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How to Determine the Reading Level of a Book
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Fountas and Pinnell, Lexile Level, Primer, Pre-primer, Beginning Reader are all terms you may have heard if you have a young reader in your house. Seriously, what does it all mean? Is there actually a way how to determine the reading level of a book? If your child can read The Cat in Hat, which is a level J in Guided Reading, can she independently tackle Diary of a Worm, which has a Lexile Level of 510L or is she ready for Keena Ford and the Second Grade Mix-Up, even though that one has a DRA of 30?
Through this post, I am going to attempt to elucidate and explain reading levels. So scroll through to find the system that your child’s teacher uses or pour yourself a large cup of coffee and sift through all of the various ways educators, librarians, and book publishers level and categorize books for young readers.
Reading Levels Are Like Starbucks Sizes
I admit, I don’t visit Starbucks unless I have a gift card. I am also that person who goes to Starbucks and still tries to order a large iced tea. The barista calmly asks if I would like a venti or a trenta and then explains that I need to choose between Passion Tango, Matcha Green, or Guava White Tea. Then comes the question of sweetened, unsweetened, or added lemonade.
For the young reader, finding a book that can be read independently can be as tricky as remembering all of the variables in a Starbucks order. Little readers who are not familiar with reading levels or taught to find a “good fit book” often go for books that are too easy and boring, too difficult and frustrating, or, like my kindergarten son, books that have too many unreadable Star Wars planet names like Kashyyyk. If a child knows her reading level, she can find books that contain sight words she knows, plot lines that are not too advanced, and vocabulary that is manageable.
Explain the Levels, Please
There are many different ways that books are leveled. Here are the three most popular methods for how to determine the reading level of a book.
Children become readers by moving through different developmental reading stages. These stages range from the emergent pre-reader to the expert fluent reader. Typically, the emergent pre-reader is between six months and six years of age, while the expert fluent reader is 16 years and older. The developmental categories are broader categories than many of the other leveling systems.
Letter Levels
When I taught first and second grade, I found letter levels to be the most kid friendly way to organize a classroom library. If your child’s school levels books using Fountas and Pinnell, Reading A-Z, Scholastic Books, or Guided Reading Levels, then books will be leveled using a letter system. While it would be nice, these leveling systems do not always correlate. A book that is a Reading A-Z Level P, is not always a Level P using the Guided Reading Levels.
Number Levels
Books can be leveled through such systems as Lexile Numbers, The Direct Reading Assessment (DRA), and Reading Recovery. These systems measure texts by complexity and a reader’s skill level and then assign a number.
I Have My Child’s Reading Level, Now What?
Throughout the school year, your child’s teacher will probably perform reading inventories or assessments with your child. These will determine your child’s reading level.
If you homeschool or your child’s school does not use leveled reading, then use a simple test called the “five finger test” to roughly determine your child’s reading level. Have your child choose a book and open to the second page. Ask your little one to read the text out loud. If your child struggles with independently reading five or more words on that page, the book is too difficult and is not a good fit. You should also ask some comprehension questions to make sure that your young reader understands what she is reading.
When a book passes the five finger test, use one of the links below to determine that book’s reading level.
Once you have the reading level, take a look at these five helpful websites, apps, and charts that will help you and your child find or level the perfect book:
- Book Wizard : Type in the title of a book to retrieve the Guided Reading Level and grade level.
- Lexile Find-a-Book :Visit this site to find the Lexile Number for a specific book or to generate a list of books with a particular Lexile Number.
- Reading A-Z Level Correlation Chart : This is the best conversion chart out there for reading levels.
- Reading Levels Explained : Check out this very clean and user friendly site if you are still feeling overwhelmed by all of the reading level systems.
- Literacy Leveler app : Download this app and then use it to scan a book’s ISBN to see its Lexile, DRA, and GRL.
Levels Should be Helpful, Not Stressful
Reading levels should not feel restrictive. They should be used as helpful tools and not as a draconian system that kills the love of reading. Encourage your child to read books on her level, but don’t be upset if she chooses to reread an old favorite or picks up a nonfiction book that has some advanced vocabulary. Imagine how horrible it would be if adults had to always adhere to a reading level. I am well aware of the fact that some of my beach reads are probably a fourth grade reading level, with a Guided Reading Level of Q, 820L, and DRA of 40. I may not always be challenged as a reader, but it is still fun to sip my trenta Passion Tango unsweetened iced tea and enjoy a book simply for the fun of reading.
