Different world bloopers
The Thing From Another World (1951) mistakes
Revealing mistake: The Thing takes a swing at the captain after the captain opens the door. As the Thing swings his arm, he takes out a chunk of wood out of the door. If you step through the frames on the DVD, you can see the wood leaving the door a full second after the Thing has hit it. A small explosive charge that was not in sync with the actor. You can also see the outline of where the wood comes off before he swings his arm. And one more thing, his arm does not touch the door or even comes close to where the wood comes off - a safety precaution I presume. DVDs can be longer or shorter under different countries' TV systems. Please try one of these times:
PAL: 00:55:15 NTSC: 00:59:51
">(00:57:33)Larry Koehn
Visible crew/equipment: When the airplane flies over the area where the saucer skidded in and became buried in the ice, you can see the equipment used to clear the snow and smooth out the ice (at the narrow end of the ice). You can also see the tracks from the machine criss-crossing the circular portion from the aerial shots. DVDs can be longer or shorter under different countries' TV systems. Please try one of these times:
PAL: 00:15:41 NTSC: 00:16:59
">(00:16:20)Larry Koehn
Revealing mistake: If the scientists are near the North Pole, their shadows would be very long. But the scenes near the saucer show the men having very short shadows; thus, they are in Hollywood (naturally). DVDs can be longer or shorter under different countries' TV systems. Please try one of these times:
PAL: 00:21:02 NTSC: 00:22:48
">(00:21:55)Larry Koehn
Other mistake: When the captain comes face-to-face with the Thing for the first time, the upper right frame becomes blurred once the door starts opening until it closes followed by a scene change. Very odd except maybe they were trying to hide the minicharges to create the bullet holes after they close the door. The implanted charges are very visible when the scene is not blurred. Also there is a small charge in the wooden frame of the door near the door handle. DVDs can be longer or shorter under different countries' TV systems. Please try one of these times:
PAL: 00:55:14 NTSC: 00:59:50
">(00:57:32)Larry Koehn
Audio problem: While at the saucer crash site, some of the characters approach the air foil of the saucer. Dr. Carrington asks Vorhees if he can tell what metal it is. After Barnes is asked to bring some tools, watch Dr. Carrington's lips. He's obviously talking to Captain Hendry, but there is no audio.
Tony DiClemente
Factual error: The scientists are supposed to be at or near the North Pole. When Capt. Hendry takes off from Anchorage, Alaska the sky is dark (day-for-night) but when he arrives at the Polar base it is broad daylight. The dialogue says the date is Nov. 2 (presumably 1951). Later, when the "Martian" is accidentally released from his block of ice by an electric blanket, the sky is dark again. Later the sun is back up. At the North Pole the sun sets around Sept. 21 and stays down until March 21, when it comes back up. NOAA says polar twilight lingers through "early October" but by November the sky is black 24 hours a day and stays like that for most of the next six months. Also, when he arrives Capt. Hendry is told the explosion took place about 50 miles "due East." If you're at the North Pole there's no such direction as "due East". No matter which way you head, you're heading due South. And from the plane, Hendry refers to "that peak ahead" being due East. The Arctic ice cap is a thick sheet of ice floating in the ocean. That's why submarines can sail underneath it. There are no "peaks" near the North Pole. These guys were thinking of Alaska, not the North Pole.
Audio problem: After arriving at the saucer crash site, a few members of the expedition approach the air foil of the saucer. Dr. Carrington asks Vorhees if he can tell what metal it is made of. After Barnes is asked to bring some tools in order to take some metal filings of the air foil, Dr.
Carrington is obviously talking to Captain Hendry, but there is no audio. Mistake observed in video format.
Continuity mistake: In the early scene in the officers' club, the money in the center of the poker table disappears and reappears with the change of angle.
