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For those spending time at home, looking for a cozy adventure or bedtime story for kids, we offer this imaginative rhyming picture book, read by the author, Daniel Errico. Follow the Marmabill on her quest through the rainforest, where she meets fantastical creatures like wugs, tankadiggies, and flying fluthers. As her journey takes her from treetops to glowing underground caves, the Marmabill finds out for herself the true meaning of home.
Remember, our stories for kids are here for you to read at any time. And remember, Dream Big!
Gemma is a middle grade novel that follows a curious explorer and her ring-tailed lemur, Milo, as they hunt for the “most greatest treasure in the world”. Solving riddles, battling a bell-wearing jaguar, and traveling the Eight Seas, Gemma’s adventures take her from a young girl to a brave captain, whose only limits are the stars.
While drawing in class at Stagwood School, 12-year old Cal sees a frog staring at him through the window. Stranger than that, is the fact that this frog happens to be wearing glasses.
Cal and his best friend, Soy, learn that the frog (who prefers the name Deli) has sought them out for a reason. When a school administrator named Ream reveals himself to be a dragon, the boys discover that fairytales are real, and that there is magic afoot in Stagwood. With Ream on their tail, the trio must unearth a powerful tool protected by riddles and rile (the magic that fuels nightmares) to save the fate of all fairytales past. But, before Cal can defeat Ream, he has to deal with Soy's knack for arguing with magical creatures, discover the truth about Deli's identity, and earn his place as the hero of the story. The Guardians of Lore is a middle grade novel that centers around two life-long friends, infusing humor and fantasy-based riddles into a modern fairytale.
This quirky tale is about our most infamous character of all. If you don’t have a soufflé-baking, trumpet-blaring, sleigh-riding friend, then maybe it’s time that you met Ms. McKay. Told as a monorhyme poem. “Say what you will or say what you may, you’ll remember the day that you met Ms. McKay…”
Mr. McKay is a most mischievous fellow. His hair and eyes have been known to change color with the seasons. If you ever feel a warm breeze on a very cold winter day, be sure to keep your coat on, because it may be Mr. McKay playing his trick! A light-hearted, rhyming bedtime story about keeping your coat on when it’s awfully cold outside.
Ages 3-8, Narrated, Read Along
Explore the ocean floor and discover the location of Orangebeard's Treasure in this series of adventure stories for kids! Each location that you visit under the sea reveals a unique story from the gnarble. Piece together the clues with reading comprehension and reasoning skills to solve the mystery!
The Journey of the Noble Gnarble is a number one best-selling ebook that has been adapted into a hardcover book and play. Through rhyming verse and engaging illustrations, the Noble Gnarble teaches kids about perseverance and determination in the face of obstacles. Dream Big!
Ages 3-5, Narrated, Read Along
One of our most popular children’s stories, this is the tale of a group of robots winding down for the night. The Robot Bedtime Book is a playful bedtime story that encourages interaction, imagination, and a fun bedtime routine.
Fairy Tales, Bedtime Stories and Kids Poems!
A guided meditation for children about being warm and cosy, while the world is cold outside. A tranquil bedtime story to initiate sweet dreams...
5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Early Readers Early Readers Learning Picture Books Picture Books Reading Sleep and Bedtime Stories Toys
Stripy Elephant and his friends have a BIG problem... they never hear the end of the bedtime story! So Stripy Elephant decides he will learn to read...
A vintage story to learn the alphabet... featuring a delicious apple pie!
A nature alphabet ABCD book for tomorrow's little learners.
Tone and Nyunyu are raindrops about to fall from the sky!
View 5 Min Stories
All the parents have gone on strike, and Harry is dealing with a school bully who wants a gourmet salad.
Pembral can't help but forget things... but will his Mum still love him when he forgets something important?
A lovely story of two friends who show true friendship and kindness to one another.
View 10 Min Stories
A mouse looks for the best house in which to have sweet dreams.
You can do so many things with your special blankie!
Shongololo has lost its shoes! Can the other animals help find them?
View Age 0-3
Baby Octopus becomes stuck in a nasty plastic bottle!
Nkanyezi's village has forgotten how to celebrate spring. Luckily Nkanyezi is there to help!
When Veeru goes to a circus, he is inspired to make his own circus show at home.
View Age 4-6
A day in the life of being an otter... life on the river is not always easy, but it's fun with family around!
Sigurd and his horse are a great team in the face of challenges and adventures.
When Henny Penny is hit on the head, she thinks the sky is falling down!
View Age 7-12
A young girl breaks her promise, and must voyage east of the sun and west of the moon to recover her love.
A giant keeps Jack prisoner for seven years... until finally he makes his escape!