Need some books to practice leveling? Help yourself to 50 Must-Read Books for Beginning Readers, 20 Must-Read Books for First Graders and Second Graders, The Best Chapter Books for Kids: Engaging with Words, and 70 Must-Read Books for 3rd Graders.
Lexile Measures
Revision Assistant allows teachers to see the Lexile® text measures for each source that accompanies a Revision Assistant prompt. What are Lexile measures you ask?
The Lexile Framework for Reading from MetaMetrics® is one of the most accurate and widely-used datasets for matching students with reading materials that will fit their skill levels and help them stretch those skills even further. A Lexile measure represents both the complexity of a text, such as a book or article, and an individual’s reading ability. A Lexile reader measure is a measure of a student's reading ability. A Lexile text measure is a measure of the text complexity for a book or piece of text. Continue reading to learn more about Lexile measures.
Where Can I Find Lexile Text Measures in Revision Assistant?
Revision Assistant allows teachers to see the Lexile text measures for each source that accompanies a prompt. Teachers will be able to see the following Lexile text measure information on each prompt page and each assignment page:
- The range of Lexile text measures for a set of sources (in the right panel)
- The individual Lexile text measures for each source (under the title of each source)
Revision Assistant only shows Lexile text measures for prompt sources; not for the prompt writing instructions.
How Are Lexile Measures Calculated?
A student gets his or her Lexile reader measure from a reading test or program. For example, if a student receives an 880L on her end-of-grade reading test, she is an 880 Lexile reader. Higher Lexile measures represent a higher level of reading ability. A Lexile reader measure can range from below 200L for emergent readers to above 1600L for advanced readers. Readers who score below 0L receive a BR for Beginning Reader. In some cases, for readers, a BR code is followed by a number and L (e.g., BR150L). A Lexile reader measure of BR150L indicates that the Lexile measure of the reader is 150 units below 0L. The smaller the number following the BR code, the more advanced the reader is. For example, a BR150L reader is more advanced than a BR200L reader.
A book, article or piece of text gets a Lexile text measure when it's analyzed by MetaMetrics. For example, the first "Harry Potter" book measures 880L, so it's called an 880 Lexile book. A Lexile text measure is based on the semantic and syntactic elements of a text. Many other factors affect the relationship between a reader and a book, including its content, the age and interests of the reader, and the design of the actual book. The Lexile text measure is a good starting point in the book-selection process, with these other factors then being considered. Lexile text measures are rounded to the nearest 10L. Unlike the reader measure, all text measures below 0L are currently reported as BR. MetaMetrics has conducted research to differentiate the BR text measures, and these measures will be available at a later date.
What is a Lexile Range?
The Lexile range is the span of Lexile text measures that a particular reader is forecast to comprehend while still encountering enough challenge to grow as a reader. The Lexile text measure range for a reader is from 50L above her or his Lexile reader measure to 100L below it. The forecasted comprehension rate for the Lexile range is about 65% to 80%. When a reader reads within his or her Lexile range, this is referred to as a targeted reading experience. When a reader reads outside of his or her Lexile range, this is referred to as a mistargeted reading experience.
What Are Lexile Codes?
Sometimes a Lexile measure by itself is not enough information to choose a particular book for a particular reader. This is why some books get Lexile codes—two-letter designations that appear before the Lexile measure (for example, AD580L).
The Lexile code gives you more information about a book that relates to its developmental appropriateness, reading difficulty, and common or intended usage. Word frequency and sentence length—the two text characteristics that determine a Lexile measure—do not describe all of the content of a book. Lexile codes provide some context to the numerical measure to further help you guide readers toward fruitful reading experiences.
