Compound word with foot
Compound Words - our list contains over 500 words
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What are Compound Words?
Compound words are made by joining two or more words; the combination creates a new word. They can be formed using two nouns, e.g. basketball, two non-nouns, e.g. blowup, or a noun and non-noun, e.g. sunrise. It is important to note that the words do not always keep their original meaning, e.g. breakfast. Our list of compound words contains 500 words.
There are three types of compound words:
- Closed compound words, e.g., football, peanut,
- Open compound words, e.g., cell phone, high school, and
- Hyphenated compound words, e.g., in-depth, runner-up.
List of Compound Words
To determine if a compound word is one word, two words or hyphenated, use a dictionary to look up the word or our lists below. The list below excludes both fractions and compound numbers from 21 to 91. These words are hyphenated, e.g., two-thirds, one-half, thirty-nine and ninety-one.
able-bodied | girlfriend | sandpaper |
A-frame | goldfish | scarecrow |
afternoon | grandchildren | scatterbrain |
afterthought | grandfather | school day |
airborne | grandmother | school year |
airline | grandparent | screwdriver |
airmail | grapefruit | seacoast |
airplane | grass roots | seafood |
airport | grasshopper | seagull |
airtight | gridlock | seaport |
anchorperson | groundwater | search engine |
another | grownup | seashell |
anybody | haircut | seaside |
anyone | hamburger | seaweed |
anyplace | handcuff | seesaw |
anything | handlebar | self-concept |
anytime | handshake | self-service |
anyway | hanky-panky | shipwreck |
anywhere | haystack | shoelace |
applesauce | headache | shortstop |
audiotape | headlight | showdown |
awestruck | headquarters | showoff |
backache | headset | showroom |
backboard | heart attack | shrink-wrap |
backbone | heartwarming | sidewalk |
backbreaking | heat lightening | silverware |
backfire | heath care | single-minded |
background | help desk | sister-in-law |
backlash | herringbone | skateboard |
backpack | herself | skyscraper |
backup | high school | sleeping bag |
backyard | high-tech | snowball - |
ballpark | highway | snowfall |
ballroom | hilltop | snowflake |
barefoot | himself | snowman |
baseball | hockey puck | snowplow |
basketball | ho-hum | snowshoe |
bathroom | home page | snowstorm |
bathtub | homemade | softball |
bedrock | homeowner | somebody |
bedroom | homesick | someday |
bedspread | homework | somehow |
beforehand | hot dog | someone |
benchmark | however | someplace |
birdhouse | hush-hush | something |
birthday | ice cream | Sometimes |
blackbird | in-depth | somewhat |
blackboard | indoor | somewhere |
blowup | infield | spacewalk |
blueberry | in-law | sports drink |
blueprint | inside | spotlight |
bookstore | into | spreadsheet |
bottled water | itself | springtime |
boyfriend | jellyfish | square root |
brainstorm | key pal | starfish |
breakdown | keyboard | statewide |
breakfast | kickoff | stepbrother |
breathtaking | know-how | stepfather |
briefcase | know-it-all | stepmother |
broadcast | knucklehead | stepsister |
brother-in-law | ladybug | storyteller |
buildup | landlord | straightforward |
bulldog | leapfrog | strawberry |
burnout | leftover | strong-arm |
butterfly | life span | sugarcoat |
buttermilk | lifeboat | suitcase |
byproduct | lifeguard | summertime |
campfire | life-size | sundown |
cannot | lifestyle | sunflower |
car pool | lightheaded | sunlight |
caregiver | lighthouse | sunrise |
carpool | lightweight | sunset |
carryover | lipstick | sunshine |
cash flow | longshoreman | sunstroke |
catcher’s mitt | loudspeaker | suntan |
cell phone | makeup | superhighway |
chalkboard | marketplace | sweatshirt |
chat room | maybe | sweetheart |
check-in | meantime | tablecloth |
checkout | meanwhile | teammate |
child care | memory stick | tennis court |
