Colour of day hymn
Colours of day dawn into my mind (StF 167)
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Authors & translatorsAdam, DavidAddison, JosephAdkins, Donna (auth)Adria, MarcoAinger, Geoffrey (auth)Albans, KeithAlexander, Cecil FrancesAlexander, James WaddellAlford, HenryAlington, C. A.Alstott, Owen (auth)Alstyne, Frances Jane vanAnn MitchellAnonymous (auth)Appleford, Patrick (auth)Aquinas, ThomasArlott, JohnAshford, LindaAtkinson, Jennifer (auth)Baker, Henry WilliamsBakewell, JohnBaloche, Paul (auth)Bankhead, Dave (auth)Baring-Gould, SabineBarrell, MarnieBarrett, AllyBash, Ewald JosephBassett, Steve (auth)Baxter, RichardBayly, Albert F.Beeching, Vicky (auth)Bell, John L. (auth)Berry, JanBerthier, JacquesBilborough, Dave (auth)Bilbrough, DaveBleakley, RichardBliss, Philipp (auth)Boddy, DamienBode, J.E.Bonar, HoratiusBonhoeffer, DietrichBourne, G.H.Bowater, C.A. (auth)Boyce, Jo (auth)Boyd, AaronBrady, NicholasBridge, Basil E.
Bridges, MatthewBridges, RobertBriggs, AnnaBriggs, George WallaceBringle, Mary LouiseBrooke, Stopford AugustusBrookes, NormanBrooks, PhillipsBrown, AndrewBrown, Brenton (auth)Brown, Edwin (auth)Brown, Scott (auth)Buckner, SallyBudry, Edmond L.Bullock, Geoff (auth)Bunyan, JohnBurns, Edward J.Burns, Elizabeth (auth)Burton, Henrybusbee (auth)Byrne, MaryByrom, JohnCaird, G. B.Campbell, J.M.Campbell, JohnCampbell, RobertCantelon, BenCarlyle, ThomasCarnwardric Worship GroupCarson, ChristineCarter, Sydney (auth)Cartford, GerhardCash, EdCaswall, EdwardChandler, JohnCherwien, Susan PaloChisholm, Thomas OChisholm, Thomas O.Chope, Richard RobertChurchill, Wendy (auth)Clark, Jodi Page (auth)Clark, SteveClaudius, MClifton, DaveCoates, Gerald (auth)Coffin, CharlesCollins, GillianCollison, Valerie (auth)Colvin, Tom (auth)Comfort, PeterCooper, Jarrod (auth)Cosin, JohnCosnett, ElizabethCowper, WilliamCox, Frances ElizabethCritchley, Dawn (auth)Critchley, Robert (auth)Crosby, FannyCrossman, SamuelCrum, J.
M .C.Dale, Alan T.Dalton, Mick (auth)Damon, Dan (auth)Dando, Mike (auth)Daniels, Danny (auth)Dauermann, Stuart (auth)Davies, Rupert E.Daw, Carl PDaw, Carl P. JrDawn, Maggi (auth)Dearmer, PercyDelafield, LizDickinson, AllanDine, JoyDinger, Caleb (auth)Dix, William ChattertonDobson, MarjorieDocker, MichaelDoddridge, PhilipDoerksen, Brian (auth)DominicDraper, William HenryDuck, Ruth (auth)Dudley-Smith, TimothyDufner, DeloresDuncan, Norah IVDunstan, SylviaEarey, MarkEdmeston, JamesEllerton, JohnElliott, CharlotteEllis, ChristopherEscamilla, RobertEvans, David J. (auth)Faber, Frederick WilliamFarjeon, EleanorFarrell, Bernadette (auth)Fast, Sven-BernhardFellingham, DavidFellingham, Lou (auth)Fellingham, Nathan (auth)Ferguson, ColinField, Paul (auth)Fielding, Ben (auth)Fishel, Don (auth)Fisher, LeithFlynn, Kathy (auth)Foley, BrianForster, MichaelFosdick, H.E.Founds, Rick (auth)Fragar, Russell (auth)Frye, Michael (auth)Fulbert of ChartresFullerton, William YoungFyall, AndyGabaráin, Cesáreo (auth)Galbraith, Douglas (auth)Gallagher, HeatherGalloway, KathyGarrard, Stuart (auth)Gaunt, AlanGaunt, H.
C.A.Gerhardt, PaulGetty, Keith (auth)Getty, Kristyn (auth)Gilbert, VinceGillard, Richard (auth)Glynn, John (auth)Gondo, Alexander (auth)Goreham, NormanGoudie, Ray (auth)Goulding, Carl (auth)GrantGrant, DominicGrant, RobertGreen, Keith (auth)Green, Melody (auth)Greenwell, DorothyGroves, AlexanderGurney, Dorothy FrancesGurney, John HampdenGustafson, Gerrit (auth)Haas, David (auth)Haigh, Anita (auth)Haigh, Nick (auth)Hall, William JohnHamilton, MaggieHamilton, W. H.Hansen, Michael (auth)Hargreaves, Sam (auth)Harling, PerHart, JosephHatch, EdwinHaugen, Marty (auth)Havergal, Frances RidleyHawks, Annie SherwoodHaworth, Bryn (auth)Haworth, Sally (auth)Hayford, JackHayward, RobHead, Bessie PorterHeber, ReginaldHemming, Jo (auth)Hemming, Nigel (auth)Herbert, AndrewHerbert, GeorgeHerklots, Rosamond E.Hewer, JennyHewlett, MichaelHill, GarethHine, Stuart K (auth)Hinton, AlanHoare, Brian (auth)Holloway, JeanHoneyball Young, Barbara (auth)Hopkins, GaryHopkins, John HenryHorne, Charles SilvesterHow, William WalshamHowcroft, KenHoyle, Richard B.