Continuity mistake: The main actress has her hair parted in the middle. When the Thing is set on fire, he takes a swing at the actress hiding behind a mattress and her hair is not parted (stunt double). The hair is parted again after the Thing escapes. DVDs can be longer or shorter under different countries' TV systems. Please try one of these times:
PAL: 01:07:41 NTSC: 01:13:19
">(01:10:30)Larry Koehn
Revealing mistake: The search team uses thermite charges to melt the ice around the saucer. After the initial explosion, the ground begins to rumble and the members of the search team all dive to the ground as the space ship itself goes up in a tremendous blast. Look at the sled dogs when the scene cuts from the explosion to the team huddling on the ground. They stand there calmly observing the scenery - no barks or yelps even though a violent explosion has supposedly rent the ground about 100 feet away from them.
Continuity mistake: A 4x4 magically appears on the floor after the Thing opens the door and breaks down the barrier of lumber.
Audio problem: After the captain checks the x-ray room for the Thing, he turns off the light. However, we hear the click after the light starts to turn off.
Other mistake: When Capt. Hendry and Sgt. Bob approach the green house door to confront The Thing after being alerted by the wounded scientist, the outline of the bullet holes in the door is visible before it is opened and before Sgt. Bob fires into the door.
Continuity mistake: In the inside shots of the airplane, gear is piled up in front of the windows. In the outside shots, you can see clear through the cabin to the windows on the other side of the plane, with no gear or passengers anywhere to be seen.
Visible crew/equipment: When the scientist finds the saucer near the North Pole, the panorama of the sky reaches only to a certain height. When the camera pans upward, as the smoke billows up from the explosive charges, the backdrop of the sky disappears and the real sky appears above the Hollywood backlot. DVDs can be longer or shorter under different countries' TV systems. Please try one of these times:
PAL: 00:22:00 NTSC: 00:23:50
">(00:22:55)Larry Koehn
Visible crew/equipment: The panorama, at the saucer, has several very visible vertical seams which they tried to paint over by making it appear as clouds. DVDs can be longer or shorter under different countries' TV systems. Please try one of these times:
PAL: 00:21:07 NTSC: 00:22:53
">(00:22:00)Larry Koehn
Continuity mistake: The first time they confronted the thing at the greenhouse door it opened outwards, which is why they brace the door from opening. But later in the movie right before the end, that same door opens inwards.
Factual error: The Thing is in a block that would weigh a good 2 tons, how did they get it on the plane? Would the plane even take off with that type of weight? and the block of ice with the Thing in it seems to be up on a table of saw horses, neither of which could take that type of weight.
Factual error: When the doctor is showing his colleagues where the seedpods are growing, a fly lands on Dr. Karagen’s eyebrow for a split second. What is a fly doing in a subzero climate?
Visible crew/equipment: When Bob approaches the door to the greenhouse with a geiger counter, the wire to the device can be seen trailing out the bottom of his pants leg on onto the floor.
The Ocean: BNHA x OP!Reader - USJ Arc BLOOPERS
Hey guys! Before I start, I'd like to address a few things. First: please understand that this entire story is from the viewpoint of someone who has been transported to an entirely different world WITHOUT HER CHOICE. She never got the chance to say goodbye to her loved ones and has no idea if she's even still alive in her own world or not, so she's pretty much just scared. I know I said she is mentally in her last year of college (aka around 22-23) but, at least for me, that's still pretty young to be dealing with all this heavy stuff.
Second: if you are unhappy with how class 1-A has been portrayed thus far, again, understand that this is all from the main character's POV. The class has a reason for everything they're doing, but the reason it hasn't been stated yet is because the main character simply does not know yet. Because no one trusts her, she isn't able to have access to all the information the other students have. That's all the information that I'm gonna give out now, but just know that the full explanation is coming. Last: for any questions that you all ask, if I do not specifically reply to your comment, it is because I have a reason for why that happens, but the main character (and therefore all of my precious readers) do not yet know the answer. This, of course, means that there most definitely is an answer coming, unless I specifically state otherwise. Also, please don't get me wrong, I absolutely love seeing your guys' comments and questions, as they challenge me to be a better writer and find answers for everything you can throw at me, but I do ask you all to please not repeatedly ask questions if I have not answered them.
The answer is coming; I just don't want to give anything away before the time is right.
