Flower meaning power

Top 10 Flowers That Symbolize Power

For most of recorded history, humans found symbolism in things around them. Every day sights like animals, landscapes, and even inanimate objects became parts of a larger image. Soon enough, those parts formed a story they like to tell about themselves.

Flowers are no exception to this rule. They are beautiful, abundant, and sometimes mysterious. Their origins have always been fodder for myth and legend, and they came to symbolize different qualities in the human spirit.

To this day, the ideas we have about certain flowers remain deeply ingrained in our imagination. The colors, shapes, and scents of different flowers inspire us to add meaning and symbolism to each one.

Flowers that symbolize power are: Kunzea, Datura (Devil’s Trumpet), Muscari (Grape Hyacinth), Potentilla (Cinquefoil), Iris, Borago (Starflower), Black Tulip, Canna Lily, Fritillaria (Crown Imperial), and Dracula (Monkey Orchid).

Table of Contents

  • 1. Kunzea
  • 2. Datura (Devil’s Trumpet)
  • 3. Muscari (Grape Hyacinth)
  • 4. Potentilla (Cinquefoil)
  • 5. Iris
  • 6. Borago (Starflower)
  • 7. Black Tulip
  • 8. Canna Lily
  • 9. Fritillaria (Crown Imperial)
  • 10. Dracula (Monkey Orchid)
  • The Final Takeaway

1. Kunzea

Kunzea Obovata
Geoff Derrin, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Named after the 19th-century German botanist, Gustav Kunze, this unique genus of 40 shrubs and trees isn’t something you see every day. The spiked flowers are native to Australia but can be found everywhere now. (1)

Kunzeas have an unusual appearance, thanks to their long stamens that poke out of their 5-petaled flowers. They form in clusters and come in so many colors and shapes. However, they all share that striking feature that sets them apart from other flowers.

Thanks to their special anatomy, Kunzeas attract pollinators like bees and other insects. They also abound with nectar and fragrant leaves.

Kunzea flowers symbolize power as well as pure energy. Their unique look makes for a special gift to the person you see conquering the world.

2. Datura (Devil’s Trumpet)

Datura (Devil’s Trumpet)
Image by Ian Sutton from flicker (CC BY 2.0)

From the Hindi word “dhatura,” which means thornapple, comes the name of this flower. However, it’s also known as the Devil’s Trumpet, Moonflower, Devil’s Weed, and Hell’s Bells. because of the intense toxicity of the plant. (2)

It belongs to the family Solanaceae, or nightshades, which include tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant. That said, ingesting any part of the Datura plant can be fatal because it contains high concentrations of neurotoxins. (3)

As they grow naturally in North America, you’re bound to see them out in the wild. The plants are majestic, growing up to 7 feet tall. The flowers, with their beautiful bell or trumpet shape, can range in color from white to purple.

Datura flowers symbolize power as well as protection from evil. It was believed to aid sleep and break hexes by the Mohave, Yuma, Cahuilla, and Zuni people.

3. Muscari (Grape Hyacinth)

Muscari (Grape Hyacinth)
Zeynel Cebeci, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Muscari is a genus that belongs to the Asparagaceae family. It gets its name from the musky scent that comes out of some of its members. (4)

Unlike the previous deadly trumpets, these flowers resemble grapes so much that they earned the nickname Grape Hyacinth. They aren’t poisonous, but their namesake, Hyacinthus, is. You should be careful around them, although sometimes, they’re pickled and used for food!

Thanks to their tough nature, Muscari flowers can be grown in the garden, in borders, or even in rock gardens. The clusters of white, yellow, or even blue grape-like petals are sure to be eye-catching.

The gorgeous Muscari flowers have a mysterious air about them, but their rich blue tones are a great display of power and confidence. They make for great cut flowers, so you can gift them to someone you love.

4. Potentilla (Cinquefoil)

Potentilla (Cinquefoil)
xulescu_g, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Potentilla is a genus of about 300 plants that produce gorgeous, 5-petaled flowers. This gives the flowers their other name, Cinquefoil, from the French words for the number 5 and paper.

When the flower’s name is derived from the Latin word for powerful “potens,” then you know it’s deserved. It was a staple of ancient medicine, thought to relieve symptoms of diarrhea, dysentery, fever, as well as menstrual cramps. (5)

Potentilla is also a relative of roses, as it comes from the same family, Rosaceae. This means that gorgeous colors, aromatic scents, and being a favorite among pollinators are all shared traits. 

The meaning behind the flower changes when you change its color, just like with roses. While pink symbolizes loyalty and maternal love, red can be a show of power, confidence, and strength.

5. Iris

Oleg Yunakov, CC BY-SA 3. 0, via Wikimedia Commons

Irises are some of the most well-known and loved flowers around the world. They’ve been cultivated for their beauty and spiritual significance for millennia. 

Both the ancient Greeks and Egyptians attached the Iris to their gods and the afterlife. Thousands of years later, the French Bourbon kings used it to signify royalty and dominion.

The flowers have an easy-to-recognize anatomy, with a set of petals standing up, and another set of petals that curve downwards. Some varieties have beards, which are fuzzy little hairs that grace the bottom of the petal, while others have crests that look like golden emblems.

Thanks to their long history, humans have used Irises in medicine to treat stomach issues and even syphilis. The dried roots were historically used in perfumeries, and are currently given to babies as a teething aid. But it should be used with caution as it can cause nausea and vomiting. (6)

Irises signify power, wisdom, hope, purity, and motherly love.  

6. Borago (Starflower)

Borago (Starflower)
Hans Bernhard (Schnobby), CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Borago, Borage, or Starflower is a limited genus of just 5 species in the family Boraginaceae. Their striking appearance as well as their medicinal qualities gave them a spot in Homer’s Odyssey as the drug nepenthe. At least that’s what Pliny the Elder and Dioscorides believed.

The plant is tall with star-shaped flowers composed of alternating leaves. They’re covered in fuzz and have a royal blue-purple color. (7)

It was used to treat gastrointestinal, respiratory, cardiovascular, as well as urinary problems by using an oil extract called borage oil.

Borago flowers symbolize power and courage in battle.

7. Black Tulip

Black Tulip
Peter Balcerzak, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Now that’s an unusual color of a beloved flower! Black Tulips are as eye-catching as they are hard to plant. Their shades of deep chocolate, dark maroon, and midnight purples can very easily be interpreted by the eye as true black.

The species that grow black tulips are:

  • Queen of the Night Black Tulip
  • Nearly Black Tulip
  • Ebony Queen Black Tulip
  • Black Hero Tulip
  • Black Parrot Tulip
  • Paul Scherer Black Tulip

Each of them has a special look, but they all symbolize power and strength. (8)

8. Canna Lily

Canna Lily
Kirt Edblom from Kihei, Hi, United States, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Canna flowers or Canna Lilies aren’t true lilies, as they belong to the family Cannaceae and not Liliaceae. They are long, showy flowers with shades of orange, red, pink, and yellow.

