Five little ducks went out one day

Five Little Ducks | Kids Environment Kids Health

Five Little Ducks

Five little ducks went to play
Wibble wobble, wibble wobble to and fro
But the one little duck
With the feather on his back
He led the others with a quack, quack, quack.
Quack, quack, quack
Quack, quack, quack
He led the others with a quack, quack, quack.

The following lyrics are also called "Five Little Ducks," but this version has a different tune, and no music has been located for it.

Written by Dorothy Aldis (Copyright Unknown)

Five little ducks
Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said
"Quack, quack, quack, quack."
But only four little ducks came back.

Four little ducks
Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said
"Quack, quack, quack, quack."
But only three little ducks came back.

Three little ducks
Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said
"Quack, quack, quack, quack."
But only two little ducks came back.

Two little ducks
Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said
"Quack, quack, quack, quack."
But only one little duck came back.

One little duck
Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said
"Quack, quack, quack, quack."
But none of the five little ducks came back.

Sad mother duck
Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
The sad mother duck said
"Quack, quack, quack."
And all of the five little ducks came back.

Alternate verse

Five little ducks
went out to play
Over the hills and far away
Papa duck said,
Five little ducks came swimming back.

For Parents

You may remember images of ducks and other wildlife covered with oil after the Gulf Oil Spill in 2010. Volunteers and workers pitched in on the clean‐up. But what might that have done to their health? NIEHS is leading a long-term research to understand the effects on clean-up workers and volunteers.

For Kids

Do you like ducks (and other web‐footed friends)? How about becoming a wetlands ecologist? Learn about what a wetland ecologist does and how to become one from Dr. Lief Sigren.


For Teachers

The Duke University Superfund Program’s Learning Barge is considered the world’s first floating wetlands classroom, powered by sun and wind and equipped with live wetlands to study. The program has provided opportunities for students, with a focus on fourth‐graders, as this article about the "Learning Barge" describes.

For Teachers

L'Oie Toulouse? Qui, Moi?
About three years ago, a white Canada goose (Branta canadensis canadensis) or perhaps an imposter appeared on our NIEHS campus.

For Teachers

Being Single is "Not for the Birds"! – Canada Geese
This update is for those of you who are still young enough to remember. The White Goose (WG), known around campus and in the local press, as Toulouse, has spent many hours at NIEHS over the course of 4 plus years.

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Five Little Ducks Nursery Rhyme

Five Little Ducks Nursery Rhyme is one of the popular rhyme for children. This rhyme is quite old and is being sung by many toddlers. The history and the author of the poem are unknown. It is a counting song which helps the children with the basic conception of maths and numbers. The rhyme introduces the concept of descending order in such a way that the child never forgets about it. So, kids read out loud and sing along! Also, read Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall.

five little ducks nursery rhyme

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Five little ducks

Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said
“Quack, quack, quack, quack.
But only four little ducks came back.
Four little ducks

Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said
“Quack, quack, quack, quack.”
But only three little ducks came back.
Three little ducks

Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said
“Quack, quack, quack, quack.”
But only two little ducks came back.
Two little ducks

Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said
“Quack, quack, quack, quack.”
But only one little duck came back.
One little duck

Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said
“Quack, quack, quack, quack.”
But none of the five little ducks came back.
Sad mother duck

Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
The sad mother duck said
“Quack, quack, quack.”
And all of the five little ducks came back.


The rhyme is about the five little ducks who went out on a day with all of their siblings. All of them went to the hill which was far away from their home. When the mother duck called out her babies, only four came back. The next day, four little ducks went out on the hill, but this time, only three came back.

Likewise, one by one, the ducks began to be missing. Soon, the day came when no ducks came back to the home. Sad mother went up to the hill to check what was wrong there. When she reached there and called out for her babies with ‘quack, quack’, all the ducks came back and hugged her mother. All of them went home together singing ‘quack, quack, quack!’

