Should my kindergartener be reading
Kindergarten reading Reading |
If learning to read is like building a skyscraper, then kindergarten is the year to construct the most solid foundation possible. As part of that foundation, kindergartners will be working on the five pillars of kindergarten reading: understanding the relationship between sounds and words (phonetics), reading fluently, understanding what they read, expanding vocabulary, and building knowledge.
All about the alphabet
This year, your kindergartner will be expected to recognize all 26 lowercase and uppercase letters — as well as their sounds. They should be able to identify which letters are different in similar words (e.g. map, lap, tap). They should also know that spoken words represent a sequence of letters.
Left to right, up to down, front to back
Kindergartners need to learn the reading rules: that you start at the top of the page and going downwards, you read from left to right, and page by page. By the end of the year, students also need to become familiar with parts of a book, such as the front cover, the back cover, and the title page.
Related: Learn one simple way to boost your child’s reading skills.
Word sense and rhymes
Word play helps kindergartners understand how words are broken into individual syllables and how words with similar endings rhyme. The more exposure kindergartners get to how syllables and words work together, the more they’ll build their word knowledge.
All year long, kindergartners are working on what’s known as “decoding” skills — deciphering the meanings of words and phrases within the context of what they’re reading. And when your child asks you to read their favorite book over and over (and over) again? Take heart! Your clever kindergartner is practicing decoding without even knowing it!
Related: Watch our Milestone video Does your kindergartner “decode” like this?
Finally, with the help of adults, kindergartners are learning to make connections between words and their nuances, so they can sort them into categories (e. g. shapes and colors) and figure out antonyms, a fancy way of saying opposites (e.g.
open/close, hot/cold). This year, they’ll even be deciphering shades of meaning between words. Tip: Have your child act out similar words. What does it look like to march, strut, walk, and stroll? What does it look like to cry, sob, and howl?
Mastering common words
According to the Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists, about half of all reading texts are made up of the same 100 words! Here’s something even more remarkable about these wonder words: most kindergartners will know all of them by the end of the year. To that end, many kindergarten teachers will send their students home with lists of these high-frequency words (e.g. at, be, of, and to). Your child will also need to learn sight words — words that can’t be easily sounded out or illustrated with a text (e.g. good, out). When it comes to sight words, memorization is key, since using phonics or decoding skills don’t often work for these short, common, but often oddly spelled words.
(How does one sound out “the” anyway?) Tip: Word lists are perfect for the refrigerator, where you can playfully quiz your kindergartner before dinnertime.
Exploring fiction and nonfiction
While reading with your child, start asking: is this real or imaginary? The goal is for kindergartners to split their time between stories and information (think: dinosaurs, trees, and starfish) while learning the differences between the two types of text. By the end of kindergarten, your child should be able to recognize stories and poems and find the name of a book’s author and illustrator with the understanding that the author wrote the words and the illustrator drew the pictures — whether the book is a true story or a truly fantastic tale.
Related: Check out our lists of classic childhood favorites and history books for kindergartners.
Building a knowledge bank
Kindergartners need to grow their understanding of the world by integrating new information into what they already know. Think of it as your kindergartner opening a knowledge bank account and filling it with accumulated information.
Related: Watch our Milestones video Does your kindergartner read to learn like this?
Key skills that will help your kindergartner build knowledge include being able to retell familiar stories; identify characters, setting, and major events in a story; and compare and contrast characters and events in different stories.
What does this sound like? It’s your 5-year-old explaining that Harold in Harold and the Purple Crayon had an amazing adventure because of what he imagined. It’s your T-rex lover understanding dinosaurs were real, but now don’t exist. The key is getting kindergartners understanding and thinking about the big ideas they learn when they read — and taking that information with them as they grow.
Show me the evidence!
In kindergarten, this really just means finding — and literally pointing to — answers to questions. Your child could show evidence by flipping through the pages and finding the words — or the picture of the scene you asked about.
Related: Watch our Milestones video Does your kindergartner show understanding like this?
Your child’s teacher will emphasize evidence in different ways this year, but the main skills are:
- Asking and answering questions about details in books and showing exactly where those answers show up in the text or illustrations.
- Being able to discern a book’s main point and using the text or images to show how the author makes this point.
- Connect a book’s illustrations to the exact words they illustrate.
When Your Child Doesn't Learn to Read in Kindergarten
My son is in Kindergarten this year. It’s now May and I have watched him struggle with learning to read.
If you’ve been reading my blog posts this past year, you’ll know that I’m a big proponent of phonics-based early reading instruction. I taught K-2 for a number of years, have presented teacher professional development on early reading, and worked with countless students who were struggling readers.
I have a strong background in early reading instruction.
There are a couple of reasons why my son hasn’t learned to read in Kindergarten this past year. Partly he’s just a six-year-old boy, who would rather play than read, and is not really interested in school yet.
