Feelings worksheet for preschool

Feelings Activities + Emotions Worksheets For Kids

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Are you teaching feelings? Understanding feelings and emotions for kids is an important social skill for preschoolers and toddlers. In this feelings activities for kids preschool printables pack, children will learn vocabulary words for their emotions and learn to work through their emotions and feelings. I especially love the printable emotion chart that includes emotions faces that teaches them different facial expressions and what they mean. There are also emotion cards, emotions worksheets, teaching feeling game and more!

Feelings and emotions

This Emotion Printable Pack is aimed at children in preschool and kindergarten. It includes a variety of math and literacy activities as well as emotion focused activities. You can add these books about feelings for kids to encourage more talk about emotions. The Friendship and Feelings Koala Crate  also goes well with these themed preschool activities.


Materials Required:

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Here are some items that pair well with these activities. You will use each of these items over and over during all my printable preschool activity packs.

  • Do a Dot Art Markers 
  • Card stock (to print everything out on.)
  • A pocket chart(I have this one and this mini one too.)
  • Scissors
  • Write and wipe Dry Erase Pockets
  • Laminator with pockets (If you want to make it reusable.)
  • Clothespins (for the clip cards)

Emotions For Kids

Feelings Activities

At the start of this Feelings and Emotions Printable Pack is an emotions chart. This would be great printed on white cardstock and then laminated. Children can review this chart when needed to help the understand and control their emotions.

Also included are some Emotions flashcards. These would be great laminated too. They could be used in many ways such as:

  • Helping children understand their emotions
  • Helping children share how they are feeling
  • Spelling the different types of emotions
  • Learning facial expressions that relate to each emotion
  • Matching / Memory Games when two copies are printed

The emotion chart includes a way for children to describe how they are feeling today. This emotions chart helps children put into words how they may be feeling. You can also use it to pose pretend scenarios and ask children how they would feel if such and such happened.
“If you forgot your lunch at home how would you feel?” “When you got angry and threw the toys on the floor, how were you feeling?” This is also why using books about feelings is so important for these type of lesson plans for preschoolers. It helps children examples of scenarios where feelings and emotions move around the chart. Check out the 20 Books About Feelings For Kids post. Print a small version of the emotion faces chart for quick reference or to send home with children.

At the end of the pack are some blank faces. There are two faces per page. These pages are great for children to complete to show how they are feeling. They can add the facial expressions as well as color in the pictures. They could also practice writing the name of their emotion next to the face.

Other activities in this Feelings and Emotions Printable Pack include more exploration of how a child feels. It also encourages children to talk about different ways they can express their emotions. “What does your face look like when you are mad? How do you feel inside when you are angry?”

Emotions Worksheets


I have included a booklet of blank faces so children can include emotions for kids that they are currently feeling. It is a great activity for when a child is feeling frustrated. By asking them to draw or show them how they feel they are learning to understand their feelings and why they might be feeling emotional. You could print out the 3 part cards above and use them for a game teaching feeling too!

Teaching Feeling Game

Print out 2 copies of the whole 3 part cards on to card stock paper. Play a memory game. Each time someone turns two cards over that is the same emotion, they get to keep the matching cards. There are also a variety of activities and teaching feeling games you can create when using the cards found within the pack.

Download the Feelings and Emotions PDF

Get the color copy by clicking the button below.



Get the black and white copy here.


Add this fun Emotions sensory bin to your classroom activities.



Fun With Mama also has another feelings and emotions pack using Emoji’s.  Emotions + Shapes Free Printable Preschool Pack


Filed Under: Free Printable, More Printables, Printable Preschool Packs, Printables Tagged With: emotions

About Stacey J

Kindergarten Sight Words

Best Children’s Audio Books For All Ages!

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Plus these are adorable and fun!

Feelings and Emotions Activities

Helping children to express their feelings and handle difficult situations with calmness.

How to Use Seasonal Emotions Printables and Activities

I’ve created sets of printables to explore social and emotional skills with children for every season. There’s sure to be a set your child will enjoy. We like to switch out our emotions printables periodically to keep it fresh and fun for everyone.

Setting up an emotional check up or calm down area is a great way to make this activity accessible for your kids throughout the day. We like to keep our emotions printables on the fridge, but you can use a bulletin board or hang them on the wall.

To use the fridge, attach magnet tape to each emotion card and feelings word. That way, your kids can share their feelings with you throughout the day in a way that’s fun for them. 

In the beginning, you can prompt your kids to use the emotions cards with questions like: “How are you feeling today?” or model how to use this printable activity by saying “I am feeling…” and using the cards to show your own feelings.

These kinds of activities are great for children with Autism. They can be really helpful any time your child is feeling overwhelmed or having trouble verbalizing their feelings for whatever reason.

