Free meditations for kids
Free Guided Meditations for Kids {Mindfulness Resources}
With all the anxieties for kids in our world today, it’s important that they know how to relax. There are wonderful videos and apps available to help. Today, I want to share a variety of free guided meditations for kids. These can help kids relax, concentrate, and become kinder to themselves and others.
Meditation doesn’t need to have anything to do with religion or any kind of dogma. I have included one guided meditation specifically for Christian families who may be wary of meditation otherwise. In general, these are an effective way for kids of a variety of ages to learn relaxation and concentration techniques.
Attentiveness is a virtue. Concentration music can be part of a unit study on attentiveness as well as a part of everyday learning and relaxation. (Note: For help with concentration in young children, be sure to check out my posts on concentration at Living Montessori Now.)
Free Guided Meditations for Kids – YouTube VideosMore Guided Meditation and Song Videos for Comfort, Relaxation, and Concentration for a Variety of AgesFree Relaxing Ocean Images, Sounds, and Music for Kids and Adults {Mindfulness Resources}
Free Guided Ocean Meditations for Kids {Mindfulness Resources}
Free Guided Ocean Meditations {Mindfulness Resources for Teens and Adults}
Free Reassuring and Comforting Songs to Help Ease Kids’ Anxiety
Free Relaxing Music for Studying and Concentration for Kids
Free Guided Christian Meditations for Kids
Free Guided Christian Meditations for Teens and Adults
Free Guided Meditations for Deep Sleep for Kids {Mindfulness Resources}
Free Guided Meditations for Deep Sleep and Relaxation {Mindfulness Resources for Teens and Adults}
Free Guided Gratitude Meditations for Kids {Mindfulness Resources}
Free Guided Gratitude Meditations {Mindfulness Resources for Teens and Adults}
Free Relaxing Ocean Images, Sounds, and Music for Kids and Adults {Mindfulness Resources}
Free Guided Ocean Meditations for Kids {Mindfulness Resources}
Free Guided Ocean Meditations {Mindfulness Resources for Teens and Adults}
Free Guided Frozen and Winter Meditations for Kids {Mindfulness Resources}
Itunes and Amazon Affiliate:
Calm App
If you’d like guided meditations for yourself and sleep stories for your kids, you might want to check out the award-winning Calm App on iTunes or Amazon. It has a 7-day free trial and then yearly or lifetime subscription available. I subscribe to the Calm app and use it daily.
Note: These are in alphabetical order by words in bold.
- Free 9-1-1 Songs for Kids {Non-Scary Emergency Preparedness}
- Free Anti-Bullying Songs {Character Education Resources}
- Free Bucket-Filling Videos for Character Education
- Free Conservation Songs for Home or School {Character Education Resources}
- Free Cooperation Songs and Rhymes {Character Education Resources}
- Free Courage Songs {Character Education Resources} – Courage is one of the Paralympic values.
- Free Curiosity Songs {Character Education Resources}
- Free Daniel Tiger Songs About Staying Safe and Being Scared {Social Emotional Learning}
- Free Daniel Tiger Songs about Big Feelings {Social Emotional Learning}
- Free Daniel Tiger Songs about Family {Social Emotional Learning}
- Free Daniel Tiger Songs About Friends and Neighbors {Social Emotional Learning}
- Free Daniel Tiger Songs About Growing Up and Being Independent {Social Emotional Learning}
- Free Daniel Tiger Songs About New Experiences {Social Emotional Learning}
- Free Daniel Tiger Songs About Playtime {Social Emotional Learning}
- Free Daniel Tiger Songs About Taking Care of Your Body {Social Emotional Learning}
- Free Determination Songs and Rhymes {Character Education Resources} – Determination is one of the Paralympic values.
- Free Disaster Preparedness Songs for Kids {Character Education Resources}
- Free Empathy Songs and Educational Videos {Character Education Resources}
- Free Equality and Fairness Songs {Character Education Resources} – Equality is one of the Paralympic values.