The Lexile codes are listed below. Continue reading for an explanation of that Lexile code:
- AD: Adult Directed
- NC: Non-Conforming
- HL: High-Low
- IG: Illustrated Guide
- GN: Graphic Novel
- BR: Beginning Reader
- NP: Non-Prose
AD: Adult Directed | Picture books are frequently considered for an AD or "adult directed" code because they are usually read to a child, rather than a child reading them independently. This is the classic example of parent and child sitting together on the couch with the book open in their laps. Although seemingly easy reading, picture books can still present a challenging independent reading experience to an age-appropriate reader for reasons of text difficulty and book layout or design. The text difficulty of picture books varies widely across the genre. For instance, Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are (HarperCollins Publishers) is a beloved read-aloud for preschoolers. Its Lexile measure of 740L, however, is around the average reading ability for someone ending fourth grade. Upon a closer look, the text comprises long sentences and contains some fairly high-level vocabulary such as "mischief," "private," "gnash," and "rumpus." The parent on the couch would help the preschooler sound these words out and decipher these long sentences. Therefore the book is coded adult directed and the measure is AD740L. Additionally, picture books can have design elements that may visually complicate reading for a child. Factors such as font size, typeface, page layout, legibility, and the relationship between pictures and text may significantly impact reading comprehension. The story and illustrations in Where the Wild Things Are are perfect for young children. |
NC: Non-Conforming | The NC code is applied to books that have a Lexile measure markedly higher than is typical for the publisher's intended audience or designated developmental level of the book. The Lexile measure of a book is compared to the Lexile range of readers in the intended audience in order to make an NC code determination. The NC code is useful when matching high-ability readers with a book that's still at an appropriate developmental level. Alternatively, some picture books with disproportionately high Lexile measures may receive an AD (Adult Directed) code. Seymour Simon's Amazing Aircraft (SeaStar Books) is coded NC710L. |
HL: High-Low | A text designated as "HL" has a Lexile measure much lower than the average reading ability of the intended age range of its readers. Librarians and booksellers sometimes refer to young adult books with disproportionately low Lexile measures as "high-low" books, meaning "high-interest" plus "low-readability." These books receive an HL code. Often fiction, HL books are useful when matching older (grade 7 and beyond) struggling or reluctant readers with text at both an appropriate difficulty level and an appropriate developmental level. Despite their short sentences and basic vocabulary, HL books are designed to appeal to readers at a more mature developmental level. For example, Beth Goobie's Sticks and Stones (Orca Soundings) is classified as a young adult book and measures 430L—an average reading ability for 2nd graders. |
IG: Illustrated Guide | The IG code is applied to books that consist of independent pieces or sections of text such as in an encyclopedia or glossary. These text pieces could be moved around without affecting the overall linear flow of the book. Usually nonfiction, IG books are often used as a reference resource rather than read in their entirety like a storybook. Their distinguishing text characteristics include:
These text characteristics do not necessarily impact reading comprehension or developmental appropriateness. Birds of Prey by Dr. Gerald Legg (Franklin Watts Library) is coded IG. Separate paragraphs are arranged upon the page, functioning more like multiple-sentence captions. A particular reading order is neither indicated by the layout nor important to comprehension. Thus the book measure is IG320L. |
GN: Graphic Novel | The GN code indicates that the book is a graphic novel or comic book. The text of GN books appears primarily in voice or thought bubbles integrated into comic book-style illustrations. Graphic novels tend to contain a larger percentage of dialogue than most other genres of books. They also typically lack some of the required text conventions of dialogue, such as putting "she said" after a quoted sentence, because illustration methods are used to indicate spoken text. The impact of picture support on reading comprehension is not captured in the Lexile measure of a graphic novel. To Dance: A Ballerina's Graphic Novel (Aladdin) , written by Siena Cherson Siegel and illustrated by Mark Siegel, is coded as GN610L. |
BR: Beginning Reader | Beginning Reader (BR) is a code given to readers and text that are below 0L on the Lexile scale. In some cases, for readers, a BR code is followed by a number and L (e.g., BR150L). A Lexile reader measure of BR150L indicates that the Lexile measure of the reader is 150 units below 0L. The smaller the number following the BR code, the more advanced the reader is. For example, a BR150L reader is more advanced than a BR200L reader. Unlike the reader measure, all text measures below 0L are currently reported as BR. MetaMetrics has conducted research to differentiate the BR text measures, and these measures will be available at a later date. Note that Beginning Reader (BR) is the only Lexile code that applies to both readers and text. All other codes apply only to text. Hop on Pop by Dr.
