Cool things to teach

26 Amazingly Cool Skills to Learn That are Sure to Impress

Have you ever been to a party and there is this one person everyone just seems to be gravitating towards?

It’s not because the person seems to know everyone at the gathering, it’s just that some people know how to exude attention easily.

Part of this behavior is attributed to amazingly cool skills that are sure to turn heads anywhere.

Whether you want to attract this type of attention or just want something to occupy your time with during this pandemic or want to better your life with some life skills, there are loads of skills to learn.

They can come in handy and just require a little bit of patience and practice.

Cool Skills to Learn In a Lifetime!

#1 How to Juggle

Learning to juggle is a great trick to learn. Juggling is easy and with the right practice, anyone can master it. It’s a great trick to have in your repertoire to whip out at parties or gatherings. Easily impress at a dinner party by juggling a few lemons or oranges.

#2 How to Whistle

Have you ever been trying to get someone’s attention in a crowd when people’s chatter and the music just drown out your call? Why not learn how to whistle?

An ear-piercing whistle can stop anyone in their tracks, and all eyes will be on you. So maybe just use your new-found talent for extreme circumstances, okay?

#3 How to Moonwalk

Wouldn’t it be cool to be able to glide along the floor as if super-humanly? Let’s take a trip down memory lane back to March 25th, 1983, when Michael Jackson did the moonwalk for the first time in front of a live audience.

Michael Jackson made jaws drop at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium, and later all across the world, once the taping of the show was aired. Decades later, people still remember the day, and many have learned to master the special move.

With some practice and determination, you too can impress with your dance moves after doing the moonwalk at your next gathering.

#4 How to Beatbox

Why not take out the time to learn to beatbox, you will be able to spit out a tune at anyone’s request. Talk about impressive.

#5 How to Solve a Rubik’s Cube

Rubik’s cubes seem like the ultimate unsolvable puzzle. But these little cubes are not impossible, as long as you understand the way they work.

Once you get down the pattern you should be following, in twisting the squares, the Rubik’s cube becomes quite simple. In fact, you will be able to solve them in a matter of seconds.

#6 How to do a Handstand

I for one have always been fascinated by someone who could do a handstand or even a cartwheel for that matter. If you too feel that way, why not spend a little time each day perfecting the move?

Cool skills to learn to vamp up your CV

#7 Learn an Instrument

An instrument looks great on a CV due to the diversity it shows in your personality. But there are many other benefits of learning an instrument that you can also reap. Instruments allow you the opportunity to strengthen bond with others, especially those who also play the same instrument.

Moreover, learning an instrument strengthens memory and reading skills. Furthermore, some studies suggest playing music makes you happy, as music is said to reduce stress and depression. Musical training is also said to strengthen the brain’s executive function.

#8 Learn a New Language

Employers will often favor those applicants who can speak more than one language. This skill aids companies in international communication and diversifies companies as well. Moreover, learning a new language is said to boost brain power, bring improvements to memory, and sharpen the mind.

#9 Learn Photography

Being able to take amazing photographs may just make you a favorite among your friends. But the skill also looks good on applications, especially for jobs that can use this skill to boost their company, either through online presence or portfolios.

#10 Learn Photoshop

How many posts have you come across on social media that just look too good to be true? Well the millions of posts asking for someone to photoshop a certain picture to fit their requirements, might just answer how these posts come to be. From a business perspective, photoshop can be used to strengthen and expand editing skills.

#11 Learn to write

Professional writing skills are the ones that will impress everyone. If students present their academic papers creatively, they are more likely to hook their audience and make them listen.

The same can be said about those who need to deliver an idea to their audience. But, how can you master these skills? One of the ways available today is to turn to a professional essay writing service here and ask expert writers for help with creative writing.

Cool basic Life Skills to Learn

#12 How to Meditate

With focus shifting to one’s well-being, meditation has become more and more common. There are multiple reasons why learning to meditate is a cool skill, most of which have to do with the way meditation will increase your mental health, and in turn, benefit your whole life.