- Free Excellence Songs and Resources {Character Education} – Excellence is one of the core Olympic values.
- Free Friendship Songs and Rhymes {Character Education Resources} – Friendship is one of the core Olympic values.
- Free Gratitude Songs and Rhymes for Home or School
- Free Growth Mindset Songs for Kids {Character Education Resources}
- Free Guided Christian Meditations for Kids
- Free Guided Christian Meditations for Teens and Adults
- Free Guided Frozen and Winter Meditations for Kids {Mindfulness Resources}
- Free Guided Gratitude Meditations for Kids {Mindfulness Resources}
- Free Guided Gratitude Meditations {Mindfulness Resources for Teens and Adults}
- Free Guided Meditations for Deep Sleep and Relaxation {Mindfulness Resources for Teens and Adults}
- Free Guided Meditations for Deep Sleep for Kids {Mindfulness Resources}
- Free Guided Meditations for Kids {Mindfulness Resources}
- Free Guided Ocean Meditations for Kids {Mindfulness Resources}
- Free Guided Ocean Meditations {Mindfulness Resources for Teens and Adults}
- Free Happy Songs for Kids {Contentment, Cheerfulness, Joyfulness Resources}
- Free Helping Hand and Helpfulness Songs {Character Education Resources}
- The Best Kids’ Songs for the Holidays {Traditional Holiday Songs + Character Education Songs}
- Free Honesty Songs {Character Education Resources}
- Free Educational and Song Videos about Honor
- Free Inspirational Kindness Videos for a Variety of Ages
- Free Inspirational Songs {Character Education Resources} – Inspiration is one of the Paralympic values
- Free Kindness Songs and Rhymes for Home or School {Character Education Resources}
- Free Leadership Songs {Character Education Resources}
- Free Make a Difference Songs for Kids {Character Education Resources}
- Free Manners Songs for Home or Classroom
- Free Mindfulness Songs for Kids
- Free Multicultural Songs Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion {Character Education Resources}
- Free Songs about Obeying the Rules {Character Education Resources}
- Free Orderliness Songs and Activities {Character Education Resources}
- Free Patience Songs and Rhymes for Home or School {Character Education Resources}
- Free Reassuring and Comforting Songs to Help Ease Kids’ Anxiety
- Free Relaxing Music for Studying and Concentration for Kids
- Free Relaxing Ocean Images, Sounds, and Music for Kids and Adults {Mindfulness Resources}
- Free Respect Songs and Rhymes {Character Education Resources} – Respect is one of the core Olympic values.
- Free Responsibility Songs and Rhymes for Home or School {Character Education Resources}
- Free Self-Control Songs for Kids {Character Education Resources}
- Free Taking Turns and Sharing Songs and Rhymes {Character Education Resources}
- Free Thank-You Songs and Rhymes for Home or School
- Free Songs about Virtues {with Character Education Themes and Unit Studies}
- Free Water Safety Songs for Kids
- Free Songs about 100 {Free Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time}
- Free Baby Sign Language Videos {Signs and Songs}
- Favorite Clean Up Song
- Free Clean Up Songs (Tidy Up Songs) and Rhymes
- Free Continent and Ocean Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Counting Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Back-to-School Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time {Including Days of the Week, Months, and Seasons}
- Free Educational Songs for Circle Time
- Educational Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays Pinterest Board
- Free Songs About Getting a Shot {Kids’ Vaccination Resources}
- Handwashing Activities for Kids – Free Songs and Lessons
- Fun with Handwashing + Handwashing Song by a 2 Year Old
- Free Kissing Hand Songs, Poems, and Videos to Ease Separation Anxiety
- Reinforcing Letter Sounds with Phonics Songs
- Free Sign Language Alphabet and Phonics Songs
- Free Sign Language Color Songs for Circle Time
- Free Spanish Color Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Teddy Bear Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free & Fun Toilet Learning Songs {Potty Songs} for Toddlers
- Free Apple Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Arctic Animal Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Arctic vs.
