Narrated short stories for kindergarten
Children's Audio Books: 8 Short Story Collections
A couple of weeks after we moved in with Bart’s parents, Star had a VERY hard morning.
After nearly an hour of completely unreasonable behavior, Bart’s mom pulled out a CD copy of the Frances audio collection and started playing it on their family room stereo. She tucked Star in on the couch with a blanket and pillow, and suddenly Star stopped crying for the first time since she’d gotten out of bed and quietly listened to the whole CD.
It was basically like magic.
I wrote a post last fall about audio books for preschoolers with suggestions about what age to start and how to introduce them (plus five of my favorite children’s audio books to start with), so if you’re new to listening to audiobooks with your young child, that post is a good place to start.
These are seven more audio books collections that we love. Each one is a collection of short stories, so they’re perfect for listening in the car or while your child plays (I put together a whole list of activities for kids to do while they listen to children’s audio books).
If you have lots of snowy or cold winter days ahead, these are a great way to keep everyone happy at home.
Also, if you go with the digital files from Audible instead of a physical CD, you can stream them through a Google Home or Amazon Alexa device (with Alexa, you can play them straight from your Audible account, whereas with a Google Home you’ll need to play it on your phone and then have it cast through your Google Home. Either way is super simple).
And you don’t need an Audible membership to buy Audible books – just download the free Audible app and buy the books you want through Amazon and they’ll appear in your app, ready to listen!
The Olivia Audio Collection by Ian Falconer, read by Dame Edna Everage
I checked this collection out from the library and I LOVED listening to it for several weeks until it was due back. Dame Edna Everage is the BEST reader you can imagine for Olivia. I’m fairly sure that for the rest of my life, I will never read the Olivia books without hearing her voice in my head.
The Audible version is currently less than $8.
James Herriot’s Treasury for Children: Warm and Joyful Tales by James Herriot, read by Jim Dale
I grew up on James Herriot – my mom is a huge fan – and she introduced my girls to his sweet stories about being a farm vet. She gave us this CD collection that’s meant especially for children and it’s just wonderful. And, just when you thought his stories couldn’t get any better, they’re read by Jim Dale of Harry Potter audiobook fame. The Audible version costs less than $7 right now.
Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa by Erica Silverman, read by Elizabeth Morton
I bought this one last year because it was whopping $1.71 from Audible (it still is!) and we’ve listened to this one in the car countless times about Cowgirl Kate and her opinionated horse Cocoa. It’s only ten minutes long so it’s perfect for a quick school drop off or brief errand.
Mouse Tales written and read by Arnold Lobel
I love Arnold Lobel as an author and it turns out I love him as a reader too – he reads the audio versions of most of his books! Mouse Tales has always tickled my funny bone and it delights me to hear the author read these silly stories aloud. This was another children’s audio books collection from the library that was well-loved.
Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne
The two hour collection of classic Winnie the Pooh stories is done as a full dramatization with original music and famous actors like Judi Dench and Stephen Fry doing the various character voices. Seriously, it’s incredible.
Ling and Ting: Not Exactly the Same by Grace Lin, read by Angela Lin
These stories about identical twin girls are so funny and sweet. They get along and they love being twins, but they are NOT exactly the same.
Nate the Great Collected Stories by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, read by John Lavelle
I remember Nate the Great from when I was little and now my girls love these early mystery stories too. The first collection has three stories and the second collection has four (the second one is also available from Audible for $11.61).
The Princess in Black collection by Shannon Hale and Dean Hale, read by Julia Whelan
My girls are OBSESSED with the Princess in Black (I’m pretty sure I read the whole series 5 times at least to Star this summer) so I’m very happy to have the audio versions to save my poor voice at least for the first three books. You may know Julia Whelan because she narrated two of the biggest books of the year – Educated and The Great Alone.
Any other favorite children’s audio books at your house? I’d love to hear!
