Following instructions games
7 Fun Classroom Games For Teaching Following Directions To Kids
by Manpreet Singh
Like all other vital educational topics, little ones also need to learn about shapes and directions. Be it to identify different corners of a shelf, or to travel to school themselves, knowledge on directions may be pivotal even as a child. Further to determine where they are or to locate their home, office, or even rooms in their house, the sense and gripping knowledge of directions is necessary. Kids are often a repository of dreams which often make them pounce upon those learning styles that are creative and engaging. Joining these dots, one can infer that games may provide a credible plan of action for instructing different directions that need to be followed in different tasks.
With that view, we made a list of a few games for kids. These options are simple and can be effortlessly employed in school or at home. Let’s have a precise view of each of these choices so that you may decide progressively about which is the apt take-in for you.
Learning a few life-serving attributes right at a tender age often assists them to deal with scenarios later painlessly, Sense of direction is one of them. To comprehend precisely, it is the ability of the children to search one’s way around swiftly when they are in a new place. Or, it may also be understood as the knowledge to decide to which direction something is facing or moving.
The classroom games can implicitly polish these abilities as these campaigns basically imply the students listening to some instructions regarding directions. Fascinatingly, learners may also improve a few attributes with these directional activities and games:
- Children may develop better attention.
In the following activities, the learner may need to focus on what the mentor orders. This creates a sense of priority keeping distractions away.
- Brushed up hearing abilities with prolonged practice.
- Frequently retaining the information and applying it may assist amplification of working memory.
- Healthier Social behaviors as the learners listen to others before acting.
Mastering a sense of direction may turn further effortless with the implementation of engaging educating recreations inside the classroom. Here is our list of must-look games that are innovatively crafted for following directions in kids:
1. Music or StopEnsuring multimedia in the game may excite young learners with a scope of multisensory learning. This recreation stipulates the students to follow the music to win.
- To start with, the instructor needs to arrange a music source. A mobile phone or a music player will work well.
- Students are made to stand in a row at one corner of the class, which can be marked as the start line.
- There are instructions given on the board as to what directions students need to move in order to reach the endpoint.
- Now, when the teacher starts the music, the little ones start moving forward. Suddenly the music may get paused; here the students need to halt and freeze till the music is replayed.
- While the song is being played, the mentor has to keep a check that students are moving in the given directions only.
- The control of the music is in the hands of the teacher, thereby controlling the direction.
- The student who reaches the other side of the class first is declared the winner.
This game is simple and can be implemented easily with young learners in the classroom and at home.
For students who are new to the school or classroom essence may need guidance to set their particulars. This can be gamified to create motivation in learners for the lecture later.
- To start with, the teacher asks the students to take their places in the classroom.
- Now teachers declare instructions one by one to ensure the students are ready for the class.
- For instance, “Open your bag and keep it to your right side,” “take out your book and keep it in front of you,” “grab out a pencil from the pouch and keep it on the left side of your notebook,” and so on.
- To make it yet more interesting, they may occasionally instruct random directives like raise/ fold your hands, sit up and stand up.
- Keep a check on the children to make sure they follow all these commands along with directions.
This game may be a preferable icebreaker for students at the start of the day as it lets them make better bonds with the teacher’s pace.
Measures like drawing are often intriguing for students. This game is woven around the coloring skills of the learners.
- To start with, teachers need to arrange crayons, and a set of sheets with multiple shapes like circles, and squares are drawn on them.
- They may consider providing copies of printouts to make the game easier.
- Each student is provided with one paper and a set of crayons. Now, the teacher starts giving instructions to color these shapes.
- Say, the mentor commands “identify the circle on the top right side, mark it as no.1 and color it with red”. The Young learner needs to point out the right-side circle on the top and color it accordingly.
- Once all the shapes are colored, the mentor evaluates the responses if the student has followed the sequence and is able to identify different shapes given in different directions.
This game not only stipulates the student to identify various directions but also assists them in recognizing different colors and shapes simultaneously.
Outdoor games may be preferable on a clear day. This game may be an admirable take-in as an alternative to the usual running race.