Cannas were an important economic plant before they were cultivated as ornamental flowers. They were used by Native Americans as a food source, medicinal plant, and source of fiber for jute and paper-making. In India, their seeds were used as gun pellets.

Indian Canna can become invasive if it takes hold of the ground and is super difficult to get rid of. (9)

Cannas symbolize glory and power, as well as beauty and confidence.

9. Fritillaria (Crown Imperial)

Fritillaria (Crown Imperial)
UpstateNYer, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

This downright strange-looking flower isn’t like anything you’ve seen before. The Fritillaria petal has a marvelous checkered pattern that makes its name fitting, since fritillus in Latin means “dice box.”

Its other name, Crown Imperial, comes from the legend of Mount Gethsemane. It was said that when Jesus Christ wept on the mount, all flowers bowed their heads in respect. However, the Fritillaria kept its head high. So, Jesus reprimanded it, bowing its head and changing its color from bright white to pink. (10)

Fritillaria symbolizes power, pride, and majesty.

10. Dracula (Monkey Orchid)

Dracula (Monkey Orchid)
Kilitz Photography, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Dracula flowers aren’t named for Bram Stoker’s famous vampire tale. The Latin word dracula means “little dragon,” an apt name for the mesmerizing shapes and colors of this flower.

Perhaps the other name for it, Monkey Orchid, is more fitting. The internal parts of the flower clearly show the face of various species of monkeys! (11)

While most astounding features, like this one, happen in part for an evolutionary advantage, none could be found for this flower. It’s most likely considered a vestige of our human ability to see faces where none exist, also called pattern-seeking behavior or apophenia. (12)

This last flower shows that even great things like power might have a hidden side. Humans have attached it to less-great meanings, such as evil or death. The palette that colors this flower is jaundiced and pale, just like a dead, putrefying body.

The Final Takeaway

You can find symbols and patterns in almost everything around you, flowers included. With thousands of years of human history, you’re bound to see the meaning attached to different flowers and see how people used them in art, literature, and mythology.

Learning about flowers that symbolize power can tell you a lot about what people find powerful. The color purple comes first and foremost, since it was historically associated with royalty. You also find lots of reds, oranges, and yellows; all signs of confidence and courage.

How many of these flowers did you know symbolized power? Which of them was the most surprising to you? Let us know in the comments below!


  1. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/creator/12699#/titles
  2. https://www.britannica.com/plant/Datura
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5555431/
  4. https://www.longfield-gardens.com/article/all-about-muscari/
  5. https://www.atozflowers.com/flower/potentilla/
  6. https://www.botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/i/irises08.html
  7. http://www.wildflowerfinder.org.uk/Flowers/B/Borage/Borage.htm
  8. https://blacktulip.ca/black-tulip/why-black-tulip/
  9. https://keys.lucidcentral.org/keys/v3/eafrinet/weeds/key/weeds/Media/Html/Canna_indica_(Wild_Canna_Lily).htm
  10. https://www. farmergracy.co.uk/blogs/farmer-gracys-blog/the-lordly-crown-imperial-or-fritillaria-imperialis-a-truly-epic-history
  11. https://www.atozflowers.com/flower/dracula/
  12. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/patternicity-finding-meaningful-patterns/

Header image courtesy: Photo by Pixabay

Top 10 Flowers That Symbolize Strength

For centuries, throughout Europe and Asia, the symbolic language of flowers has been widely recognized. Mythologies, plays, sonnets, and folklore of the Chinese, Egyptians, as well as the Greeks and Romans, have contained plant and flower symbolism.

Flowers are a portrayal of expression, sentiment, and significance like no other. Whether it’s an orange blossom implying loveliness and purity or a chrysanthemum declaring unyielding love, flowers always have something to say. (1)

Flower symbolism is not just present in history but can also be found in art and music. Flowers’ uniqueness and beauty have inspired countless artists and creators. Even though the symbolic significance of flowers dates back to hundreds of years and a multitude of cultures, it can still be seen around us today. 

Listed below are the top 10 flowers that symbolize strength:

Table of Contents

  • 1. Gladiolus 
  • 2. Phacelia 
  • 3. Allium 
  • 4. Amsonia 
  • 5. Astrantia 
  • 6. Potentilla 
  • 7. Valeriana 
  • 8. Aquilegia 
  • 9. Echinacea 
  • 10. Antirrhinum 
  • The Final Takeaway

1. Gladiolus 

Pharaoh Hound, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Gladiolus, also known as the Sword Lily, is a type of flower from the family of Iridaceae. It is one of the 300 species from this family. Most of these species are native to sub-Saharan Africa, while around 10 species are native to Europe.

The gladiolus is popular as both garden and cut flowers and comes in a variety of different colors. It has blade-shaped leaves and is an attractive, fragrant flower on tall spikes. The name gladiolus originates from the Latin term ‘gladiolus,’ which means ‘small sword.’

The name is a reference to the shape of the flower’s leaves. This flower symbolizes strong character, moral integrity, honor, and faithfulness. The Gladiolus flower also represents feelings of romance. (2)

Gladius is also the root for the word ‘Gladiator’ (3) Gladiolus is a long-lasting plant with sturdy stems that is a reminder of how strong we can be, both our personal character and our physical body. (4)

2. Phacelia 

Zanchetta Fabio (faxstaff), CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

A species native to North and South America, the phacelia is also known as the Scorpionweed. This is a versatile flower that is able to adapt to many soil conditions as long as it’s well-drained.

It has blue or purple flowers arranged in fascicles or small clusters. It is also known as ‘lacy Phacelia’ due to its attractive appearance. (5) The Phacelia flower is highly attractive to bumblebees and honeybees. The name Scorpionweed is a reference to its flower clusters that develop a curling formation similar to a scorpion’s tail.

Known to survive in sandy and gravelly soils, the phacelia thrives in warm weather. (6) It is drought tolerant and can survive in high temperatures. Basically, this flower is a symbol of determination and endurance.

3. Allium 

Kor!An (Андрей Корзун), CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

This flower is native to the Northern Hemisphere but is cultivated all around the world. The Allium comes in an assortment of colors, shapes, and sizes. It consists of globe-shaped flower clusters, mostly white, yellow, blue, pink, and purple colors.

Allium is an edible plant but is used in an ornamental setting. Literally, the name Allium stems from the term used for garlic. It has a distinct onion-like flavor; hence it is nicknamed the ‘ornamental onion.’ Ornamental Alliums are symbolic of patience, good fortune, and prosperity.

