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EMF Math
"I cannot even imagine what my life would have been like without having seen the beauty of mathematics through EMF."
Vievie Romanelli
EMF Student
"My son cannot stop talking about the mathematical ideas he is learning. He is choosing to do EMF over Minecraft!"
Nan Rosenberry
EMF Parent
"I just started Harvard's Calc 3 class, and most of the first two weeks' homework is content that I have already done in EMF – so EMF definitely prepared me well."
Thomas Ferguson
EMF Alumni, Harvard undergraduate
"EMF is a way of looking at everything that you took for granted in earlier years, and proving them to make them more detailed and complete.
Ian Gonzalez
EMF Student
"EMF provides an avenue for children to stretch themselves mathematically. The feeling of accomplishment our daughter has received bolstered her confidence and has her ready for whatever comes her way."
Matt and Amy Kaufman
EMF Parents
"EMF has increased my ability to write proofs and my mathematical skill overall. It has some of the most interesting mathematical concepts I have ever seen."
Albert Wang
EMF Student
"Now that I have completed EMF, I can attest to their claim that their students will be ready to take calculus. I am currently about half way through AP Calculus BC and am having no problem at all with the material."
Alexander Yue
EMF Student
"My son comes home excited to see what is next in EMF. He absolutely wants to excel at everything now that he has seen how much fun it can be to learn."
Wendy Diaz
EMF Parent
"The content and the pedagogy are of the highest quality and I recommend it without reservation."
Professor Emeritus Gerald R. Rising
State University of New York at Buffalo
"As a homeschooling mom I can tell you EMF is our favorite curriculum — challenging and interesting!"
Michelle Unger
EMF Parent
"EMF is a tough program, but it pays off. I learned how to prove concepts, and I learned to work harder and on a schedule."
Andrei Chekmasov
EMF Student
"The days of learning math by repetition are a thing of the past. Although the EMF program is self-study, it has the one-on-one feeling of having an instructor and at a very fair price. As a parent I give EMF an A+."
Jorge Sardinas
EMF Parent
"After doing EMF, I not only understand how to use formulas but I can actually prove them. This program changed me from a girl who loved math into a real mathematician."
Skylar Gamberg
EMF Student
"EMF is definitely the course for students with a thirst for mathematical knowledge."
Luke Freed
EMF Student
"My son thought he did not like mathematics till he started EMF. Now, it is his most favorite subject. EMF has helped him gain confidence, develop discipline, and encourage his younger sister to appreciate mathematical thinking."
Poornima Meenakshisundaram
EMF Parent
"If you're good at math but could sleep through math class because you find it boring, EMF is awesome and will actually keep you awake. "
Isabella Yeung
EMF Student
"Before EMF, my daughter was frustrated that her math class was not interesting, challenging or engaging enough. Since EMF, she has completely changed her perspective on math. I'm sure she couldn't imagine taking any other course."
Rachel Danzig
EMF Parent
"EMF does more than teach; it inspires. Using the ideas I learned from EMF, I was able to show the students I tutor that math is truly fun!"
Hossain Turjo
EMF Student
"My son is not afraid to tackle any problem because he has been taught through EMF to think and reason through a problem instead of relying on memorized formulas."
Karen Price
EMF Parent
"EMF allows students to avoid the trap of believing that math is nothing but problems to solve with rules and a calculator. "
Corbin Diaz
EMF Student
"EMF is way more exciting than other math programs and keeps you on your toes. I enjoy it even when it takes a really long time to solve the hardest problems."
Imaan Nanji
EMF Student
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Arvinder Oswal
EMF Parent
"EMF is challenging in a good way — like a puzzle. You're working hard, improving your mind, and still having fun!"
Grace Hancock
EMF Student
"EMF teaches very advanced mathematical concepts, yet the presentation and problem sets are designed in a way that allows middle school kids to learn the material online. "
Maxim Chekmasov, Ph.D.