With all that out of the way, this chapter is a little Christmas gift for everyone! As a special treat to myself for finishing my very first ever arc and a thank you for you all sticking around for this long, here's a bunch of bloopers from the creation of The Ocean!
*Warning: there is a lot of cursing and suggestive language ahead*
Take one *BEEP*
Aizawa: *crawling through the tunnel that Cementoss created*
(Y/N): *lying on her side* I've been waiting for you, Daddyzawa
Cut! *BEEP*
Aizawa: Midnight hit her pretty hard with her quirk, so we're not really sure when she's gonna come to.
Nezu: Funny you should mention that, because it seems as though our guest has just woken up. You can open your eyes now.
(Y/N): zzzzzzzz.......
Nezu: Ahem, I said you can open your eyes now...
(Y/N): zzzzzzzz.......
Aizawa: You're kidding, she actually fell asleep? We started shooting five minutes ago!
Cameraman: *chuckling* she did say something about missing her morning coffee
Aizawa: I can't believe this. WAKE UP, KID!
Aizawa: Oh my god, our lead is an idiot.
That poor man. Cut! *BEEP*
Nezu: Would you mind telling us who you are?
(Y/N): What up, I'm Jared, I'm 19, and I never fuckin' learned how to read.
Please just say your lines! *BEEP*
(Y/N): Who will I be staying with?
Nezu: You'll be with Mr. Aizawa here.
The funniest blunders in foreign cartoons
Quite recently, we painstakingly analyzed several classic Soviet cartoons frame by frame. Today we will expand the boundaries a little and look at curious underdrawings and inconsistencies in foreign cartoons, because overseas animators have more than enough mischievous disappearances, sudden movements and unexpectedly changing objects.
For a treacherous debriefing, we selected two famous Disney cartoons, one of the highest-grossing cartoons in history, and one iconic Japanese masterpiece of all time. Yes, we are encroaching on the sacred again. No, these cartoons delight and will continue to delight us - minor flaws only increase both love and interest in these animated hits.
Let's start with the latest cartoon news hero: Zootopia has garnered a huge crop of awards (Oscars, Golden Globes, Annie) and once again proved Disney's leadership in the global arena. animations. Even though a year has passed since the premiere of the picture, the cunning fox and the no less cunning rabbit are back in trend. If you have already admired the special posters, read the creators' interviews and learned about the Russian origin of the animator who "revived" Nick Wilde, we suggest you turn to the funniest blunders. Even Oscar-winning hits cannot do without them!
First things first, disappearances and appearances. This story is not in vain a detective story: while Judy solves the mystery of a secret conspiracy against predators, we will try to understand who is always taking things from under the noses of the heroes. For example, the keys from Judy's paw, when an elderly female armadillo settles a big-eared policewoman in a modest little room, while asking them not to lose them. Later, Judy's notebook disappears from the dashboard of Judy's car without a trace. While viewing data from video cameras in Miss Barashkis's office, the monitor suddenly disappears. Douglas' mask disappears somewhere after a sniper puts it on the table during a telephone discussion of a new "order".
There were even larger losses: for example, the famous shop, which you can either notice or not notice at the moment Judy is issuing a fine to herself.
And here is a wonderful appearance: when the Clawhouser raises its head, no donut is visible in the neck area of the plump cheetah. The treat only appears when Judy sees it. Mystic.
There is a more radical case of “deus ex machina” intervention, and higher powers clearly favored the fox tribe: here Judy and Nick bicker about the meaning of life and social inequality in a completely harmless and prosperous street, and here the rabbit is already kneeling in uncured cement, surrounded by beavers. By the way, in the next shots, she was also able to turn around to the offender, right in the solution, which is surprising even for a dexterous rabbit.
Let's move on to amazing movements and transformations. There is a whole field for reflection on the fate of things in Zootopia. Behavior inappropriate for immovable objects was caught: a donut - the instrument of arrest of Duke Horkovits (first up with icing, then down with icing), a mirror near Mr. a scene where there is a table and objects laid out on it. Apparently, the little inhabitants of Zootopia are not asleep and move all these notebooks, tablets and other small trash. Or even a big one: look how a large bag of bulbs moved behind a lamppost with lightning speed!
