Easy sentence for kids

How To Make The Most Of Simple Sentences For Kids

When a child finally learns how to construct their own simple sentences, for kids (and parents!), it’s a really special moment.

Word combinations such as “knee sore” turn into, “Mommy, my knee is sore.” Or “now juice” develops into, “Can I have some juice?”

There’s no denying the importance of sentences — they help us better express our thoughts and feelings. So the only question now is: How can you help your child start constructing their own sentences so that they, too, can communicate better?

Two words: simple sentences.

When Do Kids Start Forming Sentences?

Children start forming sentences once they know a few words. But language development is quite a journey!

Somewhere between 18 and 24 months, a toddler will begin constructing two-word “sentences,” like “want milk” or “no sleep.” At this stage, they are linking two or more words together to express an idea. This is the first step and a big milestone.

By four years old (sometimes earlier), most children are speaking in complete sentences. But that doesn’t mean they’ve reached the end of their sentence journey.

While your child may be speaking in complete sentences, finding playful ways to expose four and five year olds to sophisticated aspects of sentences while being kid appropriate is beneficial. This will help them continue developing their language skills.

One of the best ways to do so is to encourage children to speak in complex sentences to express their ideas. How? This can be achieved by simply resisting the temptation to simplify our own speech.

Remember that children are learning sponges! They will naturally pick up on the language habits you expose them to. So, continue speaking in complex sentences while in their presence. It’s not a bad thing if your child asks, “What does that mean?”

Of course, simple sentences come first.

What Makes A Simple Sentence?

A simple sentence is the most basic form of a sentence. It contains only one independent clause — a group of words that forms a complete thought and is made up of a subject and predicate (which includes a verb and expresses what is said about the subject).

For example, in the simple sentence, Thomas kicks the ball, “Thomas” is the simple subject and “kicks the ball” is the predicate, with “kicks” being the verb, or simple predicate.

Simple sentences for kids are mostly short, but they can also be long. The length of the sentence isn’t the focus. What’s important is that the basic elements (subject and predicate) are always present.

When we communicate in our everyday lives, there’s usually a good mixture of both simple and more complex sentences without us even thinking about it. In order to help our kids reach this effortless communication stage, we need to help them understand the basics.

The good thing about the English language (and every other language, actually!) is that once you understand the basics, moving on to complicated structures is easier.

Simple Sentences For Kids To Act Out

One of the best ways for children to learn is through acting things out. If you have an active young child who enjoys moving around, why not use their energy to encourage some learning?

Here are some simple sentences for kids they will have fun acting out.

  • He reads a book.
  • The dog barks.
  • The cat sits on the mat.
  • I hop on one foot.
  • The pig gobbles his food.
  • The rooster crows.

With these sentences for kids, your child will have a blast while naturally learning what makes up a sentence!

Other Ways To Practice Sentences For Kids

1) Use Pictures

We recommend having your child use pictures to make up stories. You can even record the stories and listen to them for a little added fun!

If your child wants to write their ideas, too, that’s great! But don’t worry about standard spelling; much more important is the creative effort involved in thinking of a great story composed of interesting sentences of their own creation.

You can use pictures of animals, nature, sports, or even family photos. Then encourage your child to share whatever comes to their mind after having a look at these images.

During the first session, your child may need a few verbal prompts to help them get started. Simple questions like, “What’s happening in the picture?” or “What does this image remind you of?” can help to get their creativity flowing.

If you have multiple children, you can allow them to share what they came up with about the same image. As individuals, they will most likely think of different sentences, so this is a great opportunity to emphasize how everyone has unique ideas.

We encourage you to allow your children creative freedom here. The idea is to place an image in front of them and let them create anything they feel like creating.

2) Play Sentence Games

If you’ve been following our blog for a while, you’ll know one thing for sure — the HOMER team loves a good game! Games are not only fun, but they’re also great ways to help children remember fundamental learning concepts.

One of our favorite sentence games is Sentence Mix & Match.

What You’ll Need:
  • Several index cards
  • Markers to write with
What To Do:
  • Write interesting subjects on half of the index cards (Ideally, these are things that your child likes. For example: dinosaurs, ice cream, different shapes, colors, etc.).
  • On the other half, write predicates or sentence endings that make sense with your individual subjects.
  • After writing, place the cards so that they make realistic sentences.
  • Then, turn all the cards over and shuffle them. At this point, you want to ensure that you separate sentence beginnings and endings.
  • After the shuffle, turn your cards over and discover what silly sentences you get.
  • Remember to begin the subject cards with capital letters and sentence-endings cards with a period.