Antarctic Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Bird Sounds, Songs, and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Black History Songs and Educational Videos for Kids
- Free Construction Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Continent and Ocean Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Endangered Animal Songs and Educational Videos {Save the Animals}
- Free Fall Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Fire Safety Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Fruit and Vegetable Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Gingerbread Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Globe and Map Songs and Educational Videos {Me on the Map Resources}
- Free Insect Sounds, Songs, and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Months and Seasons Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Peace Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Ocean Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Oviparous Animal Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Penguin Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Royal Tea Party Videos {Grace and Courtesy Resources}
- Free Solar System Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Spring Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Summer Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Tree Songs and Educational Videos {Learn about Trees, Apple Trees, and Seasons}
- Free Volcano and Earthquake Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Winter Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Back-to-School Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Grandparent Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Fall Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Fall Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Halloween Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Thanksgiving Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Winter Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Winter Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Hanukkah Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Gingerbread Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Christmas Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Kwanzaa Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free New Year’s Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Martin Luther King Day Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Chinese New Year Songs and Rhymes for Circle Timed
- Free Groundhog Day Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Valentine’s Day Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free President Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Songs and Educational Videos for Mardi Gras/Pancake Day/Shrove Tuesday
- Free Pi Songs and Educational Videos for Pi Day
- Free St.
Patrick’s Day Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Spring Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Spring Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Easter Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Earth Day Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Cinco de Mayo Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Mother’s Day Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Juneteenth Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Father’s Day Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free American Patriotic Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Summer Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Summer Songs and Educational Videos
- Free and Fun Family Road Trip Songs
- Free Montessori at Home Videos
- Free Montessori Cultural Videos
- Free Montessori Language Videos
- Free Montessori Math Videos
- Free Montessori Practical Life Videos
- Free Montessori Sensorial Videos
- Free Montessori Video Lessons Online
I hope you find these helpful!
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Learn more about my eBook Montessori at Home or School: How to. Teach Grace and Courtesy!
Benefits + Free Relaxation Scripts
Guided meditation has so many benefits for kids. Using a meditation script is a relaxing and spacious way to encourage mindfulness with your child. From full body relaxation exercises to fun adventures like a magic carpet ride, your child will reap countless benefits from this special bonding time with you.
Meditation is one of the best mindfulness tools you can equip your child with. It helps kids on a big-picture level when it comes to managing stress and anxiety. And overall mindfulness can head off stress before it turns into a cortisol event (or an all-out tantrum for little ones).
Here we’ll cover the benefits of meditation, why guided meditation is a great starting point for kids, how to get started, and you can get 50+ free guided relaxation scripts to practice with your child.
Table of contents
- What is Guided Meditation?
- The Benefits of Guided Meditation for Kids
- Guided Meditation for Kids
- Links to Sample Meditation Scripts
- How to Use a Guided Meditation Script with Your Child
- Get Started with Your Child
In guided meditation, rather than practicing in silence, one is led by another person’s voice. For instance, a parent can read a guided meditation script to their child before bedtime. Being guided can help the meditator focus, prevent their mind from wandering and offer them an entirely new experience.
Nearly every religion (Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, etc.) has a tradition of using meditative practices. Meditation has been used for thousands of years to help relieve stress, anxiety, and the feeling of being out of control or overwhelmed. It also helps improve self-awareness, empathy, and mindfulness.
You don’t need lots of experience—just focusing on your own out-breath from start to finish is a beginning. Feel the sound, the sensation. Trust your intuition for knowing what’s best for your child, and when you practice mediation together, that connection will grow stronger.
Lorraine Murray, author of Calm Kids: Help Children Relax With Mindful Activities
During a meditation session, you may focus on breathing, noticing sensations in your body, relaxing, visualizing, and engaging your senses. This mind-body practice provides benefits that last far beyond the meditation session.
