Compound words with up
72 Compound Words That End With 'Up'
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You might be looking for terms made up of multiple words that end with a certain word. Searching for a collection of relevant examples? Have a look at this list of compound words that end with the word "up."
backup | flare-up | matchup | speedup |
ballup | foldup | mix-up | stackup |
blowup | follow-up | mock-up | stand-up |
breakup | getup | pickup | startup |
brushup | grownup | pileup | steep-up |
buildup | hang-up | pinup | stickup |
catchup | holdup | pull-up | stirrup |
changeup | hookup | push-up | sunup |
checkup | kickup | roundup | take-up |
chirrup | layup | scale-up | toss-up |
cleanup | letup | screw-up | touch-up |
closeup | lineup | sendup | tune-up |
cockup | linkup | setup | turnup |
cover-up | lockup | shakeup | walk-up |
crackup | lookup | shapeup | warmup |
cutup | makeup | sit-up | washup |
dustup | markup | slipup | windup |
faceup | mashup | smashup | workup |
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Compound Words - our list contains over 500 words
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What are Compound Words?
Compound words are made by joining two or more words; the combination creates a new word. They can be formed using two nouns, e.g. basketball, two non-nouns, e.g. blowup, or a noun and non-noun, e.g. sunrise. It is important to note that the words do not always keep their original meaning, e.g. breakfast. Our list of compound words contains 500 words.
There are three types of compound words:
- Closed compound words, e.g., football, peanut,
- Open compound words, e.g., cell phone, high school, and
- Hyphenated compound words, e.g., in-depth, runner-up.
List of Compound Words
To determine if a compound word is one word, two words or hyphenated, use a dictionary to look up the word or our lists below. The list below excludes both fractions and compound numbers from 21 to 91. These words are hyphenated, e.g., two-thirds, one-half, thirty-nine and ninety-one.
able-bodied | girlfriend | sandpaper |
A-frame | goldfish | scarecrow |
afternoon | grandchildren | scatterbrain |
afterthought | grandfather | school day |
airborne | grandmother | school year |
airline | grandparent | screwdriver |
airmail | grapefruit | seacoast |
airplane | grass roots | seafood |
airport | grasshopper | seagull |
airtight | gridlock | seaport |
anchorperson | groundwater | search engine |
another | grownup | seashell |
anybody | haircut | seaside |
anyone | hamburger | seaweed |
anyplace | handcuff | seesaw |
anything | handlebar | self-concept |
anytime | handshake | self-service |
anyway | hanky-panky | shipwreck |
anywhere | haystack | shoelace |
applesauce | headache | shortstop |
audiotape | headlight | showdown |
awestruck | headquarters | showoff |
backache | headset | showroom |
backboard | heart attack | shrink-wrap |
backbone | heartwarming | sidewalk |
backbreaking | heat lightening | silverware |
backfire | heath care | single-minded |
background | help desk | sister-in-law |
backlash | herringbone | skateboard |
backpack | herself | skyscraper |
backup | high school | sleeping bag |
backyard | high-tech | snowball - |
ballpark | highway | snowfall |
ballroom | hilltop | snowflake |
barefoot | himself | snowman |
baseball | hockey puck | snowplow |
basketball | ho-hum | snowshoe |
bathroom | home page | snowstorm |
bathtub | homemade | softball |
bedrock | homeowner | somebody |
bedroom | homesick | someday |
bedspread | homework | somehow |
beforehand | hot dog | someone |
benchmark | however | someplace |
birdhouse | hush-hush | something |
birthday | ice cream | Sometimes |
blackbird | in-depth | somewhat |
blackboard | indoor | somewhere |
blowup | infield | spacewalk |
blueberry | in-law | sports drink |
blueprint | inside | spotlight |
bookstore | into | spreadsheet |
bottled water | itself | springtime |
boyfriend | jellyfish | square root |
brainstorm | key pal | starfish |
breakdown | keyboard | statewide |
breakfast | kickoff | stepbrother |
breathtaking | know-how | stepfather |