Christmas tree | merry-go-round | textbook |
churchgoer | miniskirt | Thanksgiving |
citywide | moonlight | theme park |
civil rights | mother-in-law | themselves |
classmate | motorcycle | thirty-nine |
clean-cut | myself | three-dimensional |
cleanup | nationwide | thunderstorm |
clipboard | network | time line |
close-up | nevertheless | time savor |
cockpit | new world | timetable |
colorblind | newscast | tip-off |
comic strip | newspaper | tiptoe |
common sense | nightgown | today |
cookbook | nitty-gritty | toenail |
co-op | nobody | together |
cooperative | notebook | toothbrush |
copperhead | not-for-profit | topsy-turvy |
copyright | nowhere | toss-up |
countryside | oatmeal | touchdown |
course work | off-site | trailblazer |
cowboy | one-sided | tree house |
crosswalk | ongoing | tryout |
crossword puzzle | online | tugboat |
cupcake | on-site | turnaround |
database | ourselves | turnpike |
daydream | outcome | turtleneck |
daylight | outfield | two-thirds |
daytime | outfit | undercover |
desktop | outlaw | underdog |
dirt bike | outline | underground |
disc drive | outside | understatement |
disc jockey | outsource | undertake |
doorbell | outstanding | uproot |
doorknob | oven mitt | upset |
downpour | overalls | upstairs |
downstairs | overcoat | uptown |
drawbridge | overexposure | u-turn |
driveway | overkill | vice president |
drugstore | overlook | videotape |
dugout | overpass | vineyard |
dump truck | pancake | voice mail |
earring | paper clip | waiting room |
earthquake | paperback | walking stick |
earthworm | paperwork | warm-up |
easygoing | payoff | wastebasket |
editor-in-chief | payroll | watercolor |
empty-handed | peanut | waterfall |
energy bar | peppermint | waterfront |
everybody | percent | watermelon |
everyday | photo ID | weatherperson |
everyone | pinball | web site |
everything | pinpoint | webpage |
everywhere | pitch hitter | weekday |
extracurricular | playground | weekend |
eyeball | playmate | well-being |
eyebrow | ponytail | well-to-do |
eyelid | popcorn | wheelchair |
fact sheet | post office | whenever |
father-in-law | postcard | whirlpool |
fine arts | pothole | whiteboard |
fingernail | prime minister | wholesale |
fingerprint | printout | windmill |
firefighter | proofread | windpipe |
fireplace | quarterback | windshield |
fireproof | quicksand | windsurfing |
firewood | railroad | wingspan |
fireworks | rainbow | wiretapping |
flashback | raincoat | without |
flashlight | rattlesnake | woodland |
flowchart | rawhide | woodpecker |
flowerpot | real estate | word processing |
folklore | redhead | word wall |
follow-up | redwood | word-of-mouth |
football | remote control | work boots |
forever | rock band | workday |
for-profit | role play | workforce |
free-for-all | rollerblade | workload |
freelance | rollout | workplace |
french fry | roly-poly | workshop |
freshwater | run-in | workstation |
front-runner | runner-up | worn-out |
frostbite | runway | wristwatch |
fund-raiser | safety glasses | wrongdoing |
gentleman | sagebrush | x-ray |
get-together | sailboat | yourself |
gingerbread | salad dressing |
Closed Words
These words have no spaces. Our list contains hundreds of words, so we organized them in alphabetical order. Click on a letter below to obtain a list of those compound words.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z |
A | |||
afternoon | afterthought | airborne | airline |
airmail | airplane | airport | airtight |
anchorperson | another | anybody | anyone |
anyplace | anything | anytime | awestruck |
anyway | anywhere | applesauce | audiotape |
B | |||
backache | backboard | backbone | backbreaking |
backfire | background | backlash | backpack |
backup | backyard | ballpark | ballroom |
barefoot | baseball | basketball | bathroom |
bedrock | bedroom | bedspread | beforehand |
benchmark | birdhouse | birthday | blackbird |
blackboard | blowup | blueprint | bookstore |