These activities are great for reading time too. You can build reading comprehension skills by asking kids to identify how the characters in the book are feeling.

How Reading Books About Feelings Can Help

Speaking of books, reading books about feelings is another excellent way to help kids explore and develop their social and emotional skills.

Here are some of our favorite feelings books to read and discuss together:

Using Calm Down Yoga

Learning to identify feelings can help kids learn to manage big emotions and remain calm in the midst of strong emotions. Another way to help kids navigate strong emotions is with yoga. Teaching your kids about calm down yoga can give them another tool for expressing and managing their own feelings.

Yoga is a great way to help kids relax, combat anxiety, and build skills like patience. Plus, it gives kids a physical outlet and an opportunity for quiet time that many kids lack these days.

Try these calm down yoga poses for kids at home or in the classroom:

  • Downward Facing Dog
  • Cat – Cow
  • Happy Baby
  • Snake
  • Child’s Pose

More Social-Emotional Learning Activities for Kids

Want more activities to do with your kids that help build social and emotional skills?

Try these fun learning activities to help your kids build social emotional skills this year:

  • Use this alphabet gratitude list to help your kids build self awareness and focus on positives. 
  • Create calming sensory bottles kids can use to calm anxiety or anger and learn to manage big emotions. 
  • Give thoughtful cards to friends and family members to help kids build social and emotional skills and relationships too. You can use these adorable heart template kindness cards to get started.

Feelings and Emotions Activities for Preschoolers

Visual Cards for Managing Feelings and Emotions Free Printables

Snowman Emotions Printables and Activities 

Emoji Paper Plate Craft – Feelings Craft 

Emotion Cards Printable

With these fun preschool, emotion printables your child will be able to choose which emotion they’re feeling, and discuss it with you.

Emotions Activities Preschool Pumpkin Theme Printables

Gingerbread Man Preschool Emotions Printables

Snowman Emotions Printables

Penguin Emotions Cards & Feelings Activities

Dr. Seuss Printables Preschool Emotions Lorax Activities

Spring Feelings and Emotions Activities for Preschoolers

Feelings and Emotions Books for Kids

I have faith that these feelings and emotions printables shared here will help inspire you to teach your children about feelings and emotions so that they can grow up confident in expressing themselves throughout their entire life. Enjoy!

In My Heart No Cook Playdough Activity 

All About Me Activities 

St. Patrick’s Day Preschool Emotions Printables Leprechaun Activities

Easter Bunny Preschool Emotion Cards

25+ Preschool Books about Feelings and Emotions


Free Printable Emotion Faces

Snowman Emotions and Feelings Memory Game

These snowman printables are a fun way to teach about the wide variety of Feelings and emotions.

How are you working with your kids to build social and emotional awareness this year? What’s your favorite emotions printable pack?

Tell me in the comment section. I can’t wait to read your responses!

Card file of games and exercises for the development of emotional intelligence of preschool children | Card file:

Card file of games for the development of emotional intelligence of preschool children

The game "Convince me"

Purpose of the game

To teach to defend one's interests; protect what is precious; calmly accept criticism of their beliefs.

How to play

  1. Ask your child which of the recently read books he liked best. nine0014
  2. Make a sensational announcement that you think this book is completely uninteresting.
  3. Let the child convince you.

What to look out for

Be tactful. Object softly, without offending children's feelings, but encouraging your opponent to bring more and more arguments in defense of your position.

In the end, you must recognize the victory of the baby. Ideally, after the game, re-read the book that was discussed together.

Instead of literature, films and cartoons watched, new games, toys and outfits can be analyzed. nine0003

Reverse Commanders game

Purpose of the game

To help children understand the golden rule of morality: "Treat people the way you want to be treated."

How to play

The game is designed for a company of several people.

  1. Choose a leader. As a rule, this is an adult who knows the secret of the game.
  2. Each of the players must come up with a task for the leader: to crow; go into a dark closet; scratch the cat behind the ear. nine0014

Tasks can be any, provided that their performance will not cause harm to anyone.

  1. When all the players have spoken, the presenter announces the main "chip": it is not him who will have to complete the tasks, but those who invented them.

What to pay attention to

When an exercise is repeated, its educational value drops significantly. Knowing the “trick”, the guys will come up with tasks very carefully.

You can change the rules by turning the described game into "FANTA":

  • all players write tasks on pieces of paper;
  • pieces of paper should be rolled up and thrown into a hat;
  • all players take turns taking out packages and doing what they drew.

The game "The story of one ball"

Purpose of the game

To teach the child to relax, to stimulate the work of his imagination, to help analyze his own experiences.

