Color blue activities for toddlers
Child Care Lounge | Celebrate the Color Blue Theme and Activities
Make learning about colors fun! Here are some fun ideas to celebrate the color blue!
Blue Songs and Fingerplays
If Your Clothes Have Any Blue (Tune: If You're Happy and You Know It)
If your clothes have any blue, any blue
If your clothes have any blue, any blue
If your clothes have any blue, put your finger on your shoe
If your clothes have any blue, any blue
B-l-u-e (Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
B-l-u-e spells blue.
B-l-u-e spells blue.
Hi-ho did you know
B-l-u-e spells blue?
The big sky is blue.
The ocean is too.
Hi-ho did you know
B-l-u-e spells blue?
BLUE (Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat)
Spells the color blue.
The sky, the ocean, and some birds
Are all a beautiful blue.
We Love Blue (Tune: Three Blind Mice)
We love blue. We love blue.
Yes, we do. Yes, we do.
We love the ocean and sky so blue.
We love blue ribbons and blue jeans too.
We love blueberries, so good for you.
Yes, we love blue.
Blue Art Activities
Blue Noodle Necklace
Use blue yarn to string your blue noodles. You can dye pasta noodles by shaking 2 cups of pasta in a ziplock bag with a mix of 1/4 Cup Rubbing Alcohol and 1 tablespoon blue food coloring. Let them dry on paper towels before using.
Blue Fingerpaint
3 cups flour
2 TBSP liquid soap
3/4 cup water
Blue food coloring
* Mix all ingredients together
Blueberry Painting
Warning: this is messy and may stain clothes (have children wear a smock).
Give each child a disposable cup, about 5-10 blueberries, and about 1/4 cup of water. Allow each child to squeeze the blueberries into the water to create blue watercolor paint. Then, encourage them to create a picture using the blue paint.
Give each child a blue bird cutout, and allow them to glue blue feathers and other blue items (buttons, tissue paper, etc.) to decorate their blue bird.
Blue Math and Science
Blue Jean Graph
Count how many children are wearing blue jeans and make a graph that lists children wearing blue jeans versus not wearing blue jeans.
Blue Ocean in a Bag
Fill a ziplock bag halfway with blue hair gel. Add foam fish or other sea creatures, as well as glitter, and zip bag shut.
Blue Motor Skills and Movement
Blue Scavenger Hunt
Give each child a small brown bag and tell them to find blue objects in the room. After 3 minutes or so, have them gather back as a group and count the items they found.
Blue Snacks
Eat blueberries or make blueberry muffins.
Blue Chips and Dip
Serve blue corn tortilla chips with salsa or a favorite dip.
Blueberry Milkshakes
Mix blueberries, vanilla ice cream and ice in a blender for a tasty treat.
Read About Blue
- Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey
- Little Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Lionn
- Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh
Learning Colours - BLUE! | Learning 4 Kids
By Janice Davis / June 10, 2012 February 21, 2021
Come play and learn with the colour BLUE, we have lots of activities!
As part of our Learning Colours Series here on learning4kids, this week we have been exploring and playing with the colour blue with bubbles, bottle tops, paint, rice and balloons!
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Having some fun in a sensory tub filled with blue rice and blue pompoms! Miss 22months loves sensory tubs and loves to run her fingers through the rice and pompoms and sprinkling them like it is rain, so we sang “rain is falling down” song.
I also added a few little props to our sensory tub, basically anything I could find blue such as blue plastic spoons, bottle tops and a blue silicon teddy bear cake mould. Miss 22months would use to spoons to scoop up the rice and pompoms and fill the bottle tops and teddy bear mould.
Too colour the rice: I poured a 500g bag of rice into a container and added a few drops of blue food colouring. I mixed the colouring through with a metal spoon, adding any extra colouring as needed and then sat the container in the sun to dry out a little before playing.
Bringing the fun of learning the colour blue into the bath with a fun catching game!! I scattered the bath water with blue bottle tops and a small amount of bubbles and food colouring. You do not need a lot of food colour, I basically just ran the lid from the food colouring bottle under the running tap and this seems to be enough to give the water a pale colour of blue.
The game involves catching and scooping up as many blue bottle tops as you can with a small net. We called the bottle tops Blue Bottle Fish and sang “Under the Sea, where the Blue Bottle Fish swim” which added to the fun of the game.
Making something crafty – A Blue Fish using bottle tops as stamps to create and imitate the scales of a fish.