boyfriend | brainstorm | breakdown | breakfast |
breathtaking | broadcast | buildup | bulldog |
burnout | buttermilk | byproduct |
C | |||
campfire | cannot | caregiver | carpool |
carryover | chalkboard | checkout | churchgoer |
citywide | classmate | cleanup | clipboard |
cockpit | colorblind | cookbook | cooperative |
copperhead | copyright | countryside | cowboy |
crosswalk | cupcake |
D | |||
database | daydream | daylight | daytime |
desktop | doorbell | doorknob | downpour |
downstairs | drawbridge | driveway | drugstore |
dugout |
E | |||
earring | earthquake | earthworm | easygoing |
everybody | everywhere | everyone | everything |
everyday | extracurricular | eyeball | eyebrow |
eyelid | everywhere |
F | |||
fingernail | fingerprint | firefighter | fireplace |
fireproof | firewood | fireworks | flashback |
flashlight | flowchart | flowerpot | folklore |
football | forever | freelance | freshwater |
frostbite |
G | |||
gentlemen | gingerbread | girlfriend | goldfish |
grandchildren | grandfather | grandmother | grandparent |
grapefruit | grasshopper | gridlock | groundwater |
grownup |
H | |||
haircut | hamburger | handcuff | handlebar |
handshake | haystack | headache | headlight |
headquarter | headset | heartwarming | herringbone |
herself | highway | hilltop | himself |
homemade | homeowner | homesick | homework |
however |
I | |||
iceberg | icebox | icebreaker | inchworm |
indoor | infield | inside | into |
itself | innkeeper |
J | |||
jackknife | jackpot | jackrabbit | jawbone |
jaywalk | jellyfish | jigsaw | jumpsuit |
K | |||
keyboard | kickoff | knucklehead | keepsake |
kettledrum | kickball | keyhole | keynote |
killjoy | kindhearted | kneecap | knighthood |
knothole | knucklehead | keystone |
L | |||
leapfrog | ladybug | landlord | leftover |
lifeboat | lifeguard | lifestyle | lightheaded |
lighthouse | lightweight | lipstick | longshoremen |
loudspeaker |
M | |||
makeup | marketplace | maybe | meantime |
meanwhile | miniskirt | moonlight | motorcycle |
myself |
N | |||
nationwide | network | nevertheless | newscast |
newspaper | nightgown | nobody | notebook |
nowhere |
O | |||
oatmeal | ongoing | online | ourselves |
outcome | outfield | outfit | outlaw |
outline | outside | outsource | outstanding |
overalls | overcoat | overexposure | overkill |
overlook | overpass |
P | |||
pancake | paperback | paperwork | payoff |
payroll | peanuts | peppermint | percent |
pinball | playground | playmate | ponytail |
popcorn | postcard | pothole | printout |
proofread |
Q | |||
quarrelsome | quarterback | quartermaster | quicksand |
quicksilver |
R | |||
railroad | rainbow | raincoat | rattlesnake |
rawhide | redhead | redwood | rollerblade |
rollout | runway |
S | |||
sagebrush | sailboat | sandpaper | scarecrow |
scatterbrain | screwdriver | seacoast | seafood |
seagull | seaport | seashell | seaside |
seaweed | seesaw | shipwreck | shoelace |
shortstop | shutdown | showoff | showroom |
sidewalk | silverware | skateboard | skyscraper |
snowball | snowfall | snowflake | snowman |
snowplow | snowshoe | snowstorm | softball |
somebody | someday | somehow | someone |
someplace | something | sometimes | somewhat |
somewhere | spacewalk | spotlight | spreadsheet |
springtime | starfish | statewide | stepbrother |
stepfather | stepmother | stepsister | storyteller |
straightforward | strawberry | sugarcoat | suitcase |
summertime | sundown | sunflower | sunlight |
sunrise | sunset | sunshine | sunstroke |
suntan | superhighway | sweatshirt |
T | |||
tablecloth | teammate | textbook | Thanksgiving |
themselves | thunderstorm | timetable | tiptoe |
today | toenail | together | toothbrush |
touchdown | trailblazer | tryout | tugboat |
turnaround | turnpike | turtleneck |
U | |||
undercover | underdog | underground | understatement |
undertake | upstairs | uptown | uproot |
upset |
V | |||
venturesome | videocassette | videotape | vineyard |
viewfinder | viewpoint | volleyball | vouchsafe |
