. Like astrology, it's a tool you can use every day in a variety of ways. The best part is you can use it for fun things like decorating your room, choosing a yoga mat to aid your bliss, or incorporating it into your wardrobe.

But, colorstrology should not be confused with that TikTok trend that just flooded your fyp. That one takes the six digits that make up your birth date and generates the hex code for that number. It’s still cool, but you’re not going to glean the same info from that as you will from colorstrology.

Speaking of, here's everything you need to know about colorstrology:

What exactly is colorstrology?

An astrologer, healer, and metaphysician, Bernhardt is a self-described "practitioner of the intuitive arts. " She designed a system that combines the colors linked with Sun signs (a.k.a. the sign you use to check your horoscope), the element associated with the month, and the numerological vibration for that day of the year. (Note: None of these, btw, are an actual science.)

By mixing those colors, she developed the makeup of each month's (and day's) tint. Together with Pantone, Bernhardt then named the hues to construct the color calendar.

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Ultimately, colorstrology is a way for people to tune into the colors they're drawn to and how to will the power of each color, she says. It's a method of self-reflection and acknowledgment of the way you feel about a particular shade.

"It's not about your favorite color," Bernhardt explains. "It's about a color that, when you use it, makes you feel more balanced."

What does your birth month color reveal about you?

Every month has a color that's associated with three key traits:


Key Traits: Practical, Determined, Builder


Key Traits: Uplifting, Progressive, Detached


Key Traits: Intuitive, Subtle, Empathetic


Key Traits: Fiery, Energetic, Courageous


Key Traits: Healing, Rejuvenating, Prosperous


Key Traits: Radiant, Intellectually Energizing, Uplifting


Key Traits: Soothing, Receptive, Nurturing


Key Traits: Regal, Inspiring, Powerful


Key Traits: Divine, Discerning, Artistic


Key Traits: Peaceful, Poised, Balanced


Key Traits: Intense, Passionate, Transforming


Key Traits: Wisdom, Truth, Vision

FYI: If you're born toward the end of the month, Bernhardt recommends looking at both your birth month's color and the next one to get the full picture of your personality traits. But whatever your natural disposition, "the color of that month helps you balance those qualities," Bernhardt says.

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Take April's color, Cayenne, for example. It represents courage, passion, and strength. But if you're either overly courageous or too shy, then Cayenne can balance those qualities out, bringing you to a more neutral position. In other words, just channeling your birth month color by wearing or looking at it will, per Bernhardt's theory, give you what you need that day.

Of course, if the trait you need isn't part of your birth color, no worries—expose yourself to the color that's associated with that quality and you should reap the bennies, too.

"It doesn't have to be dramatic," Bernhardt explains. "You don't have to paint the house. You don't even have to wear the whole color. We're working with subtle energy, so less can be very powerful. " Painting your nails and toes or sporting a scarf in that shade should do it.

How is colorstrology different from birthstones?

Colorstrology has nothing to do with your birthstone. So, just because you were born in September doesn’t mean your colorstrology birth month color is sapphire. Where would the fun in that be?

The modern iteration of birthstones were developed more than 100 years ago. In 1912, the National Association of Jewelers created a list of "modern" birthstones. Prior to that, the Polish composed a list of birthstones now called the "traditional" birthstones that stemmed from religion. FWIW, some of them are the same with a few exceptions. March’s modern gemstone is aquamarine, which was changed from bloodstone. (Not to criticize the National Association of Jewelers or anything, but bloodstone does sound like something straight out of Game of Thrones, and I am HERE for it.)

Birthstones don’t really carry any religious meaning anymore, and the symbolism has evolved. Similar to colorstrology, each month’s stone carries some specific meaning (though they’re different from the meaning found in colorstrology). April, for instance, is represented by a diamond, which symbolizes strength, reliability, and durability. That alone explains why society often uses it to represent marriage.

That doesn't mean birthstones are irrelevant; they're just another symbolic way to depict a birth month using color.