Or one of the most popular moments among bug-seekers with the mysterious movement of Judy's suitcase. However, it was here that some passenger could easily have passed and unwrapped the luggage, while the audience admired the touching family farewell.
But it’s not possible to explain the transformation of the car in the same logical way: just look at the doors! Judy enters the door on the far left, and in the next shots, the entrance for the largest citizens of the city appears.
Let's talk about mysterious substitutions: here is the transparent sign of the bestial "Police Academy", but it is dense and does not shine through at all. Please note that most of the inscriptions in the cartoon were redrawn during localization. It was funny, probably, for the animators to work on this sign with a deliberate "blunder".
As in the case of the sudden appearance of objects, behind which you can see the trick of the creators of the cartoon (if Judy does not notice the donut, let it not be there at all), in Zootopia there was also a typical "cartoon" trick with bottomless pockets of heroes . It's like "Hermione's handbag", only more versatile. For example, Judy's miracle belt - sometimes there is a machine for punching fines on it, then an "anti-lysium" canister, or even nothing at all. Sleight of hand and no fraud! Nick definitely has one too. The fox very deftly pulls out the suitcase with evidence after falling from the train, when literally a frame back the hero rolled and it was clear that he did not have any large objects with him. He also ran out of the car window with empty hands.
We continue our walk through the mystical Zootopia with the most delicious and unexpected blunders. Here is a gallant rabbit turning over a page of a notebook during an educational conversation with Nick, however, in the following frames, the page is still definitely the first. Great trick, Miss Hopps!
On her first night at her new place, Judy microwaves a meager, sad dinner, and you can see that the cop is wearing a homemade pink T-shirt. The rabbit again sits down at the table in uniform. Of course, it is much more convenient to have dinner at the parade.
In the same place, there is a traditional mistake with the time on the mobile: the clock on the alarm clock and on the phone shows 8:39, and when the rabbit says goodbye and puts her smartphone on the table, 9:44 lights up on the screen. Talking to relatives is always so tiresome!
We conclude the review with another temporal paradox: the ice cream in Nick's paws melts at the record speed of saying the phrase "If you kiss again, I'll bite off your nose." Even despite the sunny weather and the extremely dubious technology for creating Sweets on a Stick, it's still amazing.
Beauty and the Beast
The almost canceled premiere of the Disney film-musical Beauty and the Beast will soon take place on our screens. We hope that the upturned rating will not scare you and you will go to admire the incomparable Emma Watson with your children (they can come to the cinema with their parents to see the movie 16+!). In the meantime, everyone is looking forward to the release of this supposedly brilliant remake, let's turn to the original cartoon 191991, let's dabble in its beauty and smile at amusing blunders in this still perfect picture of our childhood.
Right off the bat is the most important question that haunts adult viewers who are used to actively thinking and counting while watching. Let's count and think together: according to the plot, the prince's spell must be lifted before the poor fellow turns 21, the action of the cartoon just unfolds around this date. However, Lumiere informed Belle that the castle had been enchanted for 10 years. Using the simplest calculation, we can conclude that a terrible curse fell on the head of a boy of 11 years old. Who, by the way, for some reason himself went out to the guest, although the castle is full of servants (we don’t even stutter about parents anymore!), And the existing portraits depict a completely adult young man. There can be about two explanations: either the chandelier guy pretty much boasted about the duration of the spell, or it's a fairy tale, looking for logic in which is a business doomed to failure. We are leaning towards the second option, and you?
While you're thinking about what you've read, let's move on to something easy - to disappearances, although they can be easily justified by the overwhelming magic of the scene. But still, it is absolutely necessary to tell about Cogsworth's nuts and gears that self-destruct when they fall on the floor, the bag with the bird that disappeared from Lef's hands at the very beginning of the cartoon, and the mysterious beer in the mug of the same character, which first splashes in the mug, and then does not pour out, when the container ended up on LeFou's head. Drinking so fast? Evaporated? Did it stick to the bottom?