- To start with, the teacher divided the whole class into pairs and procure a few stools. A race track is prepared, and some stools are placed as obstacles on the track.
- Now, each pair stands on the start point of the track. Once a player is blindfolded and is the runner, the other one is the guide. Once the timer starts, the runner moves forward on the track with the instructions of the guide.
- It is the duty of the guide to move the runner away from obstacles and reach the end line. To ensure this, they may give out commands to change directions to the runner.
- For instance, they may say “turn right” at an obstacle and then “turn left” to pass beside it.
- The team which reaches the end line first is the winner.
Apart from directional knowledge, this game ensures a sense of trust in the team members along with the physical activity.
The teacher draws a combination of 25 grids (5*5) on the floor for each student and arranges a set of paper cups.
- Each student is provided with a couple of cups, which they need to hold with either hand.
- Each student sits beside their grid with their cups in the center.
- The game starts with the teacher giving instructions to move their cups. For example: move your right cup to one step on the right side.
- The learners carefully listen to it and then follow the same.
- As the game proceeds, the speed of instructions increases.
- In between the game, Teacher may check students if they’ve placed the cup in the right position.
This game may improve attention in little ones as they may need to focus appropriately on what the instruction is to avoid wrong moves.
6. Place the playthingThe practice of directions may also be ensured with toys like animal and car miniatures.
- Before the game starts, the teacher procures 10 toys: say, a car, truck, zebra, and a few other pieces of paper.
- Now, they make a poem on the sheet that implicitly describes the directions. These will help the kid to understand the direction.
- To start the game, the mentor arranges 10 toys in a row facing towards the kids and the sheet of poem is handed over to the child.
- The student is called upon and given a minute to observe the toys and the directions that the poem points towards.
- As the timer is started, the student needs to turn the toys in such a direction as depicted by the verse..
- For instance, the poem reads – Arrow beside the zebra faces left and the zebra is facing right to the car on the left side, then the learner needs to turn the playthings as directed.
- This game may be employed with multiple students simultaneously, and the one who turns all the ten toys frst may be declared the winner.
With this option, the students may sensibly comprehend the directions with a text cue, thereby ensuring innovative practice.
Educators can turn teaching interesting by employing toys as a part of their lesson. How about a car race?
- Before starting the game, the teacher procures say, 5 remote-controlled car toys, and then divides the children into groups of 5. Each group starts playing lap races with cars with a set of directions.
- To start with, the instructor takes the students to the open ground or garden and marks a start and end line for the race.
- And, multiple paths are drawn connecting the start and end line.
- As the timer starts the kids start controlling their cars with the remote towards the end line.
- But, there is a twist. When there is split in the path, the little ones need to follow the instructions stated by the mentor.
- For instance, they may call out ‘Turn your cars to the right path.
- Listening to this, the students need to turn their path to the right one and not the left one.
- The one who reaches the end line first following all the directions may be declared the winner.
This game may be an enticing outdoor sport that kids may like. They may learn and practise the sense of direction as the game proceeds.
Summing up,Approaches like games may be the appreciable choice for implanting crucial skills in kids. These strategies often channel creative energies in the right direction. For that reason, exhilarating games in the classroom may create an opportunity to learn and apply directions rationally. Appreciating the same, the options that we stated are worth considering not only because they are facile but also due to their effectiveness. Take a detailed gaze on these games to aid your expedition and discern if any of these are befitting for your little one.
- Dunham, S., Lee, E., & Persky, A. M. (2020). The psychology of following instructions and its implications.
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 84(8).
7 Core Following Directions Activities for Kids That'll Improve Listening
Inside: Quick and easy following directions activities for kids that will help them practice self-control, emotional regulation and improve listening skills.
There was a joke traveling around years ago from Carrie On Y’all that said, “Maybe if I start yelling ‘Get your shoes on!’ the night before, we could get to school on time the next day.”
Honestly, the struggle is real.
Kids need A LOT of practice to learn basic life skills.
Following directions activities can support better listening skills in your child.