EMF Parent
"I was taking a practice test for the timed AMC8 exam when I came across a problem involving non-standard mathematics. Thanks to EMF, I was already familiar with these ideas and solved the problem a lot faster."
Peyton Robertson
EMF Student
"There is no doubt that the Elements of Mathematics curriculum gave me the logical thinking skills and mental framework that inspired and enabled me to develop the Chocolate Fix puzzle system."
Mark Engelberg
Inventor of ThinkFun's Chocolate Fix logic game
7 mobile math games that will brighten up your isolation
Making math and physical education friends seems to be the cherished dream of most parents. If you are already tired of a pencil and a piece of paper, it's time to pick up your feet (or a ball) and learn how to count while jumping. Marina Raukh, teacher of the Math Paths project, offers several games that will captivate the whole family.
1. "Touching mail"
Age: 3-6 years old
This game was watched on the YouTube channel "Physical culture about other". In general, it is more corporeal than mathematical, but it can still help develop counting skills and definition of shapes. The game gives a wonderful feeling of the body, helps to relax, develops memory and attention. nine0003
The child lies on the floor on his stomach, and the adult writes dots, sticks, simple figures on his back. The child does not see what the adult is doing and must, based on his feelings, repeat the "message" on the floor. It is important to correctly determine the number and shape of the figures. I recommend starting with two points. And be sure to switch roles!
2. "Confectionery Factory"
Age: 4-7 years old
Preschoolers will probably like this game more: it allows them to master elementary counting skills in the most playful way. It will require a little but exciting preparation. The child needs to make (make from plasticine, paint pasta, draw) sweets, cookies, marshmallows and other sweets. nine0003
The children will work as packers. They receive a task from a technologist (mother) and must put as many sweets into the bag as indicated on the technological card. You can develop the plot and build the confectionery factory itself with the children, using chairs, bedspreads, tables and other materials at hand.
When the game gets a little bored, try adding new game elements, such as drawing passes or signing the number of confectionery on the package, you can build a store at the confectionery factory, also risk adding a cash register, enter price tags, money. nine0003
This game can be developed and complicated depending on your imagination and the imagination of the child. If you happen to have a clock with a dial where the hands can be moved, try adding factory and store hours. Probably, this game will captivate children for a long time, and both dad and grandmother, and any adult relative can play for the technologist.
3. "Mathematical Classics"
Age: 5-8 years old
This game is good for learning numbers and developing counting skills. Draw a square with a section of 3 by 3 cells on the floor using crayons or masking tape. Draw numbers from 1 to 9 in them. Get some classics. Next, the mother gives instructions on where to move the child (to the right, left or forward), and the child must jump onto this cell and name its number.
You can make it more difficult by giving the child tasks in the form of an example. For example, "Jump 2+3 or 7-4". Or "jump to the number that comes after 4." For older children, try increasing the field and the number of cells. You can add a sports element, set certain physical exercises for each number. For example, the number 3 is 3 squats, the number 6 is 6 jumps on the left leg, the number 8 is 8 arm swings. Very convenient: 15 minutes, and the child has already worked out both mathematics and physical education. nine0003

Age: 5–99
The game develops programming skills and teaches children to navigate in space. The parent gives commands to the child: one step to the right, three steps straight, two steps to the left. You can add a goal where the child must reach, or obstacles. If he followed all the commands correctly, then he gets to the toy (or something tasty, which for some reason is more motivating). You can also ask the child to draw up a route plan before completing the task and write down all the steps in advance. nine0003
Another way is to play robot with your eyes closed. We blindfold the child, he is a robot, but his video camera is broken, and therefore the operator (mother) controls his actions. For example: "Two steps forward, turn right, three steps forward, stop, move on, turn right again."
