Cute fairy tale
Popular Fairy Tales for Kids in English
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Welcome to the world of fairy tales. Here you will find the best selection of fairy tales list, that will enchant the young minds with positivity of the most popular fairy tales. These fables and fairy tale characters have been collected from different cultures, and you will always find something new for the kids,including the ubiquitous king, prince and princess fairy tales. So, just scroll down and enjoy these English fairy tales. Happy Reading!
Most Popular Fable and Fairy Tales
Princes Rose and the Golden Bird
Sleeping Beauty
The Ugly Duckling
New Fairytales
- Irish Fairytales
- The Valiant Little Tailor
- Fundevogel
- The Frog Prince
- The Dog And The Sparrow
- The Fisherman and His Wife
- Briar Rose
- Hans in Luck
- Hansel and Gretel
- The Goose-Girl
- Cat And Mouse In Partnership
- The Twelve Dancing Princesses
- The Willow-Wren And The Bear
- The Straw, The Coal, and The Bean
- The Golden Bird
- Jorinda and Jorindel
- The Finest Liar In The World
- Old Sultan
- A Tale Of The Tontlawald
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Fairy Tales List
- Little Red Riding Hood
- Sweet Porridge
- Donkey Skin
- Jack and his golden snuff-box
- Blue Beard
- The Twelve Brothers
- The Golden Crab
- How the beggar boy turned in to Count Piro
- The magic swan
- The Magic Mirror
- Puss In Boots
- The Golden Goose
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- Jack And The Bean-stalk
- The Frost King
- Eva's Visit to Fairyland
- The Enchanted Stag
- The White Cat
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- The Fairy Flower
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Celtic Fairy Tales | Celtic Fairy
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Short and kind bedtime stories for children.

Short bedtime stories for children
Fairy Tales
Fairies of Rainbow
Fairy kisses
White cat and Fairy of the Moon
Bolitical fairy
How the Forest Fairy Protected the animals
Forest Fairy Fairy Nymphaea
adventures of the Fairy Winter
Travels of Delphin Salphe and the Fairys of the Pearl
Fairy Tale, which loved the Fleec in the nose
The tale of the fairy who spoke bad words
The tale of the king, the prince and the forest fairy
Courageous fairies
Cucumber fairy
Flower fairies
Fairy who cares for animals
Ninelli Fairy
Tale of Fairy Sparkle
Little Fairy
About Fairy Sandman
Tinker Bell Fairy
Adventures of Tinker Bell Fairy
Fairy Tale of Alphabet Fairy 0 1
Other short good bedtime stories
Big ball
Squirrel and wolf
Big stove
Wolf and mare
Giant's hair
Questions inside out
Wizard Submoor
Magic for the Wolf
Valyushkin's room
Magic pencils
Magic wand
Where did the sparrow have lunch?
Blue traffic light
Ice cream palace
Day and Night
Wishes come true
Hare and man
Liar hare
Winter is on the doorstep
Why does a camel need a hump?
Castle of the magician Bobo
History of the Kingdom of Glutton
Story about a scooter
Cat and mouse
Hen Ryaba
How to fall asleep as soon as possible
How Alice went to the sea
How one boy played with a stick
How a husband weaned his wife from fairy tales
A short fairy tale about a dragon
How the master bought a sheep
Who is stronger
The king of confusion
How he was looking for a ball of a friend
Who is the main one in the forest
How the Bunny learned to jump
The Fox and the Crane
The Fox and the Horse
The Mouse and the Pencil 90 1 which ate cats 90 11 We The Man and the Bear
The Miller, the Boy and the Donkey
The Little Girl Who Could Fly
Little Tommy and the Apple Tree
An Unusual Story
Legs… Wings… The Tail Is the Most Important
Masha and the Mirror
Unnecessary Doll
Unlucky hunter
Where does the hedgehog get needles from?