NP: Non-Prose | The NP code is for any book comprising more than 50% non-standard or non-conforming prose. NP books do not receive a Lexile measure, merely the NP code. Some common examples of non-prose content are poems, plays, songs, recipes, and text with non-standard or absent punctuation. Since the Lexile Framework is based on prose analysis, Maurice Sendak's Alligators All Around (HarperTrophy) is coded NP. The text of the book is not in complete sentences and lacks punctuation entirely. The text difficulty of such a book cannot currently be assigned a Lexile measure.
All the information on this page explaining what Lexile® Measures are, how to interpret them, how they are calculated, Lexile ranges and Lexile® codes was taken directly from MetaMetricsInc.![]() |
Encyclopedias, reference books, dictionaries
Encyclopedias, reference books, dictionaries
Target: introduce schoolchildren with various types of reference literature, teach how to use it; consolidate the acquired knowledge with a brain ring.
Somehow Edison (American inventor), during a meeting with Einstein, complained to him that that can not find a practical assistant. "How do you define them? suitability?" Einstein asked. Edison showed a piece of paper with questions: “Who is on them answer, he will become my helper.” Einstein read the first question is, "How many miles from New York to Chicago?" - and immediately answered: "You should look into the railway directory . ..". To the question: “What is stainless steel made of?” - followed by a new answer: "About this can be found in any reference book on metallurgy ... ". Edison smiled and realized that he needed to find a person well versed in reference literature. nine0006
In this episode instructive lesson. Indeed, a person cannot know everything, but he must be able to find the answer to his question. Books are rich in wealth. human thought. A reliable guide in this sea of \u200b\u200bknowledge for you will be reference literature. This literature plays a special role in our life. Reference literature can be called "first aid". No one knows everything about everything. Various reference books are necessary for each of us - and a schoolboy, and a student, and a doctor, and a scientist. With their help, you can quickly direct information on various issues. nine0006
To reference books you have to contact constantly: check various figures, facts, dates, names, find out the meaning of a word you do not understand.
Reference literature extremely diverse, but traditionally there are three types:
reference books
"These books everyone knows" - That's what they say about reference books. Only she is capable in its entirety and variety to reflect the changeable life, to snatch out of it the most important and the most significant. And despite the fact that this ancient Greek term means only "Learning in the whole circle of knowledge", hardly to the encyclopedia should be treated like a textbook. But any creative work is unthinkable without constant reference to encyclopedic and other reference publications. nine0006
For you students there are a lot of subject guides /Overview/.
ENCYCLOPEDIA - the ultimate guide to the treasures of knowledge. The word "encyclopedia" was born in Greece on the shores of ancient Hellas. Translated into Russian, this word means "circle of knowledge". The encyclopedia can be found any additional material for the lesson, find the answer to some question, read about a famous person, writer, artist…
encyclopedias happen:
Universal | Industry |
Collected information from all industries knowledge | Dedicated to a specific industry, topic |
TSB | Young physicist, chemist, biologist, athlete, artist… |
On the spine of each volume there are "guiding words", i.e. the first and last word of the volume. And on each page - first and last word.
TSB three editions have been released. We have the 2nd edition of the TSB in our library. nine0006
Difficult path passed domestic reference literature from ancient chronicles, the first "alphabetics", interpreting incomprehensible words, and "plantains" - road maps - to multi-volume encyclopedias and various reference books.
Any student The Children's Encyclopedia is available. She wrote with taking into account the peculiarities of children's perception and representation, thinking and stock knowledge. Its study includes information located on specific topics. There is a separate topic "Earth", "Man", "Foreign countries", "Art", etc. This The encyclopedia is designed for children of primary and secondary school age. In her you can find useful additional material to any topic for any lesson, get a concise and fairly complete answer on a particular issue. At the end each volume has a reference section, which contains a list of abbreviations, given new terms and literature on the topic. Each volume is colorfully illustrated with drawings, photographs, reproductions of paintings, some of them contain relevant diagrams, tables, maps, historical documents, etc. nine0006
Can be used "Encyclopedic Dictionary". In that universal reference book covers all branches of knowledge and gives an explanation from above 80,000 words of Russian and foreign origin.