Can be made more difficult by adding obstacles and commands like "crouch, crawl, step over". Gently try to increase the pace. And if you have a second child and a dad, you can play in two pairs, the main thing is to avoid an accident. Then mother and child switch roles. Adults, just don't peep! Do you trust your child? For me, this is the hardest part. Psychologists also love this game. Why do you think? nine0003
5. Quick Count
Age: 6-10 years old
This is a fun and dynamic ball game that develops mental counting well. Try to play fast.
For preschoolers. The leader throws the ball and says a number (for example, 9), and the child who catches it must name two neighboring ones (8 and 11).
For schoolchildren. The leader throws the ball and says a number (for example, 11), and the child calls the previous number (10), and then the sum of the number of the leader and the resulting number - in this case 21 (11 + 10 = 21). nine0003
6. "Try to add and try to subtract"
Age: 8-13 years old
This game is great for developing mental counting. Players throw the ball to each other by adding or subtracting a certain number. For example, we choose the addition option, where the players will only add the number. Let it be 16. The first player calls any number, for example 9, the next one must say 25 (9 + 16) and so on. You can add 16 to the result indefinitely, until you get bored. The first one to make a mistake loses. nine0003
7. Don't Lose Yourself
Age: 8-99 years old
There are several names for this game. Someone calls her “Ah yes I am”, someone - “I won’t get lost”. It is more fun to play it with a large company, but you can also play it with two or three people.
The rules are simple: you have to take turns counting up to 30, but numbers containing the number 3 or divisible by 3 cannot be called. When a person comes across such a number, for example, 13 or 27, he should remain silent and jump (in another version, stand up and say “Ah yes I am”). If a person made a mistake and accidentally called the forbidden numbers, he leaves the game. The main thing is to do everything at a fast pace. nine0003
Illustration: Shutterstock (ClassicVector)
Didactic games at math lessons
Didactic games at math lessons not only captivates, makes you think, but also develops independence, initiative and will of the child, teaches to reckon with the interests of comrades. I want to talk about some didactic math games that I use in my lessons.
MBOU "Tonkinskaya secondary school", elementary teacher
class Toropova Galina Nikolaevna
"A child is not a vessel to be filled,
but a torch to be lit." (Francois Rabelais)
Mathematics becomes the most difficult and, for some children, the least favorite subject in the first years of schooling. This is due to the fact that some children have not yet developed such functions of mental activity as analysis, synthesis, generalization, the ability to compare, classify, and differentiate. For the successful education of children, it is necessary at the very first stages to arouse their interest in educational activities, to captivate, to intensify their activities. One of the most effective means of awakening a keen interest in a subject is a didactic game. nine0003
The implementation of game techniques and situations in the lesson takes place in the following main areas: the didactic goal is set for students in the form of a game task; educational activity is subject to the rules of the game; educational material is used as its means, an element of competition is introduced into educational activity, which translates the didactic task into a game one; successful completion of the didactic task is associated with the gaming result.
Didactic game in mathematics lessons not only captivates, makes you think, but also develops independence, initiative and will of the child, teaches to reckon with the interests of comrades. Enthusiastic children learn the program material more easily, acquire certain knowledge, skills and abilities. Therefore, the inclusion of games and game exercises in the lesson of mathematics makes the learning process interesting, creates a cheerful mood among the children, helps to overcome difficulties in mastering the material, relieves fatigue and maintains attention. nine0003
Significance of didactic games:
- significantly increases the cognitive interest of younger students;
- the lesson becomes brighter, more emotionally saturated;
- a positive motivation for learning is formed;
- Arbitrary attention develops, working capacity increases;
- the ability to work in a team is formed
The place and role of gaming technology in the educational process, the combination of game and learning elements largely depend on the teacher's understanding of the functions and classification of pedagogical games. nine0003
According to the nature of cognitive activity, didactic games can be classified into the following groups:
- games that require executive activity from children. With the help of these games, children perform actions according to the model (come up with numerical expressions, lay out a pattern, draw a figure similar to this one)
- games that require action replay. They are aimed at the formation of computational skills (“Mathematical fishing”, “Labyrinth”, “How to get to the top”, “Fill in the window”, “Determine the course of the ship”)
- Games that include exploration and creativity (Collect Circle Examples, Math Caterpillar)
According to the nature of the material used, didactic games are conditionally divided into games with objects, board games and word games.