Teaching kids to follow directions isn’t as simple as doing a listening activity for kids, watching fairy dust shower from above, and seeing your kids transform into magical listeners.
Several years ago I was getting ready to take my son to school. He insisted—like life or death insisted—that he needed to wear his green shoes.
So I helped him find his green shoes, laid them out on the floor, and then realized I made a horrible mistake.
He shook his head and said, “No green shoes, mom. Nooo!”
In exactly two minutes, the green shoes went from being my complaining child’s most prized possession to the most horrible and disgusting shoes one could don.
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Teaching kids to follow directions – let’s simplify.
1. Connection first. Attention follows.
A few brief moments using SAY WHAT YOU SEE®, where you describe what your child is thinking, doing, feeling or saying, makes a big difference. This is the building block of connection, and when kids feel connected to you, they are for more likely to cooperate.
It might sound something like, “You’re drawing a picture with big green squares and red lines.”
No brainer, right? And yet, I still find myself talking to my kids without taking a brief moment for connection.
Sharing a set of instructions before you briefly connect with your child is like speaking foreign language. It can fall flat.
I know I have my child’s full attention when I have two things:
- Eye contact
- Eyes level (get down to the child’s level).
2. Be short and specific.
Kids tend to hear a lot of conversational white noise when adults are speaking to them. Say exactly what needs to be said for your child to follow your directions. Trim everything else out.
Instead of… “Hurry up. We gotta get out the door for this appointment. Get your coat lets go.”
Try… “Coat please.” Or, “You’re missing a coat.”
3. Use “wait time.”
This is a great strategy that I learned from a teacher. After giving a set of instructions to your kids, pause for 3-7 seconds to allow their brain to process and apply the information. Research shows kids are more likely to follow directions if you give them “wait time” or a hearty pause.
As adults, we are used to processing information much quicker, but kids…they take time.
Think of it this way: Keeping realistic expectations and waiting is the difference between you giving up and throwing your tea in the air vs. you calmly taking a sip of your tea while you employ “wait time.”
4. Unless you are offering a choice, don’t ask.
If your directions aren’t up for negotiation, keep that door firmly closed. Offering choices is a fabulous way to help end power struggles and enjoy a happier home.
But…everything in life is not always a choice. If you can’t offer a choice within a parental boundary you feel good about, give instructions as a statement, rather than a question.
Instead of… “Can you pick up your toys?”
Try… “I see toys on the floor and it’s time to leave.”
Or if you’d like to offer a choice, you can say something like, “I see blocks and dolls. Show me which one you want to put away first.”
5. Practice using following directions activities.
In order to build great listening skills, kids need a lot of practice…A LOT.
Which makes sense! I think we all can relate to needing a lot of practice before we can get good at anything. I could tell you a few stories about burnt dinner rolls for the past five years, but that’s a story for another day 🙂
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7 core following directions activities for kids.
There are several good ‘ole fashioned standby games to play with kids to help them 1) Listen and hear what you are instructing and 2) Practice following the directions you shared.
1. Simon Says
One person is Simon or Elmo or Dora or Spiderman or Teacher or Whoever, and this person is the “leader.” Simon gives a set of instructions and everyone else follows. The person who doesn’t follow the instructions is “out.” And the person who follows the instructions throughout the game, wins Simon Says.
2. Red Light, Green Light.
One person is the leader who calls out “Red Light” or “Green Light. ” When the leader calls out “Red Light,” everyone stops. When the leader calls out “Green Light,” everyone goes. Anyone who doesn’t stop or freeze during “Red Light” is out.
3. Follow the Leader.
Take a walk around your house or outside and whatever you (or the leader) does, everyone else must follow. This is a great game to allow your child to be the leader and have you follow your child. It’s a perfect opportunity to model following directions for your child!
4. Map Game
Try this map game and help your kids work their way through the grid following the directions given. Practice counting and using the words left, right, forward, and backward.
5. Two-step direction games.
Do one of these 2-step direction games with your kids. This is perfect for preschoolers and above! Have your kids follow some of the 2-step directions throughout the day (e.g. Shake your head “yes” and then quack like a duck.) Brilliant!