Hubbs, Charley (auth)Hughes, Tim (auth)Hull, EleanorIdle, ChristopherIsrael, Steve (auth)Iverson, Daniel (auth)Jakob, Philip (auth)Jenkins, JillJenner, StephanieJensen, Mary Rose (auth)Johann AndreasJohn of DamascusJohnson, Helen (auth)Johnson, Mark (auth)Jones, BeverleyJones, Ivor H. (auth)Jones, Jacqueline G. (auth)Jones, Peter (auth)Jones, Richard G.Kaan, FredKabemba, MwenzeKai, David (auth)Kathe, WilliamKeble, JohnKelly, ThomasKen, ThomasKendrick, Graham (auth)Kendrick, MargueriteKernaghan, PeterKethe, WilliamKeyes. Aaron (auth)Kimbrough, S.T. Jr (auth)Kitchin, G.W.Kyamanywa, BernardLafferty, Karen (auth)Landsberg, MaxLange, JoachimLathbury, Mary ArtemesiaLathbury, Mary ArtemisiaLatty, Geraldine (auth)Law, TonyLawson-Johnston, PhilipLayzell, MartynLeckebusch, Martin E.Lee, David (auth)Lee, Geon-yong (auth)Leftley, Francesca (auth)Lennox, Kristyn (auth)Ling, MariaLockward, Jorge (auth)Lockwood, JorgeLogan, JohnLoh, I-to (auth)Loperano, William (auth)Lott, EricLow, AdrianLowry, Robert (auth)Lucas, RichardLuff, AlanLundy, Damian (auth)Luther, Martin (auth)Lyte, Henry FrancisMaher, MattMaldonado, JorgeMann, NewtonMansell, David J.
(auth)Maries, AndrewMark, Robin (auth)Markin, Johnny (auth)Marriott, JohnMartin, George CurrieMason, JohnMasson, Lynda (auth)Matheson, GeorgeMatsikenyiri, PatrickMaule, GrahamMayhew, Kevin (auth)McClellan, Sue (auth)McCoan, SueMcDermott, PaulMcEwan, Steve (auth)McGee, Bob (auth)McNeil, EdithMedley, SamuelMichaelMicklem, Caryl (auth)Milman, Henry HartMoir, JosephMonahan, Carl DermottMonod, TheodoreMonsell, J.S.B.Monteiro, Simei (auth)Montgomery, JamesMorgan, Patricia (auth)Morgan, Reuben (auth)Moultrie, G.Mowbray, DavidMullins, Rich (auth)Mulrain, GeorgeMuriel, Colleen (auth)Murphy, Andrew TMurray, Shirley ErenaNeale, John MasonNeander, JoachimNewbolt, M. R.Newell, JonathanNewman, John HenryNewport, DoreenNewton, JohnNewton, Rob (auth)Nichols, Kevin (auth)Niles, Daniel T.Noel, Caroline MariaNormanNorthumbria CommunityNowell, Jonathan (auth)Nyberg, Anders (auth)Nystrom, Martin (auth)Oakeley, FrederickOakley, Charles E.O'Carroll, Fintan (auth)O'Driscoll, HerbertOld, Margaret V.Olivers, Thomas (auth)O'Neill, Judith BeatriceOsler, EdwardOwens, Carol (auth)Owens, PriscillaOxenham, JohnPaculabo, John (auth)Page, StephenPalmer, RayPantry, John (auth)Paris, Twila (auth)Park, Andy (auth)Parkinson, RachelParks, JohnnyPatta, Raj Bharath (auth)Payne, Joel (auth)Perronet, EdwardPerry, Michael (auth)Peter ComfortPeters, MaryPeterson, MichaelPettitt, PamelaPhillips, AnnPiercy, Andy (auth)Pierpoint, F SPierpoint, F.
S.Plumptre, E. H.PottPott, FrancisPownall, Tina (auth)Pratt Green, FredPratt, AndrewPrescod, PatrickPrice, Alan J (auth)Prigge, BrentonPrince, Rachael (auth)PrudentiusPrudentius, Aurelius ClemensRachelRatcliffe, Peter (auth)Rawson, GeorgeRayson, Kimberley (auth)Redman, Beth (auth)Redman, Matt (auth)Rees, BrynRees, TimothyReeves, Jesse (auth)Reid, William WatkinsReindorf, DinahRelf, Peter (auth)Richard of ChichesterRichards, Hubert (auth)Richards, Noel (auth)Richards, Tricia (auth)Rigby, Randy (auth)Riley, Ken (auth)Rinaldi, Sue (auth)Rinkart, MartinRippon, JohnRizza, Margaret (auth)Robertson, GlennRobinson, RobertRossetti, Christina GeorginaRotheRothe, J.A.Rowe, George S.Rowley, Francis HaroldRubin, Steffi (auth)Ruis, Dave (auth)Ryecroft, Keith (auth)Sands, ErnestSardeson, Anne J.Savill, MarkSaward, MichaelSchutmaat, AlvinSchutte, Daniel L. (auth)Schütz, Johann JakobScriven, Joseph MedlicottSears, Edmund HamiltonSeddon, J.E.Shepherd, GregSherlock, HughShust, Aaron (auth)Siena, Bianco daSimmonds, Kate (auth)Simmonds, Miles (auth)Smale, Ian Stuart (auth)Smart, IanSmith, Henry (auth)Smith, John M.