W | |||
wastebasket | watercolor | waterfall | waterfront |
watermelon | weatherperson | webpage | weekday |
weekend | wheelchair | whenever | whirlpool |
whiteboard | wholesale | windmill | windpipe |
windshield | windsurfing | wingspan | wiretapping |
without | woodland | woodpecker | workday |
workforce | workload | workplace | workshop |
workstation | wristwatch | wrongdoing |
Y | |||
yardarm | yardstick | yearbook | yourself |
Z | |||
zookeeper |
Open Words
Open compound words have a space between the words. The following are open compound words:
bottled water | car pool | cash flow | cell membrane |
cell phone | chat room | child care | Christmas tree |
civil right | comic strip | common sense | course work |
crossword puzzle | dirt bike | disk drive | disc jockey |
dump truck | energy bar | fact sheet | fine art |
French fry | grass root | health care | heart attack |
heat lightning | help desk | high school | hockey puck |
home page | hot dog | ice cream | jigsaw puzzle |
jungle gym | junk food | jumping jack | key pal |
killer whale | Labor Day | labor union | laser printer |
land mine | lance corporal | landing field | landing strip |
light bulb | life jacket | life raft | life vest |
life belt | life buoy | Little Dipper | little finger |
life span | memory stick | new world | oven mitt |
paper clip | photo ID | pinch hitter | post office |
paddle wheel | passenger pigeon | past tense | past participle |
peace pipe | physical education | picture graph | planet kingdom |
prime minister | radiant energy | radio wave | real time |
report card | respiratory system | rib cage | right angle |
right triangle | ring finger | rock dove | rocking chair |
rocking horse | role model | roller coaster | Roman Catholic |
root beer | real estate | remote control | rock band |
role play | safety glasses | salad dressing | school day |
school year | search engine | sleeping bag | sports drink |
square root | tennis court | theme park | time line |
time capsule | tree house | vacuum cleaner | Valentine’s Day |
vampire bat | vanilla bean | vending machine | vice president |
video camera | videocassette recorder | video game | videotape recorder |
virtual reality | vocal chords | voice box | voice mail |
waiting room | walking stick | web site | word processing |
word wall | work boots |
Hyphenated Words
The list below excludes spelled out fractions and compound numbers from 21 to 91. Please note you hyphenate all spelled out fractions, e.g., two-thirds, one-half, and compound numbers from 21 to 91, e.g., thirty-nine, ninety-one. The following are hyphenated compound words:
able-bodied | A-frame | brother-in-law | check-in |
clean-cut | close-up | co-op | editor-in-chief |
empty-handed | father-in-law | follow-up | for-profit |
free-for-all | front-runner | fund-raiser | get-together |
hanky-panky | high-tech | ho-hum | hush-hush |
in-depth | in-law | in-line skate | jack-o’-lantern |
jet-propelled | king-size | know-how | know-it-all |
life-size | merry-go-round | mother-in-law | nitty-gritty |
not-for-profit | off-site | one-sided | on-site |
pitch-black | pitch-dark | play-off | quick-tempered |
roly-poly | run-in | runner-up | self-concept |
self-service | shrink-wrap | single-minded | strong-arm |
three-dimensional | tip-off | topsy-turvy | toss-up |
two-dimensional | u-turn | warm-up | well-being |
well-to-do | word-of-mouth | warn-out | X-ray |
Source: Fry, E. B., Ph.D. & Kress, J.E., Ed.D. (2006). The Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists 5th Edition. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.
Merriam-Webster Children’s Dictionary, 3rd Edition 2008.
Reader Interactions
COMPOUND WORDS PUZZLES Foot Theme Compound Words Activities Literacy Center
Barbara Evans
Easel Activity Included
This resource includes a ready-to-use interactive activity students can complete on any device. Easel by TPT is free to use! Learn more.