This is a fun activity to help children see that sentences are not always set in stone. They will also quickly learn that the meaning of a sentence can change when words get moved around.

3) Play With Types Of Sentences

Sentence Mix & Match is not the only way to help children learn sentences for kids while also having fun. Another activity we’re huge fans of is playing with types of sentences. Specifically — statements, questions, and exclamations.

To get started, pick any simple sentence that your child will already be familiar with (e.g., “I like playing outside.”).

Next, encourage your child to say this same sentence as a statement, a question, and then an exclamation.

Similar to Sentence Mix & Match, this game helps children understand that minor tweaks can change the meaning of a sentence.

Children will come across punctuation marks during reading time, but they may not always understand the significance of each. This game will help your child learn how periods, question marks, and exclamation points affect a sentence.

5) Make A Switch

The subject and predicate for each simple sentence have a specific function. For children to use these correctly, they will need to understand what their roles are.

When kids start speaking as babies and then toddlers, they often repeat words, phrases, or the simple sentences they’ve heard from you, your partner, siblings, or other people around them.

At this stage, they haven’t fully grasped the functions of subjects and predicates. If we want to help our children develop their own sentences, we will need to help them understand the roles of these sentence parts.

A creative game they (and you!) will enjoy involves switching the subjects and predicates of a sentence.

Start with a simple three-word sentence, like, “A cat played.” Then take turns changing either the subject or the predicate of the sentence.

This may look something like this:

  • A cat jumped
  • A dog jumped
  • A dog growled
  • A gerbil growled
  • A gerbil scampered

Once your young learner is confident switching three-word sentences, move on to four words, five words, and so forth.

Through this fun activity, your child will start understanding the roles of predicates and subjects in sentences.

Simple Sentences For The Win!

A child’s language journey is pretty incredible. It often starts with lots of babbling and moves to single words. Soon, you get two-word combinations, and before you know it, you’re given a detailed account of what happened in class today.

As you’re doing the activities we’ve mentioned, remember to allow your child creative freedom. We know that language has a lot of rules, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun! Encourage your young learner to be as imaginative as they want to be.

For instance, if they write or say, “The lion growls at the dinosaur,” let’s celebrate the correct sentence construction and, for a moment, imagine a world where lions and dinosaurs exist in the same age!

For more fun and effective learning activities, check out the HOMER Learn & Grow app.


100 Simple English Sentences for Kids » OnlyMyEnglish


Are you looking for simple English sentences for kids? Here we have a huge collection of simple sentences for kids.

  1. There is no way to go outside.
  2. Where is the duster?
  3. How dare you say that!
  4. Wash your hands.
  5. Whose kid is this?
  6. What is going on?
  7. Who is your favorite teacher?
  8. Respect your elders and teachers.
  9. Put your books down.
  10. Where is your friend?
  11. Don’t be late for the class.
  12. It is not true.
  13. Go and sleep on your bed.
  14. Close the window.
  15. Switch off the Fan.
  16. Where are my clothes?
  17. Move forward in the crowd.
  18. Look at the sky.
  19. The moon is shining.
  20. Nobody will go out in the darkness.
  21. Would you like to be my friend?
  22. You may fall.
  23. You have to be calm down.
  24. I borrowed a book from the library.
  25. Go and attend the class.
  26. She is looking towards the car.
  27. This period is boring.
  28. Bring the attendance register.
  29. We are not going anywhere.
  30. Stop starring him.
  31. The homework is very easy.
  32. Which period is going on?
  33. She is not completing her assignment.
  34. Get up early in the morning.
  35. Come inside and sit here.
  36. Be aware, you may fall asleep.
  37. I forget my tiffin box at home.
  38. What is your favorite subject?
  39. I come to school by bus.
  40. Would you please pack your bag properly?
  41. I am writing an essay.
  42. Please, give me the piece of paper.
  43. She is disturbing me.
  44. I have hung your shirt here.
  45. Fill in the blanks properly.
  46. We have to write all the answers.
  47. Do you want to be successful?
  48. Listen to your elders.
  49. Put all the necessary books in a bag.
  50. Students clean the school ground.
  51. Stop irritating him.
  52. Don’t make noise.
  53. Stop talking in the classroom.
  54. I want to play with my friends.
  55. We will get ten days of Christmas Holidays.
  56. I am getting late for school.
  57. My father always drops me at school.
  58. The last year of school was very fantastic.
  59. My friend is absent today.
  60. Have you got good lessons?
  61. Clean the blackboard.
  62. What is the strength of this classroom?
  63. Tomorrow will be a holiday.
  64. What’s the homework for today?
  65. Where are my shoes?
  66. You are right.
  67. Where is the answer sheet?
  68. Cut your hair and nails.
  69. You don’t deserve this place.
  70. Bind the shoelaces.
  71. The bird is sitting on the branch.
  72. Keep this a secret.
  73. Shut the door, please.
  74. Go straight, then take the first left.
  75. What is troubling you?
  76. Drive the bicycle.
  77. Come closer to me.
  78. She was bathing her kids.
  79. We are ready to come.
  80. The principal is going to announce something.
  81. Our class teacher is very good at teaching.
  82. Everyone loves to sing in the classroom.
  83. Where is my book?
  84. Complete your breakfast.
  85. Think about yourself.
  86. I am not going anywhere.
  87. He is playing all day.
  88. She is not listening to me.
  89. We are going to the principal’s cabin.
  90. My father is a businessman.
  91. His brother is coming to his school.
  92. Let’s finish the task on time.
  93. How long will you stay there?
  94. Mark my words.
  95. I want to help you.
  96. She is coming tomorrow.
  97. Mother is feeling down today.
  98. We have to help that Oldman.
  99. I can not understand.
  100. I am going to play cricket with my friends.