#13 How to Change a Tire

Knowing how to change a flat tire can be the turning point in making a major issue into merely an inconvenience. Knowing how to change a flat tire means you do not spend a good amount of money on an easy fix.

It also allows you the freedom to not have to be dependent on a car service and allows you to quickly carry on with your day without having to wait around for them to arrive.

#14 How to Tie a Tie

Tim Gunn said “I’ve worn a suit and tie for most of my life. And I believe (for me), it makes me more confident navigating the world. ” Whether you or your partner have to wear a tie for your jobs, or whether you wear it out of choice like Tim Gunn, a well-tied tie will never go unnoticed.

#15 How to Pack a Suitcase

On certain flights, having checked luggage can cost a great deal. Not only that, not knowing how to pack can result in you being underprepared, even though you thought you were over-prepared, but missing important things can cause great inconvenience.

Moreover, if you incorrectly pack your belongings in a suitcase there is a chance you will ruin your things. Everyone should know how to pack a suitcase, whether it’s needed just for a day trip, a vacation, or even just for storage purposes.

#16 How to Ride a Bike

With the world’s environment being what it is, learning to ride a bike will not only be a cool skill for you to know but will also be beneficial to the environment.

Especially now, with the pandemic, using public transport is not advisable, therefore taking a more environmentally friendly, and safer option to get to your destinations is advisable.

#17 How to do Basic Home Repairs

Knowing how to repair things around the house will save you both time and money. You will no longer need to hand over a hefty fee for a nominal task, nor wait around for someone to come and fix it for you.

You can also learn how to do more specific projects, such as DIYs for furniture.

#18 How to Cook a Basic Meal

Firstly, learning to cook will save you a ton in take-outs and dining out. It is also an impressive skill to have. Cooking for someone, or even with someone is a great bonding experience and a nice activity to do together.

Moreover, it’s a skill that will help you out for your entire life. Taking cooking into your own hands also ensures you know what is going into your food exactly, and hence what is going into your body.

#19 How to Manage Personal Finance

Managing personal finances is something hardly anyone is taught, either at school or by parents.

And most people are forced to learn the skill when they are put in a difficult situation. Personal finance skills can include things like managing money, budgeting, or even how to get out of debt.

This is a skill that everyone should take the time to learn, as once someone starts earning or has bills to pay or responsibilities to fulfill, this skill can make life easier.

#20 The How to of Basic Investments

Similar to personal finance, when one starts to earn, it is always a good idea to know about investments. Simply saving money means ultimately losing money to inflation.

Even simply knowing the basics of how to go about investing will drastically help in opening up your options.

#21 How to Sew On a Button

Knowing how to sew on a button is a very simple task to learn, but many people cannot do it. How many shirts have literally gone to waste because they are missing a button and cannot be worn?

It is a simple skill that recent generations have forsaken for more complex hobbies, but one that can really save you in a pinch.

#22 How to Organize Your House

Not only will organizing improve the aesthetics of your life, but it will also make your life easier. Knowing that everything has a place that helps in maintaining your house and keeping it presentable.

It also allows you to save a huge amount of time when you are not looking for things because you know exactly where your shoes and clothes and keys are.

Why not look into the Marie Kondo method? Marie Kondo has revolutionized organization and tidying and even has a Netflix show you can watch for inspiration.

Cool Life Saving Skills to Learn

#23 Learn Basic CPR       

Learning CPR is the literal definition of learning a life-saving skill. Performing CPR in an emergency situation can be the difference between life and death. The act can give a victim the chance to stay alive long enough for an ambulance and paramedics to take over.

There are 7 fundamental steps to performing CPR:

  1. Place the heel of your dominant hand at the center of the victim’s chest
  2. Place your other hand over your dominant hand and interlock your fingers
  3. Begin chest compressions
  4. Open the person’s mouth
  5. Add a rescue breath
  6. Keep a close eye on the victim’s chest and then continue to do another rescue breath
  7. Continue with 30 compressions and 2 breath cycles.