A little boy's parents treat his grandfather terribly... until the parents realise an important lesson.
View Fairy Tales
A simple picture story about gratitude, and what our friends do for us.
Tiger has such delicious pies, but everyone is too scared to eat them!
Finnbar the dog becomes friends with some fireflies.
View Early Readers
The classic Christmas story of the value of generosity, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.
Suzie dreams of tigers rushing past on the streets outside her bedroom. Her twin brother Jack tells her it was only a dream, but was it?
A boy goes on an adventure to save an imprisoned baby dragon.
View Chapter Books
Pepper and Carrot spend a miraculous day together making magic in the snow...
When a herd of unicorns pass, a sad little donkey wishes he was more like them.
Pepper really wants a Christmas tree... and disregards the instructions in her magic book to get one!
View Comic Books
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man, bake me a cake just as fast as you can. ..
A child imagines all sorts of fantastical creatures who bring children to sleep!
Tom, Tom, the piper's son, stole a pig and away he run...!
View Nursery Rhymes
All the clocks can't agree on who is the best!
A short and sweet poem about our much-loved Moms!
A lovely poem about bedtime and the seasons.
View Poems for Kids
There was once a very strange kind of house. It was not an ordinary house... and it was the site of an extraordinary battle...
When you're learning to fly broomsticks in the classroom, all sorts of things are about to happen!
A girl creates an army, to fight a wicked man who started war.
View Kids Writing
Audio story by Nosov Merry family listen online
Audio story Merry family by Nosov NN The story can be listened to online or downloaded. The audiobook "Merry Family" is presented in mp3 format.
- 1. Important decision 7:36
- 2. Unexpected obstacle 5:12
- 3. Exit found 6:06
- 4. The next day 4:50
- 5. Start 9:45
- 6. The temperature drops 6:11
- 7. The temperature is rising 8:15
- 8. T-shirt on duty 7:27
- 9. All is gone 6:57
- 10. Gathering a squad 9:20
- 11. Boss work 5:29
- 12. Final preparations 5:34
- 13. The hardest day 9:43
- 14. Whose fault? 8:24
- 15. When hope went out 11:03
- 16. Our mistake 8:20
- 17. Birthday 11:09
- 18. Free 9:17
Friends Kolya and Mishka, after unsuccessful tests of a steam engine made with their own hands, decide to make an incubator to hatch chickens - this is how Nosov's Merry Family audio story begins.
The guys made an apparatus, installed an electric lamp and began to maintain the required temperature. The eggs just laid by the hen were taken from the village.
The boys were on duty around the clock at the incubator, and when they had classes at school, Misha's sister took over the post, who was promised one chicken for this.
In the end, the guys got so tired that they began to study badly and stopped attending classes in the youth club. Classmates criticized them for poor progress, and when they heard what was the matter, they set up shift duty behind the incubator, in which real chickens were about to appear.
And then the day came when the chickens hatched in a homemade incubator! True, out of twelve eggs only ten chickens turned out, and then one out of ten turned out to be very weak and died, but still it was a huge achievement. The guys took the whole cheerful family of little fluffy lumps to the village and gave them to the very woman from whom they took the eggs. On this online audio story Nosov comes to an end.
Listen to another book:
All: Nikolai Nosov
Audio story by Vitya Maleev at school and at home listen online
Audio story by Vitya Maleev at school and at home Nosov N. N. The story can be listened to online or downloaded. The audiobook "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" is presented in mp3 format.
- Chapter 1 19:58
- Chapter 2 17:51
- Chapter 3 17:26
- Chapter 4 14:30
- Chapter 5 6:34
- Chapter 6 13:18
- Chapter 7 15:58
- Chapter 8 12:18
- Chapter 9 15:20
- Chapter 10 12:48
- Chapter 11 12:13
- Chapter 12 10:47
- Chapter 13 15:03
- Chapter 14 13:11
- Chapter 15 13:39
- Chapter 16 10:34
- Chapter 17 11:59
- Chapter 18 9:19
- Chapter 19 10:36
- Chapter 20 13:52
- Chapter 21 9:29
Like any other work of this author, it is recommended to listen to Nosov's audio story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" online in the company of relatives and friends!!!
Summer has passed and grown schoolchildren have started their studies. Vitya didn't bother to study in the summer and completely forgot the multiplication table. The boy tries to take up his mind and start studying, but something constantly distracts him.
And a new student Kostya came to Vita's class, with whom they became friends. Kostya has a lot of animals at home and in general he is a kind boy, only lazy and Russian is not given to him at all. In the quarter, friends go out as losers and therefore they were not taken to the school basketball team and were not allowed to participate in amateur performances.