75 phrases to say to children

© Kate Vellacott

Did I say anything affectionate, gentle, even a little positive today?

Source: Happy you - happy family

Every evening, putting the children on the beds, I fall on the sofa, close my eyes and sigh.

Unfortunately, the reality of a mother of four children is that I have about 2. 5 seconds of peace before one of them asks for a drink, a hug, or remembers a school project that was asked a month ago but must be taken tomorrow. nine0005

But after a few laps on this "time to sleep" carousel, I can finally fall back on the couch and relax.

It is at this moment that the events of the past day start spinning in my head. It's like a 10x speed video, but every time my mouth opens to say something to the kids, the video slows down and I can hear my words.

“Put your shoes away.”
“Your room is such a mess!”
“Get away from your sister.” nine0023 “Have you brushed your teeth yet?”

My personal video of whining and negativity directed at the people I love more than anything in the world.

The weight of my words presses on my chest, and the brain tries to remember: did I say anything affectionate, gentle, even a little positive today?

Have I been so focused on the endless parenting "must" - preparing snacks, laying out laundry, dealing with sibling fights - that I forgot to tell my children how much I love them? nine0005

My children deserve better. They deserve to hear every day, no matter what happens, that I am incredibly happy to be their mother and walk the same path with them in this life journey.

But here comes the problem

It's just awful to think that your child's last thought in bed before going to bed today will be: "Mom is angry with me?" or "What have I done wrong?" or "Does dad still love me?"

Not to mention that the lack of intimacy and understanding with the child leads to more frequent quarrels and the child's unwillingness to comply with your requests when you ask to put away toys, take apart the dishwasher or stop chewing like a cow with a megaphone. nine0005

But being a parent in today's world is hard. It's easy to get so caught up in the day-to-day that we forget to stop and tell our kids how much we love them.

If you have too many things to do and too little time, you are in survival mode, not filling mode. And wonderful phrases such as "You are very important to me", "I love you to the sky and back", so necessary for our children, remain unsaid.

Why is it so important to speak positive words to children? nine0038

I recently came across a quote from a doctor and writer who specializes in child development and childhood trauma:

“The love a parent feels does not automatically translate into the love a child feels.” - Gabor Mathe.

In other words, these positive messages to children don't work if you only think but don't speak them. You must say these things out loud.

I realized that it was time to change everything.

Because there are very clear research findings that show that when children feel love and care from their parents, it positively affects their whole life. nine0005

Children of loving parents not only do well in school and have high self-esteem, they also become happier and less anxious adults. Parental warmth also affects the child's mental health.

And here comes the moment of the important question: when you are busy, you have a lot of worries, or you are just angry because you stepped on Lego, how can you remember to say positive things out loud to your child and remind him of your unconditional love?

Easy solution for busy parents

Since it is very easy to forget about such an important thing in the hustle and bustle, I decided to prepare a visual reminder. Something that will subtly remind me to switch out of survival mode several times a day and fill my children's vault with unconditional love.

Researchers say that if you want to start a habit, a visual reminder of your intention is a great help.