The other part is that he just needs some solid, consistent instruction in reading, which he hasn’t gotten this year at school. In a way, I’m okay with the fact that the reading instruction hasn’t been solid because he’s not ready for it.
The strange thing is that, as a teacher and a former Kindergarten teacher, I know what he needs. I know exactly what sounds he knows and doesn’t know. I know that he cannot smoothly blend some CVC words, especially those with stop sounds. He knows all of his continuous sounds, but still struggles to remember the stop sounds. I know that he needs to work on his phonemic awareness skills.
I know all of these things and at the same time, I have not provided systematic instruction at home for him this past year.
I am pulled in two directions.
In August of this past school year, my son asked me to teach him to read. If only it were that simple. I think he expected to learn how to read quickly and it was something I could teach him easily, like within a day or two.
At the time I knew he wasn’t ready yet. He didn’t know many of his sounds and lacked quite a few phonemic awareness skills that needed to be in place first.
The teacher-part of me wants to create a scope and sequence of instruction that will meet his needs and push him to the next level in reading. I can totally do that. I know how to do it and I can create or find the resources I need to teach him to read.
The teacher in me feels like I am somehow failing him by not teaching him to read.
As a parent, I want to see him love school. That is the most important thing for me. I had a love/hate relationship with school myself (it was too easy for me) and my husband disliked school (it was boring). I want school to be a safe, comfortable place for my son to spend 6+ hours a day for 13+ years of his life. I don’t want him to feel anxious or stressed about not performing well enough.
My son has gone through his Kindergarten year and continually voiced to me that he doesn’t like school. His reason? It’s boring. We all know that school is not built for boys, especially little boys who like to run, jump, and wrestle rather than sit still in a classroom. My son does not have a learning disability, nor does he have ADHD. He excels in math. He can tell elaborate stories and wants me to document them. He understands everything read aloud to him and asks great questions when he doesn’t. He can sit still when he needs to do so.
He would be considered behind by normal, traditional Kindergarten standards. But, I also know the research. Most kids learn to read between the ages of 4-7 and some do not until age 8. If kids don’t learn to read in Kindergarten, they’re not behind. They don’t have a learning disability, although some may. They just may not be ready to or interested in reading yet. It’s okay if he doesn’t learn to read until he’s 7 or 8. That doesn’t mean that he’s not learning.
I am pulled in two directions. The teacher in me knows how to provide systematic instruction at home that could meet his reading needs and the parent side of me that wants him to love learning. Are those two things isolated? No, but when he comes home tired from school the last thing I want to do is make him sit down and do more “school stuff.”
He can run faster than any kid in his class. He’s very proud of that.
He can create elaborate, imaginative stories. He’s always asking us for the paper to draw them out.
He can create whole cities in MindCraft. That’s a lot of geometric and spatial thinking.
He excels in math and can think outside of the box when solving problems.
He’s happy, even though he doesn’t like school. It’s not a bad place for him. It’s just not as fun as playing with Legos, engaging in pretend-play with his friends, or climbing trees. That’s okay for now. At least it’s not a struggle to get him to go to school.
Thankfully, we chose a school for him that does not push academics over social and emotional development. At my son’s school, it’s okay that he’s not reading at the end of Kindergarten. He’s not looked down upon and he doesn’t feel shamed for not reading.
He has learned and grown so much this past year. No, he hasn’t learned to read, but he’s learned other life skills that he will take with him when he leaves Kindergarten.
We have done very few academic things after school. I have tried to work with him in the afternoons, but he is so tired. It’s a struggle to get him to concentrate, focus and sit still. No, he’s doesn’t have ADHD. Not even close. He’s just a six-year-old boy who is tired from a long day at school and can’t concentrate on more reading work at home. It has been difficult for me to be consistent while working with him at home.
What do we do after school? At the beginning of the year, I worked in fun word-play and phonemic awareness activities throughout the afternoon. These were not formal lessons, but just oral sound play.
Now, we work on blending sounds using these blending cards. I developed these CVC Cut & Paste Worksheets & Phonics Cards that we do once a week or so. I love that we can do the worksheet and I can make them into a ring of review cards.
I have put together some reading passages that are highly controlled for cvc word family and sight words. We have just started working on these reading passages and will continue them throughout the summer.
I’ve also started using a computerized program that is geared toward homeschool families called Funnix. It requires that an adult sit with the child to make sure he is pronouncing the sounds correctly and following the program. It does a really good job teaching reading without a lot of teacher prep and materials. As a reading teacher, I can see that it addresses all the important components of reading at just the right pace.
While we do a lot at home, one thing I am not is consistent.
My son is in school all morning long (it’s half-day Kindergarten). He comes home tired. I want him to love learning and pushing him to do reading after school every day has been a struggle. So, we are not consistent in our work at home. Come summer, we’ll concentrate on it much more when he’s less tired from school.
Give your child time. Some children just need a little more time.
While you’re waiting, observe. Watch your child and see if they have a learning disability or if they need some intervention that you or their teacher can provide.