How to play

  1. Ask your child to blow up a colorful balloon.
  2. Make up a story, the essence of which is that the balloon is overflowing with emotions: - - he is very offended that he is green and his friends are red; nine0014

- he is afraid of the upcoming holiday because the children might crush him;

- he lied to his mother-ball about where he walked last night, and now he is painfully ashamed.

  1. In order for the balloon not to burst from surging emotions, it needs help. Let the child slowly release the air from the balloon, saying at this moment something encouraging, some words of support.

Things to look out for

It is preferable to have a child inflate and then deflate the balloon, but help with this part of the task if needed. nine0003

Ask the child if there were situations in which he felt like this ball (emotions can be joyful, it is not necessary to mention fear, annoyance or shame).

Game "Relay race of kindness"

Purpose of the game

To teach children to please others and to enjoy the evoked emotions.

How to play

  1. All players sit in a circle. To create a special "backstage" atmosphere, it is recommended to sit on the carpet as close to each other as possible. nine0014
  2. The host turns to his neighbor on the right and tells him some compliment, something nice:

- “I really like your smile.”

- "You made a very beautiful caterpillar."

- "I'm glad we're friends."

  1. The one to whom "amenities" are addressed, not forgetting to thank for them, turns to his neighbor on the left and passes on the "baton of goodness".

What to pay attention to

Pleasures should not be repeated. nine0003

If one of the players is confused and cannot think of a good word, he expresses regret and asks the other guys for help:

  • “You are very good. I'm sorry I can't share the good with you right now. Friends, please help me."

The game must be played in a calm, friendly atmosphere. Eliminate the competitive, gambling component.

Children do not have the task of demonstrating their resourcefulness and coming up with the most "pleasant things". Their goal is to bring joy to their fellows in this exercise, which is useful for the development of emotional intelligence. nine0003

Game "Dreamers"

Purpose of the game

To teach a child to analyze the emotional state of cartoon characters, to develop sensitivity and imagination.

How to play

Prepare some pictures of people's emotions.

  1. Have the child describe what they see.
  2. Now ask him to think of what preceded the depicted moment.
  3. Imagine together what might happen next.

What to pay attention to

The more details the baby notices in the picture, the better. If, in the process of working on emotional intelligence, you periodically repeat the display of pictures, you will certainly find how the attention of the baby increases.

"Emotional Dances"

Dancing is an energy that perfectly conveys emotions and moods. Invite the children to come up with their own "dance of joy" or "dance of disappointment", "dance of interest" or "dance of sadness". In this game, it is important to work with different moods, and for each emotion, the child moves at his own discretion. nine0003

If a group of children is playing, then everyone in turn suggests their own movement, which is repeated by the rest. This is how the most sincere, improvised dance turns out.

"Hot - cold"

So, we hide the surprise and invite the child to find it. If the baby moves away from the goal - our facial expression becomes sadder, if it approaches it - we show more and more joy. And at the moment when the surprise is found, everyone is happy, congratulate and hug each other! At the same time, the emotion is supported by all participants in the game. nine0003

It is important that all the children play during the week and that every
finds a surprise.
If ​​there are not many children, it is better for everyone to play within one day. This game teaches you to understand your own and other people's emotions, it also forms the skill of empathy and support for each other, allows you to feel sincere joy for another person.

Emotional Intelligence Games

(all ages)

Good Deeds Box

Cut out circles or hearts from colored paper. At the end of each day, invite your child to put as many circles in the piggy bank as many good deeds he did today. If the baby is at a loss, help him find this good deed even in the smallest positive deeds. Such a game will be an incentive for the crumbs to do something good. nine0003

Throwing out the anger

Give the child black clouds or dark blots, suggest putting them in a bag. At the same time, encourage the child to tell what bad things he did today. Agree with the baby that you put your anger, resentment or other negative emotion in this bag and go to throw it away.

"Affectionate Names"

Collective game, bringing up a friendly attitude of one child to another. Players must stand in a circle. One of the participants throws the ball to another, calling him affectionately by name. For example: Serezhenka, Bogdanchik, Olechka, etc. The second player throws to the next. The one with the most affectionate names wins. nine0003

Pyramid of Love

Remind the children that we all love something. Someone has a family, someone has a doll, and some just like ice cream. Have the children build a pyramid of love. An adult begins to build it, naming what he loves and puts his hand in the center. Then each of the children names what he likes or sympathizes with and puts his hand on top. Thus, the whole pyramid turned out.

Color Therapy


Exercise No. 1

Purpose: correction of fears, inertia, apathy.

Step: Pour red finger paint into plastic plates. To the music, with the little fingers of the left hand and right hand, put dots on a piece of paper. Ask your child: “What does the picture you drew look like?”

