Descriptive words for animals

words used to describe animals - synonyms and related words



capable of living both in water and on land



an anthropoid ape or other animal is very similar to a human



formal relating to or living in trees



biology an articulate animal has joints (=parts of the body where two bones meet)



biology an asexual creature does not have sex organs



kept in a cage



a captive wild animal is kept in a place such as a park or zoo instead of living in its natural environment



used in the names of birds and animals when there are more of them than related birds and animals



biology a diurnal animal is awake and active during the day



a domestic animal is one that is kept as a pet or on a farm



plants or animals that are endemic to a place are only found there



covered with feathers, or made from feathers



formal a feral cat or other animal is one that lives in a wild state but was once kept as a pet or lived on a farm



able to fly



covered with fur, or covered with something that looks like fur



covered with fur



used in the names of some animals and plants that are much larger than others of the same type



with horns



American a pet that is housebroken knows that it must go outside or use a special container inside when it needs to go to the toilet



British a pet that is house-trained knows that it must go outside or use a special container inside when it needs to get rid of urine or feces from its body. The American word is housebroken.



used in the names of some animals, birds, or plants to show that they are a smaller type



a lop-eared animal has long ears that hang by the side of its head



a mangy animal has itchy skin and is starting to lose fur because it has the disease mange



a mature animal or plant has grown to its full size



a migratory bird or animal is one that migrates



relating to the place where a plant or animal has always lived



nocturnal animals are active at night rather than during the day



biology a parasitic plant or animal lives in or on another type of plant or animal and feeds on it



a pedigree animal comes from a family whose members have been recorded for a long time and who are all of the same breed (=type)



a purebred animal comes from parents of the same breed



a pygmy animal or plant belongs to a type that does not grow very big



a rogue wild animal lives apart from other members of its group and is often dangerous



a scaly animal has skin like that of a fish or a snake



a shy animal is afraid of people and tries to hide from them



formal similar to a monkey or an ape, or connected with these animals



a spineless animal does not have a spine



a dead animal that is stuffed has been filled with a substance so that it looks alive



a tame animal has been trained to stay calm when people are near it, because it is used to being with them



with a tuft of hair or feathers



warm-blooded animals have a body that stays warm in both hot and cold environments. A cold-blooded animal has a body temperature that changes when their environment changes.



if a bird or animal has webbed feet, it has skin between its toes to help it to swim well



with toes that are joined by a piece of skin



a well-bred animal has good qualities because of good breeding



the quality of an animal or plant that is not raised by humans

English version of thesaurus of words used to describe animals

Adjectives Words to Describe Animals and Pets

Adjectives for animals is not something new to English vocabulary. But yes it can be the best thing if you are trying to help your kids learn new words. Have you ever wondered how will you describe a baby meerkat? You would be describing it as cute or chubby.

Generally, to describe animals we should be knowledgeable about their characteristic features. These features help us in using the correct adjectives for the specific animals. For example, you can describe a Fox as wild, cunning, and carnivorous but you cannot use the same adjectives for a Rabbit. Rabbit is an innocent animal. 

Therefore you can easily see that there are many ways you can describe a particular animal.

You can see the entire list of cute adjectives that can be used to describe animals.

Transgenic Amphibious Androgynous
Anthropoid Aquatic Arboreal
Articulate Asexual Caged
Captive Cold-blooded Diurnal
Domestic Wild Drowny
Extinct Feathered Feral
Fluffy Furred Giant
Gregarious Horned Pet
Indigenous Juvenile Lesser
Lop-eared Man-Eating Mangy
Migratory Native Nocturnal
Omnivorous Parasitic Petrified
Pigmy Poisonous Polymorphous
Predatory Purebred Rabid
Rogue Savage Scaly
Spineless Tame Temperate
Territorial Tolerant Webbed

In the list given you can observe the adjectives used for dogs. In a contextual way you can also symbolize them as “Canine loyalty” this becomes the perfect adjective. Moreover, the word or adjective asinine as used to refer to the characters a donkey posses. 

With these adjectives, you would also be able to understand the characteristic features of the animals.