For example:

  • If you want to change your eating habits to healthier ones, you can stick a bright sticker on the refrigerator with a reminder: "Snack - only vegetables" . nine0080
  • If you want to start exercising every morning, you can put your sportswear in a visible place by the bed every evening.

In my case, I printed out a list of positive phrases that I want to say to children during the day. I can hang it on the refrigerator, on my bathroom mirror, or leave it in the driver's seat of a car, where it reminds me every day that I should say something nice to my kids when I get in the car.

Here is an example of 75 phrases that you can (and should) say to children every day:

1. You are very important to me.

2. I enjoy spending time with you.

3. You make me smile.

4. I love you no matter what happens.

5. I am so happy to be your father (mother).

6. I am very proud of you.

7. I love you from nose to toe.

8. You are very beautiful (beautiful) inside and out.

9. Today I was thinking about you (write what you were doing at that moment).

10. I like you.

11. Today I was sad, but the thought of you cheered me up.

12. You can always talk to me about anything, even if it's something sad or scary.

13. I like to look at you.

14. You fill my heart.

15. I am so grateful to you for (write for what).

16. You are the one and only. nine0005

17. I care about you more than you can imagine.

18. Thank you for being in my life.

19. I am with you, no matter what happens.

20. I would like to know your opinion about (ask the child about something so that he will see that his opinion is important - for example, what to cook for dinner, where to go for the weekend, or what movie to see).

21. My world has become more beautiful since you are in it.

22. I noticed how hard you try and how much you work on ... (specify exactly what you noticed and appreciated the efforts of the child). nine0005

23. I believe in you.

24. I saw you (describe a good deed or act done by a child).

25. I like it when you share your ideas with me.

26. You changed my life.

27. I like to see the world through your eyes.

28. When I see that you are happy, I am happy too.

29. You matter.

30. I hope you had a good day.

31. If you need me, I'm always here. nine0005

32. You are beautiful just the way you are.

33. You are my treasure.

34. I respect you and your opinion.

35. We are a team.

36. I love being your mother.

37. I look at you and remember... (Tell a funny or touching incident that happened when the child was younger).

38. You are the only such person in the whole world.

39. I like it when you smile.

40. I love it when you laugh. nine0005

41. My love for you will never change, no matter what happens to us.

42. I like you all and all your parts separately.

43. You are a very important part of our family.

44. It's amazing and wonderful to watch you grow.

45. I am happy that you are my son (my daughter).

46. You can always turn to me in any situation.

47. My love for you is greater than (the ocean, than all the stars in the sky, etc.)

48. I will always be with you.

49. Being your mother is the most favorite part of my life.

50. You are special to me.

51. Thank you for (write something nice the child did).

52. Life becomes much more fun with you.

53. I like doing things with you, no matter what.

54. You are my favorite five-year-old in the world.

55. I love you to the moon, through the entire solar system to the next galaxy, to the farthest, unknown planet and back. nine0005

56. I'm your fan.

57. I like learning new things with you.

58. I am never too busy for you.

59. You make my day brighter.

60. It was a wonderful decision of a kind person (describe a time when a child was kind to someone).

61. It's fun with you.

62. I love you more than french fries (pizza, pasta, chocolate - substitute your child's favorite food).

63. Your smile makes me smile. nine0005

64. I will never be angry with you for asking me about your concerns.

65. You are my happiness.

66. You inspire me to be a better person.

67. Even when I get angry, I love you very much.

68. I like the way you talk.

69. The fact that you exist makes me happy.

70. I love it when you (insert two opposite things, for example "when you are fooling around or very serious")

71. I really miss when we are not together.

72. You can always tell me the truth, even if you are very afraid, I will always listen and support you.

73. How I wish I didn't have to go to work, stay with you and have fun all day.

74. You are my sunshine.

75. I will love you forever and ever.

Important addition

Visual reminders have one weak point. After a while, they merge with the environment, and we stop noticing them. nine0005

And of course, our list of positive phrases is not immune to this.

But there is one simple solution: if you find that you no longer notice the list, move it to another place.

Here are a few places:

  • Refrigerator
  • Door
  • Bathroom mirror
  • Dining table
  • Driver's seat
  • A book you read to yourself or to your children at bedtime.
  • Night table
  • Kitchen cabinet
  • A drawer that you open often - in the kitchen or bathroom
  • In a visible place in the kitchen - next to the coffee maker, for example

Or another idea: put one of the phrases as a password anywhere. And each time you enter the password, say the phrase aloud.