Game No. 2 "A red object in my palm"

Purpose: correction of fears, inertia, apathy.

Move: close your eyes and prepare your hand. When there is an object in your palm, squeeze your fist. (An adult puts a small red object in the child's palm.) Open your eyes, but do not open your palm. Try to guess what's in your palm. (The child expresses his guesses). Well done! nine0003

Now look at your subject. Describe what he is. (Large or small, round, oval, smooth, rough, with a pattern, with a hole in the middle, etc.)

Exercise No. 3

Purpose: correction of fears, inertia, apathy.

Step: prepare pieces of velvet paper and red floss threads, woolen threads of the same color. On a sheet of paper, draw the outline of a flower. To the music, stick the prepared pieces of different materials on the outline of the drawn flower. nine0003

Orange color.

Exercise No. 1

Purpose: correction of shyness, isolation, stiffness.

Step: apply glue on thick cardboard, pour millet groats, spreading over the entire sheet, wait until it dries. To the music, use finger paint to color the millet in orange.

Exercise №2 Relaxation

Purpose: correction of shyness, isolation, stiffness.

Move: the teacher gives the task to the children to cut out butterflies of two colors: red and yellow. After everyone has cut out their butterflies, we start coloring the orange pattern on the butterfly with our fingers. Well done! Close your eyes and imagine yourself as a big orange butterfly. (Music turns on). Consider it better. At the end of the music, open your eyes and go to the table. nine0003

You and I have just imagined ourselves as orange butterflies. Now we will cut out a butterfly from a sheet of white paper. See how it's done. (An adult explains and shows cutting technologies, mixing two colors: red and yellow.) After everyone has cut out their butterflies, we start coloring the orange pattern on the butterfly with our fingers. Well done!

Yellow color

Exercise №1

Purpose: correction of hyperreactivity, formation of self-control, increase of self-esteem. nine0003

Step: draw a mimosa branch on a piece of watercolor paper. Make confetti out of yellow velvet paper. To the music, stick confetti on the image of a branch, paint the branch and leaves with green watercolor paint.

Exercise №2

Purpose: correction of hyperreactivity, formation of self-control, increase of self-esteem.

Move: the child sticks his piece of paper on paper. The leaf can be the head, torso, dress, or anything else. Colored pencils complete everything necessary to make a self-portrait. If the child refuses to portray himself, then he can portray what he wants. nine0003

Green color

Exercise №1

Purpose: correction of excitability, anxiety, hyperactivity.

Step: draw clusters of grapes on a sheet of watercolor paper or cardboard. Cut off a small piece from a piece of green plasticine, roll into a ball. To the music, separate the pieces from the ball and smear them over the image of berries, paint the leaves with light green watercolor paint.

Game No. 2 "Green inhabitants of the forest"

Purpose: correction of excitability, anxiety, hyperactivity. nine0003

Move: name the forest inhabitants - animals, birds, insects - green (green lizard, green snake, frog, caterpillar, butterfly, bug, grasshopper, etc.). Now each of you will turn into any green creature, and when the music starts, you will move like your heroes. That is, a butterfly will fly, grasshoppers will jump, snakes will crawl, a frog will jump. Show how you will move. OK! When the music stops, your hero should freeze in place. (The game is repeated several times). nine0003

Exercise №3

Purpose: correction of excitability, anxiety, hyperactivity.

Step: Cut green velvet paper into strips 15 cm long. Stick the strips on a sheet of watercolor paper or cardboard to the music, paint the gaps with finger paints, mixing green paint with yellow. Show the children how to mix paints to achieve the desired shades, how to use a palette.

Blue color

Exercise No. 1

Purpose: correction of anxiety, aggression, increased excitability. nine0003

Step: glue a few pieces of cotton wool (clouds) on watercolor paper.

To the music “Sounds of Nature. Singing birds ”paint the sky with blue finger paint. Show the children how to mix blue and white to get the right shade of blue.

Exercise №2

Purpose: correction of anxiety, aggression, increased excitability.

Step: Prepare 10 pieces of blue floss. On a sheet of watercolor paper or cardboard, draw several wavy lines one above the other. To the music, stick the threads on the lines, trying to keep the shape. nine0003


Cover your face with your hands, and when you open it, some emotion should be depicted on it. Invite the child to guess what you have depicted. Then switch roles with your child.

"How do I say?"

Try to say the same ordinary phrase, for example: “Good morning!”, with different intonations (joyful, sad, angry, surprised, scared, etc. ) Let the child try to guess the emotion. Come up with a different phrase and switch roles.

"Let's say hello!" nine0003

Purpose: the exercise continues acquaintance, creates a psychologically relaxed atmosphere.