Smith, Martin J. (auth)Smith, Tedd (auth)Smith, Walter ChalmersSmyttan, George HuntSpangenberg, August GottliebSparrow-Simpson, W.J.St Francis of AssisiSt Fulbert of ChartresSt Theodulph of OrleansStainsby, Clare (auth)Stanley, Mike (auth)Stone, Samuel JohnStory, Laura (auth)Struther, JanStuempfle, Hermann G.Stutely, HaroldTaizé Community (Author)Tate, NahumTemple, Sebastian (auth)Theodulph of OrleansThiessen, Brian (auth)Thompson, Paul (auth)Thompson, Steve (auth)Thring, GodfreyThurston, Peter (auth)Thwaites, Honor MaryTice, AdamTimpson, RobertTomlin, Chris (auth)Toplady, Augustus MontagueTownend, Stuart (auth)Troeger, ThomasTrupia, RobertTurner, SteveTuttle, Carl (auth)Utterbach, Clinton (auth)van Alstyne, Frances JaneVanstone, W. HubertVerrall, Pamela (auth)Wade, John Francis (auth)Wakelin, RosemaryWalker, CatherineWalker, ChristopherWallace, William L.Wallwork, NormanWalmsley, RobertWareing, Laurence (auth)Waring, Anna LaetitiaWatts, IsaacWebb, Joy (auth)Wesley, CharlesWesley, JohnWhalley, CS de (auth)White, Estelle (auth)Whiting, WilliamWhittier, John GreenleafWilkinson, Kate BarclayWilkinson, Thomas G.
Williams, PeterWilliams, WilliamWillis, Love MariaWinkworth, CatherineWinslow, JackWood, Paul (auth)Woollett, BarbaraWordsworth, ChristopherWorsfold, Ian (auth)Wreford, John ReynellWren, BrianYoung, Barbara (auth)Youngson, MichaelaZschech, Darlene (auth)
Composers & arrangersAbbott, Evelyn, F.Adkins, Donna (comp)Ainger, Geoffrey (comp)Akeroyde, S.Allen, MattAlstott, Owen (comp)Anonymous (comp)Appleford, Patrick (comp)Archer, MalcolmArmes, PhilipArnold, SamuelArnold, WilliamAtkinson, Jennifer (comp)Avery, Colin D.Bach, Johann SebastianBaker, F. G.Baker, GeoffBaloche, Paul (comp)Bankhead, Dave (comp)Barham-Gould, Arthur CyrilBarnard, JohnBarnby, JosephBarnes, Gerald L.Barton, DavidBassett, Steve (comp)Baughen, MichaelBeaumont, GeoffreyBeecher, Henry WardBeeching, Vicky (comp)Beesley, JoBeethoven, Ludwig vanBell, John L. (comp)Berthier, JacquesBevan, MauriceBilborough, Dave (comp)Bishop, JohnBleakley, RichardBliss, Philipp (comp)Bost, ChrétienBowater, C.
A. (comp)Boyce, Jo (comp)Boyce-Tillman, JuneBoyd, AaronBradbury, William BatchelderBradley, JohnBridge, John FrederickBrierley, John MichaelBrink, EmilyBrown, Arthur HenryBrown, Brenton (comp)Brown, Edwin (comp)Brown, Scott (comp)Buchanan, Annabel MorrisBuck, PercyBullock, Geoff (comp)Burleigh, Harry T.Burns, Elizabeth (comp)busbee (comp)Calkin, John BaptisteCampbell, ThomasCarey, HenryCarter, Sydney (comp)Churchill, Wendy (comp)Clark, Jodi Page (comp)Clark, MartinClarke, JeremiahClarke, Martin V.Clayton, CarolCleall, CharlesClifton, DaveCoates, Gerald (comp)Cocker, NormanCodona, Alasdair A.Coleman, Thomas BrianCollignon, CharlesCollins, ThomasCollison, Valerie (comp)Colvin, Tom (comp)Comfort, PeterConverse, Charles CrozatCook, VikkiCoombes, Douglas JohnCooper, Alexander SamuelCooper, Jarrod (comp)Corner, D. G.Critchley, Dawn (comp)Critchley, Robert (comp)Croft, WilliamCross, William A.Crotch, WilliamCrüger, JohannCsehys, TheCummings, William HaymanCutts, PeterDalton, Mick (comp)Damon, Dan (comp)Dando, Mike (comp)Daniels, Danny (comp)Danzig, EvelynDarwall, JohnDauermann, Stuart (comp)David, John WinterDavies, Henry WalfordDavis, GabrielDawn, Maggi (comp)Dawney, MichaelDay, George HenryDexter, Noel G.
Dinger, Caleb (comp)Doane, William H.Doerksen, Brian (comp)Dougall, NeillDuck, Ruth (comp)Duckworth, FrancisDuke, KeithDuncan, Norah IVDunman, S. J. P.Dvorak, AntoninDykes, John BacchusEagleton, J.Elliott, James WilliamEllis, MartinEllor, JamesElvey, George JobEnglish HymnalEste, ThomasEvans, David J. (comp)Evans, HazelFarrell, Bernadette (comp)Fawcett, JohnFellingham, Lou (comp)Fellingham, Nathan (comp)Ferguson, William HaroldField, Paul (comp)Fielding, Ben (comp)Filitz, F.Finlay, Kenneth GeorgeFishel, Donald (comp)Flynn, Kathy (comp)Founds, Rick (comp)Fragar, Russell (comp)Frye, Michael (comp)Fudge, Roland T.Gabaráin, Cesáreo (comp)Gabriel, C. H.Galbraith, Douglas (comp)Galloway, IanGardiner, WilliamGarrard, Stuart (comp)Gauntlett, Henry JohnGenevan PsalterGetty, Keith (comp)Getty, Kristyn (comp)Giardini, Felice deGibbons, OrlandoGibson, Colin AlexanderGillard, Richard (comp)Gilmurray, SueGladstone, William HenryGlynn, John (comp)Gondo, Alexander (comp)Goss, JohnGoudie, Ray (comp)Goulding, Carl (comp)Gray, AlanGreatorex, ThomasGreatorex, WalterGreen, Keith (comp)Green, Melody (comp)Grindle, HarryGrosvenor, SymeonGroves, C.