"New Encyclopedic Dictionary", addressed to the widest range of readers, is included in the family of universal encyclopedic dictionaries published by the Big Russian Encyclopedia publishing house. In NES included articles about all countries of the world and their capitals, cities with a population of over 200 thousand people, about oceans, seas, rivers more than 500 km long, other large geographical objects, about peoples, languages, about the most important historical events. AT The dictionary covers issues of literature and art, law, philosophy, economics, religion. Information on various branches of scientific knowledge is presented (biology, geography, mathematics, chemistry, ecology, medicine, sports, household culture and so on). nine0006
In addition to universal encyclopedias, there are also industry-specific encyclopedias that are devoted to a particular branch of knowledge or some other topic, issue. For example: "Popular Medical Encyclopedia", "School encyclopedia of history.
Our library has local history encyclopedia for schoolchildren "Literary Moscow". In it, in a compressed form, as necessary, it highlights the most important questions. Only basic biographical information and brief characteristics of the works of the most famous writers. Articles placed in alphabetical order. The reference system is applied if the word in the text is typed in italics, this means that there is a separate article with that title. AT in order to save space, the editors use the accepted in encyclopedic publications abbreviations. nine0006
Encyclopedia "Emergencies" - developed in as a teaching aid for the school course of life safety. it presents history emergency situations. The causes and consequences are described in detail. natural, man-made, social emergencies, advice and recommendations for the prevention and elimination of their consequences, taking into account the specific features of the Krasnodar Territory.
Also in the library is "The Complete Encyclopedia of Women's Handicrafts". A unique edition, for the first time in the practice of domestic book publishing representing in such a full extent the features of various types of needlework. From the simplest ways (hand stitch) to such exotic types of needlework for of our time, like gold embroidery. Exhaustive completeness and accessibility presentation, saturation with illustrated material (there are 1087 illustrations in the book) - provided the publication with the widest and unflagging demand. nine0006
most loved and popular multi-volume popular encyclopedia demanded by schoolchildren "I know the world." Each volume is dedicated to specific field of knowledge: history, physics, botany, astronomy, literature and etc. All books in this series are supplied with subject indexes, allowing use them as references. The book will be interesting and useful not only children, but also adults.
Popular Encyclopedia for children "Everything about everything" vol. 5 and vol. 8. Here from reference apparatus placed only "Contents". It is subdivided into 5 parts:
Part 1 is called "How it all started."
Part 2 - "The world in which we live".
3part - "Living Beings Around Us".
part 4 - "Human body".
part 5 - "How different things are done."
In addition to encyclopedias, there are another type of reference literature, without which it is impossible to do schoolchild, not a doctor, not a worker, not an astronaut - these are dictionaries. Exist various dictionaries - orthographic, scientific, technical, explanatory, medical, phraseological, geographical, etc. nine0006
Vocabulary - it is a collection of words, expressions with their interpretation or translation. The very first the dictionary you start using is the SPELLING dictionary. "Spelling" is formed from the Greek word "Orfoe" - correctly, "Grapho" - I write, I write correctly. That is, this dictionary shows how to write that or another word and where the stress falls in it.
Dictionaries are indispensable not a single person who strives to write correctly, without errors. Doubt how pronounce and write a word or expression correctly - look in the dictionary and you will definitely find the answer. nine0006
There are dictionaries EXPLAINED. From these dictionaries you can learn interpretation and meaning of the word.
explanatory dictionaries there are many:
1. The very first explanatory dictionary was created by Vladimir Ivanovich Dal for over 100 years back, collected and explained the meanings of the words himself.
2. Time passed, words changed. And under the editorship of Professor D.N. Ushakov was The Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language was created in 4 volumes. nine0006
3. But most often they use the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, in which there are 57,000 words. It gives the interpretation of words, stress, affixed gender nouns.
Reliable guide to all dictionaries - alphabet.
At the top of every page two syllables. First syllable - it starts the first word of this page, the second syllable - the very last word on this page. nine0006
DICTIONARY OF FOREIGN WORDS. Now on TV in newspapers we hear a lot of foreign words: innaguration, marketing, manager, quota... And in order to understand the meaning of what our Russian people are talking about, these words need dictionary of foreign words. There are also other dictionaries: English-Russian, Russian-English, Russian-German, Japanese-Russian, etc.