At the beginning of the exercise, different ways of greeting are discussed, both real and joking. Children are invited to greet their shoulder, back, hand, nose, cheek, invent their own unusual way of greeting for today's lesson and greet them. (For each subsequent lesson, a new, previously unused way of greeting is invented!

“Stand up, those who…”

Purpose: the exercise is aimed at developing attention, observation, and also the continuation of group acquaintance.

The leader gives the task: "Stand up all those who ...

- likes to run,

- enjoys good weather,

- has a younger sister,

- likes to give flowers, etc.

If desired

After completing the exercise, the children are asked questions summing up the game:

- Now we will see who in our group turned out to be the most attentive. Which of the guys remembered who in our group likes sweets? have a younger sister?, etc.

Then the questions become more difficult (include two variables):

- Who in our group likes sweets and has a younger sister? Each question is addressed to a specific child, if he cannot answer himself, the group helps him”

“Describe a friend”

Purpose: development of attentiveness and the ability to describe what he saw, continuation of acquaintance.

The exercise is performed in pairs (simultaneously by all participants). Children stand with their backs to each other and take turns describing the hairstyle, clothes and face of their partner. nine0003

The description is then compared with the original and it is concluded how accurate the child was.

"What has changed?"

Purpose: development of attention and observation necessary for effective communication.

Each child in turn becomes the leader. The driver leaves the room. During this time, the group makes several changes in clothes, children's hairstyles, you can move to another place (but no more than two or three changes; all changes made must be visible). The task of the driver is to correctly notice the changes that have occurred. nine0003

"How do you feel?"

Purpose: development of mindfulness, empathy, the ability to feel the mood of another.

The exercise is performed in a circle.

Each child carefully looks at his neighbor on the left and tries to guess how he feels, tells about it.

The child, whose condition is described, listens and then agrees with what was said or disagrees, supplements.

“My Mood”

Purpose: to develop the ability to describe one's mood, to recognize the moods of others, to develop empathy. nine0003

Children are invited to tell others about their mood: it can be drawn, it can be compared with some color, animal, state, it can be shown in motion - it all depends on the child's imagination and desire.

"A gift for everyone (flower - seven-flower)"

Purpose: development of team spirit, the ability to make friends, make the right choice, cooperate with peers.

Children are given a task: "If you were a magician and could work miracles, what would you give now to all of us together?" Or: "If we had a Seven-Flower Flower, what wish would you make?" Each child makes one wish by tearing off one petal from the common flower. nine0003

Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east,

Through the north, through the south, return, making a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground, be led in my opinion.

Command that...

At the end, you can hold a competition for the best wish for everyone.

"Portrait of the best friend"

Purpose: development of analysis and introspection.

Children are given the task to draw a portrait of their best friend. Then a conversation is held:

- Who do you consider your best, best friend? What qualities does this person have? Do you want to be considered a good friend? What do you need to do, how to behave? nine0003

In the course of a general discussion, the rules of joyful communication are formulated, which are drawn in a schematic form accessible to children or written down on a sheet of drawing paper in block letters (if the children already know how to read).

For example:

- Help your friends.

- Share with them, learn to play and practice together.

- Stop a friend if he does something bad. Tell him if he is wrong about something.

- Do not quarrel, do not argue over trifles; play with everyone. nine0003

- Don't be jealous.

- If you did something bad, don't be afraid to admit it, apologize.

- Calmly accept the advice and help of other guys.

- Do not rejoice when someone loses. Help him if you can.

- If you lose yourself, don't take your anger out on others, maybe you will win next time.

"Study on different positions in communication"

Purpose: to feel different positions in communication.

The children are given the task to break into pairs. Communication in pairs takes place in a dialogue mode. For communication, interesting and relevant topics for children are offered: "My favorite animal", "My most joyful day last month", etc.

First, a communication situation is organized when both children sit facing each other, then one child sits on a chair, and the other stands near his chair (children change places), then the children, sitting on a chair with their backs to each other, continue the conversation.

Afterward, the children are asked about the impression, mood that arose in the process of communication. How did you like to communicate? Why?

“Hands get to know each other, hands quarrel, hands make up”

Purpose: correlation of a person and his tactile image, removal of bodily barriers; developing the ability to express one's feelings and understand the feelings of another through touch. nine0003

The exercise is performed in pairs with eyes closed, children sit opposite each other at arm's length. An adult gives tasks (each task is completed 2-3 minutes): - Close your eyes, stretch your hands towards each other, get to know each other with one hand. Try to get to know your neighbor better. Lower your hands.”

- Extend your arms forward again, find your neighbor's hands. Your hands are quarreling. Put your hands down.