Grüber, Franz XaverGustafson, Gerrit (comp)Haas, David (comp)Haigh, Anita (comp)Haigh, Nick (comp)Hammond, Mary JaneHandel, George FrederickHansen, Michael (comp)Harding, James ProctorHargreaves, Sam (comp)Harington, HenryHarris, CharlesHarris, William HenryHarrison, RalphHarwood, BasilHassler, Hans LeoHathaway, W. G.Hatton, John L.Haugen, Marty (comp)Havergal, William HenryHaweis, ThomasHawkins, ErnestHaworth, Bryn (comp)Haworth, Sally (comp)Haydn, Franz JosephHaydn, Johann MichaelHayford, JackHayne, Leighton GeorgeHayward, RobHelmore, ThomasHemming, Jo (comp)Hemming, Nigel (comp)Hémy, Henri FriedrichHerbst, MartinHewer, JennyHine, Stuart K. (comp)Hoare, Brian (comp)Holford, W.Holmes, Henry James ErnestHolst, GustavHoneyball Young, Barbara (comp)Hopkins, Edward JohnHopson, HalHorsley, WilliamHowarth, IanHowells, HerbertHowgate, JohnHubbs, Charley (comp)Hughes, JohnHughes, Tim (comp)Hullah, John PykeHusberg, AmandaHutcheson, CharlesIliff, DavidInwood, PaulIreland, JohnIrvine, Jessie SeymourIsrael, Steve (comp)Iverson, Daniel (comp)Jackson, FrancisJackson, RobertJackson, ThomasJakob, Philip (comp)James, FrederickJarman, ThomasJenkins, DavidJensen, Mary Rose (comp)Johnson, ChristopherJohnson, Helen (comp)Johnson, Mark (comp)Joncas, MichaelJones, Ivor H.
(comp)Jones, Jacqueline G. (comp)Jones, Joseph DavidJones, Peter (comp)Jones, Samuel FloodJoseph, GeorgKabemba, MwenzeKai, David (comp)Kendrick, Graham (comp)Keyes. Aaron (comp)Kimbrough, S.T. Jr (comp)Kirkpatrick, William JamesKittel, Johann ChristianKnapp, Phoebe PalmerKnapp, WilliamKnecht, Justin HeinrichKocher, ConradLafferty, Karen (comp)Lahee, HenryLancashire Sunday SchoolLandes, W. DanielLangran, JamesLatty, Geraldine (comp)Lawson-Johnston, PhilipLaycock, GeoffreyLee, David (comp)Lee, Geon-yong (comp)Lees, JosephLeftley, Francesca (comp)Lennox, Kristyn (comp)Ley, Henry GeorgeLim, Swee HongLockhart, C.Lockward, Jorge (comp)Loh, I-to (comp)Loperano, William (comp)Lowry, Robert (comp)Lundy, Damien (comp)Luther, Martin (comp)MacMillan, JamesMaher, WilliamMainzer, JosephMaker, Frederick CharlesMann, Arthur HenryMansell, David J. (comp)Maquiso, Elena G.Mark, Robin (comp)Markin, Johnny (comp)Markwick, AndrewMarsh, JohnMartin, George ClementMason, LowellMasson, Lynda (comp)Matsikenyiri, PatrickMatthews, WilliamMayhew, Kevin (comp)Mayor, RogerMcCarthy, David WynMcClellan, Sue (comp)McEwan, Steve (comp)McGee, Bob (comp)McKie, WilliamMcLeish, CraigMcNeil, EdithMendelssohn-Bartholdy, FelixMicklem, Caryl (comp)Milgrove, BenjaminMiller, EdwardMolefe, S.
C.Monk, Edwin GeorgeMonk, William HenryMonteiro, Simei (comp)Moore, AndrewMorgan, Patricia (comp)Morgan, Reuben (comp)Morris, Reginald OwenMorris, Sally AnnMorrison, NicolaMountain, JamesMozart, Wolfgang AmadeusMüller, WenzelMullins, Rich (comp)Muriel, Colleen (comp)Murray, James RamseyMxadana, GeorgeNaylor, Edward WoodallNaylor, Kenneth NicholsonNewton, Rob (comp)Nichols, Kevin (comp)Nicholson, Sydney HugoNorthrop, AbrahamNorton, ChristopherNotman, K. B.Nowell, Jonathan (comp)Nyberg, Anders (comp)Nystrom, Martin (comp)O'Carroll, Fintan (comp)Olivers, Thomas (comp)Orton, AndrewOuseley, Frederick Arthur GoreOwens, Carol (comp)Owens, JimmyPaculabo, John (comp)Paget, Michael RobertsonPantry, John (comp)Paris, Twila (comp)Park, Andy (comp)Parker, HandelParkman, LarsParkman, LjungsbroParry, Charles Hubert HastingsParry, JosephPatta, Raj Bharath (comp)Payne, Joel (comp)Peace, Albert ListerPeacock, DavidPercival, Allen DainPerry, Michael (comp)Pettman, Charles EdgarPhillips, ThomasPiercy, Andy (comp)Plainsong melodyPleyel, Ignacz J.