Can they learn what they are taught in other academic areas? Are they imaginative? Do they want to tell you stories and interact with you about the world around them? Are they making friends? Do they like school?
Learning how to read used to be taught in first grade. We, as a society, have pushed learning to read down to Kindergarten. There’s nothing wrong with teaching reading in Kindergarten. On the same token, there’s nothing wrong with a Kindergartener who doesn’t learn to read.
I wrote another blog post about my son learning to read. It’s been two years since I wrote this original post and I’ve had a few commenters ask about how he’s doing now. This blog post, When Your Child Struggles with Reading, is about where we are now, two years later.
Reading, counting and writing lessons will disappear in kindergartens: Society: Oblgazeta
Russia's first federal standards for preschool education will soon appear. The reform after universities and schools reached kindergartens. What awaits children and their parents? We asked this question to the specialists of the Sverdlovsk Regional Institute for the Development of Education, who participated in the development of this important document.
Recently had an argument with a colleague, discussing the preparation of their offspring for school. Very often, already in September in the first grade, children are required to be able not only to count to ten, but also to read tasks in the textbook themselves. And that is why I decided to take up the education of my daughters in advance. And what? Let them work hard while they go to kindergarten, but it will be easier at school. My colleague categorically disagreed with me: “Let the child have a childhood! Not children for school, but school for children.” nine0003
As it turned out, my interlocutor unknowingly paraphrased Alexander Asmolov, academician, Doctor of Psychology, professor at the Federal Institute for the Development of Education, who led the group of developers of the preschool education standard. He formulates the main theses of the document: “childhood for the sake of childhood, and not for the sake of preparing for school” and “not a child should prepare for school, but a school should prepare for a child.”
Children should be taught to read, write and count in the first grade, and not in kindergarten, Yury Biktuganov, Minister of General and Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region, explained to OG. All the necessary knowledge will be given to children at school. Under the new standards, preschoolers do not have to take any final tests or subject knowledge exams. The main thing that preschool education should give is the qualities that can ensure his successful studies at school the ability to fix attention, developed speech, curiosity, the desire to learn new things. It is very important that the preschooler has correctly formed moral and ethical guidelines. In addition, one of the main areas of the new standard is the development of physical activity and general health of the child. nine0003
Alexander Asmolov believes that the cultural socialization of the child is needed, his familiarization with the best humanistic examples of culture through play and communication. One of the objectives of the standard for kindergartens is to protect childhood from "adulthood". If a girl has not played enough with dolls, and a boy with cars while going to kindergarten, they will never be able to catch up, the developers of the standard explain. Play is the main activity of a preschooler. By seating the kids at their desks, adults do not allow them to develop in the way that nature should. nine0003
Unfortunately, usually parents consider the game to be entertainment, leisure, a waste of time, says Olga Tolstikova, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Sverdlovsk Regional Institute for the Development of Education. But a game for a child spontaneous, unpredictable, active testing of oneself or the subject of the game, a riddle, improvisation, surprise, surprise... Such an activity is very important because it gives the child the opportunity to try himself, take the initiative, make some kind of choice and, accordingly, be responsible for it. The game has a positive effect on the formation of independence, initiative and personality of a person. No classes can replace the developmental effect that a free, independent, initiative game brings. When a teacher constantly leads children from one lesson to another, constantly leads and controls, and the children themselves do not choose anything, do not come up with independent activities, they do not feel their independence, activity, independence. Namely, from this a personality, self-consciousness and a responsible position are born. nine0003
How do you prepare for school? I was puzzled.
Preparing for school not early study of the first grade program, learning to read, write and count, explains Tolstikova. The presence of knowledge in itself does not at all determine the success of learning, it is much more important that the child is able to independently obtain and apply it. Therefore, the best preparation for school is the formation in a child of the qualities necessary for a school desk: curiosity, initiative, arbitrariness, independence, creative self-expression, the presence of cognitive and social motives for learning. A preschooler should be able to fantasize, imagine and work according to the model, be able to obey different rules and social norms. He must have developed the ability to make strong-willed efforts, the ability to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others. Tomorrow's schoolboy knows how to choose his occupation and participants in joint activities. nine0003
The teacher says that the form of "training" classes in the kindergarten is unacceptable this contradicts the logic of child development. The education of a preschooler is socialization and individualization of development, not learning. And preschool childhood is not only preparation for school, it is ... life itself. Having received all these explanations, I decided not to pester my preschool daughters to “do their homework” anymore. Of course, I will not stop teaching them to read or solve problems, I will only do it in a different form. Let them play more, since it is so useful for development :)
By the way
60 percent of the standard is mandatory for all of Russia. This is a comprehensive approach that ensures the development of children in social, communicative, cognitive, artistic, aesthetic and physical development. The remaining 40 percent is a variable part that each kindergarten sets, taking into account the area where it is located, the specifics of national, sociocultural, economic conditions, individual needs and expectations of parents.
The Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region told OG that in order to prepare kindergarten teachers for the introduction of new standards for preschool education, mass professional development is planned in various forms and work as close as possible to the place. That is, it is not planned to separate educators from children for a long time. In addition, new state assignments have already been formed for all pedagogical colleges in the region, taking into account the new Federal State Educational Standard
Olga Viktorovna Tolstikova, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education, the Sverdlovsk Regional Institute for the Development of Education, answers the questions of the OG correspondent. nine0022
What is the difference between the federal standard and the current regulatory framework?
There are federal state requirements, represented by two groups of requirements: requirements for the structure of the program, which determine the required minimum content of preschool education, and requirements for the conditions for the implementation of this program. Now we do not have a goal-setting thing that will appear in connection with the standard, I mean the requirements for the results of preschool education. nine0003
But these will not be requirements for a preschool child, "you must." It is we, adults, who must create such psychological and pedagogical, personnel, material and technical conditions, conditions of the subject-spatial environment that would contribute to its development. This approach to evaluating the result of mastering the program by children is defined in accordance with the specifics of preschool childhood (flexibility, plasticity of a child’s development, a wide range of options for its development, its immediacy and involuntariness), as well as systemic features of preschool education (optional level of preschool education in the Russian Federation, lack of opportunity imputing to the child any responsibility for the result), make unlawful the demands from a preschool child of specific educational achievements. Unlike other standards, the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education is not the basis for assessing compliance with the established requirements of educational activities and training of students. The development of educational programs of preschool education is not accompanied by intermediate certification and final certification of students. There are no numbers in the preschool education standard. There are no curricula, there are no compulsory and optional subjects, which annoyed the parent community so much when discussing the school standard, there is only a percentage of the compulsory (60%) and variable part (40%), i.e. part formed by the participants of educational relations. nine0003
The compulsory part of the Program assumes a comprehensive approach, ensuring the development of children in all five complementary educational areas: social and communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.
The variable part of the program is designed to ensure that each institution can and should have its own program, taking into account the specifics of national, sociocultural, economic conditions, the area where it is located, the individual needs of citizens, their expectations from this institution. It is made up of educational programs of various directions, chosen by the participants in educational relations from among partial and other programs and / or created by them independently. This part of the program, formed by participants in educational relations, must take into account the educational needs and interests of pupils, their families and teachers. nine0003
There is one fundamentally important point in the draft preschool education standard the program is implemented during the entire time the pupils are in kindergarten.
In addition, the draft standard defines the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of an educational program in kindergarten, which include requirements for psychological and pedagogical personnel, material and technical and financial conditions, as well as for a developing subject-spatial environment and are aimed at creating an educational environment and the social situation of development for all participants in educational relations (child, teacher, parent). nine0003
What should a child be taught in kindergarten? How should it be done?
Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" introduces the concept of "educational activity" (activities for the implementation of educational programs), which previously included holding several classes during the day. At present, joint educational activities are considered as directly educational activities, activities in regime moments, interaction with families of children to implement the tasks of the main educational program of preschool education. nine0003
For many years, a single form of educational work with children has prevailed in preschool institutions lesson (learning activity). Teachers, and parents as well, have always perceived the regular conduct of classes in kindergarten as something obligatory, due, as the only form of teaching children that is familiar to them. The organization of classes was more often carried out in the school educational model, even if the teacher used game techniques. A serious mistake of kindergarten teachers is ignoring the use of a full-fledged, multi-species game, cognitive, research activity. Both in the provisions of the FGT and in the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard: the activity of the preschool educational institution, regulated by the type of training, does not correspond to the age and mental characteristics of a child of preschool age. nine0003
Since 2010, the federal state requirements have established: "... solving program educational tasks in the joint activities of an adult and children and independent activities of children not only within the framework of directly educational activities, but also during regime moments ..." in accordance with the specifics education of preschool children. At present, the educator plans and organizes flexible and interesting activities with children in various forms (observation, excursion, drawing, modeling, experiment, research activity, project activity, reading with subsequent discussion, theatricalization, creative workshop, etc. ) , where the lesson stands in line with other forms of work with children, and the game is recognized as the main one of them. Unfortunately, the game is most often considered by parents as entertainment, that is, just leisure, as an excess element, as a waste of time, while teachers, mainly, as a means of learning. But a game for a child is always spontaneous, unpredictable, active testing of oneself or the subject of the game, it is always some kind of riddle, improvisation, surprise, surprise. Even if this game is played according to strictly defined rules, it is still unclear who wins, and the intrigue of the game is how it all ends, what will happen next. This distinguishes play from any other activity. Such activity is very important because it gives the child the opportunity to try himself, take the initiative, make some choice and, accordingly, bear some responsibility for him. The game, in the broad sense of the word, covers a lot of children's activities and has a positive impact on the development of independence, initiative and personality of a person.