If you liked this post about children’s audio books, you might also enjoy these posts:
- How my children listen to audiobooks
- Audiobooks for Kids: Tips for starting and titles to try
- 25 crazy good deals on audiobooks for children
Free Audio Stories for Children | Audio Stories for Kids | Free Coloring Pages
Lots of words have popped up lately to describe things you can listen to from the internet: podcasts, audiobooks, streaming media, etc. What’s important about what’s offered here is that they are
downloadable MP3s (they’ll play on virtually any audio device…and because you can download them…you don’t have to be on Wi-Fi to listen…so they are perfect for long car trips!), and that they are FREE. We also know that many of you don’t download them at all, but just stream them from a nearby mobile device…using the shorter ones as bedtime stories, for example. 😉
Below, you’ll find a list of the audio stories that we’ve created especially for you, all read by me (Chuck Brown). Click on the story title to visit that story’s page, where you can read along and download the audio file. And oh, by the way…if you write stories for children, please take a moment and visit this page.
Finally, for those who might have interest…I have created quite a number of additional bedtime stories which are now available for sale. They are popular with parents of young children for personal use, but also for those who wish to post them as content to YouTube, or add them to apps to help with sleeping. You can find out more right here.
(5 mins) Written by Nadine D’Souza. A Copperpod tree learns that it takes two to tango.
Piggis Play Games
(6 mins) Written by Dave Donicci. Boy and girl pigs tackle outdoor games.
The Persistent Rain Cloud
(6 mins) Written by Nadine D’Souza. A blustery cloud bully needs to be taught a lesson.
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
(7 mins) Written by Beatrix Potter. One of the most popular children’s stories ever written.
Petie’s Peanut Butter Pizza
(7 mins) Written by Joan Winifred . A story about a boy who is a very finicky eater.
How The Camel Got His Hump
(8 mins) Written by Rudyard Kipling. The dangers of being too lazy when there’s work to be done.
The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies
(8 mins) Written by Beatrix Potter. Another cautionary tale from the author of The Tale of Peter Rabbit.
The Fantabulous Cumulo-Nimbuli Pump
(8 mins) Written by Chuck Brown. My first (and only…) story, written in a Dr. Seuss style. It’s about a special vacuum that sucks up clouds!
The Three Little Pigs
(8 mins) Traditional. How a Wolf was outfoxed by his third ham dinner.
The Tale of Benjamin Bunny
(9 mins) Written by Beatrix Potter. Another cautionary tale from the author of The Tale of Peter Rabbit.
The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin
(9 mins) Written by Beatrix Potter. A smart-mouthed squirrel pays a high price for his rudeness.
The City Zoo
(9 mins) Written and Illustrated by George Comninos. A wonderful tale about teamwork, the value of hard work and self-sacrifice.
(10 mins) Traditional. This version is from the Red Fairy Book, edited by Andrew Lang. A mother’s fixation has long-term consequences on the life of her family…especially her daughter.
The Legend Of The Black Sea
(11 mins) An old fisherman learns the importance of giving others the benefit of the doubt.
Guppy Goop & The Adventure of the Big Bad Fish
(13 mins) Written and Illustrated by Chato B. Stewart. What does it take to learn a good lesson, anyway?
The Emperor’s New Clothes
(13 mins) Written by Hans Christian Andersen. A great lesson about arrogance.
How The Leopard Got His Spots
(13 mins) Written by Rudyard Kipling. Wonderful African lore.
The Music Box
(15 mins) Written by Nadine D’Souza. A tiny ballerina seeks her place in the world.
The Story of Snow White
(21 mins) Traditional, translated by L.L. Weedon.. Beauty is wonderful, but what’s more important…outer beauty or inner beauty?
Little Louie
(21 mins) Written by Pamela Bell Bagley. A young boy saves a litter of puppies, gets a great wagon and brings joy to his neighborhood.