They also represent humility, unity, and good luck. These flowers are a reminder to persevere and be patient during times of difficulty. They are also beautiful flowers to grow in your garden. (7)

4. Amsonia 

Amsonia Tabernaemontana Flowers
Sten Porse, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Amsonia was named after an 18th-century physician, Dr. Charles Amson, from Virginia. This flower is native to North America. It is a star-shaped flower with leafy stems. It can be planted as a single specimen or in mass plantings.

These beautiful flowers are a great addition to your garden. They are also easy to grow and care for. The Amsonia is also known as the ‘Blue Star’ due to its star-shaped flowers. These flowers are pest and disease-resistant.

Once they are well planted and established, they are also considerably drought resistant. (8). Due to these qualities, the Amsonia symbolically also represents determination, endurance, and strength. 

5. Astrantia 

Nathan MacInnes, CC BY-SA 4. 0, via Wikimedia Commons

Also known as Star herb and Masterwort, the Astrantia flower has nine different types that are divided throughout Europe and Western Asia. The term ‘Star herb’ is a reference to the flower’s Latin name. ‘Aster’ also translates to ‘Star.’

It grows in mountain pastures and humid mountain forests. A fragile flower with a tough appearance, straw herb-like structure. The Astrantia flower is a symbol of protection, strength, and courage. (9) It’s also known as ‘the strong, brave protector.’

This flower left an impression in the Middle Ages due to its star-shaped appearance. In folk tales of the time, these flowers are referred to as stars that have fallen on Earth. (10)

6. Potentilla 

Olivier Pichard, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Potentilla flower’s name comes from the Latin word ‘Potens’ meaning ‘powerful.’ This is a reference to the plant’s numerous medicinal benefits. Potentillas are also known as ‘Cinquefoils’ in English.

Potentillas are found in multiple northern continents of the world. A popular landscape shrub, the Potentilla is valued for its carefree nature, exceptional hardiness, and long bloom time. This sturdy plant is tolerant of harsh weather conditions such as drought, air pollution, and salty air. (11)

The Potentilla symbolizes many attributes. It is a symbol of honor, loyalty, and power. (12) It also symbolizes maternal affection and a beloved daughter. (13) The Potentilla is also called the ‘little powerful one’ by many experts as it is known for its anticatarrhal, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic properties. (14)

7. Valeriana 

H. Zell, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

A native to North and South America, Europe, and Asia, Valeriana or the Valerian is a much-valued medicinal plant. It’s had a number of traditional medicinal uses. (15) Valerian root extract has sedative and anxiolytic effects.

It is also included in many dietary supplements to promote sleep. The name Valeriana is taken from the Latin verb ‘Valere,’ which means to be healthy or strong. (16) The Valerian plant symbolizes awareness or readiness for future circumstances.

It implies being strong and prepared for what lies ahead. Its medicinal usage emphasizes its power and strength. (17)

8. Aquilegia 

JJ Harrison (https://www.jjharrison.com.au/), CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The name Aquilegia is derived from the Latin word ‘Aquila,’ which means ‘eagle.’ The name refers to the five spurs of the flower that resemble an eagle’s claws. The flower is also known as ‘Columbine.’ (18) Aquilegia or the Columbine is found in a plentitude of environments along the Northern Hemisphere.

They can be found in high mountains, meadows, woodlands, and grasslands. Quite an uncommon flower, the Columbine’s beauty can be seen in wide alpine settings. This unique flower is rich in symbolic meaning. It inspires us to reach lofty heights.

It is also symbolic of endurance, good fortune, risk-taking, peace, and faith. (19) The Greeks and Romans also linked this plant to Aphrodite, the goddess of love. Columbine is also a symbol of love and romance. In some cultures, it also represents court jesters and foolishness.

This connection was created due to the shape of the flower that resembled a court jester’s hat. (20) In the Christian faith, the Columbine represented the seven gifts to the holy spirit. Within the realm of the faith, it was also a symbol of reverence and piety. (21)

9. Echinacea 

Arto Alanenpää, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Echinacea, also known as the coneflower, is an attractive and colorful flower that resembles a daisy. It has a cone-shaped central disc with a ring of petal-like rays. It has dark leaves and a tall, slender stem.

The name ‘Echinacea’ comes from the Latin word ‘echinos’ that means ‘hedgehog’ or ‘sea urchin.’ The name refers to the flower’s prickly center. (22) These flowers come in a variety of colors and have been used for ornamental and medicinal purposes.

The coneflower has an attractive, long-lasting bloom that can last for two days after it’s plucked. The coneflower is also valued for its medicinal properties. It is also highly used as a herbal remedy. Due to these characteristics, the coneflower is symbolically linked to concepts of strength and healing. (23)

10. Antirrhinum 

Rameshng, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The term Antirrhinum is a Greek word that means ‘nose-like.’ It is also known as ‘Snapdragon’ as its appearance resembles a dragon opening and closing its mouth. (24) A native to North America, Europe, and Africa, this flower is known to grow on rocky grounds.

The Antirrhinum or Snapdragons have multiple symbolic meanings. They are a representation of strength as they are able to grow in uninhabitable, rocky areas. They represent fighting against all odds. They also symbolize grace, strength, and deviousness. (25)

This Dragon Flower is a symbol of grace and virtue as it stands proud and tall. It is a reminder of a proud, self-sufficient person who can’t be told what to do. This flower makes a lovely gift for someone you love as it sends a message of respect and admiration.

In ancient times, the Snapdragon represented deviousness as it was sent between lovers symbolizing lust and love. In Victorian times, it was a tool to say sorry and requesting forgiveness. (26)

The Final Takeaway

Flowers and plants have unique qualities and attributes. They inspire us to adopt qualities of endurance and strength. They are also important tokens of showing love and affection to the people we care about.

They almost always contain implicit messages the givers want the recipients to know. Which of these flowers and their attributes were you already aware of? Let us know in the comments below!