briefcase | know-it-all | stepmother |
broadcast | knucklehead | stepsister |
brother-in-law | ladybug | storyteller |
buildup | landlord | straightforward |
bulldog | leapfrog | strawberry |
burnout | leftover | strong-arm |
butterfly | life span | sugarcoat |
buttermilk | lifeboat | suitcase |
byproduct | lifeguard | summertime |
campfire | life-size | sundown |
cannot | lifestyle | sunflower |
car pool | lightheaded | sunlight |
caregiver | lighthouse | sunrise |
carpool | lightweight | sunset |
carryover | lipstick | sunshine |
cash flow | longshoreman | sunstroke |
catcher’s mitt | loudspeaker | suntan |
cell phone | makeup | superhighway |
chalkboard | marketplace | sweatshirt |
chat room | maybe | sweetheart |
check-in | meantime | tablecloth |
checkout | meanwhile | teammate |
child care | memory stick | tennis court |
Christmas tree | merry-go-round | textbook |
churchgoer | miniskirt | Thanksgiving |
citywide | moonlight | theme park |
civil rights | mother-in-law | themselves |
classmate | motorcycle | thirty-nine |
clean-cut | myself | three-dimensional |
cleanup | nationwide | thunderstorm |
clipboard | network | time line |
close-up | nevertheless | time savor |
cockpit | new world | timetable |
colorblind | newscast | tip-off |
comic strip | newspaper | tiptoe |
common sense | nightgown | today |
cookbook | nitty-gritty | toenail |
co-op | nobody | together |
cooperative | notebook | toothbrush |
copperhead | not-for-profit | topsy-turvy |
copyright | nowhere | toss-up |
countryside | oatmeal | touchdown |
course work | off-site | trailblazer |
cowboy | one-sided | tree house |
crosswalk | ongoing | tryout |
crossword puzzle | online | tugboat |
cupcake | on-site | turnaround |
database | ourselves | turnpike |
daydream | outcome | turtleneck |
daylight | outfield | two-thirds |
daytime | outfit | undercover |
desktop | outlaw | underdog |
dirt bike | outline | underground |
disc drive | outside | understatement |
disc jockey | outsource | undertake |
doorbell | outstanding | uproot |
doorknob | oven mitt | upset |
downpour | overalls | upstairs |
downstairs | overcoat | uptown |
drawbridge | overexposure | u-turn |
driveway | overkill | vice president |
drugstore | overlook | videotape |
dugout | overpass | vineyard |
dump truck | pancake | voice mail |
earring | paper clip | waiting room |
earthquake | paperback | walking stick |
earthworm | paperwork | warm-up |
easygoing | payoff | wastebasket |
editor-in-chief | payroll | watercolor |
empty-handed | peanut | waterfall |
energy bar | peppermint | waterfront |
everybody | percent | watermelon |
everyday | photo ID | weatherperson |
everyone | pinball | web site |
everything | pinpoint | webpage |
everywhere | pitch hitter | weekday |
extracurricular | playground | weekend |
eyeball | playmate | well-being |
eyebrow | ponytail | well-to-do |
eyelid | popcorn | wheelchair |
fact sheet | post office | whenever |
father-in-law | postcard | whirlpool |
fine arts | pothole | whiteboard |
fingernail | prime minister | wholesale |
fingerprint | printout | windmill |
firefighter | proofread | windpipe |
fireplace | quarterback | windshield |
fireproof | quicksand | windsurfing |
firewood | railroad | wingspan |
fireworks | rainbow | wiretapping |
flashback | raincoat | without |
flashlight | rattlesnake | woodland |
flowchart | rawhide | woodpecker |
flowerpot | real estate | word processing |
folklore | redhead | word wall |
follow-up | redwood | word-of-mouth |
football | remote control | work boots |
forever | rock band | workday |
for-profit | role play | workforce |
free-for-all | rollerblade | workload |
freelance | rollout | workplace |
french fry | roly-poly | workshop |
freshwater | run-in | workstation |
front-runner | runner-up | worn-out |
frostbite | runway | wristwatch |
fund-raiser | safety glasses | wrongdoing |
gentleman | sagebrush | x-ray |
get-together | sailboat | yourself |
gingerbread | salad dressing |
Closed Words
These words have no spaces. Our list contains hundreds of words, so we organized them in alphabetical order. Click on a letter below to obtain a list of those compound words.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z |