- Your hands are looking for each other again. They want to reconcile. Your hands make up, they ask for forgiveness, you part as friends. nine0003

Discuss how the exercise went, what feelings arose during the exercise, what did you like best?

"Magic means of understanding"

Introductory conversation.

Purpose: understanding that it is possible to help a person who is sad, bad, that everyone is able to help everyone who needs it, understanding what exactly can be done for this.

- What helps you when it's difficult or bad for you, when you've made a mistake, when you've been offended?

- What are the special things that people with whom we are pleased to communicate can do, what distinguishes them? (smile, ability to listen, eye contact, kind gentle voice, soft unsharp gestures, pleasant touches, polite words, ability to understand a person). nine0003

- Why can we call these means of understanding "magical"?

- Can you and I use these "magic" remedies when?


Purpose: to promote understanding of facial expressions and facial expressions.

The leader hangs various pictures, masks on the board:

- joy, - surprise, - interest,

- anger, - anger, - fear, - shame,

- contempt, - disgust, what feeling the mask expresses. nine0003


Purpose: the ability to distinguish facial expressions, independently consciously use facial expressions to express their emotions.

Each of the participants is given a task - to express grief, joy, pain, fear, surprise with the help of facial expressions ... The rest of the participants must determine what the participant was trying to portray.

"Role-playing situations"

Purpose: the exercise is performed in pairs, it is aimed at specific study, the use of "magic" means of understanding, the development of empathy, the use of already familiar means of understanding. nine0003

Using the "magic" means of understanding, the children should help:

1) a crying child, he lost the ball;

2) mother came home from work, she was very tired;

3) a friend in the class is sad, his mother is ill;

4) your friend is crying, he got a bad grade;

5) a neighbor girl asked you to make an application for her. ..

It is necessary to choose as many situations so that each child can complete the task.


Purpose: development of empathy, creative imagination.

Children are given a task: "Draw a kind animal and call it an affectionate name, reward it with some magical means of understanding."

Drawing is carried out to quiet calm music, paints or bright crayons, felt-tip pens on unlined white sheets. Then there is a competition for the kindest animal. The winner is awarded a certificate.

"Artist of the word"

Purpose: development of the ability to describe the observed, the ability to highlight the details that are essential for the description, the use of acceptable, harmless words, the expansion of the active and passive vocabulary of children. nine0003

Each child in turn thinks of someone from the group and begins to draw his verbal portrait - his external features (and, if possible, internal, psychological), without specifically naming this person.

Given the level of development of children, we can offer them exercises for associative perception. (What animal does it look like? What flower? What piece of furniture? Etc.)

“Let's make a gift to each other in a circle”

Purpose: development in children of feeling each other, understanding the mood of another, developing empathy. nine0003

The facilitator gives the task to everyone to make a gift to their neighbor on the right, but not a specific gift, but a fictitious one: "What would you like to give this particular person? Give the gift that, in your opinion, he needs most now."

A gift can be described with words or shown with gestures.


Purpose: role-playing situations, developing skills for effective interaction, empathy, and the ability to cooperate.

The exercise is performed in pairs. One child from a couple is the owner of a beautiful and very beloved toy, with which he loves to play. Another child really wants to play with this toy. His task is to persuade the owner of the toy to let him play with it. nine0003

Important: when performing this exercise, the child - the owner of the toy is given any toy in his hands, which he must present as his favorite.

As soon as the owner of the toy gives it to the asking child, the exercise is interrupted and the child is asked why he gave the toy.

"Role-playing situations"

Purpose: the task is aimed at the specific study and application of "magic" means of communication, the development of empathy, the use of already familiar means of understanding. nine0003

Children are given game situations that they stage. The exercise is performed collectively (participants acting out the situation and observers are selected from the group). The task of the actors is to play the given situation as naturally as possible, while the observers analyze what they see. After a collective discussion, you can play the situation again with the same actors (if they did it unsuccessfully before) or with new ones (to consolidate the magical means of understanding in practice).

Examples of playable situations:

- You went out into the yard and saw that two unknown boys were fighting there.

- You really want to play with the same toy as one of the guys in your class. Ask her.

- You hurt your friend very much. Apologize and try to make amends.


Purpose: the ability to describe one's mood, the development of understanding the mood of others, the development of empathy, associative thinking.

Creates a mood color for the group. For example, on a common sheet of drawing paper, with the help of paints, each child draws his mood in the form of a strip, or a cloud, or simply in the form of a spot. Another option is possible: from a basket with multi-colored petals made of colored paper, each child chooses a petal for himself, the color of which is most suitable for the color of his mood. Then all the petals are collected in a common chamomile. You can invite children to compose a spontaneous mood dance. nine0003

"School of smiles"

Purpose: development of empathy, cultural communication skills.