I placed a kitchen sponge onto a clean meat tray and poured some blue paint onto it until it was well soaked in. Then Miss 22 months happily got stamping away with the bottle tops by pressing the open side of the bottle top (flat side up) into the paint soaked sponge and then onto the fish creating a circle shape.
I plan to cut these fish out and glue them onto blue paper and add them to our Crafty Colour Collage that we have been making. For each colour we explore we will be adding something Miss 22 months has made to the collage. So far we have a Red Lady Bug and the Blue Fish
Download and print your own fish for this activity here:BLUE Fish Template
Nothing says fun more than balloons! We had so much fun playing with our ‘BLUE’ balloons and creating our very own games as we went along. We blew up about 12 light blue and dark blue balloons for these games.
Balloon Flip is a game where you lay a single sheet on the ground and pile the balloons on top. Then each person playing takes a corner in anticipation to ‘flip’ the sheet up into the air. We counted 1 blue balloon, 2 blue balloons, 3 blue balloons and ‘flip’, throwing all the balloons into the air. My girls were giggling hysterically as they tried to roll and lay under the sheet and flying balloons as they landed around them. Such a fun game!
Box of Balloons involves covering your child over with all the balloons as they lay very still inside a box. It is so funny to watch them as they anticipate for you to say ‘pop’ so they can wriggle and wriggle until all the balloons have jumped out of the box.
Empty a box of coloured blocks all over the floor and together separate all the blue ones. When a different colour it picked up, say “this is a green block, let’s find more blue ones. ” Hold up a BLUE one to show and encourage. We laid out our coloured mats which was perfect to help Miss 22months sort the blocks into groups.
- Wear BLUE for a day: Dress your child (and yourself) wearing the colour blue for the day. I have a blue scarf that I wore all day and referred to it during the day when comparing it to something else that was blue.
- Blue sky: Lie out on the lawn and look up at the blue sky (not the sun) and talk about the clouds and what shapes they make.
- BLUE Discovery Box: Go on a ‘blue treasure hunt’ around the house with a box and fill it with as many blue things as you can find. A box filled with so many ‘blue’ treasures to pull out to touch and feel, smell, listen to, look at and explore.
- Make cupcakes or cookies: Cook cupcakes together and decorate them with BLUE smarties only. The fun part is separating the BLUE ones to the other colours!
- Read books: Choose books that have BLUE pictures in them and point them out but also mentioning the other colours too.
A great blue book that ties in well with the fish stamping activity is Rainbow Fish by Marcus PFister
- Sing Songs about the colour blue: You can basically take any song and replace some words with the colour blue. Why not make up your own song or chant with the word blue?
More Colour Activities <CLICK HERE>
Journey to the Blue Country | Outline of the lesson on the development of speech (senior group):
Topic: Journey to the "Blue Country"
Tasks: reinforcing the idea of the blue color; learning to use adjectives blue, blue in speech. The agreement of these adjectives with nouns in gender. Strengthening the differentiation of red, yellow, green and blue. Development of visual and auditory attention, imagination, fine and articulatory motor skills and prolonged exhalation, coordination of words with movement.
Equipment and materials: blue fabric, reproductions of paintings - Petrov-Vodkin "Lemon and a glass", Chagall "The Bride", subject pictures and blue objects, boxes and glass "pebbles" of red, yellow, green color, cartoon "Merry rainbow. Blue color, TV, audio recording Blue, blue frost, squares of colored cardboard to determine the “color” of the mood, multimedia presentation of the games Naughty Pencils and Fourth Extra, paper napkins in blue, yellow, red and cardboard with a silhouette whale, glue, blue balloons.
Course of the lesson
Children enter the group room to the music from the cartoon series "Merry Rainbow"
1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.
Teacher-psychologist: Greeting ritual "Good morning"
Take a square of the color that matches your mood.
Speech therapist: What colorful countries have we already visited?
Children: We visited the "Yellow", "Red", "Green", "White" country.
Speech therapist: You will enter a new country when you complete one task. Collect all the pebbles from the stream and place each pebble in a basket of the same color.
What kind of pebbles did you put in this box? Pebble, what color is not here, but did we travel to the country of this color?
Teacher-psychologist: Close your eyes. We are going on a journey.
Now let's close our eyes
And we will all find ourselves in a fairy tale
Children with a speech therapist and a psychologist stand in a circle and cover themselves with a blue cloth.