A math textbook-style riddle: A cart with Mrs. Potts and three cups on board drove over Cogsworth. When the transport approached Maurice, two cups disappeared, leaving only Chip. But a little later, a spoon appeared there, which was not there before. What happened to the other two cups?
As usual, let's add a sudden question about the appearance of an egg. No, we won't ask about the chicken and "what comes first". It's just that Gaston and LeFou in the tavern destroyed all the eggs from the bowl, so where did another batch suddenly appear? Apparently, the smart innkeeper set it down while everyone was looking at the handsome villain.
Moving on - to changes and transformations. There are quite a lot of them, so let's concentrate on the strangest ones: this is a column in the hall where there is a rose - it either shows a twisted face, or not; this is Belle's house with a door opening in different directions (how familiar!) and a puddle in the yard that spontaneously arises under Gaston (in the next shots in front of the house there is a porch and a lawn, no dirt), finally, this is a portrait of the prince: the Beast tears art with his human image right on right eye, however Belle sees a larger version. Self-healing portrait? It seems that the portrait usually deteriorates while the owner is under a curse, or are we confusing something?
Well, just a beautiful log from the end of the cartoon: when the invaders entered the castle, the ram remained lying in the open doors, and the attackers trotted inside. Later, Belle drove up, but the log had already disappeared, and the doors were closed. If the servants who had strayed from the villains could repeat the latter, then where did the tree go? They would hardly have picked it up.
Let's turn to the Beauty and the Beast phenomenon: if the disappearances and appearances of things are a common blunder of multipliers, then the cycle of constantly changing things is something new. Behind such inconsistency, people were noticed in the tavern participating in the stormy praise of Gaston (the number of sing-alongs changes from frame to frame), there is also a curiosity with an armchair on which this venerable proud man sits: under the legs you can see either LeFou, then the skin of a bear, then a magnificent piece of furniture completely disappears, then reappears, now with a skin, now without.
And here are the amazingly fast-changing hairstyles of blondes sighing for Gaston. Girls are generally changeable.
LeFou's shoes have a similar property: during the assault on the castle, the ottoman dog tore off one shoe from the hero, then LeFou runs fully shod (three shoes of one character can be counted simultaneously in the frame), and he runs away again in one shoe. And, of course, porridge. The cycle of porridge on the face of the Beast is one of the most beloved and daring blunders of the cartoon.
It's time to remember the strange and wonderful time paradoxes. The conditional time of the action of "Beauty and the Beast" is the 18th century. Musicians under the direction of LeFou play Wagner's "Wedding March", which will be born only in the 19th. And during the performance of the hit “You are our guest”, the plates depict the Eiffel Tower, which will be built closer to the 20th century. They clearly know more than they show.
We complete the analysis of "Beauty and the Beast" with a few logic puzzles. Here's the first one: why does the Beast even eat porridge with his face? The prince doesn't know how to use a spoon? But after all, all princes know how to handle spoons and a mountain of other cutlery laid down according to tricky etiquette. Let's move on: how much money does a bookstore run in the village? After all, only eccentric Belle is interested in books, and some generally prefer to throw literature into the mud.
What happens to the road to the castle? Maurice fell off Phillip's horse while still in the forest, but later the stallion confidently brought Belle to the gates of the castle, which he had never been to. Maurice himself was later unable to repeat this path and got lost, but the angry villagers reached the fortress without incident.
Very ashamed, but still I would like to ask questions about household items that have come to life in the Beast's castle. How many children does Mrs. Potts actually have? Is Chip really her son, because this lady is already old? How does Lumiere manage not to melt? And the most interesting thing is that the plumbing in the castle is also alive? It would be extremely comical, but not for a children's cartoon. By the way, about the children's cartoon: we were not shown the death of Gaston, but if you look into the pupils of the hero before the fall, you can see images of skulls there. Very symbolic. Initially, even the funeral scene of the villain was planned, but the cartoon is for children, so we did not see the grief of his relatives. This, of course, is not a blunder, but very informative.
And not to end on such a sad note, we bring you this great guy who is happy with lasts. Indeed, what is there to be sad about?