#24 Learn the Heimlich Maneuver

Like CPR the Heimlich Maneuver can save lives. Learning the Heimlich maneuver, however, is not just learning the process to perform it.

You need to understand in which circumstances one should perform the Heimlich maneuver. For example, if someone can speak that means they are able to move air through their airway and thus should not be given the Heimlich maneuver.

Not only can the Heimlich maneuver save lives of those around you, but you may also be in a position where you have to give yourself the maneuver which is also a valuable skill to have.

#25 How to Light a Fire

Being able to light a fire will always be a good skill to know. I mean, yes, the likelihood of you getting trapped in the woods with nothing to your name is pretty rare.

But how big a hero would you be if that situation somehow were to arise and you were the only one who knew how to start a fire. Plus, this skill can come in handy on barbecues, camping trips, and just generally to show off.

#26 Learn Self-Defense

Knowing you can take care of yourself can drastically improve your confidence. And being able to physically protect yourself is a much-needed reassurance that you are safe.

Options Are Endless!

The sky is the limit and you can take the time to learn anything, especially with the recourses available today, everything is at your fingertips.

So why not take the time and pick up new skills to learn?

All New Business | Cool Skills You Can Learn in Your Spare Time

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The best thing about life is that there are no limits to what you can learn. If you want to improve your skills, there is no better time than the present.

You can learn new things at any age, and it’s never too late to start mastering new skills. In this blog post, I’ll take you through 15 cool skills to learn in your spare time, and impress people on the go. With a little bit of patience and practice, you can become an expert in any of them!

1. Learn video editing

Editing videos is a valuable skill to learn for many reasons.

For one, it’s a way to create standout content for social media or other online platforms. With the right tools and some practice, edit videos that are both creative and professional-looking.

Also, video editing is a way to document events or special occasions. Personal videos are increasingly popular. You can turn average footage into a great video. And being able to edit the footage into a cohesive story is a way to preserve memories.

Learning video editing can be a fun and satisfying hobby. There are countless ways to be creative with video editing, and the possibilities are only limited by one’s imagination.

Our top picks for video editing courses:

  • Video Production Essentials – Fiverr Learn
  • Adobe After Effects Fundamentals – Fiverr Learn
  • Adobe Premiere Pro CC: Beginner Video Editing – Udemy


Pick up a new instrument

Have you ever wished you could play guitar? It’s actually not as hard as you might think. With a little practice, you can be playing your favorite songs in no time.

And once you learn the basics, you can start adding your own style to create your own music.

Best of all, playing guitar is a great way to meet new people and make new friends. So grab a guitar and start jamming.

Best resources for learning a new instrument:

  • Complete Guitar Lessons System – Beginner to Advanced – Udemy
  • Learn piano or keyboard from scratch – Udemy
  • BEGINNER BASS GUITAR – Bass Mastery – Udemy
  • How To Play The Drums From Beginner To Pro – Udemy


Become an online instructor and teach people

Creating online courses is an awesome new skill to learn for a number of reasons.

  1. It can help you earn money by teaching others what you know.
  2. It can help you polish your skills as an educator, which has its own sense of gratification. And
  3. It can give you a sense of satisfaction that comes from helping others learn something new.

Anyone can become an online course creator—you don’t need to be a qualified educator or have any experience in the field. You can simply record a few videos on your phone, put them up on YouTube, and start charging people for access.

But if you want to create a successful online course that people will actually pay for, it’s important to put in the time and effort to make it high-quality and engaging.

Here are a few tips:

First, choose a topic that you’re passionate about and that you know well. This will make it easier to stay motivated throughout the process of creating the course.

Second, invest in good equipment—a high-quality microphone and camera will make a significant difference in the overall quality of your videos.

Third, focus on delivering value to your students. Your course should be packed with useful information that they can put into action in their own lives.