To list everything dictionaries published in our country and abroad, a whole book would be needed. Why does a person for whom Russian is native need a dictionary Russian language? First, there are spelling dictionaries. They show how write the correct word. There is an orthoepic dictionary in which shows how to pronounce Russian words correctly, whether to speak, e.g. alphabet or alphabet, ring or call. Doubt if you're right pronounce the word look in the dictionary and you will find the exact answer there. Spelling and spelling dictionaries - Books are necessary, but not very exciting. And here are the explanatory dictionaries - these are real pantries of linguistic riches and it is a pleasure to read them. And the benefits of this reading are very great: you will learn the meaning of tens, hundreds of words, that you heard or met in books, and sometimes in general they are for you discovery. Our library has a large encyclopedic dictionary. He includes concepts and terms for basic school subjects and courses. The dictionary consists of 10 sections, each of which represents a reference dictionary of one of the main subjects studied at school. Articles in sections are in alphabetical order. encyclopedic Dictionary It is intended for schoolchildren, entrants and a wide range of readers. nine0006
"Brief dictionary of literary terms" - contains more than 300 articles. They reveal the basic concepts of the theory literature, features of the main artistic movements, as well as the significance more frequent terms denoting genres, types and forms of versification.
And one more kind reference literature - DIRECTORIES. There are reference books that are used by everyone, from schoolchildren to scientists. Who, for example, would come up with the idea of memorizing phone numbers?0006
numerous backgrounds organizations and institutions, if you can look into the "brief telephone directory". And why keep in mind the numbers reflecting the area of the state Kuwait or the population of the Republic of Vietnam, when you can take reference book "Countries of the World", containing information about all the states and territories of the globe.
There are directories in various branches of science and technology, intended for specialists. But among them there are books that can be of great benefit to you. Schoolchildren's handbook "Chemistry", for example, includes information on general chemistry, inorganic and organic. At the end The reference book has a subject index, which makes it very easy to find desired topic. School dictionary-reference book for students 9-11 classes "Russian history. XX century" represents materials that reflect the political, economic, social and military history of Russia. Particular attention is paid to the last decade of the Russian stories XX century and the events of the beginning of a new XXI century. The reference dictionary includes more than 600 articles. It consists of 4 sections: "Chronicle of events", "Historical concepts and events", "Biographies of historical figures", "Basic social science concepts". nine0006
Student's handbook "Literature" covers all aspects of the school programs. According to the index at the end of the handbook, you can quickly find an article not only about writers and poets, but also about works.
Multi-volume series reference books "All about everyone" - the most complete set biographies of famous people, containing facts from the life of more than 1500 celebrities.
reference publications, Definitely a very useful book. They contain brief information informational, scientific and applied nature. And the sooner you know about existence of such books, the sooner you get used to using them, the easier it will be for you to will independently find the answer to any question.
/two teams/
1. Contest "Dictionary" according to the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov. nine0006
Two words each team:
Task: first say own interpretation of these words, then look up their meaning in a dictionary. The closer the answer to the correct one, the higher the scores.
2. Contest: "Who lives in the closet?" - poem B. Norman.
Task: in a poem many errors. Who will find errors faster and more. nine0006
3. Competition "These incomprehensible foreign words." By
dictionary of foreign words - who quickly.
Task: 1) “Compete cadets”
2) "Save parity”
4. Competition: "Inquisitive" according to the "Encyclopedia for inquisitive": who will quickly find how called Santa Claus in other countries. /France - Per Noel, Colombia - Papa Pasquale, America - Santa Claus, Czech Republic - Mikulash/. nine0006
five. TSB competition - who is faster:
Task: check of the encyclopedia, is the word "kishmish" correctly used in the sentence:
"In Sasha's desk drawer was some kind of sultana: both nails and screws. / TSB t.12, p. 257 /.
Learn Jack London - is this a real name or a pseudonym? / TSB vol. 15, p. 13 - John Griffith/. nine0006
Hosted by uCoz
Thousands of book lovers are puzzled by how to install dictionaries on Kindle and PocketBook. This is due to the high demand for the equipment of the brands represented. Let's figure out what is the difference between the installation processes for each option.
Almost all reader manufacturers offer to translate words and phrases with one click. With the ability to clarify the meaning of terms, not only readers, but also researchers will feel like real polyglots. To activate an additional useful feature, you need to install new platforms on the device. Let's consider a detailed guide for those who would like to understand how to download a dictionary on Pocketbook and activate a set of tools for a professional linguist. nine0003
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Dictionaries for e-books: what are the formats
Thanks to the interactive dictionary, users are free from the hassle of translating. Pre-installed and external platforms will eliminate the need to refine each unknown word. How fast depends on the reader. Most often, book lovers are faced with the following formats.