A Little Something For Parents:

Poems should be an integral part of your child’s growing process as they make their lives more colorful and vibrant by adding a variety of rich experience. So, every child should be encouraged to read more and more poems. You may also like to read, Ten Little Indians.

Please feel free to share your thoughts on our poems in Comments Below Or let us know if you want us to write poems of your choice. Your feedback is important to us. Thanks in advance.

Tagged with: 5 little ducks, duck nursery rhymes, duck rhymes, five little ducks, five little ducks nursery rhyme, five little ducks poem, five little ducks rhymes

"English concert from the smallest"


Plan - summary of the event

English concert from the smallest.

For students in grades 2-4 in English

for educational institutions

9000 9000














Explanatory a note.

This methodical development includes:

· Abstract events with a detailed description of the course of the event

· Texts songs, poems, rhymes with translation


Systematization students' knowledge of the material.

Formations teamwork skills, group work

· Formation tolerant attitude to the culture of the country of the language being studied


1- Version songs.

2- Collective performance of rhymes

3- fairy tales "Teremok"


· teachers English

Cool leaders, organizers of extracurricular activities (this development can be taken for basis when creating a scenario for a game extracurricular event)

educational technologies:

Technology KVO (collective mutual learning), Game technology.

development application possibilities:

Primary school


given the event is universal according to the addressee of application

· aimed to increase motivation for learning

· is an example of the use of several educational technologies within one activities

covers various sections of UMK Spotlight

· gives the opportunity for each student to apply their knowledge in an informal game situations

Conditions sales:

Availability computer, music speakers, screen and projector teacher's ability to use this technique

positive the mood of the teacher and students, as the event is planned in the form of a game.

Brief description:

This work is suitable for students in grades 2-4.

B 1: Hello, boys and girls! Hello, everyone! We are glad to see you today.

(Hello girls and boys! We greet you! We are glad to see you.)

В2: Kind day, our dear guests! We are glad to see you at our "English concert from the smallest."

Playing music - welcome melody

Q2: today the children of our school, the youngest students, will read poetry, perform songs and rhymes only in English. They will show us what they can do learned!

B1: Oh, by the way are they all here? Let's check.

Q2: Students of the 2nd class,

B1: welcome; 3rd class,

V2: and finally 4 Class.

(addressing the audience)

Girls say: We are here! (girls say: "We are here."

Boys say: We are ready to start! (boys: "We're ready to start. "

B1: That's great! Everybody is here. And answer me one more time: are you ready to start?

(transl. Great! Everyone in place. And again: are you ready?)

Q2: We begin. ( music ) All participants go on stage and perform the song "Hello! Hello! »

B1 Sometimes you walk past the classroom of the 2nd grade and hear:

Two big apples

Under a tree.

One is for you

And one's for me.

These are rhymes. And this is for 2nd grade students are common. Here they will tell us now what rhymes know. Grade 2, please come on stage.

One, two

One, two,

What must I do?

Three, four,

Close the door.

Five, six,

Pick-up sticks.

Seven, eight,

Clean the plate.

Nine, ten,

A big, fat hen.



One, two,

Red and blue.

Up and down,

Yellow and brown.

This is a queen,

Orange and green.

That is a kite,

Black and white.


Two big apples

Under a tree.

One is for you

And one's for me.


Rain, rain, go away!

All the children want to play.

Rain, rain, go away!

Come again another day

After reading rhymes conduct a physical education session in English (they offer to do it along with the audience).

Q1: We We continue our wonderful concert. 4th grade students prepared a number for us, which will now be shown to us. This is the song "Five Little Ducklings".

Children's English song

Five Little Ducks with translation

Five little ducks went out one day

Five little ducks went out one day

Over the hills and far away

Mother duck said "Quack quack quack quack"

But only four little ducks came back

But only four little ducks came back.

Four little ducks went out one day

One day the four little ducklings left.

Over the hills and far away

Over the hills and far away.

Mother duck said "Quack quack quack quack"

But only three little ducks came back

But only three little ducks came back.