And finally, promote your course through social media and other online channels. If you can get people talking about your course, you’ll be well on your way to success.

So if you’re looking for a new skill to learn, consider creating an online course—it could be a great way to earn some extra money and also polish your skills as an educator.

If you’re looking to start out and want to build an easy, yet accessible and good-looking course. sign up for Thinkific.

With Thinkfic, you can control your brand and business completely, and turn your expertise into a profitable business.

4. Learn how to solve a Rubix’s cube

If you’re looking for a new skill to learn, why not try solving a Rubix’s cube? Not only is it a fun challenge, but it’s also a way to improve your problem-solving skills. And once you’ve mastered all the basics, try to solve the cube in faster times.

If you’re not sure where to start, there are plenty of online tutorials available. Once you’ve learned how to solve the cube, you can even teach others how to do it. So why not give it a try? You might be surprised at how much you enjoy it.

We found a cool Udemy course on Rubik’s cube that systematically tackles solving them. The course covers:

  • How To Solve A 3×3 Rubiks Cube
  • How To Distinguish Between The Sides Of A Rubiks Cube
  • The Patterns And Algorithms Involved
  • Ways To Breakdown The Patterns and Algorithms To Remember Them Easier
  • The Overall Step-By-Step Process In Completing A 3×3 Rubiks Cube

Sign up here (affiliate link): How To Solve A 3×3 Rubiks Cube For Beginners Start To Finish

Good design can make a huge difference in the way we experience the world. Graphic design is one of the most versatile and in-demand skills you can learn, and it’s a great way to express your creativity.

If you want to learn graphic design, keep a few things in mind. First, it’s important to choose the right software for your needs. There are many types of design software, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Once you’ve chosen your software, it’s time to start practicing. Experiment with different techniques, try new ideas, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. The more you experiment, the better you’ll become at creating beautiful designs. With a little practice, you’ll have an impressive skill under your belt.

If you’re looking for online graphic design courses, here are our top suggestions for beginners:

  • The Complete Graphic Design Theory for Beginners Course – Udemy
  • Graphic Design Masterclass – Learn GREAT Design – Udemy
  • Logo Design Fundamentals – Fiverr Learn


Learn to create video games

Many people enjoy playing video games, but few ever consider making them. With the rise of independent game development, now is a great time to learn how to create video games.

The tools and resources needed to get started are available. And there is a thriving community of developers who share their knowledge. It may seem daunting at first, but creating a video game can be broken down into manageable steps. By learning this new skill, add it to your list of cool talents.

There are some really good courses on game development out there. I’m sharing three excellent ones with you. The first one focuses on the art of video game development. While the other two focus on the most popular and powerful software used for designing video games. Here they are:

  • Learn the ART of Video Games – Udemy
  • Complete Blender Creator: Learn 3D Modelling for Beginners – Udemy
  • Unreal Engine 5: Learn C++ & Make Video Games – Udemy

7. Learn story writing

Story writing is a great way to exercise your creativity, and it can be very therapeutic. Plus, it’s a skill you can use for the rest of your life. Whether you’re writing a list post or a novel, here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Find your inspiration. Whether it’s a real-life event or something from your imagination, it’s important to have something that will inspire you. Once you have your inspiration, it’s easier to get started.

2. Develop your characters. The people in your story need to be well-developed for your readers to care about them. Give them flaws and strengths, hopes and fears. Make them relatable and three-dimensional.

3. Create an interesting plot. A good story is more than a series of events. There needs to be conflict and tension, deepening stakes and surprises along the way. Keep your readers guessing and wanting more.

4. Write, edit, repeat. The first draft of anything is rarely perfect, so don’t be afraid to revise and edit as needed. And then edit again. And again. A good story takes time and effort to create, so be patient and keep at it.