Pownall, Tina (comp)Pratt, AndrewPrevett, MatthewPrice, Alan J. (comp)Prichard, Rowland HuwPrince, Rachael (comp)Pulkingham, BettyPulkingham, Betty JanePurcell, HenryRatcliffe, Peter (comp)Rayson, Kimberley (comp)Reay, SamuelRedhead, RichardRedman, Beth (comp)Redman, Matt (comp)Reeves, Jesse (comp)Reinagle, Alexander RobertReindorf, DinahReith, AngelaRelf, Peter (comp)Render, Ian P.Richards, Hubert (comp)Richards, Noël (comp)Richards, Tricia (comp)Rigby, Randy (comp)Riley, Ken (comp)Rinaldi, Sue (comp)Rizza, Margaret (comp)Rolinson, ChrisRoutley, ErikRowlands, William PenfroRubin, Steffi (comp)Ruddle, ValerieRuis, Dave (comp)Runyan, William M.Ryecroft, Keith (comp)Sacred HarmonySacred MelodiesSands, ErnestSato, TaiheiSchalk, Carl F.Schicht, Johann GottfriedScholefield, Clement CotterillSchultz, Larry E.Schulz, JohannSchutte, Daniel L. (comp)Scottish PsalterSedio, MarkSensmeier, RandallSharp, IanShaw, Geoffrey TurtonShaw, MartinShaw, Martin Edward FallasSheppard, James HallettShrubsole, WilliamShust, Aaron (comp)Sibelius, JeanSimmonds, Kate (comp)Simmonds, Miles (comp)Slater, Gordon ArchboldSmale, Ian Stuart (comp)Smallwood, WilliamSmart, George ThomasSmart, Henry ThomasSmith, Henry (comp)Smith, IsaacSmith, Martin J.
(comp)Smith, Robert ArchibaldSmith, Tedd (comp)Stainer, JohnStainer, Rosalind F.Stainsby, Clare (comp)Stanford, Charles VilliersStanley, Mike (comp)Stanley, SamuelSteiner, Johann LudwigStory, Laura (comp)Strathdee, JimSullivan, Arthur SeymourSwann, DonaldTaizé Community (Composer)Tallis, ThomasTambling, ChristopherTaylor, Cyril VincentTemple, Sebastian (comp)Terry, Richard RuncimanTeschner, MelchiorThiessen, Brian (Comp)Thiman, EricThompson, Paul (comp)Thompson, Steve (comp)Thomson, DonaldThrupp, Joseph FrancisThurston, Peter (comp)Tomlin, Chris (comp)Townend, Stuart (comp)True, LoriTurner, GuyTuttle, Carl (comp)Utterbach, Clinton (comp)Vaughan Williams, RalphVerrall, Pamela (comp)Vulpius, MelchiorWade, John Francis (comp)Wainwright, JohnWalker, ChristopherWareing, Laurence (comp)Warren, NormanWarren, Norman LeonardWatson, MerlaWeaver, GeoffWebb, Charles H.Webb, George JamesWebb, Joy (comp)Webbe, Samuel, the elderWebbe, Samuel, the younger,Weisse, MichaelWesley, JohnWesley, Samuel SebastianWestbrook, Francis BrothertonWestcott, Graham CliffordWhalley, C.
S. de (comp)White, David AshleyWhite, Estelle (comp)White, L. M.Willcocks, DavidWilliams, RobertWilliams, ThomasWilliams, Thomas JohnWilliamson, MalcolmWilson, HughWilson, JohnWiseman, Frederick LukeWitt, Christian FriedrichWittwe, GeorgWood, CharlesWood, Paul (comp)Worsfold, Ian (comp)Wostenholm, M. L.Wright, Paul LeddingtonWyeth, JohnYouens, WilliamYoung, Barbara (comp)Young, Carlton R.Zschech, Darlene (comp)Zündel, John
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TuneAbbot’s LeighAberystwythAbingdonAbridgeAcornAdeste FidelesAdeste fidelisAdieuAdoration (Havergal)Advent (Tune)Advent RingAe fond kissAlbanyAll for JesusAll of theeAll SaintsAll things bright and beautifulAlleinAlleluia, AlleluiaAmazing GraceAmsterdamAngel VoicesAngels of HealingAngels' SongAngelusAnima ChristiAntiochAntwerpAr Hyd Y NosArgentinaArgentinianAs gentle as silenceAs the deer (Nystrom)At EastertideAthair Uile-chumhachdaichAureliaAus der tiefe (Heinlein)AustriaAway in a mangerBe stillBeatitudoBeatitudo (1)Before the throne of GodBelmontBensunasBethanyBethlehemBethsaidaBillingBishopBishopgarthBlaenwernBlakeneyBlessèd AssuranceBorn in the night (Mary's child)Breath of heavenBridegroomBristolBrockhamBroomsgroveBucklandBunessanByzantiumCalabriaCalon LânCalypso CarolCamberwellCambridge (Harrison)CampbellCandle flameCantad al senorCapelCarey’sCarlisleCelebrationsCelesteCeltic AlleluiaChalfont ParkChannel of PeaceChansonChapel BraeCharityCharterhouseChatsworthChereponiCherrywoodChild of joyChilean VeniteChrist AroseChrist be our lightChriste SanctorumClevelandCoe FenColchesterColchester (Wesley)ColumcilleCome TogetherCome, wounded healerComfortComfort (Mason)CommunionConsecrationConservationContemplationContemplation (Ouseley)CorvedaleCourthillCoverdaleCranhamCrashing watersCreator GodCredoCrimondCroft's 136thCross of JesusCruciferCrucifixionCrügerCwm RhonddaDarwall's 48thDarwell's 148thDatchetDay of restDedicationDeep HarmonyDelgadoDerbyDesertDiademDiademataDietweinDim ond IesuDivinum MysteriumDivinum Mysterium (Corde natus)DixDominus Regit MeDorkingDown AmpneyDuke StreetDundeeDunfermlineDuraDzuwa lapita (Night has fallen)East AcklamEast DulwichEaster HymnEat this breadEbenezerEbenezer (Ton-y-botel)EffinghamEin' feste