Let's digress from Disney and look at Illumination Entertainment. The minions spun off from the Despicable Me tried to take over the world. The operation was successful, the cartoon raised more than a billion dollars, and its characters penetrated almost all areas of our lives. Have you seen diapers with minions? Then you understand what it's about.
6 CARTOONS THAT TURNED OUT WORSE THAN THEIR TRAILER We will not now delve into moral and ethical tediousness and move on to blunders: at least almost everything is clear with them.
The local loss office must have received Bob's suitcase, left on the side of the road when getting on a ride to Orlando and disappeared in the next seconds (hardly anyone decided to keep the empty box for themselves, is it logical?), the same fate befell the arrows from Stuart's back during the time of the "performance" with the she-wolf, but the fragments of the guitar from the finale of the cartoon were most likely taken to the nearest trash, but it was done just like lightning.
The aunt-thief in the car is definitely a pro in her field: here she is holding the knife with the blade up, here it is in a completely different position with the same turn of the hand.
In "Minions" on the tables, someone is also in charge with enviable constancy and great speed. Just pay attention to this adhesive tape: either it is there, or it is not there, or it lies in place again as if nothing had happened.
We won’t get hung up on little things like a switch that changes position spontaneously (when the minions are watching TV) and Gru’s scarf that instantly changes position, it’s boring. Here are more fun transformations: for example, a completely mysterious villainous plane. The configuration of the seats and windows of this wonderful device changes several times during the flight. Minions are also constantly changing, although this is easy to explain - they are extremely fussy creatures. But why are round windows replaced by large panoramic glass? Oh, those villainous technologies.
Even in "Minions" something incomprehensible is going on with the hairstyles of the characters. The stylists of the characters are obviously hacking: here are three unlucky guards, who have unequivocally dark hair peeking out from under their caps (in one of them this curl also disappears periodically), as soon as they take off their hats, they all turned out to be sharply multi-colored. However, the absurdity of this moment almost makes it impossible to think about such trifles. Really, it's nonsense, just look at them.
And the second hair blunder: for the coronation, Scarlett has her traditional hairstyle updated, but in the next scene, the failed British queen is again worn with her usual one. And when I had time!
Also noteworthy are the points of the trinity of minions who went on a dangerous journey. They start as gold and black, then brighten, then completely silver. Maybe every self-respecting minion carries several pairs in "Hermione's bag" and changes clothes for the occasion?
Let's talk about the weather. During the penetration into the church behind the heroes, you can see the gentle sunset of a beautiful evening, but they already fly out of there in the dead of night, into a thunderstorm. It's only been a few minutes of screen time. But who cares about such trifles? It's a chase!
And for a sweet finale, an exciting question about Scarlett. Where does she hide the diamond if her hands are empty and her dress has no pockets? Why didn't they show us such a juicy moment? Oh yes, the rating of the cartoon is 6+.
“My Neighbor Totoro”
No, your eyes don’t deceive you: there are blunders even in “My Neighbor Totoro”, drawn exclusively by meticulous Japanese led by the perfect genius Hayao Miyazaki. There are absolutely no errors in the cartoon, however, due to the uniquely cult status of the tape, harsh symbols of the secret dark meaning of "Totoro" are found in these blunders. We will tell you why the instigators of the dark side are wrong, and at the same time remember these mistakes themselves.
Let's start with the most innocuous - with the amount of hair in Mei's drawing. In general, the monster is somewhat bald, while all the other scribbles are repeated quite accurately. However, this is such a trifle compared to all the previous points!
And here is the most famous blooper: Kanta's umbrella that changes the color of the handle. It is this umbrella that becomes the argument of the defenders of the good name of the cartoon.
Let's move on to the saddest mistake, because of which, in fact, all the fuss about "the girls actually died" began: the last scenes of the cartoon take place at dusk, and the shadows of the characters are actually not visible. “Since Japanese animators are famous for their thoroughness, this is a sign that the girls are now ghosts,” conspiracy theorists argue about their opinion.