Here are my top book recommendations on learning story writing:

  1. The Writing Life By Annie Dillard
  2. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft By Stephen King
  3. On Writing Well: An Informal Guide to Writing Nonfiction By William Zinsser
  4. Hooked: Write Fiction That Grabs Readers at Page One By Les Edgerton


Take up self-defense classes

Self-defense skills give people the knowledge and confidence to defend themselves in dangerous situations. The classes teach a variety of techniques including:

  • how to identify potential threats
  • how to escape from an attacker
  • and how to deliver effective strikes

Self-defense classes often add mental training exercises that help students to remain calm in the face of danger. Taking up self-defense classes can make you feel more prepared for anything.

9. Open your YouTube channel

Anyone with a computer and an internet connection can start a YouTube channel. All you need is a camera and something to say. Use YouTube to share your talents with the world, or document life with friends and family members.

You can even use YouTube to make money, by partnering with Youtube or joining the Google Adsense program. No matter what your goals are, YouTube is a great way to connect with people all over the world.

These are my top recommendations for mastering Youtube:

  • Grow Your Audience With Youtube Marketing – Fiverr Learn
  • YouTube Masterclass – Your Complete Guide to YouTube – Udemy

If you use digital cameras or Iphone’s native video formats while recording, you’ll need to convert these videos into . mp4 format before uploading them to YouTube.

10. Take public speaking classes

Public speaking is a surefire way to improve your communication skills, and build confidence.

Also, public speaking gives you the chance to network with other professionals. If you are interested in taking public speaking classes, there are a few things that you should keep in mind.

First, consider your goals for taking the class. Are you looking to improve general communication skills, or are you preparing for a specific event?

Second, research different instructors and find one who you feel comfortable with.

Finally, practice your new skills frequently to see the biggest improvement.

If you’re serious about learning public speaking, I’d suggest checking out Chris Haroun’s public speaking course. Chris is an entrepreneur, CEO, author, and lecturer. He uses his years of public speaking experience to create a course that will teach you everything you need to know about giving a great speech for business & personal presentations.

Sign up: The Complete Presentation and Public Speaking/Speech Course

11. Learn to take better photos

Photography is both an art and a science. Whether you’re interested in capturing nature shots or documenting special events, start with the basics of photography.

There are plenty of resources available to get you started. take an online course, watch videos, and browse websites to learn the basics of composition, lighting, and exposure.

Most digital cameras also come with instruction manuals with valuable tips. With a little time and effort, you can add photography to your list of badass skills.

Here are my top recommendations for photography courses:

  • Photography Essentials: Getting Your Best Shots – Fiverr Learn
  • Photography Masterclass: A Complete Guide to Photography – Udemy
  • iPhone Photography | Take Professional Photos On Your iPhone – Udemy

12. Get into speed reading

Would you like to read a book in an hour or less? Or how about being able to skim through a long article and still get all the important information? If so, then speed reading is a skill worth learning.

Speed reading is a technique to read faster by making some changes to the way you read. For example, you might learn to use a finger or a pen as a guide while you read. You might practice “chunking” – which means breaking up words into groups of two or three instead of reading them one letter at a time.

With some practice, speed reading can help you become a more efficient reader.

To start your practice, check out Kam Knight’s Speed Reading: Learn to Read a 200+ Page Book in 1 Hour. He’s an author of several bestselling books in the area of human and mental performance. And his book offers tips to not only accelerate reading speed but also comprehension and memory.

13. Learn to fix a flat tire

Changing a flat tire is a skill that every driver should know how. It’s a fairly simple process. But it can be time-consuming and frustrating if you’ve never done it before. Here’s a step-by-step guide to changing a flat tire:

1. Park your car in a safe area and turn on your hazard lights.

2. Loosen the lug nuts on the flat tire with a lug wrench. Do not remove them completely.

3. Place the jack under the car and raise the car until the flat tire is clear of the ground.

4. Remove the lug nuts and flat tire and set them aside.

5. Put the spare tire on the car and tighten the lug nuts with the lug wrench.

6. Lower the car to the ground and remove the jack.

7. Tighten the lug nuts as much as possible by hand.

8. Use the lug wrench to finish tightening the lug nuts. Make sure they are tight enough so that the spare tire does not come loose while driving.