Three little ducks went out one day

Three little ducks went out one day.

Over the hills and far away

Over the hills and far away.

Mother duck said "Quack quack quack quack"

But only two little ducks came back

But only two little ducks came back.

Two little ducks went out one day

Two little ducks went out one day.

Over the hills and far away

Over the hills and far away.

Mother duck said "Quack quack quack quack!"

Mother Duck said: "Quack-quack-quack-quack-quack!"

But only one little ducks came back

But only one little duck came back.

One little duck went out one day

One little duck went out one day.

Over the hills and far away

Over the hills and far away.

Mother duck said "Quack quack quack quack!"

Mother Duck said: "Quack-quack-quack-quack-quack!"

But none of the five little ducks came back

But none of the five little ducks came back.

Well, sad mother duck went out one day

Well, the sad Mother Duck left one day.

Over the hills and far away

Over the hills and far away.

Mother duck said "Quack quack quack Quack!"

Mother Duck said: “Quack-quack-quack-quack!”

And all of the five little duckies came back

And all of the five little duckies came back.

B 2: It was great! thank you! (It was great. Thank you.).

Q1: And now the most famous song in our school will be played, a real hit with elementary students.
clap your hands.
If you're angry angry angry
stomp your feet.
If you're angry angry angry
stomp your feet.
If you're angry angry angry
stomp your feet, stomp your feet.
If you're angry angry angry
stomp your feet.
If you're scared scared scared
say, "Oh no!"
If you're scared scared scared
say, "Oh no!"
If you're scared scared scared
say, "Oh no!" Say, "Oh no!"
If you're scared scared scared
say, "Oh no!"
If you're sleepy sleepy sleepy
take a nap.
If you're sleepy sleepy sleepy
take a nap.
If you're sleepy sleepy sleepy
take a nap, take a nap.
If you're sleepy sleepy sleepy
take a nap.
If you're happy happy happy
clap your hands.
If you're happy happy happy
clap your hands.
If you're happy happy happy
clap your hands, clap your hands.
If you're happy happy happy
clap your hands.

If you are happy happy happy

clap your hands.

If you are happy happy happy

clap your hands.

If you are happy happy happy

clap your hands, clap your hands.

If you are happy happy happy

clap your hands.

If you are angry get angry get angry

stomp your feet.

If you are angry get angry get angry

stomp your feet.

If you are angry get angry get angry

stomp your feet, stomp your feet.

If you are angry get angry get angry

stomp your feet.

If you are afraid afraid, afraid ...

say: "Oh no!"

If you are afraid, afraid, afraid ...

say: "Oh no!"

If you are afraid, afraid, afraid ...

say: "Oh no! - Say: "Oh no!"

If you are afraid afraid, afraid ...

say: "Oh no!"

If you want sleep, sleep, sleep ...

take a nap.

If you want sleep, sleep, sleep...

take a nap.

If you want to sleep, sleep, sleep...

take a nap, take a nap.

If you want sleep, sleep, sleep ...

take a nap.

If you are happy happy happy

clap your hands.

If you are happy happy happy

clap your hands.

If you are happy happy happy

clap your hands, clap your hands.

If you are happy happy happy

clap your hands.

Q2: Very funny the song is playing now. But no less wonderful performance awaits us ahead. Our artists are just already tearing us up to show us their number. We meet!

Participants: students 2, 3 grades

fairy tales "Teremok"

On stage "Teremok" is installed

Music sounds mouse runs out

Mouse: What a nice house!

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Who lives in the house?


Runs behind Teremok.

Music sounds on the frog "jumps out" the scene.

Frog: What a nice house!

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Who lives in the house?

A mouse runs out.

Mouse: I am a mouse. Who are you?

Frog : I am Frog. I can swim. I can jump. (shows movements).

Mouse: Come in please!

Music sounds rabbit runs out.

Hare: What a nice house!

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Who lives in the house?