Also included in
LITERACY CENTERS BUNDLE: Compound Words Literacy Centers + Puzzles Frequent and enduring practice is essential to young children's learning. Each of the 9 products in this LITERACY CENTERS BUNDLE provide hands-on experience with compound words. Use one center each month for a year's worth of lite
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BUNDLE of FEET UNITS Thematic Units Critical Thinking ELA Math #bundlebash
BUY THE BUNDLE! SAVE MONEY! These 10 products relate to feet, shoes, and socks. Your students will love these activities that explore language arts, math, and higher order thinking skills. Start the new school year off on the right foot with SNEAK INTO A NEW YEAR. Then expand the study with the ot
$24.65Price $24.65$35.21Original Price $35.21Save $10.56
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More fromBarbara EvansTHINK ON YOUR FEET literacy center is a set of three-piece puzzles that provide practice with compound words. In constructing the puzzles, students will gain a clear understanding of how compound words are formed. All of the vocabulary is related to feet, shoes, and socks. This resource is provided in print and digitally on TPT Easel.
- 24 puzzles with 3 pieces each
- Labels for your center folder
- Recording sheet master
- Answer key
- digital version
- Establish a compound words literacy center.
- This product may also be used for small group, guided instruction.
- Individual students will benefit from employing this activity under the guidance of a paraprofessional, volunteer adult, or reading specialist for RTI.
- Incorporate digital learning by assigning this activity on TPT Easel.
This literacy center is contained in its entirety in my Step Right Up! thematic unit.
You may also be interested in these literacy center products:
- Watermelon Words Literacy Center
- Forest Friends Alphabetical Order Literacy Center
- Forest Friends Syllable Sort Literacy Center
- Monsters Love Contractions Literacy Center
Barb Evans
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Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Decode two-syllable words following basic patterns by breaking the words into syllables.
Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Decode multisyllable words.
Questions & Answers
How to quickly learn words. The Scientific Approach
You learn these words, but there's no point! After a couple of days everything is forgotten.
Use a scientific approach to memorization! We present you three scientifically based methods that will allow you to quickly and permanently memorize foreign words.
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18 funny English words related to food
First, let's figure out how many words you need to learn in order to begin to understand most of the foreign speech, and to express your thoughts yourself. A five-year-old child living in an English-speaking country uses 4,000-5,000 words, and a university graduate uses about 20,000 words. However, an English language learner only has a vocabulary of 5,000 words, despite years of study.
But there is also good news : A vocabulary of 2,000 words is enough to understand 80% of foreign speech. The researchers came to this conclusion based on the analysis of the Brown Corpus. A linguistic corpus is a collection of texts on various topics.
Interestingly, after you have learned 2,000 words, vocabulary replenishment for each subsequent 1,000 words allows you to increase the amount of understood text by only 3-4%.
The first question that interests everyone is how to quickly memorize foreign words?
Scientists have come to the conclusion that information that has an emotional coloring is remembered faster. Accordingly, it is a good idea to learn words through games, riddles, movies. I liked the song - do not be too lazy to look at the translation of incomprehensible words. These words will forever be associated with the song you like, which means they will leave an emotional trace in your memory.
Excellent technique - mnemonics. Create colorful associations - this will allow you to remember even hard-to-pronounce words. Usage example: the word weather is similar to the Russian word wind, we build a wind-weather pair in our head, remember forever that weather translates to weather. There are special reference books where you can find various mnemonic techniques for memorizing English words. However, it is better to come up with such associations on your own, since our associations and emotions are strictly individual.
Article in the topic:
Infographic: varieties of tea in English + 6 "tea" idioms
So, you learned a couple of hundred words, but after a week, about ten of them remained in your memory. What is the problem? This is due to the existence of short-term and long-term memory. The mechanisms of short-term memory allow you to store information for 15-30 minutes, then, noticing that this information is not used, the brain gets rid of it, as if it were something unnecessary. How can we make it clear to the brain that we really need these words? The answer is repetition. It's like with Pavlov's dog: the light bulb lights up - saliva is released. However, it is released only after 5-10 repetitions of the food + light chain. If food is not served when the light is turned on, the association of the light bulb with food in the dog's brain will be destroyed, and saliva will stop secreting.
So how many times does a word need to be repeated in order for it to stably move from short-term to long-term memory?