- EPUB . This is the format used by leading reader manufacturers such as Cybook, Onyx Boox, and PocketBook. Almost all digital bookstores prefer this resolution as their default. The exception is Amazon's Kindle. Benefits of the format: adapting text to the screen, changing the font size or type, adding your own notes and underlining.
- MOBI/AZW . In addition to Kindle, advanced devices open files of this type: InkPad 3, Onyx Boox Note, and others. The MOBI format got its name from Mobipocket S.
A. The AZW extension has become a more advanced refinement of it and allows you to view files with digital protection against illegal use (DRM). nine0329
With an alternative function, e-books will be the best teaching tool for those who wish to improve their knowledge of foreign languages. Some dictionaries work even when the Internet connection is unstable. To find the translation of a specific word or phrase, it is worth touching the screen with your finger and holding it for a while. After 2-3 seconds, a window will appear with the translation found in one of the dictionaries.
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How to load a dictionary into an e-book: step-by-step instructions for dummies
Owners of PocketBook readers do not have to limit themselves to dictionaries already available on the purchased device. Each user has the right to choose an alternative platform. Adding a new application consists of three simple steps.
Step 1 — search for an installer
Before downloading a dictionary into an e-book, you need to decide on the version of the linguistic platform (buy or find a free equivalent). After receiving the selected option via the Internet, place it on a computer disk (unzip or download directly). Next, you need to connect the reader from the PC in order to send the dictionary file (*.pbi extension) to the internal memory of the device (to the root directory). nine0003
Step 2 - Installation process
Disconnect the reader from the PC. The downloaded installer will appear in recent events. Start the process and click OK, confirming the action, which will continue automatically and, if there is enough free space, complete in less than 1 minute.
Step 3 - Activation
The last step is to activate the "default" options. To specify the downloaded dictionary as the base version, go to: "Settings" → "Language" → "Available dictionaries" and change the position of the trigger. nine0003
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Features of installing dictionaries
When buying a reading device, users are looking for much more than a tablet with a reader program. A big advantage for polyglots is the presence of an additional dictionary. The developers of PocketBook and Kindle provided the opportunity to personalize it. Here is a comparison table of such competitors:
Linguistic tools are an important part of many programs: readers, text editors, reference books and translators. For all presented versions, the order of customization will be different. Although the basic sequence of steps is almost the same. nine0337
After successful integration of a useful tool, the user will see additional items in the menu of his reader. Let's take a look at the differences between the two most popular brands.
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Almost all interactive tools from Kindle are easy to use and work without errors. Installing an application can be promising. Although this is a specific process associated with a subscription to a monthly plan. Dictionaries for this reader are files in the AZW / MOBI / PRC format. They should be placed in the "documents/dictionaries" directory on your Kindle drive. The reader of this brand is designed for buying books through Amazon. The online store is the main directory from where you can take literature. Copying files from a PC is also allowed, but not every format will open, as previously mentioned. Pay attention to the following:
- need to register to gain access to the directory;
- most of the files are offered in an archive, for which a separate folder should be allocated.
With Kindle products, users will not only be able to buy dictionaries, but also use several alternative methods to decipher unknown words and phrases. There is also a Page Flip function and sheet fit to the diagonal. Reading will be comfortable even when connected to the library via Wi-Fi. nine0337
An alternative for book lovers is the idea of buying dictionaries from The store offer includes medical, legal, technical and political versions. The most popular platforms are optimized for management, economic, financial, construction and computing purposes. This company offers dictionaries at prices ranging from $5 to $20.
For Pocketbook owners, how to install a dictionary is clearly not a challenge, although the procedure will require the ability to work with hidden directories. The unpacked *.dic files file must be sent via USB to the "system> dictionaries" folder. nine0003
How to remove a dictionary from the reader
The linguistic platform can be removed in the same way as any program on the device. A popular option is manual. It looks like this:
- Connect the reader to the PC.
- Open the system folder where the dictionaries were placed during installation.
- Locate the extra file and select Delete.
There is an alternative to the presented methods - deactivation of the function (in this case, re-installation is not required). The choice of a particular option depends on the preferences of the user and the performance of his hardware.