burgEllacombeEmmaEmmausEmpathyEnfoldingEngelbergEpiphanyErinEriskay Love LiltEvelynsEventideEveryday GodFaithfulnessFalcon StreetFenwickFinlandiaFlandersFolksongForest GreenFortunatus NewForunatus NewFrance HillFranconiaFreedom is comingFrenchFrom strength to strengthFuldaGabriel’s MessageGalileeGarelochsideGatescarthGdy Sie Chrystus rodziGelobt sei GottGenevaGerontiusGersauGethsemaneGildasGo ForthGo Tell EveryoneGod beyond all namesGod in his loveGod of healingGod of the poorGonfalon RoyalGopsalGott Will 's MachenGrace in EssenceGraciasGraftonGreat is thy faithfulnessGuiting PowerGwalchmaiHail to the LordHaladHanoverHarington (Retirement)Harvest SambaHarwichHatherop CastleHe is LordHe’s got the whole worldHeanishHeathlandsHeaven shall not waitHegerHeilein (Aus der Teife)Heiliger GeistHelmsleyHere I am, LordHerefordHermitageHerongateHerrnhutHe's got the whole worldHigh PointHigham LaneHighwoodHollingsideHollygirtHorsleyHounsfieldHumilityHurley GreenHyfrydolI Need TheeI rejoicedI’ll never forgetIlichIn Christ alone (tune)In the beginningIncarnationIrbyIrisIrishIt's me, O LordJenniferJerusalemJesu tawa panoJesus calls usJesus is LordJosiahJustificationKas DziedajaKelvingroveKennickKenwynKilmarnockKilveKing's CrossKingsfoldKingstonKnowing YouKum ba yahLa GrangeLambethLand of RestLangley GroveLansdowneLasst uns erfreuenLaudate Dominum (Berthier)Laudate Dominum (Gauntlett)Laudate Dominum (Parry)Laudes DominiLaudsLaying DownLeachLeamingtonLeicester (Bedford)LeoniLet us break breadLife of the worldLight up the fireLincoln (Bell)LindorsLittle CornardLiving LordLlanfairLobe den HerrenLondon NewLondonderry AirLook insideLord of the danceLord of the YearsLourdesLove Divine (Zündel)Love UnknownLucerna LaudoniaeLuciusLuckingtonLux EoiLydiaLynghamMaccabeusMadridMadrid (Matthews)MagdaleneMagisterMainzerMan of sorrowsMannaMannheimMarienlystMartyrdomMary’s ChildMaujer StreetMayenziweMayflowerMcKeeMeine HoffnungMelanieMelcombeMelitaMellingMendelssohnMerle’s TuneMfurahini HaleluyaMichaelMiles ChristiMiles LaneMillenniumMisericordiaMit Freuden ZartModestoMonks GateMonmouthMorning LightMorning SongMorning starMortonMoscowMount SionMozartMuellerMuff FieldNa nzela na lolaNativityNeighbourNettletonNew birthNew HeavenNew MaldenNiagaraNicaeaNight of peaceNoelNoël NouveletNoricumNormandyNorth PethertonNorthropNottinghamNottingham (Müller)Nox PraecessitNun DanketO Perfect LoveO Quanta QualiaO Waly WalyOasisOde to JoyOfferingOld 100thOld 134thOld DysartOld HallOllie's PauseOmbersleyOnce againOrientis PartibusOttawaOxfordPaderbornPange LinguaPassion ChoralePater OmniumPeacockPenlanPescador de hombresPetraPicardyPicket WoodPollittPolwhelePoolePraise, my soulPrayer of St FrancisPuer NobisQuedlinburgQuem Pastores LaudavereRavennaRedemptorRedhead 76RedhillsRegent SquareRegnatorReptonResurrection SundayRhuddlanRichmondRidgewayRimingtonRio de la PlataRippondenRivaulxRockhurstRockinghamRoyal OakRuddleRustingtonSacristaSaffron WaldenSaffron WaldonSaginaSaltashSaltash (Pleading Saviour)SalzburgSandysSantoScarlet RibbonsSebasteSeddonSeek ye firstSending OneSent by the LordServant Song (Gillard)ShantiShimpiShipstonShirlandShrub EndSicilian MarinersSine NomineSing HosannaSiyahambaSizohamba nayeSkye Boat SongSlaneSlithers of goldSoll 's seinSolothurnSomos del SenorSongSong 1Song 13Song 3Song 34Soon TiSorrowSouthcoteSpanish ChantSpeanSpirit of the living GodSpiritus VitaeSt AgnesSt Agnes (Langran)St AnneSt Anne's MassSt Anne's Mass (Agnus Dei)St Anne's Mass (Kyrie eleison)St Anne's Mass (Sanctus.
.. )St Anne's Mass (When we eat... )St AugustineSt BeesSt BernardSt BotolphSt Bride Setting (Holy, holy...)St Bride Setting (Kyrie eleison)St Bride Setting (Lamb of God)St CatherineSt Catherine (Flood Jones)St ChrysostomSt ClementSt Columba (Erin)St DenioSt Denio (Joanna)St FrancisSt Francis (Lasst uns erfreuen)St FulbertSt George’s WindsorSt GodricSt HelenSt Hilda StreetSt HughSt John (Adoration)St John (Havergal)St Leonard (Gould)St Leonards (Barham-Gould)St MagnusSt Magnus (Nottingham)St MargaretSt MartinSt Martin (Sheppard)St MarySt MatthewSt MichaelSt PeterSt SaviourSt StephenSt TheodulphSt WinifredStamfordStellaStewardshipStille NachtStockportStoweyStracathroStranmillisStranmillsStrawberry HillStuttgartSupreme sacrificeSurreySussexSussex CarolTake this momentTaking leaveTallis's CanonTallis's OrdinalTansyTantum ergo sacramentumTemple CourtTendernessTetherdownThainakyThaxtedThe Advent Candle SongThe camel shuffleThe feast is readyThe Glory SongThe Lord’s DayThe Lord's my ShepherdThe People of GodThe Right Hand of GodThe road and miles.
