Free letter games for kindergarten
Alphabet Games for Preschool and Kindergarten
These alphabet games for preschool and kindergarten make learning the alphabet a playful and engaging experience. Your kids will love these alphabet games!
I love it when I can use games to teach my kids any skill and one of my favorite way to teach the alphabet is by using alphabet games. So, I figured it was about time that I shared a list of my favorite alphabet games for preschool and kindergarten.
If you are looking for fun alphabet activities for your kids, then this post is perfect for you! You’ll find lots of awesome alphabet games that your kids will enjoy!
Our most popular alphabet game is this super fun letter sounds alphabet game! Work on any letters you want and kids can win without even knowing any of the sounds. This is a great way to encourage children who are just beginning to learn letter sounds or who may be struggling with them. My kids LOVE this!
This bear alphabet activity is an excellent way to teach letter recognition and letter sounds to preschoolers. It’s a great ABC activity for a bear theme!
This Alphabet Relay Game is excellent for getting kids moving, indoors or out, while helping to teach letters. It is super easy to set up and is sure to be a blast!
If your kids like playing board games, this is perfect for them. The Roll and Color Alphabet Game was a huge hit in our house and my son really enjoyed practicing the alphabet.
In our house we love doing learning activities based on books, movies or stories. My son loved this Jack and the Beanstalk Alphabet Game more than I ever thought he would!
I really enjoy making printable games that are inspired by board games or games that I played as a child or that I play with my kids. The Alphabet Battle Letter Learning Game is an incredibly easy way to play with the alphabet and have fun at the same time!
Another great alphabet activity inspired by a fun game is Letter Sounds KABOOM Game. I love watching my kids learn letter sounds and with this activity they love it too!
Whether it’s winter or you’re wishing for snow, the Snowball Throw Alphabet Game is an indoor active and fun way to learn letters, especially in the winter!
We had so much fun with this Rainbow Hop Letter Sounds Game! This is a life-size board game that is perfect for getting active while helping to learn the alphabet.
Learning the Alphabet with Games
Incorporating toys that children already love is an excellent way to help teach them. The Jumping Frog Alphabet Game incorporates the excitement of jumping frogs and beginning alphabet sounds.
This ‘a-maze-ing letter game‘ is perfect for a child who loves to play with cars. This is perfect for letter recognition, forming sight words and more!
Memory games are exciting and a great tool for teaching letter recognition. This Letter Matching Memory Game with spoons is colorful and inexpensive to set up as well!
A genius idea for rainy day play. The Erase the ABCs activity will help kids with letter recognition in a simple way that requires almost no cost or set up!
This Alphabet Roll & Cross is a great DIY for toddlers who are learning letter recognition. Even if kids don’t know letter identification, they will be able to match the letters from the box.
Another simple DIY that includes recycled materials is the Alphabet Ping Pong Drop. How fun is this? Kids will love matching letters with this exciting game!
Sharks need to eat too and they can with this Feed The Shark Alphabet Game. Perfect for a summer shark theme!
Fun ABC Games
A fun printable activity, Alphabet Four In A Row, that can help kids learn the alphabet as well as strategy, counting and more. Plus it can be done in the car, in a waiting room, or at the kitchen table!
Which letter has the prize? Kids will find out in this super fun and mysterious ABC Cup Hunt. This activity is shown with single letters but could easily be used with sight words, numbers, math equations and more.
A great activity for preschoolers is the Paper Plate BIG Alphabet Memory Game. It is played just as any other memory game but is magnified on big paper plates. Kids will LOVE the variety of the size and learn ABCs in no time!
I hope your kids enjoy these alphabet games as much as my kids do! And don’t forget to check out my giant list of alphabet activities too!
Browse Kindergarten Alphabet Games | Education.

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Search Kindergarten Alphabet Games
Mastering all 26 letters of the alphabet can feel overwhelming to kids just beginning their school journey. In our kindergarten alphabet games, delightful animation, charming characters, and engaging challenges will make practicing the alphabet exciting. Your students will have time to master each letter, both in uppercase and lowercase, as they play to win these interactive kindergarten alphabet games.
Is your child itching to read and spell words?'s kindergarten alphabet games can scratch that itch for your young learner! These interactive games make learning the alphabet a breeze. Whether uppercase or lowercase, your kindergartener will get lots of practice identifying all the letters of the alphabet. Some letters look the same, so give your child all the practice he needs with these animated games. Once he's mastered all the letters in the alphabet, he can move onto phonics and learn the sounds that go with each letter. Then, before you know it, he'll become a master reader!
Can your child find letters he knows in our kindergarten sight word games? Finding letters in words is a great way for your child to identify and use letters in word contexts.
Learning letters with children 3-4 years old: games and tasks
You can start learning letters with a child from 2-3 years old. This is the normal age for a child. All educational lessons should be held in the form of a game. Children should not learn, children should play with letters! Then they will be interested and they will quickly remember the letters of vowels and consonants, and then syllables. This is perhaps the most important rule.