A mouse runs out and frog.

Mouse: I am a mouse.

Frog: I am Frog.

Together: Who are you?

Hare: I am a hare

I can run. I can jump. (shows movements).

Together: Come in please! (running for Teremok).

The music is not the fox comes out.

Fox: What a nice house!

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Who lives in the house?

A mouse runs out, frog and hare.

Mouse: I am a mouse.

Frog: I am frog.

Hare: I am a hare.

Together : Who are you?

Fox: I am fox. I can dance. (shows movements).

Together: Come in please! (running for Teremok).

Music is coming out rooster.

Cock: What a nice house!

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Who lives in the house?

A mouse runs out, frog, hare and fox.

Mouse: I am a mouse.

Frog: I am Frog.

Hare: I am a hare.

Fox: I am fox.

Together: Who are you?

Cock: I am cock/

Let's go!

All they go to the middle of the stage and show exercises to the music.

The music is slow, a bear enters the stage imposingly.

Bear: What a nice house!

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Who lives in the house?

A mouse runs out, frog, hare, fox and rooster.

Mouse: I am a mouse.

Frog: I am Frog.

Hare: I am a hare.

Fox: I am fox.

Cock: I am cock.

Together : Who are you?

Bear: I am a bear.

Starts from swing the Teremok from side to side, the animals interfere with it and drive the bear aside.

Enters the stage leading.

V2: In our fairy tale the bear failed to break the house because all the animals stood up for him and understood the bear: “What if you are kind and go to visit you with an open heart will always be happy. "

B 1: really, with the arrangement. It looks like the guys are working hard. Applause, support them.

Q1: Unfortunately, everything comes to an end, so here is our "English concert from the smallest" comes to an end. We are very pleased that many people took part in this event.

B 2: See you later! Goodbye! (See you again! See you soon!)

All participants go on stage and sing the final song.


materials and Internet resources

Children rhymes in English [Electronic resource]. 2012. URL

(date 11/12/2013)


2. 2.Source:


4. https://www.



Stories for children aged 5-6. Read online with illustrations.

Once the hunters brought two cubs from the forest. Praskovya Ivanovna left them with her, fed them from a pacifier. The cubs began to grow up and play a lot in the house. The hostess let them out to live in the yard, they are many there too ...

Grade 1-2

A story about little ducklings who were very afraid of a big dragonfly and would not come to a plate of food. And only the brave neighbor duck was not afraid and attacked the dragonfly. Brave duckling read Every morning the hostess took the ducklings out…

A funny story about how Nikita played hunter. At home, he hunted toy animals, and in the summer at the dacha he had the opportunity to hunt for a chemise that could not fly. Nikita is a hunter to read Have ...

Grade 2

A young family decided to spend the end of summer at a dacha near Moscow. Dad and daughter Svetlana dreamed of fishing, swimming, picking mushrooms and nuts in the forest. But mother Marusya decided to put the dacha in order first. A blue cup…

A story about how the author jokingly asked a hunter to bring him a wolf. Two years passed and the hunter brought a little wolf cub. He was ugly, with a huge head, his body was small, with sparse brown hair, like...

Grade 1

The story of how a boy Nikita played doctor with his dog Tomka. He put a thermometer on him, wanted to look at his throat, listen with a tube. But the dog did not understand him. How the boy played doctor to read Nikita began to play ...

1st grade

The guys from the hayfield once brought two little rabbits. The author and his son gave them grass and milk in a saucer, but they did not eat anything and only huddled at the feet of people. They were still very small and…

Grade 3

A fairy tale about a girl Dunya who lived with her grandfather. Once, during a trip to the city, their horse gave birth to a foal at night, and he crawled under the merchant's cart. In the morning the merchant said that it was his gelding who gave birth to a foal….

The story of a tame jackdaw that lived in the same house. People noticed that shiny things began to disappear. The boy followed the jackdaw and found it missing on the roof of the house. Jackdaw to read Brother and sister had a hand jackdaw….