  1. https://www.almanac.com/flower-meanings-language-flowers
  2. https://www.atozflowers.com/flower/gladiolus/
  3. https://www. gardenguides.com/124897-flowers-sicilian-islands.html
  4. https://florgeous.com/language-of-flowers/
  5. https://www.seedaholic.com/phacelia-tanacetifolia-lacy-phacelia-1048.html
  6. Lacy Phacelia Plant Guide. Natural Resources Conservation Service. US Department of Agriculture.
  7. https://symbolsage.com/patience-symbols-list/
  8. https://www.almostedenplants.com/shopping/products/10652-blue-ice-bluestar/
  9. https://www.holex.com/flowerwiki/astrantia/
  10. https://www.thejoyofplants.co.uk/astrantia
  11. https://www.gardendesign.com/shrubs/potentilla.html
  12. https://www.atozflowers.com/flower/potentilla/
  13. Dave Long,UCCE Master Gardener of Lake Tahoe. 
  14. https://ucanr.edu/sites/mglaketahoe/files/287974.pdf
  15. https://www.plantlife.org.uk/uk/discover-wild-plants-nature/plant-fungi-species/silverweed
  16. https://www.atozflowers.com/flower/valeriana/
  17. Harper, Douglas. “valerian”. Online Etymology Dictionary.
  18. https://symbolikon. com/downloads/valerian-flower-symbol/
  19. https://www.atozflowers.com/flower/aquilegia/
  20. https://www.uniguide.com/columbine-flower-meaning-symbolism/
  21. https://www.flowermeaning.com/columbine-flower-meaning/
  22. https://florgeous.com/columbine-flower-meaning/
  23. https://www.atozflowers.com/flower/echinacea/
  24. https://florgeous.com/purple-coneflower/
  25. https://www.atozflowers.com/flower/antirrhinum/
  26. https://florgeous.com/snapdragon-flower-meaning/
  27. https://flowermeanings.org/snapdragon-flower-meaning/

Headering image courtesy: pxhere.com

The language of flowers. What flowers mean

February 15, 2018 /

Company news

The language of flowers seems simple at first glance, but it is not. In different nations, the same flower can be interpreted in different ways and sometimes have a radically opposite meaning.

Take, for example, lilies.
In ancient Rome, white lilies were considered the flowers of luxury and wealth, they were even depicted on coins.

The ancient Egyptians decorated the bodies of dead young girls with these flowers.

But in Germany there is a belief that this flower grows under the influence of some unknown force on the graves of suicides and people who died a violent death.

But the French are crazy about lilies! direct evidence is the old royal coat of arms of France. It depicted a shield and three crossed lilies, symbolizing mercy, justice and compassion. If you are presented with lilies in this country, then this will be considered a show of respect.

In France, white pansies are a symbol of death, but in England, pansies are given to women as a sign of devotion and recognition of love, they are a symbol of fidelity and purity.


Azalea - a symbol of femininity, fragility, meekness, restraint, devotion; but at the same time - passions and sorrows. It is customary to give Azalea before an unwanted separation. presenting an azalea, you seem to be saying: “I hope You wait for me”, “Take care of yourself for me”, “I believe You!”. When a man gives this flower, he admits that you are the one and only for him.

Acacia (blooming) - hidden love.

Aconite - beware, the mortal enemy is nearby.

Ambrosia - Your love is mutual.

Amarilis - means pride, impregnability, masculinity. If you want to hint to a man that he is not just a friend for you, then give him amarylis

Anemone means sincerity, directness.

Pansies - air kiss, fun, entertainment, "Miss you!".

Astra is a symbol of love, grace, sophistication, as well as memories. In China, aster means precision. Ancient people believed that the smell of aster leaves, when they were burned, drove out snakes. Asters were placed in the graves of French soldiers, symbolizing sorrow and memory of the dead. There is a myth that asters were created from cosmic dust when the Virgin looked down from the sky and wept. the poet Virgil believed that the altars of the gods were often decorated with asters.

Astra (white) - “I love you more than you love me!”, “Say that you love again”, “I can’t think of anything but you ...”.


Basil - disgust, hatred. A great reason to give this flower to someone who is unpleasant to you, but to whom for some reason you cannot say this!

Begonia - literally "Beware!", "Not everyone likes you the way I do", "Know: they envy you!"

Bouquet of dried flowers - rejected love. If you want to put an end to someone's overly persistent courtship, give the violator of your peace of mind such an original gift. Even if this person is not familiar with the language of flowers, a dried bouquet will make him think: “it seems that I am not very welcome ...”


Cornflower - "I don't dare to express my feelings to you"; delicacy, grace, simplicity, as well as gaiety and fidelity. As a rule, it is customary to give them to young girls as a sign of sympathy. Such a gift may mean an offer of friendship or a desire to renew an interrupted acquaintance. The donor of cornflowers should not be suspected of immodest desires. Blonde flowers.

Vicar - "will you dance with me?"

Water lily (water lily) - eloquence, persuasiveness, sincerity; “You must never deceive me”, “Feelings in my soul are raging.” A water lily is given by a person who wants to convince you that he is your “half”. The donor asks to trust him and promises to be gentle and caring.

Bindweed - means beauty, "look at me", "I will decorate your life." They are often given by experienced womanizers. But the life of the bindweed is as short-lived as the feelings of the giver.


Gardenia - secret love, "You are beautiful!"

Gaultheria - harmony.

Carnation - female love, charm, passion, honor and freedom, fidelity ... The meaning of carnations in the language of flowers is different: it all depends on their color. Below is what the color means.

Carnation (white) - a wish of good luck and success in everything. "May all your wishes come true." You are considered a very charming, bright and positive person if you are presented with white carnations as a gift.

Carnation (yellow) - "Are you avoiding me?", "Are you offended?", "I want you to be more attentive."

Carnation (red) - victory, success, leadership. It is customary to congratulate authoritative and respected people, leaders, directors with a large bouquet of red carnations. It is better for lovers to give red carnations in mixed bouquets.

Carnation (pink) - "I will never forget You", a symbol of motherly love. In the states, pink carnations are given on Mother's Day. The person who gives carnations wants to express his gratitude to you and assure you that under any circumstances you can count on his help and support.

Carnation (one color) - agreement, "YES!"

Carnation (striped) - refusal, "No!", "I will not be with you!"

By the way Carnations are also called "Dianthus" - You can buy a bouquet of Dianthus here

Dahlia - whim, inconstancy, fleeting passion. The dahlia giver says: “I really like you, but I don’t promise anything”, “I’m not ready for a serious relationship”, “Why complicate things?”

Geranium - stupidity, recklessness. "You are a very frivolous person", "it's time to settle down."

Gerbera - mystery, smile, flirt, optimism. The person giving the gerberas is expressing his sympathy for you and hinting that you will have a lot of fun together. Gerbera is a universal positive gift: for friends, lovers, colleagues... Feel free to choose these flowers if you want to share your great mood with someone or make a compliment.

Hyacinth - game, curiosity, wisdom, unpredictability, achievement, sport. The range of emotions that can be expressed with the help of these flowers is quite wide - a lot depends on the shade of hyacinths. However, be sure: you will not be bored with the person who gave you hyacinths. Thanks to him, your life will become brighter.

Hyacinth (white) - constancy. “I am enchanted forever”, “Beauty, I will pray for you!”

Hyacinth (blue) - self-confidence, calmness, balance, consistency, integrity. “I know why I like you”, “I have no doubt that you suit me.”

Hyacinth (yellow) - jealousy, mistrust.

Hyacinth (red or pink) - game, "I know what you want", "Many pleasant surprises await you", "Our whole life is a game. .."

Hyacinth (purple) - sadness, "Forget Me!"