A | |||
afternoon | afterthought | airborne | airline |
airmail | airplane | airport | airtight |
anchorperson | another | anybody | anyone |
anyplace | anything | anytime | awestruck |
anyway | anywhere | applesauce | audiotape |
B | |||
backache | backboard | backbone | backbreaking |
backfire | background | backlash | backpack |
backup | backyard | ballpark | ballroom |
barefoot | baseball | basketball | bathroom |
bedrock | bedroom | bedspread | beforehand |
benchmark | birdhouse | birthday | blackbird |
blackboard | blowup | blueprint | bookstore |
boyfriend | brainstorm | breakdown | breakfast |
breathtaking | broadcast | buildup | bulldog |
burnout | buttermilk | byproduct |
C | |||
campfire | cannot | caregiver | carpool |
carryover | chalkboard | checkout | churchgoer |
citywide | classmate | cleanup | clipboard |
cockpit | colorblind | cookbook | cooperative |
copperhead | copyright | countryside | cowboy |
crosswalk | cupcake |
D | |||
database | daydream | daylight | daytime |
desktop | doorbell | doorknob | downpour |
downstairs | drawbridge | driveway | drugstore |
dugout |
E | |||
earring | earthquake | earthworm | easygoing |
everybody | everywhere | everyone | everything |
everyday | extracurricular | eyeball | eyebrow |
eyelid | everywhere |
F | |||
fingernail | fingerprint | firefighter | fireplace |
fireproof | firewood | fireworks | flashback |
flashlight | flowchart | flowerpot | folklore |
football | forever | freelance | freshwater |
frostbite |
G | |||
gentlemen | gingerbread | girlfriend | goldfish |
grandchildren | grandfather | grandmother | grandparent |
grapefruit | grasshopper | gridlock | groundwater |
grownup |
H | |||
haircut | hamburger | handcuff | handlebar |
handshake | haystack | headache | headlight |
headquarter | headset | heartwarming | herringbone |
herself | highway | hilltop | himself |
homemade | homeowner | homesick | homework |
however |
I | |||
iceberg | icebox | icebreaker | inchworm |
indoor | infield | inside | into |
itself | innkeeper |
J | |||
jackknife | jackpot | jackrabbit | jawbone |
jaywalk | jellyfish | jigsaw | jumpsuit |
K | |||
keyboard | kickoff | knucklehead | keepsake |
kettledrum | kickball | keyhole | keynote |
killjoy | kindhearted | kneecap | knighthood |
knothole | knucklehead | keystone |
L | |||
leapfrog | ladybug | landlord | leftover |
lifeboat | lifeguard | lifestyle | lightheaded |
lighthouse | lightweight | lipstick | longshoremen |
loudspeaker |
M | |||
makeup | marketplace | maybe | meantime |
meanwhile | miniskirt | moonlight | motorcycle |
myself |
N | |||
nationwide | network | nevertheless | newscast |
newspaper | nightgown | nobody | notebook |
nowhere |
O | |||
oatmeal | ongoing | online | ourselves |
outcome | outfield | outfit | outlaw |
outline | outside | outsource | outstanding |
overalls | overcoat | overexposure | overkill |
overlook | overpass |
P | |||
pancake | paperback | paperwork | payoff |
payroll | peanuts | peppermint | percent |
pinball | playground | playmate | ponytail |
popcorn | postcard | pothole | printout |
proofread |
Q | |||
quarrelsome | quarterback | quartermaster | quicksand |
quicksilver |
R | |||
railroad | rainbow | raincoat | rattlesnake |
rawhide | redhead | redwood | rollerblade |
rollout | runway |
S | |||
sagebrush | sailboat | sandpaper | scarecrow |
scatterbrain | screwdriver | seacoast | seafood |
seagull | seaport | seashell | seaside |
seaweed | seesaw | shipwreck | shoelace |
shortstop | shutdown | showoff | showroom |
sidewalk | silverware | skateboard | skyscraper |
snowball | snowfall | snowflake | snowman |
snowplow | snowshoe | snowstorm | softball |
somebody | someday | somehow | someone |
someplace | something | sometimes | somewhat |
somewhere | spacewalk | spotlight | spreadsheet |
springtime | starfish | statewide | stepbrother |
stepfather | stepmother | stepsister | storyteller |
straightforward | strawberry | sugarcoat | suitcase |
summertime | sundown | sunflower | sunlight |