The Velveteen Rabbit
(26 mins) Written by Margery Williams. A delightful tale about real love…
(27 mins) Traditional, retold by Henry W. Hewet. A story of good character rewarded.
Jack & The Beanstalk
(27 mins) Traditional. This version is from the Red Fairy Book, edited by Andrew Lang. The cleverness and courage of a brave young boy rescues his family from desperate poverty.
The Little Mermaid
(52 mins) Written by Hans Christian Andersen. A lovely young mermaid falls in love with a human prince. (not the Disney version – for more info click here)
The Light Princess
(93 mins) Written by George MacDonald. A king, a queen, a princess, a prince…and, of course, a witch. The makings of a great story!
The Jungle Book, Pt 1
Written by Rudyard Kipling. The adventures of Mowgli, a boy raised among wolves…of those who love him and care for him, and of his enemy, Shere Khan.
Got through all those? Then, check out More Stories and Story Links! 😉
Fairy tales for kindergarten - read free online
Fairy tales for kindergarten - folklore and author's works that will captivate children from one and a half to two years old with their plot. Many of these fairy tales will migrate with children to the school desk. There is nothing surprising. Kind stories about peers, adults, forest animals and pets speak of simple things. These works do not just introduce the children to the world around them. They show young listeners a role model, develop the thinking of children and arouse their interest in learning. nine0003
- Tales for the younger group
- Tales for the middle group
- Tales for the senior group
- Tales for the preparatory group
Sort by: The popularity of the reading of the School of Crane
Russian people's sales on the night of the consistency of children 2 years of children 3 years of years 4 years For kids About grandmother About the old woman Younger group
Instructive Russian folk Bedtime stories About animals About the bear Soviet For children 2 years old For children 3 years old For kids About good and evil For schoolchildren For grade 1 Younger group
Russian folk people of Ivan-Durakvolnaya Podsavashkudl children 7 Letro are Babo-Yaguo Dobre and Zlepro Ivanapro Princesses of schoolchildren 2 class 3 class of class of the senior group of the senior group
Russian people's consecration at the night of animals of the Bear 2, 3 years of children's children and children zleAbout MashaAbout grandma Junior group
Alexander PushkinBedtime storiesIn verseFor children 12 years oldFor kindergartenFor senior groupFor preparatory group
Russian people's markets at the night of the wavelengths of the woman-Yagupro Huseydl schoolchildren 1 class of children's saddles of the middle group
Samuel Marshakpro are girlfriend girlfriend 5 years of guess of children 9 years of guidth of children 11 years of age 12 years old 12 years old schools 12 years old classFor kindergartenFor the senior groupFor the preparatory group
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Valentin Kataevdlya Girls of Children 7 Letdu children 9 Letdro Tsvetlya Children 8 Schoolists 2 classes 2 class 3 class 4 classes of the senior group
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Russian folkAbout Ivan the FoolBedtime storiesMagicAbout the horse Tolstoy - Russian folkAbout good and evilAbout brothersFor schoolchildrenFor 2nd gradeFor 3rd gradeFor kindergartenFor senior group
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fairy tales for adaptation to kindergarten
One day Zayka and the hare mother were going to the kindergarten. Bunny was very worried and upset that his mother would not pick him up from kindergarten in the evening. nine0109 He kept asking: Mom, will you pick me up in the evening?
-Of course, I'll take you, Bunny. I will definitely come for you after work.
But the bunny still couldn't believe it and asked again and again.
By chance, the Elephant heard this conversation. He went to the same group as Bunny and asked Bunny for a walk:
- Bunny, are you really afraid that your mother won't take you home?
- Yes, I'm very afraid that my mother will leave me here - answered Bunny.
To this the Elephant said: What are you, Bunny. It can not be so. All children are taken home by mothers and fathers in the evening. At night, the kindergarten is completely empty. The kids only come in the morning. nine0109 Bunny asked: Completely, completely empty?
Elephant answered: Absolutely, absolutely. Children only come to kindergarten in the morning.