9. Put all your tools back in your trunk and drive to a service station. Get the spare tire repaired or replaced as soon as possible.

Learning to fix a flat tire isn’t as cool as some of the other skills but it’s definitely a life ability everyone should have.

14. Learn basic CPR

One skill that everyone should know is CPR. It is a life-saving technique that is used to pump oxygenated blood to the brain in the event of a cardiac arrest. While it is always best to have trained medical professionals administer CPR, there are times when they are not available.

That is why it is important for as many people as possible to learn this valuable skill. Basic CPR training is widely available and inexpensive. You can learn it in just a matter of a few weeks or less.

As a result, there is no excuse not to be prepared in the event of an emergency. Knowing CPR could one day mean the difference between life and death.

Check out this book on CPR to learn the basics.

Or if you prefer video lessons, here’s an excellent course: First Aid & CPR – An in Depth Guide to CPR

15. Dive into a new language

Being able to communicate in a second language can be an invaluable skill. Whether you’re traveling to a foreign country or dealing with customers from other cultures.

Learning a new language improves your memory and cognitive skills. And it can even provide a mental workout. Of course, learning a new language can be challenging, but it is rewarding.

Start by picking a language that you’re interested in. Then find some resources to help you get started. There are plenty of online courses, apps, and books available, so there’s no excuse not to start learning today.

Here are the best courses I found for some of the most popular languages in the world:

  • Spanish for Beginners
  • French for Beginners
  • Italian for Beginners
  • Arabic for Beginners
  • Chinese for Beginners


Learn to sell online

In today’s digital age, being able to sell online is a valuable skill to have. Whether you’re selling products or services, reaching a wide audience through the internet can boost your sales. But how do you get started selling online?

First, you need to choose the right platform for your business. If you’re selling physical products, then setting up a shop on a site like Etsy or Amazon is a good option. If you’re providing services, then use a platform like Fiverr or Upwork.

Once you’ve chosen a platform, create attractive listings and post strong marketing materials. Then, start promoting your listings to reach your target audience.

As a newbie in sales just starting, I suggest you start selling with a low-cost and simple product.

For example, Custom metal pins of your design. This kind of pin is suitable for any group, especially young people who seek individuality. Here you can design your style, metal pins are hard-wearing and versatile, people can decorate clothes or bags, they can also be used to bring out their personality and aesthetics, and they can even be used as promotional tools for brand merchants, which are undoubtedly excellent sales products and will definitely sell!

The best resource to master selling on Shopify:

Sell Online With Shopify

Best Udemy course for to learn selling online:

Online Business Masterclass: Sell Your Own Digital Products

Cool skills to learn: wrap up

Whether you want to learn a new skill for fun or to make yourself more marketable, there’s something on this list for you. And if you don’t see anything that piques your interest, there are plenty of other skills out there to explore.

The best part is that most of these skills can be learned in your spare time. So you can continue developing your professional and personal life simultaneously. What skill will you start learning today?

17 Useful Skills You Can Learn in 10 Minutes

August 10, 2021Life

Things to do during a break to make life a little better.



1. Calculate mentally

Solving mathematical examples without a calculator trains attention, memory and concentration, and is also useful in everyday life. In 10 minutes, you can learn how to tip, divide by five, or subtract from 1,000.

2. Memorize information quickly

There are special techniques for easy and high-quality assimilation of the material. They will be useful for adults, whose ability to memorize is gradually fading away, and will make it easier for schoolchildren and students to study.

3. Use hotkeys

This greatly simplifies the work at the computer and saves time. In 10 minutes, you can memorize basic combinations or learn a few new ones.

4. Use advanced Internet search

Special operators, which must be entered in the search term along with the query, set the search conditions and allow you to quickly and accurately find the information you need. Definitely useful for work. Learn these search features from Google and Yandex and immediately try it out in practice.