We answer: but no. Here the umbrella changes color, and the shadows in other parts of the cartoon also disappear. Even the most painstaking animators make mistakes, besides, the action takes place at twilight - where do the brightly visible shadows come from? Here, for example, is the very beginning of the cartoon, the sisters are not casting shadows here!
Other "myths" are also easy to debunk, but they are no longer associated with blunders. Just don't forget that this cartoon is a recognized classic of world animation, and not a single child has ever received a charge of negativity after watching My Neighbor Totoro.
Interesting topics:
The best cartoons without words
Toys that became cartoons
Bloopers in the best films of the 21st century: top rating
How carefully do you watch movies? Notice errors, inaccuracies, absurdities? Of course, some little things can be attributed to the human factor, after all, shooting is a long and complicated process. It is not surprising if the actor mixed up in which hand he held the suitcase in the last scene, and no one noticed. But some blunders are so obvious that you never cease to wonder how they managed to miss them during editing. We have collected the most striking evidence that even the Oscars and million-dollar budgets do not guarantee the absence of errors in the cinema.
You can take a closer look at the coolest films into the most terrible movie bloopers in the KION online cinema.
View in KIONGladiator, 2000
In one of the best films of the beginning of the millennium, gross blunders are simply striking, and in no small number. Sometimes you think, where did the film academics only watch and why did they give him as many as five Oscars? Okay, let's not quibble: all the figurines are deserved. Russell Crowe's acting as the gladiator slave general Maximus, the costumes, the sound, and the story itself are simply incomparable. But the editors should be scolded. So many mistakes were made: members of the film crew and their modern shoes were not noticed in the frame, a rubber helmet and a fake battle with a sword in the armpit were shown in close-up. How do you like a plastic water bottle in Ancient Rome? But everything pales against the background of an overturned chariot with a blue gas cylinder at the bottom! Did you notice these blunders while watching?
Test yourself for attentiveness with the help of this collection. The most epic blunder at 2:35.
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, 2003
This highly successful pirate film that launched one of the highest-grossing film franchises in film history, five-time Oscar nominee, BAFTA winner and other award-winners, has no fewer blunders than regalia. We are sure that the focus of your attention throughout the film was focused on the inimitable Johnny Depp in the image of Jack Sparrow. Sorry Captain Jack Sparrow. And you could not pay attention to how the ropes and boats disappear during the movement of the frame, how the chain of the medallion itself is restored, how the color of the dresses of the maids of the heroine Keira Knightley changes in a split second. But was the man in the cowboy hat and sunglasses on the deck of the pirate ship even noticed? Not? Then review immediately.
And then check your powers of observation in this video (hint - 2:49).
"Iron Man", 2008
Genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist Tony Stark with a nuclear reactor in his chest and the face of Robert Downey Jr. won the hearts of millions of viewers around the world, became an idol for big and small boys. Without Iron Man, the entire Avengers franchise would not have had half of its success, and his first solo film not only won numerous awards and almost $600 million in box office, but was also recognized as one of the best in 2008. For this, we will even forgive him that the cars in the frame are acquiring numbers right on the way, and the headset of Tony Pepper Potts' assistant disappears from her ear, then reappears. But how could everyone lose sight of the fact that the mug next to Stark is upside down, and the next moment the hero is drinking from it as if nothing had happened? We bet you will notice this moment right away!
The main blunder in the compilation at 3:35.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, 2011
We're not saying that the other installments of the franchise about the world's most famous young wizard are completely blameless. But, apparently, by the end of the epic, the creators were completely tired and relaxed. Nothing else can explain the blunders in the highest-grossing film of 2011. The award for the main epic blunder was divided by two points. The first one is actual. Harry collected only two tears from the dying Severus, but when he used them for the spell, the liquid from the vial poured out like a cornucopia. How did she get so many? The second blooper is logical. We were told all the way that Harry inherited his green eyes from his mother. But in the Pensieve, for some reason, Lily Potter was shown with brown eyes in childhood, while the adult version had green eyes and her son had green eyes all his life. This is contrary to common sense, because the color of a person's eyes can only darken over time, and not vice versa. Refresh your memories!