sunrise | sunset | sunshine | sunstroke |
suntan | superhighway | sweatshirt |
T | |||
tablecloth | teammate | textbook | Thanksgiving |
themselves | thunderstorm | timetable | tiptoe |
today | toenail | together | toothbrush |
touchdown | trailblazer | tryout | tugboat |
turnaround | turnpike | turtleneck |
U | |||
undercover | underdog | underground | understatement |
undertake | upstairs | uptown | uproot |
upset |
V | |||
venturesome | videocassette | videotape | vineyard |
viewfinder | viewpoint | volleyball | vouchsafe |
W | |||
wastebasket | watercolor | waterfall | waterfront |
watermelon | weatherperson | webpage | weekday |
weekend | wheelchair | whenever | whirlpool |
whiteboard | wholesale | windmill | windpipe |
windshield | windsurfing | wingspan | wiretapping |
without | woodland | woodpecker | workday |
workforce | workload | workplace | workshop |
workstation | wristwatch | wrongdoing |
Y | |||
yardarm | yardstick | yearbook | yourself |
Z | |||
zookeeper |
Open Words
Open compound words have a space between the words. The following are open compound words:
bottled water | car pool | cash flow | cell membrane |
cell phone | chat room | child care | Christmas tree |
civil right | comic strip | common sense | course work |
crossword puzzle | dirt bike | disk drive | disc jockey |
dump truck | energy bar | fact sheet | fine art |
French fry | grass root | health care | heart attack |
heat lightning | help desk | high school | hockey puck |
home page | hot dog | ice cream | jigsaw puzzle |
jungle gym | junk food | jumping jack | key pal |
killer whale | Labor Day | labor union | laser printer |
land mine | lance corporal | landing field | landing strip |
light bulb | life jacket | life raft | life vest |
life belt | life buoy | Little Dipper | little finger |
life span | memory stick | new world | oven mitt |
paper clip | photo ID | pinch hitter | post office |
paddle wheel | passenger pigeon | past tense | past participle |
peace pipe | physical education | picture graph | planet kingdom |
prime minister | radiant energy | radio wave | real time |
report card | respiratory system | rib cage | right angle |
right triangle | ring finger | rock dove | rocking chair |
rocking horse | role model | roller coaster | Roman Catholic |
root beer | real estate | remote control | rock band |
role play | safety glasses | salad dressing | school day |
school year | search engine | sleeping bag | sports drink |
square root | tennis court | theme park | time line |
time capsule | tree house | vacuum cleaner | Valentine’s Day |
vampire bat | vanilla bean | vending machine | vice president |
video camera | videocassette recorder | video game | videotape recorder |
virtual reality | vocal chords | voice box | voice mail |
waiting room | walking stick | web site | word processing |
word wall | work boots |
Hyphenated Words
The list below excludes spelled out fractions and compound numbers from 21 to 91. Please note you hyphenate all spelled out fractions, e.g., two-thirds, one-half, and compound numbers from 21 to 91, e.g., thirty-nine, ninety-one. The following are hyphenated compound words:
able-bodied | A-frame | brother-in-law | check-in |
clean-cut | close-up | co-op | editor-in-chief |
empty-handed | father-in-law | follow-up | for-profit |
free-for-all | front-runner | fund-raiser | get-together |
hanky-panky | high-tech | ho-hum | hush-hush |
in-depth | in-law | in-line skate | jack-o’-lantern |
jet-propelled | king-size | know-how | know-it-all |
life-size | merry-go-round | mother-in-law | nitty-gritty |
not-for-profit | off-site | one-sided | on-site |
pitch-black | pitch-dark | play-off | quick-tempered |
roly-poly | run-in | runner-up | self-concept |
self-service | shrink-wrap | single-minded | strong-arm |
three-dimensional | tip-off | topsy-turvy | toss-up |
two-dimensional | u-turn | warm-up | well-being |
well-to-do | word-of-mouth | warn-out | X-ray |
Source: Fry, E. B., Ph.D. & Kress, J.E., Ed.D. (2006). The Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists 5th Edition. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.
