Dinosaur books free

Dinosaurs Online Picture Books & Complementary Activities and Crafts Preschool

Children's Picture Books Activities | Online stories > Animals > Dinosaurs
Themes > Animals | Reptiles > Dinosaurs

Complement the books with free DINOSAURS theme lesson plans, printable activities and crafts. These are appropriate for children in preschool to 2nd grade.

Basic materials: printer, paper or craft paper, scissors, glue stick, coloring & writing tools

Complementary activities -- Dinosaurs Theme:

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Tyrone the Horrible @ Children's Book Forever
Author and illustrator: Hans Wilhelm
Genre: Character Education Ages: 4-7

Description: Horrible Tyrone is a large, toothy dinosaur who bullies small Boland, until Boland comes up with a creative idea to deal with the bully.

Lesson plan

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Tyrone the Double Rotten Cheater PDF download @ Children's Book Forever
Author and illustrator: Hans Wilhelm
Genre: Character Education Ages: 4-7 Available in many languages

Description > Big, bad Rex the dinosaur wins all the games at Swamp Island by cheating until he foils his own attempt to cheat in the treasure hunt.

Lesson plan includes printable activities and two T-Rex dinosaur crafts.

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Tyrone and the Swamp Gang PDF download @ Children's Book Forever
Author and illustrator: Hans Wilhelm
Genre: Character Education Ages: 4-7 Available in many languages

Description > Almost everyone has joined Tyrone's Swamp Gang. Now the bully Tyrone is after Boland and his friends to join too - or else!

PDF Download

Tyrone the Bad Bully @ International Children's Digital Library & PDF download @ Children's Book Forever
Author and illustrator: Hans Wilhelm
Genre: Character Education Ages: 4-7

-- Permission granted by author to use the books on Smartboard, overhead projectors or PowerPoint for educational non-commercial purposes. --

Lesson plan, video read-aloud

Can I have a Stegosaurus, Mom? Lesson plan and read online
Author: Lois Grambling and illustrated by H. B. Lewis
Genre: Humor Ages: 3 and up

Description > A little boy uses every argument he can think of--from the reasonable to the zany--to persuade his mother to let him have a stegosaurus as pet!

Lesson plan includes printable activities and a stegosaurus craft.

Books -- Online Stories-Animals > Dinosaurs >


Earthshaker by Emma Laybourn. A free online, printable dinosaur story for kids

by Emma Laybourn

Chapter One


The earth shuddered.

Trees shook, dropping leaves on the tidy nest below.

The nest belonged to an iguanodon. As the eggs rolled around, their mother Brenda steadied them with a claw.

'What on earth?' she wondered.


Then, through the trees, appeared the biggest dinosaur she had ever seen. It was like a grey mountain on legs. It had a long, long, neck and a long, long tail.

'Who are you?' asked Brenda.

The long neck snaked towards her. Weak eyes in a little head gazed at her.

'I'm Seismosaurus,' said the enormous dinosaur, in a voice so tiny she could hardly hear it. 'I've come to live here.'

'Sei - Seis - ' tried Brenda.

'It means Earthshaker,' said the dinosaur. 'Call me Sizo if it's easier.'

'Well, Sizo, could you please tiptoe?'

'All right,' whispered the dinosaur. He took two more steps.


Pteranodons fell out of the trees. A group of hadrosaurs began trumpeting in alarm.

George, the old triceratops, came to see what was going on.

'I can't sleep for the noise,' he grumbled.

'It's Sizo here,' said Brenda. 'He's a little bit, um, heavy-footed.'

'Can't you tiptoe?' demanded George.

'I am tiptoeing,' said Sizo in his tiny voice.

'Hmph!' snorted George. 'What a racket! I hope he's not staying.'

'Oh, please let me stay,' begged Sizo. 'I've been alone for ages. I want to live with other dinosaurs.'

'Give him a chance, George,' said Brenda kindly. 'You can see he's a plant-eater. He's not going to eat us, are you, Sizo?'

Sizo shook his head. 'I'll only eat the highest leaves,' he whispered, 'the ones you can't reach.'

'Hmph! All right,' grunted George. 'But only if you remember to tiptoe!'

Chapter Two

So Sizo settled into his new home.

He liked the other dinosaurs. But he wasn't really happy.

He worried about making too much noise. Although he walked as quietly as he could, his footsteps made the earth tremble. The other dinosaurs blocked their ears and grumbled.

'Tiptoe!' George would bellow.

Sizo tiptoed, but that wasn't any quieter. In the end, it was easier not to walk at all. He just stood in one place for most of the day, eating whatever he could reach.

And life was peaceful, for a while.

Until -


The ground shuddered. Brenda's baby iguanodons tumbled over and began to cry. The hadrosaurs wailed in protest.

George came storming out of the forest.

'Oy, Sizo!' he roared. 'I told you to tiptoe!'

'But it's not me,' protested Sizo.

'It's true,' said Brenda. 'Sizo isn't moving.'

The dinosaurs stared at Sizo. He stood quite still; yet they could hear thuds and crashes.

'It must be another big dinosaur,' said George uneasily. 'Another Sizo.'