And all classes cannot replace the developing effect that a free, independent, initiative game brings. When a teacher constantly leads children from one lesson to another, constantly leads and controls, and the children themselves do not choose anything, do not come up with independent activities, they do not feel their independence, activity, independence. Namely, from this a personality, self-consciousness and a responsible position are born. nine0003
And if we talk about the lesson as a form of work with children, then in their organization a modern teacher needs to abandon the explanatory and illustrative method, making the transition to an active-activity method in teaching and educating preschoolers; you should take into account the patterns of development of a child of preschool age, adapt to his level and individual characteristics; move to activity-developing technologies that form a wide range of personal qualities, which will then form the "golden fund" of a mature personality (A. V. Zaporozhets) and ensure their successful entry into school life, which is associated with the organization of various types of children's activities that are significant for a child and have a serious emotional component. In the process of such activities, children develop arbitrariness (the ability to control their behavior), imagination, imaginative thinking, communicative speech, free communication with both children and adults, without which it is impossible to expect a painless transition of children to new conditions and a gradual entry into the educational environment. activity. nine0003
Each child develops and grows in his own way, he has a special temperament, style of perception and his own family. These individual differences must be taken into account both in the program and in the relationship between children and adults. The child learns as a result of the interaction of his own thoughts and experiences with materials, ideas and people. This practice should be suitable for his age and at the same time activate his interest and understanding.
If classes are conducted with children without regard to their level of development, children fail and experience frustration. However, classes should not be made too simple; they should be exactly the level of complexity that corresponds to the current stage of development of a particular child. nine0003
In order to ensure that the activities conducted with children correspond to their individual and age characteristics, educators must constantly monitor each child in order to identify his abilities, needs, interests, temperament and style of perception. Educators should respect the ideas of the children and use those ideas to build the program. They should interact with children in their play and other activities, set an example of an attentive and responsive attitude towards others; record and evaluate your observations; use your observations when planning and for individualizing work with children. In an environment where children are oriented towards the realization of their own interests, children develop a sense of self-worth and initiative. nine0003
We are faced with an important problem of developing readiness among teachers and leaders of preschool institutions to solve new problems in the context of modernizing education, developing in them such abilities as the ability to see a potentially successful personality in every child, to ensure success in activities for each child, which will allow them organize the educational process taking into account an individual approach, turn the educational task into a personally significant one for the child. An essential part of the advanced training and retraining program should be the training of teachers in specially developed technologies for evaluating the process and results of their activities, the ability to independently improve it, generalize and present their work experience. nine0003
Should kindergarteners be taught to read, count and write?
Preparing for school, by parents in the first place, continues to be considered as an earlier study of the first grade program, comes down to the formation of narrowly subject knowledge and skills (be able to read, write, count, etc. ).
In this case, the continuity between preschool and primary school age is determined not by whether the future student has developed the qualities necessary for the implementation of a new activity, whether its prerequisites have been formed, but by the presence or absence of certain knowledge in academic subjects. nine0003
However, numerous studies by psychologists and teachers show that the presence of knowledge in itself does not determine the success of learning, it is much more important that the child is able to acquire and apply it independently. Therefore, the leading goal of preparing for school, both in the conditions of a kindergarten and a family, should be the formation in a preschooler of the qualities necessary for mastering educational activities curiosity, initiative, arbitrariness, independence, creative self-expression of the child, the presence of cognitive and social motives for learning; the ability to fantasize, imagine; ability to work according to the model; the ability to obey various rules and social norms, including the rules of safe behavior, listen to an adult and follow his instructions; the ability to make volitional efforts, the ability to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others; the ability to choose one's occupation, participants in joint activities. nine0003
Important at the stage of completion of preschool education are the prerequisites for literacy, command of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active dictionary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, understanding by ear the texts of various genres of children's literature.
All of the above qualities are targets for kindergarten teaching staff in the education of preschool children, their development of the main educational program for preschool education. Preschoolers should be involved in an independent process of seeking knowledge, thinking, expressing their own point of view, mental actions, etc. Here, modeling, experimentation, intellectual games, cognitive fairy tales, stories, training, etc. can act as active methods and means.
Counting, reading, writing are by-products of activities through which the child enters the world of adult life and lives. Therefore, the development of symbolic forms of thinking in a preschool child through specially organized teaching of writing, reading, and counting in the form of "training" classes is unacceptable. This contradicts the logic of child development, which acquires the character of acceleration (acceleration), instead of amplification (enrichment) (according to A.V. Zaporozhets).
The continuity of education between preschool and primary school age is understood as providing conditions for the full entry of the child (future student) into educational activities, as the acceptance of the task of “learning to learn” from an adult. The solution to this problem is provided at preschool age through the use of specific forms and types of children's activities. Education of a preschooler today is understood as socialization and individualization of development, and not as learning. And this means that the intrinsic value of preschool childhood is not only preparation for school, it is life itself, and at this stage it is extremely dangerous to put on school uniforms. A child in preschool childhood should develop in the context of children's activities. It is very important today what pedagogical technologies the teacher uses, how they meet the goals and objectives of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, and the results that are planned to be achieved. nine0003
Read online “My brilliant child. How to raise children to be independent and successful”, Saidmurod Davlatov – LitRes
© Davlatov S., text, 2020
© Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2020
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SAIDMUROD DAVLATOV – international business coach, Doctor of Psychology Sciences, author of books on self-development, successful entrepreneur.