The facts are here at minutes 1:28 and 2:05.
"Aquaman", 2018
In the pursuit of an abundance of special effects, the creators often lose sight of a lot of small details. Therefore, the highest-grossing project from DC comics can be forgiven a lot thanks to the brutal Jason Momoa in the role of Arthur-Aquaman and an incomparable visual picture. But still, the audience is tormented by the question, why was it necessary to replace the kids in the frame for one second? It is simply incomprehensible why in the scene of the attack on the family of still little Arthur, the boy's hair noticeably changes from short to long and back.
Then the long-suffering bracelet from the hand of Aquaman's wife Mera suddenly disappears, then reappears. Also, the girl breaks it into pieces, but after a couple of seconds, you can see an absolutely whole decoration on the floor. Particularly picky viewers unearthed as many as 35 flaws in this film. And will you succeed?
We compare the data: the baby's hair at 2:34, metamorphoses with a bracelet at 7:40 and 10:40.
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Django Unchained, 2012
This atmospheric western has become one of the brightest pearls in the crown of the recognized Hollywood genius Quentin Tarantino. His script was awarded by all the prestigious film awards, including the Oscar. The film was praised for its amazing dialogue and acting. But even geniuses are not immune from mistakes, of which there were plenty in the film about the adventures of a runaway black slave during the American Civil War. Perhaps the main complaint against the creator is the protagonist's sunglasses, which will only be invented decades later.
Like dynamite and beer taps, by the way. Against this background, other little things like a glass of endless beer or a Bible disappearing from the hands seem insignificant. And they certainly won't spoil the impression of watching Tarantino's masterpiece with DiCaprio as the villain.
In addition to glasses, did you notice any more blunders? Here is just a small selection with a glass at 1:03 and a Bible at 1:50.
Slumdog Millionaire, 2008
The story of an Indian slum boy who won the top prize in the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire game was named the best film of 2008. In total, film academics awarded eight statuettes to Danny Boyle's film, including for the best editing. And the award in this category looks controversial. How did you not notice the difference in the hero's shirts in one scene during editing? At first, the main character Jamal Malik was wearing a blue shirt with white dots, in the next frame it became monochromatic with blurry patterns, and then the spots returned to their place. Magic, and more!
Or another "wandering" ring in his girlfriend Latika's nose that disappeared and reappeared. Although the filmmakers may have noticed all this, they decided not to spend money on reshoots. As a result, attentive viewers counted more than 60 big and small blunders here, but how many will you see?
Test yourself. Look for a moment with a ring at 6:25, and different patterns of shirts - at 8:42.
Uncharted: Not on the Maps, 2022
A film adaptation of one of the cult video game series Uncharted was conceived back in 2008. The story of treasure hunter Nathan Drake has repeatedly changed writers, directors and main actors. The result was Indiana Jones for millennials, which almost quadrupled its budget. A favorite of the young audience, Tom Holland fits perfectly into the role of a desperate adventurer. The plot came out peppy, the action was spectacular, and the picture was neat and juicy. Moreover, the developers of the original, Naughty Dog Studio, participated in the creation of the film.
However, the attention to detail did not save the film from notable blunders. So, New York in urban scenes is actually Berlin. This can be seen from the frame, which included an advertisement for the German lottery Lotto. And the corpse of on-screen villain Santiago Moncada on the floor of the plane changes its position right between shots. Picky moviegoers saw a dozen more movie sins. Lottery and body at minutes 1:51 and 2:22. Can you find the rest?
"Nobody", 2021
Boring and ordinary-looking American Hitch leads a completely philistine life. She goes to work, takes out the trash in the morning, brings up two children. But one day, robbers break into his house. Here it turns out that Hitch is a retired special agent, a master of shooting and hand-to-hand combat. What follows is a chance meeting. And now Hitch has to use his skills to defeat the all-powerful leader of the Russian mafia.
Clip maker, musician and author of the film "Hardcore" Ilya Naishuller shot an exemplary action movie with dynamic action scenes. What is the instant transformation of Bob Odenkirk from a nondescript rotten into a professional killer.