Rhyming with together

Near rhymes with togetherB-Rhymes | B-Rhymes

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 altogether awltuhgedhuhr 2766 Definition
2 whatever wotevuhr 2733 Definition
3 aggressor uhg_resuhr 2728 Definition
4 compressor kuhmp_resuhr 2724 Definition
5 suppressor suhp_resuhr 2724 Definition
6 professor p_ruhfesuhr 2707 Definition
7 blether b_ledhuhr 2697 Definition
8 tether tedhuhr 2694 Definition
9 intercessor intuhrsesuhr 2693 Definition
10 confessor kuhnfesuhr 2692 Definition
11 assessor uhsesuhr 2690 Definition
12 endeavor endevuhr 2684 Definition
13 endeavour endevuhr 2684 Definition
14 clever k_levuhr 2684 Definition
15 forever forevuhr 2684 Definition
16 desert dezuhr_t 2683 Definition
17 condenser kuhndensuhr 2681 Definition
18 pleasure p_lezhuhr 2681 Definition
19 treasure t_rezhuhr 2681 Definition
20 displeasure disp_lezhuhr 2681 Definition
21 trevor t_revuhr 2680 Definition
22 deafer defuhr 2679 Definition
23 dresser d_resuhr 2678 Definition
24 successor suhksesuhr 2677 Definition
25 possessor puhzesuhr 2676 Definition
26 presser p_resuhr 2675 Definition
27 pressor p_resuhr 2675 Definition
28 depressor dip_resuhr 2675 Definition
29 pressure p_reshuhr 2674 Definition
30 cadaver kuhdaavuhr 2669 Definition
31 cadavers kuhdaavuhr_z 2669 Definition
32 feather fedhuhr 2662 Definition
33 feathered fedhuhr_d 2662 Definition
34 heather hedhuhr 2662 Definition
35 whosoever huu_uusuh_uuevuhr 2661 Definition
36 whithersoever widhuhrsuh_uuevuhr 2661 Definition
37 whatsoever wotsuh_uuevuhr 2661 Definition
38 whomsoever huu_uumsuh_uuevuhr 2661 Definition
39 whensoever wensuh_uuevuhr 2661 Definition
40 wheresoever we_uhrsuh_uuevuhr 2661 Definition
41 howsoever hah_uusuh_uuevuhr 2661 Definition
42 macassar muhkaasuhr 2651 Definition
43 oppressor op_resor 2651 Definition
44 propeller p_ruhpeluhr 2648 Definition
45 sever sevuhr 2648 Definition
46 whomever huu_uumevuhr 2648 Definition
47 whichever wichevuhr 2648 Definition
48 wherever we_uhrevuhr 2648 Definition
49 whenever wenevuhr 2648 Definition
50 fresher f_reshuhr 2645 Definition
51 refresher rif_reshuhr 2645 Definition
52 cheshire cheshuhr 2645 Definition
53 thresher th_reshuhr 2645 Definition
54 heifer hefuhr 2644 Definition
55 cleanser k_lenzuhr 2643 Definition
56 denver denvuhr 2643 Definition
57 however hah_uuevuhr 2637 Definition
58 ever evuhr 2637 Definition
59 interstellar intuhrs_teluhr 2635 Definition
60 whoever huu_uuevuhr 2633 Definition
61 bedford bedfuhr_d 2632 Definition
62 dempster dem_ps_tuhr 2632 Definition
63 brentford b_ren_tfuhr_d 2632 Definition
64 dexter deks_tuhr 2632 Definition
65 nether nedhuhr 2631 Definition
66 weather wedhuhr 2631 Definition
67 weathered wedhuhr_d 2631 Definition
68 wether wedhuhr 2631 Definition
69 whether wedhuhr 2631 Definition
70 leather ledhuhr 2631 Definition
71 leathern ledhuhr_n 2631 Definition
72 escher eshuhr 2630 Definition
73 dispenser dis_pensuhr 2629 Definition
74 telford telfuhr_d 2629 Definition
75 extensor eks_tensuhr 2629 Definition
76 spencer s_pensuhr 2629 Definition
77 effort efuhr_t 2627 Definition
78 uniprocessor yuunip_ruh_uusesuhr 2625 Definition
79 protector p_ruhtektuhr 2624 Definition
80 foregather fawrgaadhuhr 2623 Definition
81 never nevuhr 2622 Definition
82 measure mezhuhr 2622 Definition
83 gather gaadhuhr 2622 Definition
84 measured mezhuhr_d 2619 Definition
85 leisure lezhuhr 2619 Definition
86 leisured lezhuhr_d 2619 Definition
87 unmeasured anmezhuhr_d 2619 Definition
88 blather b_laadhuhr 2618 Definition
89 hairdresser herd_resuhr 2618 Definition
90 rever revuhr 2618 Definition
91 addresser aad_resuhr 2617 Definition
92 processor p_ruh_uusesuhr 2615 Definition
93 jeffers jefuhr_z 2613 Definition
94 northwestern nawr_thwes_tuhr_n 2613 Definition
95 lesser lesuhr 2612 Definition
96 messrs mesuhr_z 2612 Definition
97 investor inves_tuhr 2612 Definition
98 southwestern sah_uuthwes_tuhr_n 2611 Definition
99 zephyr zefuhr 2611 Definition