Adjective Animal
accipitrine hawk
anserine goose
aquiline eagle
asinine ass
avine bird
bovine cow
bubaline buffalo
cameline camel
cancrine crab
canine dog
caprine goat
corvine deer
corvine crow, raven
crocodiline crocodile
elephantine elephant
equine horse
falconine falcon
feline cat
ferine any wild animal
hippopotamine hippopotamus
hircine goat
hirundine swallow
hystricine porcupine
lacertine lizard
larine gull
leonine lion
leporine hare
lumbricine earthworm
lupine wolf
murine mouse
ovine sheep
pardine leopard, panther
passerine sparrow
pavonine peacock
picine woodpecker
piscine fish
porcine pig
pteropine bat
ranine frog
scolopendrine centipede
serpentine serpent
soricine shrew
struthionine ostrich
suilline swine
taurine bull
tigrine tiger
ursine bear
vespine wasp
viperine viper
vituline calf
viverrine mongoose
vulpine fox
vulturine vulture
zebrine zebra
zibeline Sable
acciptrine Falcon
anguine snake
arachnoid spider
batrachian toad
bovine bison
cervine elk
cetacean whale
cygnine swan
delphine dolphin
dipterous fly
eusuchian alligator
formic ant
galline chicken
gastropodian snail
vermian worm
murine rat
musteline badger
ostracine oyster
otarine seal
pieridine butterfly
scyphozoan jellyfish
simian monkey
testudine tortoise
vespine hornet

These adjectives would also be helpful to you while narrating descriptions for content or drafting a storyline.

With these adjectives, you would be able to distinguish between the generic adjectives that can be used for animals and the specific one. The specific adjectives are basically used for particular animals only as they describe the characteristic features. If you have some different adjectives then share your thoughts in our comment section. Till then stay tuned to Englishbix.

Quick Links

  1. Animal Names for Kids
  2. Domestic Animal Names
  3. Wild Animal Names
  4. Animal Sounds for Kids

Animal names in English

Names of animals in English - vocabulary on the topic "Animals" (Animals)
Study-English. info - website for English learners, students, university professors and translators

Russian-English glossary on the topic "Animals" with transcription

000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
English Name
AIST AIST 9000 STORK0081 KID [Kɪd]
Mosquito, Mosquito GNAT [Næt]
Cows [KAʊ]
kitten Kitten [ˈkɪtn̩]
Crocodile [ˈkrɒkədaɪl]

Riddles about animals

  • Thick grasses are entwined,
    Meadows are curled up,
    Yes, and I myself am all curly,
    Even with a curl of a horn.

  • He is very, very curly,
    Doesn't want to become a shish kebab at all,
    A giant among the bright women,
    What is his name?

  • He has a huge mouth,
    He is called …

  • I wear a fluffy fur coat,
    I live in a dense forest.
    In a hollow on an old oak
    I gnaw nuts.

  • From branch to branch,
    Fast as a ball,
    Galloping through the forest
    Red-haired circus performer.
    Here on the fly he plucked a bump

    Jumped on the trunk
    And ran away into the hollow.

  • Who deftly jumps on the trees
    And flies up to the oaks?
    Who hides nuts in a hollow,
    Dry mushrooms for the winter?

  • On the trees, hop-hop,
    A click-click nuts.

  • We will recognize the animal
    By two such signs:
    He is in a gray fur coat - in winter,
    And in a red fur coat - in summer.

  • Who from the tall dark pines
    Threw a bump at the kids?
    And into the bushes through the stump
    Flashed like a light?

  • There are workers in the river
    Not joiners, not carpenters,
    But they will build a dam -
    At least paint a picture.

  • Working animals
    Building a house in the middle of the river.
    If someone comes to visit,
    Know that the entrance is from the river.

  • There are lumberjacks on the rivers
    In silver-brown fur coats.
    Trees, branches, clay
    Strong dams are built.

  • All my life I have been wearing two humps,
    I have two stomachs!
    But every hump is not a hump, a barn!
    Food in them for seven days!

  • I am a humpbacked beast,
    And the guys like me.

  • He looks like a sheepdog,
    Every tooth is a sharp knife!
    He runs, baring his mouth,
    Ready to attack a sheep.

  • The hedgehog has grown ten times,
    It turned out ...

  • Gingerbread man from needles.
    Who is curled up here?
    You won't understand where the tail is, where the nose is,
    He carries food on his back.
    In general, you won't understand right away.
    Who is this anyway?

  • Here are the needles and pins
    Creeping out from under the bench.
    They look at me,
    They want milk.

  • Lying between the trees
    Pillow with needles.
    Lying quietly,
    Then she suddenly ran away.

  • It will curl up into a ball,
    But you can’t take it.