..The Seven Joys of MaryTheodoraTheodora (Handel)TheodoricThere's a light...Thian BengThornburyTo God be the gloryTorquayTottenhamTramps and HawkersTransformationTrenthamTrisagionTruroTruroiTune 2 2004Twenty twelveTwo OaksUne jeune pucelleUniversityVeni CreatorVeni ImmanuelViennaVisionVision (Mayor)Vox DilectiVreuchtenVruechtenVulpiusWalk in the lightWarehamWarringtonWarwickWarwick LaneWas LebetWas lebet, was schwebetWatsonWentworthWere you thereWestminster AbbeyWhat a FriendWhen I'm feeling down...Whinney HillWidfordWild mountain thymeWill your anchor holdWiltonWiltshireWinchester NewWinchester OldWir PflügenWolvercoteWonder of wondersWonderful LoveWoodlandsWoodworthWorsleyWrestling JacobYe Banks and BraesYe banks and braes (The banks o' Doon)Yisu Ne KahaYorkshireYr Hun Gan
- and refrain
- Advent
- Calling and Commissioning
- Jesus Risen and Ascended
- Light up the fire
- McClellan, Sue (auth)
- McClellan, Sue (comp)
- Paculabo, John (auth)
- Paculabo, John (comp)
- Ryecroft, Keith (auth)
- Ryecroft, Keith (comp)
- Wright, Paul Leddington
0. 00
- Source:
- Singing the Faith: 167 (CD7 #20)
- Words:
- Sue McClellan, John Paculabo, Keith Ryecroft
- Music:
- “Light up the fire” by Sue McClellan, John Paculabo, Keith Ryecroft arr Paul Leddington Wright
- Metre:
- and refrain
- Verses:
- 3
Ideas for use
Hymns with a chorus, such as this one, can also work very well with children and younger people. You can suggest that the children join in with the chorus only - this not only offers an element of memorable repetition for them; it adds some variety and uplift to the congregational sound. (See Let the children sing.)
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Touched By A Song: "Light Up The Fire" by Parchment
It was one of those balmy, late summer evenings and several of us had made the trip up by minibus to the final day of the Bromyard Folk Festival. I had made the short journey from the RAF base at Credenhill, Hereford, accompanied by half a dozen RAF apprentices, all around about the same age as me. I had just left school, had recently celebrated my 16th birthday and it was early September 1973. I wasn't in the RAF myself, but my father was and having just arrived back from a two year posting in Maastricht in Holland I hadn't had more than a couple of weeks to acclimatise myself to my new surroundings.
My parents, both strong Christians, had always encouraged me to attend their church services. I had reluctantly 'tagged along' as often as I had to, in order to lead a quiet life at home. Church had been tedious to me and I hadn't really thought about God as a friend, or a Father. Instead, I thought of him as 'something believe in if you want to and a name to call out when you get problems you can't handle yourself.'
As I sat on the floor of the tent along with dozens of other young people, we watched a small procession of bands and artistes perform on the primitive stage. The final act, a three piece folk-rock band, walked onto stage and I began to take a little more notice. They were Parchment and the song that hit me straight between the eyes was a song that although I was unaware, had .enjoyed British chart success. The song that touched me was "Light Up The Fire".
As Sue McClellan, John Pac and Keith Rycroft belted out the show stopper, the words caused me to reflect upon my life and the direction I had chosen to take. When the line "Open the door, let Jesus return" sank in, I began to realise that if Jesus did return at that moment I would definitely not be ready for him. Due to my Christian upbringing I knew what the Bible had to say about heaven and hell, sin and forgiveness, but I wasn't-sure if I was one of God's children or not. In fact, never really examined my life in those terms before. I suddenly wanted to be sure, wanted to belong, but didn't really know how, or understand why. A wave of panic swept over me and I began to be convicted by the power of God's Holy Spirit. For the remaining hour or so of the concert I can recollect very little except a distinct feeling of uncertainty and confusion in my life.
Driving back after the gig, I sat in the front seat alongside the driver, a mature Christian man who also happened to be one of the trainers of the group of RAF apprentices sitting in the back. As they larked about, singing noisily and telling off-colour stories in the rear of the minibus, the driver struck up a conversation with me. As we talked, I again felt the feelings of conviction sweep over me and I began to feel decidedly uncomfortable.
"Wouldn't it be great if Jesus returned tonight?" he asked enthusiastically. "Yes," I gulped, having horror-visions of being left behind, lonely and outside of the family of God for ever. I was glad the journey home was a short one, and as I jumped down from the minibus and made it through the gathering darkness to my home of less than two weeks, I decided I needed to do some real business with God.
In my bedroom I knelt down beside my bed and in the best way I could I did something that would change the whole course of my life. I dedicated my life, body and soul to the service of Jesus Christ. Then I sat and waited for a while for something to happen. There was no startling flash of light, no angels singing and no special feeling, other than relief that I knew would last forever. I went to bed not fully understanding that a fire had been lite in my life which now, 22 years later, is continuing to burn brightly.