According to the functions didactic games are divided into:
- educational;
- controlling;
- generalizing.
A game will be educational if the students who participate in it acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities or are forced to acquire them in the process of preparing for the game. Moreover, the result of mastering knowledge will be the better, the more clearly the motive of cognitive activity is expressed not only in the game, but also in the very content of the mathematical material.
Controlling will be a game, the didactic purpose of which is to repeat, consolidate, test previously acquired knowledge. To participate in it, each student needs a certain mathematical background. nine0003
Generalizing games require knowledge integration. They contribute to the establishment of interdisciplinary connections, are aimed at acquiring the skills to act in various educational situations.
According to the number of participants didactic games can be: collective, group and individual.
Didactic games can be used at separate stages of the lesson, acting as game moments.
I want to tell you about some didactic math games that I use in my lessons. I am currently working with 3rd grade students. The central theme of the mathematics course in grade 3 is the study of tabular multiplication and division. The technique requires that children not only know the table, but also understand the principles of its compilation, which make it possible to find any work. Computing skills, as you know, are acquired as a result of repeated repetitions of the same operations. To avoid monotony in working out tabular cases of multiplication and division, I conduct exercises in a playful, entertaining way. nine0003
I define the value of a didactic game not by what kind of reaction it evokes from children, but by how effectively it helps to solve a learning problem in relation to each student.
Choosing some didactic game for the lesson, I think over the following questions :
- Purpose of the game.
What skills and abilities will be formed in the process of its implementation? What educational goals are pursued during the game?
- Is it feasible for students in my class? nine0112
- Will all children participate equally in the game?
- Summing up the game.
To conduct a didactic game in the lesson, if necessary, I make groups in advance so that each group includes students with both strong and weak learning abilities. In each group, I appoint a responsible person. As a rule, this is a student with good learning opportunities or the most organized one who can organize the work of the group. nine0003
I assign an important role in the lessons to oral exercises. In order to involve all students in this, I use signal cards. They help to discipline students and at the same time receive information about the assimilation of the material. With their help, you can do a lot of oral exercises in the form of a game.
In my lessons I use the following games.
Game “Yes. No.”
Examples are given on the board: 4x6, 8x3, 4x5, 7x3, 9x4, 5x6. I show cards with numbers. If the number is the answer, the students say “Yes” in chorus, then say the example 4x6=24. if the number is not the answer, say "No". nine0003
Live Math
All students have a card with numbers from 0 to 9. Reading an example (3×2). The student who has a card with the number 6 stands up or raises his hand. It is best to give examples for division, since single-digit numbers are obtained in the answers.
The game requires physical activity, so it can be done instead of a physical minute in the middle of the lesson.
“I won’t tell”
The game is built like this: children count, for example, from 20 to 50 one by one. Instead of numbers that are divisible by, for example, 6, they say: “I won’t tell!” !«. I write these numbers on the board. A record appears: 24, 30, 36, 42, 48. Then, with each of the numbers written down, students name examples: 24:6=4, 30:6=5, etc. nine0003
This game contributes to the purposeful formation of attention switching mechanisms.
“Check Yourself”
I am preparing cards with the results of multiplying some numbers, for example 18. I show the card, and the students write down an example for multiplication with such an answer.
“Who is faster, who is more correct?!”
I distribute one set of numbers from 0 to 9 for each row of desks, so that one student in the row gets the number 0, another 1, etc. I read examples (4×4; 9× 2 or 40: 4, etc.), and the children must quickly figure out how much it will turn out, and those who have the numbers 1 and 6 go to the board and make the number 16. For each example, a point is scored for the row in which the faster and answered correctly. The row with the most points wins.