Merriam-Webster Children’s Dictionary, 3rd Edition 2008.
Reader Interactions
Single-root words in Russian - examples and definitions
Every day we use thousands of words in our speech, and the most interesting thing is that many of them have similarities in pronunciation, spelling, and meaning. Let's understand the topic of roots and learn more about single-root words.
What are single-root words in Russian
Single-root words are words of different parts of speech that are united by a semantic root. Root words can also refer to the same part of speech, then they will have different prefixes and suffixes.
Simply put, words with the same root are similar in meaning with the same root.
Words with the same root are so called because in their morphemic composition there is one main part that contains a common meaning - the root.
For example, the adjective "brave" refers to a brave person who is not afraid of difficulties and dangers. The lexical meaning of this word lies in the root bold-, which can be seen in the morphemic composition of words that are similar in meaning:
Now we know which words have the same root. In another way, these words are also called related .
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How root words are formed
As we have already said, root words are formed with the help of prefixes and suffixes. The process of formation of single-root words is called word formation . Prefixes and suffixes give the word a certain connotation. For example, baby elephant is not the same as elephant , it is his baby.
In the 2nd grade, students get acquainted with single-root words and consolidate knowledge throughout the entire time of study. Let's learn to distinguish single-root (related) words from grammatical forms of one word.
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Which words are not cognate
Words with homonymous roots
In Russian there is such a thing as homonymous roots - when roots that look the same have different lexical meanings. To understand whether the words are related or they just have similar roots, you need to know their meanings. If you are not sure about the meanings, look in the explanatory dictionary.
Compare examples:
Red Avica - Red White, KR OTA, KR Ivensky, KL , red Avchik .
Lexical meaning of the root -kras- : attractive, pleasant appearance, impressive.
Red ka — Red Under Red Over colorant colorant, colorant thinner, spreader colorant
The root -red- here has the meaning of giving color to something.
In each row we see related words. But the words dye and beautiful are not the same root - they just have homonymous roots.
More examples of unrelated words with homonymous roots:
Any Ow - Om Om, Om Om, Om Ot.
Any oh - any ohm.
Drill Drill Miner, Drill New, Drill .
Drill i — drill drill messenger.
Forms of the same word
Words with the same root must be distinguished from forms of the same word. To do this, you need to understand which morphemes are word-forming and which are formative.
Word-forming morphemes are designed to form new words. These include:
Formative morphemes form forms of the same word. These include:
past tense suffix of the verb -l- ;
suffixes of degrees of comparison of adjectives -e-, -ee, -she- ;
imperative suffix of the verb -and- .
Examples of forms of the same word:
Forest - forest a , forest y , forest
strong - strong ee , strong ee - the suffix forms the simple comparative degree of the adjective.
I will collect - I will collect l - the suffix forms the past tense of the verb.
Words in the same row are not of the same root - they are forms of the same word. Word forms always include words of the same part of speech, while words with the same root can belong to different parts of speech.
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Why choose words with the same root
Finding cognates is a useful skill for writing correctly. For example, you can check which vowel is written in an unstressed position in the root by choosing a related word where this vowel is stressed. Also, through the selection of single-root words, you can check the spelling of consonants in the root.
Here are some examples:
Checked root vowel:
offense at - offense a;
pure ota - pure o;
cold - cold
Spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants in the root:
book ka - book check;
oak - oak oval;
bend bone - bend approx.
Spelling of unpronounceable consonants in the root:
solar e - solar ;
sadness - sadness;
heart e - heart
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How to memorize difficult English words
- Difficult English words: how to learn them?