'Oh, no!' said Brenda. 'Come with me, children. You don't want to get trampled on!'

All the dinosaurs hurried away into the forest - all except Sizo.

'Another Seismosaurus!' he thought excitedly. 'Another Earthshaker! I wonder if it will be my friend?'

So he set off joyfully towards the noises to find out.

As he walked, the earth shook harder. The crashes grew louder. He could smell a strange, fierce, burning smell.

'Funny dinosaur, this,' thought Sizo.

He came round a bend, and stopped. Ahead of him a hump rose out of the forest.

'That's a huge dinosaur!' he thought.

The ground beneath him trembled.

'It's an Earthshaker all right,' said Sizo.

Then he saw that smoke was billowing from the hump. Down its side ran a glowing river of red.

'It's bleeding!' he whispered.

The thick red river flowed past a tree. It ripped it up, and threw it down with a crash.

Sizo blinked at the river with his small, weak eyes. It wasn't blood. It smelt of rock, and it was smoking.

'I don't think that's a dinosaur at all!' he said.

The smoking river hissed and sizzled. Two more trees thudded to the ground, and burst into flames.

The river did not stop. It kept on flowing through the forest.

'Oh, no! It's heading for our home!' gasped Sizo. 'I'd better warn the others!'

He plodded back as fast as he could. There was no-one around. Sizo cleared his throat, and shouted.


It was a tiny shout. He tried again.


Still nobody heard him.

'Help!' thought Sizo. 'Whatever can I do?'

Chapter Three

Nobody could hear Sizo's voice.

But he knew that everyone could hear his feet. So he began to dance.

He started with big, slow steps. Then he danced higher and higher, faster and faster.

Trees dropped their branches. The ground began to crack. And Sizo kept dancing.

All the other dinosaurs rushed up to stop him.

'I said TIPTOE!' yelled George.

'Sizo, what do you think you're doing?' cried all the dinosaurs.

'I'm dancing,' whispered Sizo.

'Dancing?' said George. 'That's it! You're banned!'

'But there's danger coming!'

'Danger?' said Brenda. 'Where?'

'There's a river of fire coming towards us. It's flowing out of a hill and burning everything up!'

'What?' cried Brenda. 'That's a volcano! We must get out of the way.'

The dinosaurs didn't wait to hear any more. Together, they thundered through the trees. A cloud of smoke followed them. Behind them, burning branches crackled and crashed to the ground.

'Where are we going?' wailed George.

'We need to get to higher ground,' said Brenda.

But her babies began to squeal. Hot ash was falling like rain.

'It's burning us, Mum!' they cried.

'Quick!' said Sizo. 'Come and shelter under me.'

The baby iguanodons crept beneath Sizo. His huge bulk kept the hot ash off them while they walked.

'You'll stand on them!' protested George.

'No, I won't,' said Sizo. He had had so much practice at tiptoeing that he never once trod on a baby's tail.

The dinosaurs climbed to the top of a hill and left the smoke and ash behind.

At last they stopped. Brenda's babies peered out from under Sizo.

'Is it safe yet?' panted George. 'I can't see.'

'Let me look.' Sizo craned his long neck over the treetops. 'Yes, we're safe here,' he said.

'Thanks to you!' said Brenda, gathering her children round her. 'Sizo, you're a real friend.'

'Am I?'

'The best. From now on, you can thump all you like. We won't complain.'

'Yes, we will!' said George.

The other dinosaurs glared at George. He coughed.

'Er, sorry. Thump away, Sizo. You can even dance if you want.'

'All right!' whispered Sizo happily. 'But I promise that I'll only dance on tiptoe!'


Would you like another dinosaur story?
Try Elly and Aargh!
or King of the Killers.

Copyright © 2012 Emma Laybourn

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Read the book “Dinosaurs. 150,000,000 Years of Dominance on Earth" online in full📖 - Darren Naish - MyBook.

Translator Konstantin Rybakov

Scientific editor Alexander Averyanov, Doctor of Biol. Sciences

Editor Anton Nikolsky

Project manager I. Seryogina

Correlators M. Milovidova, M. Savina

Computer layout K. Svishchev

Art Director Yu. Buga

Illustrations on the cover:

gigano-zavr © The Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London

Stegosaurus © The Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London

Archeopteryx © Bob Nichols / The Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London

© The Natural History Museum, 2016

© Russian edition, translation, layout. Alpina non-fiction LLC, 2018

© The copyright owners, illustrations

This publication is published by Alpina non-fiction LLC under agreement with The Natural History Museum, London (United Kingdom) with the assistance of Alexander Korzhenevsky's agency (Russia) .

Naish D.

Dinosaurs: 150,000,000 years of dominance on Earth / Darren Naish, Paul Barrett; Per. from English – M.: Alpina non-fiction, 2018.

ISBN 978-5-0013-9010-7

The publication was prepared in partnership with the Trajectory Foundation for Non-Commercial Initiatives (with financial support from N. V. Katorzhnov).