  • Touchy, full of needles,
    I live in a hole, under a Christmas tree.
    Although the doors are wide open,
    But animals do not enter me.

  • Crawler is crawling,
    Needles are carrying.

  • I have
    Thousands of needles sticking out all around.
    I have with any enemy
    The conversation is short.

  • Under the pines, under the trees
    There is a bag of needles.

  • Needles on the back
    Long and sharp.
    A will curl up into a ball -
    No head, no legs.

  • Angry touchy
    Lives in the wilderness of the forest:
    There are a lot of needles,
    And there is not a single thread.

  • It is easy for us to recognize him,
    It is easy to recognize him:
    He is tall
    And he sees far.

  • Which animal is very beautiful,
    The tallest, the longest?

  • He walks with his head up,
    Not because he is an important count,
    Not because he has a proud disposition,
    But because he is?

  • The scythe does not have a lair,
    He does not need a hole.
    Legs save from enemies,
    Bark saves from hunger.

  • White in winter,
    Gray in summer.
    Does not offend anyone,
    And he is afraid of everyone.

  • What kind of forest animal
    He stood like a column under a pine tree
    And stands among the grass,
    Ears bigger than his head?

  • Not a lamb and not a cat,
    Wears a fur coat all year round.
    Gray fur coat - for summer,
    For winter - a different color.

  • Horses put on
    Sea shirts.

  • What a horse! -
    Andrey exclaimed. -
    Like a big
    Lined notebook!

  • With a beard, but not an old man,
    With horns, but not a bull,
    They milk, but not a cow,
    A bast pulls,
    But he does not weave bast shoes.

  • He climbed into the cabbage in the autumn season:
    horned and shaggy and with a long beard

  • Not a mustache, but a beard,
    And angry with all the guys,
    But he is still not a grandfather.
    Guess who, kids?

  • Not a plowman, not a carpenter,
    Not a blacksmith, not a carpenter,
    But the first worker in the village.

  • Red dairy
    Chewing day, chewing night.
    After all, grass is not so easy
    Turn into milk!

  • Hungry - mooing,
    Full - chewing,
    to all the guys
    Gives milk.

  • She is motley, eats green, gives white

  • What kind of animal is playing with me?
    Does not moo, does not neigh, does not bark,
    Attacks balls,
    Hiding claws in paws!

  • He combed his hair without a comb
    And washed himself without water,
    Climbed into an easy chair
    And sang in every way.

  • I will take a nap and sing
    My song to you.
    But when I'm hunting -
    I'm not lazy at work.

  • He arched his back in an arc,
    meowed. Who it?

  • Eyes, ears,
    Claws, tail,
    And it washes all cleaner.

  • A log floats on the river -
    Oh, and it's furious!

  • In the rivers of Africa lives
    Evil green steamer!

  • Long ear,
    Puff of down.
    Jumps deftly,
    Gnaws carrots.

  • Guess,
    Whose fluff is on sweatshirts,
    On hats, gloves
    Does it suit you guys?

  • Digs, digs,
    Underground builds,
    Digs, builds smartly
    Bedroom and pantry.

  • Me, friends, underground dweller
    Digger and builder,
    I dig, I dig, I dig,
    I build corridors everywhere,
    And then I'll build a house
    And I live quietly in it.

  • In rich clothes,
    Yes, he is blind.
    Lives without a window,
    Never seen the sun

  • He dug everything - both the meadow and the garden -
    An earth-moving machine.
    In the dark during walking hours
    Dug alleys under the field.

  • They always call me blind,
    But it doesn't matter at all.
    I built a house underground,
    All storerooms are full in it.

  • When he is in a cage, he is pleasant.
    There are many black spots on the skin.
    He is a predatory beast, although a little,
    Like a lion and a tiger, he looks like a cat.

  • Red-haired cheat,
    Cunning and dexterous,
    Got into the barn,
    He counted.

  • Which of the animals
    has a fluffier and longer tail?

  • Touching the grass with hooves,
    A handsome man walks through the forest,
    Walks boldly and easily,
    Spreading his horns wide.

  • They look very wonderful:
    Dad has curls in waves,
    And mom goes with a short haircut,
    What she is offended by.

  • Walks in the forest in summer,
    Rests in the den in winter.

  • Who lives in the deaf forest,
    Clumsy, clubfoot?
    In summer he eats raspberries, honey,
    And in winter he sucks his paw.