Children look at the group through the cloth. At this time, the psychologist puts on the costume of the Fairy of the Blue Country.
Speech therapist: What country did we end up in?
Speech therapist: Oh, look who is meeting us? Hello!
Teacher-psychologist: Hello! I am the Queen of the Blue Country and I love everything blue. In my country, everything is blue! Blue is one of the primary colors. It cannot be obtained by mixing any other colors. In nature, blue is the sky and the sea. People can admire the azure sky and the deep blue of the ocean for a long time. Maybe that's why the blue color has been a symbol of beauty and tranquility since ancient times. But apart from the sky and the sea, nature rarely gives us blue. There is not so much blue in nature, in any case, it is much less than red, white and yellow.
Speech therapist: Let's listen to the "blue" song and look at the "Blue Country"
Children look at pictures and blue objects to the song "Blue, blue frost."
Teacher-psychologist: I really like blue paintings. Look - these are reproductions of the paintings "Glass and Lemon" by Petrov-Vodkin and "The Bride" by Chagall
2. Telling poems, guessing riddles. Word coordination with movement. Agreement of the adjective BLUE with nouns in the gender (based on objects and pictures). Development of articulatory motility and prolonged exhalation.
Speech therapist: How blue everything is here! What can you say about BLUE? BLUE?
Speech therapist: Fairy of the Blue Land, but we know the blue verses and can tell them.
Blue Sky, and in it clouds of blue is the sky above the Blue River,
Blue Blue River runs into the distance, the blue sea behind the Blue Mountain,
Blue Swells swim in the sea of whales. A blue whale waving its tail at us,
The blue bird flies from a height The blue waves are his home.
Blue whale in the blue sea. You and I draw the sea:
In the blue sky, a cloud sleeps. Here is a boat in the open,
On a blue plate Here is a star at the bottom lies,
Blue plums in a mountain. Here - the fountain lets the whale ...
Let's take a blue jacket Waves and a whale back
And we'll go for a walk with you. We will color it blue.
If the cloud suddenly wakes up,
Blue rain will fall on us!
Teacher-psychologist: Wonderful poems! Can you guess the riddles about blue objects?
Blue uniform, yellow lining
And in the middle - sweet.
What is that ceiling? It will wave its blue wing
Now it is low, now it is high, The lightest helicopter.
Now gray, now whitish, flying, chirping
Now a little bluish. And sit down on a flower.
And sometimes so beautiful - (Dragonfly)
Lace and blue-blue.
Psychologist: You must be tired. Let's have a cup of tea.
Speech therapist: Let's prepare our "cups". - Articulation exercise - "Cup".
Speech therapist: Tea is hot. Let's blow on cups of tea. Children make a long exhalation through the tongue in the form of a "cup".
Teacher-psychologist: I have pancakes for tea. - Articulation exercise - "Pancakes".
And delicious jam - Articulation exercise - "Delicious jam"
Logoritmic game “Come out for a walk”
times, two-three-four-five-children clench their fingers in a fist and
,unclench them.
A cup went out for a walk. They "walk" on their toes.
Flies by the kettle - one palm is held by a “cup”,
Fist of the second hand - “Teapot”,
pouring tea.
Cup fills with tea: slam the palm of one hand
- Bul -Bul! .. The palms are another (2 times).
Oh-oh-oh! They press their palms to their cheeks and
shake their heads.
Lump sugar is needed. They clap their hands on their knees.
One-Two-Three-Follow-Fig-Children squeeze their fingers into a fist and
,unclench them.
Sugar went out for a walk. They "walk" on their toes.
Spoon flies past, move index finger
One hand in the palm of the other.
Dissolves sugar in a cup: Clap hands (2 times)
- Ring-ring!..
Oh-oh-oh! They press their palms to their cheeks and
shake their heads.
We need a painted gingerbread! They clap their hands on their knees.
One-two-three-four-five-children clench their fingers into a fist and
,unclench them.
Gingerbread came out for a walk "They walk" with their toes on their feet.
The teeth are waiting nearby - They press their hands to their mouth.
They play hide and seek with gingerbread: Cover their eyes with their hands.
- crunch-crunch!..0003
Ay-yy-yy! They press their palms to their cheeks and
shake their heads.
Tea has spilled over the table! Stroke your knees with your palms.
One-Two-Three-Follow-Fig-Children squeeze their fingers into a fist and
,unclench them.
A rag went out for a walk.
A rag was carried in tea, They rub their palms together.