Let's see with you in the evening, they will take absolutely all the children home.
When the little animals had supper in the evening, the Baby Elephant and the Hare began to wait, who would be taken away first. On this day, the first cat was taken. Her mother came for her. Then they took away a bear cub, a lion cub, a squirrel, a rabbit, a mouse and a penguin. Everyone was very happy that mom and dad came for them. Who was taken last, Elephant and Hare did not manage to see. Since their mothers also came for them. And they happily ran home. The hare liked this moment so much when his mother took him home in the evening. He was so happy and in the evening he told his mother what interesting things had happened to him all day in kindergarten. nine0003
TALE № 2
The tale about how Alla fell in love with kindergarten
Before you tell your child our fairy tale, unobtrusively ask him what toy he likes to play most in kindergarten. Then replace the cubes with her, and instead of the girl Inna, substitute the name of any baby from your child's group. If you are telling a fairy tale to a boy, then make the heroes of the fairy tale also males.
- Mom, well, mom!!!! I no longer want to go to kindergarten, - Alla begged her mother. - Let's stay at home! Come on! nine0109 - All right, - mother answered.
And from that moment Alla stopped going to kindergarten. So two weeks passed. One day, Alla and her mother went to the grocery store together.
- Alla, Alla, hello! - came from somewhere on the side.
The girl looked around and saw Inna.
- Why don't you go to kindergarten now? - asked Alla Inna. - We, all the guys, are waiting for you! And we got in trouble! Do you remember the cubes you used to play with? They disappeared yesterday. We have already searched everything, they are nowhere to be found! nine0109 - How did they disappear? - Alla was alarmed. - Where can they be?
- I don't know, - Inna answered sadly. - So what? Will you come tomorrow?
- I'll come, I'll definitely come, - the girl said thoughtfully.
The next morning Alla herself woke up very early and asked her mother to take her to the kindergarten. She came, greeted the teacher and the guys and immediately went to look for her favorite cubes. There are none in the closet, under the closet too...
- Cubes, well, where are you? - sadly asked Allah.
But they never showed up. nine0109 In the evening mother came to take her daughter home. Alla got dressed and they went. They go through the park, the rain is drizzling.
Alla suddenly sees that her favorite cubes are lying on a wet and cold bench.
- Mom, look! the girl exclaimed. - There are cubes from our kindergarten! Don't have a package? I want to pick them up and take them back to the kindergarten tomorrow.
Mom gave her daughter a big package and the girl immediately rushed to collect multi-colored cubes from the bench.
- Oh, cubes! How did you get here? Who brought you here? nine0109 - Hello, Allah! The toys rejoiced! We are so glad to see you! Nobody brought us here! We waited and waited for you, but you still didn’t come to visit us in the kindergarten. We were very upset and went to look for you, but got lost.
- That's it! - the girl laughed! - And I've been looking for you all day in the group! You don't run away anymore! Now I have to go to kindergarten!
And at night, Alla had a dream, how she, together with the teacher and other children, learned a song for her mother on the holiday of March 8, how they were given gifts for the New Year, how fun she played with the children, how she built a big fortress out of cubes and much, much more other. nine0003
In the morning, when she woke up and was going to the kindergarten, the girl thought:
- It's good in the kindergarten!
And, taking a bag of cubes, she happily ran to catch up with her mother.
Fairy tale about kindergarten "Once upon a time there were different animals in the forest".
A family of bears lived in the same house: father-bear, mother-bear, bear cub Mishutka. Hares lived in another house: mother hare, father hare, old grandmother Zaya and a little hare. And in the third house lived foxes: father, mother and fox daughter. And also lived in the forest the She-wolf with the Wolf cub, the Mouse with the Mouse and many other animals, big and small. nine0003
Until the kids grew up, they each played near their little house, at their mink or at their lair. But then they got older, and the parents decided that it was time for the children to get to know each other so that it would be more fun for them to play. And they set up a kindergarten for animals in the forest! The teachers called the wise Aunt Owl to teach the kids to be friends.