So, let's talk about how to teach letters to children 3-4 years old in a playful way at home and in the classroom, what games and tasks are. nine0003 Learning the alphabet in the game
Playing with letters. Story game.
For example, you pass 2 letters A and B today. Or, for example, A passed last time, and B - today. The child already knows 2 letters. Cut or buy large beautiful letters, explain that today a new letter B has come to visit. And then you can play with this letter:
- Letter B and A went to swim in the river,
- Let's build a house for letters,
- Let's feed A and B
- etc.
There are many such situations. Children 3-4 years old will quickly remember the letters!
2 task game. Color the letters with crayons, paints, plasticine. Make letters beautiful!
A very useful activity for 2-3-4 year olds, for children who have started to learn the alphabet. The child will color new and old letters, develop attention and creativity!
Task 3. Sculpt a new letter
All children love to sculpt! Let them sculpt a letter today. It will be difficult for kids 3 years old to do it themselves, show them how to do it. The child will remember the letters, develop logical thinking "make it according to the model." nine0003
Game 4. Which letter is missing
Put familiar letters in front of the child, let him look at them and remember them. Then he should close his eyes, and at this time you will remove any letter. The child opens his eyes and must understand which letter disappeared while he was sleeping. A game of attentiveness and visual perception, develops memory, speech, logic. Game 5 You can use a glove puppet or soft toy with an opening mouth. Letterbox eats only letters . Come on, let him eat the letter "B" . And now he wants letter "A" .
Game 6. Another variant of the game Letterbox
Funny little people live in a magic box. They are very fond of letters s. Let's feed them. Mouths of little men - slots in the box.
Here is their food: draw the letters with a felt-tip pen on beans and feed the little men. Children draw letters - develop the skill of writing. To each little man - his letter . If baby makes a mistake, little men spit merrily , close their mouths and demand to be fed with other food that suits them better: beans with "their" letter . Very funny game, like children 3-4 years old.
Game 7. Communication
letters and soundsSay the words, and let the children name the letters that words begin with. What sound does "Elephant" begin with? Correct: on "C" . Where is our letter "C" ? Let's give her back to the elephant! Etc.
You can use a good design for this game for free.
determine the first sound - download the game loto_opredeli_pervy_zvuk_v_sloveDownload
Game task 8. We play find and find
Find all letters in the picture "B" and circle them. Count how many letters you found.
Fun game 9. Jump on the letter.
Draw letters on A4 sheets of paper and have the children jump on the boo letter you name. Children 3-5 years old love this game and quickly memorize the letters. nine0003
Outdoor game 10. Run to the letter
Hang the letters around the room and say: “Masha runs to the letter M, Petya runs to the letter -R”, etc. We give a point for each correct letter. With the help of the game, you will see where the children have gaps and what needs to be tightened up, which letters to repeat with each child.
Outdoor game 11. Throw a die and execute commands
Take a die with the familiar letters .
The children take turns rolling the die. What did we get? Aha! nine0047 "U" . What happens on "U" ? Snail. Let's show it: put a pillow on your back and start crawling on the floor.
Now what? Letter "B" . On "b" drum! Let's show it too.
Practical material for teaching preschool children - praktichesky_material_po_obucheniyu_doshkolnikovDownload
Game 12.
Store with lettersFirst, repeat and learn a new letter. Then lay out items on the counter: toys, cookies, balls, spatulas. The teacher is the seller, and the children are the buyers. nine0003
Seller: "What do you want to buy?" Buyer: Chess. Seller: “You have to pay for it with the first letter of this word. Name her."
The child must give the alphabet card with the desired letter and clearly name it.
Learning poems about letters with children 3-4 years old. We improve speech, memory and memorize letters
A is a hut, and look:
There is a bench inside.
Letter B with a large belly,
In a cap with a long peak
V — a stick,
and next to it there are two straight arms,
Like a green frog's glasses
In front of us is the letter G
It stands like a poker.
The letter D is like a house on legs,
A Grandma Ezhka lives in it.
Eva combed her hair with a comb -
Three cloves remained in it.
And the letter Yo has two dots,
Like nails in a ladder.
This letter is wide
And looks like a beetle. nine0003
Look at this letter:
It's just like the number three.
Three needles letter I,
Don't prick your finger.
You give her a hat -
The letter I will become short.
The alphabet will continue our
The letter L is a forest hut.
Hand in hand, we stood up
And they looked like M.
On the letter N, like on a ladder,
I sit and sing songs!
Look at the wheel —
And you will see the letter О.
Putting your hand on the barrel
Show the letter R to a friend.
Crescent in the dark sky
The letter C hung over the house.
Looks like a T antenna,
Looks like an umbrella too.
The letter U looks like ears
At the top of a hare. nine0003
Fedya walks with his arms to his sides,
So, he learned his lessons.
Two poles stood nearby
suddenly fell on top of each other.
This is the letter C -
With a claw on the end!