What is B-Rhymes?

B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.

Words That Rhyme With "Together"

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2 syllables:

bather, bever, blather, blether, blither, bother, breather, brother, Cather, clever, dither, dredger, edger, either, ever, father, feather, fother, haver, heather, hedger, hither, lather, Leasure, leather, leathern, ledger, Leger, lever, loather, Mather, measure, measured, mesarch, mother, mouther, neither, nether, never, nother, other, pleasure, pledger, pother, rather, Reuther, sever, Severn, slather, slither, smoother, smother, souther, swither, teether, tether, thither, tither, tother, treasure, treasured, Trevor, weather, wether, whether, whither, wither, zither

3 syllables:

admeasure, another, aweather, bellwether, birdfeather, breakweather, commeasure, displeasure, dissever, endeavor, endeavour, entreasure, fairweather, forever, however, mismeasure, outmeasure, pinfeather, remeasure, soever, unfeather, unmeasured, unpleasure, whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever, whitleather, whoever, whomever

4 syllables:

altogether, Eliezer, howsoever, Meriwether, semidesert, whatsoever, whencesoever, whensoever, wheresoever, whichsoever, whomsoever, whosesoever, whosoever

5 syllables:

Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadrezzar, whithersoever

Synopsis "We play - we select rhymes together" (senior group) | Outline of the lesson on the development of speech (senior group) on the topic:

Purpose: to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200brhyme


Clarify the concept of tongue twister.

To develop diction in children.

Introduce the concept of "rhyme".

To teach to invent the simplest rhymes for words.

Learn to work together, together, amicably.

Awaken the desire to read and compose poetry.

Materials and equipment : ball, cards from the book “Speech Games Game Library. Issue 11. We play rhymes. Games for the development of phonemic perception ”

1. Speech warm -up

Diction Exercise: Enthonation, highlighting one -oned word:

We play - we compose,

Our meetings are good, we have fun, cheerful from the heart! nine0005

We play with words - compose together ,

Our meetings are good, we have fun from the heart!

We play with words - we compose together,

Our meetings are good , we have fun from the heart!

Children and teachers remember what a tongue twister is and why it is needed. Then they, at will, pronounce any tongue twisters.

And learn new ones:

Buying a parrot,

Buy without scaring:

Frightened parrots

Wake up the whole neighborhood. (Heinrich Wardenga)

A drama happened at the ball:

Noble gentleman

From under the nose of a noble lady

He stole one eclair.

And another eclair,

And another eclair,

And another eclair -

Here is your cavalier. (Peter Sinyavsky)

2. Speech situation


Educator: Have you ever tried to become an echo? How does echo respond to questions? I'll ask, "What time is it now?" And is it for me?

Children: An hour! Hour!

Educator: That's right, "Hour!" That's how you are: if you become an echo, then answer the questions as it is. And to make it more fun, clap your hands when answering. The answer is two claps at the same time.

Educator (children)

Get ready, kids! (ra-ra)

The game begins! (ra-ra)

Yes, do not spare your hands (lei-lei)

Clap your hands more cheerfully (lei-lei)

What time is it now (hour-hour)

What time will it be in an hour (hour-hour)

And not true, it will be two (two-two)

Think, think, head (wah-wah)

How the rooster sings in the village (uh-uh)

Yes, not an owl, but a rooster (uh-uh)

Are you sure that is so ( so-so)

But how is it really? (how-how)

What is twice two? (two-two)

My head is spinning! (wah-wah)

Is that an ear or a nose? (nose-nose)

(leader holding on to ear)

Or hay hay? (air-to-air)

Is that an elbow or an eye? (eye-eye)

(leader points to the elbow)

What is this? (us-us)

(leader points to the nose)

You are always good (yes-yes)

Or only sometimes (yes-yes)

Do not get tired of answering (cha-chat) when answering "no" fine

Please be quiet (—)

Game over. And those who have "blundered" and gave their phantom to the presenter are waiting for a fun task to be completed.