The animals found a suitable clearing in the forest where the kids could play together, made a fence, put beds and tables, brought more toys and brought their kids there. Some animals, as soon as they saw new toys, said goodbye to their mothers and ran to play. And the little Hare got scared, clung to mommy and is afraid to move away from her. There are a lot of kids, everyone is running, playing, and the little Bunny is still standing and standing next to his mother. nine0003
Aunt Owl saw this, but did not scold Zainka, but allowed him to stay in the kindergarten with his mother on the first day. The bunny climbed onto the arms of his mother and watched from there what others were doing. Then the Mouse wanted to play ball, but how about one? The Little Mouse began to roll the ball to Zainka, and Zainka took the ball and rolled the Little Mouse. The hare mother sees that the children have become friends, play together, roll the ball and laugh. "Well, baby, it's time to leave!" - After a while, the hare mother said. "No, mom, I'd rather play here, and then you will come for me." nine0003
We agreed that on the first day the mothers would pick up the babies after lunch. Here the animals played, walked and sat down at the table for dinner. The bunny quickly snorted his dinner, and the teddy bear sits and waits for someone to feed him with a spoon. Aunt Owl came up to him, showed him how to hold a spoon, and Mishutka began to slowly eat porridge himself. His paws are awkward, but the bear cub is trying, puffing! “I,” he says, “now I will eat at home myself! After all, I'm already big!
After dinner, the kids took the dishes and started getting ready to go home. For Zainka, grandmother came, for the Fox - dad, for Mishutka - mother Bear. All the kids left very happy. Some did not even want to leave, but Aunt Owl said that the kindergarten was closed for the night, and now everyone would go to their own home, and tomorrow morning they would meet again and play together. nine0003
Since then, this has been the way it has been in the forest: the youngest ones sat in the burrows with their mothers, and the older ones came to Aunt Owl's kindergarten. Each baby had his own locker for clothes and his own bed, where the baby slept after dinner. In the evenings, mothers took the kids home, and the kindergarten was closed for the night.
How to work with a fairy tale:
Play this fairy tale with toys.
Tell how they themselves went to kindergarten (what they liked to do in kindergarten, favorite games and activities in kindergarten, with whom they were friends). nine0109 Review your childhood photos with your child in kindergarten.
Illustrate and arrange in the form of a baby book.
How Marina went to kindergarten.
Once upon a time there was a girl Marina. Marina was three years old, and she terribly disliked going to kindergarten. Every morning she asked her parents to let her stay at home. Parents were very upset by such words of their daughter.
And then one day my mother allowed Marina to stay at home. The day at home dragged on for an unusually long time. The girl wandered from corner to corner, she was tired of playing with toys, she was tired of watching TV, and she did not want to beg her mother to play with her or go for a walk. And the next morning Marina agreed to go to the garden. nine0003
When she entered the group, all the children shouted:
- Hooray! Marina has arrived! Why weren't you there yesterday? We went to the circus as a group! For a fun show! It was so great!
Marina was offended: after all, she was so sad at home when her friends were at the circus.
Whether Marina went to the kindergarten for a long time, or for a short while, she began to become stubborn again. And this time, the mother allowed her daughter to stay at home. And again the day dragged on, and it seemed to the girl that it would never end.
The next day Marina returned to the kindergarten. The guys around again discussed something interesting. nine0109 - Marina! The whole group of us went to the children's railway and rode the train there ... and then we walked in the park! .. and we met a squirrel in the park! ... and there are comfortable tables in the children's train ... and the conductors told a funny story ... and the boy also drove the train , he is only 13 years old! ... - the guys excitedly told.
The girl was hurt to tears: how could it be, again the whole group rejoiced and discussed an interesting event, but nobody cared about Marina...