Speaking of your bday, watch this video on how to make a zodiac-inspired cake. (And yes, you can totally change the cake colors to match your colorstrology results.)

How can you get the most out of colorstrology?

Bernhardt's color calendar designates a specific hue to every single day of the year (yep, that's 366 shades—don’t forget the Leap Year). If you're interested in knowing your exact birthday color — or what I like to call your birth chart in color form — you can track it down on this site.

And while knowing your birth color is cool and all, colorstrology can also be used to figure out a bunch of other aspects in your life.

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Bernhardt suggests looking up your significant other and/or friends' birthday colors, important anniversaries and dates, as well as just looking at colors you're naturally drawn to to see what their hidden meaning may be.

You can also use colorstrology to acknowledge personal growth by looking up what colors you liked as a kid and comparing them to what you're into now. That can give you insight into which attributes you valued when you were younger versus what you prioritize now.

Colors can also be used to harness their internal energy. Yellow, for instance, is good at increasing mental dexterity, so you might want to try wearing it whenever you need to communicate, give a speech, or write, Bernhardt says.

"You're calling in the magical side of life" when you know about the power of the color, she adds. Hmmm, sounds like the perfect excuse for a shopping trip…

Colorstrology: What Your Birthday Month Color Says About You

The origin of colorstrology.

Michele Bernhardt is an astrologer and intuitive, and she coined "colorstrology" in partnership with Pantone. The system was first introduced in 2005 with her book Colorstrology: What Your Birthday Color Says About You, and it's resonated with readers around the world ever since.

As Bernhardt tells mbg, she used her own intuition and knowledge of color and astrology, to come up with a color for each month, as well as each day. She also took factors like the ruling planet of each month, the zodiac elements, numerology, and more into account.


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How to use colorstrology.

If you're familiar with astrology, you may notice some similarities between the color and the zodiac sign associated with each month—and that's no coincidence. Colorstrology helps you tap into the themes and qualities related to the month you were born, not unlike astrology, and also helps you access the energy of other months, should you choose to do so.

As Bernhardt explains to mbg, you can wear certain colors, surround yourself with them, meditate on them—even eat them. And you don't have to limit yourself to your birth month color, by any means, but rather incorporate different colors as you feel drawn to their themes.

"Look at the different colors and try them," Bernhardt suggests, adding, "When people wear a color, they're not always conscious it's affecting them, but once they're conscious, they can direct it, and that makes it more powerful."

And just as a side note, Bernhardt explains that if you're born toward the latter part of the month, you may resonate with your birth month color, as well as the following month.


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Colorstrology vs. birthstones.

While not directly related, Bernhardt does note that one could draw some similarities between the birth month colors and birthstones. February's birthstone (amethyst), for example, is purple, as is February's birth month color, while March's color is aqua, and its birthstone is aquamarine.

There's "wisdom through the ages that comes through," Bernhardt adds, when it comes to those similarities, but the important thing to remember is that it's all about what resonates with you. Just as you can work with any birth month color, you're not limited to only ever wearing your birthstone and no others.

January: Caramel

Image by mbg creative / Stocksy/Cameron Whitman, Color/Pantone


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January's official color is Caramel (or Pantone 16-1439). It's a soft, earthy shade of light brown, and Bernhardt says it's an excellent color for grounding. Taking inspiration from the sign of Capricorn, this color has a responsible, practical, and stable energy about it. "It helps with discipline," she adds, noting that Saturn is the ruling planet for Capricorn, which is all about structure and discipline, as well.

February: Sheer Lilac

Image by mbg creative / Stocksy/Vradiy Art, Color/Pantone


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The color for the month of February is a light purple shade called Sheer Lilac (Pantone 16-3617). Inspired by the sign of Aquarius, this color deals with Aquarian themes like humanitarianism, community, and friendship. Bernhardt notes it also helps foster loving detachment—as opposed to clingy "love"—as well as a higher level of mental awareness.