5. Tie a tie

You still need to know how to tie it in at least one way. Imagine that you are late for a business meeting or a gala dinner and have no idea what to do with that damn tie. Of course, you can buy models with an elastic band, but often this is noticeable and looks frivolous and even childish. So practice - it won't take long.

6. Opening locks without a key

It is unlikely that you will be able to learn how to open complex locks in 10 minutes. But it’s worth practicing on interior doors in advance so that you don’t have to improvise at the right time. For example, if a child or an iron is turned on in a locked room.

7. Make a fire

Learn to do this in several ways. For example, using a tin can, cling film or a battery.

8. Measure something with your own body

Prepare for the situation when a ruler or tape measure is not at hand. Measure in advance, for example, the distance between the index finger and the thumb, the middle finger and the elbow, or the length of the foot, and then you will not have to rely only on the eye.

9. Beautifully tie a scarf

In 10 minutes, you can try several interesting ways to tie a scarf and diversify your look.

10. Understand the symbols on clothing labels

Each fabric item has care instructions in the form of icons indicated on the label. Many people neglect them, and in vain: with improper care, things wear out faster. Find out what all these symbols mean and let your favorite clothes serve you longer.

11. Fold things quickly and neatly

There are many effective ways to fold things in a few seconds so that they do not wrinkle and take up less space in the closet. And the wardrobe will be neat, and you won’t have to spend time on repeated ironing.

12. Tie shoelaces in a couple of seconds

Not quite as useless a skill as it seems. Imagine how much time, and sometimes nerves, you usually spend on the usual tying of shoelaces. Just try this quick way.

13. Fold origami

Knowing how to make paper figures doesn't seem like the most useful skill. But paper animals, flowers or stars will one day help to cheer up yourself and your loved one, smooth out a conflict, keep a child busy or decorate gift wrapping.

14. Relieve Stress

Consider and try different relaxation techniques, such as breathing or muscle relaxation. Highlight those methods that help you relax specifically for you - in an emergency or after a busy day, this skill will be very useful.

15. Exercise at work

Office workers often suffer from back, shoulder and neck pain. Find a few exercises and do them right away. Try to remember them and make them a daily activity so that unpleasant sensations do not bother you.

16. Relieve eye fatigue

Eye exercises are especially useful if you work at a computer. Learn and try exercises that relieve stress and, in the long run, help maintain vision.

17. Fall asleep quickly

The skill will help you cope with insomnia, force yourself to fall asleep after a flight to another time zone or during a long trip. Try the technique of fast falling asleep. Even if it doesn't work the first time, it's still a great way to relax.

Read also 🧐

  • 12 Impressive Skills You Can Learn in Week
  • 5 skills that will really help you in the future
  • What to learn: 10 skills that anyone can master

8 things to learn to be more productive

February 17, 2021Productivity

Manage your time, highlight the important and don't aim for perfection.



You can listen to the article. If it's more convenient for you, turn on the podcast.

Thomas Oppong, a popular blogger and entrepreneur, is convinced that being productive and being busy are not the same thing. He tells what it would be nice to learn if you want to achieve your goals.

1. Prioritize

If you don't know where you're going, you won't end up where you wanted to.

Yogi Berra

American Major League Baseball Player

To achieve something, you first need to understand what exactly you want. Successful and effective people know what to do and when and what tools to use. This skill affects success both in work and in life in general.

To properly prioritize, identify the most important tasks, separate the urgent from the important, order them by importance, and add an estimated time to complete each. Put it all on your to-do list, keeping it as short as possible. Call it a "success list".

Why, explains Gary Keller, author of Start with the Basics! 1 Surprisingly Simple Law of Phenomenal Success": "Long hours spent doing tasks from the plan, ending the day with a full trash can, and a perfectly tidy desktop do not add to your efficiency and have nothing to do with success. Instead of a to-do list, you need a success list based on the pursuit of excellence.