- Important things to remember
- 10 difficult English words
Difficult English words: how to learn them?
It would seem that you have already learned to cope with simple words, the vocabulary began to replenish, you even use new words, but you come across a natural problem - complex words. This problem is especially acute for people who plan to use English in the professional field to communicate with their colleagues. But, no matter how terrible it may look, difficult words can also be dealt with!
To memorize simple words of one or two syllables, we use imagery and phonetic coding. This method is called mnemonics, it is also suitable for complex words, but in this case we will use several images, encoding words in parts. In this article, we will help you memorize 10 new words in this way.
How to help your child with learning in elementary school
What is important to remember
- Images should be three-dimensional, bright, colorful and large.
- When imagining images, look up.
- Feel free to imagine something unusual and funny - the weirder the image, the better it will be remembered.
- It is very important to pronounce the words aloud, so you will train the pronunciation, and if you are an auditory speaker, then this practice will help you memorize the words even better.
- Do not neglect repetition now and later, when 4-8 hours have passed since memorizing the words, otherwise all the work done will be a waste of time.
10 difficult English words
- Collaboration Let's break this word into the root and the prefix co-, we get two images: stake and laboratory. Imagine that two stakes are working in a laboratory. They collaborate to create a cure, such as vampirism. Imagine this image and say the word in English three times: collaboration, collaboration, collaboration.
- Nonplussed - stunned. We divide this word into two parts: the prefix non- and the root plussed, we get two images: nose and flame. Imagine how stunned you would be if flames burst out of your nose when you breathe! When the image is formed, repeat aloud three times in English: nonplussed, nonplussed, nonplussed.
- Anachronistic - obsolete, obsolete. We will divide this word into three parts and get the following images: anaconda, Ron Weasley (from the Harry Potter series of books / films) and the source.
Imagine that an old anaconda (you can imagine it wrinkled) is being carried by Ron Weasley to a spring in the forest to drink water. Now say it out loud: anachronistic, anachronistic, anachronistic.
- Disinterested — disinterested. We divide the word into the prefix dis- and the root, we get two images: a disk and an intern. Imagine a stack of Hands Up! CDs that an intern from the hospital disinterestedly distributes to everyone on the street. After forming the image, be sure to say: disinterested, disinterested, disinterested.
- Unabashed - unabashed. Let's encode these words with the help of two images: an anaconda and a shoe. Imagine an anaconda that has eaten several shoes and is lying unperturbed despite the fact that we can see the outlines of the shoes it swallowed. Then say out loud: unabashed, unabashed, unabashed.
- Conscious - conscious, conscious. We divide the word into two parts and encode it using two images: a horse and a pole. Imagine a horse regaining consciousness after a failed pole vault, and then repeat the English word aloud: сonscious, сonscious, сonscious.
- Circumvent - outsmart. We will encode this complex word using three images: mote, kumquat and fan. Imagine a mote trying to outsmart a kumquat and take a seat under a fan in unbearable heat. When it was possible to form an image, say three times: circumvent, circumvent, circumvent.
- Commensurate - commensurate. To memorize this word, we will use two images: lump (snow) and a beaker. Imagine a huge beaker, commensurate with the same giant snowball. Represented? Then say three times: commensurate, commensurate, commensurate.
- Emollient - emollient. Let's divide the word into two parts and come up with images for them, for example, emo and elevator. Imagine emo in a falling elevator that lands on a cushion. Then say the word in English: emollient, emollient, emollient.
- Equanimity - composure. We encode the word with the help of two images: ecologist and halo. Imagine an ecologist with a halo on his head, cold-bloodedly chopping a tree. When the image is formed, say: equanimity, equanimity, equanimity.
After memorizing the first five words, it is important to repeat them, translating from Russian into English and vice versa at least three times. To do this, you can simply alternately close the left and right columns:
After the repetition, we can safely move on to the next five words. Our students using this technology can memorize up to 1000 words in 1 day.
After you have memorized the new five words, be sure to repeat them in the same way as the previous ones:
Now it will be useful to combine all 10 new words and repeat them again.