A story about a frog that got out of the snow ahead of time and walked towards the swamp. But he didn’t get there, and at night frost hit, and the frog lay lifeless on the snow. The author took him home, warmed him up in warm water…

A story about two boys going to school. They did not solve the example at home, they had half an hour before the lessons, and they wanted to finish the assignment. But while they were discussing what could be done in a short time, they were late for school ....

One day the author and his son went to the forest for mushrooms and the dog Tomka got along with them. Near one Christmas tree, Tomka began sniffing out someone. It turned out to be a hazel grouse with a chick. She pretended to be sick and began to take the dog away ...

A story about a greedy boy who did not play in the kindergarten, but only guarded his toys. This made him very bored. Watchman read There were a lot of toys in the kindergarten. Clockwork locomotives were running along the rails, in the room…

Grade 1

The story happened to two brothers Chuk and Gek. Their father worked very far away and could not come on vacation. Then my mother, Chuk and Gek went to the taiga for New Year's Eve, but…

The story is about how the author sailed on a ship to India. He really wanted to see how elephants walk right along the streets, and not in zoo cages. On the outskirts of the city, the author and a friend saw an elephant with four ...

A story about the fact that lies will always come out and the punishment will be twice as strong. What is easier? read Three boys went into the forest. Mushrooms, berries, birds in the forest. The boys were walking. Didn't notice how the day went by. They are going home…

Grade 1

A story about a boy Vitya who was skating with his friends and accidentally hit a little girl. At first he took pity on her, but the boys began to laugh, and Vitya behaved unmanly. On the rink to read The day was sunny….

A story about the difficult work of woodpeckers. They tap out the wood, finding a void, and proceed with the operation to extract the worm. This is how they save the tree. Forest doctor read We wandered in the forest in the spring and observed the life of hollow birds: woodpeckers, ...

A story about a stupid boy who always took everything in his mouth and licked it. At home he licked a knife, a brush with paints, on the street he also dragged everything into his mouth. But one winter he licked a copper pen and immediately...

A story about how friends should give gifts to each other not for something, but just like that. Just like reading Kostya made a birdhouse and called Vova: - Look, what a bird house I made. Vova sat down on…

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  • 17 - The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish

    Pushkin A.S.

    A tale about a poor fisherman who caught a golden fish in his net. The old man took pity on the fish, released it into the sea. For this, the fish promised to fulfill his every desire. The old man didn’t ask for anything, but when he returned home, he told about…

  • 18 - Hen Ryaba

    Russian folk tale

    Hen Ryaba is the first fairy tale-parable that mothers read to their babies. Children quickly grasp a simple plot and remember it by heart. Hen Ryaba read Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman. And they had a Ryaba Hen. The hen laid an egg, yes…

  • 19 - Thumbelina

    Hans Christian Andersen

    The fairy tale about Thumbelina is loved by children all over the world. A tiny girl born from a flower goes through many trials on the way to her happiness. Fate rewards Thumbelina for her kind heart. The swallow she rescued earlier endures...

  • 20 - The Little Mermaid

    Hans Christian Andersen

    A touching tale about the strong love of the Little Mermaid for the prince. The little mermaid is ready to give up everything that is dear to her for the sake of the human soul and the love of the prince ... The fairy tale formed the basis of the plots of many films, cartoons and musicals. Little Mermaid read In the open…

  • 21 - Puss in Boots

    Charles Perrault

    The tale of an unusual cat, which was inherited by the younger brother from the miller's father. The young man was not very happy at first with his share of the inheritance, but the cunning and intelligent cat made him the richest man and son-in-law of the king ... The cat in ...