To-do lists are usually very long; success lists are short. One pulls you in all directions; the other - in one specific. The first is a messy set of actions, and the second is a clear instruction. If the list is not based on success, you are unlikely to achieve what you want. If you write absolutely everything into it, then you will be doing everything in a row, except for what you really need.

2. Take notes

Do not rely too much on your memory: it will fail you at the most inopportune moment. Instead, always write everything down.

There are hundreds of note-taking options, from simple stickers to apps like Evernote, and Wunderlist.

By recording everything that needs to be done in a week, you will have a clearer idea of ​​​​what tasks to start on first. This will make it easier to prioritize.

3. Separate the urgent from the important

What seems urgent today may not be important tomorrow. Your task is to know what requires an immediate response and what can be delayed. Then you will be able to pay more attention to each task and get things done faster.

To get a result, it is important not only to choose what to focus on, but also to understand what to ignore.

Peter Bregman

writer, personal development consultant

Set clear rules and boundaries so you don't burden yourself by trying to please everyone. Get rid of some of the obligations. For example, take your time responding to emails or have someone handle them so you can focus on your tasks.

Delegate some work. This way you will reduce the load and will cope with everything faster.

4. Focus on one thing

The ability to focus is an underestimated skill. But single-tasking changes everything: it forces you to keep your attention on work and get it done faster.

If you focus on only one task without distraction, efficiency increases by 2-5 times.

You need to clearly prioritize and choose one task. This way you will achieve more in less time and with less stress.

5. Use the 80/20 principle

You must have heard of the Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule. According to him, approximately 80% of the result depends on 20% of the action. Therefore, focus on just a few tasks that will bring you the greatest benefit.

Perhaps you want to do everything at once and just can't figure out what to do. Then take a moment and evaluate: what is important, what is urgent, what you can delegate, and what is generally a waste of energy.

To get more done in less time, track how much time you spend and on what. Answer the following questions. What brought you closer to your goal? What was a waste of time? What could be delegated?

Choose the 20% of your tasks that give you 80% of the results and do only those. Delegate the rest or just cross out.

Use the most important things rule. Set aside three main tasks each day and focus entirely on completing them for a set amount of time.

6. Find free time and spend it wisely

Only you are responsible for your time. And only you can decide how much to spend on thoughts, conversations, actions, and even entertainment that will bring you closer to success.

Don't let other people determine your plans.

Warren Buffett

Investor and Entrepreneur

If it takes 20% of your effort to get 80% of your results, imagine that you only need to spend 20% of your time working. Therefore, protect it as the most valuable resource.

Super productive people are focused on getting the most out of every free minute. But owning your time doesn't just mean having more of it. You have to spend it efficiently and know exactly what you want to achieve.

Remember, if you don't prioritize your life, someone else will.

Greg McKeon

psychologist, blogger, author of books on personal growth

Every goal you set for yourself should be achievable, realistic and time bound. Most importantly, it should make progress on your goals for the day, week, or month. If you clearly define your tasks, you will always know what to focus on as soon as you have a couple of free hours.

Analyze your time and suddenly you have tons of free minutes to work on your life goals, relax and de-stress, spend time with family and friends, read or play sports.

And that will be one of the most important things you can do.

7. Avoiding perfectionism

Your work suffers because of the constant striving for perfection. You’re slow on certain tasks, constantly putting off others, and generally becoming less productive.

You are wasting valuable time and this annoys your manager. Even worse, if you are your own boss, because then the work may never be brought to the ideal.

Perfection can eventually become your enemy. Often it's just an illusion: you keep improving something that's already good.

Larry Kim

Founder and CEO of MobileMonkey

Once you've beaten perfectionism, you'll finally stop treading water, fearing mistakes, and procrastinating on completing tasks. Failure will be a reason for growth, not fear. The work will go faster, and you will begin to do it more efficiently.

8. Analyze your efforts and results

Measure yourself not only by what you have achieved, but also by what you could achieve if you used better methods of work.

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