Author's preface
Dear readers!
The book that you are holding in your hands contains practical knowledge acquired in the process of teaching children and taken from my personal experience. I wrote it for the sole purpose of finding talented children in different regions, in prosperous and not very families, who dream of a decent life and, of course, deserve it. nine0003
It often happens that the lack of money does not allow one to get a decent education, and a person chooses a completely different fate for himself, starting to live not the way he would like, but the way he will. At one time I had to leave three universities, because I did not have the means to pay for my studies, but I succeeded and I believe that there are a lot of people like me in our society.
Today being talented and even brilliant is not enough, you need to be able to apply your talent in real life. Every parent dreams that his children become wealthy, successful, so that they can be proud of. Today, the question of whether it is necessary to learn the basics of financial literacy is no longer relevant - it has become an urgent need. Following the principles and advice in this book will help your child become financially free by age 25-27, just as it helped me. nine0003
Pay attention to the fact that good results cannot be obtained without proper effort. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you “work through” each chapter of this book with your child for at least a week, and if necessary, two or three. Tell him little by little - not all at once, be sure to repeat the material.
I cannot say that everyone who reads this book is guaranteed complete material security, but I am sure that this will at least help to gain financial stability. Whether your children achieve the financial well-being they desire is up to them. After all, not everyone who studies at school becomes an academician. The school teaches us to write, read, gives a general education, without which a modern person will not be able to socialize. School knowledge makes our lives easier and helps to navigate reality, but it is not necessary for everyone to become academicians. nine0003
I believe that this book will fall into the hands of those who really need it. I grew up without a father and needed guidance all my life. I thank my mother for the fact that when I was eight years old, she sent me to study with a Mentor who helped me build the foundation of my personality. I think this book will also become a foundation for those who think about their successful future.
I want to express my gratitude to all my students who attended the author's training, on which this book is based. Thanks to their experience and the help of parents who supported their children and gave feedback, our system was developed. nine0003
with deep respect,Saidmur Davlatov
, therefore, the COMMITITIONS TASITIONALS, so the children requires independence and intelligence. teaching them financial literacy from early childhood. The book you hold in your hands contains practical advice on financial literacy, personal growth, and family relationships. It will help teach your kids about time management, goal setting and the basics of running a business. With its help, you can determine the area in which your child will show his outstanding abilities and achieve the highest results.
Radical changes in modern society, the impact of globalization, the latest information technologies and the transition to a market economy have radically changed the living conditions of people, their values, interests, meaning and strategy of entire peoples and nations.
In the conditions of market relations, a person himself, without relying on the state, must provide himself with work. This requires a daily readiness for non-standard life situations and a fundamental change in the traditional approach to raising children. A person of the "new time" must be economically literate and creatively thinking, constantly striving for spiritual growth and replenishment of his knowledge. nine0003
The personal growth of each person, his financial literacy determine the quality of life of a particular person, an entire nation and the state as a whole.
The book "My Brilliant Child" is the most valuable popular scientific manual from which parents learn how to raise children in modern conditions. Saidmurod Davlatov talks in detail about the psychology of upbringing, erroneous stereotypes of parents, how to take the first steps in entrepreneurship, about the basic principles and economic laws of business in a simple and accessible language. nine0131
Saidmurod Davlatov's book "My brilliant child" is popular science and is addressed to a wide range of readers. The main idea of the book is the problem of education and development of successful individuals in the context of globalization, market relations and information technology.
The book is valuable in that the upbringing of a child is considered in close connection with the development of his financial literacy and is aimed at forming a successful person who is competitive in the labor market.
The development of financial literacy is fundamental, and therefore financial issues are considered in detail - theoretically and practically. The author, outlining his ideas about raising a successful person, gives examples both from his own life and from the life of other famous businessmen, illustrating his thoughts with parables that make the book easily accessible to readers and enrich them with valuable information. nine0003
The leitmotif, the red thread is the idea that we, parents, build the personality of our child ourselves.
The book will undoubtedly arouse the interest of parents and the younger generation. A lot of useful tips will help you find answers to many of their questions: what should a child be oriented towards in life, how to ensure his psychological stability and financial literacy, how to prepare children for life in the raging sea of the market?
S. Davlatov offers a practice-proven system for preparing successful people in the conditions of market relations. The current time requires that the future generation be competitive in the labor market in the face of a shortage of jobs. The author offers his own vision of how to raise a successful child, an active figure, the creator of his own destiny, a patriot of his country, and this makes the book very necessary and valuable. I am sure that it will become a reference book for future businessmen! nine0118
Arthur Schopenhauer
Our well-being is largely determined by our upbringing, education, level of intellectual development. If parents paid attention to all this, the result will be unambiguously positive.