Yes, you guessed right:
H looks like four.
Three columns beautifully in a row,
How soldiers stand.
The letter Ш is like the letter Ш,
Only with a ponytail already! nine0003
Silent solid sign
Not pronounced at all!
The letter P turned over -
Turned into a soft sign.
Here is the poor letter Y -
He walks with a stick, alas.
Letter E with open mouth
And with a big tongue.
Oh, I'll beat the post,
It turned out . .. the letter Yu.
What are the games in kindergarten
What games are played in kindergarten
What are they playing in kindergarten? This question is of interest to many parents: it is the game that develops the child, makes him stronger, faster, smarter and more attentive.
In an outdoor game, muscles and immunity are strengthened, coordination develops, in an intellectual game, memory improves, attention expands vocabulary and knowledge about the world, and thinking develops.
Games for children in kindergarten are organized by educators, taking into account the age and training of their pupils. It can be indoor or outdoor activities. nine0003
What kinds of games are there?
Different types of games for children are practiced in the kindergarten: creative, didactic, mobile, folk. Some of them are individual, others are group, some are held at the initiative of the educator, others are played by the kids themselves:
- , draw and build.
Any activity can be creative: from gatherings with dolls to sculpting houses in the sandbox; nine0012
- in the didactic game for preschoolers, intellectual abilities develop: children learn to pronounce sounds and recognize letters, get the very first counting skills, recognize the names of objects and gain other knowledge;
- outdoor game for children in a group is an ideal way to improve their health and support immunity, develop coordination, strength and agility. Kids love this variety the most;
- it is difficult to distinguish a folk game for kindergarten children from a mobile game, but, in addition to physical activity, it also gives an incentive to develop intelligence. nine0012
All types of games in the group are supervised by the teacher. He cares about the safety of the children and sets the rules if required.
What kind of group games are there in kindergarten?
There are a lot of options, and the choice depends solely on the teacher: it is he who sets the rules. Here we will tell you what games are played in the younger (3-4 years old), middle (4-5 years old), older (6-7 years old) groups of kindergarten. Not all are listed: you can find descriptions of other activities on the Internet. nine0003
For 3-4 years old
Participants disperse around the room in a chaotic manner. As soon as the teacher says a certain phrase, the participants lie down and pretend to be asleep. Those who don't sleep well enough lose. Instead of a teacher, there may be a child. Then the loser becomes the leader.
Don't be late
Blocks or other toys are placed on the floor. Each participant takes a place at his cube. The host gives a signal and the participants scatter. As soon as he says: "Don't be late!" - they return. The one who took his place last loses.
Participants disperse around the site. At one end of it is the leader ("trap"), at the other - those whom he will catch. Participants approach the "trap" skipping while he pronounces the sentence. As soon as it ends, the children scatter, and the leader catches them.
For 4-5 years old
Cat and Mouse
They play in the kindergarten. Benches or chairs are placed against the walls. In one corner is a "cat" - the leader. As soon as the "cat" falls asleep, the "mice" scatter. Waking up, the "cat" begins to meow and catch "mice". They must run to their places and hide. If the "cat" has not caught anyone, it returns to its place. nine0003
“Wider step”
On the playground of the kindergarten, hoops are laid out - in two or three rows, five in each. Children begin to step over their hoop to hoop. Their task is not to touch the hoops, not to go beyond them. At the end they jump up and down and clap their hands.
Camera can be played with a group or with one or two participants. Participants are shown a picture for 5-6 seconds, then removed. The task of the participants is to accurately describe what is shown in the picture. nine0003
White-sided Magpie
This is one of the group activities that can easily be transformed into an individual one. Several items are laid out on the table. The task of the child is to remember what items were lying. After 5-10 seconds, he turns away, and the host replaces one or two items. Turning to the table, the participant must say what exactly was missing.
The teacher shows some pictures. Participants must find something in common between them. These can be both logical associations (for example, pictures of a giraffe, elephant, dog, cat or plates, forks, glasses, pots) and illogical ones (bed, washbasin, soap, plate, shoes). If these are illogical associations, the participants must come up with a mini-story and link the objects together. nine0003
For 6-7 years old
Older groups enjoy playing outdoor and intellectual games in the kindergarten. Often they are associated with preparation for school: they teach you to count, help you remember letters and learn to read.
At the age of 6-7 they leave the preschool age, and the teacher may well bring checkers, dominoes, "monopoly" and other board games. Relay races are also suitable, especially with the participation of parents.
Two or three groups of children participate in relay races. They perform tasks for speed: they run, carry sand, inflate balloons. The fastest team that did not break the rules wins. nine0003
Mirror game is suitable for everyone. The teacher or leader from among peers stands in the center. A prohibited movement is determined. The host starts moving, and the participants must repeat everything exactly, except for the taboo. The one who failed or violated the taboo becomes the leader.
How are games chosen?
When choosing, they take into account the characteristics of the group in the kindergarten, age, level of development, even the weather.