German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus developed the Forgetting Curve, which characterizes the amount of information lost over time in the absence of repetition. During the first 20 minutes after learning the words, we will already remember 60%, and within 1 hour we will lose more than 50% of the information. Then, over time, more and more information will be erased, and by day 3, only 20% of the information will remain in memory. Thus, if you miss at least one day in repetition, you will not return the forgotten words.
The conclusion is obvious: without repetition, nowhere . Use words in speech, make up stories using new words, play flashcards on your smartphone for at least a couple of minutes a day - all this will help you save the learned words. Otherwise, the time spent on their initial study will simply be wasted.
We suggest using the following repetition schedule:
- 10-15 minutes after learning the words;
- After 50-60 minutes;
- Next day;
- After 1 day;
- After 2 days.
After that, most of the information will be fixed for life.
Article in the topic:
Infographics: English words on the topic of work
I really want foreign words to flow from my mouth, without requiring excessive brain tension and several minutes to formulate a phrase. There is an opportunity to accelerate the formation of foreign speech - this is the development of muscle memory. By muscles here we mean the muscles of our articulatory apparatus. These muscles, like the muscles of the legs when riding a bicycle or the muscles of the fingers of a pianist, have a memory that allows you to perform automated movements almost unconsciously.
In order for muscle memory to form, it is important to pronounce words out loud when learning words, making movements with the tongue and lips. It is also useful to simultaneously present an image of the subject being studied. Over time, you will no longer think about what word to say - the muscles will do it automatically.
Thus, the correct organization of the work of the brain in the formation of short-term, long-term and muscle memory will allow you to quickly and permanently replenish your vocabulary.
Good luck with your studies!
Fun English for kids and adults!
10 Russian words that are often misspelled | Question-Answer
Alina Kleshchenko
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
1. Agent T agency, not agency
Internet users spell this word wrong so often that it even gets into various hit parades of errors. "Agency" comes from the word "agent" - and for this reason it is spelled with the letter "t".
See also: Why can't the rules of the Russian language be simplified? >>
2. When you do not come
Unlike the word "go", the verb "to come" in the infinitive is currently written without the letter "d". Previously, the option "come" was allowed, but it fell out of use. It is correct to write “come”, “I will come”, “you will come”, etc. The options "come", "I will come" and "you will come" are considered obsolete.
3. Simp A is sympathetic, not sympathetic
In a literate person, the word "sympathetic" does not cause any sympathy for someone who spells it with an error. "Cute" is spelled with an "a", and "sympathy" is a test word.
4. Lu Ch the best, not the best
“The best”, “the best”, “the best” - as soon as they do not distort the superlative degree of the adjective “good”.
5. Ape LL action, not appeal
This word is complex, and therefore it is not at all surprising that mistakes are often made in it. You can file an appeal (with two "l"), but not an appeal. It just needs to be remembered.
Read also: Why do the rules of the Russian language change under the influence of the majority? >>
6. Prec DU ent, not precedent
Another compound word. There are a lot of variants of its incorrect spelling - “precedent”, “precedent”, “precedent”, and so on. In fact, "precedent" is written without the letter "n", as many people think. The same applies to the word "incident".
7. C KRU pudgy, not scrupulous
People often get confused about how to write and say this word. Some learn that it is necessary to write correctly “meticulous” already in adulthood. In fact, this word is a borrowing, it came into Russian from Latin. Among the Romans, the word "scrupulus" meant a measure of weight equal to a small pebble.
8. Chere From mind, but not too much
Often the adverb “too” is written separately, mistakenly considering “through-” not as a prefix, but as a pretext. Maybe "too" is not an obvious spelling, but it's correct.
9. Over abroad and abroad
“Abroad” is a noun with a preposition, they are written separately. But "abroad" is just a noun that is spelled together. It's no wonder to get confused.
10. Girl O na, not girl
Writing "yo" in this word is a very common mistake. The rule in this case is simple - in the suffix and at the end after “c” and sibilants (“zh”, “sh”, “h” and “u”), “o” is written under stress, and “e” without stress. The stress in the word "girl" falls on the second syllable, "onk" is a suffix. Therefore, we write "o".
Read also: 500 million inhabitants of the Earth know the Russian language >>
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