Introductory conversation:

- When do people smile?

- What kind of smiles are there?

- Try to show them.

Children try to smile restrainedly, slyly, sincerely...

- Draw a smiling person.

- What is a smiling person like?

"General mood"

Purpose: development of understanding, feeling the mood of the interlocutor. nine0003

Stage 1: A competition is announced for the best image of joy, fear, anger, grief (in the future, the set of emotions can be expanded). The mood is depicted with the help of facial expressions and gestures. Then, when an expression of emotion is found, the facilitator asks to come up with and make a sound that each child associates with this state. If the task is difficult to complete, then you can associate it with a situation from a specific life experience of children: "Remember yourself when you were happy, when some unpleasant event happened to you, etc. " nine0003

If children begin to copy movements from each other, then the task can be done with closed eyes and open them only when the expression of the desired state is found.

Stage 2: Work in pairs. Several basic emotions are selected, for example, fear, surprise, joy, grief. Children stand with their backs to each other, at the expense of one-two-three show the same state, without saying a word. It is important to learn how to feel each other as best as possible. It is good when the choice of the state in a pair coincides 2-3 times in a row. nine0003

Stage 3: A unified one is being developed; a general sign for depicting basic emotions, such as fear, grief, joy...

At this stage, it is important to work on discussing the visible signs that express a certain state.

"I am good - I am bad"

Purpose: development of reflection and introspection.

Children are invited to draw a picture, a self-portrait, on which both their good and bad qualities should be drawn. If the children are at a loss, then you can talk with them about what qualities they consider to be bad and which are good and why. How can you draw bad quality, but how good? What color can they be and what shape? nine0003

“The wind is blowing on...”

With the words “The wind is blowing on...”, the facilitator starts the game. In order for the participants in the game to learn more about each other, questions can be as follows: “The wind blows on the one who has blond hair” - all the fair-haired people gather in one pile. “The wind blows on the one who ... has a sister”, “who loves animals”, “who cries a lot”, “who has no friends”, etc. The leader must be changed, giving everyone the opportunity to ask around the participants.

"Find a friend"

The exercise is performed among children or between parents and children. One half is blindfolded, given the opportunity to walk around the room and offered to find and recognize a friend (or their parent). You can find out with the help of hands, feeling hair, clothes, hands. Then, when a friend is found, the players switch roles. nine0003


The game requires cut-out gloves, the number of pairs is equal to the number of pairs of participants in the game. The host spreads mittens with the same ornament, but not painted, around the room. The children are scattered around the room. They look for their “pair”, go to a corner and, with the help of three pencils of different colors, try, as quickly as possible, to color the mittens in exactly the same way. The facilitator observes how the couples organize the joint work, how they share pencils, how they agree at the same time. Congratulations to the winners. nine0003

“Let's make up a story”

The leader starts the story: “Once upon a time...”, the next participant continues, and so on in a circle. When it's the leader's turn again, he directs the plot of the story, sharpens it, makes it more meaningful, and the exercise continues.


The players stand in a line, holding on to their shoulders. The first participant is the “head”, the last one is the “tail” of the dragon. The "head" should reach out to the tail and touch it. The "body" of the dragon is inseparable. Once the "head" has grabbed the "tail", it becomes the "tail". The game continues until each participant plays two roles. nine0003

“Roar lion, roar; knock, train, knock”

The leader says: “We are all lions; big lion family. Let's have a competition to see who can growl the loudest. As soon as I say: “Roar, lion, roar!” let the loudest growl be heard. “And who can growl even louder? Roar well, lions." You need to ask the children to growl as loudly as possible, while depicting a lion's stance.

Then everyone stands one after another, placing their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. This is a steam locomotive. He puffs, whistles, the wheels work clearly, in time, everyone listens and adapts to the neighbors. The locomotive travels around the room in different directions, now quickly, then slowly, then turning, then bending, making loud noises and whistling. The driver at the stations changes. At the end of the game, a "crash" can occur and everyone falls to the floor. nine0003

"Yes or no?"

The players stand in a circle and hold hands, the leader is in the center. He explains the task: if they agree with the statement, then raise up and shout “Yes”, if they do not agree, lower their hands and shout “No!”. Is there a firefly field? Are there fish in the sea? Does a calf have wings? Does a piglet have a beak? Does the mountain have a ridge? Does a rooster have a tail? Does the violin have a key? Does the verse have a rhyme? Does it have any errors?


One player walks around the room and makes different movements, unexpected turns, squats, bends to the side, nods his head, waves his arms, etc. All the rest stand in a line behind him at a short distance. They are his shadow and must quickly and clearly repeat his movements. Then the leader changes. nine0003

"What does the mood look like?"