March: Fair Aqua

Image by mbg creative / Unsplash/Tommy Kwak, Color/Pantone

March's color is called Fair Aqua (or Pantone 12-5409). Like the sign of Pisces, Fair Aqua has a watery influence and relates to both the imagination and intuition. Bernhardt notes this is also a great color for enhancing your dreams and psychic abilities (which is very Pisces, indeed). "It also helps with trust [and] invoking inspiration, and it's very good for meditating," she adds.

April: Cayenne

Image by mbg creative / Stocksy/Shikhar Bhattarai, Color/Pantone

What color could better represent the fiery month of April than spicey red Cayenne (Pantone 18-1651)? This color encapsulates the passion and vigor of the month and the sign of Aries, which is ruled by Mars, Bernhardt tells mbg. This color activates courage, assertiveness, self-assuredness, and energy.

May: Bud Green

Image by mbg creative / Stocksy/Marcel, Color/Pantone

May's color, Bud Green (or Pantone 15-6442), couldn't be more fitting for the month, and the sign of Taurus (and its ruling planet, Venus). Taurus is sensual, abundant, and powerful when it comes to manifesting, and that's what this green shade is all about. It's a great color for healing, for money and/or budgeting, and, Bernhardt notes, for bringing your ideas into the physical realm (aka manifesting).

June: Aspen Gold

Image by mbg creative / Stocksy/Kevin Russ, Color/Pantone

Bright and sunny, the color for June is Aspen Gold (Pantone 13-0850). This golden hue is related to Gemini, an air sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. "This color can be intellectually energizing and can help stimulate the brain and increase mental agility," Bernhardt explains, adding it helps with all types of communication, whether written or spoken.

July: Coral Blush

Image by mbg creative / Stocksy/Vicky Grafton Photography, Color/Pantone

July's official color is soft and receptive, much like the energy of Cancer that falls in this month. It's called Coral Blush (Pantone 14-1909), and Bernhardt says it's gentle and soothing and helps to attract love and sweetness. Cancer is also ruled by the moon, and this color plays on lunar themes of receiving comfort and love, which is especially helpful for Cancers who tend to overextend themselves for others.

August: Sun Orange

Image by mbg creative / Stocksy/Milles Studio, Color/Pantone

The color for August is Sun Orange (Pantone 16-1257), a warm and—you guessed it—sunny color, perfect for a month with so many Leo birthdays. Leo itself is ruled by the Sun, and Bernhardt notes that this is a powerful color, great for optimism, joy, expression, and creativity. "You can't be too shy when you're wearing orange," she says, adding it's also a color that helps to see the brighter side of life.

September: Baja Blue

Image by mbg creative / Stocksy/Alejandro Moreno de Carlos, Color/Pantone

September's official color is Baja Blue (or Pantone 18-3946). According to Bernhardt, this is an excellent color for mental discernment (aka good judgment), as well as blending intelligence with peace and wisdom. Related to the sign of Virgo, ruled by Mercury, this shade of blue ultimately calls for organizing and balancing the mind.

October: Cerulean

Image by mbg creative / Stocksy/Timon Jenny, Color/Pantone

Another shade of blue but much different from Baja Blue, October's color is Cerulean (Pantone 15-4020). This blue is inspired by Libra, ruled by Venus, which relates to themes of peace, balance, and beauty. "It's also good for relationships," Bernhardt notes, adding this is one of those shades that's simply hard to yell around. "So you want to use Cerulean when you're trying to add that peace and calm," she says.

November: Claret Red

Image by mbg creative / Stocksy/Katarina Radovic, Color/Pantone

Moving on to November, we have Claret Red (or Pantone 17-1740). This color was inspired by the influence of Scorpio, which is ruled by both Pluto and Mars. It's a deep red, mirroring the depth of Scorpio, and relates to themes of passion, intensity, and strength. "It's a good color for transformation and increasing passion and conviction," Bernhardt says, adding that it can also help rev up your sex life.