Best time for positive phrases

So let's say you print out a list and hang it in a prominent place. What's next?

When to say these beautiful words to children? nine0005

Here are some ideas:

  • Surprise your child by saying something nice to them all of a sudden and for no reason, just remember to squat down so you are at eye level.
  • Say one nice thing every day as you put your baby to bed - say it with a smile, in a whisper, and don't forget to give your baby a big hug.
  • If you have a fight, use one of the phrases for reconciliation, along with a hug, a kiss.
  • Write the phrase and leave it where the child can find it - for example, in the breakfast box, on a sticker in the bathroom before the evening wash, on the pillow. nine0080
  • If you see that the child is sad or upset.
  • If you see your child struggling with something like homework or trying to learn something new, tell him one of these magic phrases.

What phrases do you say to your child? And what advice can you give on their use? Share in the comments.

    Beautiful statuses about children | Statuses about children

    Beautiful statuses about children - A gentle face, a dash each. Snub-nosed sniffle. Money, career - all this is not important ... The important is sleeping side by side.

    A kitten will grow up to be a cat, a mouse will turn into a mouse, and only for a mother a child will forever be a baby!!!

    Children are the flowers of life. Picked up a bouquet - give it to your grandmother!

    Thank you, Lord, for every moment In which my children are near, And I ask You to keep them, They are dearer than everyone else in the world, Life is important only next to them, Without them it is not worth a penny. Thank you that I'm not alone, And my angels are with me. nine0005

    All the joy of life can be found in a child's smile!

    Everyone has their own idea of ​​"Miracle". But only one "miracle" can call you dad and mom... you will die.

    Our happiness is our children! It is better not to have them in the world, Like butterflies fly, They fill our life with meaning! Without children there is no life, but boredom. There is no warmth and no comfort, No fun, no fire, There is no continuation of you ...

    Children are the main joy in life!!! Everything else comes and goes

    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss from a sleeping child...

    The most precious treasure is my beloved child!!! … Everything else is the little things in life!!

    The greatest happiness in life is to see your child smile!

    Do not spare time for children,
    See the adults in them,
    Stop quarreling and getting angry,
    Try to make friends with them.

    Children are happiness, children are fairy tales
    Children are sleepy eyes in the morning
    Children are legs on the parquet in the morning
    And mother has warm palms on her cheeks
    Children are a sweet dream, magic is everywhere
    Fills the house with happiness - a small miracle!!!

    Children's smiles are so cute!
    So charmingly beautiful!
    In this strange and dangerous world
    Children are like the salvation of the soul!

    A child doesn't look like a mother a child doesn't look like a dad - an exact copy of an angel!

    Children are happiness! Children are joy!
    Children are a breeze in life. ..
    They cannot be earned, this is not a reward.
    God gives them by grace to adults!

    Palm to palm, five fingers in a hug,
    You grow little by little, - you are mom's happiness,
    Palm to palm, five fingers in a hug,
    So that's what you are - mom's happiness!!!

    - What is happiness? Where to buy it? - Happiness?.. No, you can't buy it! Happiness can only be born!

    Children are the brightest and purest phenomenon... They come into our world to give warmth and tenderness, a sea of ​​smiles, joy and happiness! nine0005

    There are flowers in the world and these flowers - children cannot be replaced by anyone in the world, they are our joy and happiness always, they work miracles for us adults.

    There is no one more sure of the sincerity of his love than a child.

    Nowhere, in any city in the world, do the stars shine as brightly as in the city of childhood.

    What is the sweetest sweet in the world? Sugar - I could once answer. Honey, marmalade, marshmallow and sherbet. Only now I understand the answer. The smell of the top of the head that remains on our pillow, tender fingers and marigolds, ass, knees and elbows of a native baby. nine0005

    There is nothing more beautiful in the world than munching children.

    Putting children to bed is very simple: you just need to give them something to drink, eat, pee and read books, sing a lullaby, say "Good night", kiss, stroke their back, tummy, lie down with them in bed ... and fall asleep, fuck, before them!

    Happiness is not money or wealth, happiness is small, with short legs, a squeaky voice, a loud funny laugh and native eyes.

    Every mother wondered: "How can I love another child as much, since the first one already occupies all my heart?" When the second one is born, you understand that the heart just gets bigger.

    Children are an excellent cover to indulge in the unpretentious joys of life: jumping with a ball, splashing in the river, playing snowballs, riding a sled .

    Learn more