Participants of the game take turns saying what season, natural phenomenon, weather, similar to their current mood. It’s better for an adult to start comparisons: “My mood is like a white fluffy cloud in a calm blue sky, and yours?” The exercise is carried out in a circle. The adult generalizes - what is the mood of the whole group today: sad, cheerful, funny, angry, etc. When interpreting the children's answers, keep in mind that bad weather, cold, rain, gloomy skies, aggressive elements indicate emotional distress. nine0003

"Psychological molding"

In this case, much depends on the imagination of an adult. He asks the children to mold one common figure from their bodies: a "starfish" (you can lie on the carpet) - and show how it moves. Shell, cat, bird, flower, car, etc. Children not only "sculpt" the figure, but also "revive" it, moving smoothly and synchronously, without violating its integrity.

“Walking along the brook”

A brook is drawn on the floor with chalk, winding, sometimes wide, sometimes narrow, sometimes shallow, sometimes deep. Tourists line up one after another in one “chain”, put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front, spread their legs to the width of the stream in the place where their path begins, slowly move all together, changing the width of the spread legs, stepping along the banks of the stream. The stumbler gets his foot into the stream and stands at the end of the chain. nine0003


Children are asked to imagine that they have entered a mirror shop. One half of the group are mirrors, the other half are different animals.

Animals walk past mirrors, jump, make faces - mirrors must accurately reflect the movements and facial expressions of the animals.

The development of emotional intelligence in adults

To develop emotional competence and mastery of emotions, it is very important to improve the process of perception and emotional assessment of reality. There are two main ways of perceiving the surrounding reality and recreating its image - associated and dissociated. nine0003

Associated approach means that a person is inside the experienced situation, looks at it with his own eyes and has direct access to his own emotions.

The dissociated method allows you to evaluate the event as if from the outside, as a result of which the person loses touch with the feelings and experiences that took place in the real situation.

To stop experiencing negative emotions and discomfort, many experts recommend dissociating from a disturbing, unpleasant memory. To do this, you need to mentally get out of the situation of experience and look at this event from the outside. Watching a movie about yourself in your imagination, you can reduce the brightness of the image, replace color images with black and white. As a result of such actions, an unpleasant situation gradually ceases to excite a person, which allows you to return to it later and calmly analyze all your actions. nine0003

The reverse procedure of association with pleasant memories is also very effective. Everyone can remember many events that were associated with positive emotions and high spirits. In order to regain the freshness of joyful memories, it is enough to re-enter “inside” the once pleasant event, see it with your own eyes and try to experience the same emotions as then (visualization technique). Associating can also help when communicating with other people. Since in the process of communication many are associated only with unpleasant details, interaction with communication partners sometimes causes rejection. If you perform the opposite action and associate in communication with pleasant feelings, you can find a number of pleasant interlocutors. nine0003

Thus, emotions are directly related to thinking. Thanks to thinking and imagination, a person can have various images of the past and future, as well as emotional experiences associated with them. Therefore, the one who controls his imagination is also in control of his emotions.

In order to be able to control not only your states, but also the emotions of your communication partner, which will greatly increase your emotional intelligence, you can do the exercise "Help me calm down." A couple of people are offered some kind of emotionally intense situation. The task for one member of the couple is to relieve the tension of their partner. Situations are usually abstract or even fantastical in order to avoid the personal involvement of the participants. Time is limited to 2-3 minutes. Partner and situations change every time. At the end of the exercise, there is a discussion about what techniques the participants used to relieve tension, and which of them did it best. nine0003

Similarity exercises are also helpful in developing emotional intelligence, which is one way to better understand yourself and others. For this, the task “Emphasing commonality” is used: you need to mentally find 20 common qualities with a person whom you recognized a few days ago or even half an hour ago. This simultaneously develops the ability to reflect and adequate self-esteem.

To develop your knowledge of emotions and emotional states, you can develop your own Emotion Dictionary. It should have four sections: positive, negative, neutral and ambivalent (contradictory) emotions. The dictionary needs to be replenished whenever a new term is recalled to describe an emotional state. nine0003

The capacity for unconditional acceptance of people, which, according to many authors, is also related to emotional intelligence, can be developed in a fairly simple way. To do this, you can use the exercise "Emphasizing the Significance": you need to set a goal during the day at least two (three, four, five) times to emphasize the importance of those people with whom you work or communicate - to note their successful ideas, suggestions, express respect for them and sympathy.

Thus, the set of techniques and methods for developing emotional intelligence is quite rich. The choice of a specific approach depends in each individual case on the goals and those people who are involved in the work. nine0003

Development of the emotional sphere of preschool children in a preschool educational organization

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