The benefits of meditation are numerous – both at home and in the classroom. And good habits early on can lead to a lifetime of well-being. Meditation can
- improve a child’s positive thinking, happiness, and empathy
- help reduce pain and headaches
- improve self esteem
- help children fall asleep faster, and improve sleep quality
- lower cortisol levels, resulting in decreased stress in the body
- help kids focus and concentrate – In a 2019 study, high school students who practiced meditation displayed better attention spans than students who didn’t.
- encourage the use of imagination during guided meditation and help them access their natural creativity both during and after the session
- connect kids with their own emotions as well as the emotions of others, leading to more compassion and a keen sense of emotional intelligence (source)
- improve active listening skills
Some studies have found that kids who are taught to improve their learning or thinking process early on are lifelong better learners and become more resilient.
A 2014 JAMA Internal Medicine study reviewed mindfulness studies in relation to psychological stress and well-being. The analysis included 3,500 participants and compared mindfulness-based stress reduction, transcendental mediation, or mantra-based techniques, and tracked participants on a variety of outcomes — like anxiety, depression, and stress scores.
They found these practices moved the needle on anxiety and depressive symptoms to a degree “comparable with what would be expected from the use of an antidepressant in a primary care population.”
While sitting still in lotus pose for more than a few minutes might be challenging for an antsy child, they tend to love guided imagery and stories. They can take center stage in a self-esteem building adventure or relax into a deep breathing exercise.
Guided Meditation for KidsBedtime used to be a battle with our 5-year-old daughter. Since we tried the Lazy River meditation, she’s a completely different kid! Instead of getting hyper or negotiating her nightly routine, she’s calm and seems almost happy to go to bed now.
Marisol R., parent![]()
A July 2021 study found that elementary school kids who practiced mindfulness training slept an average of 74 extra minutes a night.
Our guided meditation scripts for kids have been a much loved part of Green Child for 11 years now. These scripts help kids and teens to improve self-esteem, relieve stress and anxiety, find peace in the present moment, manage anger, and develop an overall positive mental attitude at school and at home.
You can find our ever-growing library of guided meditation and guided imagery scripts for kids all in one place. These calming meditations are written exclusively for Green Child readers by Mellisa Dormoy of Shambala Kids. (They are not available for recording or republishing.)
When you subscribe below, you’ll get full access to the library where you can browse the topics to see which guided meditations will most benefit your child.
Choose a guided imagery script and read it to yourself to find the rhythm before you read it to your child. Once you’re ready and your child is relaxed, simply read in a calm voice, pausing to let the words and feelings sink in.
Here you’ll find some examples of the different types of relaxation scripts you can choose from when you have access to the full library of 40+ scripts. (These links are to scripts that appear on our website. When you have the library (or guided meditation central, as some of our readers lovingly call it, you can print or read from your device with no ad breaks.)
Watch how your child relaxes and engages their imagination while they enjoy these calming scenes. The more often you read a relaxation script, the more easily your child will relax and concentrate.
How to Use a Guided Meditation Script with Your ChildMeditation works as a stress management tool by switching off the fight or flight response to stress and allowing the body to switch on the relaxation response. When children meditate, they become less reactive to stress.
Dr. Alina Olteanu
Many parents use these scripts at bedtime to help their child fall asleep peacefully. We always get a few emails saying, “My kid was asleep before we even finished the breathing part!”
Other scripts are more suited to morning readings to help them start their day off calmly and confidently. As you browse through the library, you’ll get an idea of which ones are best for your child. Then…
- Choose a script. Read it to yourself first to find the rhythm.
- Make sure your child is comfortable, relaxed, and calm.
- Choose a time when you have your child’s attention and they are open to a new experience.
- Find a place free from distractions or loud noises.
- Read the script to your child in a calm, soothing voice, pausing often. Notice how your child relaxes and engages.
- If your child is still awake when you’ve finished, allow them to reflect and share their thoughts with you.
Children should not be forced to meditate, and if it seems your child isn’t in the right place to meditate at that time, you can move on to another activity and try again later, or on another day.