Educator: Since ancient times, people, writing proverbs, riddles, tongue twisters, tried to decorate these works of folklore by rhyming the ends of lines.

Thanks to rhyme, verses are collapsible. Rhyme is when words end the same way. For example, a cat - a spoon, a bump-mouse, a spruce-strand, a rose-mimosa, a sideboard-stool, an owl-head, a river-stove, etc. These words sound like the last syllables. Such ends of words are called rhymes. nine0005

Rhyme - the consonance of the ends of poetic lines.

After that, children find rhyme in poems “Eat” and “Vanechka - Shepherd”

at the edge of

to heaven of the top of the head

I listen, silent,

Looking at grandchildren.

And grandchildren - Christmas trees,

Thin needles -

At the forest gate

They dance. (Irina Tokmakova) 9Shepherd Vanya

This is Vanya, the shepherd!

He has good hearing.

He hates the wolf,

He won't hurt the lamb either,

Vanya be a violinist! (Yunna Moritz)

Think of a rhyme game

Educator: Guys, I have a rhyming ball in my hands. Let's play rhyming words.

I ask the word, throw the ball, and whoever catches picks up a rhyme.

Friend (bow), crow (crown), business (boldly), shed (loaf), house (gnome), sleep (ringing), pillow (frog, bun, cheesecake, toy, girlfriend), path (bast basket, potatoes , cover, okroshka), pencil (jumble, hut, gouache, mirage, crew) ...

Game "Find a Pair"

Educator: Now look carefully at the pictures in front of you and find the words that rhyme with each other . nine0005

Teacher: There is another game for you.

I will start the verses now

I will start, and you finish,

Answer in unison.

- A gray wolf in a dense forest

I met a red ... (fox).

- Where did the sparrow dine?

- In the zoo with ... (animals).

- A rooster with a prickly hedgehog

They cut fat with a sharp ... (knife).

- Non-spiky, light blue,

Hung in the bushes… (frost).

- In winter, there are apples on the branches!

Collect it quickly!

And suddenly - apples fluttered.

After all, this is ... (bullfinches).

Game "Suggest a word" based on a poem by John Ciardi.

About amazing birds

On the street

A passer-by

I saw yesterday.

He carried the box,

On the box

Written: "Game".

I followed him for two blocks

(Believe me, I'm not lying).

And finally

I asked him:

— And how to play

The game?

He smiled


Two birds


There is in my box.

And if you want,

Then with you

We'll play together.

And so that we

could start,

You must remember,

What dissimilar

These birds



Such funny birds -

Very hard work.

No wonder people


Their rhymes



Birds are nimble

From a big box

Suddenly they started

Pulling out


The word follows the word.

One got

The word NAIL,

The other immediately -


One got

The word SAD,

Another phrase:


One got

the word ELEPHANT,

The other got

RING and PHONE. nine0005

- Now,

- A man told me,

- It's time for us to play.

I will

Get the words,

You must


He took out the word KOCCHKA,

And I answered:



And two LEAVES at once,


... Me and him

Played for an hour

Similar words.


We are leaving you,

And you play yourself.

Game "Word-fi-rhyme"

We are a puppy in water and in soap

Two hours with a washcloth ... (soap)

Each in the forest is talent-

and singer, singer and singer and ... (musician)

Without work, for the life of me,

Can’t live ... (ant)

Watchmaker, narrowing his eyes,

Repairing a watch for ... (us)

Who alone has a horn ? Guess! ... (rhinoceros)

You don't know me?

I live at the bottom of the sea,

Head and eight legs,

That's all I am - ... (octopus)

There is a big fight in the river:

Two . .. (cancer) quarreled

Here is an elephant walking along the road

5 so trunk! That's the legs!

The bridge caved in under the elephant.

The elephant has a huge ... (growth).

If you know everything,

You will get at school ... (five).