This does not mean that you should go to your parents and say:
– I am poor because you did not teach me how to become rich.
- It's your fault that I'm poor.
No. Parents love us the best they can and help us the best they can, but they understand the words "poverty" and "wealth" differently than we do. In the days of their youth and formation, life made completely different demands on people.
Today we have a favorable chance for the manifestation of our abilities, and any person can now secure a decent life for himself. You can become what you dream of simply by showing purposefulness and perseverance. You can have whatever you want - just study, work and achieve. nine0003
You and I live in a new world where it is easy to determine who is worth what. And it will be even easier for our children to understand what they are capable of and succeed. But this requires knowledge.
For example, if a person does not know the laws of society and lives exclusively in accordance with his ideas, if he makes a mistake, he can say: he has a specific tool in his hands that he can use to achieve his goals. nine0003
After graduating from high school, a completely unknown world awaits our children. A world with no instructions, no explanations. They get there as if they were on a desert island, without any tools in their hands. Parents do not explain how to manage money, but often talk about the mistakes that they themselves made and interfere with self-comprehension of this science. They pull back: "Don't do this!", "You can't do this, it's bad!" - by and large, everyone knows “how not to live”, but no one tells how to live. The elders only assume: “Maybe it will be better this way,” but there is no guarantee that they are right. nine0003
We began to study the life of young people, the stories of successful people and noticed something.
A man is like a flower: if you water him in time and take good care of him, he will blossom.
If you guide, support, inspire a person in a timely manner, he will show his abilities more vividly, realize his dreams more fruitfully, and achieve his goals faster.
It is very easy to turn a good child into a bad one, because thanks to new technologies, modern children are much smarter than we were at their age. Today's schoolchildren are better versed in computers, technical innovations, and spend more time on the Internet. We communicated on the scale of one yard, street, village or small town, and they correspond with people from all over the world in real time. nine0003
The Internet is an endless world, and people get lost in the labyrinths of the network: they want to find the answer to one question, but they get stuck on completely different things. The author is no exception. Excessive availability of information can spoil any child if we do not guide and control it. This is the first.
Second: the quality of life is improving, the needs are increasing, but the number of temptations is also increasing to proportions never seen before. This strengthens the child's desire for material goods, violates his emotional balance. Already in childhood, he dreams of a big mansion, a luxurious car, fashionable clothes. The kindergartner asks for the latest mobile phone, and when he becomes a schoolboy, he says: “I don’t want to go to school in these clothes” or “I need a trendy, modern bag” - and so on. Temptations can spoil a child if there is no proper upbringing. nine0003
Today it is not enough to be a good person. And a good kid too. Your son may do well in school, but if he fails to realize his desires, then it cannot be ruled out that he will go to rash acts just to get what he wants.
Therefore, every modern parent bears a huge responsibility for the future of their children.
I think that a person should be judged not by his material wealth, but by how well he was able to raise his children. nine0141
It is easier to raise other people's children, but it is very difficult to bring up one's own, because excessive love, indulgence, pity interfere. You want to punish your child for doing something wrong, but you don't because you feel sorry for him. Every leader, every successful person goes through this test.
Today it is necessary to bring up children taking into account modern life realities and future prospects of our civilization. Our parents raised us with principles that helped them survive difficult times. But then life didn't change so fast. Perhaps that is why many were not ready for the radical changes that have taken place over the past decades. nine0003
Today we need to prepare children for the future that will come in 10-20 years and will require high professionalism, willingness to continuously develop, the ability to solve complex problems and overcome any difficult situations with honor.
We create our own workplace
When a child graduates from high school, a huge unknown world opens up before him. He does not know how to act in new life situations, and begins to act on the basis of his own ideas - and makes mistakes - again, and again . ..
We are all alike. In childhood, we all want to be successful and live life to the fullest. We believe that all our dreams are achievable. After all, no one wants to be a failure. I have never met a child who would say: "I want to become a drunkard or a beggar." But in real life, for some reason, people sink to this level.
Then comes adolescence - faith, dreams, aspirations...
But after graduating from high school, when a person enters an independent life, a time of trials begins, from which some come out winners (successful people), and others losers (losers). nine0003
All our mistakes are due to the fact that we do not have enough information to find the path to the lifestyle that we dream of. Time passes very quickly, and one must be able to fit into the rhythm of life.
The thinking of a modern person should be strategic and "look" at least 10 years ahead. If earlier it was enough to follow such advice from parents: “Son, in order to find a good job, you must live with dignity, be useful to society and study well,” now this is not enough.
We used to live like this. A person could get a good education, become a doctor, teacher, technologist, driver - and live well. But time calls for new thinking. What should parents say to their children instead of "Study to get a good job"? You have to say:
“Study, read more, develop yourself so as not to look for a job, but to create a job for yourself and be useful to society, help people!”