About a grandfather who could not tell fairy tales
About Alice, with whom something always happened
About the wind and a flower
About a droplet
The Princess and the Pea
Absent-minded boy
Sun and cloud
Old man
The Tale of the Smart Doctor
Silver Wings and the Prince
The Tale of the Rainbow and the Bad Boy
The Centipede
Mario's Secret Place
The Tale of Dream
The tale about the rhinoceros who could not sleep
The tale about the Egoza mosquito
The tale about the flying cat
The tale about the frog Zhemchuzhina
The tale about Senya the pig
The tale about the sunbeam
The tale about the little fox Kuzya and the sparrow Gosha Nezhenku
The Tale of Tyoma the Hare
Fear has big eyes
The Tale of the Greediest Man
Blackcock and the Fox
Sly Hare
Bread and Gold
Tsar and Shirt
Chocolate Road
How Lera accustomed to about
Tale about SPRUS
Fairy Tale about chamomile
Tale about a simple pencil
House on the lake
hidden treasures
Capricious Princess
Snidi-Troll from under the bridge
new neighbors are stuck to sleep
Three kittens and a lion
Mrs. Alder and her friends
Counting sheep correctly
Princess Mei-Mai meets new friends
Colored smiles
Make peace
Secret agreement
Dew flowers and the sun
About the deer that couldn't sleep
How Tisha was looking for a dream
Hare's foot
Tale about summer
About the squirrel Tick and the squirrel Tak
Wonderful kindergarten
Tale about Pomarka
Tale about the crybaby hare
About the Monkey
The Tale of the Rabbit
The Tale of the Ill-mannered Sparrow
New Year's bedtime stories
Bedtime story "Christmas adventure"
Nighttime story about the Christmas tree for children
A bedtime story for children about a garland
A bedtime story about Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden
Bedtime stories certainly contribute to a serene and sound sleep of the baby. Short kind fairy tales for the night will calm the little child and give him wonderful, magical dreams.
Short bedtime stories for
children. Reading online
More bedtime stories
Read bedtime stories for kids
The cutest bedtime story: 101 - LiveJournal
It was time for bed, and the little hare grabbed the big hare tightly by its long, long ears. He wanted to know for sure that the big hare was listening to him.
– Do you know how much I love you?
- Of course not, kid. How should I know?
- I love you - that's how! - and the hare spread its paws wide, wide.
But the big hare has longer paws.
- And I love you - that's how.
"Wow, how wide," thought the hare.
– Then I love you – that's how! And he pulled himself up with all his might.
- And you - that's how, - a big hare reached out for him.
“Wow, how high,” thought the hare. “I would like that!”
Then the hare guessed: a somersault on the front paws, and with the hind legs up the trunk!
- I love you to the very tips of your hind legs!
- And I you - to the very tips of your paws, - the big hare picked him up and threw him up.
– Well, then... then... Do you know how much I love you?... Just like that! - and the hare jumped and tumbled across the clearing.
- And I love you - like this, - the big hare grinned, and jumped up so much that he got his ears to the branches!
“What a jump! thought the hare. “If only I could do that!”
- I love you far, far along this path, as from us to the river itself!
- And I'll take you - like across the river and oh-oh-oh-he's over those hills ...
"How far away," the hare thought sleepily. Nothing else came to his mind.
Above, above the bushes, he saw a big dark sky. There is nothing beyond the sky!
“I love you until the moonlight,” whispered the hare, and closed his eyes.
- Wow, how far... - The big hare laid him on a bed of leaves.
I sat next to him, kissed him goodnight... and whispered in his ear:
– And I love you to the moon. To the very, very moon... and back.
Author: Sam McBratney
"That's how I love you" - translation of the fairy tale in verse:
The little hare smiled at his mother:
- I love you like this! - and threw up his hands.
- That's how much I love you! - his mother told him,
She spread her hands and also showed.
- That's a lot, - the hare whispered, -
- That's a lot, a lot, a lot, but not too much.
- He crouched and jumped high like a ball.
- I love you like this! the bunny laughed.
And then, in response, dashing away dashingly,
– That's how much I love you! - jumped the hare.
- This is a lot, - the hare whispered, -
It's very, very much, a lot, but not too much.
– I love you like this! - the bunny smiled
And turned somersaults on the grass-ant.
- That's how much I love you! - Mommy said,
Somersaulted, hugged and kissed.
- That's a lot, - the hare whispered, -
That's a lot, a lot, a lot, but not too much.
Do you see the tree growing right next to the river?
I love you like this - you understand, mother!
And mom can see the whole valley in her arms.
- That's how much I love you! mother told her son.