Gladiolus - "I'm really sincere", "Don't be afraid", "Give me a break". Gladiolus is the flower of gladiators. The giver of gladioli is a strong, reliable person who does not accept compromises.

Wisteria - "Welcome!"

Gloxinia — love at first sight.

Hydrangea - "Remember me"; modesty, sincerity, hope. In addition, coldness, indifference, callousness, heartlessness. Many peoples believe that hydrangea is able to drive away illness and misfortune.


Delphinium - modesty, unpretentiousness; "I'm ready to be your shadow", "call me".

Pink delphinium - impermanence.

Sweet Pea - departure, "Goodbye!", "Thank you for a great time!"


Jasmine - sensuality, femininity, elegance and attractiveness. in India, jasmine is called "moonlight in love."

Acorn is a Scandinavian symbol of life and immortality.

Zhonklia — desire, sympathy, return of affection, "Love me!"


Arbutus - "I love you!"

Goldenrod - success.


Iberian - indifference, indifference.

Iris - "I really appreciate your friendship", trust, wisdom, fearlessness, faith, hope.


Cactus - perseverance, determination. “Aren’t you tired of loneliness?”, “I understand you like no other”, “You and I are alike.”

Kalla - admiration, "You are gorgeous." If a man gives you callas, be sure that you are an extraordinary person and a real gentleman.

Camellia - admiration, perfection, gratitude. "You are an unearthly being." A very good gift for a man.

Camellia (white) - admiration, "You are amazing!"

Camellia (red) - fire, flame, "You are the flame in my heart!"

Camellia (pink) - longing for someone, "I miss you."

Clover - expectation, fertility, homeliness, "I would like to know."

Clover (White) - "Think of me", "It is unlikely that you will find someone better than me!"

Clover (four-leaf) - a symbol of good luck. If you find a four leaf clover, then make a wish and it will come true!

Irish bells - luck.

Bell - constancy, humility, humility, "I will always be with you", "Why do you torment me with whims?"

Coreopsis - always cheerful.

Crocus — joy, fun, rebirth, freshness of feelings. "You gave me unforgettable moments."


Lavender — admiration, loneliness, “I will never forget you”, “No one will replace you”.

Lavender (white) - fulfillment of desires, protection.

Laminaria - sadness.

Linen is a family symbol.

Lily (white) - purity, majesty, nobility, virginity, "It's something divine - to be near you!"

Lily (yellow) - gratitude, extravagance, brightness, frivolity, capriciousness, lie, "I want you to notice me", "I'm not like the others."

Lily (calla) - "Beauty!"

Lily (orange) - curiosity, coquetry. “You are a mystery to me”, “Is your heart free?”

Lily (sacred) - girlish charms.

Lily (tiger) - arrogance, pride, abundance, prosperity, well-being.

Palm leaves - Victory, victory, success. Palm leaves in a mixed bouquet mean: "You are the best, the best in everything"

Lotus - happiness, health, long life, wisdom. It is customary to give a lotus only to well-known people as a sign of kindred and friendly feelings.

Snapdragon - strength, cunning, deceit, flattery, condescension. The giver of this flower believes that you can be useful to him, he is looking for your patronage.


Magnolia - nobility, perseverance, perseverance, "You will be with me anyway", "I am your destiny."

Poppy (ordinary) - imagination, oblivion, eternal sleep, reverie, youth, sociability.

Poppy (red) - desire for pleasure.

Poppy (white) - consolation.

Poppy (yellow) - wealth, success.

Daisy - innocence, purity, true love, "I am happy when you are happy." The person who brings daisies deserves your reciprocity.

Mother and stepmother - maternal love and care; proven justice. "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

Mimosa - sensitivity, modesty, shyness, also banality, mediocrity, "I hide my feelings", "March 8 is coming soon."

Myrtle - love, fun, joy, also a Jewish wedding emblem.

Monstera - purposefulness, sophistication, chic. "You are perfect!"

Moss - mercy, motherly love.

Mint - chastity, kindness, sincerity.


Narcissus - strong feelings, chivalry, formality, unrequited love, deceived hopes, "Stay as beautiful as you are", "The sun always shines when I'm with you."

Narcissus (white) - attention, annunciation, meekness, humility.

Narcissus (yellow) - attention, non-reciprocal love, "You are the only one", "When I am next to you, the sun always shines."

Nasturtium - conquest, victory in the struggle. The person who gave you nasturtium is sincerely happy about your success. However, most likely, he does not think about any romantic relationship with you.

Forget-me-not - memories, sincere, true love, constancy, fidelity.

Marigolds - cruelty, sadness, jealousy.


Dandelion - happiness, smile, joy of life, devotion, fidelity. The person who gives a dandelion is cheerful and sociable, a little frivolous. For you, such a gift means: “Do not be sad”, “I am glad that we are together now”, “I want to stop this moment”.

Oleander - attention.

Orange flowers - eternal love, innocence, wedding.

Nut - stupidity.

Mistletoe - "kiss me", affection, overcoming difficulties. In general, this is a sacred plant of India, a magical flower of the Druids.

Orchid - love, tenderness, sophistication, intimacy, beauty. It is customary to give an orchid only to loved ones. The orchid is a Chinese symbol of childhood.


Fern - charm, magic, grace, patronage, trust. “Life is beautiful when you are with me!”, “You are a witch.” it is better to give a fern to an extraordinary, mysterious girl. This will help you gain her trust.

Petunia - irritation, anger. “You don’t hear me”, “I’m not happy with your behavior!”

Peony - a happy wedding, a cheerful life, "I have nothing more to dream of."

Snowdrop - hope, tenderness, youth. "I like your innocence." Giving snowdrops wants to emphasize your fragility and femininity.

Ivy - harmonious love, affection, fidelity, friendship.

Ivy (twig) - affection, desire to please.

Sunflower - pride, but also worship. “You are a miracle!”, “I have never met someone like you”, “I am proud that you are with me.”

Primula - "I can't live without you", "We will never part", "Let's live together!"

Evening primrose - Incompatibility.


Rose (white) - purity and innocence, modesty and tenderness, mystery. "I will get you", "You are an angel."

Rose (bud) - innocent heart.

Rose (bud, white) - youth, inexperience, charm, girlhood, "I'm ready to wait for you", "I don't want to lose you."

Rose (bud, red) - purity, charm, love, "I think I fell in love with you", "I'm glad we met", "Every day my feelings for you are getting stronger"

Rose (yellow) - happiness, joy. "You are my sun". A flower that expresses the most positive emotions. According to the language of flowers, yellow roses have nothing to do with treason, jealousy or separation (although this interpretation of their symbolic meaning is very common).

Rose (red and white together) - unity, tenderness and passion. “You are the whole world for me!”

Rose (red) - love, passion. "I love you", "I can't live without you", "You must be mine".