You may choose to begin with shorter meditation sessions and increase as their ability to focus and meditate grows.
Get Started with Your ChildKids need the adults around them to behave in ways they can model, says Murray. Kids also need to hear and feel that their adults know them well enough to adapt meditation to their needs and preferences, which can change day to day.
Lorraine Murray, author of Calm Kids: Help Children Relax With Mindful Activities
When can kids start meditating? Our own experience has shown that even toddlers can follow along a relaxing story or at least snuggle up and fall asleep to the sound of mom or dad reading a guided imagery script.
More formal studies show the magic age to be around four years old. By that time children are more aware of their own thought processes.
“It’s almost as though meditation was designed for kids,” says Headspace co-founder and former Buddhist monk Andy Puddicombe. “They just ‘get it’ – there is this elasticity and freedom in their minds which allows them to be present in the moment and free from any external thoughts or pressures. By introducing meditation and mindfulness at an early age, not only can we build on this and help nurture their mind development, but we are also making meditation simple and accessible.”
You know your child better than anyone. You can always try and if they aren’t receptive, let it go for now and try again in a few months.
Green Child Magazine’s guided relaxation scripts for kids are a great place to begin with your child. Parents praise them for helping calm and center their little ones, and some report that reading a meditation is the best way to get their child to fall asleep at night.
Teachers and therapist often share how these scripts have positively impacted their students and patients.
I am a therapist and needed to help a child suffering, and to do so quickly. I was able to pull up Peaceful Retreat.
Katherine W., Therapist & Social WorkerThis precious boy had been suffering with a terrible weight, unable to focus on school, unable to sleep, he stated he was starting to ‘feel crazy’. His distress was big and painful. We used the meditation, and when he opened his eyes, he stretched, looked around, then looked me in the eye and said, ‘I feel so much better.’ His shoulders loosened and his facial muscles relaxed. To be able to pull that up free of charge, right from the web…it saved him and his family from hospitalization.
Mindful meditation can give children the tools they need to recognize their own signals of stress and bring themselves back into balance. Children are curious and willing to try new things. Meditating with a wiggly pre-schooler may not look exactly as you envision, but your child will benefit, as will you!
This article was originally published in 2017 and was updated in Oct 2022.
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Green Child Magazine
Since 2010, Green Child has published an award-winning publication devoted to natural parenting and conscious living. Noted as “good for a green mama’s soul,” Green Child has grown into a resource valued by parents who care about bringing simplicity, compassion, social responsibility, and instinctual intelligence back to parenting.
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Best Mental Health Apps for Kids
It may seem like kids have nothing to worry about, especially since a parent or guardian takes care of all their needs. But even then, they may suffer from mental, emotional and psychological problems. Many important mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety disorders, and eating disorders, often begin in childhood and adolescence.
As a parent or guardian, you can use technology to improve your child's mental health. These are some of the best mental health management apps for young children. Check out Self-Improvement Challenges to improve your mental and physical health.
1. DreamyKid meditation app
All of life lies ahead and there is no limit to what children can achieve. But to realize their full potential, they must be in a healthy mental state. DreamyKid offers many ideas about mindfulness meditation and mental wellbeing for kids. Its technologies have been proven to help children live happier and more enjoyable lives.
Not many educational apps combine soothing sound with visual cues, but DreamyKid engages kids with good stories and music. Various sections of the application, including daily meditations, affirmations, excursions and therapeutic activities, cater to the different needs of your children.
Although the app is intended for teenagers and young children, anyone can use it. Its user interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate, with practical sections and up-to-date content.
Download: Dreamy Child On iOS (Free in-app purchases available)
2. Breathe, Think, Do With Sesame two to five years to cope with the difficult circumstances they may face. The app lives up to its name by practicing what it offers. He uses the "Breath, Think and Act" technique to teach children calmness and perseverance. With the help of the application, children can also practice breathing exercises for concentration.