6. Lego® Game
If you have kids who are old enough to play a board game, try this Lego Game to help your kids practice reading directions and following them.
7. Visual direction activities.
With kids, visual directions are so important! You can make life simpler and fun using visual directions for your kids, such as a printable daily schedule for kids.
- Bedtime routine cards
- Morning routine cards
- Mealtime routine cards
Using routines is a great way to support cooperation and help your kids learn to follow directions.
They are also energy saving, AND a great way to avoid yelling “Green shoes!” ten times every morning or “Eat your dinner!” six times every evening.
Grab your FREE Following Directions Checklist Here!
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Beginner Game Developer's Guide / Sudo Null IT News
In this guide, I tried to cover the main points of game development. The instruction will be useful for people who are going to start developing games in the role of a leader (chief developer and organizer).
I want to note that there are different games - large and small, complex and easy, and therefore for each game this instruction is correct to some extent. It was not possible to cover everything, but I think it turned out to convey the general points.
And so you decided to make your own game, what do you need to think about… Before you take on anything, you need to think it over. And before you get into game development, you need to think it over very well. Very often, novice developers, having achieved some success in something (made a mod for the game, a small fan site, etc.), begin to dream of creating their own game. This is due to the fact that they have little understanding of the game development process.
I will list the main mistakes in their presentation:
- No romance. Many novice developers, having played enough games, come to the conclusion that creating games is just as interesting as playing, only a little more difficult. This is a very common mistake. The larger and more complex the game, the more boring and uninteresting the process of its development. There is absolutely no romance.
- Difficult and even impossible. Many after several (or even one) successful project are filled with confidence that they can write a game project. In fact, games are one of the most difficult areas of development. And the more “serious” the game, the more difficult the project. In the process of creating a game, a developer may encounter unsolvable problems that kill the enthusiasm of even the most hard-nosed at the root.
- Aversion to games. Over time, every seasoned game developer develops an aversion to games. At first, they just become less interesting. Then you start to notice that they are not interesting at all, but only how they work. Further we go, worse it becomes.
- Competition and product quality. Many studios and independent developers make games. There is a kind of “level of entry” into this business. Now you can't make a successful game painted with watercolors (yes, there were such games in the early 2000s). She just can't stand the competition.
Accordingly, whatever you do. There is an important psychological moment hidden here - a novice developer is forced to make a good product, otherwise he will experience a constant feeling of fear of the failure of his product.
- Time and resources. And the most common mistake is that they have enough resources (time, money, knowledge). To understand the scope of work, read the following paragraphs.
Concept and TOR
Once upon a time I wrote a pretty good article about the concept of the project. Over the past couple of years, my views have changed slightly, but the essence has remained the same.
- What is a concept? The concept of a game project is a document describing the goals, objectives, main features of the project, market and target audience research, and the conditions for its implementation. Also, since the project is a game one, a description of game mechanics, game concepts, an approximate scenario and concept art is required.
If you still expect to do the project not alone (which is very likely), then you will also need a terms of reference (TOR) - a document containing a description of the necessary work, terms and conditions.
- Why do we need a concept? Very good question. Why engage in some kind of “writing” when you need to assemble a team and write code?
First of all, the concept is needed in order to get a complete picture of the final result and evaluate the amount of work. Without a clear and thoughtful concept, you end up with a correspondingly controversial and ill-conceived game. Without a concept, there is a high probability of game mechanics organization errors or implementation errors.
Secondly, the concept is needed so that others understand what you want to do. All team members should work on the same common project. Team members learn about this shared project from the project vision document. This is necessary so that there are no discrepancies in the ideas about the final result.If you decide to create a game and for this you are gathering a team, then the first questions from future team members will be: “What should I do? What should we get as a result? You will have to provide them with the concept of the project and TOR. Without a concept and technical specifications, you will not attract a single normal specialist.