  • The beast is waddling
    For raspberries and honey.
    He loves sweets very much,
    And when autumn comes,
    Climbs into the pit until spring,
    Where he sleeps and dreams.

  • Small stature, long tail, gray coat, sharp teeth

  • This little baby
    Even bread crumbs are glad,
    Because it is dark
    She hides in a mink.

  • I'm scratching under the floor,
    I'm afraid of cats.

  • What kind of animal,
    Tell me, brothers,
    Can he climb into himself?

  • Doesn't spin, doesn't weave,
    But clothes people.
    He takes off his fur coat twice a year.
    Who walks under a fur coat?

  • Carries through the forest all day
    Branchy horns. ...
    Take off the horns even at night
    He can't, being afraid of the enemy.

  • Believe it or not:
    An animal ran through the forest.
    He carried on his forehead for a reason
    Two branchy bushes.

  • Like a royal crown,
    He wears his horns.
    Eats lichen, green moss,
    Likes snowy meadows.

  • Ser, but not a wolf,
    Long-eared, but not a hare,
    With hooves, but not a horse.

  • He has big ears,
    He is obedient to his master.
    And although it is not big,
    But it carries like a truck.

  • He holds his ears up.
    His tail is crocheted.
    He puts his paws on his chest:
    - Give me some sausages!
    Licks on the cheek and on the nose
    My shaggy friend ...

  • There is a messy
    In a bristly shirt.
    Pretzel tail,
    Piglet nose.

  • Hook instead of ponytail.
    Instead of a nose - a patch.
    Piglet with holes,
    A swivel hook.

  • Less than a tiger, more than a cat,
    Tassel-horns above the ears.
    He has a huge nose,
    As if his nose has been growing for a thousand years.

  • At the zoo,
    Believe it or not,
    Miracle Beast.
    His hand is in his forehead
    It looks like a pipe!

  • Tail wagging, toothy, not barking.

  • Is friends with the owner,
    Guards the house,
    Lives under the porch,
    And the tail is ringed.

  • Sensitive upturned ears,
    Hooked tail,
    I won't let a stranger into the house,
    I'm sad without a master.

  • The living castle grunted,
    Lie down at the door across.

  • It's not a bird,
    It doesn't sing,
    Whoever goes into the house,
    She lets you know.

  • Petting - petting.
    Tease - bites.
    On a chain, sitting,
    Watching the house.

  • Smooth, brown, clumsy,
    He does not like the cold of winter.
    Until spring in a deep hole
    In the middle of the wide steppe
    The little animal sleeps sweetly!
    What is his name?

  • I am the most thrifty of all:
    My cheek, friends, is
    Like a bag for nuts
    Or, let's say, a knapsack.

  • I settle down smartly:
    I have a closet with me.
    Where is the pantry?
    Behind the cheek!
    Here I am, what a sly one!

  • A ball was buried under a stump with needles.

  • The humpback bridge stands on four columns.

  • In a cage, at home, a friend lives.
    He gnaws grains, seeds,
    He likes to make supplies,
    He carries supplies behind his cheek.

  • This beast is very scary,
    That he sleeps - do not believe him,
    He swims along the Nile River,
    Toothy, formidable -....

  • Who can wash his face
    Without water - with his tongue?
    And meow, and caress,
    And chase after a ball?

  • Big-headed, thin-legged,
    And still without horns,
    He grazes in the meadow
    And he calls his mother - "Moooo!"

  • It is wild and vicious,
    But it is quite edible.
    There are virtues
    Even such a pig!

  • Makes everyone laugh,
    Because it's not in a hurry!

  • The grid on it is clearly drawn.
    And the grill suits the cannibal very much!

  • Our ancestors, your ancestors
    Swinging on one branch,
    And now they keep us in a cage ...
    Is it good, kids?

  • Get into the habit of a poultry house - expect trouble.
    Red tail sweeps up traces.

  • Jumping on the branches, but not a bird,
    Red, not a fox.

  • Sleeping on a pillow
    Small ears,
    Soft paws,
    Claw claws.

  • Without hearing the waves of the ocean,
    Not knowing the expanse of the sea,
    In the distant African steppe
    The sea vest sports.

  • Even on an iron roof
    Walks quietly, quieter than a mouse.

    will go hunting at night And, like in the daytime, he sees everything.
    Often sleeps, and after sleep
    She washes herself.

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