When faced with difficult situations, instead of reacting impulsively, the child is taught to take a deep breath, think about the best course of action, and only then act on the data. The Sesame Collection features several Sesame Street characters who want to teach your kids skills like self-control, planning, and problem-solving. This free app contains tools for a more peaceful life every day. Check out the best interactive sites offering fun art games for kids.
Download: Breathe, think, do with sesame for Android system | iOS (Free)

eQuoo is an emotional health app designed to help kids develop strong mental health. It focuses on the emotional state in five main areas of application: personal growth, combating depression, anxiety, relationship skills, and resilience.
With the eQuoo app, children can use games to improve their emotional, mental and psychological health. Communication is the key to human engagement. If you do not clearly express your thoughts and intentions to others, this can cause confusion. eQuoo helps children improve their communication skills, social interaction, self-control and perseverance.
Download: eQuoo emotional fitness game for Android system | iOS (Free in-app purchases available)
4. MindDoc: Your Companion
MindDoc can be applied to people of all ages, but it affects children the most. The app asks children three questions a day to understand how they are feeling and helps them overcome difficulties based on the answers they give. The session lasts two weeks, after which the child is given a detailed analysis of his progress. These exams will help provide a psychological, emotional, and mental assessment for further guidance from your doctor.
Prevention, treatment and continuation are the three main areas of application. This can help you identify problems your child may be facing, develop self-management skills, and help them through their long-term recovery. MindDoc is very effective for learning about the psychology behind mood swings, anxiety and depression. Check out the Best simple meditation apps and tools for beginners to learn mindfulness.
Download: MindDoc for Android system | iOS (Free in-app purchases available)
5. Smiling Mind
Smiling Mind strives to bring balance to the lives of its users. Although the application can be used by everyone, some of its features are specially designed for children of primary school age.
Smiling Mind offers a mindfulness section for students in the classroom with sections on stress, sleep, attention, concentration, relationships, mindful eating and more. Young children can develop new skills and build self-confidence through daily meditation and self-guided exercise.
Download: Smiling mind for Android system | iOS (Free)
6. The Power of Awareness
For children between the ages of seven and ten, this is a mindfulness app that meets their daily needs. Its soothing graphics mixed with ethereal sounds have a relaxing effect. His stories calm the mind and also promote good sleep.
Mindful Powers takes a holistic approach to social and emotional learning. It can also help kids maximize their potential with one thing that resonates with them: play.
Download: Mindful Powers for System iOS (Free in-app purchases available)

Headspace is an inspirational app for young children to focus on what they are doing. It includes a range of mindfulness practices such as listening to environmental sounds, counting breaths, and more.
Headspace can help educate children about their daily lives and how to best enjoy every moment. A time tracker and in-app notifications remind you of mental health goals that have yet to be met. Check out How to Manage the Four Pillars of Productivity: Tips and Tools for Using Them
Download: Headspace for System Android | iOS (Free, subscription available)
8. Moshi: Sleep & Meditation
Moshi is a meditation app for sleep and mental health. It focuses on children with emotional problems and helps them develop smoothly. Moshi uses soothing music and graphics to grab users' attention and offers a set of stories to help children relax better.
If you've ever wanted to reduce your child's bedtime stress by utilizing waking moments for most of the day, then this app is perfect for the job. Say goodbye to anxiety, insecurity and unusual moods.
Download: Moshi Kids for Android Android | iOS (Free, subscription available)
9. Regulation Zones
Regulation Zones teach children the ability to self-regulate from an early age so they can take charge of all areas of their lives. Young children need the right skills to organize their lives effectively, and the app helps them develop those skills.
The three main areas of the Regulation Zone app are the New Zone Photo Studio, several learning methods, and fun mini-games. The content of the application in various categories helps young people understand the triggers of the feelings they experience and how to manage these feelings. Check out some tips on how to deal with an unhealthy work environment.