Rose (cream) - elegance, harmony, perfection, constancy. "I remember! Always!”, “You and I are the perfect couple”, “You are beyond praise!”

Rose (pink) - the highest happiness, "trust me."

Rose (wedding) - happy love, reciprocity, "We are together forever."

Rose Grand Prix - respect, generosity, love, trust, "You deserve the best." Rose Grand Prix expresses the noblest feelings.

Chamomile - youth, innocence, incredulity, romance.


Lilac - beauty, falling in love, the first excitement of love.

Lilac (white) - first love, "Let's love each other!".

Lilac (lilac) - "Do you still love me?"

Lilac (pink) — love and recognition.

Lilac (purple) - "My heart belongs to you!"


Tulip — a symbol of pure love, great happiness; glory, pride; harmony, excellent lover. The flower is the emblem of Holland.

Tulip (yellow) - "Your smile is like sunlight."

Tulip (red) - declaration of love, congratulations, "trust me", "I wish you happiness."

Tulip (variegated) - "Your beautiful eyes!", "Life is beautiful!", "I'm proud of you!".


Violet - dignity, modesty; innocence, secret love.

Violet (blue) - caution, loyalty, "I'm always right!"

Violet (white) — "Let's try to be Happy!"

Freesia - trust.


Chrysanthemum (common) — relaxation, fun, "You are a wonderful friend."

Chrysanthemum (red) — love, "I Love!"

Chrysanthemum (white) is true.

Chrysanthemum (yellow) — fragile love.


Cyclamen — retirement, "Goodbye!"

Zinnia (red) - lasting attachment.

Zinnia (mixed) - "Thinking about an absent friend. "

Zinnia (scarlet) - constancy.

Zinnia (white) - kindness, generosity.

Zinnia (yellow) — "I remember you every day!"

We hope that from this article you have now learned what your favorite flowers mean!

You may also be interested in:

  • Tea rose, what kind of flower is
  • At what temperature should flowers be stored
  • Buy flowers with delivery in Kazan

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flowers can tell a lot

The language of flowers. You can choose by the first letter of the flower name.

A B C D E F G I K L M N O P R S T U V Y Z - a symbol of femininity, fragility, meekness, restraint, devotion; but at the same time - passions and sadness. It is customary to give Azalea before an unwanted separation. Presenting an azalea, you say "I hope You wait for me", "Take care of yourself for me", "I believe You!". When a man gives this flower, he admits that you are the only one for him.


(bear paw) - art, inspiration, creativity. Acanthus is a very peculiar flower, it is not customary to give it to lovers. Such a gift says: "You are very talented and will achieve everything you want, go for it!"

Acacia (blooming)
- secret love, chastity, loneliness. Acacia is a flower of regret and recognition of one's mistakes. Giving an acacia, says: "You are the best thing that happened in my life", "Why are we not together now?", "Let's start all over again!"

Acacia (white)

- platonic love, "Why is my love not mutual?"

Acacia (yellow)

- "I'm sorry that love is gone"

Acacia (pink)

- elegance, charm


(ranunculus, buttercup) - sympathy, desire to please, invitation. Aconite can be given to both women and men. If such a gift is presented at the beginning of an acquaintance, most likely the giver is interested in you, considers you a pleasant conversationalist and offers friendship. A great gift for colleagues and business partners.


- named after the Swedish botanist Baron Klas von Alstroemer. These South American flower seeds were among many collected by the Baron on a tour of Spain in 1753. In the language of flowers, it means "cute", "charming", the desire to make an unobtrusive compliment.
Alstroemeria flower gifts on SendFlowers.ru


- immodest hints, expectation of more. The ambrosia giver says: "I'm waiting!", "Be bolder!", "Let's live for today!"


- pride, impregnability, masculinity. If you want to hint to a man that he is not just a friend for you, give him amarylis.


- perfection. A pineapple in a bouquet of flowers is a sign of the donor's originality. If you were presented with such a bouquet - be sure - you are appreciated and understood.


- sincerity, hope; but also joy, emotionality. Translated from the language of flowers, an anemone gift means: "Why not?", "I feel very good with you", "Let's have a holiday?"


- courage, eccentricity, passion. Anthurium is considered a predominantly male flower. A bouquet or composition with anthuriums will be an unforgettable gift for a husband or colleague, friend or chef... You can also give anthuriums to an extravagant lady, a sort of "vamp woman", if you want to tell her: "You are not like anyone else, and this is me admires!"
Anthurium flower gifts on SendFlowers.ru


- air kiss, fun, entertainment, "I miss you!"


- proximity, intimacy, "You are my dear!"
Aralia flower gifts on SendFlowers.ru


- innocence, gullibility
Flower gifts with asparagus on SendFlowers. ru - a symbol of love, grace, sophistication, and also - memories. In China, aster means precision. Ancient people believed that the smell of aster leaves, when they were burned, drove out snakes. Asters were placed in the graves of French soldiers, symbolizing grief and memory of the dead. There is a myth that asters were created from cosmic dust when the Virgin looked down from the sky and wept. The poet Virgil believed that the altars of the gods were often decorated with asters. There are about 600 species of asters, the most popular variety is Monte Casino.

Astra (white)

- "I love you more than you love me!", "Say that you love me again", "I can't think of anything but you..." - disgust, hatred. If for some reason you can't tell the person you don't like everything you think about him, give him a basil.


- "Beware!", "Not everyone likes you the way I do", "Know: they envy you!"

Bouquet of dried flowers

- rejected love. If you want to put an end to someone's overly persistent courtship, give the violator of your peace of mind such an original gift. Even if this person is not familiar with the language of flowers, a withered bouquet will make him think: "It seems that I am not very welcome ..."


- "I dare not express my feelings to you"; delicacy, grace, simplicity, as well as gaiety and fidelity. It is customary to give cornflowers to young girls as a sign of sympathy. Such a gift may mean an offer of friendship or a desire to renew an interrupted acquaintance. The donor of cornflowers should not be suspected of immodest desires. For some reason, blondes most often like cornflowers.

lady's slipper

- capricious beauty, inconstancy. "I feel like I'm not alone with you." The lady's slipper giving is ready for a lot to "tame" you, to make you more submissive and less windy.

Water lily (water lily)
- eloquence, persuasiveness, sincerity; "You must never deceive me", "Feelings in my soul are raging." A water lily is given by a person who wants to convince you that he is your "half". The donor asks to trust him and promises to be gentle and caring.


- "Look at me", "I will decorate your life." Bindweed is often given by experienced womanizers. However, the life of this flower is as short-lived as the feelings of the giver.


- secret love, "You are beautiful." If you were given a gardenia - know that you are sincerely admired. Most likely, your fan is very timid and considers himself unworthy of you.