The teacher thanks the children for their help. Invites the children to compose poems at home and then tell them to all the children. nine0005

The poetry of life always rhymes with death - Life. To be continued - Rusfond


Life. To be continued

Headed by Sergei Mostovshchikov

Everything was decided in advance with this child. "Good girl Lida" - that's what they will call her, as in poetry. But just go and understand who actually writes the poetry of life - everything in it rhymes in its own way, through death. Nothing good will happen - such a diagnosis was made by doctors. Lida Lundovskikh had not yet had time to be born, and she had already found enough reasons not to come into this world. Dropsy, spinal hernia - a complete set of a doomed person. The first two months of Lida's life passed on the threshold of reality, and parents were advised not to know anything about this place, but simply to sign papers and refuse paralysis of the lower body, possible dementia, lifelong disability. A decision had to be made, and mother and father were in turmoil. But now, eight years later, when everything in the house is subordinated to love, patience and happiness, it is quite clear who decides everything here. Good girl Linda. We are talking about her with her mother Svetlana. nine0004

“I was born in Kirov, in Vyatka, but when I was little my parents took me to Kostroma when they moved here. Then my mother and father divorced, my father went back and died there. My brother then went to Vyatka, but I never went there. In general, we have a large family: I and four other brothers, the youngest, Ilyusha, is eleven - his mother gave birth to him when she was 46 years old. And now Lida is talking with Ilyusha most of all now.

It is good to live with brothers. For example, my brother introduced me to my husband, and that's how it all started. We wanted a baby - it doesn't matter if it's a girl or a boy, as long as it's healthy. But it did not work, but what to do. I had my first miscarriage. We probably should have waited, but we did not want to wait, and no one explained anything to us. And then there was Linda. I was already admitted to the hospital, it was already going to the birth, and my husband called me and said that there would be a good girl Lida. nine0005

We cleared up everything with her at 34 weeks. They looked at the antenatal clinic and sent her to the regional hospital for confirmation. They said: yes, spinal hernia, hydrocephalus and Arnold-Chiari syndrome of the 3rd degree. Of course, I had a tantrum, they cut off everything in me at once. But there was nowhere to go, it was necessary to give birth. They put me on time, at first they tortured me for a day - they wanted me to give birth myself. And how would I give birth to her with these pathologies? Unknown. Still, they decided that it was necessary to caesarean. nine0005

She stayed with us for two months in the pathology of newborns - this is a children's hospital beyond the Volga. She had an open spinal hernia, from which liquor constantly oozed, that is, infection could occur, and all that. They didn’t give us any forecasts, they even forced us to write a refusal letter. At first, we seemed to have answered yes, because we were afraid, we didn’t know what to do with it. But they began to go to churches, asking God to make up his mind - either take it or leave it to us. She just wrestled with us. Now they call us that she is on the mend, then worsening again. And in the end they say: we write it out. And we roared, we were afraid. I'm hysterical, I'm supposed to cry. But, of course, we thought about it, decided that we would fight for it: it’s ours, how can you refuse it. They got home, that's all. nine0005

At first it was very difficult to look after. This hernia - everything oozed out of it, it had to be treated, it was covered with such a film, and it had to be preserved until the moment of the operation. Everything is sterile, napkins, rubdowns. The first year she was generally unwashed with us. Then the kidneys began to fail, because of this hernia there was no sensitivity below the waist. That is, a catheter all the time - we still live with it. Doctors are just now talking about starting to gradually remove it so that it does not stick out there all the time - this is unhygienic, it causes constant inflammation. nine0005

And then we ourselves sent a request to Moscow, to the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital. Moscow refused us, said: let her live as long as she can. Our Kostroma neurosurgeons also refused. We went to the department, started looking for other options, and they advised us to the Polenov clinic in St. Petersburg, they told us to send a request. We bought tickets and went straight to them there, with Lida and with pictures. They looked at the pictures and said: we take you. And they did the surgery. They put a shunt, excised the spinal hernia. And pah-pah-pah, everything turned out well. Recently, specialists from the same RCCH looked at us and said that they would take us now: they would lengthen the shunt, deal with the plug in the back, remove it - and, who knows, maybe after that we will go at all. We were told that nerve endings are restored, they have such a property. nine0005

Here Rusfond helped us to perform an operation on our legs in Yaroslavl: Lida had them all deployed, we could not even put on shoes - we needed an achillotomy and release of both ankles. So, after the operation, they began to put her on a verticalizer, and she began to throw her left leg on her own. And before that, she could only crawl and sit. I went to school, first grade. True, while in a wheelchair, but at least not at home, he communicates with children.

And her life has changed, and ours. We have become more united: everything for Lida, everything for Lida.

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