Download: Android system regulation zones | iOS ($5.99)
Getting the Most Out of Children's Mental Health Apps
Mental health isn't limited to adults; This also affects children. Developing a healthy mindset from an early age prepares a child for a better life as an adult. As a parent, guardian or caregiver, communicating with young people about their mental health can be invaluable and these apps can help you do just that. You can now view the Best Online Safety Games to help kids get smarter online.
7 Best Meditation Apps
Meditation is a great practice to improve your health, even if you don't know where to start. If you don't want or can't find a meditation teacher in person, but are willing to try learning mindfulness in your spare time, why not use a meditation app? Here are some of the best meditation apps we've found.
So you want to try meditation. You may have already heard about the benefits of meditation, how it helps to relieve stress, lower blood pressure, and so on. And wherever you heard these words, they were true!
Meditation is a great practice to have not only for specific purposes such as calming anxiety or restful sleep, but it can also bring peace to your daily life, which in the long run greatly helps both physical and mental health. You may be wondering where to start? As with many other things in our modern world, there is an application for this.
You might be thinking that using a meditation app might not be as productive as reaching out to an experienced meditator. However, many guided meditation apps can satisfy beginners and experienced practitioners alike and be just as useful as a personal meditation coach. Some of them can be downloaded completely free of charge or only with in-app purchases; others offer a free trial so you can try out their features. Here are seven of the best meditation apps to try today.
Insight Timer is on our list of the best meditation apps, not only for beginners, but also for advanced practitioners. It is free to download and offers an extensive library of up to 80,000 guided meditations. Meditation practices and mindfulness exercises are pre-recorded by experienced teachers. You can search and filter for specific sessions or content to see what works best for you.
You also get the opportunity to connect with a community of like-minded meditators! The seven-day free trial of Insight Timer is a great option for those just starting out, but many users note that the free version is more than enough to get the job done. The paid version costs about $10/month or $60/year. Available on iOS and Android, the Insight Timer app is great as a free meditation app that has everything you need for mindfulness, whether it's expert guides, soothing music, or just meditation timers.
Like Insight Timer, Simple Habit is a meditation app that can also be downloaded and used completely free of charge, but it's a little different. It specializes in five-minute quick meditations for daily on-the-go sessions and bedtime stories for late-night meditation, as well as motivational guides from leading meditation experts. While there is no free trial, unlocking all the premium features of the app will cost around $12 per month, $90 per year or $300 for lifetime access, and it's available on both iOS and Android.
Other than quick meditations and sleep stories, Simple Habit doesn't have many longer meditation sessions, although the paid version does offer offline use. The purpose of the application - to make meditation easy and accessible at any time of the day and in any situation - is evident in the titles of the sessions; for those who just want to improve their mental health by gradually adding more mindfulness into their lives, Simple Habit can be a meditation app.
One of the most popular meditation apps currently, Headspace boasts a user-friendly interface and aesthetic and classic guided meditations for all levels of meditation, from beginners to experts. In addition to daily meditations, the app also offers bedtime meditation sessions such as sleep sounds, breathing exercises, or bedtime stories. Like Simple Habit, there are meditation sessions for general meditation practices and specific tasks, whether it's mindfulness practice for stress reduction or mini-sessions for mental health emergencies. In addition, it has guided meditation courses designed for kids who might be interested in learning about mindfulness, and can create customized meditation programs based on your wishes.
Headspace is available on iOS and Android, offers a two-week free trial but charges around $13/month or $70/year afterwards; thus, it is best suited for more experienced meditation practitioners willing to pay for their meditation experience.
Calm sits next to Headspace on the list of popular best meditation apps. Offering both guided and unguided meditations, Calm has a variety of mindfulness exercises for flexibility and less rigidly structured meditation, as well as a mood tracker and meditation timers. Sessions vary in time and subject matter, such as guided mental health sessions, nature sounds, breathing techniques, soothing music, and more.