December: Pagoda Blue

Image by mbg creative / Stocksy/VisualSpectrum, Color/Pantone

And last but not least, we have Pagoda Blue (Pantone 17-4724) for December's official color. This frosty blue is great for helping with clarity of vision, Bernhardt says, and it's related to the sign of Sagittarius. Just as Sag loves to travel and philosophize, this color, too, relates to traveling—both physically and within the mind, Bernhardt says. It also relates to coupling truth with wisdom and relaying those truths in a wise way.

The bottom line.

Understanding the color and themes associated with your birth month can not only help you tap into those qualities within yourself, but further, when you understand the rest of the month's colors, you can work with those, too. So whether you want to tap into March's dreamy vibes or October's balanced ones, you've got plenty of options—and colors—to choose from.

PANTONE Color of the Year

Pantone Color of the Year 2020

Classic Blue 19-4052

Inspiring peace, confidence and a sense of belonging, this enduring blue hue highlights our need for a secure and stable foundation on which to build. our future.

Pantone Color of the Year 2019

Living Coral 16-1546

A life-affirming coral shade with natural softness that energizes and adds strength. nine0005

Pantone Color of the Year 2018

Ultra Violet 18-3838

Embodiment of the spirit of invention and creative imagination, Ultra Violet lights the way forward.

Pantone Color of the Year 2017

Greenery 15-0343

Refreshing and invigorating, Greenery represents new beginnings.

Pantone 2016 Colors of the Year

Rose Quartz 13-1520 and Serenity 15-3919

For 2016, we decided to take a softer approach: for the first time, the Pantone Color of the Year is a mix of two shades - Rose Quartz and Serenity. the wine red color of Marsala enriches our mind, body and soul. The showy, solid qualities of Marsala make the color elegant and accentuated when used on its own or as a strong accent to many other colors.

Pantone Color of the Year 2014

Radiant Orchid 18-3224

Radiant Orchid blooms with confidence and magical warmth, captivating the eye and awakening the imagination. It is an expressive, creative and all-encompassing purple color that attracts with its charm. A charming harmony of shades of fuchsia, purple and pink, Radiant Orchid exudes joy, love and health.

Pantone Color of the Year 2013

Emerald 17-5641

Live. shining. Lush... The color of elegance and beauty, conveying a sense of well-being, balance and harmony. Emerald, associated with sparkling gemstones, is perceived as refined and luxurious. nine0005

Pantone Color of the Year 2012

Tangerine Tango 17-1463

Reminiscent of the radiant hues of a sunset, Tangerine Tango combines the cheerfulness and adrenaline rush of red with the friendliness and warmth of yellow, creating an eye-catching magnetic shade that radiates warmth and energy .

Pantone Color of the Year 2011

Honeysuckle 18-2120

Masculine. Confident. Alive. Brave new color for a brave new world. Let the bold spirit of Honeysuckle fill, uplift and carry you throughout the year. This is a color for every day, in which there is nothing "everyday". A dynamic reddish pink, Honeysuckle is inspiring and uplifting. nine0005

Pantone Color of the Year 2010

Turquoise 15-5519

Combining the serene qualities of blue with the invigorating aspects of green, turquoise inspires thoughts of soothing tropical waters and a comforting escape from the everyday problems of the world, while at the same time restoring our feeling of well-being.

Pantone Color of the Year 2009

Mimosa 14-0848

Yellow represents the warmth and care of the sun, qualities that we humans naturally find attractive. Mimosa also speaks of enlightenment as it is a shade that evokes imagination and innovation. nine0005

Pantone Color of the Year 2008

Blue Iris 18-3943

Blue Iris best represents the 2008 color trend in fashion, cosmetics and homewares. As a reflection of the times, Blue Iris combines the robust aspect of blue, accentuated by a strong purple hue.