Previously, it was necessary to constantly keep children under control, but now it is necessary to to motivate them to become smart, independent even before they graduate from high school.
The child needs to be aware of how important what is asked at school or entrusted by parents. He should not wait until he is ordered to do something by teachers or parents, but do everything on his own. If he was told once: “Do this,” he should immediately carry out the assignment, and not wait until he was repeated a hundred times. He must do twice as much as he was asked.
Strategy, powerful logic, the ability to think, to draw conclusions - this is what the new age requires, this is what is needed to fit into modern life. Happy are those parents who have been able to teach these qualities to their children.
The Negative Thinking Trap
I have researched the lives of many people and found out why most of them cannot be successful. They make attempts, but due to the fact that they do not have knowledge, skills and abilities, they are mistaken. Mistakes leave a negative imprint in the mind, and if they are repeated several times, then a person loses self-confidence. Even if he wants to change his life, he will still act as he is used to, because he will not have enough self-confidence, he will always think that he will not cope. nine0003
Negative life experience forms certain habits in the mind of a person, similar to a chronic illness.
When a person develops a chronic illness, he often stops believing in his recovery and thinks like this: “Probably, someday science will find a super-drug, I will drink it and immediately recover.” At first, the person tried all kinds of medicines, but the healing did not happen. Then the thought came that, apparently, you need to come to terms with the disease: “I really want to, but it doesn’t work out.” And it does not work because the consciousness is already accustomed to a painful state. nine0003
Many of us are the main cause of our children's failures, just as much as the parents who led their children to success first achieved it themselves. I noticed that most successful personalities had mentors, a favorable environment and people who protected them from mistakes.
If we look into the future - 20-30 years ahead - will careers and material wealth be important to us? Believe me, everything will lose its meaning, except for our children. In old age, people are calm if their children are viable, independent and have achieved more than expected of them. Children can become either the pride of their parents or their grief. nine0003
We build the child's personality ourselves, just like an artist paints a picture.
Children ask: “Dad, what is this?”, “Mom, what is this?” – and when we answer questions, we draw our world in their heads. If we give the wrong image, do not protect against misconceptions, children, growing up, will make mistakes too often.
We have studied the reasons why people become failures and wondered why this happens to them. We have found the answer. Most people are about 98% - fall into the "trap of negative thinking" in their youth. After the first failures, they lose confidence in their abilities, they begin to think that this is how it should be. They are resigned to their position. Nobody tells them: “You are a capable guy, you will succeed, you should try again!”
Those 2% who succeed have the right perception of failure. They say to themselves: “If something doesn’t work out for me today, it’s not because I’m mediocre, but only because I lack skills and abilities. If something doesn’t work out for me, it means that I have an imperfect plan, but everything can be learned.” nine0003
Only 2% of people can understand and explain this. Not everyone has the endurance to survive failure, not everyone has the inner core to cope with depression. Each failure leaves an imprint in the mind for life. and whenever a person has to make a decision, fear and doubt hinder him.
Self-confidence is the main tool for success.
And self-confidence comes from results, positive experience, positive feedback from other people. This does not happen overnight, but gradually. nine0003
In any society, people are drawn to those who are self-confident. When they see a strong leader, they say: “I can’t do it myself, but if I’m with him, maybe I’ll achieve something!” A confident, successful person can become an example for millions of people.
All parents dream of their children becoming successful, but few can give them the specific tools to achieve success.
Let's remember our own life experience. I had to make a thousand mistakes and fall painfully, perhaps because I grew up without a father. However, studying the stories of successful people who grew up in complete families, I noticed that they also sometimes did not have the right upbringing tools, because parents taught their children according to the same “patterns” that they “cut” themselves. nine0003
There is, however, another danger here. If you give a child money and opportunities, but do not teach the right attitude towards them, then the result can be disastrous.
Why do many wealthy parents allow their children to do things they shouldn't do - drink alcohol, smoke, goof off? Easy money spoils them. First, they do not understand the value of money earned by parents. And secondly, they always count on them.
We have studied the lives of over 500 children and often come across similar examples. I have wealthy relatives with such children. Most people who become successful have grown up in poor families. It was not their parents who taught them how to become successful, but life forced them. nine0003
Successful people often behave the same way. The difficulties experienced in childhood make them do everything possible for their children. They say: “I went through suffering as a child and I don’t want my children to repeat my path.” They think: “I have achieved something in life and I don’t want my child to start from scratch, I want him to take advantage of my experience, my achievements and achieve more.”
Many successful people are too busy, they have many important things to do. They would not be successful if they did not work enough, but they do not have enough time to raise children. They do not even have time to communicate normally with them, and, unfortunately, children do not become what loving mothers and fathers would like. nine0003
The pain and experiences of childhood and youth push parents to success, and they dream that their children will take their success and move on faster, but the children do not realize this, do not understand these intentions.