One of the more popular features of the Calm app compared to other meditation apps is the Sleep Stories section, where recognizable voices like Matthew McConaughey and Harry Styles read bedtime stories to help you sleep more peacefully. Other features include Calm Kids, meditation practices for children ages three to 17, and Calm Body, with short, guided meditations to gently stretch the body. After a seven-day free trial, Calm will cost $15 per month, $70 per year, or $400 for a lifetime subscription, and the app is available for iOS and Android.
If you're not sure if meditation is right for you, try Ten Percent Happier. Based on a book by ABC News host Dan Harris, who detailed his meditation experience from skeptic to believer, the concept spawned a podcast and this app. It specializes in teaching beginners who don't know if they should meditate or can't find the time to start, and helps them improve their mindfulness practice and overall mental health.
While the focus is on users who are just beginning to meditate, the application's features are suitable for more experienced meditators. They offer guided meditations aimed at overcoming anxiety, stress, sleep and more. The Ten Percent Happier app is available on iOS and Android, can be used as a free app to get started with in-app purchases, and offers a seven-day trial, after which you can pay $15 per month or $100 per year. The premium version has benefits such as a library of over 500 guided meditation videos and the ability to connect with renowned experts and practitioners to answer your questions.
Dr. Richard Davidson, neuroscientist who founded the Center for Health Mind at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, developed the concept for this app, which was then created by a non-profit organization affiliated with the Center. is a completely free app designed to help users develop what it takes to improve their mental health by increasing resilience, mental focus, compassion and more. 0003
When you first use the app, it will ask you to complete a survey where you will rate yourself on each of the program's four pillars: Mindfulness, Connectivity, Insight and Purpose - a baseline that can be improved over time. Among the app's features are guided meditations, mindfulness exercises, and a podcast; you can choose a teacher to study with, adjust the length of your guided meditation course, and track your progress as you progress along the path of strengthening your mindfulness practice.
Available for iOS and Android, the Healthy Minds Program is best for those looking for simple, clear meditations, backed by science and completely free.
Aura is a meditation application that is simple yet effective in its purpose. It offers users many ways to introspect and includes meditation suggestions such as a mood tracker, nature sounds, life coaching, soothing music, and more. For daily meditation, users can choose a quick meditation to practice as needed. The app's algorithm can work based on your needs and interests to personalize recommendations, such as music mixes for sleep, attention span, or anything else.
The free version will give you many of the features most users need to practice meditation, while the paid version will cost around $12 per month, $60 per year, or $400 for lifetime use. The app is available for both iOS and Android. Whether you use a mood tracker and analyze your mood, set reminders for yourself to practice more mindfulness, write in a gratitude journal, or connect with a community of meditation teachers and practitioners, Aura could be the meditation app for you.
And those are the seven best meditation apps we found! Of course, there are many other meditation apps out there that have similar features or may be just as good based on reviews. Honorable Mentions include Smiling Mind, Buddhify, The Mindfulness App, Meditation Studio, and many more. By developing a healthy practice of meditation and mindfulness exercises, you can also improve your mental health and affect your physical health for the better. Why not try downloading one or more of the best meditation apps and improve yourself wherever possible?
Resources for Anaachan Meditation
Meditation Vika
Meditation for chakras
Meditation techniques
Meditation of body scan
Management of anxiety
Meditation for children 9,000 Sleep
Mind-Body Connection
Gratitude Meditation
Anxiety Meditation
Management meditation
Night meditation
Self -knowledge
Transcendental meditation
Visualization meditation
Blogs on meditation
How Meditation helps to cope with a stress of
How Meditation changes the brain
How the meditation
Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Meditative Met
Gifts for meditation
Benefits of meditation
What is meditation?
What is awareness?
Applications for meditation
Meditation for beginners
Appendix "Calm physical and mental health and counseling those who want to learn more about healthy habits, whether they are seeking help for themselves or others.