Pantone Color of the Year 2007

Chili Pepper 19-1557

This eye-catching, resonant shade catches the eye of the fashion-conscious or self-expressive as its boldness is eye-catching, sophisticated and seductive. At a time when personality is reflected in everything from a mobile phone to a web page on a social network, Chili Pepper is associated with outgoing, confident and thoughtful design. nine0005

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Pantone Color of the Year 2021

January 23, 2021

Pantone, the world's color authority and provider of professional color standards and digital solutions to the design community, annually announces trending colors to capture global trends and translate them through clothing and fashion accessories, cosmetics and decor, graphics and packaging. For 2021, PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray and PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating are two independent colors that combine to create an inspiring color pair that combines a sense of depth and thoughtfulness with the optimistic promise of a sunny day. nine0005

“The choice of two independent colors highlights how different elements come together to convey a message of strength and hope that is both enduring and uplifting, and conveys the importance of the union of both colors and people. Combining the long-wearing Ultimate Gray with the vibrant Illuminating Yellow conveys a message of positivity backed by fortitude, says Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute. - Practical and durable, yet warm and optimistic, this color combination gives us resilience and hope. We need to feel encouraged and uplifted, this is important for the human spirit.” nine0005

I, believing in the eloquence of the language of color and supporting the idea of ​​unity and optimism, offer you an excursion into the mineralogical palette of these colors. In what jewelry and materials can they be found? First of all, pay attention to the minerals of the color of a ray of sunshine: yellow diamonds and sapphires, heliodors (yellow berylles), some topazes and apatites, citrines and zircons. The main thing is that they have a color that matches the shade of Illuminating, that is, not too saturated and without an admixture of orange. nine0005

White precious metals, with their characteristic tint, can convey a gray tint, of course. This also includes various coatings from rhodium to patina. Although the gray color range is the smallest in the jewelry segment, it is also the most solid - this includes gray smoky diamonds, some spinels and natural Tahitian pearls , whose value exceeds the price tag of white classics.

The combination of Ultimate Gray and Illuminating does not have to be used in equal proportions, any of the colors can take precedence. Therefore, it is up to you to decide which of them to focus on in your image. To give food for thought to your imagination, I offer you the most attractive interpretations of these shades in jewelry. nine0005

John Hardy

Cinta Classic Chain Sungai Biang Lalah necklace with rainbow moonstones, hematite and yellow diamonds



Radiant Firebird ring in white gold with yellow and colorless diamonds



Ring Twisted Decoration in rose gold with gray moonstone



Xpandable yellow diamond ring



5 zoom


Necklace with yellow and colorless diamonds



Joséphine Eclat Floral ring in platinum with a cushion cut fancy deep yellow diamond


De Beers

Old0 Bond5 zoom yellow diamond ring


Chaumet Parade ring from the Les Ciels de Chaumet collection in yellow gold with yellow sapphires and diamonds



Earrings with yellow and colorless diamonds


Van Cleef & Arpels

Van Cleef & Arpels Butterfly pendant with yellow sapphires and marquise cut diamond


Carol Kauffmann

Petit Pois ring with gray tourmaline and diamonds in yellow gold Call



Ring with 5. 53 ct round yellow diamond surrounded by colorless diamonds



Tahitian pearl necklace with carved purple jade clasp


Feng J

Calla Lily Butterfly Gray Spinel Earrings



Forevermark Earrings with 12.96 ct yellow diamonds set in pink diamonds


Assael necklace in white gold



Anna Sheffield

Elegant white gold Eleonore ring with pear cut gray spinel 1.00 carats and colorless diamonds



Extraordinary yellow sapphire and diamond mosaic ring


State Property

Allegory Major Noir Unfold bracelet in white gold with black Akoya pearl



whimsical Kiss ring diamond set in a colorless diamond



Earrings in gold with gray spinel over 10 carats, sapphires and diamonds


Neha Dani

Kephi ring in white gold with center yellow sapphire surrounded by purple sapphires


Jahan Jewelery

Choker set with 297 round yellow diamonds and 26ct cushion


Louis Vuitton 6 ring le Temps Dentelle de Monogram with 9. 50 ct purple spinel from Tajikistan and 2.59 ct diamonds in white gold


Van Cleef & Arpels

Beauté Céleste ring with 4 ct yellow diamond in the center

Yellow diamondMoonstoneSapphire

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