- Volumes. The question of the scope of the concept is very interesting. Here it is necessary to build on the complexity of the game and its development. If you have a simple game, you work alone, and you can keep the idea of the game in your head, then you don't need to write a concept at all. If it is impossible to keep all the moments in memory, then it is necessary to transfer them to paper (or other medium). If you work in a team or use the help of other people (investors, artists and others), then you just need a detailed concept and technical specifications for each person. The only criterion is clarity. It is necessary that any person, having familiarized himself with the concept and technical specifications, presented the final result, just like you.
Please note that if you understand your concept, this does not mean that others will understand it. Writing a concept serves as a “litmus test”. If you can't write a clear concept (about 5 pages for a small game, a few dozen pages for a big one), then you are unlikely to finish the project in the end. - Detail. The concept must have answers to all questions. After reading the concept, a complete picture of the project should be formed. Specialists first of all look at the concept, if the concept turns out to be incomplete and incomprehensible for them, then they will not work with you.
The concept art deserves special mention. It should be, at least in its simplest form. It is proof of the resolution of the content problem, the content of the game (see the next section). - Russian language. For many, this is a serious problem. If the concept document contains many grammatical, spelling and syntactic errors, then no specialist will take it seriously.
Remember: ignorance of the Russian language is very harmful to business.
- Time. It is advisable to immediately indicate the terms of work in the TOR. The problem is how to estimate this time if you have never done anything like this. You will never get an exact answer to this question, everything will come with experience. I will only give one piece of advice: consider not only the development time, but also the time to fix bugs (about 50% of the development time).
I specifically highlighted this section, as it is crucial in the game development process. Content refers to all game content that the user interacts with. These are graphics (raster, vector, 3D), music and sound accompaniment, video sequence, script and text. Also, here you should add media materials used to promote the game (advertising, banners, etc.).
In English there is such a thing as " artist " denoting artists, musicians, directors, writers and other creators at once. Unfortunately, in Russian there is no normal analogue of this word, so I will continue to use the concept of " content creator ".
Let's analyze the main points of this section.
- Complexity. This is the biggest problem with content. It turns out that in most cases, preparing content is the most difficult task, harder than writing code, harder than testing and debugging, and harder than implementing a game. Naturally, if the game is small, then it is not so noticeable, and if it is large, then up to 80% of the work on the project falls to the share of the content creator.
- Volumes. Often, because developers have never completed the tasks of content creators, it is very difficult for them to estimate volumes. It seems that there is such a thing - a couple of dozen pictures and 3-4 sounds. But if you count, you get 40 large-sized images, 400 small images, two dozen sounds (I gave an example of an average BMMORPG). It's good that all this can be calculated when preparing the concept.
- Quality. First, you need to understand that the players work directly with the content. Secondly, we must remember that there are a huge number of competing games with good content. We can conclude: a game with bad content will not be competitive, i. the content in the game must be of high quality.
- Time. It is quite logical that it takes a lot of time to prepare large volumes of high-quality content. It takes more time than all other areas combined (small games do not count). Keep this in mind when planning and timing.
- Cost of content. Good content costs "good" money. Very "good" money, which aspiring game developers usually don't have. Many developers have the illusory hope of finding a "free" content creator (or a cheap one). You can find, but he will either create low-quality content, or create a little content for you, and then go over to those who will pay him. In short, you will never find a "free" good content creator.
This is the reason why there are no good "OpenSource" games.
- Theft. Due to the problem of expensive content, there are sometimes game developers who steal it. Like, what's wrong? .. I'll take a dozen pictures from this game, and I'll find background images on DA, and I'll put a couple of my favorite Rammstein songs as background music. The problem is that content copyright is fairly easy to verify. The "victim" of the theft has either the source files of the content, or a document on the transfer of content from its creator. For content thieves, there is a very high chance of running into Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
- Uniform style. Another important point that is often forgotten. In order for the game to look solid and thoughtful, it needs to have a single style. Content creators are not robots, so they make work in their own individual style. From this we can conclude: it is desirable that the content of the game be created by as few people as possible.
- Dilemma. After reading the above points, you can build the following chain: A competitive game requires the use of quality content. Quality content can only be made by a professional content creator. A professional content creator doesn't come cheap. There are only three solutions to this problem:
- Not making a game, that is, giving up the direction of game development.