- harmony, "Be calm", "Restrain your emotions"


- charm, female love, passion, honor and freedom, fidelity ... The meaning of carnations in the language of flowers can be very different: it all depends on their color.
Flower gifts with carnations on SendFlowers.ru

Carnation (pink)

- "I will never forget You", a symbol of motherly love. In the United States, pink carnations are given on Mother's Day. The person who gives carnations wants to express his gratitude to you and assure you that under any circumstances you can count on his help and support.

Carnation (red)

- victory, success, leadership. It is customary to congratulate respected and respected people with a large bouquet of red carnations. It is better to give red carnations to your beloved in mixed bouquets.

Carnation (white)

- wish good luck and success in everything. "May all your wishes come true." If you were presented with white carnations as a gift, this indicates that you are considered a very charming, bright and positive person.

Carnation (yellow)

- "Are you avoiding me?", "Are you offended?", "I want you to be more attentive."


- whim, inconstancy, fleeting passion. The dahlia giver says: "I really like you, but I don't promise anything", "I'm not ready for a serious relationship", "Why complicate things?"


- stupidity, recklessness. "You are a very frivolous person", "It's time to settle down."


- mystery, smile, flirting, optimism. The person giving the gerberas expresses his sympathy for you and hints that you will have a lot of fun together. Gerbera is a universal positive gift: for friends, lovers, colleagues... Feel free to choose these flowers if you want to share your excellent mood with someone or make a compliment.
Flower gifts with gerberas on SendFlowers.ru


- game, curiosity, wisdom, unpredictability. The range of emotions that can be expressed with the help of these flowers is quite wide - a lot depends on the shade of hyacinths. But you can be sure of one thing - you will not be bored with the person who gave you hyacinths. Thanks to him, your life will become brighter.
Flower gifts with hyacinths on SendFlowers.ru

Hyacinth (blue)

- self-confidence, calmness, balance. "I know why I like you", "I have no doubt that you suit me"

Hyacinth (red or pink)

- "I know what you want", "Many pleasant surprises await you", "Our whole life is a game..."

Hyacinth (white)

- constancy. "I am enchanted forever"

Hyacinth (yellow)

- an attempt to hide jealousy and distrust


- caution, timidity. However, in a mixed bouquet, gypsophila, as a rule, is a kind of accessory, it serves to add volume to the flower work and does not carry a semantic load.
Flower gifts with gypsophila on SendFlowers.ru


- "I am really sincere", "Do not be afraid", the flower of gladiators. The giver of gladioli is a strong, reliable person who does not accept compromises.
Flower gifts with gladioli on SendFlowers.ru


- "Welcome!" Give wisteria to the person to whom you want to say "I'm always glad to see you!"


- love at first sight, "My feelings are stronger than me"


- "Remember me"; modesty, sincerity, hope. Many peoples believe that hydrangea is able to drive away illness and misfortune.
Flower gifts with hydrangea on SendFlowers.ru


- modesty, unpretentiousness; "I'm ready to be your shadow", "Call me"

Flowers gifts with delphinium on SendFlowers. ru

Sweet peas

- "Goodbye", departure, "Thank you for a great time", "Remember"

Oak Leaves

- friendship, "You are a rare person"


- sensuality, femininity, elegance and attractiveness. In India, jasmine is called "moonlight in love."


- Scandinavian symbol of life and immortality. It is better to give to men because most ladies will not appreciate such a gift.


- generosity, generosity, "You make the world a better place"


- return of affection, "Let's be together again", desire, sympathy

St. John's wort

- militancy, "Victory will still be mine"

Strawberry (flower)

- a hint, "Pay attention: your happiness is near!"


- success, "Appreciate any luck", "Not fluff or feather!"


- indifference, indifference, "Don't think that you mean anything to me", "I feel good without you"


- the emblem of France, "I value your friendship very much", trust, wisdom, faith, hope, fearlessness
Flower gifts with irises on SendFlowers. ru - perseverance, purposefulness, self-sufficiency. "Aren't you tired of loneliness?", "I understand you like no one else", "You and I are alike"

Flower gifts with cacti on SendFlowers.ru

Calendula (marigold)

- anxiety, apprehension. "Why are you acting like this?", "I'm waiting for an explanation"


- uncontrollable emotions, painful attachment, dependence. "If you leave me, my heart will break!"


- worship, "You're gorgeous." If a man gives you callas, be sure that you are a real gentleman and an extraordinary person.
Flower gifts with callas on SendFlowers.ru


- admiration, perfection, gratitude. "You are an unearthly being"

Camellia (pink)

- "I miss you"

Camellia (red)

- "You are the flame in my heart!"

Camellia (white)

- "You are adorable!"

Potato (flower)

- "You outshine everything and everyone!", the desire to be original.


- independence, straightforwardness. "You need to be kinder", "Learn to love"


- grief, mourning


– "I would like to know...", expectation, fertility, housekeeping

Clover (white)

- "Think of me", "It is unlikely that you will find someone better than me!"

Clover (four leaf)

- a symbol of good luck. If you find a four-leaf clover, make a wish and it will surely come true.


- humility, humility, constancy; "I will always be with you", "Why are you torturing me with whims?"


- Cheerfulness and fun, optimism. "Everything will be fine!", "The best is ahead!"


- slander, hostility. However, if friends or relatives bring you young nettles, do not be discouraged: most likely, its appearance is explained by the culinary preferences of the donors.


- revival, freshness of feelings. "You gave me unforgettable moments"


- abundance, wealth, generosity. "With me you will have everything you want"


- admiration, loneliness. "I will never forget you", "No one will replace you"


- family symbol; stability, constancy

Lily (orange)

- curiosity, coquetry. "You are a mystery to me", "Your heart is free?"

Lily (white)

- purity, purity, majesty, nobility. "It's divine to be with you!!!"

Lily (yellow)

- extravagance, brightness, but also frivolity, capriciousness. "I want you to notice me", "I'm not like the others"

Lily (brindle)

- pride, abundance, prosperity, well-being, self-confidence0751 - wishes of victory and success. Palm leaves in a mixed bouquet mean: "You are the best, the best in everything"

Flower gifts with palm leaves on Sendflowers.ru


- happiness, health, long life, wisdom. It is customary to give a lotus only to well-known people as a sign of kindred and friendly feelings.


- strength, cunning, flattery. The giver of this flower believes that you can be useful to him, looking for your patronage.


- nobility, perseverance, perseverance, "You will be with me anyway", "I am your destiny"


- imagination, daydreaming, youth, sociability, desire for pleasure


- purity, innocence, true love, "I am happy when you are happy." The person who brings daisies deserves your reciprocity.
Flower gifts with daisies on SendFlowers.ru


- maternal love and care; proven justice. "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything"


- sensitivity, modesty, shyness; but also banality, mediocrity, "I hide my feelings," "March 8 is coming soon."