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Dinosaurs are some of the most amazing animals that have ever lived on Earth. Appearing in the Triassic period about 230 million years ago, they reigned on land during the subsequent Jurassic (from 201 to 145 million years ago) and Cretaceous periods (from 145 to 66 million years ago). During this time, dinosaurs populated all continents and gave rise to hundreds of different species, of which more than a thousand have been discovered to date. Many of them are fantastic, bizarre creatures that amaze the imagination. Super Predator Tyrannosaurus Rex , backplate-adorned Stegosaurus , and long-necked, long-tailed Diplodocus remain some of the most recognizable and popular animals of all time. But dinosaurs are not just extinct giants destined to become stars of the big screen and the main attractions of museum expositions. They are dynamic, complex animals with amazing adaptations that have evolved as a result of certain lifestyles. They have dominated and thrived on Earth for over 150 million years—an enormous amount of time. As we shall see later, it is more correct to consider dinosaurs as a successful group that is still with us, because dinosaurs are not animals from a hazy distant past: they live and thrive today as one of the most visible and widespread groups of animals.

One of the most famous "facts" about dinosaurs is that they were all big. Indeed, the largest species reached the size of modern whales, and, unlike the latter, they were adapted to life on land. The evolution of gigantic size played an important role in the history of dinosaurs, and several groups of dinosaurs became incredibly large. However, during the existence of dinosaurs, there were many other evolutionary events and biological innovations that are of interest to scientists. More and more complex types of armor, horns, head crests, spikes, plates and tails appeared more than once. Dinosaurs had some of the most perfect teeth and dental batteries in the animal kingdom, and one group had some of the most incredible necks that a land animal has ever had.

People of all ages are interested in dinosaurs because many of them, such as Allosaurus and Diplodocus, looked incredible

Dinosaurs included bipeds and quadrupeds. They evolved from ancestral reptiles that were also both bipedal and quadrupedal. The evolution of tetrapod species from bipedal ancestors (and vice versa) is highly unusual. The sheer ease with which the dinosaurs made this transition may have contributed to their success.

A fascinating fossil record shows how small, feathered predatory dinosaurs (called theropods) evolved into birds about 160 million years ago, and today we have undeniable evidence that birds are dinosaurs - not just relatives or descendants, but one of the branches dinosaurs. Thus, the evolution of feathers and flight techniques is an important component of the history of dinosaurs, and research in this area, perhaps, attracts more interest today than any other topic.

Striking fossils say that some dinosaurs, such as Sinornithosaurus millennii from the early Cretaceous of China, were completely covered in feathers and looked much more like birds than previously thought

That birds are dinosaurs is an important fact. It means that the extinction of the dinosaurs must be forgotten. They didn't die. Of the three major groups of dinosaurs—theropods, sauropodomorphs, and ornithischians—one subgroup of theropods survived an extinction event at the end of the Cretaceous, 66 million years ago, and spawned incredible diversity in subsequent years. This subgroup - birds - today has approximately 10,000 species. According to some experts, about a million species of birds have existed throughout geological time. Since most of the evolution of birds took place against the background of their small size (the weight of the "average" bird is only about 40 g and the length is less than 20 cm), they were able to master a lifestyle that other dinosaurs could not. The history of the origin of birds, their evolution and diversity, we will consider in more detail in chapters 5 and 6.

Birds are very diverse animals, widely distributed and advanced in terms of anatomy. Therefore, it is important to immediately note the "dinosaur" nature of birds in any discussion of the history and diversity of dinosaurs. It is worth adding that the inclusion of birds as dinosaurs makes it difficult to generalize about dinosaurs in general. For example, when we talk about carnivorous dinosaurs, do we mean owls, hawks, and falcons along with allosaurus and tyrannosaurus ? Or maybe when we talk about the extinction of dinosaurs, we mean the death of the dodo and the passenger pigeon?

Paleontologists get around this problem in several ways. In some books, it is immediately stipulated that the term "dinosaur" is used as a synonym for the expression "non-avian dinosaur." This approach is convenient, but not accurate - the fact that birds are actually dinosaurs is so important that we should keep them in mind (and not ignore) whenever we hear the word "dinosaur". Many scientists use expressions such as "non-avian dinosaurs" and "non-avian dinosaurs" to describe the "all dinosaurs except birds" group. In this book, we refer to all dinosaurs as "non-avian" except birds. We also use the expression "non-avian dinosaurs and ancient birds" when we talk about all dinosaurs, with the exception of those birds that survived the end of the Cretaceous. In general, we try to use the term "dinosaur" as a synonym for the name of the Dinosauria group, which includes birds.

When paleontologists discover a new dinosaur fossil, their first goal is to publish a description of it. If enough material is found, data can be obtained on the animal's proportions, body shape, or lifestyle. Considerable attention is paid to the details of anatomy. If a fossil has unique features not found in related species, a new name may be needed. By comparing the anatomical features of a new dinosaur with related species, experts can get an idea of ​​its place on the family tree, and then formulate a working idea - a hypothesis - about the evolutionary history of the corresponding group. The study of evolutionary history is called phylogenetics, and a significant amount of work related to dinosaurs is devoted to it.

But, of course, the goal of paleontology is not just to describe an animal and place it on a family tree. Paleontologists also study how bones are made and what they reveal about dinosaur biology.

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