Rag snorted and got angry:
One-two-three-four-five - Thumping fists on hips 5 times
I don't want to play with you! They stomp their feet.
M. Yasnov
3. Game "Naughty Pencils" (multimedia)
Teacher-psychologist: I invite you to sit on the chairs. Look at the screen. What do you see? Yes, they are mischievous pencils. Now the pencils will appear on the screen one at a time, and you will say what color the pencil is.
Let's play with mischievous pencils
- What kind of pencil was used to color the flower?
- What kind of pencil was used to color the dolphin?
- What kind of pencil was used to color the balloon?
- What kind of pencil was used to color the star?
And now the next game.
Game "4th extra" (multimedia)
- apple, shoe, phone, handbag
- eggplant, grapes, beets, armchair
- fish, bag, flower, teddy bear
4. Productive artistic activity . Collective work "Blue Whale"
Speech therapist teacher: Did you like playing with mischievous pencils? What would we give the Fairy of the Blue Country in gratitude for her hospitality? …I know! The fairy loves blue paintings. I suggest that you make such a picture yourself. Do you agree? Then I invite you to the creative workshop.
Children do the work (collective application of crumpled blue napkins "Whale"). Guests are invited to help us make a frame for a picture of crumpled red, yellow, white napkins. Children give a picture to the Fairy of the Blue Country.
5. Watching the cartoon “Merry Rainbow. Blue color»
Teacher-psychologist: Thank you very much! And in parting, I want to show you a cartoon about the blue color.
6. Return from the blue country. Definition of the "color" of the mood.
Children with a speech therapist stand in a circle and cover themselves with a blue cloth. At this time, the psychologist removes the costume of the Queen of the Blue Country.
Now let's close our eyes
And we will find ourselves in the kindergarten "Fairy Tale"
Teacher-psychologist: Take a square of the color that you are in now.
7. Summary
Teacher-psychologist: Where have we been?
And in memory of our trip, we give you balloons. What color are they?
Development program at DCC "Shaluny"
Our news and promotions!!!
We invite children from 1 to 5 years old to our kindergarten! Branch addresses:
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In our kindergarten, children are divided into groups according to age and development: a separate educational and entertainment program has been developed for each group0249 . Hurry, places are limited!
Home \ Development Program
Development Program in the DDC "Shaluna"
in the children's center "Saluna" We work under the program for the education, education and development of children "Rainaign" , , , authors T. N. Doronova, V. V. Gerbova, T. I. Grizik. The program ensures the comprehensive development of the child, its most important components are play and physical development, the formation of the habit of a healthy lifestyle, and the provision of mental comfort for each child. In "Rainbow" for the first time the task of creating in kindergarten an atmosphere of psychological comfort for children, conditions for a joyful and meaningful living of the period of preschool childhood was voiced, for the first time a system of personality-oriented education and development of children was proposed.
"Rainbow" includes seven most important types of children's activities and classes, in the process of which the upbringing and development of the child's personality takes place:
red color - physical culture order, cultural and hygienic skills;
orange color - game: it allows you to provide psychological comfort, create an atmosphere of emotional warmth, security, remove excessive organization and neuroticism in children. It allows a feeling of sympathy and interest in a playmate to arise;
yellow color - visual activity and manual labor: - visual activity and artistic labor are taught through joint creative activity of adults with children. Children are taught to draw with pencils and paints, fingers, modeling, applications;
green color - construction: gives an opportunity to develop the imagination, fantasy and mentally educate the baby; children learn to build from building materials, develop constructive prerequisites, join the process of creativity in design;
blue color - musical and plastic arts lessons: allow to develop aesthetic experiences, form interest in music, develop musical and sensory abilities of the child, the ability to move to the beat, spatial coordination;
blue color - classes for the development of speech and familiarization with the environment: teaching the native language takes place through familiarization with works of folk art, fiction;
purple color - mathematics: Mathematics is taught in an atmosphere of goodwill and support for the child.
We conduct all classes in a playful way and we can combine several types of activities, which does not tire the kids, but contributes to the manifestation of persistent interest. When building classes, we use a flexible form of conduct: place in the daily routine, duration of classes, take into account the age and individual characteristics of children. Our kids are young children and the main thing we have to teach them is to teach them to communicate and interact with adults and children.
Accompanying the whole day with nursery rhymes, poems, songs, jokes, we help every kid to live happily every minute of the day with an adult. Regime moments are fun and the kids quickly get used to them.