- love, fun, joy; Jewish wedding emblem

Myrtle tree as a gift on SendFlowers.ru


- purposefulness, sophistication, chic. "You are perfect!"
Flower gifts with Monstera on SendFlowers.ru


- chastity, kindness, sincerity


- conquest, victory in the struggle. The person who gave you nasturtium is sincerely glad of your success. However, most likely, he does not think about any romantic relationship with you.


"Stay as beautiful as you are." "The sun always shines when I'm with You", strong feelings, unrequited love, deceived hopes, chivalry

Narcissus (white)

- attention, annunciation, meekness, humility.

Narcissus (yellow)

- attention, "You are the only one", "When I am next to you, the sun always shines"


- memories, true love, sincerity, constancy, fidelity

Dandelion - happiness, smile, joy of life. The person who gives a dandelion is cheerful and sociable, a little frivolous.

For you, such a gift means: "Don't be sad", "I'm glad that we are together now", "I want to stop this moment".


- attention. "You are very sweet"


- "Kiss me", affection, overcoming difficulties, the sacred plant of India, the magic flower of the druids

Orange flowers

- friendship, respect. Great business gift.


- an admission of guilt. "I was too rude", "Sorry if I offended you"


- love, tenderness, sophistication, intimacy. It is customary to give an orchid only to loved ones.
Flower gifts with orchids on SendFlowers.ru


- charm, magic, grace, patronage. "Life is beautiful when you are with me!", "You are a witch." It is better to give a fern to an extraordinary, mysterious girl. This will help you win her trust.
Flower gifts with fern on SendFlowers.ru


- irritation, anger. "You don't hear me", "I'm not happy with your behavior!"


- happy marriage, happy life. "I have nothing else to dream of."


- time. "Appreciate every minute of life", "Do not try to keep up with two birds with one stone."


- harmonious love, fidelity, friendship, affection. "We complement each other perfectly", "We seem to be made for each other"

Flower arrangements with ivy on SendFlowers.ru


- hope, tenderness, youth. "I like your innocence." Giving snowdrops wants to emphasize your fragility and femininity.


- a symbol of optimism, fun and well-being. The lover, presenting a sunflower, says: "You are a miracle!", "I have never met someone like you", "I am proud that you are with me."
Flower gifts with sunflowers on SendFlowers.ru


- "I can't live without you", "We will never part", "Let's live together!"

Rose (red)

- love, passion. "I love you", "I can't live without you", "You must be mine".

Rose (bud, red)

- "It seems to me that I fell in love with you", "I'm glad that we met", "Every day my feelings for you are getting stronger"

Flower gifts with red roses on SendFlowers.ru

Rosa Gran At

- respect, generosity, love, trust, "You deserve the best." Rose Grand Prix expresses the most noble feelings.
Grand Prix flower gifts on SendFlowers.ru

Rose (white)

- purity and innocence, modesty and tenderness, mystery. "I will get you", "You are an angel".

Rose (bud, white)

- youth, inexperience, charm. "I'm ready to wait for you", "I don't want to lose you."

Flower gifts with white roses on SendFlowers.ru

Rose (yellow)

- happiness joy. "You are my sun". A flower that expresses the most positive emotions. According to the language of flowers, yellow roses have nothing to do with treason and jealousy (although this interpretation of their symbolic meaning is very common).

Flower gifts with yellow roses on SendFlowers.ru

Rose (cream)

- elegance, harmony, perfection, constancy. "I remember. Always!", "You and I are the perfect couple", "You are beyond praise!"
Floral gifts with cream roses on SendFlowers.ru

Rose (pink)

- the highest happiness, "Believe me"
Flower gifts with pink roses on SendFlowers.ru


- youth, innocence, incredulity, romance.

Flower arrangements and bouquets with daisies on SendFlowers.ru


- beauty, falling in love, the first excitements of love - first love, "Let's love each other!"

Lilac (violet)

- "My heart Belongs to you!"

Lilac (purple)

- "Do you still love me?"

Lilac (pink)

- love and recognition

Plum (flower)

- "Keep your promises!"; beauty and longevity


- hope, pity, nostalgia. "So sad to remember..."


- victory, masculinity, originality, purposefulness. Strelitzia is considered the flower of strong, brave and successful people.
Flower gifts with strelitzia on SendFlowers.ru


- obedience, obedience. "I'm ready to forgive you everything"


- love of risk, dangerous pleasures. "I like your unpredictability", "I do not demand fidelity from you."


- a wish for recovery, but also distrust, the desire to hide one's true intentions


- a symbol of pure love, great happiness; glory, pride; harmony. The flower is the emblem of Holland.

Tulip (red)

- declaration of love, congratulations. "Trust me", "I wish you happiness"

Tulip (variegated)

- "Life is beautiful!", "I'm proud of you!"

Tulip (yellow)

- "Your smile is like sunlight"
Tulip flower gifts on SendFlowers. ru - dignity, modesty; innocence, secret love
Flower arrangement with violets on SendFlowers.ru

Violet (white)

- sincerity, "Let's take a chance", "Let's try to be happy!!!"

Violet (blue)

- "Caution!", vigilance; loyalty, "I'm always right", "I'll always be true"

Violet (blue)

- modesty


- "Let's burn our letters!", parting; but also - reciprocity, unity, sweet dreams


- trust
Flower gifts with freesias on SendFlowers.ru


- benevolence


- "Be an optimist", "We will meet again!"

Chrysanthemum (common)

- "You are a wonderful friend", joy, openness, fun and relaxation. Chrysanthemum comes from the Greek words chrysos (gold) and anthos (flower). Chusan daisy became "pompom chrysanthemum" this name originated in France, because. they looked like pom-poms in sailors' hats. Chrysanthemums were cultivated in Chinese gardens over 2,500 years ago and brought to England in 1795. The chrysanthemum has been a symbol of Eastern flattery for centuries. In China, chrysanthemums are associated with autumn and harvest. The chrysanthemum was considered one of the four Chinese "noble symbols" (along with bamboo, plum and orchid) and was the official symbol of the Old Chinese Army. The Chinese believe that a chrysanthemum given to a lover and wiped on the lips after wine guarantees immortal love. Chrysanthemums were featured on the Imperial Emblem of Japan. The Japanese believe that a chrysanthemum petal placed at the bottom of a glass of wine contributes to a long and healthy life. Chrysanthemums are suitable for congratulations in Europe and America on any occasion. However, in Italy they are used only at funerals.

Chrysanthemum (red)

- "You are my best friend", good luck, best wishes

Chrysanthemum (white)

- true, "Trust me!"

Chrysanthemum (yellow)

gratitude, "Thank you for being you!"

Flower gifts with chrysanthemums on SendFlowers.

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