Words and music by Sue McClellan, John Paculabo, Keith Rycroft
Colours of day dawn into the mind
The day has begun, the night is behind
Go down in the city and into the street
And let's give the message to the people we meet
So light up the fire and let the flame burn
Open the door let Jesus return
Take seeds of his Spirit, let the fruit grow
Tell the people of Jesus, let his love show
Go through the park on into the town
The sun still shines on it never goes down
The light of the world is risen again
The people of darkness are needing a friend
Open your eyes look into the sky
The darkness has come the Son came to die
The evening draws on the sun disappears
But Jesus is living his Spirit is near
© Thankyou Music. Reprinted with permission
The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.
State symbols of the Chuvash Republic - 25 years
2017 marks the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the state symbols of the Chuvash Republic.
State symbols of our republic are still very young. In February 1992, the Commission on Culture of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Chuvash Republic announced a competition in which dozens of variants of state symbols were presented. Preference was given to the version of the flag and coat of arms of the master of heraldry, Elli Yuryev. The symbols created by the artist are meaningful. They are colorful, original works, which contain the common will and interests of the Chuvash people, their identity and inalienable right to self-determination.
The power of the flag, emblem and anthem of the Chuvash Republic is attractive. Many researchers of their native land, as well as those who are simply interested in heraldry, write books, brochures, articles about the history of the distinctive signs of our republic, their richness and significance. The compilers of the publication "State Symbols of the Chuvash Republic" A.P. Pavlov and E.M. Yuryev fully and clearly presented the readers with information about our national shrines - the flag, coat of arms and anthem.
The national flag of the Chuvash Republic is a rectangular panel divided into yellow and purple fields. The colors of the state flag - yellow and purple - are the traditional colors of the Chuvash people. Yellow is the color of the Sun, which gives life to everything on earth. In Chuvash folklore, he personifies all the most beautiful and bright. Gold in heraldic interpretation - wealth, justice, mercy, generosity, constancy, strength, fidelity. Purple color is one of the most common among the Chuvash. It is present among the main elements of folk ornament. Purple in heraldic interpretation - dignity, power, courage, strength. The upper yellow field of the flag denotes the space under the sun, inhabited by the people of Chuvashia. The lower purple field is the Chuvash land. In the geometric middle of the flag panel there is a composition consisting of the ancient Chuvash emblems "Tree of Life" and "Three Suns".
The same color, the same symbols of the Chuvash flag appear on the State Emblem of the Republic - framed by stylized golden leaves and hop cones. Even in the first Treaty of Prince Vladimir of Kyiv with the Volga Bulgaria in 985, it was said: "Then there will be no peace between us when the stone begins to float, and the hops sink" ("The Tale of Bygone Years"). The state emblem is a shield framed by a purple motto lined with gold with the inscription in gold letters "Chăvash Respublika - Chuvash Republic". The shield is crowned with a gold, bordered with purple, emblem "Three Suns". The colors of the state emblem, as well as the flag, are yellow and purple. In the center of the coat of arms is the emblem "Tree of Life".
The national anthem of the Chuvash Republic is a symbol of the state, its sovereignty. Deep respect for him is the patriotic duty of every citizen of our republic. The anthem of Chuvashia is based on the song "Tăvan çĕrshiv" (Native Country), the music of which was written by the Honored Art Worker of Chuvashia and the Russian Federation German Lebedev, the words - Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR Ilya Tuktash. The national anthem is performed during state ceremonies (inauguration of the Head of the Chuvash Republic, opening and closing of the most important meetings, assemblies) and at significant cultural and sporting events.
The text of the National Anthem of the Chuvash Republic expresses three circles of images: the awakening of nature to a new life, relatives, father, mother, children - the circle of the family, unity and consent of all relatives in the Chuvash Republic.
The national-state symbols of the Chuvash Republic are one of the few that, in addition to their official significance, are also artistic and poetic images of the Motherland. Therefore, the national holiday of the symbols of the republic is of great educational importance. Through them, we come into contact with the richness of our history and traditions, they nourish our love for our native land, strengthen patriotic feelings.
"Hurrah, Bashkiria is mine." Do you know the national anthem? What about the colors on the flag? Holiday Poll UFA1.RU |
Do you know what holiday is today?
Photo: Elena Zhilinskaya
Today Bashkiria is celebrating its thirtieth anniversary - on October 11, 1990, the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of the Bashkir Soviet Socialist Republic was signed, and since February 25, 1992, the region has its modern name.
The anthem and the flag are considered to be one of the official symbols of the republic. On the eve of the holiday, we decided to find out how well for 30 years the citizens of Bashkiria have learned the colors and image on the republican flag, do they know what the anthem says, and, in fact, what kind of holiday is celebrated on October 11th.
Look what came out of it.
For the survey, we chose the busiest part of the city - the historical center. In total, 11 respondents fell under the sight of the video camera.
To the question: “What kind of holiday is celebrated on October 11?” Half of the respondents answered correctly. He honestly admitted that he was not in the subject, a man in a pullover. And he immediately explained the reason - a visitor, in Ufa for the first time. But one Ufa woman thought that no holiday was planned.
It turned out better with the flag: two young people whom we stopped near the Pedagogical University immediately answered correctly - green, white and blue. Actually, almost everyone coped with the colors on the flag.
They began to think about the symbol: some believed that the national hero Salavat Yulaev was depicted on the flag, others spoke about the marten. But the guest of the city answered without hesitation:
- Everything is simple there: the kurai is drawn, the colors are green, white, blue. Green is like grass, let it be, blue is the sky.
The anthem caused the most difficulties for the respondents. The girl remembered only the first line, the student in a funny hat suggested that the anthem sings about love for the motherland. The man in the suit did the best job:
— The anthem sings about the beauty of our republic, about its brave and warlike people, about friendship and harmony, as in any anthem.
But the woman with the short hair didn't lose her head and even tried to sing the national anthem. True, she got a very stylized version:
- Hooray, hurray. Bashkiria is mine, falyan-tugan (back and forth.