The game not only helps to consolidate a certain computational skill, in particular tabular multiplication and division, but in the course of it the understanding of the local meaning of numbers is clarified - students need to stand up so that one number stands for units, the other for tens. Mixing places is seen as a loss. nine0003
"Don't let your friend down!"
Two (four) students go to the blackboard at the same time. I read an example, for example: 6 × 7. I propose to make four examples of multiplication and division with the same numbers. The first student writes examples for multiplication, and the other - for division. If the examples are compiled and solved correctly, I applaud the guys for their coherence in their work. The entry on the board looks like this:
6×7=42 7×6=42
42:7=6 42:6=7
Example 7×6 =42 implies 42:7=6, 42:6=7. nine0003
“Divisible - not divisible”
I say different numbers, and the students clap their hands if the number is divisible, for example, by (4, 5) without a remainder.
"Collect the word"
There are equal numbers of examples on the board on the right and on the left. Two teams come to the board. On a signal, each of those called solves one of the examples and chooses among the prepared cards a card with a number corresponding to the answer of the example (a letter is written on the back of the card). The first team to make up the words wins. nine0003
In this game, interdisciplinary communication is also carried out, since dictionary words or words for any rule can be composed.
Examples for multiplication and division are written on the board. I show an example, the children on the cards are the answers. (Each student has a number set.)
"The best counter"
A circle with numbers is attached to the board. I give the task: to increase (or decrease) these numbers several times. Children write down answers in notebooks. This is followed by a check (the student who completed the task first reads the answers and everyone checks their notes.). nine0003
"In order"
Examples given:
Name the values of expressions in ascending (or descending) order.
"Circular examples"
I prepare cards with examples in advance, selecting them so that the answer of the previous example is the beginning of the next one. Each student in the same row receives such a card. It is very important not to make a mistake here! In the next lesson, these circular examples are given to the children of another row. nine0003
"Which row is better?"
Students in the first row ask questions to the students in the second row on the multiplication table (including cases of division). Then the students of the second row prepare examples for the children of the third row. On the board, I count the number of correct answers in each row.
"Which row will fly to the moon faster?"
I have 3 rockets cut from heavy paper folded in half. Each rocket has windows for the number of students in a row. In the middle of the rocket, I insert a sheet cut out along the contour of the rocket, and in the windows I write examples for multiplication and division. Students in each row quickly solve one example by passing the rocket to each other. We check the examples collectively. The rocket, in which all the tasks are completed correctly, “flies into space” first! I throw away the used sheets with examples and insert new ones. Tomorrow the rocket is ready to fly again! nine0003
Similarly, the games "Who will be on the mysterious island faster?"
Write on a board or poster.
I give the task:
- find the last number if the first number is 18, 24;
- find the first number if the last is 16, 72.
"Mathematical Dominoes"
Each student receives a card. It is divided into 2 parts: in the first part, an example for multiplication or division is written, in the second part, the answer to another task. The first student reads his example. The one who has a card with the answer to the sounded task calls this answer and says a new example. The next student answers and names his task, etc. nine0003
Math Lotto
All students take one card. I have 24 of them. The results of the multiplication table are written on them (4 answers each). I show the class a card with an expression, for example 5x3, and the guys on their cards cover the answers with circles. The winner is the one who closes all the numbers on his card first. Students make chips at a labor training lesson.
"Find a Pair"
3 students from each row come to the board in turn. Task: write down the numbers in the boxes to get the correct equalities. nine0003
9×4 = ? +?
42 : 6 = ? —?
76 - 44 = ? X ?
27 + 27 = ? X ?
These are just some of the types of work in mathematics lessons that activate students' activity. When performing the tasks described above, the guys think, compare, analyze. And this contributes to a more solid and conscious assimilation of knowledge.
The children really like the game "I am a photographer", in which I show the children a strip with numbers, signs, and the students have to memorize them in 5 seconds and "take a picture" in a notebook. nine0003
Author: Galina Toropova
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