  • 22 - Sleeping Beauty

    Charles Perrault

    A fairy tale about a beautiful princess who was cursed by an offended fairy at a celebration in honor of her birth. The old fairy predicted the girl's death from a spindle prick, but the good fairy was able to commute the sentence. The girl did not die, but fell asleep on…

  • 23 - Porridge from an ax

    Russian folk tale

    Porridge from an ax is a small fairy tale about a witty soldier. The greedy old woman did not want to feed the soldier, but he outwitted her and got porridge with butter ... Read porridge from an ax The old soldier went on a visit. Tired in…

  • 24 - The ugly duckling

    Hans Christian Andersen

    A fairy tale about the miraculous transformation of an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan. The duckling was born unlike his brothers, the inhabitants of the poultry yard disliked him for his dissimilarity to the others. The duckling had to leave the house and go through many trials before he…

  • 25 - The Princess and the Pea

    Hans Christian Andersen

    A short story about how the prince wanted to marry a real princess. One day, a girl knocked on the gate, who was soaked to the skin, but assured that she was a real princess. She was allowed to sleep, and the old queen gave her a check……

  • 26 - Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka

    Russian folk tale

    Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka is a fairy tale about how the younger brother disobeyed his sister, got drunk from a hoof and turned into a kid goat to read ... Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka lived -there was an old man and an old woman, they had ...

  • 27 - Fear has big eyes

    Russian folk tale

    Fear has big eyes - a short fairy tale about the fact that from fear you can see what was not really ... ( from the collection of M.M. Serova) Fear has big eyes to read Once upon a time there was an old grandmother, a laughing granddaughter, a chicken-klokhtushka and a mouse-leaf. Each…

  • 28 - Bean seed

    Russian folk tale

    The cockerel and the bean seed is a Russian folk tale about a rooster who was always in a hurry when pecking at the seeds. The hen warned him all the time and asked him to peck more slowly. One day he choked on a bean seed and fell down. But the chicken…

  • 29 - Sivka Burka

    Russian folk tale

    Sivka-Burka is a fairy tale about the adventures of Ivan the Fool and his gallant horse. Sivka Burka read The old man had three sons: two smart ones, and the third Ivanushka the Fool; day and night the fool is lying on the stove. The old man sowed wheat, and it grew ...

  • 30 - Crocodile Gena and his friends

    Uspensky E.N.

    Tale of a lonely crocodile Gena. Coming home from work from the zoo, he was left alone and bored. Crocodile Gena decided to make friends with someone. He wrote an announcement that he was looking for friends, hung them around the city and ...

  • 31 - Baba Yaga

    Russian folk tale a cat… Read Baba Yaga Once upon a time there was a husband and wife, and they had a daughter. The wife fell ill and died. Grieved, grieved ...

  • 32 - Twelve months

    Samuil Marshak

    Do you know how many months there are in a year? - Twelve. And what are their names? — January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. As soon as one month ends, another immediately begins. And…

  • 33 - Teremok

    Russian folk audio tale

    Teremok is a short fairy tale for kids about a house that sheltered many animals. However, the tower could not accommodate a huge bear and broke.

  • 34 - The tale of the priest and his worker Balda

    Pushkin A.S.

    The tale of the stingy priest and resourceful worker Balda. Somehow Balda was hired for the service for three clicks on the forehead of the priest. When the time of reckoning was approaching, the priest decided to give Balda an impossible task in order to get rid of him. But Balda…

  • 35 - Little Humpbacked Horse

    Ershov P.

    There lived an old man in a village and he had three sons. They grew wheat and sold it in the market. But then someone got into the habit of trampling wheat in the field at night ... Part one. The fairy tale begins to affect ... For ...

  • 36 - Alice in Wonderland

    Carroll L.

    A fascinating story about a girl Alice, who met a talking White Rabbit and ended up in amazing worlds where she met very unusual characters ... Chapter 1. Down the rabbit hole Alice got bored of sitting with his sister on the shore…

  • 37 - The Little Prince

    Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

    A fairy tale about how a pilot, who remained a child at heart, met the Little Prince in the desert, who arrived from another planet. Dedication I ask the children to forgive me for dedicating this book to an adult.

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