- Find an investor. But here we immediately face the problem of concept art. Who will prepare concept art if there is no money for an artist? And without concept art, no one will invest in you.
- Solve the problem on your own. That is, one of the team members must be a content creator and must receive a salary, even if everyone else sucks a thumb.
Strange as it may seem, creating code for games is not the most difficult task, but at the same time it is not the easiest.
- Command.
Unlike content creators, it's easy to find programmers for your team. This is because, with a certain level of preparation, writing game code is not such a difficult task. You can find "free" programmers who are willing to work for the sake of interest. And for a fee and a “name” (mention as a game developer), you can find a programmer who will write good, usable code. But… now is not the beginning of the 2000s and the programmers have grown wiser. First of all, an adequate programmer will ask the developer to demonstrate the concept and technical specifications. Then he will ask about the creation of content or the funding that will go to its creation. Experts are well aware that there is no need to invest in an initially failed project. If you do not have a concept and the issue with the content is not resolved, then you will not find a normal programmer.
- First we do the big, then the small. Pretty simple advice, but most often not followed. A game project is in most cases complex and has many dependencies.
All this is difficult to calculate at the level of drawing up a concept, often you have to change something in your plans. Therefore, in order not to do double work, you first need to make a general working design (prototype), and then delve into the details.
- What comes first, content or code? After reading the content section, you probably already understood that modern games are based on content, not programming. Hence the dilemma - to customize the code to the content or to customize the content to the code. Both approaches have a place in the modern development process. If you adjust the code to the content, then the load falls on the programmer, the development time increases. This is the cheap way. If the content is adapted to the code, then the load from the programmer decreases, and given that the content is prepared by hired workers, the development time is reduced. This is an expensive way, as the burden falls on hired content creators. Assess the situation in advance and stick to one of the approaches.
- Unresolved errors. This is not even a problem, but a prejudice. Game development is a very complex process. It happens that a developer is faced with unsolvable problems (or extremely difficult to solve) and he has to revise almost the entire project. Psychologically it is very difficult. Many, even the most stubborn developers, having fallen into such a “dead end”, lose their enthusiasm and close the project. The prejudice is that everyone thinks that this will not happen to them. Tip #1: Be psychologically prepared to revise the entire project and do the work over again.
- Magazines. Advice from me personally. Keep three logs:
- Project progress log to track development progress;
- Journal of project ideas, so as not to forget them and, if possible, include them in the concept;
- Log of found bugs and errors that need to be fixed in the future.
- Time. When determining the time that is planned to write the code, one mistake is often made - they do not take into account the time spent on fixing bugs and debugging the code.
- Program code authorship. A certain "insanity" is observed in some programmers. They believe that they have absolute rights to the code they write, that even after the release of the game, they can claim the rights to "part of the code" of the game. To protect this "sacred" right, they can go to all sorts of meanness (software bombs, backdoors, refusal to transfer source codes, and others). My advice is simple - beware of such inadequate programmers. Code is not content. It is very difficult to prove its authorship. Therefore, a normal programmer first agrees what he will receive for the code; then writes it; then transfers it to the developer and receives a reward; after which it no longer claims anything. It should also be organized in a team.
Beginning developers usually do not think about testing, but in vain, since a little less time is spent on it than on writing the software part. There are two important points in this section:
- Third party testing. During the development process, testing is carried out mainly by our own means. Over time, the eyes get used to the available game moments, the ability to work in this system is developed, in short, the errors become less noticeable. Therefore, arrange periodic product tests by outsiders who have never seen your product. Watch their reactions to various game moments, how they perceive the game menu and, in general, ask them about their overall impression. Believe me, one such test will give you a very large amount of useful information. Spend them more often, listen to feedback, and you will get a good game at the end.
- Women. I once wrote a good article about women and games. The point is that women see things differently. Therefore, it is desirable that at least one woman (girl) participate in the test of the game, even if the game is not designed for a female audience. Their feedback will be incredibly helpful.