Day after day Marina went to kindergarten again. How long, how short, only again Marina asks her mother: “Mommy, can I stay at home for a day?” nine0109 - Stay, - Mom said, - but remember that it was your decision.
When Marina reappeared in the group a day later, she saw that there were very beautiful figures made of plasticine on the shelf - a bunny, a fox, and a bear cub!..
- Oh, what a beauty!!! Marina froze in admiration.
- Look, Marina, I made this bunny myself! - Oksana's friend said to the girl, pointing to the same bunny that Marina liked so much, - yesterday a special teacher came to us and showed us how to do it! And Andryushka blinded this little bear cub, that fox over there - Tanyusha. nine0109 Marina could not stand it - she cried: “Well, why do I always miss all the most interesting things!? I won’t miss kindergarten anymore!”
From that day on, Marina always went to kindergarten, and even if she was ill, she always tried to recover as soon as possible so as not to miss something interesting.
Fairy tale therapy for children going through a period of adaptation to kindergarten will help to cope with stress. Therefore, read to your child a fairy tale about the boy Slavik, who did not want to go to kindergarten. Children identify themselves with the main characters of fairy tales, so listening to stories about guys like them makes it easier for them to deal with their fears and feelings. Therefore, if you are reading a fairy tale to your daughter, then replace the main character with a girl (for example, Sonya), and the railway with a dollhouse. nine0003
Once upon a time there was a little boy Slavik. Slavik lived with his mom and dad. Mom and dad loved him very much, played with him, fed him, read books to him and told fairy tales. More than anything, Slavik loved to play with toys! He had cars, cubes, balls and even colored paper and plasticine! But Slavik always wanted to have a railroad. The kind that trains run on. Only Slavik was small and did not know how to tell his parents about the railway. I had to play cars and cubes! And Slavik did it with pleasure. nine0003
One morning Slavik was awakened by his father and called to the kitchen. Mom was cooking breakfast in the kitchen. Slavik had porridge in his plate (which he didn't really like) and berries from jam (which he really liked to eat). Slavik began to carry on a plate with a spoon - beautiful stains were obtained. But the parents did not allow Slavik to admire the resulting beauty. “We need to hurry up today,” Mom said. “You are going to kindergarten today!” Dad announced solemnly. Slavik did not want to go to kindergarten. Firstly, he did not know what it was ... Secondly, today his toys were waiting for him. He wanted to build a house out of blocks, ride all his toys on cars, paint a picture that he began to draw on the wallpaper next to the radiator. But the parents did not want to listen to anything: “We need to go to work! Won't you stay at home alone?" nine0003
Slavik was combed and dressed. Although Slavik already knew how to dress himself. It was embarrassing. Will adults always wear it now?
On the way to the kindergarten, dad explained to Slavik that there would be an aunt-teacher in the kindergarten, as well as other children and a lot of toys.
Slavik did not like it in kindergarten. The room was small, there were cabinets with pictures, there were no children, and toys too!
However, the teacher came out to the meeting: “Hello, Slavik! My name is Irina Ivanovna. Iwaited for you. Here is your locker, undress quickly! Mom undressed Slavika. Slavik was surprised again: he can do it himself! Then my mother said: “Well, that's it, Slavik! Now my dad and I are going to work, and you will stay here. We'll be back for you in the evening. Do not be bored!". nine0003
Then Slavik realized that he did not want to be left without mom and dad in the kindergarten. Besides, he doesn't want to stay here until the evening with Irina Ivanovna. What will he do? All his toys are at home! Slavik realized that he would be very, very bored, and decided to let his parents know. Slavik cried! Well, yes! Boys don't cry. But in such situations, anyone would cry! Mom and dad got scared. Slavik looked at them and saw that if he cries louder, they will take him home. nine0003
Slavik took a deep breath and prepared to say “AAA!!! I'm NOT going!!! I don't want to!!! Mama!!! I want to see you!!!"
But then a girl and a boy ran into the room. They were playing with a big red ball.