Organizational moments
- Team. As you might have guessed, creating projects like games is best done by a team. This is justified by the fact that content creation is a completely different type of activity, different from programming and organizing a project, and it is difficult for one to engage in such different activities. The minimum team is two people, a content creator and a developer. To avoid misunderstanding, let me clarify - an employee, in my opinion, is also to some extent a member of the team.
Of course, you can do development alone. There are such "crazy" people who write code, draw graphics, and compose music, but these are their problems.
It is easy to assemble a team with funding - forums for programmers and content creators, freelance exchanges to help you. In the absence of funding, you can only find a programmer, but you won’t find a normal content creator - here you have to rely either on yourself or on luck. - Legal registration. Everything is simple here. If you want to have money from the game and protect yourself from a raider takeover (when someone brazenly steals your game), then you need legal registration at the level of an individual entrepreneur. If you are still going to distribute the project by shares, then you need registration at the LLC level. Therefore, if when searching for team members you promise a share in the project, then do not be surprised that you will be asked to provide details of your organization.
- Contacts. Never neglect acquaintances. Meet other developers, chat and exchange contacts. In the future, perhaps, acquaintance with them will benefit you.
- Advertising. Since there are a lot of games on the market, in order for users to choose your game, you need to attract attention. This is done with the help of advertising on various resources. It is logical that this advertisement requires: firstly, money, and secondly, advertising content (banners, videos, articles).
There are other ways - communications, spam, promotions and others, but they are not always effective.
Without advertising, the game, just like without content, is a failed project. Pay attention to this. But here the situation can be easily corrected by investing and outside help. - Investment. It's clear that it's much easier to make a game with money, but without a detailed concept (with concept art), a team and a working prototype, no one will finance your project. That is, at the initial stages, do not rely on financing. But at the last stages of development, the situation may change radically - investors may appear and you will still need money to organize an advertising company.
To find investors, collect contacts. - Third party assistance. Instead of investors, you can find third-party help (advertising for advertising, distribution assistance for a percentage, etc.). Here it is necessary to be guided by the situation. To find third-party help, also collect contacts.
The instruction turned out to be large, there is a lot of material. I highly recommend reading it to novice game developers, as perhaps it will help them avoid mistakes in the future.
UPD: The article turned out to be successful, even very successful. But in the comments there are remarks about the lack of romance and aversion to games. Therefore, I will comment on these points.
Many omit the fact that the article is for beginners game developers claiming the role of leader (first paragraph of the article). I will not deny that over time, when you gain experience in game development and life develops successfully, romance returns and disgust subsides. But at the very beginning, when you start from scratch, after you face the first serious problems, this romance and love for games disappears to hell. Game development is not a red carpet walk in pink glasses, but wandering through the labyrinth of the Minotaur, where there are many dead ends.
I'm not going to instill confidence in novice developers with my article. They need to know that the path of a game developer is hard, that they may encounter unsolvable problems, that their unreleased project will be a symbol of defeat for them.
KB5004327: 0x80073D26 or 0x8007139F occurs when you install or run games on a Windows 10 device
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When you try to install or run an Xbox Game Pass game on a Windows 10 device, you may be redirected to the Microsoft Store games page. Also, you get a message about 0x80073D26 or 0x8007139F:
An unexpected event has occurred Reporting this issue will help us understand it better. You can wait a bit and try again or restart your device. This can help. |
To resolve this issue, install June 11, 2021 - KB5004476 (OS Builds 19041. 1055, 19042.1055, and 19043.1055) outside of the .
To resolve this issue, follow these steps:
Open the Notepad application.
Copy and paste the following PowerShell script into a blank Document Notepad:
Get-AppxPackage *gamingservices* -allusers | remove-appxpackage -allusers
Remove-Item -Path "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\GamingServices" -recurse
Remove-Item -Path "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\GamingServicesNet" -recurse
Press CTRL+S to open the Save As dialog box.
In the File name field, enter RepairGamingServices.ps1.
Change the File type field to All files (*.*).
Press button Save .
Right-click the PowerShell script and select run as administrator .
Reboot the device.
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